HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP 14-03; CP Juniper Apartments; Site Development Plan (SDP) The City of Carlsbad Planning Division A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION Item No. Application complete date: June 16, 2014 P.C. AGENDA OF: August 6, 2014 Project Planner: Van Lynch Project Engineer: David Rick SUBJECT: SDP 14-03/CDP 14-04 – CP JUNIPER APARTMENTS – Request for approval of a Site Development Plan and Coastal Development Permit to demolish an existing single- family home, shed and detached garage to allow for the development of a four-unit multiple-family residential apartment project on a 0.2 acre infill site located at 385 Juniper Avenue, within the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program and Local Facilities Management Zone 1. The project site is not within the appealable area of the California Coastal Commission. The City Planner has determined that this project is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301, for the demolition of a single family residence and accessory structures, and Section 15303, for the construction of no more than four dwelling units in an urbanized area of the State CEQA Guidelines and will not have any adverse significant impact on the environment. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 7067 APPROVING Site Development Plan SDP 14-03 and Coastal Development Permit CDP 14-04, based upon the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND The applicant proposes to demolish an existing single-family home, shed and detached garage to allow for the development of a four-unit multiple-family residential apartment project on a 0.2 acre infill site within the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program and the Beach Area Overlay Zone (BAOZ). More specifically, the site is located at 385 Juniper Avenue on the south side of the street, west and adjacent to the railroad tracks. The development of the proposed apartment project requires the processing and approval of a Site Development Plan and Coastal Development Permit. Topographically, the site slopes from west to east with a drop in grade ranging in elevation from approximately 45 feet above mean sea level (MSL) along the western property line to 43 feet (MSL) along the eastern property line. The site is developed with an existing unoccupied single-family home, shed and detached garage. The site is devoid of any sensitive vegetation. The one large Coast Live Oak tree along the eastern property line is to remain. The proposed apartment units (Units A-D) are attached in a U-shape configuration with a private 20 ft. wide driveway located in the center of the lot providing access to the nine parking spaces in a tuck under configuration. Three of the two-story units are located above the parking spaces on the east and west side of the lot with a common deck spanning over the drive access way. The fourth unit in the back of the lot is a two story unit over a basement with living space and an at grade two car garage. Each unit is provided with two covered parking spaces. There are four separate floor plans (Plan Types A - D) consisting of one-, two-, three- and four-bedroom units each ranging in size from 819 square feet to 2 SDP 14-03/CDP 14-04 – CP JUNIPER APARTMENTS October 6, 2014 Page 2 2,762 square feet. All units are accessed from the common raised deck via a common stairway to a sidewalk connecting to the public sidewalk along Juniper Avenue. Unit C, the rear unit, has a separate at grade entry for an accessible (handicap) room on the ground level. The building will have two stories over at-grade parking and two stories over a basement (Unit C) with an overall building height of 29′-11 1/4″. Unit C has a flat roof component that serves as a private patio space and an equipment enclosure for heating, ventilating and air-conditioning units. Unit C also has use of the rear yard setback as a private yard area. It is the intent of the project owner/developer to live in Unit C. Primary building materials are two-toned colored stucco siding, asphalt composition shingles cover a 3:12 pitched roof over most of the units, metal Stainless steel railings for the common access deck, and steel awnings cover the entries to the units. Architecturally the buildings are very simple and clean looking. The project will include water sensitive landscape elements such as native plants and low water use landscaping. In December of 2013 a four unit condominium project was approved adjacent to the west of the project site. The condominium units are attached in a four-plex configuration with a private 20 ft. wide driveway located along the east side of the building and two guest parking spaces located to the rear. Table “A” below includes the General Plan designations, zoning and current land uses of the project site and surrounding properties. TABLE A Location General Plan Designation Zoning Current Land Use Site Residential High Density (RH) 15-23 du/ac with a Growth Management Control Point (GMCP) of 19 du/ac. Multiple-Family Residential (R-3) Zone with Beach Area Overlay Zone (BAOZ) Single-family home w/shed/detached garage North RH R-3 with BAOZ Multiple-family Residential South RH R-3 with BAOZ Multiple-family Residential East Transportation Corridor (TC) TC Railroad tracks West RH R-3 with BAOZ Multiple-family Residential Table “B” below includes the project site’s gross and net acreage, the number of dwelling units allowed by the General Plan’s Growth Management Control Point (GMCP) density and the proposed projects number of dwelling units and density. TABLE B Gross Acres Net Acres DUs Allowed at GMCP (19 du/ac) Density DUs Proposed and Project Density 0.2 acres 0.2 acres 3.8 units 4 units at 20 du/ac Site work includes grading quantities of 110 cubic yards of cut, 10 cubic yards of fill, and 100 cubic yards of export. The project will also be providing half street improvements which consist of providing curb, sidewalk and gutter and a cul-de-sac bulb to terminate Juniper Avenue and drainage improvements from the cul-de-sac into the drainage structure in the railroad property. SDP 14-03/CDP 14-04 – CP JUNIPER APARTMENTS October 6, 2014 Page 3 The project meets the City’s standards and as designed and conditioned, is in compliance with the General Plan and relevant zoning regulations of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (C.M.C). III. ANALYSIS The project is subject to the following regulations: A. Residential High Density (RH) General Plan Land Use designation; B. Multiple-Family Residential (R-3) Zone and Beach Area Overlay Zone (BAOZ) (C.M.C. Chapters 21.16 and 21.82); C. Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program; D. Inclusionary Housing Ordinance (C.M.C. Chapter 21.85); and E. Growth Management Ordinance (C.M.C. Chapter 21.90) and Zone 1 Local Facilities Management Plan. The recommendation for approval of this project was developed by analyzing the project’s consistency with the applicable regulations and policies. The project’s compliance with each of the above regulations is discussed in detail in the sections below. A. General Plan Residential High Density (RH) Land Use Designation The General Plan Land Use designation for the property is Residential-High (RH). The RH designation allows residential development at a density range of 15-23 dwelling units per acre with a Growth Management Control Point (GMCP) of 19 dwelling units per acre. The project site has a net developable acreage of 0.2 acres. The project’s proposed density of 20 du/ac is within the RH density range of 15-23 du/ac, but is above the RH GMCP of 19 du/ac used for the purpose of calculating the City’s compliance with Government Code Section 65863. At the GMCP, 3.8 dwelling units, or 4 when rounded up per C.M.C. Section 21.53.230(e), would be permitted on this 0.2 net developable acre property. Although the project exceeds the GMCP for the RH General Plan Land Use designation by the fractional unit allocation of 0.2 dwelling units, the General Plan Land Use Element allows the City to approve residential development at a density that exceeds the GMCP for the applicable density range provided the proposed residential development complies with certain findings as discussed below. To exceed the GMCP, the project must be consistent with the following required General Plan findings: 1) that the project will provide sufficient additional public facilities for the density in excess of the control point to ensure that the adequacy of the City’s public facilities plans will not be adversely impacted; 2) that there have been sufficient developments approved in the quadrant at densities below the control point so that the approval will not result in exceeding the quadrant limit; and, 3) all necessary public facilities required by the City’s Growth Management Program will be constructed, or are guaranteed to be constructed, concurrently with the need for them created by this development and in compliance with the adopted City standards. The proposed project is consistent with the above required findings in that there have been sufficient developments in the northwest quadrant that have developed at densities below the GMCP such that the allocation of 0.2 dwelling units would not result in exceeding the quadrant limit, the project is conditioned to pay the appropriate fees to comply with City’s Growth Management Program, and the City’s public facilities plans will not be adversely impacted as the allocation of 0.2 units has already been analyzed and anticipated within the northwest quadrant. SDP 14-03/CDP 14-04 – CP JUNIPER APARTMENTS October 6, 2014 Page 4 Furthermore, pursuant to City Council Policy No. 43 – Proposition E “Excess Dwelling” Unit Bank, in approving a request for an allocation of excess dwelling units, the following three findings must also be made: 1) That the project location and density are compatible with existing adjacent residential neighborhoods and/or nearby existing or planned uses; 2) That the project location and density are in accordance with the applicable provisions of the General Plan and any other applicable planning document; and 3) That the project complies with the findings stated in the General Plan Land Use Element for projects that exceed the GMCP for the applicable density range. The proposed project is consistent with the above required findings for the allocation of excess dwelling units in that: 1) the project is located within a Residential High (RH) General Plan Land Use designation and Multiple-Family Residential (R-3) zone, which consists predominantly of attached multiple-family residential condominiums and apartment buildings that are approved at a similar density (15-23 du/ac) as the density of the proposed project (20 du/ac), 2) that the project’s location and density described above are in accordance with the applicable provisions of the General Plan for the RH Land Use designation, and 3) that the project complies with the findings stated in the General Plan Land Use Element for projects that exceed the growth management control point (19 du/ac) for the RH Land Use designation as discussed above. Lastly, the project complies with the Elements of the General Plan as outlined in Table “C” below: TABLE C – GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE ELEMENT USE, CLASSIFICATION, GOAL, OBJECTIVE OR PROGRAM PROPOSED USES & IMPROVEMENTS COMPLIANCE Land Use Site is designated for Residential High density, (RH; 15-23 du/ac) with a GMCP of 19 du/ac. 3.8 dwelling units (4 when rounded up) could be constructed on the site at the GMCP (0.2 acres x 19 du/ac). The residential project density at 20 dwelling units per acre (4 DUs) is slightly above the RH GMCP of 19 du/ac used for the purpose of calculating the City’s compliance with Government Code Section 65863 but is within the RH density range of 15-23 du/ac. Therefore, 0.2 dwelling units will be withdrawn from the City’s excess dwelling unit bank consistent with City Council Policy No. 43. Yes Housing Provisions for affordable housing. The project is conditioned to pay an in lieu fee on a per unit basis. Yes Public Safety Reduce fire hazards to an acceptable level. The project site is located within a five minute response time of Fire Station No. 1 and has been designed to comply with the fire code, including provisions for an automatic sprinkler system within each dwelling unit. Yes SDP 14-03/CDP 14-04 – CP JUNIPER APARTMENTS October 6, 2014 Page 5 TABLE C – GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE (CONTINUED) ELEMENT USE, CLASSIFICATION, GOAL, OBJECTIVE OR PROGRAM PROPOSED USES & IMPROVEMENTS COMPLIANCE Open Space & Conservation Minimize the environmental impacts to sensitive resources within the City. Utilize Best Management Practices for control of storm water and to protect water quality. The project will not create any environmental impacts to the previously graded and developed site. The project is conditioned to conform to all NPDES requirements and has been designed to include Low Impact Design (LID) elements. Yes Noise Comply with the residential interior noise standard of 45 dB(A) CNEL. Commuter rail to freight trains produces vibration in the range of 75~80 VdB at 50 feet. Federal Transit Administration identifies that 75 VdB is an impact threshold to residences. A Noise Study (February 10, 2014) was prepared by Ldn Consulting, Inc, to address any potential noise impacts occurring as a result of the project sites close proximity to the railroad tracks located adjacent to the east. To achieve the 45 dB(a) CNEL interior noise standard, the noise study includes construction design standards (window closed conditioning and window design) to be incorporated at the building construction phase. The project has been conditioned to incorporate these design standards into the building design prior to the issuance of building permits. The apartment project does not require private outdoor recreation areas and therefore no outdoor attenuation in the form of a noise wall is required. The project is located 100 feet from the actual rail lines and the VdB is estimated to be at or less than 75VdB. Yes Circulation Construct roadway improvements needed to serve proposed development. All public facilities including curb, gutter and sidewalk are conditioned to be built along the property frontage (Juniper Avenue). Yes B. Multiple-Family Residential (R-3) Zone, Planned Development Regulations, and Beach Area Overlay Zone (BAOZ) The proposed project is required to comply with all applicable use and development standards of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) including the Multiple-Family Residential (R-3) Zone (C.M.C. Chapter 21.16) and the Beach Area Overlay Zone (BAOZ) (C.M.C. Chapter 21.82). The four-unit multiple-family residential apartment project meets or exceeds the requirements of the R- 3 Zone and the BAOZ as outlined in Table “D” below. SDP 14-03/CDP 14-04 – CP JUNIPER APARTMENTS October 6, 2014 Page 6 Table D – R-3 AND BAOZ COMPLIANCE R-3 Standards Required Proposed Comply Setbacks Front yard: 20’ Interior side yard: 8’2”' Rear: 16' 4” Front yard: 20’ Interior side yards: 8' 2” Rear: 16’4”' Yes Lot Coverage Maximum of 60% 46.3% Yes Parking 1.5 spaces/unit (Studio/One Bedroom) and 2 spaces/unit two or more bedrooms, one covered = 7.5 .3 spaces/unit guest = 1.2 Total spaces = 8.7 ~ 9 spaces Nine parking spaces, all covered. Project also provides one space as an accessible parking space with requisite loading area. Yes BAOZ Standards Required Proposed Comply Building Height 30 feet with minimum 3:12 roof pitch is provided or 24 feet if less than a 3:12 roof pitch is provided Roof Peak = 29′-11 1/4″ w/ 3:12 roof pitch Roof Decks = <24 ft. Yes C. Local Coastal Program The proposed site is located outside the appeals area of the City’s Coastal Zone and lies within the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program. The project site has an LCP Land Use designation of RH and Zoning of R-3, which are consistent with the City’s General Plan and Zoning. The projects consistency with the RH General Plan Land Use designation is analyzed in Section ”A,” Table “C” above. The proposed project is consistent with the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program which contains land use policies for development and conservation of coastal land and water areas within its boundaries. The policies of the Mello II Segment emphasize topics such as preservation of agriculture and scenic resources, protection of environmentally sensitive resources, provision of shoreline access and prevention of geologic instability and erosion. The project is consistent with the coastal act policies as follows: a) no agricultural lands exist on the project site, therefore no impacts to such will occur; b) the site does not contain or impact environmentally sensitive habitats, water or marine resources; c) the site is geologically stable and the proposed grading for the site has been limited to the area necessary to develop the site; d) the project has been designed to reduce the amount of off-site runoff and has been conditioned to implement the NPDES standards to ensure the quality of the water leaving the site; e) the project meets the parking requirements for apartments; f) the project does not preclude any recreational opportunities or shoreline access as the property is located on the south side of Juniper Avenue between Garfield Street and the railroad tracks; and, g) the development of four residential apartments will not obstruct views of the coastline as seen from public lands or public right-of-way. Given the above, the project is consistent with the Mello II segment land use policies. SDP 14-03/CDP 14-04 – CP JUNIPER APARTMENTS October 6, 2014 Page 7 D. Inclusionary Housing Ordinance Typically a market rate rental project is not subject to the inclusionary housing requirements. Because the project is receiving .2 dwelling units from the Excess dwelling Unit Bank, this has been determined to be an “incentive” by City Council Policy Number 43 and is therefore subject to the inclusionary housing ordinance. An allocation of excess Dwelling Units to a project is an “incentive,” as defined in CMC (Carlsbad Municipal Code) Section 21.86.020(A)(12) and Government Code Section 65915(k), in that regulatory concessions that modify the requirements of CMC Chapter 21.90 by permitting developments with more dwelling units than otherwise permitted by the growth management control point (GMCP) established in CMC 21.90.045. The allocation of excess Dwelling Units to a project will result in identifiable, financially sufficient, and actual cost reductions to the project by permitting more Dwelling Units on a site than would otherwise be allowed by the underlying General Plan land use designation and so reducing land cost per dwelling unit. The project developed with three units would have a density of 15 dwelling units per acre and would be at the low end of the General Plan land use allowance (15 to 23 du/ac) for the site and would not require an allocation of units from the Excess Dwelling Unit bank, but would then be depositing .8 dwelling units as the project would be below the GMCP of 19 dwelling units per acre. The inclusionary housing requirement will be satisfied through the payment of an inclusionary housing in-lieu fee on a per unit basis as required by CMC Chapter 21.85 in consideration for the allocation of excess Dwelling Units. E. Growth Management The proposed project is located within Local Facilities Management Zone 1 in the northwest quadrant of the City. The impacts on public facilities created by the project, and its compliance with the adopted performance standards, are summarized in Table “E” below. TABLE E – GROWTH MANAGEMENT COMPLIANCE STANDARD IMPACTS COMPLIANCE City Administration 13.91 sq. ft. Yes Library 7.42 sq. ft. Yes Waste Water Treatment 4 EDU Yes Parks 0.028 acre Yes Drainage 0.9 CFS Yes Circulation 24 ADT Yes Fire Station No. 1 Yes Open Space 0 acres N/A Schools Carlsbad (E=.6832/M=.2264/HS = .2932) Yes Sewer Collection System 4 EDU Yes Water 1,000 GPD Yes The project proposes 4 dwelling units whereas the maximum unit yield at the GMCP of the property is 3.8 (4 units when rounded up) dwelling units. The proposed 4-unit project is 0.2 units above the Growth Management Control Point density for this RH designated property. Consistent with the General Plan and Policy No. 43, 0.2 dwelling units will be withdrawn from the City’s excess dwelling unit bank. SDP 14-03/CDP 14-04 – CP JUNIPER APARTMENTS October 6, 2014 Page 8 IV. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The City Planner has determined that the project belongs to a class of projects that the State Secretary for Resources has found do not have a significant impact on the environment, and it is therefore categorically exempt from the requirement for the preparation of environmental documents pursuant to Section 15301 for the demolition of a single family residence and accessory structures and Section 15303 for the construction of no more than four dwelling units in an urbanized area Categorical Exemptions of the State CEQA Guidelines. In making this determination, the City Planner has found that the exceptions listed in Section 15300.2 of the state CEQA Guidelines do not apply to this project. A Notice of Exemption will be filed by the City Planner upon final project approval. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 7067 2. Location Map 3. Disclosure Statement 4. Reduced Exhibits 5. Full Size Exhibits “A – S” dated August 6, 2014 HIB ISCUS CR T A M A R A C K A VGA R F I E LD S T REDW O O D A V ACACI A A V HEML O C K A V JUNI P E R A V V I L L AGE C R A N C H O R W Y NA U T I CAL DRV I LLAG E DR SDP 14-03 / CDP 14-04 CP Juniper Apartments SITE MAPEL CAM REALC A R LSB AD VILL AGE DR CARLSBA D BLL A COSTA AV PALOM AR AIRP ORT R D MELR OSE DRAVIARA PY RAN CHO S AN TA FE RDCOLL EGE BLEL CAMI NO REALSITE Project numberPurposeDrawn byChecked byThese drawings and specifications are theproperty and copyright of the architect andshall not be used on any other work exceptby agreement with the architect.Export Date:SDP 14-03 / CDP 14-047/19/2014 12:16:01 PMA-001Cover Sheet, Index13018city submittal - CDP / SDPTVSJLCCP Juniper Apartments385 Juniper Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 920081 Axonometric - from NE2 Axonometric - from NW3 Axonometric - from SE4 Axonometric - from SWARCHITECTURE / GRADING / LANDSCAPEA-001 Cover Sheet, IndexA-002 General Notes, Code RequirementsA-003 Site - Existing ConditionsA-004 Site - Architectural / Grading PlanA-005 Site Sections / ElevationsA-006 Site - Landscape PlanA-101 Ground Level PlanA-102 Deck Level PlanA-103 Upper Level PlanA-104 Upper Roof PlanA-201 Perimeter ElevationsA-202 Perimeter ElevationsA-203 Courtyard Section/ElevationsA-204 Courtyard Section/ElevationsA-301 Building SectionsA-302 Building SectionsA-303 Building SectionsA-304 Building SectionsA-601 Window/Door Schdl, Glazing DetailsOWNER/APPLICANTCP Juniper, LLCTyler Van Stright, Manager235 Pine Ave Apt QCarlsbad, CA 92008tyler@jlcarchitecture.com(760) 521-0866No. DescriptionDate 2,163 sfCarport(S-2)436 sfPrivate Garage(U)2,287 sfDwelling Unit C(R-2)1 HR separation at wallbtwn (S-2) and (R-2)1/2 HR separation at wallbtwn (U) and (R-2)per 406.3.4extent of coverage ovhd2,287 sfDwelling Unit C(R-2)2,930 sfDwelling Unit C(R-2)1 HR separation at wallbtwn dwelling units,min 50 STC1/2 HR separation at floorbtwn (U) and (R-2)per 406.3.41 HR separation at floorbtwn dwelling units2,930 sfHabitable Deck(R-2)1 HR separation at floorbtwn (S-2) and R-2)90' exit route(longest condition)2,287 sfDwelling Unit C(R-2)2,930 sfDwelling Unit C(R-2)1 HR separation at wallbtwn dwelling units,min 50 STC1 HR separation at floorbtwn dwelling units,min 50 STC1 HR separation at floorbtwn (S-2) and R-2)90' exit route(longest condition)Project numberPurposeDrawn byChecked byThese drawings and specifications are theproperty and copyright of the architect andshall not be used on any other work exceptby agreement with the architect.Export Date:SDP 14-03 / CDP 14-047/19/2014 12:16:03 PMA-002General Notes, CodeRequirements13018city submittal - CDP / SDPTVSJLCCP Juniper Apartments385 Juniper Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008GENERAL NOTES1.Receptacle outlet locations will comply with CEC Article 210.52 (A)2.Bathroom circuiting shall be either: a.) 20 amp circuit dedicated to each bathroom,or b.) At least one 20 amp circuit supplying only bathroom receptacle outlets3.Bedroom branch circuits will be arc fault circuit protected per CEC Article 210.12(B)4.GCFI protected outlets for locations described in NEC 210.8: kitchens, garages,bathrooms, crawl spaces, laundries, wet bar sinks, outdoors, within 6” of sink, etc.5.Per CEC Article 510.52 (C): in kitchens a receptacle outlet shall be installed ateach counter space 12" or wider; receptacles shall be installed so that no pointalong the wall line is more than 24"; peninsular countertops 12" by 24" long (orgreater) shall have at least one receptacle. (Counter spaces separated by rangetops, refrigerators or sinks shall be considered as separate counter top spaces.)6.Tamper resistant receptacles for all locations as described in CEC Article 210.52(i.e. all receptacles).7.Weather resistant type for receptacles installed in damp or wet locations (outside).8.Arc-fault protection for all outlets (not just receptacles) located in rooms describedin NEC 210.12 (B): family, living, bedrooms, dining, halls, etc.9.Bathroom circuiting shall be either a.) A 20 amp circuit dedicated to eachbathroom, or b.) At least one 20 amp circuit supplying only bathroom receptacleoutlets.ELECTRICAL1.Water conservation measure must meet a20% reduction rate according to the table4.303.2 (see table to right) per CGC,effective 7.01.2011.2.When a shower is provided with multipleshower heads, the sum of flow to all theheads shall not exceed the 20% reducedlimit, or the shower shall be designed sothat only one head is on at a time. CGC4.303.2.3.The control valves in bathtubs and showercombinations must be pressure balancedor have thermostatic mixing valves perCPC Section 414.5 and 418.04.All hot water piping from the heat source tothe kitchen fixtures must be insulated (2" orless pipe = 1" thick insulation; greater than2" pipe size = 1.5" insulation).5.State health and safety code Sec. 17921.1bans the use of chlorinated polyvinylchloride (CPVC) for interior water supplypiping.6.Permanent vacuum breakers shall beincluded with all new hose bibbs.7.All ABS and PVC piping and fittings shallbe enclosed within walls and floorscovered with "type X gypsum board" orsimilar assemblies that provide the samelevel of fire protection. Protection ofmembrane penetrations is not required.PLUMBINGStairs-width shall be a min of 36" clear, handrails shall not project more than 4.5" on either side of the stairway-minimum headroom on all parts of the stairway shall be 6'-8" measured vertically from a sloped lineadjoining tread nosing-max riser height = 7.75", minimum tread depth = 10"-required landings shall have a minimum dimension of 36" measured in the direction of travelHandrails-handrails shall be provided on at least one side of each continuous run of treads or flight with four ormore risers- handrail height, measured vertically from the sloped plane adjoining the tread nosing, or finished surfaceof ramp slope, shall be min 34", max 38"-handrails for stairways shall be continuous for the full length of the flight, from a point directly above thetop riser of the flight to a point directly above the lowest riser of the flight-handrails shall provide code compliance with grip-size requirements (R311.7.7.3)-handgrips adjacent to wall shall have a min of 1.5" between wall and handrail, extensions shall bereturned or shall have round terminations or bendsGuards-shall have a height of 42", may be 34" along sides of stairs-opening between guardrails shall be less than 4". The triangular openings formed by the riser, tread andbottom element of a guardrail at a stair shall be less than 6"-shall be detailed to show capability to resist a concentrated load of 200 pounds in any direction alongthe top rail per R301.5. See structural for detailing/calculations.STAIRS/HANDRAILS/GUARDRAILS1.Site shall be planned and developed to keep surface water away from buildings. Plans shall be providedand approved by the City Engineer that show site grading and provide for storm water retention anddrainage during construction. BMP’s that are currently enforced by the city engineer must be implementedprior to initial inspection by the building department. CGC min of 50% of construction waste is to be recycled. CGC 4.408.1.3.The builder is to provide an operation manual (containing information for maintaining appliances, etc.) forthe owner at the time of final inspection. CGC 4.410.1.4.During construction, ends of duct openings are to be sealed, and mechanical equipment is to be covered.CGC 4.504.1.5.VOC’s must comply with the limitations listed in Section 4.504.3 and Tables 4.504.1, 4.504.2, 4.504.3 and4.504.5 for: Adhesives, Paints and Coatings, Carpet and Composition Wood Products. CGC 4.504.2.6.Bathroom fans shall be Energy Star rated, vented directly to the outside and controlled by a humidistat.CGC 4.506.1.7.If provided, whole house exhaust fans shall have insulated covers or louvers which close when the fan isoff. The covers or louvers shall have minimum R4.2 insulation. CGC 5.507.1.8.Heating and AC shall be sized and selected by ACCA Manual J or ASHRAE handbook or equivalent. Theduct sizing shall be sized in accordance with one of the ACCA methods listed in CGC Section 4.507.2.9.Prior to final approval of the building the licensed contractor, architect or engineer in responsible charge ofthe overall construction must complete and sign the Green Building Standards Certification form and givento the building department official to be filed with the approved plans.10.Any installed gas fireplace shall be a direct-vent sealed-combustion type. Any installed woodstove or pelletstove shall comply with US. EPA Phase II emission limits where applicable. Woodstoves, pellet stovesand fireplaces shall also comply with applicable local ordinances. CGC 4.503.111.Mechanical exhaust fans which exhaust directly from bathrooms shall comply with the following: 1. Fansshall be ENERGY STAR compliant and be ducted to terminate outside the building. 2. Unless functioningas a component of a whole house ventilation system, fans must be controlled by a humidistat which shallbe readily accessible. Humidistat controls shall be capable of adjustment between a relative humidityrange of 50 to 80 percent." CGC 4.506.1GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS1.Adhesives, sealants and caulks shall be compliant with VOC and other toxic compound limits.2.Paints, stains and other coatings shall be compliant with VOC limits.3.Aerosol paints and coatings shall be compliant with product weighted MIR limits for VOC and other toxiccompounds.4.Documentation shall be provided to verify that compliant VOC limit finish materials have been used. Aletter from the contractor and/or the building owner certifying what material has been used and itscompliance with the code must be submitted to the building inspector.5.Carpet and carpet systems shall be compliant with VOC limits. A letter from the contractor and/or thebuilding owner certifying what material has been used and its compliance with the code must besubmitted to the building inspector.6.50% of the floor area receiving resilient flooring shall comply with VOC-emission limits defined in theCollaborative for High Performance Schools (CHPS) Low-Emitting Materials List or be certified under theResilient Floor Covering Institute (RFCI) Floor Score Program.7.Particleboard, medium density fiberboard (MDF), and hardboard plywood used in interior finish systemsshall comply iwth low-formaldehyde emissions standards. A letter from the contractor and/or thebuilding owner certifying what material has been used and its compliance with the code must besubmitted to the building inspector.8.Building materials with visible signs of water damage shall not be installed. Wall and floor framing shallnot be enclosed when framing members exceed 19% moisture content.9.The moisture content of building materials used in wall and floor framing is checked before enclosure.Moisture content shall be verified by either a probe type or contact tpe moisture meter. A certificate ofcompliance indicating date of test, location and results issued by the framing subcontractor or generalcontractor must be submitted to the building inspector.CAL GREEN - GENERALMATERIAL NOTESMethod used for the selection of Heating and Air Conditioning equipment:Energy Pro software per ASHRAE based heating and cooling calculations.HVACFIRE NOTES1.New and existing buildings shall have approved address numbers, building numbers or approved buildingidentification placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property.These numbers shall contrast in color to background. Numbers shall be a minimum of 4” high with a minimumstroke width of ½ inch (per CFC Section 505.1).2.AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM - An Automatic Fire Sprinkler System shall be installed as perN.F.P.A. 13D, the most current edition shall be used and the Encinitas Fire Department policies. Detailedsprinkler plans shall be submitted to the Fire Prevention Bureau and approved prior to installation. Plans andinstallation must be by a C16 licensed sprinkler contractor. New garage will require fire sprinklers and newcabana will require fire sprinklers. Existing fire sprinkler heads in existing residence may need to berelocated or additional fire sprinkle heads may need to be added for proper coverage.3.A Hydro inspection of the fire sprinkler system is required prior to frame inspection. Only the new piping shallbe tested.DEFERRED SUBMITTALS•Truss Calculations. If trusses are part of the structural design the General Contractor to providedesign-build for all trusses unless otherwise noted.•Automatic Fire Sprinkler System. If fire sprinklers are required, General contractor to provide fulldesign-build services including but not limited to survey of existing conditions, design, constructiondocuments, permit, construction and testing. Sprinkler plans must be submitted for review prior to anygeneral building inspections.Fire Sprinkler Notes:The submittal of residential fire sprinkler plans required by California Residential Code Section R313 hasbeen deferred.To avoid delays in construction, plans for fire sprinkler plans shall be submitted not less than 30 calenderdays prior to installation or prior to requesting a foundation inspection when the submittal of fire sprinklerplan is deferred. A framing/rough inspection shall not be requested prior to approval of the fire sprinklerplans.Residential systems designed to the requirements of NFPA 13D or NFPA 13R shall include the following: a.Garage areas will be included in the area to be sprinklered. Protection of the heads will be required for allheads installed in garage areas. b. All bathrooms, regardless of square footage, shall be protected. c. Abackflow protection device shall be required. d. A fire alarm signal shall be provided by a water flow switchlocated on the sprinkler riser and the alarm bell shall be of sufficient intensity to be clearly audible in allbedrooms. e. Domestic water supply shut off shall be installed so that the residential sprinkler systemcannot be shut off, except at the meter. f. Residential dwellings constructed more than 150 feet from aroadway meeting public road standards shall be provided with a sprinkler system.1.All notes listed below are applicable unless otherwise noted within the construction documents orspecifications.2.All work to be done in accordance with local codes, laws, ordinances, CAL-OSHA, city, county, state, andnational standards and safety codes including but not limited to 2013 edition of the California Code ofRegulations (Title24), which adopts the following model codes: 2012 IRC, 2012 IBC, 2012 UPC, 2012 UMC,2011 NEC3.All Residential projects shall comply with the 2013 California Residential Code which adopts the followingmodel codes: 2012 IRC, 2012 UPC, 2012 UMC, 2011 NEC4.Changes to the approved drawings and specifications shall be made only by owner approved addenda orchange order.5.The contractor shall verify in the field all dimensions, elevations, flow lines and points of connection withadjacent properties; any discrepancies shall be called to the architect's attention before proceeding with thework.6.The contractor shall determine the location of utility services in the area prior to excavation. The contractorshall assume responsibility for the protection of existing utilities and pavement within the area of the workwhether indicated on the drawings or not, unless otherwise noted. All utilities to be underground per utilitycompany and local code requirements.7.Should any condition arise where the intent of the drawings is in doubt where there is a discrepancy orappears to be an error on the drawings between the drawings and the field conditions, the architect shallbe notified as soon as reasonably possible for procedure to be followed.8.Where details are not shown for any part of the work, the construction shall be similar to other similar work,or contact the architect for clarification.9.Workmanship throughout shall be of the best quality of the trade involved.10.Each subcontractor is considered a specialist in his respective field and shall, prior to the submission of bidor performance of work, notify the general contractor or owner of any work called out on the drawings inhis trade that cannot be fully guaranteed. The contractor and/or subcontractors shall be responsible for theappropriate "hook-up" to all utilities required to support the work.11.Permits, fees, taxes, licenses, and deposits shall be paid for and obtained by each sub-contractor and thegeneral contractor as they relate to their work.12.These drawings do not include necessary components for construction safety of all parties present on thejob site. This is the contractor's responsibility.13.The contractor shall protect adjacent properties and site work at all times.14.All dimensions are to face of studs, masonry or centerline unless noted otherwise. Do not scale drawings.Dimensions prevail.15.Do not make connection, brace, or suspend any construction or equipment from the roof deck or joistsunless indicated on the drawings.16.Any periodic visits to the job site by the architect are for provisions of the contract documents, and are inno way a guarantee or insurance that the finished project totally complies with the contract documents.17.The architect does not assume any of the responsibility for methods or appliances used by the contractor,nor safety of the job in compliance with the laws and regulations.18.All construction and demolition debris shall be removed from around the buildings, the driveways, sidewalksand landscaping at the end of each work day. The driveways and sidewalks shall be swept clean.19.The contractor shall limit the site storage of material, supplies or temporary structures to those areas asindicated on the drawings or as approved by the owner's representative.20.The contractor shall repair or replace any items damaged during demolition or construction indicated to bereused or to remain, at no cost to the owners.21.Building insulation shall be certified by the manufacturer to meet the California quality standards forinsulating materials.22.All new glazing will be installed w/ certifying label attached showing the "U" value.23.The contractor shall provide a separation or barrier between all dissimilar metals.24.All exterior metal, including but not limited to weld plates, flashing etc., shall be primed and painted per thespecification (copper shall be left unpainted, unless otherwise noted).25.Interior finishes shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 8, Uniform Building Code.Maximum 1 "Sone" rating for continuously running fansMaximum 3 "Sone" rating for fans w/ intermittent useVENTILATION1.Provide permanently wired smoke detectors (SD) with battery backup power in each sleepingroom and in a central location to protect sleeping areas. Also provide permanently wired insmoke detector with battery backup on each story and in basement.2.Where more than one smoke alarm is required to to be installed within a unit, the smokealarms shall be interconnected in such a manner that the activiation of one alarm will activateall of the alarms in the unit.3.Smoke alarms in existing areas need not be interconnected and hard wired where thealterations or repairs do not result in the removal of interior wall or ceiling finishes exposingthe structure, unless there is an attic, crawl space or basement available which could privideaccess for hard wiring and interconnected without the removal of interior finishes.SMOKE DETECTORS1.In dwelling units within which fuel-burning appliances are installed (and in dwelling units havingattached garages) provide permanently wired carbon monoxide detectors with battery backuppower outside each sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms. Also providepermanently wired in carbon monoxide detector with battery backup on each story and inbasement.2.Where more than one cabon monoxide alarm is required to to be installed within a unit, thealarms shall be interconnected in such a manner that the activiation of one alarm will activateall of the alarms in the unit.3.Carbon monoxide alarms in existing areas need not be interconnected and hard wired wherethe alterations or repairs do not result in the removal of interior wall or ceiling finishes exposingthe structure, unless there is an attic, crawl space or basement available which could privideaccess for hard wiring and interconnected without the removal of interior finishes.CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORSCMSD1.Insulation at all roof locations to be minimum R-value per EN-1012.Roof covering must be Class A minimum. No wood shakes or shingles allowed.3.Attic ventilation openings shall be covered with corrosion resistant metal mesh with1/8" min to 1/4" max openings.4.New low-slope Roof - Mnf: John Mansvill, Product: APP Modified Bitumen HeatFused Systems (see specification below). Class A rated.5.New slope Roof - Mnf: Owens Corning, Product: Supreme Shingles (Class A rated)6.Deck Coating - Mnf: Westcoat, Product: ALX, see cut sheetROOF NOTES(Class A Roof Required)Manufacturer: Johns ManvilleProduct: APP Modified Bitumen Heat Fused SystemsDeck: C-15/32Base Sheet: Two Plies Type G2, "Permaply 28", "Glasbase" or "Dibiglass Base",Mechanically Fastened Or Hot Mopped.Membrane: "Appex 4.5m Fr", "Dibiten Poly 4.5 Fr", (Modified Bitumen), Heat Welded.UL Listing: R101671.All lighting must comply with all mandatory measures per EN-101.2.In kitchen at least one-half of the wattage rating of the fixtures must be high efficacy with non-high efficacy fixtures switched separately.3.In bathrooms, garages, laundry rooms, and utility rooms all fixtures must be high efficacy styleor controlled by a vacancy sensor.4.All other rooms require any installed fixtures to be high efficacy or be controlled by a vacancysensor or dimmer. (Closets under 70 SF are exempt.)5.Outdoor lighting fixtures that are attached to the building are required to be high efficacy or becontrolled by a combination photo-control/motion sensor.LIGHTING EFFICIENCY 3/32" = 1'-0"1 Code - 1 - Ground/Lower Level 3/32" = 1'-0"2 Code - 2 - Deck/Split Level 3/32" = 1'-0"3 Code - 3 - Upper LevelNo. DescriptionDate 43'-0" 44'-0" 45'-0" 46'-0" 43'-0" 44'-0" 45'-0" 43'-0" 43'-0" 44'-0" 43'-0" 43'-0" 43'-0" 43 '-0 " 43'-0" 43'-0" (e) house to be demolished(e) shed to be demolished(e) garage and carport to be demolishedwood fence tobe removedrailroad signguard railpending retainingwall and fence(e) trees tobe removedpending sidewalkdirt drivewaywood fence to be removedwood fence to be removedextent of asphalt30'-0"(e) 6" waterwater valvetele pedistalbollardsewer manhole12' +/-10' +/-7' +/-(e) 6" sewer(e) 1" H.P. gasfire hydrant (30' +/-)(e) 10" sewer(e) 8" water(e) water meter(e) electrical mater and panel(e) gas meter(e) sewer lateral tobe abandoned(e) gas lateral tobe abandonedNote: improvements at 369Juniper shown as pendingpendingdriveway(e) olive tree to remain34° 33' 07"115.00'SE55° 26' 53"76.50'SWextent of railroadright of wayN 34° 33' 07" W115.00'N 55° 26' 53" E76.50'Juniper Avenue (CL)(e) oak tree to remain(21" diameter as shown),trim canopy as required12" diaChinese Elm18" dia Chinese Elm15" diaChinese Elm19" diaChinese Elm22" diaChinese ElmNProject numberPurposeDrawn byChecked byThese drawings and specifications are theproperty and copyright of the architect andshall not be used on any other work exceptby agreement with the architect.Export Date:project northSDP 14-03 / CDP 14-047/19/2014 12:16:04 PMA-003Site - ExistingConditions13018city submittal - CDP / SDPTVSJLCCP Juniper Apartments385 Juniper Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 1/8" = 1'-0"1 Site - Existing ConditionsNo. DescriptionDate UPDNUPUPUP 43'-0" 43'-0" 43'-0" 43'-0" 44'-0" 45'-0" 46'-0" 44'-0" 4 3 '-0 " 44'-0" 44'-0" 52'-0"vanaccessiblestandardstandardside setback81'-7 1/2" x 0.10 = 8'-2"1" clr59'-0"1'-0"1" clrside setback81'-7 1/2" x 0.10 = 8'-2"(n) sidewalkstandard(covered)standard(covered)2 0 ' fro n t s e tb a ck 20'-0" clr20'-0" clrstandard(covered)(n) 5' tall masonrytrash/recycling/yardwaste enclosure(2 containers per type)403 SFC-Garage1f i r e : 150' hos e pu l l 39'-11" (FF)44'-4 1/2"rear setback81'-7 1/2" x 0.20 = 16'-4"87612345(e) 6' masonry wall to remain(n) masonry wall and fencealong east PL, see elevation(arc length at front setback)81'-7 1/2"standard(covered)standard(covered)3'-4"3'-6"44'-0" (FF)46'-3"46'-3"44'-0"min 1%min 1%20'-0"24'-0" (24' min drive aisle)8'-6"8'-6"20'-0"8'-0"9'-0"8'-6"8'-6 1/2" 8'-6 3/4" 8'-6 1/2"20'-0"18'-0"4.7%20'-0" wide driveway44'-0"42'-11"43'-10"43'-10"43'-11"(e) wall steps to 11' tall(e) 6' wood fence to remain13'-4"3'-1"2A-0052A-00545'-9"45'-3"44'-9"top of deck = max 30" abovegrade (no railing required)2%76'-6"43'-5"min 1%TC 43'-8"TC 44'-2"TC 44'-1"TC 44'-7"TC 45'-0"45'-0 1/2"47'-0"42'-0"43'-9"43'-7"43'-0"43'-1"43'-1"43'-1"44'-7"TC 43'-6"DRAINAGE(n) sidewalkfuture sidewalk (not a part)(e) crowncul de sac dimensions percity standard GS-3pending sidewalkextent of asphaltDRAINAGEDRAINAGEDRAINAGEJuniper Avenue (CL)(e) railroad sign(e) guard railNote: improvements at 369Juniper shown as pendingpending retainingwall and fence onadjacent propertypending driveway(e) oak tree to remain(21" diameter as shown),trim canopy as required30'-0"(e) 6" water(e) water valve(e) tele pedistal(e) bollard(e) sewer manholeFL. EL36.00' per improvement planproject No. 8-19, drawing No. 117-212' +/-10' +/-7' +/-(e) 6" VC sewer (slope = 2.63% per improvementplan project No. 8-19, drawing No. 117-2)(e) 1" H.P. gas(e) fire hydrant (30' +/-)(e) 10" VC sewer main(slope = 0.28%)(e) 8" water(e) 5/8" water meter, upgrade as required(n) gas lateral43'-0"43'-3"2.2%43'-2"44'-3"44'-3"34° 33' 07"99.84'NW55° 26' 53"76.50'SW73° 11' 46"14.33'NE55° 26' 53"4.53'NER=L=61.51'52.00'accessible P.O.T.accessible P.O.T.accessible living spaceand bath at Unit C30'-0" (60' ROW)line ofdeck ovhdline of bldg ovhddownspout (typ)downspout (typ)railroad right of wayvehicular site lines,see landscape planline of deck ovhd1" clr from setback at face offinish (typ at all bldg walls)extent of (e) asphaltstreet pavement andbase, sidewalk anddriveway apron per citystandardrear setback81'-7 1/2" x 0.20 = 16'-4"1" clr22'-9 1/4"6'-9 1/2"26'-11 3/4"26'-10 3/4"(n) sewer lateral(see site section)standard9(5' min)5'-0 1/2"A-00531A-0051A-005fencedetailflow directionwide hatch = proposed publicstreet dedication ROW(e) electrical service connection from(e) transformer (part of scope ofwork for project at 369 Juniper)pad@39'-3"pad@43'-3"pad@43'-4"I.E. approx 33.0'see site sectionraised planter44'-8"43'-8"43'-0"surface flow atadjacent propertyraised planter(e) 44.0(e) 43.0 (e) 43.0(e) 45.0(e) 43.0mailbox(e) 44.0 44'-9 1/2"43'-11" (FF)pad@43'-4"44'-0" (FF)2%3%2.5%0.7%1%1%1%2%2.1%44'-2"0.6%TC 44'-0"(e) 43.0HP 44'-7 1/2"HP 44'-3"0.8%8 .0 % 8 .5 %1.8%2.1%1.5%1.5%min 1%min 2%2%2%12" min gap btwn (n) and (e)masonry walls to allow drainageoff property, infill w wood fence,allow drainage at base2.5%drainage off property at woodfence, provide sufficient gapalong entire base2%43'-10"2%min 2%43'-0"removed AC bermand barricadeper MS 13-05saw cut linetight hatch = (n) streetpavement and base,1.5" cold mill and ACoverlay north of saw cutmin 1%min 2%43'-5"43'-4"43'-7"8% sloped curb atface of garageaccessible P.O.T.swale line0.6%swale at bottom of slope,direct surface flow tolandscape areaflowflow34° 33' 07"115.00'SE6' tall wood fence and gate(must meet POT requirements)1" clr7'-2 1/4"10'-7 3/4"3'-0 3/4"1'-10 1/2"36'-6 1/4"1'-8"13'-2"6' tall wood fence and gate0.8%2'-0" overhang into landscape area2'-0 3/4" overhang into landscape area1%43'-8 1/2"43'-5"43'-8"1.6%extend sidewalk topending improvements44'-3"extent of (e) asphaltNProject numberPurposeDrawn byChecked byThese drawings and specifications are theproperty and copyright of the architect andshall not be used on any other work exceptby agreement with the architect.Export Date:project northSDP 14-03 / CDP 14-047/19/2014 12:16:11 PMA-004Site - Architectural /Grading Plan13018city submittal - CDP / SDPTVSJLCCP Juniper Apartments385 Juniper Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008NOTE: All buildingdimensions shown on thisplan are measured to theexterior wall surface. 1/8" = 1'-0"1 Site - Architectural / Grading PlanPROJECT DATAProject NameCP JuniperPermit ApplicationsCoastal Development PermitSite Development PermitStreet Address385 Juniper Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008Assessor's Parcel No.204-240-35-00Legal DescriptionThe Northeasterly half of the Northwesterly half of Lot 4 in block 'R' of PalisadesNo. 2, according to the map thereof No. 1803 filed in the office of the countyrecorder of said San Diego County, August 25, 1924.Site/Building SummaryExisting Lot8,798 SF (.20 acres)Required Dedication 1,228SFPost-Dedication Lot7,570SFLot Coverage3,776 SF / 7,570 SF = 49.9%Building Size5,652 SF (see table)Landscape % 2,488 SF / 7,570 SF = 32.9%Zoning SummaryZoning DesignationR-3General Plan DesignationRHOverlay ZonesBeach Area, Coastal ZoneExisting Land UseResidential - Single FamilyProposed Land UseResidential - ApartmentsDensity SummaryLand Use Density Range15-23 du/acreGMCP Density19GMCP Density Calculation0.20 acres x 19 du/acre = 3.8 unitsProposed Density Calculation0.20 acres x 20 du/acre = 4.0 unitsProposed Number of Units4Project proposes the withdrawal of 0.2 units from the "excess dwelling unitbank" in accordance with the requirement of City Council Policy No. 43.Parking Summary2.0 spots per 2 bedroom unit2.0 spaces x 3 units =6.01.5 spots per 1 bedroom unit1.5 spaces x 1 units =1.50.3 spots per unit for visitors0.3 spaces x 4 units =1.2Total spaces =8.7-9 total spaces required / 9 provided-1 van accessible parking space required / 1 providedBuilding Height SummaryMax # of Stories3Proposed # of Stories3Max Structure Height24' (<3:12 roof slope)30' (>3:12 roof slope)Proposed Building Height20'-3" (<3:12 roof slope)29'-11 1/4" (>3:12 roof slope)Building Setback SummaryFront Setback Required (Provided) 20' (20'-1")Side Setback Required (Provided) 81.62' (.10) = 8'-2"(8'-3")Side Setback Required (Provided) x2 side = 16'-4" (16'-5")Utilities/Public Services SummaryWater DistrictCarlsbad Municipal Water DistrictProposed Water Demand250 gal / day / unitSewer DistrictCity of CarlsbadProposed Sewer Demand1 EDU / unitMaster Drainage BasinBSchool DistrictCarlsbad Unified School DistrictNoise StudyNoise study "CP Juniper Residential Development Interior Noise Report" hasbeen completed by LDN Consulting, Inc. and included with submittal.Recommendations from report will be followed in order to comply with interiornoise level limits per the City of Carlsbad. Exterior noise level limits are notapplicable to this project.Earthworks SummaryRemedial grading per recommendation of Geotechnical Report prepared by CWLaMonte.Proposed Disturbance90%Remedial50 CY (in-place at pavement areas)Proposed Cut140 CY (incl. excavation for lower level)Proposed Fill10 CYNet Export130 CY (10% shrinkage factor) = 117 CYStormwater Calculationsproposed roof3,776sfproposed hardscape1,827sfproposed street2,538sfTotalProposed8,141sftotal existing(3,945)Net New Proposed4,196sf(<5000 sf)See stormwater checklist and attached exhibits for additional documentationon area calculations.Traffic Volume Calculations6 ADT x 4 units = 24 ADTOWNERCP Juniper, LLCTyler Van Stright, Manager235 Pine Ave Apt QCarlsbad, CA 92008tyler@jlcarchitecture.com(760) 521-0866ARCHITECTJLC Architecturecontact: Tyler Van Stright250 N Cedros AvenueSolana Beach, CA 92075tyler@jlcarchitecture.com(858) 436-7777 x2#SURVEYSampo Engineeringcontact: Vince Sampo1034 Second StreetEncinitas, CA 92024vince@sampoengineering.com(760) 436-0660GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERC.W. LaMonte Company, Inc.contact: Jerry Redolfi4350 Palm Avenue #25La Mesa, Ca, 91941redof@flash.net(619) 997-9861DIRECTORYVICINITY MAPPROJECT SITEGROSS BUILDING AREAArea Name Area CommentsUnit A419 SF 2- deck levelUnit A283 SF 3 - upper levelUnit A702 SFUnit B556 SF 2 - deck levelUnit B465 SF 3 - upper levelUnit B1021 SFUnit C436 SF 1 - ground level (garage)Unit C920 SF 2 - deck levelUnit C366 SF 3 - upper levelUnit C523 SF 0 - lower levelUnit C287 SF 1 - ground level (guest suite)Unit C193 SF 2 - deck level (office)Unit C2724 SFUnit D665 SF 2 - deck levelUnit D540 SF 3 - upper levelUnit D1205 SFGrand total 5652 SFACOUSTICAL ENGINEERLDN Consultingcontact: Jeremy Louden446 Crestcourt LaneFallbrook, CA 92028jlouden@ldnconsulting.net(760) 473-1253STRUCTURAL ENGINEERLovelace Engineeringcontact: Brent Katsuyama5930 Corner Stone CourtSuite 100San Diego, CA 92121MIsrael@lovelaceeng.com(858) 535-9111 x301ENERGY / T-24Gallant Energy Consultingcontact: Mark Gallant508 W Mission Ave Ste 201Escondido, CA 92025mark@title-24.com(760) 743-5408Type of ConstructionV-B (sprinklered)Occupancy Dwelling UnitsR-2GarageUCarportsS-2Maximum Stories3 (2 + 1 bonus story per 504.2)Maximum SFR-27,000 SF per storyU5,500 SFOccupancy LoadUnits A/B/D2,930 sf x (200) = 15Unit C2,287 sf x (200) = 11(Unit C calculated separately due to separate exit provided, see plans this page)Exits Required1 per Table 1021.2(1)4 units, <125' max travel distance (see plans)Fire Separation1 hourbetween (S-2) and (R-2)1 hourbetween dwelling units1/2 hourbetween private garage (U) and (R-2)Sound TransmissionMin 50 STC betweend dwelling unitsBUILDING CODE SUMMARYNo. DescriptionDate Ground Level FF44'-0"Deck Level FF53'-4"Lower Level FF39'-11"Upper Level FF62'-6"Split Level FF49'-0"Upper Roof Plate70'-3"pre-dedication property lineJuniper Avenue30'-0"(e) masonry wall onadjacent property1A-005Ground Level FF44'-0"Deck Level FF53'-4"Lower Level FF39'-11"Upper Level FF62'-6"Split Level FF49'-0"Upper Roof Plate70'-3"(e) carport atadjacent property(e) masonry wall onadjacent propertysandblasted 8x16 masonry units, stackbond configuration as shown w/ 2" cap(typical for all freestanding site walls)rought sawn cedarfence w/ black stain42" max heightwithin front setback32'-5"47'-5"9'-4"2'-0 1/2"5'-4"2'-0"5'-4"2'-0"5'-4"72" max height1A-005Ground Level FF44'-0"Deck Level FF53'-4"Lower Level FF39'-11"Upper Level FF62'-6"Split Level FF49'-0"Upper Roof Plate70'-3"2A-00532'-11 1/2"(e) 10" VC sewer, slope = 0.28% per "Plans for Carlsbad SanitaryDistrict Grand Avenue, et all", DWG118-9, sheet 14 of 28See also improvement plan project No. 8-19, drawing No. 117-2(n) 6" sewer lateral2.0%39'-11"railroad right of wayProject numberPurposeDrawn byChecked byThese drawings and specifications are theproperty and copyright of the architect andshall not be used on any other work exceptby agreement with the architect.Export Date:SDP 14-03 / CDP 14-047/19/2014 12:16:20 PMA-005Site Sections /Elevations13018city submittal - CDP / SDPTVSJLCCP Juniper Apartments385 Juniper Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 1/8" = 1'-0"2 Site Section 2 1/8" = 1'-0"3 Site Elevation - East Fence Detail 1/8" = 1'-0"1 Site Section 1No. DescriptionDate DNUPUPUPA(n) masonry wall / fencealong east PL, see elevationmailbox1 concrete, natural gray, broom finish2 pea gravel3 open wood/composite deckingAKK111123BKKKKKKLLPONEDRKONQZJHIBBW(train on fence)EW(train on fence)FW(train on fence)W(train on fence)JJ2HHHXC(along ground)GGFFVAACCFFY2(below trees)W(train on fence)W(at deck level planter)L(at deck level planter)HARDSCAPE LEGENDmaintain vehicular site lines per Cal Transstandards at driveway apron. 150' LOSextends to CL of eastbound lane. Landscapeto be maintained at 30" or less in height.(n) 5' tall masonrytrash/recycling/yardwaste enclosure(2 containers per type)Juniper Avenue (CL)1A(existing)MMMMJJDRF(below tree)EFQZJ22B(below tree)22W(train above top of fence at deck area toprovide screening between properties)2L(train on up wall)landscape area = 2,493 sf(potable water)hardscape area(material varies, see main plan)building footprintsize per plansize per planextents per planextents per planextents per planNProject numberPurposeDrawn byChecked byThese drawings and specifications are theproperty and copyright of the architect andshall not be used on any other work exceptby agreement with the architect.Export Date:project northSDP 14-03 / CDP 14-047/19/2014 12:16:30 PMA-006Site - Landscape Plan13018city submittal - CDP / SDPTVSJLCCP Juniper Apartments385 Juniper Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 1/8" = 1'-0"1 Site - Landscape PlanStatement of ExpertiseI am familiar with the requirements for landscape and irrigation plans containedin the city of Carlsbad’s landscape manual and water efficient landscaperegulations. I have prepared this plan in compliance with those regulations andthe landscape manual and agree to comply with all requirements whensubmitting construction documents. I certify that the plan implements thoseregulations to provide efficient use of water._______________________________________________Jean-Louis Coquereau, ArchitectWater Conservation StatementCarlsbad is a semi-arid “Mediterranean climate with an increasingly preciousand limited water supply. The landscape for this project is therefore designedto exist, in large part, without artificial irrigation once plants have beenestablished. Not surprisingly, California natives are well equipped to this task.Priority has been given to their use throughout the site. The notable exceptionsare areas for fruit trees and a private garden. Where irrigation is provided iswill be high efficiency as appropriate to the specific planting area. All plantshave been located with north, south east and west exposure in mind such thatthe plants are well suited to their specific locations, sun exposure and relativesoil moisture.Water Use CalculationTotal landscape area is less than 2,500 SF. See water use map below.WELO calculations are not required.Fire Protection PlanProject is located outside of high severity fire zone. Project will comply with allapplicable regulations resulting from project review.Maintenance ResponsibilityAll landscaping on site will be privately maintained by the owner. Maintenancewill be done in such a way as to provide a healthy growing environment for thevarious plants. Trash and other debris will be removed as required.Misc RequirementsLandscape construction drawings will be required to show and label all utilitiesand provide appropriate screening.The plan shall provide that only low volume or subsurface irrigation shall beused to irrigate any vegetation within twenty-four inches of an impermeablesurface unless the adjacent impermeable surfaces are designed andconstructed to cause water to drain entirely into a landscaped area. 1/16" = 1'-0"2 Water Use MapLANDSCAPE NOTES0'4'8'16'No. DescriptionDate UPUPUPUPUPUP1A-3011A-3011A-3031A-3031A-3021A-30239'-11"2A-3012A-301A-2021A-2012A-2011A-2022line of deck ovhdline of bldg ovhdline of bldg ovhdsee site plan forparking layout44'-4 1/2"403 SFC-Garage1100 SFC-Bdrm142100 SFC-Brdm243176 SFC-Playroom40252 SFC-Flex Room38A-2031bunk bedswardrobewardrobehooks / shelftowel barscurtain rodlinencloset2A-3032A-3031A-3041A-304wardrobeaccessiblethreshold rqrd44'-0"101104103102040301A-2041A-2032A-2042plumbing location at deck level ovhd (typ)2A-3022A-30281 SFC-Kid's Bath41(2' max)1'-11"(2' max)1'-11"(2' max)1'-5"2A-10143'-9"44'-3"58'-9 1/2"(36" min)3'-1"1'-10 1/2"3'-0 3/4"3'-7 3/4"6'-7"3'-0" clr10'-3"8'-8 1/2"4'-1"20'-6 3/4"15'-2 1/4"2'-1 1/2"4'-0"2'-7"EQEQmax 1.5" dropat thresholdline ofdeck ovhd4'-0"3'-0"3'-0"max 1.5" dropat threshold3'-4"3'-4"3'-0"3'-8"46'-3"44'-0"9'-4 3/4" clr10'-7" clr(30" min)2'-8" clr(24" min)2'-8" clr4'-8 1/2"2'-6"3'-11 1/4"4'-8"2'-6"Lightwells required for egress23'-0 1/2"20'-6 3/4"16'-2 1/4"40'-5 1/2"4'-8"3'-0 3/4"EQEQ6'-8 3/4"2'-7 3/4"3'-2 1/2"4'-4"6'-1 3/4"9'-0 1/4"9'-0"43'-11"3'-6 1/2"3'-3"10'-5 1/4"7'-2 1/4"4'-11 1/4"17'-7 1/2"30x42 clr30x42 clr6'-0 1/4"3'-1 1/4"10'-8 3/4"9'-4 1/2"align wdoor atdeck level7'-7 1/2"7'-6 3/4"wardrobe022A-3042A-304202205204206207203113114201SDCMsee stair/ handrail/guardrail notes on A-0025/8" type "x" gyp boardbtwn garage and dwelling1/2" gyp bd at undersideof stairs where accessibleSDCMSDSDsee stair/ handrail/guardrail notes on A-002see stair/ handrail/guardrail notes on A-002see stair/ handrail/guardrail notes on A-002R @6 1/2"17R @6 1/2"7R @7"8R @7 1/2"15EFEFEFGround Level FF44'-0"Lower Level FF39'-11"Split Level FF49'-0"(3' min clr)3'-0"(44" max for egress)34"6" min clrwaterproofing andfrench drain systemper specifications22.85' qualifies as "basement"23.21' qualifies as "basement"20.98' qualifies as "basement"1.88' does NOT qualify as "basement"7.50' qualifies as "basement"15.76' does NOT qualify as "basement"total perimeter92.08'"basement" perimeter74.53'74.53' / 92.08' = 80.94% (>75%)"Lower Level " qualifies as "basement" asdefined by City of Carlsbad for all heightlimit calculations Per 21.04.065. See bldgsections for additional documentation.NProject numberPurposeDrawn byChecked byThese drawings and specifications are theproperty and copyright of the architect andshall not be used on any other work exceptby agreement with the architect.Export Date:project northSDP 14-03 / CDP 14-047/19/2014 12:16:32 PMA-101Ground Level Plan13018city submittal - CDP / SDPTVSJLCCP Juniper Apartments385 Juniper Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 1/4" = 1'-0"1 Ground/Lower Level 1/2" = 1'-0"2 Lightwell DetailGROSS BUILDING AREAArea Name Area CommentsUnit A419 SF 2- deck levelUnit A283 SF 3 - upper levelUnit A702 SFUnit B556 SF 2 - deck levelUnit B465 SF 3 - upper levelUnit B1021 SFUnit C436 SF 1 - ground level (garage)Unit C920 SF 2 - deck levelUnit C366 SF 3 - upper levelUnit C523 SF 0 - lower levelUnit C287 SF 1 - ground level (guest suite)Unit C193 SF 2 - deck level (office)Unit C2724 SFUnit D665 SF 2 - deck levelUnit D540 SF 3 - upper levelUnit D1205 SFGrand total 5652 SF 1/8" = 1'-0"3"Basement" DiagramNo. DescriptionDate UPDNDNDNDNDNUPUPDNUPWasherDryer1A-3011A-3011A-3031A-3031A-3021A-30253'-4"53'-4"53'-4"2A-3012A-301A-2021A-2011A-20223'-1"5'-3"3'-1"46'-3"30 SFC-Laundry2146 SFC-Bdrm3/Office388 SFC-Entry4315 SFC-Kitchen5402 SFC-Living7A-2031storagebelow stairs2A-3032A-3031A-3041A-304storagebelowstairsstoragebelow stairs53'-1 1/2"1051061071091101110610110912130814151807A-2041A-2032A-2042face of wall ovhd19052A-3022A-302390 SFB-Great Room8348 SFA-Great Room9453 SFD-Great Room1019 SFC-Powder1120 SFB-Powder1222 SFD-Powder1320 SFA-Powder14(2' max)1'-11"(2' max)1'-5"(2' max)1'-11"1617skylightovhd12'-1"47'-0"1'-8"20'-9"26'-2 3/4"3'-11 1/4"4'-9 1/2"1'-7"2'-0"8'-9 1/2"6'-4"7'-6 1/2"4 1/4"2'-0"3'-5"8'-0"7'-8 1/4"7'-8 1/2"2'-3 3/4"19'-9 1/2"21'-2 1/2"18'-9 1/2"59'-9 1/2"5'-5 1/4"11'-0 1/4"2'-4"1'-4 3/4"8'-3"1'-4 3/4"15'-10 1/4"3'-11 1/4"5'-4"6'-0"WL(see planting legend)(see planting legend)10822'-0 1/2"4'-10"14'-1 1/2"2'-7"3'-1 3/4"26'-9 1/4"7'-0"15'-5 1/4"7'-1 1/2"56'-4"2'-6"9 3/4"3'-7 3/4"3'-4 1/4"3'-5 1/4"8'-10 3/4"line of roof ovhdline of roof ovhdline of roof ovhd2'-0"3'-11 1/4"9'-9 1/2"49'-0"58'-9 1/2"4'-0"3'-0"8'-10 3/4"2'-7"4'-0"17'-4 3/4"9'-10"4'-5 3/4"6'-4"4'-4 3/4"3'-1 1/4"3'-8"4'-6 1/4"4'-10"4'-10"2'-4 1/2"3'-1" clr3'-1" clr3'-6" clr3'-6" clr1'-10"4'-7"10'-5 1/4"4'-10"5'-11 1/2"7'-8"4'-10"2'-9 1/2"6'-1 1/2"3'-2 1/4"3'-5 3/4"3'-11 1/4"3'-1" clr3'-1" clr3'-0"3'-0"9'-9 3/4"6 1/2"(24" min)2'-0"55'-0"2A-3042A-304209210208216215211214212213SDCMSDSDCMSDCMSDCMsee stair/ handrail/guardrail notes on A-002see stair/ handrail/guardrail notes on A-002see stair/ handrail/guardrail notes on A-00249'-0"see stair/ handrail/guardrail notes on A-0026'-0 1/2"4'-2 3/4"8'-8 1/2"8'-7 3/4"9'-5 3/4"6'-0 1/2"9'-2 1/4"9'-9 1/4"7'-11"covered entry (typ)see stair/ handrail/guardrail notes on A-002R @6 1/2"17R @7 1/2"7R @7"8R @5 1/2"5R @5 3/4"5R @7 1/4"15R @7 1/2"15R @7 1/4"15R @7 1/4"15R @7 1/4"15EFEFEFEFEF1/4" / 12"NProject numberPurposeDrawn byChecked byThese drawings and specifications are theproperty and copyright of the architect andshall not be used on any other work exceptby agreement with the architect.Export Date:project northSDP 14-03 / CDP 14-047/19/2014 12:16:34 PMA-102Deck Level Plan13018city submittal - CDP / SDPTVSJLCCP Juniper Apartments385 Juniper Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 1/4" = 1'-0"1 Deck/Split LevelGROSS BUILDING AREAArea Name Area CommentsUnit A419 SF 2- deck levelUnit A283 SF 3 - upper levelUnit A702 SFUnit B556 SF 2 - deck levelUnit B465 SF 3 - upper levelUnit B1021 SFUnit C436 SF 1 - ground level (garage)Unit C920 SF 2 - deck levelUnit C366 SF 3 - upper levelUnit C523 SF 0 - lower levelUnit C287 SF 1 - ground level (guest suite)Unit C193 SF 2 - deck level (office)Unit C2724 SFUnit D665 SF 2 - deck levelUnit D540 SF 3 - upper levelUnit D1205 SFGrand total 5652 SFNo. DescriptionDate DNDNDNDN1A-3011A-3011A-3031A-3031A-3021A-30262'-6"62'-6"2A-3012A-301A-2021A-2012A-2011A-2022316 SFC-Master Suite447 7/8" / 12"storage overstairsstackedlaundrystackedlaundryA-2031open to below2A-3032A-3031A-3041A-304storage/closet +stacked laundry overstairs (floor at 2-3')storage/closetover stairs(floor at 2-3')62'-6"62'-6"1122122322524102628232730A-2032A-2042333420skylight ovhd63'-6" top of parapetface of wall belowenclosed deck(screening wallsapprox 5' tall)66'-10" top of parapet2A-3022A-302(2' max)1'-11"(2' max)1'-11"(2' max)1'-11"(2' max)1'-11"123 SFA-Bdrm1546 SFA-Bath16129 SFB-Bdrm117128 SFB-Bdrm21847 SFB-Bath19114 SFD-Bdrm32090 SFD-Bdrm221123 SFD-Bdrm12243 SFC-Bath12345 SFD-Bath224face of wall below2'-8 1/4"2'-0"5'-5 1/4"11'-0 1/4"2'-4"19'-9 1/2"21'-2 1/2"18'-9 1/2"10'-1 1/4"6'-10"6'-0"1'-7 3/4"52'-1 1/2"6'-2 1/2"26'-9 1/4"7'-0"18'-4 1/4"2'-9"10 1/2"2'-4 3/4"3'-10 3/4"4 3/4"2'-6"3'-5 1/4"8'-10 3/4"3'-1"11'-4 1/4"2'-6 3/4"skylightovhdskylight ovhd3'-3 1/2"5'-7 1/4"2'-10 3/4"3'-2 1/4"3'-4"3'-4 3/4"2'-0"59'-9 1/2"2'-0"19'-9 1/2"21'-2 1/2"18'-9 1/2"2'-10"6'-0"2'-1"6'-7 3/4"26'-9 1/4"7'-0"18'-4 1/4"8'-8"5'-9 1/4"2'-8 1/2"2'-6"1'-11 1/4"3'-4 3/4"2'-4 1/2"4'-10"9'-6"043'-7 1/4"4'-10"11'-5 1/2"7'-4"51'-9 1/2"10'-11 1/2"1'-8"5'-10 1/4"15'-4 1/4"28'-11"(24" min)2'-0"8'-2 3/4"7'-1 1/2"6'-9"7'-0 1/4"3'-2 1/2"3'-6 3/4"8'-4 1/2"7'-11 1/2"4'-0"2'-8 1/2"6'-4"7'-1"9 3/4"2'-0"4'-0"3'-5 1/4"face of gutter ovhdtrellis for climbing plantsface of wall belowHVAC equipmentfor all unitsdownspout (typ)line of roof ovhdface of gutter ovhd5'-10 1/4"11'-5"3'-11 1/4"3'-2 1/4"11'-4 3/4"2'-4 3/4"11'-11 1/4"2'-1"4'-10"4'-6 3/4"4'-10"2'-0 1/4"1'-4 3/4"8'-3"1'-4 3/4"59'-9 1/2"63'-9 1/2"2A-3042A-304217238229226225223222218219220232231230221235240227228224237236234233239SDCMSDCMSDCMSDCMSDSDSDSDSDSDSDsee stair/ handrail/guardrail notes on A-002see stair/ handrail/guardrail notes on A-002see stair/ handrail/guardrail notes on A-0022931EFEFEFEFEF1/4" / 1'-0"1/4" / 1'-0"1/4" / 1'-0"string lightsomitted for clarityNProject numberPurposeDrawn byChecked byThese drawings and specifications are theproperty and copyright of the architect andshall not be used on any other work exceptby agreement with the architect.Export Date:project northSDP 14-03 / CDP 14-047/19/2014 12:16:36 PMA-103Upper Level Plan13018city submittal - CDP / SDPTVSJLCCP Juniper Apartments385 Juniper Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 1/4" = 1'-0"1 Upper LevelGROSS BUILDING AREAArea Name Area CommentsUnit A419 SF 2- deck levelUnit A283 SF 3 - upper levelUnit A702 SFUnit B556 SF 2 - deck levelUnit B465 SF 3 - upper levelUnit B1021 SFUnit C436 SF 1 - ground level (garage)Unit C920 SF 2 - deck levelUnit C366 SF 3 - upper levelUnit C523 SF 0 - lower levelUnit C287 SF 1 - ground level (guest suite)Unit C193 SF 2 - deck level (office)Unit C2724 SFUnit D665 SF 2 - deck levelUnit D540 SF 3 - upper levelUnit D1205 SFGrand total 5652 SFNo. DescriptionDate 1A-3011A-3011A-3031A-3031A-3021A-3022A-3012A-301A-2021A-2012A-2011A-2022A-20313" / 12"3" / 12"2A-3032A-3031A-3041A-304A-2032A-20420302013" / 12"3" / 12"face of wall belowroof belowroof belowface of wall belowwall below73'-1"72'-11 1/2"2A-3022A-302(2' max)1'-2 3/4"(2' max)1'-2 3/4"(2' max)10"(2' max)1'-2"roof below11 3/4"6"9" (2' max)Roofing - Asphalt ShingleRoofing - Asphalt Shingle2A-3042A-304NProject numberPurposeDrawn byChecked byThese drawings and specifications are theproperty and copyright of the architect andshall not be used on any other work exceptby agreement with the architect.Export Date:project northSDP 14-03 / CDP 14-047/19/2014 12:16:37 PMA-104Upper Roof Plan13018city submittal - CDP / SDPTVSJLCCP Juniper Apartments385 Juniper Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 1/4" = 1'-0"1 Upper Roof LevelGROSS BUILDING AREAArea Name Area CommentsUnit A419 SF 2- deck levelUnit A283 SF 3 - upper levelUnit A702 SFUnit B556 SF 2 - deck levelUnit B465 SF 3 - upper levelUnit B1021 SFUnit C436 SF 1 - ground level (garage)Unit C920 SF 2 - deck levelUnit C366 SF 3 - upper levelUnit C523 SF 0 - lower levelUnit C287 SF 1 - ground level (guest suite)Unit C193 SF 2 - deck level (office)Unit C2724 SFUnit D665 SF 2 - deck levelUnit D540 SF 3 - upper levelUnit D1205 SFGrand total 5652 SFNo. DescriptionDate Ground Level FF44'-0"Deck Level FF53'-4"Upper Level FF62'-6"Upper Roof Plate70'-3"1A-3011A-3022A-301109282627141301121172'-11 1/2"43'-0 1/2" (below ridge line)29'-11"2'-0" intrusion per 21.46.12030" offset from (e) grade(max height within setbackbeyond 2'-0" intrusion)Stucco 02Stucco 01Stucco 02Stucco 01steel - painted 03Galvanized SteelRoofing - Asphalt ShingleStucco 01Galvanized SteelAluminum - Dark Bronze AnodizedMetal - Stainless SteelAluminum - Dark Bronze Anodized2A-302297 1/2" typ11" typGround Level FF44'-0"Deck Level FF53'-4"Lower Level FF39'-11"Upper Level FF62'-6"Split Level FF49'-0"Upper Roof Plate70'-3"1A-3032A-3031A-3041041011101021113015(e) grade(e) grade = (n) grade(n) grade20'-6"outline of basementbelow grade30" offset from (e) grade(max height within setbackbeyond 2'-0" intrusion)3" 12"3" 12"23Stucco 01Stucco 02Stucco 01Stucco 02Stucco 01wood - painted 01Stucco 01Glass - Dual, Low-EAluminum - Dark Bronze Anodizedespalier tree(see landsape plan)espalier tree(see landsape plan)2A-3041602Stainless SteelProject numberPurposeDrawn byChecked byThese drawings and specifications are theproperty and copyright of the architect andshall not be used on any other work exceptby agreement with the architect.Export Date:SDP 14-03 / CDP 14-047/19/2014 12:16:47 PMA-201Perimeter Elevations13018city submittal - CDP / SDPTVSJLCCP Juniper Apartments385 Juniper Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 1/4" = 1'-0"1 East Elevation 1/4" = 1'-0"2 South ElevationNo. DescriptionDate Ground Level FF44'-0"Deck Level FF53'-4"Lower Level FF39'-11"Upper Level FF62'-6"Split Level FF49'-0"Upper Roof Plate70'-3"1A-3011A-3022A-3011934333218040301outline of basementbelow grade43'-7 1/4" (below ridge line)29'-5 3/4"73'-1"30" offset from (e) grade(max height within setbackbeyond 2'-0" intrusion)2'-0" intrusion per 21.46.120Stucco 02Roofing - Asphalt ShingleGalvanized SteelStucco 01Stucco 02Stucco 01wood - painted 01Stucco 01Aluminum - Dark Bronze Anodized2A-3022A-101Galvanized Steel(e) fence/wall onadjacent property311711" typ5 1/2" typ5 3/4" typStainless Steelfor climbing vines(see landsape plan)Ground Level FF44'-0"Deck Level FF53'-4"Upper Level FF62'-6"Upper Roof Plate70'-3"1A-3032A-3031A-30410200543'-0 1/4" (at bldg face)29'-11 1/4"72'-11 1/2"(n) grade at bldg face43'-5 1/2" (at parking surface beyond)29'-7 1/2"73'-1"3" 12"3" 12"Galvanized SteelStucco 01Stucco 02wood - painted 01Blackened CedarMetal - Stainless Steelsteel - painted 0166'-10" top of parapet at end of deck(e) grade atbuilding faceStucco 02Aluminum - Dark Bronze AnodizedAluminum - Dark Bronze AnodizedGalvanized Steelwood - painted 01pending retaining wall andfence at neighboring propertytrash enclosurewood - painted 01Roofing - Asphalt Shingle2A-304CMU, 8x16 Stack Bondsteel - painted 03Galvanized SteelBlackened CedarProject numberPurposeDrawn byChecked byThese drawings and specifications are theproperty and copyright of the architect andshall not be used on any other work exceptby agreement with the architect.Export Date:SDP 14-03 / CDP 14-047/19/2014 12:16:57 PMA-202Perimeter Elevations13018city submittal - CDP / SDPTVSJLCCP Juniper Apartments385 Juniper Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 1/4" = 1'-0"1 West Elevation 1/4" = 1'-0"2 North ElevationmailboxNo. DescriptionDate Ground Level FF44'-0"Deck Level FF53'-4"Lower Level FF39'-11"Upper Level FF62'-6"Split Level FF49'-0"Upper Roof Plate70'-3"1A-3011A-3022A-3011121052221060302Stucco 01Roofing - Asphalt ShingleGalvanized SteelGalvanized SteelStucco 02steel - painted 01Aluminum - Dark Bronze AnodizedStucco 012A-3021/2" gyp bd at undersideof stairs where accessible177" typ10 1/2" typ7 1/2" typ10 1/2" typ6'-8" min clrcables for climbing plants(see planting plan)Stainless SteelGalvanized SteelC-Living7C-Playroom40Ground Level FF44'-0"Deck Level FF53'-4"Upper Level FF62'-6"Upper Roof Plate70'-3"1A-3011A-3022A-30125240810710609Roofing - Asphalt ShingleGalvanized SteelStucco 02Stucco 01Galvanized Steelsteel - painted 01Stucco 01steel - painted 03HVAC equipment2A-302cables for climbing plants(see planting plan)Stainless SteelGalvanized SteelC-Garage1C-Kitchen5C-Entry4Project numberPurposeDrawn byChecked byThese drawings and specifications are theproperty and copyright of the architect andshall not be used on any other work exceptby agreement with the architect.Export Date:SDP 14-03 / CDP 14-047/19/2014 12:17:05 PMA-203CourtyardSection/Elevations13018city submittal - CDP / SDPTVSJLCCP Juniper Apartments385 Juniper Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 1/4" = 1'-0"1 Courtyard - East Section/Elevation 1/4" = 1'-0"2 Courtyard - West Section/ElevationNo. DescriptionDate Ground Level FF44'-0"Deck Level FF53'-4"Upper Level FF62'-6"Upper Roof Plate70'-3"1A-3032A-3031A-304Stucco 02steel - painted 01Galvanized SteelRoofing - Asphalt Shingle2A-3046 1/2" typ1'-0" typD-Bdrm122C-Bath123B-Bdrm117B-Great Room8Ground Level FF44'-0"Deck Level FF53'-4"Upper Level FF62'-6"Split Level FF49'-0"Upper Roof Plate70'-3"1A-3032A-3031A-30407103Stucco 01Stucco 01Stucco 01Stucco 02Stucco 02Stucco 022A-30410843'-4 1/4"B-Bdrm117C-Bath123B-Great Room8Project numberPurposeDrawn byChecked byThese drawings and specifications are theproperty and copyright of the architect andshall not be used on any other work exceptby agreement with the architect.Export Date:SDP 14-03 / CDP 14-047/19/2014 12:17:13 PMA-204CourtyardSection/Elevations13018city submittal - CDP / SDPTVSJLCCP Juniper Apartments385 Juniper Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 1/4" = 1'-0"1 Courtyard - South Section/Elevation 1/4" = 1'-0"2 Courtyard - North Section/ElevationNo. DescriptionDate Ground Level FF44'-0"Deck Level FF53'-4"Lower Level FF39'-11"Upper Level FF62'-6"Split Level FF49'-0"1A-3032A-3031A-30449'-1"43'-1"73'-1"63'-6"63'-6"(<50%)3'-10 1/4"(>50%)4'-1"(e) grade = (n) gradepending retaining wall andfence at neighboring propertyC-Living7C-Kitchen5C-Bdrm3/Office3C-Flex Room38C-Garage1C-Playroom40C-Brdm243(e) grade(e) grade2A-30410 1/2" typ6 1/2" typ6'-8" min clrGround Level FF44'-0"Deck Level FF53'-4"Lower Level FF39'-11"Upper Level FF62'-6"Split Level FF49'-0"Upper Roof Plate70'-3"1A-3036'-8" min clr2A-3031A-304(e) grade(n) grade73'-1"72'-11 1/2"44'-0"29'-1"43'-1"29'-10 1/2"HVAC equipment49'-1"43'-1"pending retaining wall andfence at neighboring propertyC-Master Suite44C-Entry4C-Laundry2B-Great Room8C-Garage1C-Living7C-Bdrm142C-Kid's Bath41B-Bdrm218(<50%)3' - 10"(>50%)4' - 1"(<50%)3' - 11"(>50%)4' - 0"(e) grade2A-3047 1/4" typ11" typ8'-0"8'-2" min clrProject numberPurposeDrawn byChecked byThese drawings and specifications are theproperty and copyright of the architect andshall not be used on any other work exceptby agreement with the architect.Export Date:SDP 14-03 / CDP 14-047/19/2014 12:17:14 PMA-301Building Sections13018city submittal - CDP / SDPTVSJLCCP Juniper Apartments385 Juniper Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 1/4" = 1'-0"1 East-West Section 1 1/4" = 1'-0"2 East-West Section 2No. DescriptionDate Ground Level FF44'-0"Deck Level FF53'-4"Upper Level FF62'-6"Upper Roof Plate70'-3"1A-3032A-3031A-304(e) grade(n) grade73'-1"72'-11 1/2"43'-7 1/4"29'-5 3/4"43'-2 1/2" (existing)29'-9"49'-1"43'-1"44'-1 1/4"48'-5"pending retaining wall andfence at neighboring propertyD-Bdrm221D-Great Room10A-Great Room9A-Powder146'-8" min clr2A-3047 1/4" typ10" typ9'-2"Ground Level FF44'-0"Deck Level FF53'-4"Upper Level FF62'-6"Upper Roof Plate70'-3"1A-3032A-3031A-304(e) grade(n) grade73'-1"72'-11 1/2"43'-6"29'-7"43'-0 1/2"29'-11"49'-1"43'-1"pending retaining wall andfence at neighboring propertyD-Bdrm320D-Bath224D-Great Room10A-Great Room9A-Bdrm15A-Bath162A-3048'-0"Project numberPurposeDrawn byChecked byThese drawings and specifications are theproperty and copyright of the architect andshall not be used on any other work exceptby agreement with the architect.Export Date:SDP 14-03 / CDP 14-047/19/2014 12:17:15 PMA-302Building Sections13018city submittal - CDP / SDPTVSJLCCP Juniper Apartments385 Juniper Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 1/4" = 1'-0"1 East-West Section 3 1/4" = 1'-0"2 East-West Section 4No. DescriptionDate Ground Level FF44'-0"Deck Level FF53'-4"Lower Level FF39'-11"Upper Level FF62'-6"Split Level FF49'-0"Upper Roof Plate70'-3"1A-3011A-3022A-301(e) grade44'-0"19'-6"(e) fence onadjacent property(n) grade30" offset from (e) grade(max height within setbackbeyond 2'-0" intrusion)2A-30263'-6"C-Master Suite44D-Bdrm122D-Bdrm221D-Bdrm320D-Great Room10C-Living7C-Brdm243C-Bdrm142(>50%)4' - 1"(<50%)3' - 10"(<50%)3' - 10"(>50%)4' - 1"(e) grade44'-0"39'-11"Ground Level FF44'-0"Deck Level FF53'-4"Lower Level FF39'-11"Upper Level FF62'-6"Split Level FF49'-0"Upper Roof Plate70'-3"1A-3011A-3022A-301(e) grade(e) grade = (n) grade43'-10"19'-5"(n) grade2A-30263'-6"(<50%)3'-10"(>50%)4'-1"(e) masonry wall onadjacent propertyC-Master Suite44C-Living7C-Playroom40D-Great Room10D-Bath224C-Bath123D-Powder13(e) grade6'-8" min clr7 1/4" typ10 1/2" typProject numberPurposeDrawn byChecked byThese drawings and specifications are theproperty and copyright of the architect andshall not be used on any other work exceptby agreement with the architect.Export Date:SDP 14-03 / CDP 14-047/19/2014 12:17:16 PMA-303Building Sections13018city submittal - CDP / SDPTVSJLCCP Juniper Apartments385 Juniper Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 1/4" = 1'-0"1 North-South Section 1 1/4" = 1'-0"2 North-South Section 2No. DescriptionDate Ground Level FF44'-0"Deck Level FF53'-4"Upper Level FF62'-6"Upper Roof Plate70'-3"1A-3011A-3022A-301(e) grade(e) grade = (n) grade43'-8 3/4"19'-9 1/4"outline of bldg beyondHVAC equipment2A-30263'-6"51'-4 1/4"(8'-2" min)8'-3 1/2"43'-0 3/4"(e) masonry wall onadjacent propertyC-Kitchen5C-Entry4C-Garage1(n) grade1/4" / 12" at drainage plan below deckingflat decking over sleepers (ripped)Ground Level FF44'-0"Deck Level FF53'-4"Upper Level FF62'-6"Upper Roof Plate70'-3"1A-3011A-3022A-3012A-302(e) grade(e) grade = (n) grade43'-8 3/4"19'-9 1/4"63'-6"43'-0 3/4"(e) masonry wall onadjacent property(n) gradeB-Bdrm218B-Bdrm117A-Bdrm15A-Great Room9B-Great Room8C-Bdrm3/Office3C-Flex Room388'-2"8'-0"Project numberPurposeDrawn byChecked byThese drawings and specifications are theproperty and copyright of the architect andshall not be used on any other work exceptby agreement with the architect.Export Date:SDP 14-03 / CDP 14-047/19/2014 12:17:17 PMA-304Building Sections13018city submittal - CDP / SDPTVSJLCCP Juniper Apartments385 Juniper Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 1/4" = 1'-0"1 North-South Section 3 1/4" = 1'-0"2 North-South Section 4No. DescriptionDate NProject numberPurposeDrawn byChecked byThese drawings and specifications are theproperty and copyright of the architect andshall not be used on any other work exceptby agreement with the architect.Export Date:project northSDP 14-03 / CDP 14-047/19/2014 12:17:19 PMA-601Window/Door Schdl,Glazing Details13018city submittal - CDP / SDPTVSJLCCP Juniper Apartments385 Juniper Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008Glazing in the following locations should be of safety glazing materialin accordance with Section R308.4 (see exceptions):a) Fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assemblies and panels inswinging doors other than wardrobe doors.b) Doors and enclosures for hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas, steamrooms, bathtubs and showers and in any portion of a building wallenclosing these compartments where the bottom exposed edge of theglazing is less than 60 inches above a standing surface.c) Fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearestexposed edge of the glazing is within a 24-inch arc of either verticaledge of the door in a closed position and where the bottom exposededge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above the walking surface.d) Individual fixed or operable panels, other than those locationsdescribed above, that meet all of the following conditions:i) Exposed area of an individual pane is greater than 9 square feet,and:ii) Exposed bottom edge is less than 18 inches above the floor, and:iii) Exposed top edge is greater than 36 inches above the floor, and:iv) One or more walking surfaces are within 36 inches horizontally ofthe plane of the glazing.e) Glass railings, regardless of height, above a walking surface(including structural baluster panels and nonstructural in-fill panels).f) Walls and fences used as the barrier for indoor and outdoorswimming pools and spas when all of the following conditions arepresent:i) The bottom edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above thepool side of the glazing, and:ii) The glazing is within 5 feet of a swimming pool or spa deck area.g) Walls enclosing stairway landings or within 5 feet of the bottom andtop of stairways where the bottom edge of the glass is less than 60inches above a walking surface.SAFETY GLAZING NOTESDOOR SCHEDULE - EXTERIOR# Function Type Level Sill Height Width Height Material: Frame Material: Panel Material: Glass Manufacturer Model Comments101 ExteriorDOUBLE-GLASSGround Level FF 0"6'-0" 7'-2" Aluminum - Dark Bronze Anodized Aluminum - Dark Bronze Anodized Glass - Dual, Low-E102 ExteriorGARAGE - OVERHEAD, GLASS 2wx4hGround Level FF 0" 12'-4" 7'-4"Aluminum - Dark Bronze AnodizedGlass103 ExteriorGARAGE - OVERHEADGround Level FF -1" 16'-0" 7'-0"Aluminum104 ExteriorSINGLE-GLASSGround Level FF 6"3'-0" 6'-8" Aluminum - Dark Bronze Anodized Aluminum - Dark Bronze Anodized Glass - Dual, Low-E105 ExteriorSINGLE-GLASSDeck Level FF 0"3'-0" 6'-8" Aluminum - Dark Bronze Anodized Aluminum - Dark Bronze AnodizedGlass - Frosted106 ExteriorSINGLE-GLASSDeck Level FF 0"3'-0" 6'-8" Aluminum - Dark Bronze Anodized Aluminum - Dark Bronze AnodizedGlass - Frosted107 ExteriorSINGLE-GLASSDeck Level FF 0"3'-0" 6'-8" Aluminum - Dark Bronze Anodized Aluminum - Dark Bronze AnodizedGlass - Frosted108 ExteriorSINGLE-GLASSDeck Level FF 0"3'-0" 6'-8" Aluminum - Dark Bronze Anodized Aluminum - Dark Bronze AnodizedGlass - Frosted109 ExteriorSINGLE-GLASSDeck Level FF 0"3'-0" 6'-8" Aluminum - Dark Bronze Anodized Aluminum - Dark Bronze Anodized Glass - Dual, Low-E110 ExteriorSLIDER-GLASS_OXXODeck Level FF 0" 12'-0" 6'-8" Aluminum - Dark Bronze Anodized Aluminum - Dark Bronze Anodized Glass - Dual, Low-E111 ExteriorSLIDER-GLASS_OXSplit Level FF0"6'-0" 8'-0" Aluminum - Dark Bronze Anodized Aluminum - Dark Bronze Anodized Glass - Dual, Low-E112 ExteriorSLIDER-GLASS_OXUpper Level FF 6"5'-0" 6'-8" Aluminum - Dark Bronze Anodized Aluminum - Dark Bronze Anodized Glass - Dual, Low-Enote sill height113 ExteriorSINGLE FRAMELESSGround Level FF -11" 3'-0" 6'-0"fence - vertical wood planksexterior gate114 ExteriorSINGLE FRAMELESSGround Level FF 0"3'-0" 6'-0"fence - vertical wood planksexterior gateDOOR SCHEDULE - INTERIOR# Function Type Width Height Material: Frame Material: Panel Material: Glass Manufacturer Model Comments201 InteriorSINGLE2'-8" 6'-8"wood - painted 01wood - painted 01202 InteriorSINGLE3'-0" 6'-8"wood - painted 01wood - painted 01min 20 min rated, slef-closing / self latching203 InteriorSINGLE3'-0" 6'-8"wood - painted 01wood - painted 01min 20 min rated, slef-closing / self latching204 InteriorSINGLE2'-6" 6'-8"wood - painted 01wood - painted 01205 InteriorSINGLE2'-6" 6'-8"wood - painted 01wood - painted 01206 InteriorSINGLE2'-2" 6'-8"wood - painted 01wood - painted 01207 InteriorSINGLE2'-4" 6'-8"wood - painted 01wood - painted 01208 InteriorSINGLE2'-0" 6'-8"wood - painted 01wood - painted 01209 InteriorSINGLE2'-6" 6'-8"wood - painted 01wood - painted 01210 InteriorSINGLE2'-4" 6'-8"wood - painted 01wood - painted 01211 InteriorCARRIAGE DOOR - SINGLE - top offset3'-0" 6'-8"wood - painted 01212 InteriorSINGLE2'-2" 6'-8"wood - painted 01wood - painted 01213 InteriorSINGLE2'-2" 6'-8"wood - painted 01wood - painted 01214 InteriorSINGLE2'-4" 6'-8"wood - painted 01wood - painted 01215 InteriorSINGLE2'-2" 6'-8"wood - painted 01wood - painted 01216 InteriorSINGLE2'-4" 6'-8"wood - painted 01wood - painted 01217 InteriorSINGLE2'-6" 6'-8"wood - painted 01wood - painted 01218 InteriorSINGLE2'-4" 6'-8"wood - painted 01wood - painted 01219 InteriorSINGLE2'-4" 6'-8"wood - painted 01wood - painted 01220 InteriorSINGLE FRAMELESS2'-0" 6'-10"Glass221 InteriorSLIDER-INTERIOR-FRAMELESS_3-Panel9'-0" 6'-8"wood - painted 01222 InteriorSINGLE2'-4" 6'-8"wood - painted 01wood - painted 01223 InteriorSINGLE2'-6" 6'-8"wood - painted 01wood - painted 01224 InteriorSINGLE2'-0" 6'-8"wood - painted 01wood - painted 01225 InteriorSINGLE2'-6" 6'-8"wood - painted 01wood - painted 01226 InteriorSINGLE2'-6" 6'-8"wood - painted 01wood - painted 01227 InteriorSLIDER-INTERIOR-FRAMELESS_3-Panel9'-0" 6'-8"wood - painted 01228 InteriorPOCKET2'-6" 6'-8"wood - painted 01wood - painted 01229 InteriorSINGLE FRAMELESS2'-0" 6'-10"Glass230 InteriorSINGLE FRAMELESS2'-0" 6'-10"Glass231 InteriorSINGLE2'-6" 6'-8"wood - painted 01wood - painted 01232 InteriorSINGLE2'-6" 6'-8"wood - painted 01wood - painted 01233 InteriorSLIDER-INTERIOR-FRAMELESS5'-0" 4'-8"wood - painted 01234 InteriorSLIDER-INTERIOR-FRAMELESS5'-0" 4'-8"wood - painted 01235 InteriorSINGLE2'-6" 6'-8"wood - painted 01wood - painted 01236 InteriorSLIDER-INTERIOR-FRAMELESS5'-0" 6'-8"wood - painted 01237 InteriorSLIDER-INTERIOR-FRAMELESS_3-Panel9'-0" 6'-8"wood - painted 01238 InteriorSINGLE2'-6" 6'-8"wood - painted 01wood - painted 01239 InteriorSINGLE2'-6" 6'-8"wood - painted 01wood - painted 01240 InteriorSINGLE FRAMELESS2'-0" 6'-10"Glass1.See plans and elevations for multi-unit configurationdimensions and operation type.2.Egress Windows must have an net clear opening area of atleast 5.7 square feet (5.0 square feet for grade-flooropenings), with the minimum net clear opening width of20" and the minimum net clear opening height of 24".3.For Egress Windows, the sill height shall not exceed 44"above the floor.4.Natural ventilation shall be provided for all habitable rooms,with the minimum openable area to the outdoors of 4% ofthe floor area being ventilated per Section R303.1.5.Contractor to verify in field net clear opening dimensions forall existing and new windows before ordering.WINDOW NOTES*see elevations for multi-unit mulling configuration / sloped & radius shapes / operation type*WINDOW SCHEDULE# Level Sill Width Height Area Material: Frame Material: Glass Tempered Glass Manufacturer Model Comments01Ground Level FF3'-0"6'-0"3'-10"23 SFAluminum 01Glass - Dual, Low-Etbdtbdmust meet egress requirements, confirm compliance w manufacturer02Ground Level FF6"4'-0"6'-10"27 SFAluminum 01Glass - Dual, Low-Etbdtbd03Lower Level FF2'-8"2'-6"4'-4"11 SFAluminum 01Glass - Dual, Low-Etbdtbdmust meet egress requirements, confirm compliance w manufacturer04Lower Level FF2'-8"2'-6"4'-4"11 SFAluminum 01Glass - Dual, Low-Etbdtbdmust meet egress requirements, confirm compliance w manufacturer05Deck Level FF0"6'-0"8'-0"48 SFAluminum 01Glass - Dual, Low-Etbdtbd06Deck Level FF0"1'-6"6'-10"10 SFAluminum 01Glass - Dual, Low-Etbdtbd07Deck Level FF0"1'-6"6'-10"10 SFAluminum 01Glass - Dual, Low-Etbdtbd08Deck Level FF0"1'-6"6'-10"10 SFAluminum 01Glass - Dual, Low-Etbdtbd09Deck Level FF0"1'-6"6'-10"10 SFAluminum 01Glass - Dual, Low-Etbdtbd10Deck Level FF2'-6"8'-3"10'-2"84 SFAluminum 01Glass - Dual, Low-Etbdtbd11Deck Level FF3'-6"8'-0"2'-0"16 SFAluminum 01Glass - Dual, Low-Etbdtbd12Deck Level FF3'-6"2'-0"3'-4"7 SFAluminum 01Glass - Dual, Low-Etbdtbd13Deck Level FF0"6'-4"8'-0"51 SFAluminum 01Glass - Dual, Low-Etbdtbd14Deck Level FF3'-6"2'-0"3'-4"7 SFAluminum 01Glass - Dual, Low-Etbdtbd15Deck Level FF0"6'-4"6'-10"43 SFAluminum 01Glass - Dual, Low-Etbdtbd16Deck Level FF0"4'-0"6'-10"27 SFAluminum 01Glass - Dual, Low-Etbdtbd17Deck Level FF0"2'-0"3'-10"8 SFAluminum 01Glass - Dual, Low-Etbdtbd18Split Level FF2'-6"2'-6"8'-8"22 SFAluminum 01Glass - Dual, Low-Etbdtbd19Deck Level FF0"8'-10 3/4" 8'-0"71 SFAluminum 01Glass - Dual, Low-Etbdtbdsee elevation for clarification on width alignment to adjacent windows20Upper Level FF0"6'-0"6'-10"41 SFAluminum 01Glass - Dual, Low-Etbdtbdmust meet egress requirements, confirm compliance w manufacturer21Upper Level FF5'-0"4'-10"1'-10"9 SFAluminum 01Glass - Dual, Low-Etbdtbd22Upper Level FF3'-6"2'-6"3'-4"8 SFAluminum 01Glass - Dual, Low-Etbdtbd23Upper Level FF3'-0"4'-10"3'-10"19 SFAluminum 01Glass - Dual, Low-Etbdtbdmust meet egress requirements, confirm compliance w manufacturer24Upper Level FF3'-0"4'-10"3'-10"19 SFAluminum 01Glass - Dual, Low-Etbdtbdmust meet egress requirements, confirm compliance w manufacturer25Upper Level FF3'-0"4'-10"3'-10"19 SFAluminum 01Glass - Dual, Low-Etbdtbdmust meet egress requirements, confirm compliance w manufacturer26Upper Level FF4'-6"4'-0"2'-4"9 SFAluminum 01Glass - Dual, Low-Etbdtbd27Upper Level FF3'-6"2'-0"3'-4"7 SFAluminum 01Glass - Dual, Low-Etbdtbd28Upper Level FF4'-6"6'-4"2'-4"15 SFAluminum 01Glass - Dual, Low-Etbdtbd29Upper Level FF4'-6"4'-0"2'-4"9 SFAluminum 01Glass - Dual, Low-Etbdtbd30Upper Level FF3'-0"6'-0"3'-10"23 SFAluminum 01Glass - Dual, Low-Etbdtbdmust meet egress requirements, confirm compliance w manufacturer31Upper Level FF3'-0"2'-6"3'-10"10 SFAluminum 01Glass - Dual, Low-Etbdtbdmust meet egress requirements, confirm compliance w manufacturer32Upper Level FF3'-0"2'-9"3'-10"11 SFAluminum 01Glass - Dual, Low-Etbdtbdmust meet egress requirements, confirm compliance w manufacturer33Upper Level FF0"2'-6"6'-10"17 SFAluminum 01Glass - Dual, Low-Etbdtbdmust meet egress requirements, confirm compliance w manufacturer34Upper Level FF0"6'-0"6'-10"41 SFAluminum 01Glass - Dual, Low-Etbdtbdmust meet egress requirements, confirm compliance w manufacturerSKYLIGHT SCHEDULE - EXISTING AND NEW#insidecurb widthoutsidecurb widthinsidecurb lengthoutsidecurb lengthMaterial: Frame Material: Glass tempered? operable?interiorblinds?ManufacturerModelType CommentsComments01 1'-2 1/2" 1'-5 1/2" 3'-10 1/2" 4'-1 1/2"Aluminum 01Glass - Dual, Low-EYesNoNoVeluxFCM 1446ICC Report NER-216, Hallmark Test #B3620.01-109-44-r1/r202 1'-10 1/2" 2'-1 1/2" 1'-10 1/2" 2'-1 1/2"Aluminum 01Glass - Dual, Low-EYesYesNoVeluxVCE/VCM 2222ICC Report NER-216, Hallmark Test #B3620.01-109-44-r1/r203 1'-10 1/2" 2'-1 1/2" 2'-10 1/2" 3'-1 1/2"Aluminum 01Glass - Dual, Low-EYesYesNoVeluxVCE/VCM 2234ICC Report NER-216, Hallmark Test #B3620.01-109-44-r1/r204 1'-10 1/2" 2'-1 1/2" 1'-10 1/2" 2'-1 1/2"Aluminum 01Glass - Dual, Low-EYesYesNoVeluxVCE/VCM 2222ICC Report NER-216, Hallmark Test #B3620.01-109-44-r1/r2No. DescriptionDate MATERIAL PALETTE Wall Finish: Stucco 01 (White) Wall Finish: Stucco 02 (Dark Gray) Exposed Wood Framing: Wood - Painted 01 (White) Windows and Doors: Aluminum - Dark Bronze Anodized Masonry Walls: 8x16 Stack Bond, Sandblasted Gray w/ 2” Wall Cap Fencing, Slatted Screens: Rough Sawn Cedar w/ Black Stain Gutters, Flashing, Downspouts: Galvanized Steel Guardrails: Galvanized Steel w/ Stainless Steel Cables Exposed Structural Steel Posts: Steel Painted 03 (Rust Red) Roofing: Asphalt Shingles (Light Gray) JLC Architecture CP Juniper Apartments | daytime view from northeast (end of cul-de-sac) JLC Architecture CP Juniper Apartments | nighttime view from northeast (end of cul-de-sac) JLC Architecture CP Juniper Apartments | daytime view from northwest JLC Architecture CP Juniper Apartments | nighttime view from northwest JLC Architecture CP Juniper Apartments | daytime view from southwest (backyard) JLC Architecture CP Juniper Apartments | nighttime view from southwest (backyard)