HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP 160; Buena Woods #3; Specific Plan (SP) (2)BROADMOOR^OMES
3911 Sorrento Valley Blvd., Suite B, San Diego, California 92121 (714) 455-6200
July 11, 1980
David L. Bradstreet
Parks & Recreation Director
City of Carlsbad
1200 Elm Avenue
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Re: Buena Woods Park Site
Dear Mr. Bradstreet:
In reply to your letter of June 30, 1980 to Mr. Bill Snow, I would like to
address the fencing requirement in the area around,the park. We agree with the
Parks and Recreation Committee that fencing should be provided that would
restrict access to the top of the bluff. We will provide a six (6) foot fence
across the rear of the properties adjacent to the bluff and extend the fencing
to the bluff so that access is restricted. ;
We would like the option, however,, of :choosing the type of fencing material
used, so that we can later determine if chain link or solid board, or possibly
even a combination of the two, would be more desirable. Appearance, security,
privacy and view will all play a part in the selection of the fencing material.
We agree that the height of the fence should be six feet.
Since we will be creating a zone between the bluff and the rear fence (approxi-
mately 20 feet), we will probably limit the access to one or two points and
make this an area where the homeowners association is responsible for maintenance.
This will further limit access and provide for its maintenance along the entire
crest of the bluff. We will post this area with no-trespassing signs.
The final maps for Units 2 and 3 are still under design. When final maps are
complete and the final plotting has been accomplished, I will send you fencing
plans for your review.
Thank you for your continuing interest and help in the development of this
project. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me.
Vej^L truly yq
imes B. Carter
Director of Community Development
cc: Mr. Frank Aleshire, City Manager, City of Carlsbad ^--"^S -^^~r"ili"'"
Mr. James Hagaman, Planning Director, City of Carlsbad
Mr. Edson Warner, Broadmoor Homes
Mr. Larry V. Ells, Broadmoor Homes
39fLSorrento Valley Blvd., Suite B, San Diego, California 92121 (714) 455-6200
July 11, 1980 RECEIVED
Mr. James Haqaman
1200 Elm Avenue Planning Department
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Re: Buena Woods
Dear Mr. Hagaman:
I have enclosed a preliminary drawing of the recreation center for the Buena
Woods development. As per our earlier discussions, we modified the recreation
center to provide a pool, Jacuzzi, bath house and one tennis court where
originally only two tennis courts were proposed. We felt as you did that this
provided a better amenity package for the project.
The facilities may shift slightly as we get into final drawings, but this
should accurately depict the area's usage. If you have any questions or
comments, please call me.
truly you
James B. Carter
Director of Community Development
cc: Mr. Arland Wiberg/Klema Engineering
TO : Frank Aleshire, City Manager
FROM : David L. Bradstreet, Parks and Recreation Director
.DATE : June 17, 1980
SUBJECT: Hosp Grove - Fencing Requirement
At the June 16, 1980 Parks and Recreation Commission meeting, the
Commission clarified their fencing requirement recommendation
for Hosp Grove.
The Commission recommended that one 6' fence be constructed over
the entire bluff area by the developer. The Commission recom-..,..,
mended that the fence be installed on the developer's property
line, between the bluff and homes (in accordance with the 20'
set-back) in black, green or whatever color the Parks and
Recreation Department determines is most aesthetically pleasing
for the area. In addition, the Commission recommended that
the fence be tied off at each and and posted with "No
.Trespassing", "Keep Out", or similar signs to discourage foot
.traffic on the bluff. , r. . .
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact
me Extension 5571 at your convenience. " " .. .
cc Bill Baldwin, Assistant City Manager
Jirne Hagaman, Planning Director
November 13, 1974
Ernest Adler stated disapproval of the project and requested denial
of the Specific Plan and Tentative Map based on the following reasons
(1) That the area concerned (Hosp Grove) is a natural park area and
should be preserved by the City for public use.
Mr. Adler said that the General Plan states the need for
preservation of open space areas and designated Hosp Grove
as an open space area to be preserved.. He stated Carlsbad's
need for more recreational areas for the young people of the
area, and that he feels it is more important for the City to
maintain Hosp Grove as a park area than it is for the City to
expand the May Co. Parking lot (for example).
(2) That this project will have an adverse environmental impact
on the area, based on the fact that the developer stated in
the EIR that he would retain the majority of the trees in the
grove, but in looking back at the past record of the previous
two projects, over 70% of the trees in Hosp Grove have been
(3) That the project will cause a burden on the school system and
other public services. He states the City requires the
developer to allocate certain acreage for school development and
he claims this has not been done in this case.
(4) That the project violates the intent of the General Plan as far
as the density and type of residential units are concerned. He
states the zoning for that area was intended for single family
(5) The project does not comply with the environmental statutes of
the county or the State because it does not preserve the natural
park areas, which is the (intended purpose of the environmental
laws and statutes.
(6) That the ingress and egress of the project is not sufficient to
handle the traffic that will be generated by the project in the
event of fire or flood.
He states that no
control and there
plan has been submitted to the City for flood
is considerable flood hazard in the Hosp Grove
MOV 1 - 1974
Planning Department
November 1, If74
Mr. Ernest Adler, Jr.
3836 Cherry Avenue
Long Beach, CA $030?
In response to your letter ®£ October 2tt
four request to appear before the City Council
and speak concerning the Buena Woods develop-
ment has been forwarded to the City Cleric for
inclusion with the material which will be de-
livered to the Council. That matter, however,
will not be heard on the 5th of November.
It has not been forwarded with final action
from the Planning Department yet. X have
asked Mr* Agatep, our Planning Director, to
see that you are notified when the natter will
appear on the Council Agenda*
City Manager
ccs City Clerk /
Planning Director
Citp of Cartetab
November 1, 1974
Mr. Ernest Adler Jr.
3836 Cherry Avenue
Long Beach, CA 90807
Reference:Public hearing, Buena Woods III
SP-160, CT 74-13
Public hearing for Buena Woods III Specific Plan 160
and Tentative Subdivision map CT 74-13, has been set
for November 19, 1974. You will be notified by mail
of the time and place of the public hearing.
Your correspondence of October 29th indicated your
desire to speak in opposition to the proposed Buena
Woods project at the City Council meeting of November
5, 1974.
If you have any questions regarding the public hearing
date please contact this office. Your letter of
October 29th will be kept on file in the office of the
City Clerk.
Donald A. Agatep
cc: City- Manager
Ci ty Clerk
October 29, 1974.
City Council
City of Carlsbad
Carlsbad, California 92008
I will appreciate the opportunity to speak in opposition
tovthe Kamar application for approval of the Buena Woods
III Subdivision and Specific Plan at the November/ 5, 1974.
Council meeting. '..
Thank you.
.-, Jr.
3836 Cherry Avenue
Long Beach, California 90807
October 7S 1974
Reference: CT 74-13
Buena Woods Unit III
Kamar Construction Company
Mrs. Mary Casler, Chairman
and Members of the Planning Commission
City of Carlsbad
1200 Elm Avenue
Carlsbad, California 92003
Attention: Mr. Donald A. Agatep, City Planning Director
Our district has reviewed the. proposed 135-unit residential development
generally located northwesterly from the intersection of Basswood
Avenue and Monroe Street as referenced above and have evaluated the
impact of that development on the facilities of our district.
Please be informed that our district is able to assure you that school
facilities and services will be available concurrent with need for this
development as it is presently proposed,
Very trulv yours
R. A. Crawfoi
District Superintendent
CC: Karnar Construction Company
OCT 7 1974
Planning Director
Engineering Department
Request for Engineering Comments
We have reviewed the following projects and submit these comments,
1. CT 7^-12 and SP 160 - Buena Woods No. 3 (Monroe Street and
Hosp Way).
a. Standard Engineering Conditions 2,8,9,10,12,13,15,16,
19, and 20 apply.
b. Access rights shall be dedicated where lots border public
street right of way.
c. Private streets shall have minimum kO foot radius turn-
arounds or hammerhead turnarounds. Guest parking (ap~
prox. h space per unit) shall be provided, either as
parallel parking on 32 foot private street section or in
separate parking bays. Vertical curbs are required
on private streets except as approved by City Engineer.
d. Hosp Way shall be extended from existing pavement to
connect with Monroe Street. Improvements shall have a
kO' street section and meandering sidewalks south of
Hosp Way may be approved by the City Engineer and Parks
D i rector.
e. Cut slopes shall be 2:1.
f. Property line return radii at Monroe Street intersections
shal1 be 25 feet.
g. Developer shall participate in traffic signal instal-
lations at Hosp Way and El Camino Real, Monroe Street
and Marron Road., and Elm Avenue and Monroe Street
as determined by any future policy of City Council.
2. -^ZC 145 and CT lk-\k - Tempi in Heights (Extension of Chest-
nut ADenue east)
a. Much requi'red information is missing.
b. Present street design is disapproved:
Request for Engineering Comments
Page 2
September 4, 1974
I. Chestnut Avenue should have 9% grade at intersections
and a flat approach to Tempi in Road.
II. Chestnut Circle should not be over 500 feet in length,
III. Cul-de-sac and residential streets shall have 56
foot right-of-way.
c. Cut and fill slopes shall be 2:1.
d. Although it is a residential collector street, Chestnut
Avenue cannot be considered a primary access street
because of its steep, meandering alignment between the
project and El Camino Real. Elm Avenue must be extended
to the project early in its development, depending on
phas i ng.
3. Revised CT 73-12 - (Jerez Ct. and Gibraltar).
a. The park-in-lieu fee may have to be revised.
4. SP 161 and CT 74-17 - Pacific Point (Paseo del Norte).
a. Standard Engineering Conditions 2,8,9,10,12,13,15, and
19 apply.
b. Private street sections are approved on the condition
that adequate guest parking bays are shown and that
vertical curbs are required except as approved by the
City Engineer.
c. Private street alignment is approved, except that:
I. "D" Street should not exist, since it is less than
500' from "F" Street at Paseo del Norte.
II. Centerline radii at knuckles shall be 40' and curb
radii at cul-de-sacs shall be 40'.
d. An all-weather access shall be constructed to "loop"
"F" Street during construction of Unit 3.
e. Paseo del Norte half-street improvements shall be com-
pleted to the easterly boundary during construction of
Unit No. 4.
Request for Engineering Comments
Page 3
September 4,
f. Developer shall participate in traffic signal instal-
lation at Paseo del Norte and Palomar Airport Road as
determined by any future policy of City Council.
g. Access rights shall be dedicated where open space lots
border Paseo del Norte.
h. Cut and fill slopes shall be 2:1.
Tim Flanagan
325 Elm Avenue
Post Office Box 1155
Carlsbad, California 92008
.# 14385'September 20,
Planning Department
City of Carlsbad
1200 Elm Avenue
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Re: Specific Plan No. 160;
Tentative Map CT 7U-13 and
Tentative Map CT 72-12
(Buena Woods Unit III)
We respectfully request that the above referenced Specific Plan
and Tentative Maps scheduled for hearing on September 2U be
postponed until the following scheduled meeting of the Carlsbad
Planning Commission.
We apologize for this late request; however, both our attorney,
Mr. Nick Banche and Jerry L. Rombotis will be unable to attend
because of unscheduled commitments and I am unable to make the
proper presentation to your Commission on this date.
Very truly yours,
Robert L.eRombotis
September 15, 1974.
Planning Commission
City of Carlsbad
Carlsbad, California
1 wish to appear at the September 24, 1974-, Planning
Commission meeting to oppose the Specific Plan for the
Buena Woods #3 housing development.
The reasons for opposing this Specific Plan are as follows:
1. The Hosp Grove is a natural park area and should be
preserved for public park and recreational use.
2. The proposed development will require destruction of
trees and will have an adverse environmental impact
on the area.
3. The proposed development will have an adverse impact
on public schools and other public services.
4. The proposed development does not conform to the density
requirements of the General Plan.
Your consideration of this request will be appreciated.
Ernest Adler, Jr.
3836 Cherry Avenue
Long Beach, California 90807