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RP 94-01; Bauer Lumber Yard Relocation; Redevelopment Permits (RP) (2)
April 25. 1994 TQ MIKE GRIM, PLANNING DEPARTMENT FROM: Mike Smith, Fire Marshal BAUER LUMBER REDEVELOPMENT PERMIT The Fire Department has reviewed and approved the plan for relocation of the Bauer Lumber storage yard, providing the following conditions can be satisfied: Emergency access The private driveway currently providing access from State Street to the Northern terminus of the alley serving the proposed site is acceptable as emergency access, provided it is maintained free of obstructions. Any use of the private driveway by its owner which results in obstruction of the access, will compromise fire protection to neighboring properties, and cause the Fire Department to initiate action to suspend the redevelopment permit. Additional fire hydrant The Fire Department finds that fire hydrant distribution in the area of the proposed use is not adequate. However, the hydrants proposed by this office to serve the future NCTD rail station will satisfy the site needs. While NCTD has not submitted water improvement plans for installation of the hydrants. It has indicated an intent to comply. cc: Bob Wojcik Debbie Fountain NCTD February 14, 1994 Michael Grim City of Carlsbad Planning Department 2075 Las Palmas Carlsbad, CA 92009 Re: Bauer Lumber Yard Relocation Dear Mr. Grim: NCTD has reviewed the plans for the above mentioned project and endorse the proposal as submitted. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Grennan Assistant Transportation Planner NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT South Tremont Street, Oceanside, CA 92054 619-967-2828 February 7,1994 TO: ASSISTANT PLANNER, MIKE GRIM FROM: Associate Engineer, Jim Davis VIA: Assistant City Engineer_ RP 94-01 BAUER LUMBER RELOCATION We have completed our review of the project and we recommend that the project be approved under the following condition: CONDITION Prior to the issuance of any further City permit, secondary access to the alley must be provided to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the Fire Marshal in compliance with the City cul-de-sac standard. ENGINEERING STAFF REPORT The Engineering Department has prepared this staff report for inclusion in the staff report to the DRB. The report discusses the need to appiy the above condition. The project is the relocation of the Bauer Lumber Yard and related functions. The relocation is the result of the North County Transportation District (NCTD) moving Bauer Lumber from the old site to construct their Commuter Rail station and first phase parking lot. The project site is entirely on the raii-road-right-of-way (RRROW) which is now owned by the NCTD. The oid site was leased from the AT&SF Railroad Company and the NCTD as successors in Interest are providing the lease of the new site for this project and therefore is the underiying developer of this project. The City Councii approved the Commuter Rail Station under the condition that NCTD provide a public third access (HRC Reso. No. 238) when the parking is expanded. This third access could easily serve this project's need for secondary access. Therefore NCTD could and should provide this access for Bauer Lumber Relocation to meet the City's previous condition and the condition for this project. The secondary access is needed in order to meet the cul-de-sac standard. As proposed, the entrance to the project will be approximately 1000 feet from the public access points at Cedar Street. The existing driveway leading from the north end of the alley to State Street is private and can be fenced off at any time. Therefore, it cannot be considered as a secondary access. The cul-de-sac standard is all the more important with this project because of the storage of inflammable materials. The public use of the alley will also be intensified by the retail activity of the proposed project. DH:JD:jb H:\UBRARY\ENG\WP0ATA\DAVIS\RP941 B0W.LM2 DATE: TO: FROM: ^lEVT EW AND COMMENT MEMO. FEB. 1994 REVISED PLAN • FEB ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT GROWTH MANAGEMENT (MEMO ONLY) POLICE DEPARTMENT - ATTN: J. SASWAY FIRE DEPARTMENT BUILDING DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT f UTILITIES/MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT a U CARLSBAD WATER DISTRICT "^Jt^-^AA^ /±A^A.^^,^^^d^ LANDSCAPE PLANCHECK CONSULTANT f SCHOOL DISTRICT NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT - 311 S. Tremont Street, Oceanside, CA 92054-3119 Always Send Exhibits Planning Department REQUEST FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT ON APPUCATION to. RP 94-01 NOTE: PLEASE USE THIS NUMBER ON ALL CORRESPONDENCE CONCERNING THIS APPLICATION. Bauer Lumber Yard Relocation Craig Bauer PROJECT TITLE: APPLICANT: PROPOSAL: Relocation of existing lumber storage yard north, to end of alley west of State Street. This project is necessarv to promote the survival of Bauer Lumber due to the NCTD Commuter Rail Station, forcing the relocation. PROJECT PLANNER: MICHAEL GRIM Please reviev^ and submit written comments and/or conditions to the Planning Department by FEB. .14, 1994 . If not received by that date, it will be assumed that you have no comment and the proposal has your endorsement as submitted. THANK YOU COMMENTS: The 0/s>/ricf has rcs/iwtd ^Q/V App/iooiHo^ 5 '^-7^ PLANS ATTACHED FRM0020 8/92 REVIEW AND COMMENT MEMO DATE: FEB. 4, 1994 REVISED PLAN • TO: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT GROWTH MANAGEMENT (MEMO ONLY) POLICE DEPARTMENT - ATTN: J. SASWAY * FIRE DEPARTMENT * * BUILDING DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT * UTILITIES/MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT CARLSBAD WATER DISTRICT LANDSCAPE PLANCHECK CONSULTANT SCHOOL DISTRICT NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT - 311 S. Oceanside, CA 92054-3119 fn " Always Send Exhibits FROM: Planning Department REQUEST FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT ON APPLICATION NO. RP 94-01 NOTE: PLEASE USE THIS NUMBER ON ALL CORRESPONDENCE CONCERNING THIS APPUCATION. PROJECT TITLE: Bauer Lumber Yard Relocation APPLICANT: Craig Bauer PROPOSAL: Relocation of existing lumber storage yard north, to end of alley west of State Street. This project is necessarv to promote the survival of Bauer Lumber due to the NCTD Commuter Rail Station, forcing the relocation. PROJECT PLANNER: MICHAEL GRIM Please review and submit written comments and/or conditions to the Planning Department by FEB. .14, 1994 . If not received by that date, it will be assumed that you have no comment and the proposal has your endorsement as submitted. THANK YOU COMMENTS: ^^^T^ C::25^\\sC^Ul^ PLANS ATTACHED FRM0020 8/92 >REVIEW AND COMMENT MEMO. DATE: TO: FROM: FEB. 4, 1994 REVISED PLAN • ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT GROWTH MANAGEMENT (MEMO ONLY) POLICE DEPARTMENT - ATTN: J. SASWAY FIRE DEPARTMENT ^ ^ a jf BUILDING DEPARTMENT ^C^r ^.Q^ PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT UTILITIES/MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT CARLSBAD WATER DISTRICT LANDSCAPE PLANCHECK CONSULTANT SCHOOL DISTRICT NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT - 311 S. Tremont Street, Oceanside, CA 92054-3119 Always Send Exhibits Planning Department REQUEST FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT ON APPUCATION NO. RP 94-01 NOTE: PLEASE USE THIS NUMBER ON ALL CORRESPONDENCE CONCERNING THIS APPUCATION. PROJECT TITLE: APPLICANT: Bauer Lumber Yard Relocation Craig Bauer PROPOSAL: Relocation of existing lumber storage yard north, to end of alley west of State Street. This project is necessarv to promote the survival of Bauer Lumber due to the NCTD Commuter Rail Station, forcing the relocation. PROJECT PLANNER: MICHAEL GRIM Please review and submit written comments and/or conditions to the Planmng Department by FEB. .14, 1994 . If not received by that date, it vdll be assumed that you have no comment and the proposal has your endorsement as submitted. THANK YOU COMMENTS' additional structures shall meet Code requirements as permanent buildings(New restroom,outdoor storage building). Any improvements or modifications to existing building requires tenant improvwment permit. All signage requires sign permit. PLANS ATTACHED : CARLgEflELJdSQAND RED J l-lS-94 12:46PM ; 7202037^ 6194380894; 14 2 \ch --EVAN ?i ? FROM: DEBBIE SUBJECT; RELOCATION OF BAUER LUMBER YARD FURTHER NORTH ON RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY I spoke wilh Planning, Engineering and Building on the issue of Craig Bauer's relocation of his lumber yard from its current location to a location further north on the railroad right-of-way. Comments from the departments are noted below: Planning; / O • Need to provide at least sl/(6) parking spaces op^avcd lot; entire area docs not need to be paved - just need to pave the area for thd/parking spaces.jPSfldiig lots also ha\i^ /certain requirements for landscaping, Planmng felt that some^ landscaping should be A ^-^^requiredy'""""'' ' " ' " Need to provid^^nage plaiTjor lumber yard; should not provide signage all the way down the aUey - m5ybra:tlgn at retail site and then another sign at the lumber yard. Normally a minor redeveiopmem permit does not require environmental review; however, since staff is aware of the fact that there is most likely contaminated soil on the site, it would be necessary to complete an environmental review and condition.the project to mitigate any concems. Bauer will need to tes>ter contaminates. Question: Should this be approv«d^oughRPjj;flcess with approval by Design Review Board or SDP process with apjy»v«HBy^1J5p^ Commission since the property is in the Transportation Corrid«ftTC)? Note: My response was Jha^^e property is within the boundaries of the Village Redevelopment Area. TheMbre, if any permit is issued, it should be a redevelopment permit. Engin^ring; Need to provide for access/circulation/loading-unloading area for large semi-trucks delivering or picking up from lumber yard. The cul-de-sac currently provided within the area is not adequate. Engineering is OK with providing this access/circulation through thc site as proposed by C. Bauer. No grading plan required. Bauer should provide some method for controlling debris into alley. Suggestion; install chain link fence with wood slats. This type of fence would provide screening for the lumber yard and control the debris. RCU BY: XEROX TELECOPIER 7013 ; 1-18-94 li:45t:^M ; SENT BY ICARLSBAD HSQ At^D RED ^^1-18-94 12:45PM ; 72O2037-* £037^ 6194380894;« 1 6194380894;tt 1 Citv of Carlsbad Housing & Redevelopment Depariment FAX TRANSMITTAL DATE:. COMPANY:. (Dept.) PHONE FAX #: NUMBER OF PAGES BEING TRANSMITTEDL.3 (including FAX Transmittal) DEPT: Hflll*^"? Rfltjeyftinnmant PHONE #: FAX M:_i&m22St2Q2L gPPriAL INfiTRUCTIQNS: g:4-C. Pw)4, ^ ^11 pe^pk- rr-H+ fhPL| mu^f ^.VC <A ftrp agrt<£mcn+- l-P Crai^ can ohciO proof ^ lifOMlia 92008-2389 - (619)434-2810/2811 ffi 2965 Roosevelt St.. Suit© B • Carlsbad. Califoj RCU BY:XEROX TELECOPIER 7010 ; 1-18-94 11:45HM SENT BY:CARLSBAD HSS AND RED1-18-94 12:46PM 7202037^ E037^ November 17, 1993 TO: EVAN 6194380894;tt 2 6194380894;tt 2 FROM: DEBBIE SUBJECT; RELOCATION OF BAUER LUMBER YARD FURTHER NORTH ON RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY I spoke with Planning, Engineering and Building on the issue of Craig Bauer's relocation of his lumber yard from its current location to a location further north on the railroad right-of-way. Comments from the departments are noted below: Planning; • Need to provide at least six (6) parking spaces on paved lot; entire area docs not need to be paved - just need to pave the area for the parking spaces. Parking lots also have certain requirements for landscaping. Planning felt that some landscaping should be required, • Need to provide signage plan for lumber yard; should not provide signage all the way down the alley - maybe a sign at retail site and then another sign at the lumber yard. • Normally a minor redeveiopmem permit does not require environmental review; however, since staff is aware of the fact that there is most likely contaminated soil on the site, it would be necessary to complete an environmental review and condition the project to mitigate any concems. Bauer will need to test for contaminates. • Question: Should this be approved through RP piocess with approval by Design Review Board or SDP process with approval by Planning Commission since the property is in the Transportation Corridor (TC)? Note: My response was that the property is within the boundaries of the Village Redevelopment Area. Therefore, if any permit is issued, it should be a redevelopment permit. Engineering: • Need to provide for access/circulation/loading-unJoading area for large semi-trucks delivering or picking up from lumber yard. The cul-de-sac currently provided within the area is not adequate. Engineering is OK wilh providing this access/circulation through thc site as proposed by C. Bauer • No grading plan required. • Bauer should provide some method for controlling debris into alley. Suggestion; install chain link fence with wood slats. This type of fence would provide screening for the lumber yard and control the debris. RCU BY:XEROX TELECOPIER 7010 ; 1-18-94 11:46AM ; 7202037-^ 6194380894;tt 3 SENT Ery: CARLSBAD HSG AND RED ^^1-18-94 12:47PM ; 7^J037-> 6194380894; tt 3 BAUER LUMBER - RELOCATION SITE COMMENTS PAGE 2 Engineering fcont.l: • Need to make sure that adequate drainage is provided for the site. • No significant issues or problems with use of site for lumber yard. Building; • Will need to obtain appropriate building permits for renovation of building on site. • May need to make office/retail building handicap accessible (which may include a handicap accessible restroom). • No real problems with use of property for lumber yard.