HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP 93-01; Prime Auto Center; Site Development Plan (SDP)I .. • APPLIC.ON COMPLETE DATE:
AUGUST 17, 1993
SUBJECT: SDP 93-01/CUP 93-01 -PRIME AUTO CENTER -Request for approval of a
Site Development Plan and Conditional Use Permit to allow a drive-thru
restaurant, a car wash, and an automobile service facility on a portion of the
southwest comer of Paseo del Norte and Palomar Airport Road in the
Commercial Tourist and Qualified Overlay (CT-Q) Zones in Local Facilities
Management Zone 3.
That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 3569
APPROVING the Negative Declaration issued by the Planning Director, and ADOPT
Planning Commission Resolution Nos. 3570 and 3571 APPROVING SOP 93-01 AND CUP
93-01 based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein.
The applicant is requesting approval of a site development plan and conditional use permit
to allow the development of a drive-thru restaurant, full service car wash including related
business offices, and an automobile service use south of existing freeway service uses
located at the southwest comer of Paseo del Norte and Palomar Airport Road. The 1.35
acre site is zoned Commercial Tourist/Qualified Overlay Zone. Within the CT Zone,
restaurants are permitted by right and drive-thrus, car washes, and automobile service
facilities require approval of a conditional use permit. The Qualified Overlay Zone requires
approval of a site development plan to ensure that the use is properly related to the site,
surrounding development, and environmental setting.
The level, infill site is a long deep, rectangular shaped lot which is part of a larger parcel
containing Denny's Restaurant and a Mobil Gas Station/Self-Serve Car Wash to the north
and a portion of Hadley's parking lot to the south. The project is located adjacent to the
I-5 Freeway approximately 20' above the northbound off-ramp. The existing and proposed
developments are separated by lease lines, and development on each lot has received
separate approval. As shown on Exhibit "A", a 28' wide north/south easement provides
access from Palomar Airport Road to the existing uses and is proposed as a secondary
access to the project. Primary access to the proposed project will be provided from Paseo
SOP 93-01/CUP 93-01 -.ME AUTO CENTER
NOVEMBER 17, 1993
del Norte by an existing driveway located adjacent to the northern property/lease line.
This driveway will be moved south approximately 5' to enable an additional 5' of
landscaping between uses. An additional "exit only'' driveway is proposed along the
southern property/lease line to permit cars to exit directly onto Paseo del Norte from the
Rally's drive-thru lanes.
The site's 3:1 length to width ratio encourages a linear site design in which the tourist
serving restaurant use fronts on Paseo del Norte and the car wash and automobile service
facility are located on the rear half of the lot adjacent to the freeway. The car wash
structure consists of a two story building with car wash offices located on the second story.
The building design incorporates various California Spanish Mission architectural elements
and provides variation in roof line and direction. A three story tower element located
along the western elevation, a stucco canopy concealing the vacuum trellises, and a trellis
covered waiting area add interest to the structure. The automobile service facility is a one
story structure with two work bays provided for quick oil change and lube service. This
flat roofed structure appears to be an accessory structure to the larger car wash. The
Rally's Burger site includes a drive-thru lane along each side of a one story, 711 square foot
structure. The building is designed with architectural elements similar to the other
buildings proposed on the site. Rally's corporate design scheme incorporates red trim
elements. Specifically, the proposed structure includes a red plastic canopy extending
approximately 5' over both drive-thrus and a red tile inset extending along the sides of the
structure. A trellised eating area, enclosed by a combination masonry and glass wall, is
provided adjacent to the northern drive-thru.
The site design includes perimeter landscaping and 3' masonry walls to screen parking
provided along the eastern, western, and northern property lines. Interior landscape
planters are located to define the access driveway. and to screen and separate land uses.
Included in this request is a sign program in which approximately 227 square feet of wall
signage is proposed along with an additional 66 square feet of freeway pole signage
requested by Rallys Burger.
The proposed project is subject to the following land use policies, ordinances, and
A. Travel Service (TS) General Plan Land Use designation
B. Carlsbad Municipal Code, Title 21:
1. Chapter 21.29, Commercial Tourist (CT) Zone
2. Chapter 21.06, Qualified Overlay (Q) Zone
3. Chapter 21.42, Conditional Uses
C. Growth Management Ordinance (Zone 3 Local Facilities Management Plan)
D. Local Coastal Program (Mello II)
SOP 93-01/CUP 93-01 -.ME AUTO CENTER
NOVEMBER 17, 1993 •
The project is in harmony with the intent of the underlying Travel Service (TS) General
Plan designation to allow commercial service uses accessible to interregional traffic which
will serve business and industrial areas as well as the traveling public. The proposed uses
are consistent with this General Plan designation since the automobile related and
restaurant uses located along two major circulation routes will serve the needs of travelers
and the surrounding industrial areas. The site's location at the intersection of Palomar
Airport Road and Paseo del Norte adjacent to the I-5 freeway enables easy and direct
access from I-5 and from industrial parks located along Palomar Airport Road.
1. Commercial Tourist Zone, Chapter 21.29:
The proposed drive-thru restaurant, car wash, and automobile service uses are
permitted in the Commercial Tourist (CT) Zone with an approved conditional use
permit. Automobile service stations and car washes in conjunction with automobile
service stations permitted in the CT Zone are subject to the following findings and
a) The uses will not adversely affect the viability or use of the area as a
commercial tourist district or adversely affect nearby uses or traffic
The proposed automobile service and car wash uses are proposed as a part
of an existing freeway service facility with similar freeway serving uses
already existing onsite. The proposed uses will provide necessary services
to travelers and nearby industrial employees and will not adversely affect the
viability or use of the area as a commercial tourist district. Traffic
movements will increase, however, the site is designed to avoid conflicts in
onsite and offsite traffic movements.
b) "The site is designed to reduce the visual impacts of buildings and waiting
cars on surrounding development and from public streets."
Visual impacts from waiting cars at the entrance to the car wash and
automobile service uses will be reduced through the placement of these
facilities at the rear of the site, adjacent to the I-5 freeway, and 150' from
·the Paseo del Norte right of way. Landscape screening and structures located
at the front of the site will visually block the car wash drying area which has
the greatest potential for visual impacts. The proposed architectural design
incorporates quality design elements and is compatible with surrounding
SOP 93-01/CUP 93-01 -.ME AUTO CENTER
NOVEMBER 17, 1993 •
development with one exception. The proposed fluorescent tube surrounding
the car wash tower below the roof line and surrounding the car wash canopy
is a prohibited attention getting device and therefore, not compatible with
surrounding development since it will not reduce the visual impacts of the
c) A noise analysis addressing noise impacts on surrounding development is
The project site and surrounding area are subject to existing noise impacts
from the I-5 freeway and adjacent Mobil Oil Car Wash. The applicant's noise
analysis concludes that noise impacts to surrounding uses will not be
significantly increased by the car wash. Surrounding commercial uses are
not considered sensitive noise receptors, although the proposed Rally's
outdoor eating area was considered a sensitive receptor. Noise impacts from
existing and proposed uses will result in noise levels in excess of 60 dBA
CNEL at the outdoor eating area, and mitigation proposed· by the noise study
in the form of a 6' high stucco and glass noise barrier around the eating area
has been incorporated into the project.
d) A traffic study which analyzes the impact of the proposed car wash on
adjacent and nearby intersections is required.
Staffs review of the traffic study submitted by the applicant concluded that
adjacent and nearby intersections currently operate at acceptable levels and
additional traffic generated by this project will not significantly change this
level of service.
The traffic study included an analysis of potential on-site traffic circulation
inadequacies. The study mainly focused on the proposed Rally's facility since
it is expected to generate high numbers of peak hour traffic. Facility queuing
lengths were investigated and the determination was made that adequate
queuing will be available onsite for the commercial facilities which are
proposed. Additionally, Land Use Review investigated three similar sites in
San Diego County and conducted queuing studies, also focusing on a Rally's
facility, to verify the traffic consultant's conclusions. Staffs analysis also
concluded that sufficient queuing length is available for acceptable operation.
It should be noted, however, that the potential exists for heavy onsite
congestion for approximately the first few weeks of operation due to the
novelty factor of the new facility.
e) "Adequate parking and circulation shall be provided on-site to accommodate
the proposed use."
SDP 93-01/CUP 93-01 -~ME AUTO CENTER
NOVEMBER 17, 1993 •
Primary access to the site will be provided from Paseo del Norte by an
existing driveway which will be moved 5' to the south and widened to 30'.
This access aisle will intersect an existing 28' wide easement providing access
to the adjacent uses from Palomar Airport Road. These driveways permit
circulation thru the entire freeway service facility. As shown on Exhibit "C",
the proposed site is designed to provide adequate queuing and parking for
each use to avoid negatively impacting traffic circulation through the site by
blocking these access drives. Additionally, an exit only drive is provided
adjacent to the southern property line to allow direct egress from the Rally's
drive-thru lanes and to reduce traffic exiting the primary access drive.
Parking in accordance with required Parking Ordinance standards for each
prop9sed use are provided in close proximity to each use as shown on the
following table:
Car Wash/Office 16 18
Lube 8 8
Fast Food 8 8
TOTAL 32 34
f) 'Waiting areas for cars shall be screened by a combination of landscaping,
fencing, and berming."
The site is designed with the car wash and automobile service uses located
at the rear of the site adjacent to the I-5 freeway. This ensures that the cars
waiting at the entries and drying area of these uses will be a minimum of
150' from the Paseo del Norte right of way. The site is designed with
landscape planters and/ or 3' masonry walls around the perimeter of the site
as well as interior planters to screen cars from the public roadways and
surrounding uses.
g) "All signs shall comply with the approved sign program, or if none, the City's
Sign Ordinance."
As shown on the following table, the applicant's proposed sign program is in
accordance with the maximum signage permitted for the proposed
development. The site is a part of a freeway service facility with an existing
50' pole sign consisting of signs for Mobil and Denny's Restaurant.
Maximum signage allowed on a freeway pole sign is 250 square feet. The
SOP 93-01/CUP 93-01 -.ME AUTO CENTER
NOVEMBER 17, 1993 •
addition of a 66 square foot Rally's sign will result in a total square footage
of 234 square feet for this freeway service pole sign. Although the sign
program identifies the fluorescent tubing around the car wash canopy and
tower as signage (Sign H), it has not been included in the sign square
footage. This type of signage is specifically prohibited by the Sign Ordinance
as an attention getting device and will be deleted from the sign program.
Additionally, the proposed directional signage included in the sign program
is not a part of the total square footage.
Wall Sign 233.49 227.25
Remaining Freeway 82 66
Pole Signage
h) "Adequate means of eliminating grease and oil from drainage system shall be
The project will be conditioned to comply with the City's requirements of the
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. This will
ensure that the best management practices are used to reduce surface
pollutants to an acceptable level prior to discharge to sensitive areas.
2-3. Qualified Overlay Zone, Chapter 21.06 and Conditional Uses, Chapter 21.42:
The proposed drive-thru restaurant, car wash, and automobile service uses each
require approval of a conditional use permit. Since these uses are all proposed on
the same site and each use is conditional due to noise, visual, and/or circulation
concerns, these uses are combined under one conditional use permit.
Findings required prior to the approval of a conditional use permit and site
development permit are very similar, and therefore, findings listed below include
those required for both the site development plan and conditional use permit:
a) That the requested uses are consistent with the various elements of the
General Plan, are properly related to the site, surroundings and
environmental setting, are necessary and desirable for the development of the
community, will not be detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifically
permitted in the area in which the proposed use is to be located, and will not
adversely impact the site, surroundings, or traffic circulation;
SOP 93-01/CUP 93-01 -~ME AUTO CENTER
NOVEMBER 17, 1993 •
The proposed project will occupy a portion of an existing freeway service
facility (located at the apex of the I-5 freeway interchange) containing a
minimum of two freeway serving uses. The proposed drive-thru restaurant
and automobile service uses are travel serving and therefore properly related
to the site and desirable at this location. The car wash facility is also
properly related to the site since it provides a necessary automobile related
service to travelers and to employees of nearby industrial development.
The project site and architectural design will not adversely impact the
surrounding area since the site has been designed to ensure proper
functioning and the proposed California Spanish Mission architectural style
is consistent and compatible with surrounding development. Perimeter
landscaping averaging 6' in width is provided around the majority of the
project to screen and separate land uses.
While car wash facilities, automobile service uses, and drive-thru facilities are
typically associated with noise and/or visual impacts, these impacts are
somewhat anticipated at a freeway service facility. The increase in noise due
to the car wash is not significant and will not be detrimental to existing
commercial uses already subject to freeway traffic noise and the Mobil Car
Wash. Visual impacts of stacked cars at the entrance and drying areas of the
car wash and automobile service use and cars waiting in Rally's drive-thru
will be reduced by site design and landscaping. The car wash and
automobile service facilities will be located 150' from the Paseo del Norte
right-of-way and screened by Rally's and landscape planters which separate
land uses. The drive-thru lanes will be partially screened by the outdoor
eating area trellis and perimeter landscaping including a 3' masonry wall
within the front landscaped setback.
The project will not adversely impact offsite traffic circulation although
secondary access will be provided to the site from Palomar Airport Road by
an existing easement providing primary access to Denny's Restaurant and
secondary access to the Mobil Gas Station to the north. Primary access to
the proposed uses will be provided from Paseo del Norte by an existing
driveway which will be moved 5' to the south, widened to 30', and intersect
the access easement. These driveways currently provide through-circulation
from Palomar Airport Road to Paseo del Norte and the proposed development
will maintain this through-circulation pattern. As shown on Exhibit "_", the
proposed site is designed to provide adequate parking and queuing for each
use to avoid negatively impacting traffic circulation through the site by
blocking these access drives.
b)' That the site for the intended use is adequate in size and shape;
SDP 93-01/CUP 93-01 -·ME AUTO CENTER
NOVEMBER 17, 1993 •
The site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the three proposed
uses. All of the uses proposed involve car stacking and the site is designed
to avoid potential conflicts resulting from waiting cars. Each use is designed
to ensure a smooth flow of traffic entering and exiting the use without
obstructing the main circulation aisle. Adequate parking is provided in close
proximity to each use, and approximately 19% of the site is landscaped.
Although no structural setbacks are proposed from the side property lease
lines for the car wash and automobile service structures, the minimum
distance between existing and proposed structures is 60 feet.
c) That all yards, setbacks, walls, fences, landscaping, and other features
necessary to adjust the requested uses to existing or permitted future uses in
the neighborhood will be provided and maintained;
The design features necessary to adjust the requested uses to existing and
permitted uses in the neighborhood will be provided and include compatible
architecture, perimeter and interior landscaping to screen and separate uses,
parking and signage in accordance with the Parking and Sign Ordinances,
adequate queuing areas for each use, and through-circulation allowing easy
and direct access to interregional traffic. Also, noise levels exceeding. 60
CNEL which would potentially impact the proposed Rally's outdoor eating
area will be mitigated by a 6' high stucco and glass noise wall surrounding
the eating area and reducing the noise level at this location to below 60
CNEL thereby ensuring compatibility of onsite uses.
d) That the street system serving the proposed use is adequate to properly
handle all traffic generated by the proposed use.
The street system serving the proposed uses is adequate to properly handle
the additional 1,426 trips projected to result from this project; the
surrounding road segments and intersections will continue to _operate at
acceptable levels in accordance with Growth Management standards.
The project is consistent with all applicable policies of the Mello II Local Coastal Program
except for the requested addition of a "Rally's" sign to the existing freeway pole sign. Since
the Mello II LCP prohibits pole signs, the existing freeway service pole sign consisting of
Denny's and Mobil signage is inconsistent with Mello II and therefore nonconforming. The
LCP is implemented by the Zoning Ordinance as modified by Coastal Commission action.
In the case of nonconforming issues, the LCP is implemented by Section 21.48 (Carlsbad
Municipal Code) without modification. Section 21.48 (Carlsbad Municipal Code) allows
for the intensification of nonconforming uses by conditional use permit.
SDP 93-01/CUP 93-01 -.ME AUTO CENTER
NOVEMBER 17, 1993
Prior to granting a Conditional Use Permit for the intensification of a nonconforming use,
the Carlsbad Municipal Code (Chapter 21.48.080(d) requires that the following findings
are made:
a) The alteration does not exceed 25% of the replacement value of the entire structure;
The proposed addition of a 66 square foot Rally's sign to the existing 55 foot high
pole will not exceed 25% of the replacement value of the existing pole sign. The
Rally's sign is the smallest of the three signs, and its installation involves affixing
the new sign to the existing pole below the existing Mobil and Denny's signs.
Therefore, the cost including installation of one 66 square foot Rally's sign would
·not exceed 25% of the cost of replacement and installation of a 55' high sign pole
and the cost and installation of the existing 96 square foot Denny's sign and 72
square foot Mobil sign.
b) The alteration is designed to be easily removed;
The Rally's sign will be affixed to an existing pole sign below the existing signs
allowing for relatively easy removal.
c) The alteration meets all applicable requirements of the code;
The Sign Ordinance permits a maximum of 250 square feet of freeway pole signage
on any lot which constitutes a freeway service facility. The proposed project is part
of an existing freeway service facility consisting of two or more freeway service
uses. Rally's is a freeway serving use and the proposed addition of 66 square feet
of signage to the existing 168 square feet for a total of 234 square feet of pole
signage is consistent with code.
Additionally, the Planning Commission must set a date for abatement of the existing
nonconforming pole sign. Staff recommends that removal of the pole signage occur
concurrent with the removal of the freeway serving uses which qualify the site as a freeway
service facility, or within one year from the date that freeway pole signs are prohibited by
the Sign Ordinance (Chapter 21.41 of the CMC) as specified by Chapter 21.48.040.
Justification for the intensification of the freeway pole sign is based on the signage
requirements of uses at this location which are within a freeway service facility accessible
to interregional traffic, and serve the needs of the traveling public. Freeway service
signage is somewhat unique since signage must be visible from some distance to alert
travelers of the need to exit the freeway or highway to access the use. Rally's is considered
a freeway serving use, however, its location at the eastern boundary of the freeway service
facility along Paseo del Norte precludes signage which is visible to the traveling public.
The freeway pole sign is the only onsite location providing this signage opportunity;
therefore, the addition of the Rally's sign is necessary for the development of the facility,
SOP 93-01/CUP 93-01 -·ME AUTO CENTER
NOVEMBER 17, 1993
consistent with the Travel Service land use designation, and its location on an existing pole
sign will not be detrimental to uses permitted in the Commercial Tourist Zone.
The project is located within Local Facilities Management Zone 3. The impacts on public
facilities created by this project and compliance with adopted performance standards are
summarized below:
City Administration N/A N/A
Ubrary N/A N/A
Waste Water Treatment 9.85 EDU Yes
Parks N/A N/A
Drainage N/A N/A
Circulation 1,426 ADT Yes
Fire Station #4 Yes
Open Space N/A N/A
Schools N/A N/A
Sewer Collection 9.85 EDU Yes
Water Distribution System 660 GPO Yes
The site has been previously disturbed by development and is devoid of any significant
culture.! or natural biological resources. The proposed car wash will increase surrounding
noise levels but will not impact surrounding land uses by significantly increasing ambient
noise levels of the area. Based upon a field survey and findings of the initial study Part II,
the Planning Director has determined that no significant environmental impacts will result
from the project and a Negative Declaration was issued on September 23, 1993. The
Negative Declaration was sent out for public review and to the State Clearinghouse for
State agency review and no comments were received.
SDP 93-01/CUP 93-01 -!ME AUTO CENTER
NOVEMBER 17, 1993
The project is consistent with the underlying TS General Plan Designation and findings
required to grant a site development plan and conditional use permit to allow the proposed
uses in the CT-Q zone can be made. Therefore, staff recommends approval of SOP 93-01
and CUP 93-01 as conditioned with two exceptions.
The first exception involves one element of Rally's architectural design. Staff recommends
that a condition be included to require the replacement of the red plastic canopies with
stucco coated canopies providing red plastic reveals or inserts around the canopy sides.
This minor change would add to the architectural quality of the development. Although
Rally's has cooperated with staff by revising their architectural plans to be compatible with
the overall project architectural design, Rally's Corporate offices have indicated they are
not willing to make this compromise since the red canopy is a recognizable Rally's logo
which is a part of all of their facilities.
The second exception involves an architectural design element proposed as part the car
wash tower and canopy. This element consists of a fluorescent tube light which surrounds
the tower and canopy beneath the roof structure.
Staff recommends that the Planning Commission determine this flourescent tubing to be
an attention getting device which is prohibited by the Sign Ordinance. If this
determination is made, the flourescent tubing would have to be eliminated prior to finding
that the proposed structures will not visually impact the area.
1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 3569
2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 3570
3. Planning Commission Resolution No. 3571
4. Location Map
5. Background Data Sheet
6. Local Facilities Impact Assessment Form
7. Disclosure Form
8. Reduced Exhibits
9. Exhibits "A"-"L" dated November 17, 1993.
October 20, 1993