HomeMy WebLinkAboutRP 97-50; Carlsbad Animal Hospital; Redevelopment Permits (RP)^ifeBAD^EDEVELOPMENTAG^ ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT APPLICATION & DISCLOSURE STATEMENT SIDEWALK/FREESTANDING SIGNS 1. BUSINESS DESCRIPTION Business Name: Business Owner Name(s): ZT\m Vnlen^OnA)^^ tJ ^TT/V ^ Uopr^n^uM^ Type of Business (i.e., restaurant, bar, retail): C\ nOAu^ o S p y-f^zJ^ 2. LOCATION OF BUSINESS Address: ^73^ SmT^g, ST^ Does the business have frontage on a public street? M Yes • No Does the primary entrance to the business front on a pu^ street or the public sidewalk? • Yes olsio Is the business located within a business arcade or courtyard? O Yes 0^0 Ifyes, please provide the name ofthe building or the center: 3. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED SIDEWALK/FREESTANDING SIGN SizeofSign: 3 "feert K\q^K. 5^ fec4 <^\6c ( i Total Height (incl. supports): Total Width: Total Square Feet: LQ Total Area of Changeable Text Area (if applicable): Proposed Materials: tOoOO LAJ^ u)K I » A)T ^ R^FlD L^ttf reS Describe the design/colors to be used on the sign: ^ ^ ^ ^ Tf^ S.,C>^ tu,cc 6^ ^CAC^ ^ ^^''-^ J^^^^T<^ Will the sign be produced (or has the sign been produced) in a manner which is professional in quality such as that demonstrated by an experienced business sign maker? O^es • No Please, explain: ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT APPLICATION & DISCLOSURE STATEMENT SIDEWALK/FREESTANDING SIGNS Please attach to this permit application a copy of the proposed sign design or a picture of the completed sign for review by the Housing and Redeveiopment Department. 4. LOCATION/PLACEMENT OF PROPOSED SIDEWALK/FREESTANDING SIGN: Please attach a site plan to this permit application which indicates the exact location for the proposed sidewalk/freestanding sign. This site plan must also include a north arrow and scale and indicate the location ofthe business in relationship to the location ofthe sign, the amount of street frontage for the business, the width of the sidewalk in front of the business, the locations of driveways, parking spaces, curb cuts for handicap access to the public sidewalks, alleys and/or streets. See application checklist for additional requirements. 5. EXISTING SIGNAGE FOR BUILDING/BUSINESS: Length of building (in feet) fronting on public street: (Note: For a business which fronts directly on the public sidewalk or public street, provide information above on the street frontage for the individual business. If the business is located within an arcade or courtyard, provide information on the street frontage for the entire building). What is the total square footage of existing signage located on building or on property of applicant business?: 3 x4' ^ Will any existing signage be removed from the business building if this permit for a sidewalk/ freestanding sign is approved? • Yes ^ No If yes, please describe amount and type of signage to be removed: Please attach to this permit application a building elevation which indicates the location of, and size of, each existing sign currently located on the business building or property. Do not include proposed sidewalk/freestanding sign on this elevation. If any existing signage is to be removed, please note this on the elevations. 6. AUTHORIZATION TO INSPECT PROPERTY In the process of reviewing this application it may be necessary for members of City Staff, Design Review Board Members, or City Council members to inspect and enter the property/business that is the subject ofthis application. 1/we consent to entry onto/into the subject property/business for this purpose. Name: ^QOme Cox: Date: ^-.^O ^97 Signatur^ d(^Qj9/y^ij)^. ^ Property Owner or • Business Owner ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT APPLICATION & DISCLOSURE STATEMENT SIDEWALK/FREESTANDING SIGNS 5. BUSINESS OWNER INFORMATION/CERTIFICATION Name: C Rr\?^V>>7^o\ f\c\\vr\7\\ HQSp\Va\ Mailing Address: f^\r<\e^ S\ ^ CjarVf^hT^^d. - Daytime Telephone No.: lUO^ 1"?^^- HM ?)\ List the Names and Addresses of all persons having a financial interest in the application: UKurp.n \r\,ypr^ Ed marci AW\t ^ .^^m(SS fa 1 en 5car If any person identified above is a corporation or partnership, list the names and addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% ofthe shares in the corporation or owning any partnership interest in the partnership: If any person identified above is a non-profit organization or a trust, list the names and addresses of any person serving as an officer or director of the non-profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the trust: Have you had more than $250 worth of business transacted with any member of City Staff, Boards, Commissions, Committees, and/or Council within the past twelve (12) months? • YesJ^^No if yes, please indicate person(s): Certification Statement: I Certify that I am the Legal Business Owner of the subject business and that all of the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I agree to accept and abide by any conditions placed on the subject sign permit as a result of approval of this application. I agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the City of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency or its officers or employees from all claims, damage or liability to persons or property arising from or caused by the installation of the subject sidewalk/freestanding sign on the public sidewalk pursuant to this permit unless the damage or liability was caused by the sole active negligence of the City or its officers or employees. I have submitted a Certificate of Insurance to the City of Carlsbad in the amount of $1 million which lists the City of Carisbad and the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency as "additional insured". This Certificate shall remain in effect for as long as the sidewalk/freestanding sign is placed within the public right-of-way. This agreement is a condition of the issuance ofthis permit for the subject sidewalk/freestanding sign to be placed on the public right-of-way. I understand that an approved sidewalk/freestanding sign permit shall remain in effect for as long as sidewalk/freestanding signs are permitted within the Village Redevelopment Area and the permittee remains in compliance with the subject approved permit. I also understand that the Housing and Redevelopment Commission may conduct an annual revjpw of the applicable sign regulations for sidewalk/freestanding signs and reserves the right to modify or elimin^tes^f!e regulatiori^which currently allow for these signs. Signature ^O'M/y/^^^I^P^t Date: .WJ^/^9 ^Il CARLSBAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY / ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT APPLICATION & DISCLOSURE STATEMENT SIDEWALK/FREESTANDING SIGNS 1. RECEIPT OF APPLICATION Date Application Received:, Application Received by:_ 97-Permit No. Assigned;. 8. FEES FOR APPLICATION PROCESSING The following fees shall apply to this application; list type of fee and amount: $30.00 - Administrative Redevelopment Permit/Sidewalk Sign Total Fee(s) required forthis application: $30 Date Fee(s) collected by City Staff:_ Receipt No.:_ 9. ACTION ON THE APPLICATION The following action has been taken by the Housing and Redevelopment Director on this application: Approved subject to conformance with plans submitted as part of application, dated (^-H^f ^ Approved, with conditions. See conditions noted below. • Denied. Reason Housing and Redevelopment Director Signature: Date: 10. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL (IF APPLICABLE) The following conditions have been placed on the subject permit: