HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP 146A; Santa Anita Development Corp.; Specific Plan (SP) (8)STAFF REPORT October 8, 1976
To: Planning Commission
&L*.. .-..^XFrom; Assistant -Personn-e-l/Di rector
Re: Update on development of SP 146A
The subject Specific Plan is for the shopping center east
side of El Camino Real between Haymar and Marron. The last
action the Planning Commission took on this site was the
approval of signs and a building elevation. At that time a
circulation problem was noted at the north east corner by
the Standard Oil service station. The Planning Commission
felt the problem may be aggravated by the approval of the
drive-in bank adjacent to this area. Therefore staff was
directed to work with the applicant and Standard Oil repre-
sentative to mutually solve the problem and report back.
We did have this meeting and have mutually agreed that some
form of traffic channelization will be constructed on the
access easement out to Haymar. The channelization will be
curbed landscape areas separating the driveway from the
service station operation. There will be an opening for
mutual access between the sites. Mr. Hughes of Santa Anita
Corporation submitted a proposal that was developed with
Standard Oil. At this time Planning and Engineering depart-
ments are reviewing this proposal of landscape channeliza-
tion to determine if it will be effective. If it or a
modification thereof is acceptable it is anticipated that
construction of the landscape area will be completed at
the time of the. development of the next building.
We were not able to design any solution to the apparent
traffic problem on the south side of the Standard Oil site,
pending final site plan for the future building adjacent to
the south (the area proposed for a McDonalds Restaurant).
This will be taken into consideration at plan review for a
build ing on the site.
In addition, there was a question of what is the final
Specific Plan of the center. To clarify what has been
approved and what still needs to be done Planning Direc-
tor Agatep wrote a letter to Mr. Hughes which answers
these questions. The letter is attached for your infor-
Staff believes that the problem will be adequately solved
and no further action is needed at this time. We antici-
pate either further amendments to S.P. 146A or possible a
CUP on the site. Therefore the Planning Commission should
be able to review the solutions.
Bud Plender
Assistant Planning Director
Att: Letter to Mr. Hughes dated September 17, 1976
Bill Hughes - Santa Anita Development Corporation
Mr. Youngman - Standard Oil Corporation
Cttp of
September 17, 1976
Mr. Bill Hughes
Post Office Box 1880
Newport Beach, California 92660
Re: Specific Pl'an (SP-146A)
In your letter of April 22, 1976 and my concurrence in my letter
dated April 27, 1976, the plot plan dated April 16, 1976 for sub-
ject Specific Plan was approved as substantially meeting the of-
ficially approved plan known as Exhibit D dated January 21, 1975.
The changes were substantial in that buildings were modified, added
or deleted, and parking spaces and driveways were changed. I
approved the plan because I felt the April 16, 1976 plan was
superior to Exhibit D.
Unfortunately, the Planning Director may only approve changes
that are substantially the same as the approved plans. The
proper method for approval is by City Council hearing with sub-
sequent Specific Plan Ordinance Amendment.
At present, the City has either issued building permits or has
accepted for plan check all but three buildings on the site (build-
ings 1, 4 and A as shown on April 16, 1976). The City recognizes
your vested interest in these approvals and plan preparation, and
we do not plan to change our commitments to you. However, build-
ing permits will not be issued for structures in the areas of
buildings 1, 4 and A of the April 16, 1976 plan unless the per-
mit request is substantially the same as approved as Exhibit D.
If you wish to build other than substantially as shown on Exhibit
D, an amendment to the Specific Plan (SP-146A) will be necessary.
In addition, the approved plan of SP-146A does not supercede any
requirement for CUP. Therefore, if a proposed use or acitivity
requires a CUP, the CUP must be requested and approved prior to
issuance of any further permits or occupance for that particulai
As you are aware, the Planning Commission is interested in evaluating
how future approvals will effect the circulation patterns on the
site and adjacent public streets. Therefore, it is expected that
any future discretionary action requested either by Specific Plan
or Conditional Use Permit will include a proposal to solve this
Mr. Bill Hughes
September 17, 1976
•Page 2
Since there is no single Specific Plan Exhibit showing the approved
buildings and the modifications, staff is preparing a composite plan
for our file. Copies of this plan will be made available to you.
I am very sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
However, I believe by firmly establishing the approved plan and
what changes are expected, we will eliminate further problems with
this Specific Plan.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Planning Director
cc: City Manager
City Attorney
Public Works Director
Building Director
City Engineer
Ron Roberts, SGPA
June 23, 1976
At the last Planning Commission meeting, Santa Anita
Development Corporation (Carlsbad Shopping Center —
east side of El Camino Real between Haymar and Marron Road)
requested that the Planning Commission consider a change
to Specific Plan 146-A as minor, thereby not requiring
public hearing for an amendment. Staff requested this
item be continued for full staff report.
Upon review, Staff concluded that the changes were de-
finitely major in that there are proposed some additional
buildings plus two drive-through establishments. Parking,
circulation and access will be impacted. The applicant,
Bill Hughes, agreed with Staff and has withdrawn the
If Santa anita Development Corporation wishes to continue
with these changes, they will submit a request for an
amendment to SP 146-A.
Ralph (Bud) Plender
June 15, 1976
Requested by Santa Anita Development Corporation.
The first Specific Plan for this project was approved in 1972 but was
amended in early 1975 as Specific Plan 146(A) (Exhibit "D", dated
January 21, 1975). This amended plan indicates 3 structures along
El Camino Real as Home Federal Savings, Bank of America and a commer-
cial building. There is one large commercial building along Marron
Road and more along Haymar Drive. The bulk of the buildings are to the
rear, along the easterly property line. Subsequently, the Planning
Director approved minor deviations (Exhibit E, February 1976).
The deviations appear minor for the most part. There is some breaking
up of the mass of building on the eastern property line and some reduc-
tion in the size of buildings on El Camino Real and Marron Road.
However, the circulation and parking for the buildilng on Marron Road
seem impaired, and the addition of buildings along Haymar Drive severe-
ly changes the plan. Circulation and parking are negatively affected
and the visibility and aesthetics of the Center are degraded into a
scene of strip commercial use with nearly complete screening of
interior buildings. The saving grace in this new building is a
fountain plaza area desi'gnedas a focal point. Again —these changes
have been approved as minor by Staff; therefore, modifications cannot
be made to Exhibit E, February 1976.
Santa Anita Development has now submitted plans for further minor
deviations. The Planning Director has suggested that this latest
request for minor deviation be decided by the Planning Commission.
Therefore, the request will be on the Planning Commission agenda of
June 23, 1976.
The changes again appear severe. The small commercial building
along El Camino Real is now proposed as a McDonald's drive-in
restaurant. This has a major impact on the parking, circulation
and aesthetics of the Center. Another major change is to the
building on Haymar Drive. A drive-through banking lane is now
proposed, which will further hinder the impaired circulation. In
addition, the access to Haymar Drive is proposed through an ease-
ment on the service station existing at the corner. If measures
are not taken to properly channel traffic, great confusion could
result at this point. The saving grace - the focal-point foun-
tain - has been deleted. There are minor changes to some of the
buildings on the eastern property line.
In addition to all this —or maybe more appropriately, above all this •
a C.U.P. is required for a drive-in restaurant. A decision by the
Planning Commission approving the requested minor changes allowing
a drive-in restaurant is predisposing the upcomina required C.U.P.
hearing. Therefore, the Planning Commission may not even be able to
consider a minor change to this Specific Plan for a drive-in rest-
aurant. The applicant has been so informed, but has questioned this
interpretation and wishes to go forward with this request. As an
aside, an interesting problem will occur if the changes are considered
minor and the subsequent C.U.P. shows all the latest changes. This
would mean that the final approved plan for the Shopping Center is not
the Specific Plan, but the C.U.P. for McDonald's Restaurant.
The 3 plans discussed above are displayed at the Planning Department
for your information and will be available at the D.C.C.
The D.C.C. should prepare a report to the Planning Commission indi-
cating problems between the new plan and the approved plan and/or
explanations of why there are no significant changes.
Ralph (Bud) Plender
June 9, 1976
The Santa Anita Development Corporation has requested a modi-
their commercial development proposed at the east
Real between Haymar Drive and Marron Road.
fication to
side of El Cami no
Planning Director Don Agatep reviewed this request and deter-
mined that it was minor in nature and would not need a public
hearing. The reasons for this decision are that the changes
are detailed modifications necessitated by final site plans
and there are no changes to the basic parking layout and basic
circulation system.
Staff has submitted the plans to the Commission for your in-
formation because you will be reviewing design criteria in the
future for each building and a sign program for the entire site,
The modifications are on buildings one through six as "in-
dicated on the attached plan. Staff will have available at the
meeting a copy of the approved plan for your comparison.
No action is needed by the Planning Commission.
Exhibit "A",
dated 6/3/76
February 25, 1976
Supplemental Condition, SP-146(A):
"The approval granted the architectural elevations of the shopping does
not include approval of signs shown. Approval of all signs shall be
accomplished in accordance with condition 16 of Ordinance 9419."
Victory Christian High School - CUP-116
Parking Capacity -
The six classrooms proposed to be used have a Fire Code capacity of up to
49 persons each. Thus a total student enrollment of 288 could be accomodated
without expanding the physical facilities.
For comparison purposes, the current parking situations at Carlsbad High
School and the Army-Navy Academy are as follows:
Carlsbad High School:
Faculty/Staff Parking: 89 cars
Student Parking: 148 cars
Total Faculty/Staff: 112
Total Enrollment: 1520
Ratio, faculty/staff parking to total faculty/staff = 1/1.66
Ratio, Student parking to total students = 1/13.56
Army-Navy Academy:
Student Parking:? (day students)
Total Enrollment: 230 (grades 7-12, including boarders)
Suggested Supplemental Condition:
Prior to occupancy the applicant shall install bike rack facilities on the
site. The number and location of the facilities shall be approved by the
Planning Director.
January 28, 1975
APPLICANT: AZALEA, INC., by John W. Bartman
450 N. Roxbury Drive
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
•I. REQUEST: The applicant is requesting approval of:
A) An amendment to SP-146 (for the Kelly-Kurlander-
Vanderberg shopping center) to allow the project
to be constructed in five phases;
B) A parcel map creating 2 lots over a 22..S acre site;
The subject property is located on the east side of El Camino
Real between Haymar Drive and Marron Road.
A) . Amendment to SP-146: Staff recommends approval of the
proposed amendment to SP-146 based on the following1
1) The proposed phasing meets all policy and ordinance
requirements of the City of Carlsbad.
2) The proposed phasing will not adversely affect the
approved specific plan.
B) Parcel Split 230: Staff recommends approval of PS-230 based
on the following justification:
1) The parcel map meets all City ordinances and policy
2) The parcel map meets all Subdivision Map Act require-
ments. ,
A) Conditions for Amendment to SP-146:
1) Phasing of SP-146 shall be according to those
phases numbered A through E as shown on the plot
plan labelled Exhibit D, dated l-21-(g). /->
2) The public improvements for SP-146 shall be provided
with the respective phases as follows:
a) Initiate and consummate street vacation of
Osuna Drive right of way to allow vacation
before expiration of temporary encroachment
b) Construct complete storm drain from Marron
.Road to downstream connection to existing drain,
subject to approval of City Engineer, and
dedicate easements from same.
c) Construct complete public improvements,
(including curb, gutter, sidewalk, any
additional fire hydrants, and mission bell
street lights) along entire El Cami.no Real
d) Extend all utilities, including sewer and water,
required for ultimate development and dedicate
easements for same, through Phase A.
e) Construct public improvements at Marron Road
f) Waiver direct access rights to El Camino Real
and Marron Road except at entrances shown.
a) Construct complete public improvements along
entire Marron Road and Haymar Drive frontage.
Access to Haymar Drive from El Camino Real shall
be right turn in and right turn out only.
b) Construct all water and sewer lines and dedicate
.easements for same.
c) Redesign and revise existing intersection
improvements across from Phase .B access to
El Camino Real to integrate traffic movements
across and on to £1 Camino Real. Such work shall
include rechannelization, restriping, signal and
utility relocation, as approved by the City Engineer,
d) Convert Phase A access to El Camino Real to right
turn in and out only.
a) Construct additional fire hydrants as required by
the Fire Marshall.
B) Conditions for PS-230: •
1) The final map shall be substantially in conformance
with the tentative known as Exhibit B, dated 1-21-74.
2) The final map shall indicate existing lot lines.
3) Prior to approval of Final Map, the applicant shall:
a) Provide improvement security to construct
complete public frontage improvements, including
curb, gutter, sidewalk, any additional fire
hydrants and mission bel-1 street lights along
El Camino Real frontage.
b) Provide improvement.security to construct (or
enter into a future agreement with the City to
construct) complete public frontage improvements
along Haymar Drive.
c) Waiver direct access rights from El Camino Real
and Haymar Drive,, except at access points approved
with the specific plan, shown on the Parcel Map-
as abutting thereon.
d) Provide improvement plans for storm drains,
water and sewer. Construct storm drains, water
and sewer systems and dedicate easements for
same within limits of first phase of development.
Construct (or enter into future agreement with the
City for installation) the complete storm drain,
water and sewer systems for the entire specific
plan and dedication of the remainder when the
next phase of development occurs.
e) Arrange to provide fire hydrants as required by
the Fire Marshal 1.
A) Location: East side of El Camino Real between Haymar Drive
and Marron Road.
B) Legal Description: Parcels 1 and 2 of Parcel Map No. 487
as shown on map recorded at Page 487 of Parcel Maps, Records
of San Diego County, State of California. Also, a portion of
Lot 4, fraction Section 32, township 11 S, Range 4 W, San
Bernardino Meridian, and further described in the files of
the Planning Department.
C) Site Description: The site is vacant and unimproved except
for an existing temporary Bank of America facility. The
property slopes up to the east and is covered with sparse
scrub vegetation.
D) Project Description: The project consists of two separate
actions. The first of these invloves the amending of
SP-146 to allow the Kelly-Kurlander-Vandenburg Shopping
Center to be constructed in five phases. Phase A would
include two structures (presumably financial institutions)
at El Camino Real and Marron Road. Phase B would include
the site's 2 major tenants plus 2 other buildings for
unspecified commercial uses. The bulk -of the shopping
center's parking will be provided with Phase B. Phase C,
D, and E will consist of the addition of shops at the
project's northern and- southern boundaries.
The proposed parcel map would divide an existing 21.91
acre parcel into two lots comprised of 10.76 and 11.80
acres. A small triangular lot at Osuna Drive and El Camino
Real is being added to Lot 1. '
E) Zoni ng:
Subject Property: C-2 (S.P.)
North: R-l-10,000
South: R-l-10,000 and P-C
East: R-l-10,000 and P-C
West: C-2 and C-l
F) Surrounding Land Use: An existing temporary savings and
loan is locate a south of the subject property, an existing
service station is at the northwest corner of the site and
the Plaza Camino Real is directly west of the site. The
Tiburon Development is located southeast of the site.
G) General Plan Recommendation: The General Plan Land Use
Element shows the subject property as Community Commercial.
The proposed parcel map conforms with this designation.
H) En v i r o n m e n t a 1 Impact Requlrements: An Environmental
Impact Report was certified "by the City Council concurrent
with a zone change and specific plan approving a shopping
center on the subject property. The Planning Director
has determined that the subject proposal meets the require-
ments of CEQA and the Carlsbad Environmental Protection
Ordinance for reason of prior compliance because it
Involves no changes in either the project or the circum-
stances under which it is to be developed. A copy of the
. certified EIR will be made available to the Planning
Commission and City Council.
I) Pi scuss ion: At the time Specific Plan 146 for the subject
shopping center wa^ approved by the Planning Commission,
the applicant indicated' an October, 1974 target date for
start of construction. This schedule, of course, has not
been met and the applicant now proposes to build the
center in phases.
One immediate constraint faced by the applicant is that
the existing temporary Bank of America and Home Federal
Savings and Loan facilities are approaching expiration
of their Conditional Use Permits. In order to keep their
Federal Charters active, these facilities will need to
be moved into permanent facilities within the year. Phase
A would presumably be built as soon as possible in order
to meet deadlines for these two facilities.
The applicant has no new timetable for the start of Phase
B (the major portion of the center). Obtaining financing
has been the major obstacle to the start of construction.
The applicant is cautiously optimistic that money may
become available within the next six months to begin
construction on Phase B.
Plj9t of existing property
Plot plan for PS-230, Exhibit B, dated 1-21-75
Phasing plan for SP-146, Exhibit D, dated 1-21-75
City Council Resolution 3304 approving SP-141 and 146.
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