HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP 84-03; Alanda; Site Development Plan (SDP)APPLICATiq FEBRUARY tUBMITTAL DATE: 1984 STAFF REPORT DATE: April 25, 1984 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Land Use Planning Office SUBJECT: GPA/LU 84-3/ZC-304/CT 83-20 -3J- ALANDA - Request I. to allow development of a milfrgd ma^residential project on 47 acres located at the northwest and southwest corners of Elm Avenue and El Camino Real. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission ADOPT Resolution Nos. 2282, 2283, 2284 and 2285 recommending APPROVAL of GPA/LU 84-3/ZC-304/CT 83-20 and SDP 84-3, to the City Council based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein- II.PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed project involves the development of a 47 acre parcel into a mixed-use residential project. The property is roughly rectangular in shape, bounded by El Camino Real on the east and Seacrest Estates on the west. The proposed extension of Elm Avenue will bisect the property, separating a 9 acre parcel (north of Elm Avenue) from the remainder of the site. An EIR for a similar, more intense project on the site was certified by the City Council in November, 1983. A requested General Plan Amendment and Zone Change was denied without prejudice at that time. Slopes on the site are relatively steep, sloping up from El Camino Real. The majority of the site is presently vacant, vegetated primarily with native brush. A horse ranch exists on the upper-central portion of the site. The site is designated for residential development on the General Plan. The area north of proposed Elm Avenue, about 9 acres, is designated for medium density development (4-10 du/ac). The southern portion is designated RLM (0-4 du/ac). The entire site is currently zoned R-A-10, a Residential-Agricultural zone which allows single-family residences with 10,000 square foot lots. The project proposes an amendment to the General Plan on the northern portion of the site to RMH, which allows densities in the 10-20 du/ac range. Corresponding zoning of RD-M-Q is also requested in this area. No change in land use designation or zoning is requested south of the extension of Elm Avenue. A proposes tentative tract map for 75 lots breaks down as follows: A) 73 single-family lots on the south side of Elm Avenue, conforming to R-A-10 zoning standards; B) An approximately 9 acre lot north of Elm Avenue, to accomodate 195 apartment units, and; C) An approximately 9 acre open space lot on the steep El Camino Real frontage area, south of Elm Avenue. In addition, the applicant requests approval of a site development plan for the 195 apartment units to be constructed north of Elm Avenue. II. ANALYSIS Planning Issues 1) Is there sufficient justification to approve a General Plan Amendment to allow an increase in density on the north side of Elm Avenue? Will this increase create additional traffic congestion? 2) Does the apartment project, at the density proposed, meet all requirements of the Carlsbad Zoning Ordinance? 3) Is the proposed single family subdivision designed to be compatible with surrounding land uses, integrated with the existing topography and sensitive to views from El Camino Real? 4) Is the overall project compatible with surrounding existing and future land uses in the area? 5) Does the proposed project address the environmental constraints of the site? Discussion - General Plan Amendment/Zone Change The project proposes a General Plan Amendment to intensify the allowable land uses on the 9 acres north of Elm Avenue from RM (4-10 du/ac) to RMH (10-20 du/ac). The RMH designation corresponds directly with adjacent property to the north, where the recently constructed CRC apartment project was developed at a density of just under 20 du/ac. Also, the applicant is proposing to rezone this 9 acres from R-A-10,000 to RDM(Q). When the applicant initially discussed the feasibility of constructing low/moderate income apartment units, staff was supportive, since virtually none had been provided in Carlsbad in several years. Over the last few months, however, numerous apartment projects have been approved for development throughout the City. As a result, the proposed construction of 195 low/moderate income apartment units would help provide an increased percentage of such housing, but is not now considered the benefit to the City that once was envisioned. -2- The change in land use intensity, however, can provide a trade- off for the construction of a very important link in the City's circulation system, the Elm Avenue extension. This extension is considered necessary in that it would provide a major east-west connection in the City. The Citizen's Circulation Advisory Committee recently recommended that construction of this connection be considered a high priority of the City. Approximately half of this connection is situated on the Alanda property. The property, however, is greatly encumbered by a large mudflow which includes most of the path Elm Avenue will take through the project. As a result, extensive grading will be required to construct this connection. The applicant has indicated that the grading expense for Elm Avenue and the development is such that 195 apartment units are necessary for the project to be economically feasible. It should be noted that the overall project intensity has been revised downward several times over the course of project review. The EIR traffic study concludes that two roadways in the vicinity of the project are experiencing congestion. They are El Camino Real, in front of Plaza Camino Real, and Chestnut Avenue, west of El Camino Real. It is anticipated that the completion of the Elm Avenue connection would relieve congestion on both of these roadways. In addition, the rate of growth in Calavera Hills and surrounding properties is such that additional traffic is constantly being added to the area. As such, staff concludes that the prompt completion of the Elm Avenue connection will provide a very important link in the city's Circulation Plan, and that this factor supplies sufficient justification to change the General Plan from RM to RMH and to rezone the property from R-A-10,000 to RDM(Q). Staff has an additional concern with the zoning of the property south of Elm Avenue. This property is currently zoned R-A- 10,000. Because of the site's sensitive environmental features, staff believes this property should be graded concurrently with the property north of Elm Avenue. This would ensure a comprehensive grading scheme to accomodate the two projects and the construction of Elm Avenue. To ensure that the grading of the total site is comprehensive, staff is recommending that a Q overlay be placed on the property south of Elm Avenue. Also, staff is adding a condition to the tentative map requiring that both the north and south sides of Elm Avenue be graded concurrently. With this change, staff is comfortable with the General Plan Amendment and Zone Change requests. Discussion - SDP 84-3 As shown on Exhibit "D", the proposed apartment development consists of nine buildings. Six of the buildings will contain 20 units, and three buildings will contain 25 units. All are -3- RISING GLEN •r^M* «•*• k PM( V" II IN M* MO16A36OCWD proposed at_ three stories (maximum 35 feet) high. Since the existing topography of the site is relatively steep, the apartments are proposed at five different pad levels, which should lessen grading amounts and provide interest to the landscape. A setback from El Camino Real varying between 77 feet and 100 feet would be provided. The project meets all criteria of the "El Camino Real Development Standards". The buildings contain some interest, with large open areas separating them. A centralized active recreation area, including pool, Jacuzzi, and patio recreation center is provided. The project's proposed density of 19.7 du/acre can be justified for a number of reasons. First, as previously mentioned, the project will provide the much needed link of Elm Avenue to El Camino Real. Staff has included a condition requiring the construction of Elm Avenue in conjunction with the development of the project. This recommended condition leaves open the possibility of different methods of financing the off-site improvements of this link. Staff is willing to work closely with the developer to arrive at an equitable solution to this expense burden. Some alternative methods of financing may be an assessment district, reimbursement agreements etc. Second, the density is compatible with the apartment project located immediately to the north. Finally, the project provides on-site amenities over and above that required by the Zoning Ordinance. Discussion - Single Family Subdivision As previously mentioned, the site is topographically and geologically constrained by steep slopes, mudflows, and landslides. As shown on Exhibit "B", the steepest portions of the site, along the El Camino Real frontage south of Elm Avenue, will be maintained in natural and manufactured open space. The eucalyptus stand at the south-east corner of the site will remain. The 73 single-family lots are designed to follow the ridge prevailing north-south through the property. Proposed "A" street will act as a residential frontage road to El Camino Real, connecting up with the alignment approved for the Sheffler project to the south. "A" street follows the ridge line closely. As a result of staff concern with the potential for numerous identical, highly visible single-family homes, the applicant has agreed to vary the roof lines substantially, including a total integration of one and two-story structures. The construction of Elm Avenue and/or any development of the site would require extensive remedial grading to remove the large mudflow area. Since extensive grading is required on this north end of the site, this is the area where the greatest alteration to the existing landform is proposed. To mitigate the grading impact, the applicant is proposing to reconstruct the site to conform to the pre-existing natural terrain. The applicant will also utilized contour grading to help give the site a more natural appearance. -4- Land Use Compatibility Staff considers the project compatible with surrounding existing and future land uses in the area. Immediately north of the apartments is the recently constructed CRC apartment complex, built at a density of just under 20 du/ac. Property across El Camino Real from this site is being developed as a small office park. The 10,000 sq. ft. single-family lots are compatible with the existing Seacrest Estates and the lots in • the proposed Sheffler project to the south. Overall, staff recommends approval of the General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, and Site Development Plan on the north side of Elm Avenue, the application of the Q overlay on the southern property and approval of the Tentative Tract Map for the entire property. III. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The EIR points out that the site drains fairly directly into Buena Vista Creek and into Buena Vista Lagoon. Since soils on the site are highly erodible, staff is recommending several grading conditions which include the provision of an on-site desiltation basin. A list of mitigation measures regarding the geologic constraints of the site are indicated in the Environmental Impact Report prepared for this project. These mitigation measures relate to the on-site mudflow and other geologic features. These measures have been incorporated into the conditions of approval for this project. Archaeological studies have indicated that the potential for encountering artifacts, including human remains, on the site are very good, and that the archaeological resources must be considered significant. The applicant has agreed to have archaeological excavations performed to the satisfaction of the City prior to grading of the site. The Land Use Planning Manager has determined that the environmental impacts of the proposed project have been analyzed by previous environmental documents and a Notice of Prior Compliance was issued on April 4, 1984. ATTACHMENTS 1) Planning Commission Resolution Nos. 2282, 2283, 2284 and 2285 2) Location Map 3) Background Data Sheet 4) Disclosure Form 5) Environmental Documents 6) Exhibit "A", General Plan Amendment and Zoning, dated April 25, 1984 7) Exhibits "B" - "H", dated April 25, 1984 PJK:bw 4/12/84 -5- (LOCATION MA* SITE SOP 84-3 GPA/LU 84-3 ZC-304 ZC-304 SDP 84-3 GPA/LU 84-3 ALANDA CT 83-20 BACKGROUND DATA SHEET CASE NO: GPVLU 84-3/ZC-304/SDP 84-3/CT 83-20 APPLICANT: ALANDA REQUEST AND LOCATION: Request to develop mixed use residential All the portion of Lot "J" of RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, in the LEGAL DESCRIPTION: City of Carlsbad, County of SD, State of CA, according to Partition Map thereof No. 823, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, November 16, 1896 APN; 167-060-10,13 Acres 47 Proposed No. of Lots/Units 73 SFD, 195 apartments GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Land Use Designation RM/RLM 4-10 du/ac Density Allowed 4-10 du/ac/0-4 du/ac Density Proposed to 10-20 du/ac ' Existing Zone R-A-10 • Proposed Zone RD-M-Q Surrounding Zoning and Land Use: Zoning Land Use Site R-A-10 Vacant North P~C Apartments South R-A-10 Vacant East R-P/R-1-10 Office/Vacant West R-A-10 SFD's PUBLIC FACILITIES School District Carlsbad Water Carlsbad Sewer Carlsbad EDU's 268 Public Facilities Fee Agreement, dated March 30, 1983 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Negative Declaration, issued E.I.R. Certified, dated Other, Notice of Prior Compliance, Dated, April 4, 1984 If after the informatir^kpu have submitted has been that further informatiolBfe required, you will be so , it is determined APPLICANT: AGENT: , er fit. . Name (individual/ partnership, joint venture, corporation, syndication) Business Address Telephone Number A Name MEMBERS: Business Address Telephone Number L- Name (individual, partner, joint venture, corporation, syndication) Home Address Business Address Telephone Number Name Telephone Number Home Address Business Address Telephone Number - 22.V8 Telephone Number Sr-Qt > . y>. , CLA (Attach more sheets if necessary) I/We declare under penalty of perjury that the information contained in this dis closure is true and correct and that it will remain true and correct and may be relied upon as being true and correct until amended. H LA tit) A A Applicant BY Agent, Owner, Partner. DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES LAND USE PLANNING OFFICE 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008-1989 (619) 438-5591 PUBLIC NOTICE OF PRIOR ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE Please Take Notice: The Land Use Planning Office has determined that the environmental effects of the project described below have already been considered in conjunction with previously certified environmental documents and, therefore, no additional environmental review will be required and a notice of determination will be filed. Project Title: Rising Glen. Project Location: Northwest and southwest corner of Elm Avenue and El Camino Real. Project Description: Development of a 47 acre site into a mixed use residential project including 195 apartment units and 73 single- family lots. Justification for this determination is on file in the Land Use Planning Office, City Hall, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, CA. Comments from the public are invited. Please submit comments in writing to the Land Use Planning Office within ten (10) days of date of publication. Dated: April 4, 1984 Case No: GPA/LU 84-3/ZC-304/ CT 83-20/SDP 83-11 Applicant: Alanda Publish Date: April 7, 1984 MICHAEL 0>-J!OLZMH££R Land Use Planning Manager PC 1 EXHIBIT A APRIL i6, 1»64 , SITE> LAND USE- RM to RMH ZONING-R-A-10,000 to RD-M-Q R-A-10,000 to R-A-10CQ) GPA/LU 84-3 ALANDA ZC-304