HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP 14-04A; Viasat Headquarters Building One Site Access; Site Development Plan (SDP)The City of Carlsbad Planning Division A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION Item No. P.C. AGENDA OF: May 21, 2014 Application complete date: March 26, 2014 Project Planner: Greg Fisher Project Engineer: David Rick SUBJECT SDP 14-04(A)/SUP 98-03(D) - VIASAT HEADQUARTERS BUILDING ONE SITE ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS - Request for the approval of a Site Development Plan Amendment and Scenic Corridor Special Use Permit Amendment to allow for a median break in the public right-of-way along El Camino Real at the intersection of Gateway Road to accommodate a northbound left turn/U-turn lane. This access improvement will require minor modifications to ViaSat's existing campus (Parcel 1/Headquarters Building 1) on property generally located on the west side of El Camino Real, south of Palomar Airport Road in Local Facilities Management Zone 17. The City Planner has determined that this project is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301(c) "Existing Facilities" and 15332 "In-Fill Development Projects" of the State CEQA Guidelines and will not have any adverse significant impact on the environment. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 7050 APPROVING Site Development Plan Amendment (SDP 14-04(A)) and Scenic Corridor Special Use Permit Amendment (SUP 98-03(D)), based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND Project Description: A) Left Turn Lane/U-Turn Lane Along Northbound El Camino Real within the public right-of-way This portion of the proposed project allows for the installation of a left turn lane northbound along El Camino Real at the existing intersection of Gateway Road. The proposed left turn lane will allow direct vehicular access to ViaSat's main campus for northbound El Camino Real traffic. The proposed driveway entrance will allow ingress only and prohibit egress from the site. Southbound right turns into the driveway and northbound left turn/U-turn movements will not conflict with the previously approved pedestrian crossing located on the northern leg of the intersection. A couple of key benefits of the left turn lane and U-turn movement will be a reduction in traffic through the Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real intersection, which is the most congested intersection in the City, and a reduction in north bound left turns at Town Garden Road. Project Description: B) Modifications to ViaSat's existing campus (Parcel 1/Headquarters Building 1) The second component ofthe project consists of minor modifications to ViaSat's existing campus (Parcel 1/Headquarters Building 1) located on the west side of El Camino Real, which is one of the five o SDP 14-04(A)/SUP 98-03(D) - VIASAT HEADQUARTERS BUILDING ONE SITE ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS May 21, 2014 Page 2 parcels/buildings that make up ViaSat's main campus. These site modifications to Parcel 1 require an amendment to SDP 14-04 to accommodate a new driveway entrance along El Camino Real at the intersection of El Camino Real and Gateway Road. The proposed modifications will consist of new pedestrian hardscape/sidewalks linked to the previously approved pedestrian crosswalk, landscaping, surface parking lot modifications and a driveway to accommodate a proposed northbound left turn lane into Parcel 1/Building 1. The pedestrian crosswalk was previously approved through project numbers SUP 13-03/SUP 98-03(C)/SDP 13-05/MCUP 13-13/MS 13-07/PUD 13-09 by the Planning Commission on January 15, 2014. Several parking spaces will be relocated to accommodate the new driveway entrance but the overall parking space count will remain unchanged. The proposed pedestrian hardscape and landscape is designed to create a visual connection as well as physically walkable link between ViaSat's main campus and the recently approved ViaSat Expansion project (Bressi Ranch Buildings 10 & 11), located at the northeast corner of El Camino Real and Gateway Road. Table A below includes the General Plan designations, zoning and current land uses ofthe project site and surrounding properties. TABLE A Location General Plan Designation Zoning Current Land Use Site PI P-M Industrial/Office Buildings North PI P-M Lowes Shopping Center South PI P-M Industrial/Office Buildings East PI P-M Vacant (Currently under construction) West PI P-M Industrial/Office Buildings III. ANALYSIS The proposed project is subject to the following plans, ordinances, standards, and policies: A. General Plan - Planned Industrial (PI) Land Use designation; B. Planned Industrial Zone (P-M), (CMC Chapter 21.34); C. Parking Ordinance, (CMC Chapter 21.44); D. Special Use Permit - Scenic Preservation Overiay Zone regulations (CMC Chapter 21.40 and the El Camino Real Corridor Development Standards); and E. Site Development Plan findings for the Qualified Development Overlay Zone (CMC Chapter 21.06). The recommendation for approval of this project was developed by analyzing the project's consistency with the applicable regulations and policies. The project's compliance with each of the above regulations is discussed in the sections below. A. General Plan The project site has a General Plan Land Use designation of Planned Industrial (PI), which allows for manufacturing, warehousing, storage, research and development, office, and utility uses. The proposed project consists of minor site modifications to an existing developed industrial/office building complex with no new buildings or expansion of buildings proposed. The proposed project has been designed to provide adequate circulation including median construction to install a left turn lane/U-turn lane along northbound El Camion Real, a new driveway entrance along El Camino Real to accommodate the left turn lane, and a reconfiguration of the parking layout to meet the operational needs of the existing industrial/office development. Therefore, the project is considered consistent with the General Plan Land Use designation. SDP 14-04(A)/SUP 98-03(D) - VIASAT HEADQUARTERS BUILDING ONE SITE ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS May 21, 2014 Page 3 B. Planned Industrial Zone (P-M) The project complies with all of the Planned Industrial Zone development standards in that no new buildings or expansion of buildings is proposed. With the installation ofthe new driveway entrance, the project will continue to comply with all landscaped setbacks and minimum landscape percentages within designated parking areas. C. Parking Ordinance (CMC Chapter 21.44) The total number of required onsite parking spaces (240 spaces) will be exceeded by 1 space (241 spaces) therefore the project is considered consistent with the Parking Ordinance. D. S-P Scenic Preservation Overiay Zone Regulations (CMC Chapter 21.40) and El Camino Real Corridor Development Standards Special Use Permits are required whenever a site is located within a Scenic Preservation or Floodplain Overiay Zone. The proposed project is located within the El Camino Real Scenic Corridor Overlay Zone. The El Camino Real Corridor Development Standards were adopted in 1984. The intent of these standards is to maintain and enhance the appearance of the roadway by setting standards for setbacks, signs, building height, grading, and design. The document is also intended to further the goals of the Land Use and Circulation Elements of the General Plan with the objective of preserving unique city resources as they relate to highways and arterials. The proposed project is in Area 4 (College Avenue intersection to Sunfresh Rose Company (Cassia Road)) ofthe El Camino Real Corridor Development Standards, where research facilities, business parks and the airport dominate this central portion of the city. The proposed project is consistent with the development standards and intent of those standards with regard to aesthetic considerations. Each of the requirements and responses to the requirements are addressed in Table B below. TABLE B - EL CAMINO REAL CORRIDOR STANDARDS COMPLIANCE STANDARD REQUIRED/ALLOWED PROVIDED Comply Design Theme Campus type N/A-No Change N/A Median Breaks Breaks in the median south of PAR may be required to accommodate businesses in the Palomar Airport Business Park. The project proposes a median break in the public right-of-way to accommodate a left turn/U-turn lane along northbound El Camino Real at the intersection of El Camino Real and Gateway Road. The proposed left turn lane will allow direct vehicular access to the ViaSat main campus from northbound El Camino Real. The proposed driveway will allow ingress only and prohibit all left turn movements exiting the site. This project would allow for northbound left turn and U-turn movements that will not conflict with the previously approved pedestrian crossing located on the northern leg ofthe intersection. Yes SDP 14-04(A)/SUP 98-03(D) - VIASAT HEADQUARTERS BUILDING ONE SITE ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS May 21, 2014 Page 4 TABLE B - EL CAMINO REAL CORRIDOR STANDARDS COMPLIANCE (CONTINUED) STANDARD REQUIRED/ALLOWED PROVIDED Comply Landscaping Landscaping within the public right-of- way shall be designed consistent with the City's Landscape Manual for El Camino Real. The project proposes landscaping within the public right-of-way (Date Palms & Succulents) that deviates from the El Camino Real theme. However, an alternative landscape theme was previously approved by SUP 13-03/SUP 98- 03(C)/SDP 13-05/MCUP 13-13/MS 13-07/PUD 13- 09 and the addition ofthe Date Palms is consistent with the landscape used for the Palomar Commons (Lowes Center) and Bressi Ranch Self Storage Facility projects located Just north ofthe subject site. Yes Sidewalks As determined by staff Existing Yes Signs Free standing monument, not to exceed 5' above street grade. N/A-No Change N/A Max. Building 35' from pad grade. N/A-No Change N/A Height Max. Grading No cut or fill N/A-No Change N/A Change exceeding 15' from original. Min.Setback 30' (assumes above-N/A-No Change N/A from El Camino grade structures). Real (ECR) Roof No roof equipment N/A-No Change N/A Equipment can be visible from adjacent streets. D. Qualified Development Overlay Zone (CMC Chapter 21.06) Pursuant to Section 21.34.050 of the CMC, a Minor Site Development Plan Amendment is required to be processed for this existing office/industrial project pursuant to Chapter 21.06.030, the Qualified Development Overiay Zone, of the Carisbad Municipal Code. No building permit or other entitlement shall be issued for any use in the Q zone unless there is a valid site development plan approved for the property. The required findings and Justifications for each are contained in Planning Commission Resolution No. 7050. This section summarizes the necessary findings and support for each. The requested development is consistent with the Planned Industrial (PI) Land Use designation as demonstrated in section "A" of this staff report, and all applicable provisions of Title 21. The requested modifications are properly related to the site, surroundings and environmental setting and will not be detrimental to existing development. All required landscaped setbacks and minimum landscape percentages have been incorporated into the project design. The site is also adequate in size and shape to accommodate the proposed modifications as all applicable code requirements have been met including the parking standards. SDP 14-04(A)/SUP 98-03(D) - VIASAT HEADQUARTERS BUILDING ONE SITE ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS May 21, 2014 Page 5 All features necessary to adjust the requested modifications (driveway entrance) will be provided. Landscaping is proposed along the new entry driveway to help screen the existing parking areas. Adequate vehicle circulation has been provided to accommodate the new driveway entrance off El Camino Real. Access to the project site will be improved with the addition of the proposed left turn/U- turn lane as it will allow ViaSat employees direct vehicular access to the ViaSat main campus from northbound El Camino Real and will reduce the traffic through the Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real intersection which is the most congested intersection in the City. The street system adequately handles the existing office/industrial use and the proposed site modification will not increase traffic demand. IV. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The City Planner has determined that the project belongs to a class of projects that the State Secretary for Resources has found do not have a significant impact on the environment, and it is therefore categorically exempt from the requirement for the preparation of environmental documents pursuant to Section 15301(c) "Existing Facilities" and Section 15332 "In-Fill Development Projects" of the State CEQA Guidelines. In making this determination, the City Planner has found that the exceptions listed in Section 15300.2 of the state CEQA Guidelines do not apply to this project. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 7050 2. Location Map 3. Disclosure Statement 4. Reduced Exhibits 5. Full Sized Exhibits "A" - "H" dated May 21, 2014 SITE MAP NOT TO SCALE ViaSat Headquarters Building One Site Access Improvements SDP 14-04(A) / SUP 98-03(D) DISCLOSURE Development Services STATEMENT Planning Division CITY or P-1(A) 1635 Faraday Avenue CARLSBAD P-1(A) (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadcai.gov Applteanfs statement or disdosure of ceffatn ownership interests on all applications which will require discretionary adion on the part of the City Coundl or any appointed Board, Commission or Committee. The following information MUST be disdosed at the time of application submitial. Your project cannot be reviewed until tiiis information Is compieted. Please print Note: Person is defined as *Any individual, firm, corparlnership, Joint venture, assodatton, sodat ditfj. firaternai organization, coiiporation. estatei Oust, reoetver, syndicate, in this and any other county, city ami county, dty muntdpaflty. district or other political subdivision or any otiier group or combination ading as a untL" Agents may sign this document; however, the legal name and entity of the applteant and property owner must be provided bekjw. 1. APPUCANT (Not ttie applicant's agent) Provide the COMPLETE. LEGAL names and addresses ot ALL persons having a finandai interest in fhe application, tf the applicant indudes a ccyporation or partn^ship. indude the names, tities, addresses of all individuals owning more ttian 10% of ttie shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLIC^LE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publictv-owned corporation, indude the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Pecson Peter Btxssett Corp/Part Smith Consulting Architects Title Architect xitie Address 13280 Evening Creek Dr Address suite 125 San Diego, CA 92128 2. OWNER (Not the owner's agent) Provide ttie COMPLETE. LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any ovim^hip interest in tiie property involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal ownership (i,e., partnership, tenants in common, non-profit, corporation, etc). If the ovimenship includes a corporation or partnership, indude the names, tities, addresses of an individuals owning more ttian 10% of tiie shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN l\40RE . THAN 10% OF THE SHARES. PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPUCABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publidv-owned corocMTation. indude the names, tities, and addresses of ttie corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person Corp/Part Pivotal 650 Cal if ornia St. LLC c/o Levine Investments TrUe Titie Address Address 2201 E. Camelback Rd. Ste 650 Phoenix, AZ 85016 P-1(A) Pagel of2 Revised07/10 3. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION OR TRUST If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a nonprofit organization or a trust, list the names and addresses of ANY person serving as an officer or director of the non- profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary ofthe. Non Profit/Trust Non Profit/Trust Title Title Address Address 4. Have you had more than $500 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff, Boards, Commissions, Committees and/or Council within the past twelve (12) months? I 1 Yes _^ No If yes, please indicate person(s):_ NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary. I certify that all the abo\^e informajkm is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature of owner/date Signature of a{^piicatit/date Pivotal 650 California St. LLC Peter Bussett/Smith Consulting Arch. Print or type name of owner Print or type name of applicant Signature of owner/applicant's agent if applicable/date Peter Bussett/Smith Consulting Architects Print or type name of owner/applicant's agent p-1 (A) Page 2 of 2 Revised 07/10 PARCELS 1^ PARIQNGANAL-rSIS (NO CHANGE) Parking Analysis txSTJm P>«KMG RATIO PJVKMi REA CORE i4/\g>0esei 11 OFRCE (4/1000 SF) esF f SF) e WAREM:USE 05F rvi000 SF) 0 RID LAB esF f4/1.«00SF) 0 TOTALS 60.000 SF :40 HLOKitMO EX1ST1N& ?."B«SF (40000 £F) 11 (4/1^00 SF) 2C3 fcM9Sf fI3/bS00 6F) <t> eSF (Wj000 6f) 0 R 1 DLAfi 0SF (4/1.000 SF) 0 TOTALS MiseesF :J0 BUILDIKia TI«EE CORE 7.160 SF (4/1000 6F) 11 cmcE 44533 SF (4^000 Sf) m rUHfAClUR»IQ B031SF fI5/1000 SF) 33 l<UREMOU&E 0SF (b1000#> 0 R> DLAB 0£F r4fl,000 Sf) 0 TOTALS h€0e€Sf HI BUILDN3F0UR CORE I.'EOff (4/1000 Cf) n CFFICE 4S36SF (4/1000 SF) KMfACTURINQ 1136 SF (3.6/1000 EF) 3? MAREHOUGE 0SF (U1000 ff) 0 R 1 DLAS 0SF M/1£!00 SF) 0 TOTALS 60000 SF 333 BULDKJFIVC EXISTIN(3 pARKNCi RATIO PMfUCi flEO CORE :.1&0SF (4/1000 SF) ,1 OFICE 6TJ50£f (4/1000 SF) rUMFACnjRtNQ 0SF r35/1000 SF) 0 HAREHOiSE 0SF (1/1000 SF) 0 R'D LAB 0SF (4/1*00 SF) 0 TOTALS 60000 SF 340 TOTAL PARKMS REOUIRED T0T4L PABNMQ PRDVIDEDi STANDARD SPACES COMPACT SPACES ACCeSSSLE SPACES TOTAl SPACES PROVIDED ' TOTAL 6PACE6 PROVIMD WaJDES Tf€ REDJCTltX OF 36 SPACES FOR TIC IMR^TCNTATICN OF nC PRDPOKD PJIRCEL 3 SATEUriE piSn FAWl AODITICTI • SDP l*-04 PROJECT DATA Eiouia Lane ^ff Planna) indtilial !P\) Grcf SU *.-«•. E F 4IS7 • SuMngjlfM ftoerA-ttttatolFARI 60tM0Er ! capa Ana una Cirm'-^ 5« Untfscacc sheM L1 •T»tC£ TOTAL MOVnn. SDP I4.WCAI SUP AMENDMENT 98.03(0) PROJECT DIRECTORY t CAi.*Om<iA SI. uc IT CCMULtJKTS K: COTJCT^ KETH HI JwoflTEa/itffucwfr SHEET INDEX WTEfUIW FIRE DEPT. NOTES PROJECT SITE A.P.N. (PARCEL 1) Pvcd 1 2I3-I0&O1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION (PARCEL 1) Actlv1U| len* (MU IMM allh SmftK.'-'ns^illii'gAretiitects 13250 EvMlngCrMh Drive SouOi - Six 12S SmDltga,CA {858) 793 - 4777 {•59) 793 - 4787 fat E I a. CO 0} c £ o 1 E m 8 o- g ^8 = S Revicion Oites zr zr Issue Dates Planning 2nd S/2/2014 Design Development Pbn Check Bid Set PcrmtSct Construction Set Drawing Date Drawing Date 05/02/2014 Check By Drawn By ^ ASNOTED lob Number i2oas.so3e Sheet Nuniier Al SDP 14^M(A) SUP AMENDMENT J8-p3iP) ®o I EXISTINC BUILDING 2 EXBUNC PARKING KKJUWfD 210 PS pKoviDEQ ra PS PARCEL 2 EXISTING BUILDING 3 QOSTV^C fAKUK. u*jiu»m 171 PS ftOVKXD 1*1 PS PARCEL 3 / EXISTING TWO / / STORY R&D / / BUILDING PARCEI 7 / EXISTING TWO / STORY R&D / « BUILDING PARCEL 8 / FOR REf=ERENCE SCALE: • • fc0'-2l' S(nrtfK.:;r:s:ji: inf. Architects 132SO Evenirig Creek Drive Soutn - Stt 125 San Oiego, CA 9212B (BBS) 793 - 4777 (858) 793 • 4787 Fa< u 1 E O g u m ca 5 Reviskjri Dates 7^ zr zr Issue Dates Planning 3nd B/2/3014 Design Developmeni Plan Check Bid Set PermitSet Construction Set Drawing Date A2 14<)41A1 Smitlii ••r ^lifting Aixftitem 13210 EvwAigCiMk MM South - SU US SanDtago, CA 9212S (8SS) 793-4777 (SSS) 793 - 4787 Fm a c 0 „ o»S c E 1 E fi E => cr s "5 o if to"' cd 5 Revision Detes zr zr zr zr zi: Issue Dates Planning 2nd 5/2/2014 Desiyn Development Pbn Check Bid Set Permit S« Construction Sat Drawing Date Sheet Number A3 SOP SUP AMENDMENT 144H(A) 9fr03(Dl Smith: , 132BO Evening CreM Drive South - Ste 125 San Diego, CA 92128 (8S«) 793 • 4777 (858) 793 • 4787 Fax a E T3 C = 1 E il > Revision Dales zr zr a- 'Z_ w Dates Planning 05/02/2014 Design Development Plan Check Bid Set PermitSet Construction Set Job Number L1 SDP 1404(A1 SUP AMENDMENT 9803(D) D65CWiPTIOW 1 - REFINK) LANt>SC*PE WATER CONSERVATION NOTES THE fOLlOWINO WATER CONSCRVATIN TECHNKiUeS SMALL SE EMPLOYED IN Tf A WATCT CtJMSERVIHG PLAKTS AND PIANTS NATIVE TO HOI USE OF HTDROZONES IWTH PLANTS OROUPED BASED UPOW AMOUNT Of VWTER «EDED TO SUSTAIN TfCU MULCH 3K • 1- SIZE UTIUZEO IN THE LANDSCAPE. 3' OCPTH MmMUU rs UTllZEO TO IMPltOVE WATER HOLDIMO CAP»«Ty OF SOL IN SYSTEM ADAJ5TEt> SEASONALLVANO WTTH WATERING HOURS BETVIEEN ICDOPW ANOIOOA.M IRRIGATION SYSTEM OeSM5H£D TO W«TER WFPEHENT AREAS Of THE LANDSCAPE BASED ON WPATERIMG NEED IRRIGATION DEStON SENSTHVE TO SLOPE FACTCMS RAIN SCNSORS USCD IN CONJUNCTION WTH THE AUTOMATIC ARIGATION SYSTEM RECOMMENCWTKMS GIVEN FOR ANNUAL IRRIGATION SCHEEMLE LANDSCAPE WATER use CERTIFICATION WTTH SUPPORTING DATA IN COMPLIANCC WITH STATE OF CALIKWNl* WATER EFFCIENCY ORDINANCE P0« APPROVAL SHALL BE SWMiTTED WITH lAMDSCAPE CONSTRUCT1C3N DOCUMENT SUBM nTAL TO TH E Cnv AN Al/TOMATIC IRRWATTON SYSTEM WLL BE PROUIOCO IMTH ALL EQUIPMENT SUITABLE FOR THE UK OF OECLAIMEO tWTER AND HEALTH DEPARTMENT REOUREUENTS RELATIVE TO RECLAIMED USE WILL APPLY TO THE PROJECT ONLY LOW VOLUME OR SUBSURFACE IRRIOATiaN SMALL BE USED TO IRRIGATE ANY VEGETATION MTMN THENTV-FOUR INCHES OF AN IMPERMEABLE SURFACE UNLESS THE ADJACENT IMPEHMEABLE SURFACES ARE DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED TO CAUSE WATER TO DRAIN ENTIRELY It onr Cff CMLSMO ERlMAtED TOTAl WATH USt (RWiq li'ecl.S'.Oii »l<>-1 Fociw !PT- P.i t.*) O: HiWeeen* Jiq IIJ IHi.| jStap- J . tap 3 r^^iar. iHi^n^ ilET- f;«^ s ^ S--.0 1 tlulcl <J-»Ki3* Ic-.<SLAit;-<l ii.ilvpa ({Mc 2 • S-«p °t Bl^tJIM'Ota tltalar J»- MAXMUM AmCOWATEtUSE(MAIVA} • (ETof'i3.«Z-liC7xUil-iCJ.^iLe-; WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 0 10 20 arcniteaure irilcvi6r5 Smith Arctm 13200 Evening 0«eh Ortoe South - Ste 125 San Dlego, CA 92128 (858) 793 - 4777 (8SS] 793 - 4787 FD I CO CD c S CD 1 E 3 g 00 g ITS •D c3 Revision Date* zs zr zr zr a: Design Oevelopme PlanOieck Bid Set Pennit Set Conrtructicxi Set Drawing Date Sheet Number L2 SDP 1404(A1 SUP AMENDMENT 9&03(D) RECYCLED WATER USE SYMBOL taeSCRIFTION WATER AREA USE MAP 0 10 20 40 60 SMa.go.CA 92128 (BS8) 793 - 4777 (858) 793 - 4787 Fn Q. CO S a 1 E fi a zr zr zr zr a: Planning 05/02/2014 Design Development PlanChed( Sheet Number L3 SDP 1404(A1 SUP AMENDMENT 9803(D) LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBIUTIES IS OEPICTBJON THESE PLANS SMAIL BC MAINTAINED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER THROUGH A PRIVATE IA QUALIFIED UAINTENANCE CONTRACTOt) DAMAGED BY CONSTRUCTION SHAU- BE REPAIREDffiEPLACE IN MAMTAM^ BY PROPERTY Ol LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE PLAN architecture planning 13280 EvoHtqCraek Drtn South-SU 125 Swi Oiego, CA 92128 (858) 793 - 4777 (858) 793 - 4787 Fsi CO CD c °a := CD E E 3 S eng if |l |eo Revision Dates zr a" zr zr zr Planning 05/02/2014 Design Development PlanChed( ShetfNun^ j cmr Of VISTA SITE SPECIAL USE PERMIT AMENDMENT VIASAT LOT 1 SDP 144)4W SUPAMBIDMENT 8X8(01 IIGEHD: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: OWN£R/DEVELOP£R/SUBDimER: CITT or ENCINITAS miMTY MAP un I or CMUMO merr m M-or, IM nt cm or CMOMIR camr ar SUM area. sf*i£ or CMjrant*. Accame m me mar m isnt. na> m ar omct or at coimrr maacw ar SM aceo comr. easma st. /MS APN: 113-100-01 moTAi tso oufeam sr.. tic 2/01 CAnoMOi tato. Sim. tso mxna, AZ isatf ACaSS KEHJS mMOUBKB Monsa asoeiff tMS mmstp «r ar siem ffwrme SBWJ , cesr. astnoa ufs. £XBT. L / / / y / ARCHITECT: EARTHWORK OlMNTfTIES: mfostp tus stef: ixcr rOTAL- 4X CT • ooAinrjrs mcxuBC r tmoKor smrn consume Afotrrcrs titto mom etna AMT SOOIK sunt tts SUI BKBO, CA §2m mxf: (tso m-*m fiX: fiSg} 795-4717 cottacr.- mos uucunc CIVIL ENGINEER/LAND SURVEYOR: tDTtttS . MiaiMt . . . ntr Hiutua . . KC mlOflMt . am tMBAM na ut STuar tjenr.*MX wits.-1. fomoHor m K iMtm mMwsMgi/T er taxss UBHTS JtBLM mcmam: DATA fus AKC rm sensMCE an Me AX MOT m BE USB) FOR HOfUaHTM OR iGPflQv siMvercoNma PUN- EL CAUINO REAL SCALE- r - «• BENCHMARK: ©2014 O'Doy Consultants, Inc. DESCIWTlON: USC m ttOAU ISLAMO DJK8 aSB-017 occroMncora CAmoKM. ssffmRTH or MtOKtf AJffORTRO m tm TURH fVCOT RECORDED: RCCBW OT SUnfr 17271 ELEVATION: 290.900 mCQM C-1 SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS OeSCNED Bt-. ltf. DATE: rm M14 ORMTN Rt- !£. SC*L£: 1' • 4<f PROJECT ma - |(,fit joe wo - 131028 C 0 N S U I T A^* T S PROJECT ma - |(,fit joe wo - 131028 ^7^1 ^ ENCtCER Of WORK: •ATC: ^7^1 ^ KETIH W. HWSEN RCE: 60223 SPECIAL USE PERMIT AMENDMENT VIASAT LOT 1 SOP 144>4(A1 SUPAMBOMENT 9M3(D) DKAIHAIX MSA SAtUPr Afl£A OUR" npc 1 1 zetssr PCRmjs AC/CCNCPCIE 3.7*0 sr potmjs PStV PAieUEHT 4M0SF MtPEFVKXJS mv PAmenr \ 1 isaosF tUPOfVtOUS PEffmjs 1 1 4,990 SF tifr HeOUCTtM OF »e£RmUS MEA- O.SX SF * 4,B0OSF)- 2.665 SF - J.6SS ST BENCHMARK: ©2014 O'Doy Consultants. Inc. DESCRIPTION: OSC « MEZMW CUW CUV asBSfr LOCATION: OC OF OKtC OF a C4IM7 fl» 3S0'MORTH OF MLOUAR MRFORI m H LIFT KKIt ROan RECORDED: RFajRO OF SURUtT 17271 ELEVATION: <»K OF fKRAKAKK ftBUMr J0I4 C-2 SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS CONSULT A^TS 0C5UNES OT: ILF. [XTE: FER 2014 OMm BY: _lt XAi£: fO' ENOMEtft or WORK: mm mean RCE: 60223