HomeMy WebLinkAboutRP 91-01; Kafana Coffee House; Redevelopment Permits (RP) (2)COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT
This supplemental application is to be filed for:
A Any development requiring a Coastal Development Permit issued by the City of
Carlsbad, or
B. Any development which requires a Califomia Coastal Commission Coastal
Development PermiL
Please answer all questions. Where questions do not apply, please indicate "not applicable" or
1. General Background
A Has any application for a development on this site been submitted previously to the
Califomia Coastal Commission? D Yes [2 No
If yes, state previous Califomia Coastal Commission Coastal Development Permit
application number
B. Do you wish to apply for:
1. An Administrative Coastal Development Permit
2. A Regular Coastal Development Permit V
3. A Califomia Coastal Commission Coastal Development Pennit
C. Please provide the street address of this proposed development
D. Please provide the Assessor's Parcel Number of this proposed development
- - c>\
E. Please identify that the proposed development is located on the (N/S/E/W -Circle
One) side of rAH-i^^MD Bi-Vi^ between and
F. Please describe the present land uses (i.e., Vacant land, single family homes,
apartments, offices, etc.) surroimding the proposed development to the:
North: T/^CO 5A/6 f
South: 7 -ir ^r&rt^fi-
East: /) ti^TM
West: Ce-fLCSf^^f) Wc^l
FRM00015 8/90 Page 1 of 5
2. Present Use of Property
A Are there existing structures on the property?
If yes, please describe.
Yes • No
Will any existing structure be demolished? d Yes 09^ No
Will any existing structures be removed? C] Yes @ No
If yes to either question, describe the type of development to be demolished or
removed, including the relocation site, if applicable.
3. Development Description:
A Estimated cost of development: Land ^
B. Project height:
Improvements ^
ft. Maximimi height of structure
Maximum height of structure as measiu"ed from centeriine of frontage road
Total number of floors in structiure, including subterranean floors, lofts, and
mezzanines O fiC
D. Gross floor area including covered parking and accessory buildings
sq. ft.
Gross floor area excluding parking sq. ft.
E. Lot area (within property lines) _ sqrff. or acres.
Building Coverage
Paved Area
Landscaped Area
Unimproved Area
Geft natural)
sq. ft.
sq. ft.
. sq. ft.
sq. ft.
New Proposed
rCtT SQ.ft
sq. ft
sq. ft
^ sq. ft
91^SQ. ft.
sq. ft.
sq. ft.
sq. ft.
FRM00015 8/90 Page 2 of 5
F. Parking: niunber of existing spaces §^
number of new spaces proposed ^
number of covered spaces O
number of uncovered spaces O
number of standard spaces size O
number of compact spaces size O
Is tandem parking existing? D Yes # 0 No
proposed? •Yes# El No
G. If the land is to be subdivided, number of lots to be created and size:
Lot Svmbol No. of Lots Lot Size
H. If the development is residential, please state:
1. number of dwelling units
2. number of bedrooms per dwelling unit
3. type of occupancy proposed: O rental
n stock cooperative
n time share
• other
4. Grade Alteration:
Is any grading proposed? D Yes S No
If yes, please complete the following:
A amount of cut cu. yds.
B. amoimt of fill cu. yds.
C. maximum height of fill slope ft.
D. maximum height of cut slope ft.
E. amount of import or export cu. yds.
F. location of borrow or disposal site
Grading and drainage plans must be included with this application. In certain areas, an
engineering geology report must also be included. Consult the Qty Engineering Department
representative for a determination.
FRM00015 8/90 Page 3 of 5
5. I Jfil ity pytensions:
Are utility extensions for the following, proposed to serve the project?
A. water D Yes E] No
B. gas • Yes No
C. electric D Yes 13 No
Above Ground Extensions
D. sewer CD Yes 13 No
E. telephone D Yes m No
If yes, to any of the above, would extensions be above ground?
• Yes El No
Development on Public Trust Lands:
Does the development involve diking, filling, dredging or placing any structures in open
coastal waters, wetiands, estuaries, or lakes?
A. diking
B. filling
C. dredging
D. placement of structures
E. amount of material to be dredged or filled
cu. yds.
F. location of dredged material disposal site _
• Yes 0 No
• Yes 0 No
• Yes 0 No
• Yes m No
G. Has a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers* permit been applied for?
• Yes E No
H. Will the development extend onto or adjoin any beach, tidelands, submerged lands
or public trust lands? (See definitions section) CU Yes El No
For projects on State-owned lands, additional information may be required. Consult
the staff representative in the Planning DepartmenL
7. Sensitive Resources:
Does the proposed development contain:
A. a sensitive habitat area D Yes IZI No (a biological survey may be required)
B. a 100-year flood plain D Yes 13 No (hydrologic mapping maybe required)
C. a park or recreation area D Yes S No
D. historic resources D Yes Q No
FRMOOOl 5 8/90 Page 4 of 5
E. archaeological resources D Yes S No
F. paieontological resources DYCS M NO
If yes to any of the above, please explain on an attached sheet.
G. Would the development in any way alter or divert a stream bed or drainage course?
If yes, please describe on a separate sheet of paper.
8. Coastal Access:
A. Will the development protect existing lower-cost visitor and recreation facilities?
• Yes El No
If yes, explain
B. Will the development provide public or private recreational opportunities?
• Yes 13 No
If yes, explain
Is the proposed development:
A. Visible from any park, beach, or recreation area D Yes M No (A
viewshed analysis may be required)
B. Within the viewshed from any public or quasi public place (i.e., public roads,
commercial sites, public or private recreation areas, etc.) to a visual coastal resource.
• Yes El No
9. If the development is between the first public road and the sea, is pubUc access to the
shoreline and along the coast currentiy available near the site? D Yes E No
If yes, indicate the location of the nearby access, including the distance from the site.
Under certain circumstances, additional material or documents may be required prior to
issuance of a Coastal Development Permit
Date ature of Applicant or
thorized Agent
FRM00015 8/90 Page 5 of 5
TABLE 13.10.020(c)
Type of Building, Structure or Use
(1) Each space of a trailer court or mobilehome park
(2) Each duplex
(3) Each separate apartment in an apartment house
(4) Each housing accommodation designed for occu-
pancy by a single person or one family, irrespective of
the number actually occupying such accommodation
(5) Each room of a lodginghouse, boardinghouse. hotel,
motel or other multiple dwelling designed for sleeping
accommodations for one or more individuals
Without cooking facilities
With cooking facilities
(6) (Thurches, theaters and auditoriums, per each unit of
seating capacity (a unit being one hundred fifty per-
sons or any fraction thereoO
(7) Restaurants:
No seating
Equivalent Dwelling Units
2.67 plus 1.00 per each 7 scats
or fraaion thereof
Delicatessen or fast food, using only disposable table-
No seating
2.67 plus 1.00 per each 21 seats
or fraction thereof
(8) Automobile service stations:
Not more than four gasoline pumps
More than four gasoline pumps
(9) Self-service laundries, per each washer
358-1 (Ctflsted i-ii)
TABLE 13.10.020(c)
Type of Building, Smicture or Use C(|uivalent Dwelling Units
(10) Office space in industriai or commercial establish-
ments not listed above Divide the gross tloor area of
the building in square feet by
(I I) Schools:
Elementary schools
For each sixty pupils or fraction thereof 1.00
Junior high schools
For each fifty pupils or fraction thereof 1.00
High schools
For each thirty pupils or fraction thereof 1.00
(12) In the case of ail commerciai. industrial and business
establishments not included in subdivisions 1 through
10, inclusive, of this subsection thc number of equiv-
alent dwelling units shall be determined in each case
by thc city engineer and shall be based upon his esti-
mate of the volume and type of wastewater to be
discharged into the sewer. Thc provisions of Chapter
13.16 shall apply to all cases under this subsection and
an industrial waste permit shail be required. Any such
permit, issued for any use hereunder, shail inciude a
specific volume of sewage authorized for such use. If
said amount is exceeded, it shall be grounds for
revocation of the permit.
(13) Warehouses: Divide the gross floor area
of the building in square
feet by 5000
Citv of Carlsbad
RIanning Department
(Please Print)
The foliowing information must be disclosed:
1. Applicant
List the names and addresses of ail persons having a financial interest in the appiication.
pg|/g<g.Ly U CStUL^SPL^
List the names and addresses of ail persons having any ownership Interest in the property involved.
.AHil TWCi^4K
3. If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a corporation or partnership, list the names and
addresses of ali individuals owning more than 10% of the shares In the corporation or owning any partnership
interest In the partnership.
If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a non-profit organization or a trust, list the names and
addresses of any person serving as officer or director of the non-profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary
of the trust.
FRM00013 a/90
2075 Las Palmas Drive • Carlsbad, California 92009-4859 • (619) 438-1161
# •
Disclosure Statement
Page 2
Have you had more than $250 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff, Boards,
Commissions. Committees and Council within the past twelve months?
Yes No If yes, please indicate person(s)
Person is defined as: 'Any individual, firm, copartnership, jointventure, association, social club, fraternal organization, corporation, estate, trust,
receiver, syndicate, this and any other county, crty and county, city municipality, district or other political subdivision, or any other group or
combination acting as a unit'
(NOTE: Attach additional pages as necessary.)
Signature of Owner/date
Print or type name of owner
Signature of applicant/dat
Print or type name of appiicant
FRM00013 8/90
City of Carlsbad
Housing & Redevelopment Department
Novembers, 1997
Dear Mrs. Gillespie:
Please accept my apologies for the delay in forwarding this information to you. Enclosed is a
copy of a summary of the new standards for outdoor eating areas. On private property, to be
exempt from the parking requirements and related sewer impact fees, the total number of seats
outside may not exceed the number inside the building. You indicated that you currently have 20
seats located indoors (at 5 tables). Therefore, you would be allowed to have a total of 20 seats
outside without a requirement for additional parking or fees. The standard is related to seat
counts, so the number of tables could actually vary as long as the total number of seats does not
exceed the standard. To maintain the existing 15 tables and 60 seats outside your coffee house,
we need to make a determination that you have adequate parking for your business.
The new parking requirement for coffee houses is 1 space for each 200 square feet of gross floor
space. You have an 800 square foot establishment. Therefore, your parking requirement for the
building is 4 spaces. Since you have 8 parking spaces total on site, according to our records, you
could park an additional 800 square feet of space outdoors for tables and chairs, in addition to
the space to be occupied outside by a total of 5 tables and 20 seats. Allowing for one table and 4
chairs, staff has assumed that this arrangement would take approximately 100 square feet of
space. Therefore, you could accommodate 8 tables and 32 seats within 800 square feet of space.
Based on this calculation, the standards would allow you to provide a total of 52 seats outside in
the patio area of your establishment. Therefore, to be in compliance with the new standards and
have no additional requirement for parking, you would be required to remove a total of 8 seats
from the outdoor area. You could, if you choose to do so, maintain the same number of tables
(15) and simply provide a fewer number of seats (52 rather than the current 60).
I hope you fmd this information to be helpful. The new outdoor seating standards actually allow
you to maintain most of your outdoor seating. I hope that the elimination of 8 seats will not
create a significant fmancial impact for you. If you have any questions regarding the above
information, please contact my office at 434-2935.
Acting Housing and Redevelopment Director
_St.. Ste. B • Carlsbad, CA 92008-2389 • (619) 434-2810/2811 • FAX (619) 720-2037
JULY 3, 1991
During the processing of this minor redevelopment permit request a
condition prohibiting outdoor seating was inadvertently left out of
Design Review Board Resolution No. 170. As discussed in the staff
report, dated July 3, 1991, the 800 square foot building requires
eight parking spaces to accomodate a restaurant use. Since only
eight spaces will exist on site, no parking is available to allow
outdoor service or seating. The addition of this explicit
condition is requested to aide in code enforcement as abuse of this
could take place.
The added condition is requested to read as follows:
"No outdoor seating or outdoor food service is allowed on the
Citv of Carlsbad
Planning Department
May 30, 1991
James Gillespie
5417 Triple Crown Drive
Bonsall, CA 92003
SUBJECT: RP 91-1/CDP 91-1 - KA'FANA Preliminary Staff Report
The preliminary staff report for the above referenced project will be available for you to
pick up on Friday, May 31,1991, after 8:00 a.m. This preliminary report will be discussed
by staff at the Development Coordinating Committee (D.C.C.) meeting which will be held
on Monday, June 10,1991. A twenty (20) minute appointment has been set aside for you
at 9:00 a.m. If you have any questions concerning your project, you should attend the
D.C.C. meeting.
it is necessary that you bring your required unmounted colored exhibit(s) with you
to this meeting in order for your project to go forward to the Design Review Board,
if you do not plan to attend this meeting, please make arrangements to have your
colored exhibit(s) here by the scheduled time above.
If you need additional information concerning this matter, please contact Mike Grim, the
Project Planner, at 438-1161, extension 4499.
t Planning Director
2075 Las Palmas Drive • Carlsbad, California 92009-4859 • (619) 438-1161
Citv of Carlsbad
May 7, 1991
James Gillespie
5417 Triple Crown Drive
Bonsall, CA 92003
RE: RP 91-1/CDP 91-1 - KaTana
This is to inform you that the items previously requested to make your Minor
Redevelopment Permit and Coastal Development Permit, application no. RP 91-1/CDP 91-1
complete have been received and reviewed by the Plarming Department. It has been
determined that the application is now complete for processing. Although the initial
processing of your application may have already begun, the technical acceptance date is
acknowledged by the date of this communication.
Please note that although the application is now considered complete, there may be issues
that could be discovered during project review and/or environmental review. Any issues
should be resolved prior to scheduling the project for pubhc hearing. In addition, the City
may request, in the course of processing the application, that you clarify, amplify, correct,
or otherwise supplement the information required for this application.
The Planning Department will begin processing your appUcation, as of the date of this
communication. Please contact Mike Grim, at (619) 438-1161, ext. 4499, if you have
questions or wish additional information.
Planning Director
c: Gary Wayne
Robert Green
Don Neu
Eric Munoz
Erin Letsch
Bob Wojcik
Jim Murray
Debbie Fountain
Data Entry
Marjorie/Steve MJH:MG/rvo
2075 Las Palmas Drive • Carlsbad, California 92009-4859 • (619) 438-1161
April 19, 1991
City of Carlsbad
Planning Department
Jim Gillespie
5417 Triple Crown Drive
Bonsall, CA 92003
Thank you for applying for Land Use Permits in the City of Carlsbad. The Plarming
Department has reviewed your Minor Redevelopment Permit and Coastal Development
Permit, application no. RP 91-1/CDP 91-1, as to its completeness for processing.
The application is still incomplete, as submitted. Attached are two lists. The first list is
information which must be submitted to complete your application. All list items must be
submitted simultaneouslv at the Commimity Development Building coimter. and to the
attention of Erin Letsch. A copv of this list must be included with vour submittals. The
second list is issues of concem to staff. When all required materials are submitted the City
has 30 days to make a determination of completeness. If the application is determined to
be complete, processing for a decision on the application will be initiated.
Please contact your staff planner, Mike Grim, at (619) 438-1161 extension 4499, if you
have any questions or wish to set up a meeting to discuss the application.
Planning Director
c: Gary Wayne
Robert Green
Don Neu
Eric Munoz
Erin Letsch
Debbie Fountain
Jim Murray
Bob Wojcik
Data Entry
2075 Las Palmas Drive • Carlsbad, California 92009-4859 • (619) 438-1161
City of Carlsbad
Planning Department
March 11, 1991
James H. Gillespie
5417 Triple Crown Drive
Bonsall, CA 92003
Thank you for applying for Land Use Permits in the City of Carlsbad. The Planning
Department has reviewed your Redevelopment Permit and Coastal Development Permit,
application no. RP 91-1/CDP 91-1, as to its completeness for processing.
The application is incomplete, as submitted. Attached are two lists. The first list is
information which must be submitted to complete your application. All list items must be
submitted simultaneouslv at the Communitv Development Building counter, and to the
attention of Erin Letsch. A copy of this list must be included with vour submittals. No
processing of your application can occur until the application is determined to be complete.
The second list is issues of concem to staff. When all required materials are submitted the
City has 30 days to make a determination of completeness. If the application is determined
to be complete, processing for a decision on the application will be initiated. In addition,
please note that you have six months from the date the application was initiallv filed,
Febmary 11,1991, to either re-submit the application or submit the required information.
Failure to resubmit the application or to submit the materials necessary to determine your
application complete shall be deemed to constitute withdrawal of the application. If an
application is withdrawn or deemed withdrawn, a new application must be submitted.
Please contact your staff plannei*^li!I^HB!!fllP^19) 438-1161 ext. 4499, if you have any
questions or wish to set up a meeting to discuss the application.
Sincerely, >
Planning Director
c: Gary Wayne
Robert Green
Don Neu
Eric Munoz
Erin Letsch
Data Entry
Bob Wojcik
Jim Murray
Debbie Fountain
Kathy Graham
File Copy
2075 Las Palmas Drive • Carlsbad, California 92009-4859 • (619) 438-1161
No. RP 91-1/CDP 91-1
1. Parking spaces shown are substandard. A minimum dimension of 8'6" x 20' is
required for all spaces. If spaces are expanded to standard size, the proposal
becomes underparked. The required ratio is one space per one hundred square feet
of gross floor area. Any outdoor seating area must be included in the gross floor
area. Please indicate if outdoor seating is proposed.
2. The proposed bathroom addition appears to be only 2'6" from the southem property
line. While no minimum setbacks are defined in the Village Design Manual, an area
wide enough for significant landscaping should be provided.
1. Handicapped access from parking to restaurant travels up a 3:1 slope.
2. The proposed project shows improvements to the parking area along the west side
of Lincoln Street which are different than the approved City DWG's No. 291-2B
(sheet 26). The differences are in the number of stalls: Eight stalls were approved
while ten are proposed (five of he ten are substandard) and the proposed retaining
wall extends farther to the north.
The City and the owners of the property have already worked out and agreed to the
design ofthe "off-Lincoln Street parking" per DWG. No. 291-2B (sheet 26) totalling
eight spaces. These improvements are scheduled for constmction in the near future
and the City is not receptive to any proposed design changes to these approved plans.
1. Exterior signs for identification of the building must be approved by the Design
Review Board prior to their installation. Permitted exterior signs shall be those
necessary for public safety and for identification. Sign design should be simple,
direct and unobstmctive. The sign area and location must conform to the Village
Design Manual and Chapter 21.41 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code.
Qcll Gx/Jr ^0t>w 7^ ok^^M.^^
OTHVX lAjji/iekll CO/I(HJ^^J^^
March 8, 1991
The following comments are provided in response to Mr. Jim
Gillespie's application for minor redevelopment and coastal
development permits for tenant improvements and use change at
3 076 Carlsbad Boulevard:
1. Per the Village Design Manual, the Design Review Board will
consider any proposed landscaping for the project because it
involves a remodel and/or intensification of use. Mr.
Gillespie should provide a detailed landscaping plan or
indicate that he does not plan to make any changes to the
existing landscaping. If Mr. Gillespie is not proposing any
changes to the landscaping, we do not need a landscaping
plan. However, we should probably review the current
landscaping and determine whether or not it adequately
complements the new streetscape. If it does not, we should
list the item as an "issue" to be resolved prior to the
public hearing.
2. In terms of the parking issue for the project, I met with
the Gillespies (tenant) and Inciyans (owner) and encouraged
them to submit a plan which expanded the existing restroom
(for handicap accessibility) to prevent the need for
additional parking. However, they felt that the addition of
a new restroom would be preferred by customers. Although we
realize parking is a serious issue, we would like to work
with Mr. Gillespie on this item.
We believe that the parking issue needs to be discussed
further. Therefore, we would like to have the parking listed
as an "issue" to be resolved prior to the public hearing.
3. Exterior signs for identification of the building must be
approved by Design Review Board prior to their installation.
Mr. Gillespie should provide design and specification
information for any new or replaced signs. Mr. Gillespie
should be made aware of this "issue."
Permitted exterior signs shall be those necessary for public
safety and for identification. Sign design should be simple,
direct and unobstructive. The sign area must be in scale
with the building.
The Housing and Redevelopment Department is supportive of Mr.
Gillespie's project because he will be locating his business in a
vacant building located in a prime view corridor. We do not like
have vacant buildings within the Redevelopment Area, especially
on Carlsbad Boulevard. Also, Mr. Gillespie's project will serve
the tourist community as well residents of Carlsbad. His project
will assist the city in increasing its sales tax revenue and is
very important to the Redevelopment Agency's economic development
Mr. Gillespie is eager to establish his business at 3076 Carlsbad
Boulevard and the Housing and Redevelopment Department is willing
to assist him.
At this time, we do not have any additional comments on this
project. If you have any questions, please contact my office at
extension 2935.
2965 Roosevelt Street
Suite B
Carlsbad, CA 92008
(619) 434-2811
March 8, 1991 (EttQ 0f (EarlHbaii 177
BONSALL, CA. 92 003
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Gillespie:
On February 11, 1991, the City of Carlsbad's Planning Department
received your application for a Minor Redevelopment Permit and a
Coastal Development Permit for a use change and tenant
improvements to the property located at 3076 Carlsbad Boulevard.
Your application has been forwarded to appropriate city
departments for review and comment. In an effort to provide you
with a better understanding of the steps taken by city staff to
process your application for the noted permits, the following
procedural outline is presented for your review:
STEP 1: Applicant provides information requested on application
obtained through Planning Department for requested
permit(s). The application is submitted to the Planning
Department with requested copies of the proposed site
plans and payment of required fee(s).
STEP 2: Application is accepted by the Planning Department and
is assigned to a project planner for review. The
project planner, project engineer and redevelopment
analyst determine whether the application is "complete"
or "incomplete" per the appropriate checklist (provided
with the application).
STEP 3: Within thirty (30) days of the date the application is
submitted for review, the project planner must prepare
and forward a letter to the applicant indicating
whether or not the application is "complete" and can be
processed further by staff.
STEP 4; If the application is "incomplete" according to the
project planner, the letter to the applicant will
indicate what action needs to be taken to obtain a
"complete" application determination. Upon receiving
notice that an application is "incomplete," the
applicant has six (6) months within which to take
appropriate action. If the applicant does not respond
within six (6) months, the application is automatically
withdrawn. No further action is taken by staff until a
response to the "incomplete" application is received
from the applicant.
When the application is "complete" according to the
project planner, reviev of the proposed project
continues. At this time, the planner requests comments
from all appropriate departments (i.e.. Utilities and
Maintenance, Fire, Building, etc.) and completes a
review of the environmental impact of the project.
During this review period, any issues raised by various
staff members will be discussed with the applicant. All
issues, raised by staff, must be addressed by the
applicant before staff will recommend approval of the
permit(s) to the Design Review Board.
STEP 5: After all necessary reports and recommendations have
been received for a "complete" permit application and
all issues have been resolved, the assigned planner
will prepare a project report for review by the Design
Review Board (DRB). The project report will include
staff's recommendations as to whether the permit should
be approved or denied. DRB will review the report and
application at a public hearing to be held no later
than six (6) months after the date the applicant
receives written notice that his/her application is
"complete." The assigned planner is responsible for
scheduling the public hearing for review of the project
by DRB.
Approximately one (1) week prior to the scheduled DRB
meeting, the applicant will receive a copy of the staff
project report.
No development, redevelopment, building or rebuilding
is permitted in the Redevelopment Area and/or Coastal
Zone until a redevelopment permit and/or coastal
development permit is issued by DRB or the Housing and
Redevelopment Commission.
STEP 6; If DRB does not approve the requested permits, the
applicant may appeal the decision to the Housing and
Redevelopment Commission. To appeal, the applicant must
file a written appeal with the City Clerk within ten
(10) days of the date of the decision. The Housing and
Redevelopment Commission will hold a public hearing on
any redevelopment and/or coastal development permit
which has been appealed or for which DRB has filed a
report with the City Clerk.
The above procedural outline relates to the processing of the
minor redevelopment permit and coastal development permit for
your proposed project. In addition to the above noted permits,
you will be required to obtain a building permit prior to
commencement of any demolition or construction on the property
located at 3076 Carlsbad Boulevard. To obtain a building permit,
you must file a separate application with the Building Division
of the City's Community Development Department located at 2075
Las Palmas Drive in Carlsbad. Building Division staff will review
the application and forward your plans for formal "plan check."
The plan check process will initially take at least three (3)
weeks. If the "plan checker" identifies problems with the plans,
they will be returned to you for additions or corrections. The
total processing time for plan check is dependent upon the number
of changes required by the plan checker and your response to
those changes. You may apply for your building permit. However,
the final building permit will not be issued until your
redevelopment and coastal development permits have been approved
by DRB. Any changes that will result from issue negotiation must
be reflected in your building permit submittal.
Also, prior to opening for business, you will need to obtain
"Certificate of Occupancy" approval from the Building Department
and a business license from the Finance Department.
The purpose of this letter is to provide you with an enhanced
understanding of the fairly time-consuming process for obtaining
required permits for development/redevelopment projects in the
Village Redevelopment/Coastal Zone area. It is my opinion that
you are not familiar with the process and, therefore, are not
clear as to the reasons why you do not yet have permission from
the City to begin your tenant improvements.
We realize that you are currently frustrated and concerned about
the time delays on your project. But, we cannot change the
process. Therefore, we must work together to ensure that the
process continues with as few unnecessary delays as possible.
Please note that your response time to comments from the City
and your willingness to resolve issues raised by staff are key
factors in the expeditious processing of your permits. I will
assist you by monitoring the project closely and you can assist
by returning requested information/corrections as quickly as
possible. If you have any questions regarding this correspondence
or your project, please contact my office at (619) 434-2935 or
(619) 434-2811.
Redevelopment Project Analyst
c: Mr. and Mr. Maksut M. Inciyan, Property Owners
Mike Grim, Project Planner
Jim Murray, Project Engineer