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SDP 98-09; POINSETTIA PROPERTIES PA 5; Engineering Application
JUM-n~-aa aa.,, AM JUN 25 '99 13: 24 P~2 e 1 CITY .• CARLSBAD • ENGINEl!RINQ DE.~l!NT. / P,.· \ ((__ SDP q [?-O o/ APPLICATION ~ 7"D;1-'3J--?7~1:f . GRADING. P!RMIT PROJECT NAME: ~QJ ~~S PERMIT NUMBER; '-'-' ....... ---~ ....... PROJECT LOCATION: ~.&:z:.~.;...:..--11111:s.;..;;;.Cl:.:..;~~$--J.-.,__~~~~...a....::..;.~ ....... .i.,a:..;~ ...... ..------1 ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER(S): 0\NNER: __ __....__...-..;;...L!..:&.-_..J,.:.....,..,u.:.:::._~~.,.:,....ii..;;.._.z::....-~---------1 ADDRESS: --~~.:.;....;...;.;;.:r....:..;..:... ....... :;.:...;...,._~....,;;.__.i-:--...... '--'c..m.....-........ .J..&..o_~ ......... ---1 PHONE· NUMBER: _:..~~~..,:;:;,,,J,~--~~=--~'-"~~::::..;-:::~~~~~'2,=------1 · I CERTll'V THAT I AMlliE LEGAL OWNER OF THI$ PROPERTY AND I AUTHORIZE THE GRADING ASSOCIATED WITH THIS PER T. . OWNER SIGNATURE: DAT!: GP• "'Z qq CIVIL ENGINEER: ADDRESS: ---------------~--..-----.-~~~~c~~~~_,,_._~.:.,;,_~ ..... 'ZCo__,;;~---1· PHONE NUMBER: SOILS ENGINEER; ADDRESS: G-.,4, O . \Jt! ~ ()e\S() Cr\ -Z 'Z. r _________ .......__:;......:.....,..--c;........, _ __......:.,._,_::....-..:.-..1--~----....... .:..---t ' PHONE NUMBER; ~, 'f .. '556: (rtoo GRADING CONTRACTOR: -----------------STATE LICENSE NO.: ___ __. ADDRESS: CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NO: PHONE NUMBER: BASIS OF P~RMIT FEES: C'f ---------GRADING QUANTITIES: cy cut ------cytlll ,;y remedf 11 cy uportllmpo,t TOTALCPERMIT FEES: BALANCE DUE: . . VERIFIED BY: I hereby ICknowfadge 1htt I h1va Nlad ltl• epplcatfon and lnbmatlon pravtded 11 oorrtct; I qrtt lO comply wlltl atl r.dn, 11111, and Cft'f ...,,, •dlffancet, ,..,1,11ona .,dpol!Gle, relating to .cevll!an Ind aradnf lnducllma, but rlOI ftmlted IO, e. l"ederet Endlnond 5PKll1 Mt fl 1979 Ind In,' Mltndfflentl lhtrtto. OSHA P.-mll ,...ltameftll for nnehee aver ftvl Mt detp and 11'1• pnnrlltons Ind condition, tf ~ Plffl'it ifl\ltll pu,au1nt '° Utf I eppllcatlon. APPLICANT NAME: ~-p . ~ \~( N PHONE NUMBER: '-let ,S,.f-o9.;2. ADDRESS: · Cf · '12 ~ .. t:J\l)f" .,. 0 ( DA TE: ~ ZZ · Cf 4' I CITY -CARLSBAD -ENGINEERING DEP'4tMENT APPLICATION FOR ENGINEERING PLAN CHECK OR PROCESSING Complete all appropriate information. Write N/A when not applicable. PROJECT NAME: Po, N,SB,,--,,A p~,--,J;;,S DATE: l~. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: -~IL--E: ?EG-.1n ,, R!;,.a_ PC-AN.N.1.Nb ~1§4.-->- PROJECT ADDRESS: E. o"F -~ LP-o"1i> ~ ~;::::-f-b, M%:::!--rt~ ., V. oP-/4..atu:lo\ ~CIN LOT NO(S).: ~ MAP NO.: ~-~ :JS, ?J APN(S).: 'J.,,14~ Lr.So---;J.S- NO. OF DWELLING UNITS: Nf A-LFMP ZONE: a?-.. # LOTS: I # ACRES: ..SS:· 7 ' OWNER: L-Jv\ CH; APPLICANT: /Yf ,~, L .p Mailing Address: 5:?SS:: ./2.,.EN1,DA.. l=i:,c•tb'f;!:,-:i;::---2,10 Mailing Address: B?.», Ay§;,110..G.IC)N;J: 'J.fD ~), CA 92fQ"B C&i4-.sf?AQ. CA. 9~ • Pholi'e,:Number: . {7.k, f43>cg -c;4j7 Phone Number: · r/"O) '-+?:li?-'i[4-/ 7 I certify that I am the legal owner and that all the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge Signature ...,,._,,.-t_rc:._~~":_'=::_:-c::_.-_~_ Date 5,2, ·'t? Signature~~ Date 0·3·91 CIVIL ENGiNEER: I /tv\. ~QJio<-L.. Firm: () 'DA.':( ~SU<--12½4,--S so1LS ENGINEER: D1tvs Y="Y', ...-p Firm: G~ Mailing Address, S7a:> PA-,:,~ y.a/Q:) ~~\ CA 9~13 Phone Number: (7lP) 9?;,I -77cc::> Mailing Address: Ca-/C;,O tt-At-.!b@.-'.7 DR, ~ v~o.. a 9;)..J;).J Phone Number: ((d7'. ) -S5]I...: '22~ State Registration Number: ,55 ;, 8>1 State Registration Number: wcF ;:J.:J./;iJ-7 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Firm: Mailing Address: Phone Number: State Registration Number: IMPROVEMENT VALUA tlON 1. What water disJrlctis the. ro osed project located in (circle one)? arlsbad Municipal Water Distric Olivenhain Vallecitos 2. If in the Carlsba urnc1pa a er istrict, what is the total cost estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements (if applicable)? 3. What is the total cost estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for sewer (for Carlsbad Municipal Water District only), street, public (median) landscap·e and irrigation, and drainage improvements (if applicable)? 4. What is the total cost of landscape arid irrigation improvements on private property (if applicable)? GRADING QUANTITIES $ cut ---F-tp _____ cy fill 3.J, OX) cy remedial ¢ cy import/~ o.2,CC() cy OOCS/MISFORMS/APPllCATION ENG F'LANCHECK OR PROCESSING REV. 6/10/97 • -FOR CITY USE ONLY APPLICATION FOR: Plan check Drawing Deposit/Fees (./ all that apply) Number Type Number Proiect I.D. Paid 0 Adiustment Plat ADJP 0 Certificate of Compliance coc 0 Dedication of Easement DOE Type: Type: 0 Encroachment Permit ENCROACH 0 Enqineerinq Standards Variance E.SV 0 Final Map FM ~radinq PlanchecW (1-ooJ vile\, GRPC ~-, Q.c;,s SOf<fx--tM 3c> 'o7J. .,,,--· ,-I ,,, • u . -0 Grading GRADING 0 Improvement Plancheck IPC q Landscape Plancheck LPC 0 Parcel Map PM 0 Quitclaim of Easement QUITC Type: Type: 0 Reversion to Acreaqe RTA 0 Street Vacation STV 0 Tentative Parcel Map MS 0 Certificate of Correction CCOR 0 Covenant for Easement COVE O ·Substantial Conformance Exhibit SCE APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY: MASTER PROJECT ID: 111~_() /&Tl RECEIPT NUMBER: ~0~ PRELIMINARY SIERRA SYSTEM INPUT INITIAL: -t4;, ¾b SIERRA SYSTEM .INPUT INITIAL: <$-114 I<' R:BASE INPUT INITIAL: <)<$',() G'q,~ I.Sj;-I :;.q-'?)'; ~~~ 0 MASTER FILE NUMBER: F IZte-~l'-G , 0 OTHER: DATE STAMP APPLICATION RECEIVED- DOCS/MISFORMS/APPLICATION ENG PLANCHECK OR PROCESSING REV. 6/10/97 CI.F CARLSBAD -ENGINEERING DE-TMENT . APPLICATION FOR ENGINEERING PLAN CHECK OR PROCESSING PROJECT ADDRESS: AvEJJJDA. eNC{NAS SA~f D F $AA/SIT 4NTfiF! . LOT NO(S).: ____ MAP NO.: ---",--....--APN(S).: fo~ Qt:: ZJ 4-• 4© • C:: 6 NO. OF DWELLING UNITS: q-z_. ~FMP ZONE: Z. t.. # LOTS: . . ! # ACRES: JS.(, Mailing Address: Phone Number: ( Mailing Address:5'c,56 t,\fi:IJIDA ENaNAt ~/0 Cp@:L.st3AQ CA guro~ Phpne Nu.rnber:\ · (1',C ) 458 -!;477 --------------I certify that I am the legal owner and that all the above _ .·, .. )nf~~ation ~d. co,rr~ct to the: bestof my knowledgp '"'2. ~~,Jei c, · Signature . . .. Date 'l;,/s-o /~.'\ · · . Signature~~ Date 7 /;,,u , _ '- so1Ls ENGINEER: j)A Yi o LwA '-£::. Firm: (;::,eoet,#J Mailing Address: ::::-L..a...a=..:.=-=-----=------.a...-~ Mailing Address: 4,"(te,o ft..A~D:5-~S tt)~ 5Jr.. ~ CDtt:<,O I CA ':') -z. \ -Z..,( Phone Number: ( l,tc.{) · § S: S -Gr I £ "I State Registration Number: C..f 'II(.. -Z.Z..2 Z 1 LANDSCAPE ARCHITl;CT: E¢N4c-t> T6S:MJM4 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: ~ . Firm: J.R:.>::1111.~ui D@;:1 ~N ~ry Mailing Address: c:\,03 '8u.s,NftSr Gl(¥.~{!_ ~iv~1 tp, e 6>0 ,CA 1 -z.\ ~ l Phone Number: ( V \".f> G,et "!, -f'!Z 4: State Registration Number: L,tl. I 4-s~ IMPROVEMENT VALUATION ;;,-,:.=~=:.::..:.::...::.:a::~==..c·:::.:ro!:.1ect lpcated in (circle one)? Carlsbad Municipal Water District · .Oli'f'eAhain ~lleoitos 2. If in the Carlsbad Municipa a er • 1strict, what is the total cost estimate, including the 15% , contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements (if applicable)? 3. What is the total cost estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for sewer (for Carlsbad Municipal Water l)istrict only), street, public (median) landscape and irrigation, and drainage improvements (if applicable)? 4. What is the total cost of landscape and irrigation improvements. on private property (if applicable)? GRADING QUANTITIES se.,L,1&,f S j 10J/Z/65 $ ' cut ___ cy fill ?;t,Cl)o ty remedial ____ cy impo~ ~,tl!x, cy I DOCS/MISFORMS/APPLICATION ENG PLANCHECK OR PROCESSING REV. 6/10/97 • • FOR CITY USE ONLY i I APPLICATION FOR: Plan check Drawing Deposit/Fees (./ all that apply) Number Type Number Project tD. · Paid Cl Adjustment Plat . . • .ADJP . Cl Certificate of Compliance ... coc Cl Dedication of Easement DOE Type: ' 4 .. , ' ' ' J • Type: ; • Cl Encroachment Permit ENCROACH ,, \ ESV • Cl ·Enaineerina Standards Variance Cl Final Mao FM )3::-Grading Plancheck GRPC .3?~ --9/J--, gl)p 9'3 .-0'7 30...S-D~ · Cl Gradina GRADING .$ l~morovement Plancheck IPC .3 7A-9 .s.D p 'its -Cfl . -r:J} 7 Atr0 cS- _ O· .fc1ndscape Plancheck_ , ··LPG \ -:-': " -r I ,, • f 'I' .... ' , Cl Parcel Mao PM Cl Q!,litclaim of Easement , QUITC ''. . , . ' 0 ' . Type: . ', _, "Type: .. ' Cl Reversion to Acreage I RTA O Street Vacation STV Cl Tentative Parcel Mao MS .. -. Cl Certificate of Correction CCOR . Cl Covenant far Easement COVE ;·"la,1 " . . '. Cl Substantial Conformance Exhibit see J APPLICATI.ON ACCEPTED~ , 5 MASTER PROJECT ID: RECEIVED RECEIPT NUMBER: APR O 1 1999 PRELIMINARY SIERRA SYSTEM INPUT INITIAL: 5~~¾~tRING SIERRA SYSTEM INPUT INITIAL: E':N; R:BASE l~PUT INITIAL: MASTER FILE NUMBER: F Cl OTHER: DATE STAMP APPLICATION RECEIVED DOCS/MISFORMS/APPLICATION ENG PLANCHECK OR PROCESSING REV, 6/10/97 --•• PROJECT PLAN REVISION COMPLETION The following project plan revisions have been reviewed and are recommended for approval: ProjectNo.:_~ __ S____.._D_l° __ 2_8~_0_9 _________ _ Dwg. No.: ____.3~7___..P ___ -___ CJ_A ________________________ _ Sheets No.: _._f_-____ J_·_ -t)~? _____________________________ _ DECLAJUTION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I hereby declare that I have exercised responsible charge over the plan review of this project as defined in Section 8703 of the Business and Professions Code to determine that the plans are found to be in substantial compliance with applicable codes and standards. Plap_ review of these project drawings does not relieve the Engineer of Work of the responsibilities · with state and local ordinances. Helming Engineering, Inc. 5962 La Place Court, Suite 245 Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 431-5999 Douglas L. Helming, RCE 23874 Expiration Date 12/31/01 Date PROJECT PLAN REVIEW COMPLETION The following project P,lan have been reviewed and are recommended for approval: Project Nanw: ~ O ._:,_ S ~~ ~ ~ ~ -:_~ A \'--'cl ..:;:- Project No.: . S ~ ~ ~ -0 °\. . .. Dwg. No.: ~ \ i -:\ ')_C"" Sheets No.: _____ 1 _______ through ___ . ___ ;:::. ___________ _ DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I hereby declare that I have exercised responsible charge over the plan review of this project as defined in Section 8703 of the Business. and Professions Code to detem1ine that the plans are found to be in substantial compliance with applicable codes and standards. Plan review of these project drawings does not relieve the Engineer of Work of the responsibilities with state and local ordinances. Helming Engineering Co., Inc. 5962 La Place Court, Suite 245 Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 431-5999 Douglas L. Helming, RCE 23874 Expiration Date I 2/31/0 I Date iJJ c27,z /9 9'-} 0 t<-11-1t?-r r ~ • PROJECT PLAN REVIEW COMPLETION The followini project plan have been reviewed and are recommended for approval: Project Name: ~ 0 ,: v-... S e);J\;: ~ ~ \\-Q ~ ~ \ ;,_So Ax·.___._ S: Project No.: <; ~ ~ :\ 'b -O'\ Dwg. No.: <.:, :1. 'b .-'\ ~ Sheets No.: ________ l _________ through __ ~---------------- DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I hereby declare that I have exercised responsible charge over the plan review of this project as defined in Section 8703 of the Business and Professions Code to determine that the plans are found to be in substantial compliance with applicable codes and standards. Plan review of these project drawings does not relieve the Engineer of Work.of the responsibilities with state and local ordinances. Helming Engineering Co., Inc. 5962 La Place Court, Suite 245 Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 431-5999 Douglas L. Hefming, RCE 23874 Expiration Date 12/31/01 Date 9-/3-9 CJ Jr