HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP 03-18; La Costa Condominiums; Site Development Plan (SDP) (3)"r
- City of Carlsbad
July 17, 2002
The Lightfoot Planning Group
702 Civic Center Drive
Oceanside, CA 92054
APN: 2 1 6-3 1 0-04 & -05
A preliminary review of your project was conducted on July 3, 2002. Listed below are the
issues raised by staff. Please note that the purpose of a preliminary review is to provide
you with direction and comments on the overall concept of your project. The preliminary
review does not represent an in-deDth analysis of your project. Additional issues of
concern may be raised after your application is submitted and processed for a more
sDecific and detailed review.
1. The project will require a Tentative Tract Map and Condominium Permit. Submittal
of an Environmental Impact Assessment fee will also be required. A Hillside
Development Permit is not required for this project.
2. The Planned Development (PD) compliance table that you submitted is generally
correct with a few minor notes:
a. A 5' sideyard setback is required per the RD-M standards. However,
maintaining the 10' setback as shown on the plans is encouraged.
b. Driveways in motor courts shall be constructed of concrete and all
driveways/motor courts shall be accented with enhanced paving.
C. Plan "A" may not have adequate storage space depending whether or not
the water heater is located within the garage.
3. The driveway width and visitor parking design complies with the PD standards.
4. A noise study will be required for the project. If noise walls are required, they may
not be placed within the landscape buffer which is comprised of an average of 50%
of the required setback located along La Costa Avenue. Also, the 120 sq. foot
balconies must be mitigated to the City standard (60 dB(A) CNEL) to receive credit
as private recreational open space, Please include an analysis of these areas in the
noise study.
5. A common recreation area is not required for projects of 10 dwelling units or less.
1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 0 (760) 602-4600 FAX (760) 602-8559 * www.ci.carlsbad.ca.us a9
Paqe 2
Centralized refuse pick-up is required for the project. You will need to submit a
letter from Coast Waste Management indicating that they can adequately service
the project. The trash enclosure needs to be designed to the City standard and
should have an exterior finish to match the buildings. A trellis element should be
incorporated over the top to screen views down into the enclosure. Use vines and
landscaping around the enclosure for screening.
Since the project contains a mix of both two- and three-unit buildings, it has been
determined that it will be reviewed using the multi-family development standards,
rather than the single-family/duplex standards.
The project needs to be designed to comply with City Council Policy 66, Principles
for the Development of Livable Neighborhoods. Also, the project will be evaluated
for compliance with certain architectural elements as required by the Multiple
Dwelling Development Standards section of the PD ordinance.
The project is subject to the City's inclusionary housing requirements and will be
required either to construct affordable housing on site or to purchase two units in
the Villa Loma Affordable Housing Project. Please contact Craig Ruiz at 434-281 7
in the Housing and Redevelopment Department to discuss your options.
Grading plans were not submitted with the preliminary review. Grading for the
project should be designed so that retaining walls are not required adjacent to the
adjoining properties.
The plan should be designed to incorporate a walkway from the two guest parking
spaces (near the southeast corner) to the walkwayslfront doors of the most
southerly units.
The allowable building height is 35' and three stories. It does not appear that the
lower level would qualify as a basement, therefore building height must be
measured from the more restrictive (lowest) of existing or finished grade to the
highest point of the structure directly above that point of measurement. "Existing
grade" may be reestablished in accordance with grading plans approved as part of
the discretionary process.
Please show the footprints of the adjacent properties within 100' of the site.
1. The proposed entrance on La Costa Avenue should be alley type returns with
access ramps to continue the sidewalk across the proposed driveway.
2. The proposed driveway will require a concrete surface with a rough broom finish if
steeper than 12%.
_”- -
July 17, 2002
Sidewalk on La Costa Ave will be required if not existing by current standards.
The proposed sewer and drainage connections should be studied for capacity
(drainage) and district approval (LCWD).
Drainage or grading was not shown and issues should be anticipated.
NPDES design and management report should be part of the initial review and
should incorporate natural or planted drainage areas to filter urban pollutants.
Include a site plan showing all hydrants located within 250 feet of the site.
The drive must meet all City of Carlsbad Engineering Standards as well as the
minimum width requirements for Fire Department access.
The length of the drive will require an on-site hydrant.
Please contact Barbara Kennedy at (760) 602-4626 if you have any questions.
Assistant Planning Director
C: Michael J. Holzmiller
Don Neu, Team Leader
Clyde Wickham, Project Engineer
Bob Ledesma
Bill Plummer
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