HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP 06-12A; Tavarua Senior Apartments; Site Development Plan (SDP)The City of Carlsbad Planning Department A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION Item No. P.C. AGENDA OF: September 21, 2011 Application complete date: August 4, 2011 Project Planner: Christer Westman Project Engineer: Tecla Levy SUBJECT. SDP 06-12(A) - TAVARUA SENIOR APARTMENTS - Request for a determination that the project is within the scope of a previously certified Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and approval of a Site Development Plan Amendment SDP 06-12(A) to demolish an existing 35-bed assisted care facility and change a 50-unit senior citizen residential condominium development to a 50-unit (49 income restricted senior citizen apartments and one manager's apartment) senior citizen residential rental development as well as architectural changes and development standards modifications on property located on the southeast corner of Palm Avenue and Harding Street in Local Facilities Management Zone 1. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission APPROVE Planning Commission Resolution No. 6808 APPROVING Site Development Plan Amendment SDP 06-12(A) based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II.INTRODUCTION This application includes a request by the new owners (Meta Housing Corporation) of the previously approved Harding Street Condominium project (CT 06-14/CP 06-12/SDP 06-12) to amend the approved Site Development Plan. The amended project remains in compliance with the General Plan and complies with all applicable City standards and all necessary findings can be made for the approval being requested. III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND The 0.90 acre project site is located at the southeast corner of Palm Avenue and Harding Street as shown on the location map. It is currently developed as a 35-bed senior assisted care facility. Interstate 5 is located adjacent to the site on the east side and at a 22-foot higher elevation. The surrounding properties to the north, south, and west are developed with single family, two- family, and multifamily residential structures. The site is generally level. Limited grading will be required to develop the site. The approved project located on this 0.90 acre property subject to the proposed amendments is the Harding Street Senior Condominiums project (CT 06-14/CP 06-12/SDP 06-12) previously approved by the Planning Commission on June 4, 2008. The previously approved project included a request to demolish the existing 35-bed senior care facility and replace it with a three story 50-unit air-space senior condominium development with an underground parking garage. o SDP 06-12(A) - TAVARUA SENIOR APARTMENTS September 21,2011 Page 2 The applicant was granted a density increase from 6.0 du/ac (6 dwelling units) to 55.5 du/ac (50 dwelling units consistent with City Council Policy 43) and development standards modifications as incentives to develop the site for senior housing and to reserve 15 units (30% of the total units) as affordable to low and moderate income households. The project was reviewed by the City's Housing Policy Team and the team supported the senior housing project, the affordability component, and the proposed density increase. It was determined that the project would not have a significant effect on the environment and a Mitigated Negative Declaration was issued for the project. The Harding Street Senior Condominiums project has since been purchased by Meta Housing Corporation who has proposed an amendment to the Site Development Plan approval to instead develop the site with 49 income restricted senior apartments and one manager's unit. The units range in size from a 600 square foot, 1-bedroom/1-bath unit to a 987 square foot, 2-bedroom/2- bath unit. All but ten of the units have an outdoor patio or deck. All units have access to a ground floor indoor community space and outdoor courtyard. The three-story, 3 5-foot tall building is designed around a central courtyard which faces toward Palm Avenue and features a modern Mediterranean architectural theme. The building is well articulated, includes variations in the building planes, and has numerous balconies which provide a desirable combination of both recessed and projecting elements that result in an attractive architectural design. The building will have an off-white stucco exterior and terra cotta colored concrete roof tiles. A number of decorative elements are incorporated into the architectural design and include features such as arched bronze paned windows, balconies with black metal railings, burgundy colored fabric awnings, faux wood panels, and wooden trim details under the eaves, at windows and balconies. This high level of detail is incorporated in all four elevations. The residential units are designed over a drive-through gated parking garage with vehicular access gates on both Palm Avenue and Harding Street. Each unit will be allocated one resident parking space. The applicant has requested that the City grant a standards modification to permit the 10 required guest parking spaces to be located off-site, on the street as parallel parking on both Harding Street and Palm Avenue. Four accessible parking spaces and an elevator will be available in the garage for disabled person accessibility. A summary of the proposed changes to the approved project include; 98% income restricted to the extremely low, very low, and low categories vs. 15% restricted to the low category approved; 98% rental proposed vs. 100% condominium ownership approved; an at-grade onsite parking garage with 50 parking spaces proposed vs. an onsite subterranean garage approved with 71 spaces; a change from a Mediterranean style of architecture to a more modern interpretation of the same style, and a U-shaped building with central common courtyard proposed versus a four- sided square building with central common courtyard approved. The physical changes proposed result in different development standards modifications requests. In summary, the approved Harding Street Senior Condominiums included approvals for a reduced 10 foot rear yard setback, elimination of some of the required private outdoor patios, an override for the noise impacts to the required exterior outdoor private balconies, a reduction in required resident parking spaces for the 15 income restricted units (from 1.5 space per unit to 1.0 per unit), allowing seven of the ten required guest parking spaces to be located on Palm Avenue and Harding Street, and encroachment of the upper four feet of the subterranean parking garage SDP 06-12(A) - TAVARUA SENIOR APARTMENTS September 21,2011 Page 3 into the front yard setback. The standards modifications requested with the proposed amendment include a reduced 10 foot rear yard setback, a reduction in required resident parking, allowance of all ten guest parking spaces to be located on-street, and allowance of one accessible parking space to be located in the front yard (Harding Street) setback. The site has a General Plan Land Use designation of Residential Medium Density (RM) and a Zoning designation of Multiple-Family Residential (R-3) as does the site to the south. The property on the north side of Palm Avenue has a General Plan Land Use designation of Residential Medium-High Density (RMH) and a zoning designation of Multiple-Family Residential (R-3). The area on the west side of Harding Street has a General Plan Land Use designation of Residential Medium Density (RM) and zoning designations of both Multiple- Family Residential (R-3) and Two-Family Residential (R-2). The surrounding properties are developed with a mix of multi-family and single family structures. Approval of a Site Development Plan Amendment is required for the development of senior housing, for the proposed density increase, for affordable housing, and to consider any development standards modifications. IV. ANALYSIS The proposed project is subject to the following plans, ordinances, standards, and policies: A. General Plan RM (Residential Medium Density) designation; B. Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (Zoning Ordinance) 1. Chapter 21.16-R-3 Zone 2. Chapter 21.84 - Housing for Senior Citizens 3. Section 21.53.120 -Site Development Plan 4. Chapter 21.85 - Inclusionary Housing; C. Growth Management (Chapter 21.90 of the C.M.C.). The recommendation for approval of this project was developed by analyzing the project's consistency with the applicable regulations and policies. The project's compliance with each of the above regulations is discussed in detail in the sections below. A. General Plan The amended senior citizen apartment project remains consistent with the General Plan as discussed in the following Table 1: SDP 06-12(A) - TAVARUA SENIOR APARTMENTS September 21,2011 Page 4 TABLE 1: GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE ELEMENT Land Use Land Use USE, CLASSIFICATION, GOAL, OBJECTIVE, OR PROGRAM RM - Residential Medium Density: 4-8 du/acre GMCP: 6.0 du/acre Zoning consistency with General Plan Residential Policy C.2: Allow density increases CONSISTENCY Project density = 55.5 du/acre (6 units + 44 unit density increase = 50 units). The proposed project amendment exceeds the growth management control point of 6.0 du/acre and retains the same density increase for affordable housing as was previously granted for the Harding Street Senior Condominium project pursuant to Chapter 2 1.53. 120 of the CMC. R-3 Zone: Senior citizen housing is permitted in the R-3 designation. *See discussion below COMPLY? YES YES SDP 06-12(A) - TAVARUA SENIOR APARTMENTS September 21,2011 Page 5 TABLE 1: GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE CONTINUED ELEMENT USE, CLASSIFICATION, GOAL, OBJECTIVE, OR PROGRAM CONSISTENCY COMPLY? Housing Program 2.2: Flexibility in Development Standards - Continue to offer flexibility in development standards to facilitate the development of lower and moderate income households. Program 3.5: Affordable Housing Incentives - Allow for the discretionary consideration of density increases through review and approval of a Site Development Plan. Program 3.10: Senior Housing - Continue to encourage a wide variety of senior housing opportunities. Modifications to the development standards for setbacks and parking are supported which allow for the achievement of 49 income restricted apartment units. YES The project as amended qualifies for and has been allocated 44 dwelling units from the Excess Dwelling Unit Bank for the provision of senior/affordable residential units. The project as amended will provide one and two bedroom apartments which are age restricted and will provide housing for the aging segment of the community. Circulation Require new development to dedicate and improve all roadways, utilities, and drainage facilities. All public facilities including curb, gutter and sidewalk exist along the property frontage on Palm Avenue and Harding Street. YES SDP 06-12(A) - TAVARUA SENIOR APARTMENTS September 21,2011 Page 6 TABLE 1: GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE CONTINUED ELEMENT USE, CLASSIFICATION, GOAL, OBJECTIVE, OR PROGRAM CONSISTENCY COMPLY? Open Space & Conservation Minimize environmental impacts to sensitive resources within the City Implement BMPs to avoid degradation of water quality that are necessary to serve development. The project as amended will not result in any environmental impacts to the existing developed site. The project as amended is conditioned to prepare and implement a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) plan that will require that adequate BMPs are incorporated into the project. YES Noise Residential interior noise standard of 45 dBA CNEL and exterior noise standard of 60 dBA CNEL. The project as amended is conditioned to mitigate interior noise levels to 45 dBA CNEL. Ground level outdoor open spaces do not reach a noise level of 60 dBA CNEL since they are shielded from the freeway noise by the building. YES Public Safety Provide project review that allows consideration of seismic and geologic hazards. The amended project improvements will not significantly impact or be impacted by geologic or seismic conditions. YES * The density range for the site's RM Land Use designation is 4-8 dwelling units per acre. The Growth Management Control Point density is 6 dwelling units per acre. Site Development Plan SDP 06-12 was approved at a density of 55.5 dwelling units per acre. The project as amended retains the same number of housing units. B. Title 21 (Zoning Ordinance) R-3 Zone/Housing for Senior Citizens/Site Development Plan/Inclusionary Housing The table below illustrates the amended project's compliance with the applicable chapters of the Zoning Ordinance. The development standard stated in Table 2 is the standard applicable to the project. SDP 06-12(A) - TAVARUA SENIOR APARTMENTS September 21,2011 Page? TABLE 2: DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Standard Required Provided Compliance R-3 Zone (C.M.C. Chapter 21.16) Height Building Coverage Setbacks: Front (Harding St.) Street Side (Palm Ave.) Setbacks: Side Rear 35 feet maximum 60% maximum 20 feet 10 feet 10 feet 20 feet 35 feet 58.38% maximum 20 feet 12 feet 10 feet 10 feet YES YES YES YES YES NO A standards modification is proposed and is discussed under Site Development Plan. Housing for Senior Citizens (C.M.C Chapter 21.84) Parking: Resident: Guest parking: Manager Parking 1.5 onsite parking spaces per unit: 74 spaces required 1 onsite guest parking space for every 5 units: 1 0 spaces required 1 onsite parking space 1.0x49 = 49 spaces provided 1 0 spaces are located on the street. 1 onsite parking space NO A standards modification is proposed and is discussed under Site Development Plan. NO A standards modification is proposed and is discussed under Site Development Plan. YES SDP 06-12(A) - TAVARUA SENIOR APARTMENTS September 21,2011 PageS TABLE 2: DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS CONTINUED Standard Required Provided Compliance Housing for Senior Citizens (C.M.C Chapter 21.84) Architectural Design Elements Architectural harmony with the neighborhood to the maximum extent feasible Equal level of architectural treatment on all building elevations. The building height and mass is consistent with other multi-family projects in the vicinity. Building planes vary and decorative architectural elements are included on each elevation. YES Laundry Facilities 1 washer & 1 dryer for every 25 dwelling units. Machines may be coin operated. Common laundry rooms are located on the second and third floors. YES Common Room One common room at a minimum shall be provided for social interaction. Common open space of 20 square feet per unit. 1,000 square feet is required. Toilet facilities for men and women adjacent to the common areas. Separate community and fitness rooms are provided on the ground floor. YES Common Open Space The central courtyard is approximately 5,300 square feet in area. Toilet facilities for men and women are provided near the community/fitness rooms YES YES Services and Programs Physical and social services and programs are encouraged but not required. Services, including social and recreation programs, transportation, emergency programs, and house cleaning, will be provided to residents. YES SDP 06-12(A) - TAVARUA SENIOR APARTMENTS September 21,2011 Page 9 TABLE 2: DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS CONTINUED Standard Required Provided Compliance Housing for Senior Citizens (C.M.C Chapter 21.84) Additional design criteria Buildings over two-stories require an elevator. Walkways and hallways must be wide enough to accommodate a wheelchair. Trash collection areas and containers shall be easily physically accessible. An elevator is provided. Walkways and paths are. a minimum width of 5 feet and are adequate to accommodate wheelchairs. The trash bins are located in the garage on the ground floor and are accessed by trash chutes located on the second and third floors. YES YES YES In addition, the housing for senior citizens standards require that tubs are equipped with at least one grab bar, that tub or shower bottoms are slip resistant, and that peepholes are installed in entry doors. To the greatest extent practicable, housing for senior citizens should also be designed to implement the principals of universal design which encourage accessible and adaptable features for the disabled or mobility impaired. The project is conditioned to provide these features. Site Development Plan Section 21.53.120 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that a Site Development Plan (SDP) be processed for an affordable housing project of any size. Consistent with the provisions of Section 21.53.120(c), since the project is an "affordable housing" project, less restrictive development standards than specified in the underlying zone or elsewhere may be allowed, provided that the project is in conformity with the General Plan and adopted policies and goals of the City, and it would have no detrimental effect on public health, safety and welfare. The application does include a request for modified development standards. The modifications include, reducing the rearyard setback along the freeway property line from 20 feet to 10 feet, reducing the resident parking requirement from 1.5 per unit to 1.0 per unit, allowing 10 required guest parking stalls to be provided on Harding Street and Palm Avenue, and allowing on accessible parking space to be located within the front yard setback. These modifications may be allowed provided that the project is in conformity with the General Plan and adopted policies and goals of the City, and it would have no detrimental effect on public health, safety, and welfare. In summary, all of the proposed standards modifications provide additional available site area for the location of the proposed affordable dwelling units for senior citizens (consistent with Housing Element Programs 2.2, 3.5 and 3.10) and associated amenities including, a central common courtyard, which is more than 5 times larger than required pursuant to the City's Senior Housing Ordinance (Chapter 21.84 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code). SDP 06-12(A) - TAVARUA SENIOR APARTMENTS September 21,2011 Page 10 The amended project's consistency with the General.Plan is discussed in Section "A" of this report and the project as amended is consistent with the General Plan even with the approval of the modified standards. The modification to standards will not have a detrimental effect on public health, safety, or welfare for the following reasons: • The proposal to allow a ten foot rear yard setback along the Interstate 5 property line allows the project to provide the required 20 foot front yard setback on the Harding Street frontage. Maintaining the required 20 foot setback from the street will allow for an adequate landscaped buffer from the public right-of-way. As a result, the two ground floor units will have a reasonable setback from the right-of-way along the Harding Street frontage which creates a sense of privacy. Patios at this more comfortable distance from the street may be more likely to be used by the occupants which in turn will contribute to a sense of neighborhood which benefits the general welfare. The reduced building setback adjacent to the freeway right-of-way is not significant enough to result in an increase in health risk due to noise and or air quality nor is it enough to increase a safety risk. All of the residential units facing the freeway will be constructed with appropriate materials to mitigate interior noise levels to 45 dBA CNEL. In addition, the building shift does allow for more common outdoor area within the central courtyard which is protected from the freeway and benefits the welfare of the building occupants. • The proposal to allow one accessible parking space to be located within the Harding Street front yard setback. In order to meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements, one accessible parking space must be provided onsite for access to the leasing office. It may not be located within the parking garage since the garage is gated. Only one location onsite, within the front yard setback (off of Harding Street), will satisfy the accessible parking stall design criteria. Allowing the single accessible parking space at this location enables the project to satisfy Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements and promotes both the safety and welfare of the vehicles disabled occupant. • The proposal to allow 10 required guest parking spaces to be provided on-street is supported by the applicant's parking study (dated August 2011) and a senior affordable apartments parking study on file with the Planning Division (dated November 2008) which indicate that senior/affordable housing facilities require fewer resident and guest parking spaces than required by the City's ordinance. Providing the required 10 guest parking spaces onsite would result in a reduction of either on-site amenities and/or affordable residential units. • The proposal to allow a modification to the residential parking standard which reduces the resident parking requirement by 25 spaces, is also supported by the afore mentioned parking studies that many seniors that will qualify for the lower income units either are single and will have only one car or no longer drive and do not have a vehicle. Chapter 21.85 - Inclusionary Housing According to the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance (C.M.C. Chapter 21.85), any residential development of seven or more units shall provide no less than 15% of the total number of units as restricted to the occupancy and affordability of lower-income households. The project exceeds the 15% inclusionary housing requirement by income restricting all 49 residential rental units. Furthermore, the project exceeds the inclusionary housing low-income affordability requirement in that 10 of the apartments are restricted to the extremely low income SDP 06-12(A) - TAVARUA SENIOR APARTMENTS September 21,2011 Page 11 category, 25 are restricted to the very low income category, and 14 are restricted to the low income category. The project fully meets and exceeds the intent and purpose of the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance. C. Growth Management The amended proposed project is located within Local Facilities Management Zone 1 in the northwest quadrant of the City. Because the number of units proposed with this amendment equals the number of units approved with the original project, the impacts on public facilities created by the project are equal to the approved project and its compliance with the adopted performance standards are summarized in the following table: TABLE 3: GROWTH MANAGEMENT COMPLIANCE STANDARD City Administration Library Waste Water Treatment Parks Drainage Circulation Fire Open Space Schools: Cumulative student generation Sewer Collection System Water IMPACTS 173.84 square feet 92.71 square feet 50EDU 0.35 acre Basin B 200 ADT Station No. 1 N/A 9 students 50EDU 11,400GPD COMPLIANCE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes The project is 44 units above the Growth Management dwelling unit allowance. The site's General Plan Land Use designation is Residential Medium which allows a density range of 4-8 dwellings per acre with a Growth Management Control Point (GMCP) of 6 dwellings per acre. Since the site is 0.9 acres it has a GMCP yield of 5.4 dwelling units, rounded up to 6 units. Consistent with the General Plan and City Council Policy 43 and the original project approvals, 44 dwelling units will be withdrawn from the City's Excess Dwelling Unit Bank. V.ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Staff conducted an environmental impact assessment to determine if the Harding Street Senior Condominiums project could have a potentially significant impact on the environment pursuant to CEQA Guidelines and the Environmental Protection Ordinance (Title 19) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. As a result of said review, the initial study (EIA Part 2) identified potentially significant effects on the environment, but mitigation measures agreed to by the applicant would avoid or mitigate the effects to a point where clearly no significant effect on the environment would occur, and there is no substantial evidence in light of the whole record that the Harding Street Senior Condominiums project as conditioned may have a significant impact on the environment. Therefore, a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) was prepared and adopted for the project. SDP 06-12(A) - TAVARUA SENIOR APARTMENTS September 21,2011 Page 12 As compared to the approved SDP 06-12 Harding Street Senior Condominiums project, the proposed amendment [SDP 06-12(A) Tavarua Senior Apartment project] has a lesser building footprint, maintains the same height and general building mass, has the same number of residential units, requires less grading since the parking will be provided within an at-grade parking garage, and maintains the same level of architectural design integrity. Interior noise levels may exceed 45 dBA CNEL, therefore, a mitigation measure is included which requires the applicant to submit a supplemental acoustical analysis prior to issuance of a building permit to insure that the plans have been designed so that interior noise levels are mitigated to 45 dBA or less. In consideration of the foregoing, the Planning Director has determined that the Tavarua Senior Apartments project [SDP 06-12(A)] is within the scope of the Mitigated Negative Declaration adopted for the Harding Street Senior Condominiums project (SDP 06-12), the same mitigation measure for attenuation of interior noise levels apply, and no further environmental analysis is required. ATTACHMENTS; 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6808 2. Location Map 3. Background Data Sheet 4. Local Facilities Impacts Assessment Form 5. Disclosure Statement 6. Reduced Exhibits 7. Exhibits "A" - "Q" dated September 21, 2011 NOT TO SCALE SITE MAP Tavarua Senior Apartments SDP06-12(A) BACKGROUND DATA SHEET CASE NO: SDP06-12fA) CASE NAME: TAVARUA SENIOR APARTMENTS APPLICANT: Meta Housing Corporation REQUEST AND LOCATION: To demolish an existing 35-bed assisted care facility and change a 50-unit senior citizen residential condominium development to a 50-unit (49 income restricted senior citizen apartments and one manager's apartment) senior citizen residential rental development as well as architectural changes and development standards modifications on property located on the southeast corner of Palm Avenue and Harding Street in Local Facilities Management Zone 1. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: All of Lot 5 and Lot 6 and the northerly 4.85 feet of Lot 4 in Block "B" of the resubdivision of a portion of Alles Avocado Acres, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to map thereof No. 2027, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, May 17, 1927; and that part of that portion of Lots 7 and 8 in Block "B" of the resubdivision of a portion of Alles Avocado Acres as shown on map No. 2027, filed in the Office of the County recorder of San Diego County, May 17, 1972, as said portion was conveyed to the State of California, by deed recorded January 6, 1967 as file No. 1884 of official records of San Diego County. APN: 204-192-12 Acres: .9 Proposed No. of Lots/Units: 50 units GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Existing Land Use Designation: Residential Medium (RM) Proposed Land Use Designation: Residential Medium (RM) Density Allowed: 4-8 du/ac Density Proposed: 55.5 du/ac Existing Zone: R-3 Proposed Zone: R-3 Surrounding Zoning, General Plan and Land Use: General Plan Current Land Use Site R-3 RM Assisted Care Facility North R-3 RMH Multi-Family South R-3 RM Two-Family East Interstate 5 Interstate 5 Interstate 5 West R-2 RM Single-Family Re vised 01/06 LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM Coastal Zone: | | Yes IXI No Local Coastal Program Segment: N/A Within Appeal Jurisdiction: \ I Yes 1X1 No Coastal Development Permit: I I Yes 1X1 No Local Coastal Program Amendment: I I Yes IXI No Existing LCP Land Use Designation: N/A Proposed LCP Land Use Designation: N/A Existing LCP Zone: N/A Proposed LCP Zone: N/A PUBLIC FACILITIES School District: Carlsbad Unified Water District: Carlsbad Sewer District: Carlsbad Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity): 50 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Categorical Exemption,_ Mitigated Negative Declaration, issued May 21, 2008 Certified Environmental Impact Report, dated_ Other, Within the scope of the previously adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration for SDP 06-12 - Harding Street Senior Condominiums (May 21. 2008). Revised 01/06 CITY OF CARLSBAD GROWTH MANAGEMENT PROGRAM LOCAL FACILITIES IMPACTS ASSESSMENT FORM PROJECT IDENTITY AND IMPACT ASSESSMENT: FILE NAME AND NO: Tavarua Senior Apartments - SDP 06-12 (A) LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONE: I GENERAL PLAN: RM ZONING: R-3 DEVELOPER'S NAME: Meta Housing Corporation ADDRESS: 1640 South Sepulveda Boulevard, Suite 425, Los Angeles, CA 90025 PHONE NO.: 310-575-3543 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 204-192-12 QUANTITY OF LAND USE/DEVELOPMENT (AC., SQ. FT., DU): .9 acres/50 units A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. City Administrative Facilities: Library: Wastewater Treatment Capacity Park: Drainage: Circulation: Fire: Open Space: Schools: Carlsbad Unified Demand in Square Footage = 173.84 Demand in Square Footage = 92.71 50EDU Demand in Acreage =0.35 Demand in CFS = Identify Drainage Basin = Demand in ADT = 2.9 B 200 Served by Fire Station No. = One J. K. L. Acreage Provided = Elementary: Middle: High: Demands in EDU Demand in GPD = N/A 4.49 1.98 2.46 50Sewer: Water: The project is 44 units above the Growth Management Dwelling unit allowance. 11,400 DISCLOSURE Development Services STATEMENT Planning Division CITY OF p "I/A\ 1635 Faraday Avenue I ^RAD (760)6024610 LODAAL-' www.carlsbadca.gov Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all applications which will require discretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board, Commission or Committee. The following information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project cannot be reviewed until this information is completed. Please print. Note: Person is defined as "Any individual, firm, co-partnership, joint venture, association, social club, fraternal organization, corporation, estate, trust, receiver, syndicate, in this and any other county, city and county, city municipality, district or other political subdivision or any other group or combination acting as a unit." Agents may sign this document; however, the legal name and entity of the applicant and property owner must be provided below. 1 . APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent) Provide the COMPLETE. LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having a financial interest in the application. If the applicant includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, titles, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publiclv-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person__ _ Corp/Part 'PWAg.o* Scuta*. Title _ Title (set Address _ Address /l^° *• SfcfuivjeCA ?>-^0. , # .i,o<* *NC,e:c,€~S , c/\ 40025- 2. OWNER (Not the owner's agent) Provide the COMPLETE. LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal ownership (i.e., partnership, tenants in common, non-profit, corporation, etc.). If the ownership includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, titles, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publiclv-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person _ Corp/Part _ Title _ ; _ Title _ Address Address P-1(A) Page 1 of 2 Revised 07/10 3. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION OR TRUST If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a nonprofit organization or a trust. list the names and addresses of ANY person serving as an officer or director of the non- profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the. wc^TeRw u><**\v/*j Non Profit/Trust Non Profit/Trust M<MH*U*J(» Title Title Address Address ISA U-ftuMJb fr£. . S^rG" 3-S" 4. Have you had more than $500 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff, Boards, Commissions, Committees and/or Council within the past twelve (12) months? J Yes | ^ No If yes, please indicate person(s): ^ Ifc. NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary. I certify that all the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature of owner/date Signature of applicant/date Print or type name of owner Print or type name of applicant Signature of owner/applicant's agent if applicable/date Print or type name of owner/applicant's agent P-1 (A) Page 2 of 2 Revised 07/10 TAVARUA SENIOR APARTMENTS, L.P. GENERAL PARTNERS 5ft. Name Address City Tavarua Senior Apartments, LLC 1640 Sepulvcda Blvd., Suite 425 Los Angeles State Zip Code CA 90025 Sb, Name Address City Western Community Housing, Inc. 151 Kalmus Drive, Suite J-5 Costa Mesa State Zip Code CA 92626 5001778 j. I TAVARUA AFFORDABLE SENIOR APARTMENTS Carlsbad, CALIFORNIA PROPERTY OWNER: CIVIL ENGINEER: KFFF Consulting Engineer? Los Angd« Cilifemn 90045 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: 511 30th Street Newport Beach, CA 92663 949.675.9964 www.mi5designgroup.com KTGY NO. 20090219 m CD OO < <<§ > z: i < LLJ b h- OO U August 31, 2011 ROLL-DOWN SECURITY GATE ENTRY TO PARKING ELECTRICAL ROOM- RESIDENT PARKING UNDER 2 STORIES STACKED FLATS DASHED LINE SHOWS ACCESSIBLE P.O.T. ON SITE 10 OFF SITE GUEST PARKING SPACES ON PALM AND HARDING PROPOSED SITE PLAN UNIT SUMMARY PLAN 1A PLAN 1B PLAN2A PLAN2B PLAN2C TOTAL 32 10 4 2 2 PARKING SUMMARY STANDARD 41 (IN STRUCTURE) COMPACT 5 ACCESSIBLE 4 GUEST TOTAL 10 (OFF SITE) 60 VICINITY MAP SUMMARY: 1. Address: Assessor's Parcel Number: 2. Site Acreage: 5. Classification of Lots as to intended uses: 6. Number of Units: 7. Total Number of Lota Proposed; 8. Proposed Density in Dweltng Units per Acre 10. Building Square Footage: 1 1 . Percent of Site to be Landscaped: 13. Required Employee Eating Area: 14. Open or Recreational Space for Each 15. Undevelopable Area: 18. Storage Space 18. Sevrer, Water, & School District BUILDING CODE INFORMATION: 3568-99 Harding Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 204-192-12 55.56 22.886 sq.ft. 15,211 sq.ft. 60 60 32 Units- ±60 sq.ft. 8 Units - ±80 sq.fL 10Unit3-Osq.ft. Indoor (Communty Space) - ±3,200sq.n. Outdoor (Courtyard) - ±5,300sq.R. ± 180 c.f. fH 200 Trips Community Room 4 Fitness • Group A-3 Lobby. Offices. Tech Room - Group B Multi-Family Residential - Group R-2 Type V-A (NFPA13 Sprinkler System) FENTATIVE MAP tt CIVIL ENGINEER: KPFF Consulting Engineers Lo.Af,*a CillfcmiWMS*.* Ipflcom LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: 511 30th Street Newport Beach, CA 91663 W9-675.9964 KTGY NO. 20090219 t " <^_ _v« < LU oI— C/O U August 31, 2011 A1.0 FIRST LEVEL FLOOR PLAN Parking Garage- ± 17,050 sf Residential & Rec Space- ± 5,836 sf SECOND LEVEL FLOOR PLAN ± 23,400 sf TENTATIVE MAP « Ui Ai^lB C3I01JSJ543 DEVELOPER; 1. CIVIL ENGINEER; KPFF Consulting Engine SI I 30* Street Newport Beach. CA 92663 949.675.9964 KTGYNO. 20090219 1 CO <! Q_o LK- u (_) T3D~Z. -SLU "Boo u August 31, 2011 A2.0 THIRD FLOOR PLAN ± 23,400 sf 4:12 PITCH ROOF ROOF PLAN 8 32 TENTATIVE MAP U CIVIL ENGINEER: KPFF Consulting Engines 511 3<Wi Street Newpatt Beach, CA 9Z663 949475.9964 KTGY NO. 20090219 c/o D. CD ou_u_<< u u August 31, 2011 A2.1 UNIT UNIT PARKING UNIT I ^" UN1T m BUILDING SECTION EAST WEST COURTYARD SECTION LOOKING EAST COURTYARD SECTION LOOKING WEST TENTATIVE MAP tf _ PROPERTY OWNER: CIVIL ENGINEER; KPFF Consulting Engine SI I 30th Street Newport Beach. CA 92663 949.675.9964 KTGY NO. 20090219 CO oI m DO CO < Q- o<jx- O < ^ ^- D> Zi < LIJ DI— CO 0 August 31, 2011 A3.0 •10 HARDING STREET ELEVATION PALM STREET ELEVATION MATERIALS KEY I. 2. i. 4. 5. 6. ;. !. 9. ID. STUCCO HET»L POT SHELF DARK WINDOW FRAME FABRIC AWNING MICK WALL CAP WOOD POST METAL RAILING DECORATIVE LIGHT FIXTURE WOOD-LIKE PANEL CONCRETE S-TILE HOOF TENTATIVE MAP #____ •ROPWr! OWNEfc IMOS Sepul»etb Blvd iieJ25Loi Ar^d« CA 90(25 DB'ELOPER;Tavarua Senior Apartments, L.P. CIVIL ENGINEER: K.PFF Consulting Eng Ml 30thStreet Newport BeatK CA 92663 949.675.9964 www.misdesiEngroup.com KTGY NO. 20090219 CD~ C/) -Z.o UJ _ < Z^ n t^ <<§ < LLJ U August 31, 2011 A4.0 INTERSTATE 5 ELEVATION SOUTHEAST ELEVATION MATERIALS KEY STUCCO NETAL POT SHELF DARK WINDOW FRAHE FABRIC AWNING 1RICK WALL CAP V(OOD POST METAL RAILING DECORATIVE LIGHT FIXTURE WOOD-LIKE PANEL CONCRETE S-TILE HOOF TENTATIVE MAP S CIVIL ENGINEER: KPFF Consulting Eng LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: Newport Beach, CA 92663 949.675.9964 KTGY NO. 20090219 O LU APPLICATION TYPE: LU << z u<Qi LLJ o C/O U August 31. 2011 A4.1 HARDING STREET SCENE INTERSTATE 5 SCENE la Senior Apartments, L.P. 17992 Mitchell South Irvine. CA 92614949.851 J|33 CIVIL ENGINEER: KPFF Consulting Engim LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: 511 30th StreetNewport Beach, CA 92663 949 675.99M www.rnjsdesigngroijp.com KTGY NO. 20090219 LU Q UJ=! H => Im oo; QQ 00 rv- '' ' 2^11 .*. <<r < z <<1 ^^5 << O T3r*« — o> z^< LU bI— OO O August 31, 2011 A4.2 PALM & HARDING AERIAL SCENE CIVIL ENGINEER: KPFF Consulting Engine 511 30th Street Newport Beach. CA 92663949.675.9564 www.m] sde! ig ngroup.com KTGY NO. 20090219 LU DO Q _ < < < Zn &z > z: i < LU bI— OO U August 31, 2011 A4.3 COURTYARD AERIAL SCENE SOUTHWEST AERIAL SCENE PALM STREET SCENE TENTATIVE MAP: www kfrff™, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT- 5 1 1 30th Street Newport Beach. CA 92663 949.675.9964 wwv-.mjsdesigngroup.com KTGY NO. 20090219 LJJo: oQ LU =! H CD O APPLICATION TYPE: Planned Development: Pi CD CO <^0 J<Q < LU <O T3 O_Q-^2 bU August 31,2011 A4.4 PLAN 1A 600 NET LIVABLE S.F. PLAN1B 693 NET LIVABLE S.F. PLAN2A 908 NET LIVABLE S.F. PLAN2C 897 NET LIVABLE S.F. PLAN2B 978 NET LIVABLE S.F. Note: All doorways, hallways, closets, and cabinets sized to comply with applicable accessibility requirements. TENTATIVE MAP tt CIVIL ENGINEER; 511 30th Street Newport Beach. CA 92663 94967S.9964 KTGY NO. 20090219 n ^ ___ ^^ ^ &• ^ ^<QE>• ~7 -0 ^Vl -^- ^2 < LLJ bh— OO U August 31,2011 A5.0 RECREATION AND LEASING OFFICES ±3900 S.F. TENTATIVE MAP tt CIVIL ENGINEER: KPFF Consulting Engineers Lei Ai«ri«. CAfnni MM! LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: MUSDwf n Group S 1 1 30th Street Newport Beach. CA 926* 3^49.675.9964 KTGY NO. 20090219 CD <08 o O iELLI LL t£. O 2u_ ^ << < z u T3 .. - -> Z i < LLJ bI — OO U August 31, 2011 A5.1 SHE IHFOMtmON SITE ADDRESS 396B-M HARDNG STREET, CARLSBAD. CA 9200B me PROPERTY uts WTHH aooo rote v, AREA DETERMWED TD BE OUTSDE THE on ANNLML CHANCE FLOODPLAM. AS SHOWN ON FKM IUP COMMUNITY PAWL NUMBER OF 0607X0764T WTED. JUNE 19. 1997. AMI PHI MAP COMMUMTY PANEL NUMBER (M07X07B1F. DATED JUNE 19, 1997. LEGAL DE5CRPTION "PARCEL A' AS SHOWN ON CERTFICATE OF COMPLWtCE WITH CONDITIONS EWENCEO Of DOCUMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 7. IBM AS WSTRUMEHT NO. 93-0908020 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, DESCROED AS FOLLOWS; ALLDFLOT3ANOLOT6AMDTHE NORTHERLY 449 FEET OF LOT 4 N SLOCK "B" Of THE RESueOWSKW OF A PORTION OF ALIES AVOCADO ACRES, N THE CUT OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DECO. STATE OF CAUFORMA. ACCORDMG TO HAP THEREOF NO. 2027. Fl£0 N THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DECO COUNTY. MAY 17. 1927. AND; THAT PART OF THAT PORTION OF LOTS 7 AND 8 M BLOCK V OF THE RESUGOMSION OF A PORTION OF ALLES AVOCADO ACRES AS 5HMM ON HAP NO. 2027. FLED M THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF SAN DECO COUNTY. MAY 17. 1917. AS SAD PORTION HAS COWETED TO THE STATE OF CAUFORNU BY DEED RECORDED JAKUART B. 1967 AS NSTRUVENT Ha 160* OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAN PECO COUNTY. SAD PART HEREBY CONVEYED LYftC SOUTHWESTERLY OF THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHWESTERLY LME OF THE STATE HBHWAY 11-50-3-483 DESCnSEO AS FOLLOWS; eEGMNMG AT A POHT WWCH BEARS SOUTH «7'2«'M' WEST. 108.72 FEET FROM £HCmCER*S STATION 17B * 10 OF THE -0- UNE OF THE 1964 SURVEY FOR SAC MGHWAY BETWEEN CANNON HOW AND 8UENA VISTA CREEK: THENCE ALONG SAD SOUTHWESTERLY UNE NORTH 2?4f17' WEST. 344.41 FEET TO NORTHERLY UNE OF PALV AVENUE SHOWN AS ALLES WENUE ON SAO HAP NO, 2027; THENCE CONTHUHG NORTH 2741'IT* WEST, 195.99 FEET TO A POUT WHCH BEARS SOUTH Vfyfif WEST. 110.00 FEET FROM ENGMEER'S STATION 183 + 90 OF SAD "O" UNE. SETBACK ft ZONMG VORUATDN REFERENCE; CWLSBAOCA.GOV MUMCOOe.COM(CARL5BAO. CAUFORNU. CODE OF ORDINANCES/TITLE 2t-ZOMNG) ZONE: R-J UULTPLE FAULY RESOENTMLtSEE CODE FOR FULL PARTICULARS) USES: HULTI-FAMI.Y DWELLINGS. R-2 USES AND M LUTED CASES PUBLIC PARKMC LOTS ESTIMATED EARTHWORK QUANTTDES Mtt CUBC YARDS 34B CUBC YARDS no cuac YARDS 2. ESTUATEO EARTHWORK ABOVE IS BASED ON DESKN FMSH GRADES TO EXISTING GRADES AND/OR CONTOURS AS PROVDED ON THE BASE SURVEY. THE ESTUATEO EARTHWORK DOES NOT ACCOUNT FOR THE THOCHESS OF PAVEMENTS, FOUNDAnONS AND SLABS ON GRADE. FOOTMGS, CLEAnNG AND CAUBBMC, OVER EXCAVATDN AND RECOMPACnON. AND CONSTRUCTOR MEANS AND METHODS. 3. THE ESTNATED EARTHWORK OJANTITCS DO HOI MCLUOE SHRMKAQC AND/OR EXPANSON FACTORS DUE TO COMPACTION OR OVER EXCAMT0N QUANTITCS. S. ESTUATEO EARTHWORK QUANTITCS ABOVE ASSUME THAT ALL ONSTTE MATERW3 ARE SUITABLE FOR BACKFILLING. HOWEVER. ACTUAL DCST1NC ONSITE IIATERVLS AND MPORTED HATERULS MUST FIRST BE APPROVED BY THE CEOTECHMCAL ENCHEER PRK9R TOMSTALLATON. REMOWL. OR REPLACEMENT. FRONT YARD SETBACK PER SECTION 21.16,040: SOE SETBACKS PER SECTION 21.16.050: SDE YARD HAS A WDTH NOT LESS THAN TEN PERCENT OF THE MOTH OF THE LOT; PROMEO. THAT SUCH SDE YARD SHALL BE NOT LESS THAN FIVE FEET H WIDTH AND NEED HOT EXCEED TEN FEET; AND 2. CORNER LOTS AND REVERSED CORNER LOTS 5HA1L HAVE THE FOLLOWMC SDE YARDS: A. ON THE SDE LOT UNE WHO* ADJOINS ANOTHER LOT. THE SDE YARD SHALL BE THE SAUE AS THAT REQUREO ON AN NTEROR LOT. AND & OH THE SDE STREET SIDE THE WDTH OF THE REOURED SOE YARD SHALL BE TEN FEET AND SAD SOE YARD SHAU EXTEND THE FULL LENGTH OF THE LOT. REAR YARD SETBACK; EQUAL TO TWCE THE REOURED SDE SETBACK LOT COVERAGE PER SECTION 21.16.090: ALL BULOMCS, MCLUDHG ACCESSORY BUUXNCS AND STRUCTURES. SHAU NOT COVER MORE THAN SIXTY PERCENT OF THE AREA OF A LOT. WATER FACOJTtES WERACC POTABLE WATER DEMAND >EAK POTABLE HKtCR OOUW RE FLOW DEMAND CALCUUTDH UO CPD/UMT • 90 UMTS IJ» ' 12.500 CPD 1&900 GPD 10,619 GPD 1.790 GPM - SEWER FAOUTES SEWEH CENERATPN ) MOD • 50 UMTS |ll,000 MCo|| FLOW THROUGH PLANTER/BDRETENTDN AREA CONSTRUCTION NOTES <T) EXISTING TREE TO BE REMOVED. (T) FLOW-THROUGH FLTRATON PLANTER. CASOA BMP (TC32. (T) VEGETATED SWALL CASOA BMP fTCJO. © PROPOSED PVC. SDR-3S STORM DRNN PPE. (X) PROPOSED PVC. SOR-33 SAWTARY SEWER PK. (T) PVC C-9DO WATER PIPE. (T) AREA DRAM/HATER QUALITY MLET. CASOA BMP fTC3a (T) EXSTMC WAU TO BE REMOVED. (T) EXSTMG BDOMC TO BE REUOVEa Tavarua Senior Apartments, LP. KTGY NO. 20090219 SITE PLAN APPLICATION TYPE: Planned D*vtlapm«nt Permit! LLJ bOO Urn August 5th 2011 C1.10 BMP IWL£ BHP DJf flHP IWE 1 snea CASOA NO. I oLwmrr rSS I 'SSS «sw IHEMMOU COKTHOL© (0© («) LOW 1* 0) sound ROOF ORMH TO PUNTER MLET FLTER KTDESQI (UO.) WERMOUS ARE* CONTROL • \mm « l:¥4i^ SD-11 TC-31 TC-SO TC-J2 e 209 SO. FT. 7 9X SO, FT. 1,101 SO. FT. PARTY RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTENANCE: NAME Mflft* SEHCT IfMlHBtK CONTACT_ ADDRESS 'MO S. SEPULVG* BLVD PHONE NO. (310) 373 PLAN PREPARED BY: BMP NOTES: 1. THESE BMPS ARE MANDATORY TO BE INSTALLED PER tt&NUF' E UATERWL OH TYPES OR PLANHHG TYPES PRKW UPPROVAl FROM THE CITY ENGINEER WILL 8E GRANTED UNTIL THE CIT\ WSPECTTOM STAFF THIS PROJECT FOR APPROPRIATE PROPOSED SITE FEATURES 22.740 SO, FT.* WLKS (06CONNECTEO MPERWUS «OS): 4.007 SO. FT? 25.747 Sa FT. TOTAL PERVIOUS: PLANTER/ aORETEIfflOH AREA.- 9M SO. FT.* 11,101 SO. FT. 12JU7 SO. H, TOTM. GEOTECHWCAL DATA PERCHED GROUND WTER GROUNO HATER AT 12* BELOW SURFACE EXtSTIMC SITE FEATURES 27JU SO, FT. PERVIOUS : 11.546 Sa FT. HOODED OVERFLOW J* UULCH FOR PRCTREATUENT SUSUP PUWTER BOX DCSCN Pl/NTER SOX 1 PBft PB|2 PB|3 PBf4 PBfS poie TOTAL TReuTART AREA 1099 iqn 3290 «)« 1695 iqrt 2BOO iqft 9400 iqR 3700 tqft Z2.740 «qn* PLANTER 80* S3 FT U IX 76 lie J80 1» we RATO 4X 4% « 4% « 4X 4t IffilL (-THROUGH PLANTER BOX e TO GROLM) WATER TABLE VEGETATED SWALE sssrV «W REVISION OESCTIPTION MR HIM. mown UtE MIM. MOWL VERIFIED BY. INSPECTOR DATE «' II CITY OF CARLSBAD ||*"ttts II txatauK xmntcM II STORM WATER MITIGATION PLAN lowfrft .. . ...II PROJECT NO. |DRA»»C NOJ l°""": II IJSWMPl PROPOSED 6' HIGH OPEN METAL FENCE •RESIDENT ONLV SIGNAGE at GARAGE ENTRY COMMUNITY GARDEN • RAISED PLANTER BEDS • DECOMPOSED GRANITE WALKS • LOW FENCE CENTRAL COURTYARD • FOUNTAIN • ACCENT TREES • ENHANCED PAVING » OUTDOOR SEATING COURTYARD TERRACE • OUTDOOR FURNITURE• BUILT-IN BARBEQUE • ENHANCED PAVING EXISTING SINGLE STORY HOUSE PROPOSED VERTICAL EVERGREEN TREE at 16'o.c. PROPOSED 6' HIGH MASONRY WALL EXISTING SINGLE STORY GARAGE EXISTING TREE: {1} TWO.TRUNK CHINESE ELM wild 14'A18'TRUNKS TREE to be REMOVED EXISTING SINGLE STORY HOUSE 24" WIDE COBBLE ADJACENT to FLOW-THRU PLANTERS PROJECT SIGN WALL- (SEPARATE PERMIT REQUIRED) STREET TREE MINIMUM 5' BEHIND SIDEWALK STORM WATER TREATMENT FLOW-THRU PLANTERS (SEE CIVIL ENGINEER PLANS) -•RESIDENT ONLY' SIGNAGE at GARAGE ENTRY A.5-4 LANDSCAPE PERCENTAGES TOTAL SOFTSCAPE = 11.060 s.f. TOTAL SITE AREA = 39.142 s.(. PERCENT of TOTAL SITE USED FOR LANDSCAPING = 28% A.5-5 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE NOTE: ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS INSIDE of PROPERTY LINE/R.O.W. to be MAINTAINED by THE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION. PARKWAY LANDSCAPE AREAS INSIDE R.O.W. at PALM AVENUE & HARDING STREET to be MAINTAINED by THE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION. A.5-2.3 EXISTING PLANT MATERIAL NOTE: EXISTING TREES to be REMOVED (12H and greater caliper): (1) TWO-TRUNK CHINESE ELM at HARDING STREET SEE PLAN for LOCATION. A.5-3 PLANTING ZONES: SEE SHEET L.2 WATER CONSERVATION PLAN for PLANT ZONE TYPES and LOCATIONS. WUCOLS NOTE: WUCOLS, Water Use Classification of Landscape Species, is a University of California Cooperative Extension Publication and is a guide to the water needs of landscape plants. SCALE: 1/16'- I'-O" o A.5-2.2 PRELIMINARY PLANT PALETTE SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME PALM AVENUE STREET TREE SIZE QTY. WUCOLS CINNAMOHUM CAMPHORA METROSIDEROS EXCELSA NEW ZEALAND CHRISTMAS TREE TREE IN FRONT SETBACK PLATANUS x ACERFOLJA 'BLOOOGOOD'LONDON PLANE TREE ARBUTUS 'MARINA1 STRAWBERRY TREE ARECASTRUM ROMANZOFF1ANUM PHOENIX OACTYL1FERA PRUNUS C. THUNDERCLOUD1 EVERGREEN VERTICAL TREEo SMALL SCALE COURTYARD TREE O MEDIUM SHRUBS UELALEUCA QUINQUENERV1A TRISTANIACONFERTA LAGERSTROEMIA I. HYBRID MELALEUCA NESOPHILA PINKMELALEUCA PYRUS KAWAKAMII PYRUS KAWAKAMII OLEA 'SWAN HILL' ARBUTUS'MARINA' STENOCARPUS SINUATUS AGAVE ATTENUATA FEIJOASELLOWIANA PITTOSPORUM SPECIES PHORMIUM SPECIES STRELITZIA REGINAE BOUGAINVILLEA 'ROSENKA' CALLISTEMON 'LITTLE JOHN' LIGUSTRUM J. TEXANUM' RHAPHIOLEPISINDICA'CLARA' AGAPANTHUS A, 'PETER PAN' BUXUS M. 'GREEN BEAUTY' CARISSA M. 'PROSTRATA' FESTUCA OVINA GLAUCA HEMEROCALUS HYBRIDS PHILODENDRON 'XANADU' ROSEMARINUS PROSTRATUS SENECIO MANDRALISCAE TRACHELOSPERMUM JASMINIOIDES COPROSMA X KIRKII MYOPORUM 'PACIFICUW LONICERA 'HALUANA' FLOWTHR PLANTERS CHONDROPETALUM TECTORUM MISCANTHUS 'GREEN MIST1 FLOWERING PLUM BRISBANE BOX LOW BRANCH FRUITLESS OUVE STRAWBERRY TREE FIREWHEELTREE PINEAPPLE GUAVA NEW ZEALAND FLAX BIRD OF PARADISE DWARF CALLISTEMON WAX LEAF PRIVET ICEBERG ROSE DWARF LILY OF THE MILE 1 GAL JAPANESE BOXWOOD DWARF PHILODENDRON DWARF ROSEMARY HALL'S HONEYSUCKLE FLATS @ 8" O.C. 1 GAL @ 3' O.C. 1 GAL @ 3'O.C. DWARF CAPE RUSH SODDED T RF - PALM AVENUE PARKWAY DROUGHT TOLERANT TALL TYPE FESCUE SYN LAWN OR EQUAL Tavarua Senior Apartments, L.P. MJSDeslgn Group, Landscape Architecture Newport BsacH. CA 92663 (MflBTWWI <<§ ^ < < LU oI— CO O August 31, 2011 L.1 HARDING STREET WATER QUALITY BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES J. RESIDENTIAL GUTTER DOWNSPOUTS FLOWINTO FLOW-THRU PLANTERS. 5. PROPERTY MANAGER TO ROUTINELY CLEAN CATCH BASINS and DRAINLJNES of DEBRIS. ESTIMATED WATER USE per ZONE Maximum Applied Water Allowance MAWA - (ETJ x (.85) x (Landscape Area) x (.62) Site Landiopa A™ - (42.9 x .85 x 1 1.070 i.F. x .62) - 250.174 gal jyr. Estimated Total Water Use _ FWII-IFT nf^ - ( Plant FactorxLandiea|»Araa\EWU - (Eli x 0.62) x ( |,,,sldor, E,,,,,^,^!^, ) Zon. 2. Courtyard- I42.9x0.i2) Zo™ 3 - Northwest Exposure - (42.9x062) ZoneJ-SoothaanExpom- (42.° x 0.62) « ( Zone!- Norths Expo™- (42-9 x 0.62) x ( "•" -jjg° '•'• ) . 25.612s*,,.. (42,9 x 0.62) . ''" "££° '' - 1I.»9S vU,,. Flow Th™ Planter - (42-9 x 0 62) x (080x.^Sf ) = 22.461 &f,l. TOTAL ESTIMATED WATER USE -229.187 galjyr. B.5-1 PLANTING ZONES / HYDROZONES SYMBOL PLANTING ZONE LOCATION ZONE TWO - COURTYARD ZONE THREE- NORTHWEST EXPOSURE ZONE THREE - SOUTHEAST EXPOSURE ZONE THREE- NORTHEAST EXPOSURE ZONE THREE- SOUTHWEST EXPOSURE FLOW-THRU PLANTERS SOFTSCAPE 2,740 S.F. 1,780 S.F. 1,890 S.F. 1,670 S.F. 2,030 S.F. % of TOTAL LANDSCAPE 15% TOTAL: 11,060 S.F. B.5-2 TURF NOTE: NO PROPOSED TURF ON SITE. WATER CONSERVING TURF PROPOSED lor PALM AVENUE PARKWAY. B.5-3 RECLAIMED WATER NOTE: RECLAIMED WATER NOT AVAILABLE FOR THIS SITE. B.5-4 WATER CONSERVATION PRINCIPLES PURPOSE: TO PROVIDE THE MAINTENANCE STAFF A MECHANICAL DEVKE TO DISTRIBUTE WATER AND ENSURE PUNT SURVIVAL IN THE MOST EFFICIENT MANNER AND WITHIN ATIME FRAME THAT LEAST INTERFERES WITH THE ACTIVITIES OF THE RESIDENTS. CONCEPT: THE SYSTEM WILL DERIVE ITS WATER FROM THE DOMESTIC WATER PURVEYOR. ALL POINTS OF CONNECTIONS WILL BE PROTECTED BY A BACKFLOW PREVENTION UNIT IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY STANDARDS. THE SYSTEM WILL UTILIZE DRIP and BUBBLER IRRIGATION COMPATIBLE WITH THE AREA BEING WATERED AND INFILTRATION RATES OF THE SOIL THESYSTEM WILL BE CONTROLLED BY A WEATHER TfWK' or 'SMAfir CONTROLLER. VALVES PROGRAMMED FROM AUTOMATIC CONTROLLERS WILL MAXIMIZE EFFICIENT WATER APPLICATION. TO AVOID WATER RUNOFF, THE CONTROLS WILL BE OVERSEEN BY A FLOW MONITOR THAT WILL DETECT ANY BROKEN BUBBLER HEADS or DRIP TUBING TO STOP THAT STATION'S OPERATION, ADVANCING TO THE NEXT WORKABLE STATION. IN THE EVENT OF PFIESSURE SUPPLY LINE BREAKAGE. IT WILL COMPLETELY STOP THE OPERATION OF THE SYSTEM. ALL MATERIAL WILL BE NONFERROUS. WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE BRASS PIPING INTO AND OUT OF THE BACKFLOW UMTS. ALL WORK WILL BE IN THE BEST ACCEPTABLE MANNER IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE CODES AND STANDARDS PREVAILING IN THE INDUSTRY, IRRIGATION SYSTEM: IRRIGATION ZONES: ALL LANDSCAPED AREAS HAVE A PLANTING ZONE DESIGNATION OF: 2 (REFINED). 3<NATlJR|LZEDnRANSITlGNAL) per CITY of CARLSBAD REQUIREMENTS. IRRIGATION EMITTERS: ALL SHRUB AREAS SHALL 3E IRRIGATED USING DRIP TYPE IRRIGATION SYSTEM. ALL TREES SHALL BE IRRIGATED USING BUBBLER AND/OR DRIP IRRIGATION SYSTEM. ALL GROUNDCOVERAREAS SHALL BE IRRIGATED USING DRIP IRRIGATION SYSTEM. IRRIGATION CONTROLLER; CONTROLLER SHALL BE AUTOMATIC WITH MULTIPLE PROGRAMMING CAPABILITY. CONTROLLER TO BE REPROGRAMMED SEASONALLY TO MINIMIZE RUNOFF AND OVER WATERING. 'SMART" CONTROLLER WEATHER TRACKING DEVICES SHALL BE UTILIZED TO CONTROL IRRIGATION CYCLES ACCORDING TO SPECIFIC IRRIGATION REQUIREMENTS. CLASS OF IRRIGATION PIPE: ALL MAINLINE SHALL BE CLASS 315 PVC. ALL LATERAL LINE SHALL BE CLASS 200 PVC. run SCALE: 1/16'- I'-CT Tavarua Senior Apartments, L.P. MJSDesign Group. Landscape Architecture Canrufy Lofts (949) G7S-VM4 CO ^f :-? ° *£$°* r( °>il < LLJ | I— CO U August 31, 2011 L.2 CALTRANS PROPERTY Tavarua Senior Apartments, L.P. LANDSCAPE AMENITIES KEY: THRACE** FURNITURE, BUILT-IN BARBECUE COUNTER and ENHANCED PAVING CENTRAL COURTYARD with FOUNTAIN, FLOWERING TREES, ENHANCED WVING and BENCHES COMMUNITY GARDEN (?2'« 27') with RAISED PLANTERS, STORAGE, SEATING and PASS-THRU PERGOLA SYNTHETIC TURF / SAME AREA LOBBY ENTRANCE WITH PROJECT SIGN WALL ENHANCED PAVING AT ENTRY TO GARAGE 6'TUBULAR STEEL FENCE AND GATE 'RESIDENT ONLY' DIRECTIONAL 6'HT PERIMETER MASONRY WALL 6'HT PERIMETER TUBULAR STEEL FENCE HARDING STREET MJSDesign Group Landscape Architecture !? ^< -z.r\ &^f 3? O l«§ $il < LU oI— C/5 U August 31, 2011 L.3