HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP 151; La Costa Views; Specific Plan (SP)CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT FOR January 22, 1974 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT ON: CONSIDERATION OF .SPECIFIC PLAN CONSIDERATION OF TENTATIVE MAP CASE NOS. -SP-151 CT 73-60 APPLICANT: D. L. La Cava for La Costa Land 9171 Wilshire Blvd., Suite A Beverly Hills, Ca. 90210 *, *• REQUEST: That the Planning Commission consider and approve a specific plan to permit an increase of the permitted height of a development from 35 ft. to 88 ft. and to recommend ap- proval to the City Council of a Tentative Map for a 102-unit condominium development. 11. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: A. RE: OPEN SPACE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PERMIT: That it be moved that the Planning Commission grant a Resource Ma- nagement Permit to this development. Said property is within the RM-3 District requirements. However, all pro- posed development is occurring within the area of the pro- perty that does not exceed a 15% slope ratio. B. RE: SPECIFIC PLAN 151: That it be moved that the Plan-" ning Commission recommend to the City Council that SP-151 BE APPROVED subject to the conditions outlined below: 1. Conformance of the increase in height to the objec- tives of the recently-adopted Open Space and Conser- vation Element of the General Plan. By developing at a greater height, the existing substantial slopes are not affected. 2. Due to the existence of a bank immediately adjacent to La Costa Avenue, the increase in height will not be as apparent from La Costa.Avenue. In addition, the existence of an approximately 132 ft. high bank along the southerly property line will act as a back- drop to the proposed development and lessen the ef- fect of the project as viewed from the westerly side of the La Costa golf course. 3." The applicant (see attached) has agreed to comply to all the requirements of the Municipal Ordinance and applicable policies presently in effect. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. All requirements of Sec. 4.03 of City Council Ordinance .No. 9375, dated December 28, 1973, shall be met as a part of this development. 2. Prior to the issuance of any building permits, detailed building elevations shall be submitted to the Planning Department for consideration and approval. C. RE: TENTATIVE MAP 73-60: That it be moved that the Plan- ning Commission recommend to the City Council that CT 73-60 BE APPROVED subject to the conditions outlined below. Justification is based upon: 1. Conformance of the Map to the adopted General Plan. 2. Conformance of the Map to the State of California Subdivision Map Act. 3. The applicant (see attached) has agreed to comply to all the requirements of the Municipal Ordinance and applicable policies presently in effect. With re- spect to the Parks Ordinance, it is recommended, and the applicant has agreed, that, in lieu, fees be re- quired. Justification is based upon the fact that the General Plan does not indicate a park on the sub- ject property. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The applicant shall install full street improve- ments along the full frontage of the subject property on La Costa Avenue to City's standards. 2. The proposed driveway areas to La Costa Avenue shall be perpendicular to the street right-of- way and shall be no steeper than 5% within 20 ft. of the street right-of-way. 3. Drainage shall not flow over any public sidewalks, III. BACKGROUND: A. DESCRIPTION - Lot 185, La Costa South Unit No. 1. B. LOCATION - Southerly of and adjacent to La Costa Avenue approximately 610 ft. westerly of the intersection of Nueva Castillo Way and La Costa Avenue -2- c, D. E. F. G, SIZE -8.18 Acres. H, I, J, K, L, M. N, 0, P. TOTAL UNITS - 102 D.U. DENSITY - 12.5 DU per Acre. NUMBER OF BEDROOMS - 268 Bedrooms. TYPE OF UNITS -Type 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 bd bd bd rm rm rm & & & d d en en Sq 1 1 den bdrm bd bd bd bd rm rm rm rm & & d d en en 1 1 1 2 1 . Ft. ,140 ,165 998 ,528 ,315 ,422 ,305 ,738 TOTAL Number 8 •20 12 6 24 24 4 i 102 D .U . ' s in 6 Buildings COVERAGE - 22% (1.8 Acres). PROPOSED POPULATION - 316 Persons. E.I.R. FINDING - EXISTING ZONING ADJACENT ZONING Based upon an expanded Environ- mental Impact Report form (see attached), the Planning Depart- ment did find that the proposed development would not find a sig- nificant impact on the environment. RD-M (Residential Density - Multiple) North • East - South • West - R-l-75 RD-M R-2 RD-M GENERAL PLAN COMMITMENT -The approved La Costa Master Plan which has been incorporated into the adopted General Plan indicates the property to be potential high density residential with up to 43 D.U. ' s per acre. RESOURCE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT - RM-3. PARKS ORDINANCE COMPLIANCE -Yes, if in-lieu fees paid. PARKING COMPLIANCE - Proposed - 220 spaces total with 185 underground Ord. Req.- 193 spaces PIanning Commission Policy Req.- 164 garage spaces. -3- Q. COMPLIANCE TO ALL POLICIES - Yes. IV. DISCUSSION OF SPECIFIC ITEMS: A- SPECIFIC PLAN: Pursuant to Sec. 21.24.03 of the Municipal Code, the applicant is requesting by Specific Plan to in- crease the permitted building height from 35 ft. to 88 ft. Building height is measured from the official sidewalks of property line grade of the highest abutting street at the center of the building structure to the highest point of the roof. The applicant has submitted a building profile (Exhibit A) which reflects this height. The subject property is impacted by the RM-3 (Hi 11 side-and Soil Resource Management District) in that the average slope does exceed 15%. This high percentage results from two substantial slopes with a minor one located adjacent to La Costa Avenue and a major 50% slope located along the southerly property line. Said slopes and the pad area are presently in existence. The proposed grading will be mi- nor. The actual development is t'o occur totally within the area that does not exceed the 15% slope ratio. There- fore, other than complying to the landscape requirements for the new slopes created as a part of this development, this development does meet the requirements of the Hill- side and Soil Resource Management District. V. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Environmental Impact Assessment Form from La Costa . Land, December 18, 1973 2. -Apartment Count Form (Exhibit B). 3. Letter to Planning Department from G. J. Nowak, County of San Diego Department of Sanitation and Flood Control, December 26, 1973. 4. Letter to Planning Department from J. B. Askew, M.D., Director of Public Health, City of Carlsbad, December 28, 1973. 5. Letter to Planning Department from J. Dekema and T. C. Martin, State of California Department of Transporta- tion, December 27, 1973. 6. Letter to Planning Department from William A. Berrier, Superintendent, San Dieguito Union High School District, December 26, 1973. 7. Affidavit from D. L. La Cava for La. Costa Land Co. for SP-151. 8. Affidavit from D. L. La Cava for La Costa Land Co, for CT 73-60. 'IRONMEMTAL IMPACT ASSESSJULNT Date: December 18, 1973 _ _ . " • Name of Applicant: La Costa Land, A Limited Partnership Permit Applied. For: tentative Map and Specific Plan Location of Proposed Activity: The proposed on the south _side of La Costa Avenue approximately 3500 feet east of its intersection with El Oamino Real. 1. Background Information. ' . 1. .Give a brief description of the proposed activity. The proposed project involves the construction of 102 condominium units consisting of 4 three-story buildings over parking, 2 two-story buildings, 1 one-story building and a one story maintenance building. The site has previously been graded, however, some additional grading •will be required to accommodate the proposed buildings. Approximately 5,000 to 10,000 cubic yards of earth will be removed from the toe of the bank paralleling the southern property boundary. A retaining wall will be constructed at the toe of the finished bank. All grading operations will be performed under the supervision of a qualified soils engineer. The construction of the proposed three-story buildings will require the .approval of a site plan because the structures will exceed the 35-foot height limitation. The height of the proposed buildings is 88 feet, mea- sured from the curb elevation at La Costa Avenue to the highest point on the roof. The top of the slope bank is 132 feet above the curb elevation at La Costa Avenue. Therefore, as the top of the slope bank is 44 feet above the roof line of the proposed buildings, the-view from the existing homes on the top of the slope bank will not be affected by the proposed construction. • 2. Describe the activity area, including distinguishing natural and manmade characteristics. .. The project site is located on the southerly slope of San Marcos Canyon overlooking the La Costa Golf Course. The Canyon is quite wide at this point and the slopes create a natural ampitheater. The slopes have been terraced to allow development with lagoon and ocean views. APPENDIX B. II. Environmental Impact Analysis, '. Answer the following questions by placing a check in the appropriate space. . .... . . - . N£ 1. Could the project significantly change present land uses in the vicinity of the activity? _ x_ 2. Could the activity affect the use of a re- .. creational area, or area of important aesthetic value? _ . x 3. Could the activity affect the functioning ' .. of an established community or neighbor- hood? • • x 4. Co.uld the activity result in the displace- ment of community residents? . _ _ ___X_ 5. Are any of the natural or man-made features in the activity area unique, that is, not .. . found in other parts of the County, State, or natio.n? . • x 6. Could the acti vi ty significantly affect a . historical or archaelogical -site or its setting? -\ _ _ x 7. Could the activity significantly affect •the potential use, extraction, or con- . . ' servation of a scarce natural resource? _ _ _ •.'••__x 8. Does the activity area serve as a habitat, fo ad source, nest ing place, source of water, etc. for rare or endangered wildlife or fishspecies? • .' __«_ '. . x 9. Could the activity significantly affect fish, wildlife or plant life? . . ' _ _ _ X 10. Are there any rare or endangered plant species in the activity area? • . _ _ X 11. Could the activity change existing features of any of the city's lagoons, bays, or • tidelands? . . _ X Yes No. 12. Could the activity change existing features of any of the City's beaches? . x_ 13. Could the activity result in' the erosion ' or. elimination of agricultural lands? . : ...'... x 14. Could the activity serve to encourage ' .• development of presently undeveloped areas or intensify development of already developed areas? X 15. Will the activity require a variance from established environmental standards (air, water, noise, etc)? ,_JL. 16. Will the activity require certification, authorization or issuance of a permit " • by any local, State or Federal en- vironmental control agency? . . y 17. Will the activity require issuance of a variance or conditional use permit by the City? . x 18.Will the activity involve the application, . ; : use, or disposal of potentially hazardous materials? • ' x 19. Will the activity involve construction of facilities in a flood plain? • t _x 20. Will the activity involve construction • of facilities on a slope of 25 per cent or greater? x 21. Wi-11 the activity involve construction - of facilities in the area of an active fault? . . y • 22. Could the activity result in the generation of significant amounts . of noise? . ' x 23. Could the activity result in the gen- eration.of significant amounts of dust? . .'__ ^ x - 24. Will the activity involve the burning of brush, trees, or other materials? • x 25. Could the activity result in a significant change in the quality of any portion of the region's air or water resources? (Should note surface, ground water, off-shore) '' . • y _ Yes NCI 26. Hill tlTere be a significant change to existing land form? - X (a) indicate estimated grading to be done in cubic yards . 5 ,000 to 10,00p cubic yards. (b) percentage of alteration to the present land form. Minimal . . . (c) maximum height of cut or fill slopes. Existing 90-foot slope 27. Will the activity result in substantial increases in the use of utilities, sewers, drains or streets? . „____ x_ III. State of No Significant Environmental Effects ' If you have answered yes to one or more of the questions in Section II, but youthink the activity will -have no significant enviro- mental effects, indicate your reasons below: SEE ATTACHED. IV. Comments or Elaborations to Any of the Questions in Section II "(•If additional space is needed .for answeri ng any questions, attach additional sheets as may be needed.) Signature: /vt^-i^u L.J. _„ _^ (Person completing report) Date signed: z^e^e.. /9//973 V. Concl us ions (To be completed by the Planning Director) ' Place a check in the appropriate box. [] Further information is required. It has been determined that the project will not have significant environmental effects. [] • It has been determined that the project could have significant environmental effects. An environmental impact statement must be submitted by the following date, . .,• • BY; LANNING DIRECTOR (Or Representative) Date Received: Environmental Impact Assessment December 18, 1973 III. Statement of No Significant Environmental Effects. 14.) This development could intensify the development of this'developed area if it is a financial success. This area has a large number of graded building sites that are not built on yet. If this project has above average market acceptance it could encourage development of surrounding lots at a faster pace. 17.) This project as planned will exceed the height limits allowed by the City of Carlsbad Zoning Ordinance. This departure from the City standard will be applied for on a Specific Plan. EXHIBIT £>. •.-• *. !7* »• • • :'.\ "' •—+ i- vi'•"" ta^-s *"'s |f- YPE P P^ e;1C «2S (SGI. .FT) CPU|\|T,BY BUILDlftJG SA ' SB-1 3 TOTALS . 4 •-4 V.';"- '••i,1^ 2-',*>•UO 10 2) (•c ., __ _ I . ' ' ' _ _ .D "- in>i>-^<=as3V^<4^ ' •«=' fOcrif— J ,V!.'.-t*V" ' ' -*- •"-t^.: • '• .-• •;'•.;'. Vr •''•'••^v:i • , .'.. . • '•'••' 'i- ''•. '' ''•'• ; '•/y-'y .;?.-• "-y''';^,H .' '/' '^.'.c:-'^ ':;/''.'p.:.,- .'^Vy V.'.^''':H i. "" :'-, •:••";'" ;:' " •',;/":; ^<;'rt'k;-;.;.":y. i.. -.-.; • '.> ^'^y-^;^ '^ y •,.TQTAI *AS^> '.''' Jcyr-ej: ^^^^^•^^-...^y^.jl^^*!^ -"-i^t"^--?^-^-^^*: £"r^C'-x=r~ -SSSSKK^-—4*———* ^li^-^t^^T-:.^'/^5*rn5?-'i^^^-V^JK^'. 'F^t'-^Kj'hO^"',';-';yv> f yrt^^n ;;^y j.riy,-/^^^ ••?i::lMh?h'^Sl'^^':iv^ Y-*? •• •;:. ..-2- -z-^- ,t' .-!ur--ijl; 1.^''^^,^^^^^ ;';' -•>^:&'^'.-::-'-M:''\\i •'•'• ^f.VlT/V-'iV'^r'-;1^^-" C.J. HOUSON Director PUBLIC WORKS AGENCY Department of Sanitation & Flood Control County Operations Center, 5555 Overland Avenue, San Diego, California 92123 565-5325 26 December 1973 Mr. Donald A. Agatep Director of Planning City, of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 SUBJECT:. SP-151, La Costa,Views We are currently reviewing the grading plan for the subject development and will make, our comments on flood control and drainage through the.plan checking process. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. C..J. HOUSON Prirfeipal Civil Engineer GJN:pg. 1200 ELM AVENUF: CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 TELEPHONE: (714)729-1181 December 28, 1973 J&N Mr. Donald A0 Agatep Director of Planning City of Carlsbad. 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Agatep: Your request for our recommendations concerning Specific Plan Ko. SP-151 has been received and reviewed by this department. This department has no objections to the specific plan provi- ded each building is connected to the Carlsbad City Water Com- pany and the Carlsbad Public Sewer System. ery truly yours, J. B. ASKEW, M.D. Director of Public Health STATE OF CALIFORNIA—BUSINESS AND TRANSFERATION AGENCY RONALD REAGAN, Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 11, P.O.BOX 81406, SAN DIEGO 92138 December 27, 1973 ZfljgSD-O-Cbd Planning Department City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92003 Attention: Mr. Donald A. Agatep Planning Director Gentlemen: Your recent memorandums request comment on the following tenta- tive maps and Specific Plans: CT 73-60 Specific Plan 151 - La Costa Views - a condo- minium development located south of La Costa Ave. East of El Camino Real. CT 73-59 Pacesetter Homes development, a portion of West 1/2 of section 21, TWN 12 S, R 4 W in City of Carlsbad located east of Lowder Lane, north of Camino De Los Ondos. SP 152 Shoppers World, located between San Diego Freeway and Avenida Encinas South of Poinsettla Lane, a portion of North 3/4 of the Southwest Quarter of Sect. 28, TWN 12 South, Range 4 west. At the present time, \ve have no route studies which would affect these properties. Thank you for keeping us informed. Sincerely, J. Dekema District Director of Transportation T. C. Martin District Project Planning Engineer RLHtmmb cctTCMartin KUCMIA j^is Smut Hi°li minus IU r.MCfutJrli 2151 NEWCASTLE, CARDIFF, CALIFORNIA 92007 714-753-6491 December 26, 1973 City Council City of Carlsbad c/o Mr. Don Agatap 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Re: Carlsbad Tract No. 73-60 Dear Mr. Agatap: I have been asked to comment on the possible effect that the proposed Carlsbad Tract No, 73-60 will have on school facilities in the San Dieguito Union High School District. At the present time secondary school facilities are extremely overcrowded within the district.' The Trustees of the San Dieguito Union'High School District cannot assure the availability of school facilities concurrent with need without some type of assistance on the part of the developer. At the present time there has been no agreement reached between the district and the developer that such assis- tance will be provided. Sincerely, \ Q. & William A. Berrier Superintendent bfs cc: John Daily DEC 3 8 1973 OITV OF CARLSBAD Pi3ttttlR3 Department BOARD OF TRUSTEES: ADMINISTRATION: David H. Thompson, President Douglas M. Fouquet, Vice President William A. Berrier, Superintendent Jack. R. Stevens, Clerk Robert A. Morton, Assistant Superintendent Daniel J. Rodriguez Don W. Mitchell John J. Daily, Business Manatjer AFFIDAVIT V APPLICANT: D. L. La Cava for La Costa DATE/f% CASE NO. Land Co. , 9171 • Suite Beverl CT 73- '"•--,, A y Hills, 60 ^^V L Mil Ca. . L shire 90210 ,e Blvd. ^O A ,.A^.^.}^H I , \......--^ A^CX u- r? L , L A. C- A- 0 A . o n "4 A. /o CJ>A 02.i , 1974, did review the proposed requirements to be attached to any approval of Case No. CT 73-60 by the Planning Commission. In addition, I,'JL-J)??,*^> A c- rp (.-,. (..^ (Sl^A.-o A. » am aware that any development must comply to all requirements of the Municipal t j N I I X""*? Code; and I, L-.-tr>/co A ^ r^. C-. . L-A. Q ^_-^ A.» also have read Standard Conditions Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (in-lieu fees), 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 11, 12, 13. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 of Planning Commission Res. No. 1000. dated November 27, 1973, and do agree by the follow- ing signature to comply with these conditions as a part of any de- ( /-"3 i \velopment of V->XC, <Z?<Z>TJ^ \J \.& (representing) Si gnature Company ^- cc(ATTESTED: Addr¥ss V 2^73 Phone AFFIDAVIT APPLICANT: D. L. La Cava for La Costa DATE:- Land Co. . 9171 Wilshire Blvd. Suite A Beverly Hills. Ca. 90210 CASE NO.: SP-151 \ ., ,I, ^.-^c ,0 tx ._ : u, . U A v . x.0 -K _ , on fy_ , 1974, did review the proposed requirements to be attached to any approval of Case No. SP-1 51 by the Planning Commission. In addition, I, JLJW ^J>_<_ c, o <L . L- A C --i°J ^ » am aware that any de- velopment must comply to all requirements of the Municipal Code; _ ______ , s^ and I, ^L . }^<^> j\ (_ Q U^ W-A VA.v.y.V also have read Standard Con- ditions Nos. 1 (Exhibit A), 2B, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20. 23, 25 of Planning Commission Res. No. 999, dated No- vember 27, 1973, and do agree by the following signature to comply with these conditions as a part of any development of La Costa Views (SP-151). x--- . L\ __ ^^-T^V/^Jc^^o?^^^ (representing) Signature Company G ATa G ATTESTED: Address , c t p ^ax, Ot_t N. «\t\. * — >C" ^"^ ^^ 1 ^<-"-' ( _-c. - Phone