HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP 160; Buena Woods #3; Specific Plan (SP)STAFF REPORT DATE: APRIL 27, 1977 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT v CASE NO: PUD-8/CT 77-2/SP-160 APPLICANT: KAMAR CONSTRUCTION COMPANY REQUEST: APPROVAL OF A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AND TRACT MAP TO PROVIDE 130 DWELLING UNITS ON 43.9 ACRES AND DELETION OF AN EXISTING SPECIFIC PLAN FOR THE SAME AREA. SECTION I. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends APPROVAL of PUD-8, CT 77-2 and SP-160 based on the following findings and subject to the following conditions: FINDINGS (PUD-8) 1. The proposed use at the particular location is necessary and desirable to provide a service or facility which will contribute to the general well-being of the neighborhood and the community because: a) The development will allow the subject property to be developed to its allowable potential and density. 2. The use will not be detrimental to the health, safety or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the vicinity or in- jurious to property or improvements in the vicinity because: a) The proposed PUD is consistent with the approved Master Plan for the area; and b) The proposed PUD will be developed in a manner consistent with the anticipated future density in the area. 3. The design criteria set forth in Section 21.45.110 and all minimum development standards set forth in Section 21.45.120 will be met because: a) The proposed cluster-type of development and open-space areas will minimize grading and removal of trees. b) The grouping of units and private streets provides for usable recreation area, preserves trees and reduces need for grading. c) The proposed landscaping program as required by PUD will retain the existing character of the grove and minimize the need for extensive irrigation systems. d) The design of the development will be compatible with surrounding development which is also developed as in a PUD manner or apartments. .1 4. The granting of this permit will not adversely affect and will be consistent with the General Plan for the City, applicable specific plans, and the adopted plans of any governmental agency because: a) The proposal is consistent with the applicable portions of the Land Use, Circulation, Parks and Recreation, and Open Space Elements of the General Plan. b) The present Specific Plan will be deleted and replaced by tfiis PUD. c) No plans of any other governmental agency are affected by this proposal. CONDITIONS (PUD-8) 1. The approval is granted for the land described in the application and any attachments thereto, and as shown on the plans submitted labeled Exhibits A, dated April 13, 1977, Exhibit B, dated February 2, 1977, and Exhibit C, dated April 22, 1977. The location of all roadways, parking areas,landscaping and other facilities or features shall be located substantially as shown on Exhibit A unless otherwise provided herein. 2. All conditions shall be appropriately completed and the project commenced within 18 months from final-City action. 3. In addition to the required details to be shown on the .final PUD plan, the following shall be included: a) The units along the east side of Monroe Street shall be set back a minimum of 30' from the right-of-way and 10' from the top of a cut bank. An alternative to this condition would be the installation of a 6' high sound attenuation wall along the top of bank adjacent to the east side of Monroe Street. The design of said wall shall be approved by the Planning Director prior to the issuance of building permits. b) Proper lot numbers in sequence. c) No tree symbols d) A lighter topographic base (Exhibit A of CT 77-2, dated April 13, 1977, will satisfy this requirement). e) Approved phasing. f) Elimination of grading and the words, "To Retain Natural" within the City park area. g) The removal of the recreational vehicle storage area shown on the south side of Hosp Way. This- area shall be relocated as approved by the Planning Director. h) Paths through the public and private open space areas as required by the Parks and Recreation Director. .2 i) Fencing and screening plan for the recreational vehicle storage j) Garages set back a minimum of 25' from the private drives. k) All pertinent dimensions. 1) Final plans shall be drawn on 24" X 36" sheets. 4 A detailed landscape and irrigation plan shall be submitted to the Planning Department and shall be approved by the Parks and Recreation Director for all graded slopes 5' or greater in height and any other areas required by the City prior to issuance of a grading permit, or if no grading permit is required/ prior to issuance of building permits. This plan shall incorporate acceptable drought resistant plant materials and acceptable water conserving irrigation systems. All improvements shall be installled prior to final occupancy. 5. Lighting adequate for pedestrian and vehicular safety shall be provided to the satisfaction of the City Engineer prior to the issuance of final occupancy. 6. All utilities shall be placed underground. The C.C&R's for this project shall state that individual, exterior television antennas are not permitted. 7. One-hour fire-resistive construction shall be utilized, for all separation walls. A separate utility system shall be provided for each dwelling unit. 8. All of the applicable mitigation measures as identified in the Environmental Impact Report (EIR-115 (A) for this project shall be implemented as follows; a) The applicant shall provide a letter from the North County Transit District as to whether or not bus service will eventually be routed through this development. If bus service is to be provided, the applicant shall make whatever on-site improvements are required by the City Engineer. b) Homes that will be impacted by the expected noise levels generated by Monroe Street traffic shall be properly insulated and buffered as required by state and local laws. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall provide a report from an accoustical engineer suggesting pro- visions that would protect homes from noise generated by the expected traffic along Monroe Street when it connects to Marron Road. The Planning Director may include any of the provisions that he feels are feasible as conditions of the building permits. c) All existing City policies and ordinances for resource con- servation at time of development shall be utilized in this project. d) Only low-volume flush toilets shall be used. e) Vapor metal and fluorescent lights shall be used wherever determined feasible by the City Engineer. f) Any future swimming pools within this project shall be solar heated. Plans with calcualtions as to the effectiveness of the system shall be submitted to the Building Director prior to any building permits. .3 W FINDINGS (CT 77-2) L. The proposed map is consistent with the General Plan because: a) The Land Use Plan designates the subject site for Medium-Density Residential (4-10 dwelling units per gross acre) and Open Space. The subject project will provide approximately 6 dwelling units per gross acre and open space areas consistent with the Land Use Plan. b) Monroe Street shall be further extended as a secondary arterial as shown in the Circulation Element. c) Park land shall be dedicated as shown in the Parks and Recreation Element. d) Open Space shall be preserved as shown in the Open Space Element. e) Refer to finding No. 10 for discussion of the Public Facilities Element of the General Plan. 2. The design or improvement of the proposed subdivision is con- sistent with the General Plan because: a) The project will provide orderly residential development; and b) The project will not cause excessive expansion of public facilities and/or expense to the taxpayer. 3. The site is physically suitable for the type of development because: a. The proposed cluster-type of development and open space areas will minimize grading and removal of trees; b. The proposed development will not affect any unusual topographic or geologic features on the site; and c. No significant natural vegetation exists on the site. 4. The site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development because: a) Proposed dwelling units per acre do not exceed the allowable maximum. 5. The design of the subdivision or the imposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or sub- stantially and unavoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat because: a) All potential environmental impacts have been addressed in a certified Environmental Impact Report and all pertinent mitigation measures, suggested in said report, have been imposed as conditions of approval. Satisfaction of those conditions will mitigate the potential of any significant environmental impacts. .4 .•••'.-. 6. The design of the subdivision or the type of improvements are not likely to cause serious public health problems because: a) Conditions of approval will insure the above. 7. The design of the subdivision or the type of improvements will not conflict with the easements required by the public at large for access through or use of property within the proposed sub- division because: a) Conditions of approval will insure the above. 8. The subdivision will not prohibit reasonable access to public waterways, rivers, streams, lakes, reservoirs, coastlines or shorelines because: a) The subdivision does not front on any of the above. 9. The subject application has complied with the requirements of the Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordiance of 1972 because: a. An Environmental Impact Report has been certified for this project. 10. The proposed tentative tract map is consistent with applicable City Public Facilities Policies and Ordinances because: a) The Planning Commission finds that sewer service is not available for this development as of the date of this approval. However, sewer service may be available in the future. The Planning Commission will by inclusion of an appropriate condition to this Tentative Subdivision Map approval, insure that the final map will not be approved unless the City Council finds that sewer service is available to serve the project. In addition, the Planning Commission will add a condition that a note be placed on the final map providing that building permit may. not issue for lots in the subdivision unless the City Engineer determines that sewer service is available. Since the final map cannot be approved unless sewer service is available and building cannot occur within the subdivision unless sewer service remains available, the Planning Commission is satisfied that the requirements of the public facilities element of the General Plan have been met insofar as they apply to this Tentative Subdivision Map approval. CONDITIONS (CT 77-2) 1. The approval is granted for the land described in the application and any attachments thereto and as shown on the plot plan, sub- mitted labeled Exhibit A, dated April 13, 1977. 2.a) This subdivision is approved on the express condition that that the final map shall not be approved unless the City Council finds as of the time of such approval that sewer service is available to serve the subdivision. .5 b) This subdivision is approved upon the express condition that building permits will not be issued for development on the subject property unless the City Engineer determines that sewer facilities are available at the time of application for such permit and will continue to be available until time of occupancy. If the City Engineer determines that ' , sewer facilities are not applicable, building permits will not be issued until arrangements satisfactory to the City Council, can be made to guarantee that all necessary sewer facilities will be available prior to occupancy. This condition shall be noted on the final map. c) This Tentative Subdivision Map shall be subject to any further approvals as may be necessary in connection with such plan for the allocation of sewer service among competing uses as the City Council may adopt. If an allocation plan is adopted prior to final map approval, the applicant shall satisfy the requirements of such plan as a further condition of this Tentative Subdivision Map approval. 3. Lot #132 shall be dedicated to the City in conjunction with Unit # 1 Lot #145 shall be dedicated to the City in con- junction with unit #_4 • The dedication of these lots shall satisfy all of the requirements of Ordinance #9190. 4. All of the applicable mitigation measures as identified in the Environmental Impact Report (EIR-115(A) for this report shall be implemented as follows: Required with grading permits: a) During grading and construction, all waste chemicals, especially lubricants, paints and fuels, shall be properly contained and transported off the site where they can be recycled or destroyed. b) All facilities, such as storm drains, energy dissipators and desiltation basins, necessary to prevent adverse impacts from project runoff shall be installed per the requirements of the City Engineer. c) Grading shall be limited to the minimum area necessary to accomplish the development. d) Clearing operations shall not be initiated in advance .of. grading. e) Grading activities shall be coordinated with the local . • precipitation pattern. f) Drainage facilities shall be constructed concurrent with grading activities as required by the City Engineer. g) Final surface shall be watered and rolled to form a hardened, compacted cap of soil to minimize dust and erosion due to surface. h) Surface shall be graded so as to direct runoff toward planned drainages and, if possible, away from cut and fill slopes. •-..-• .6 . -• i) Ground cc^|r for slope erosion control shall be planted and maintained per the requirei«@Rts OT the Earks and Recreation Director. j) The applicant and the City, when considering grading and improvement plans, shall strive to preserve as many mature eucalyptus trees as possible. Said plans shall show the location and size of all trees to be removed. k.) Construction and grading equipment shall only be serviced and washed at locations adequately equipped to dispose of wastes. 1) Standard grading practices, such as watering for dust control, shall be used. m) Construction activities.shall only take place between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. n) Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall cause to have conducted a systematic posthole test, production of a surface map, and the preparation of a report. This work shall be done by a recognized archae- ological organization to determine if additional steps are necessary to preserve the archaeological resources of the site. The organization shall submit a report to the Planning Director setting forth its findings. Based on the report's findings, the Planning Director may consider the imposition of additional conditions deemed necessary in view of the archaeological report. Required with improvement plans; 6) Bike lanes and/or paths shall be provided as required by City Council policy. p; Hosp Way shall be improved and connected to El Camino Real prior to, or concurrent with the recordation of Phase #3 of this subdivision. 5. All of the pathways required in the final PUD plan shall be improved as required by the Parks and Recreation Director and City Engineer. 6. An open space easement shall be granted to the City for each of the common open space lots. The open space ease- ment for lot #131, in the area between lots #120 & 121, shall provide for public access. FINDINGS (SP-160 ) 1. The proposed Specific Plan Amendment deleting SP-160 entirely is consistent with all applicable City policies and ordinances because: -.-.,• a) The entire development area has been superceded by the approval of a Planned Unit Development permit (PUD-8) as provided for in the Carlsbad Municipal Code. .7 JbCONDITIONS (SP-160 ) NONE NECESSARY SECTION II. BACKGROUND Location and Description of the Property The 43.9 acres of land lies within the forested area known as Hosp Grove. The site is directly north of Buena Woods' first phase of development at the northeast intersection of Elm Avenue and Monroe Street. The elevation of the site varies from approximately 200 feet along the east and west sides of the property down to approximately 50 feet where the Monroe Street extension crosses the northerly property line. Near the center of the site, there is an eroded arroyo, sometimes referred to as a natural amphitheater. Existing Zoning: Subject Property; North: East: South: Existing Land Use West: Subject Property: North: East: South: West: History and Related Cases P-C P-C R-A-10,000 P-C R-l Vacant eucalyptus grove Vacant eucalyptus grove SFR's and water tank Condo's (Buena Woods) SFR's A zone change (ZC-3) from R-A-10,000 to P-C was approved on March 3, 1970 (Ordinance No. 9250). A Master Plan (MP-1) for 163 acres, encompassing the proposed site, was approved on March 3, 1970 (Resolution No. 1694) . A Specific Plan (SP-32) and Tentative Map (CT-72-11) for the first phase of the Buena Woods development was approved in July, 1972. This first phase is now built and occupied. An Environmental Impact Report (EIR-115) covering this area was certified by the City on May 15, 1973. A Specific Plan (SP-160) and Tentative Map (CT 74-13) were approved on December 3, 1974. These earlier actions approved 135 units, in configurations ranging from a single unit to four attached units, on 43.2 acres. Two extensions to the tract map have been approved and the current map will expire on December 3, 1977. Environmental Impact Information The proposed project is basically the same as that previously approved. Only the configuration of the units has been changed and additional recreational facilities have been provided. The reason a new EIR is being prepared is to supplement the original EIR with more specific information and to provide for the new process (Planned Unit Development) being utilized by the applicant. The new EIR is to be considered independently of the original EIR and must be certified prior to consideration of the PUD and tract map. General Plan Information The Land Use Plan Map designates the subject site as Open Space and Medium Density Residential as shown below: .9 The proposed development drawn in Land Use Plan Map style, would look as follows: cfi The applicant is providing 22.1 acres of open space, generally as shown on the Land Use Map. The only questionable area is west of the Monroe Street extension. The proposal shows 16 units immediately on the west side of Monroe Street. The General Plan shows open space- The adopted Master Plan does show units in this area. The proposal shows 130 units on 12.8 acres of private lot area, resulting in a net density of 10.2 dwelling units per acre. The Land Use Map allocates a gross density of 4-10 dwelling units per acre. By including the proposed street areas of 9 acres, the effective gross density of the proposal is 6 dwelling units per acre. The proposed extension of Monroe Street as a secondary arterial is consistent with the Circulation Element. The proposed park dedication areas are consistent with the Parks and Recreation Element and the Open Space Element. Public Facilities At this time, all necessary public facilities, including sewer service, are available to serve the subject project as proposed. However, sewer facilities may not be available when applications are made for building permits. If sewer facilities are not available .10 at the time of building permit application, building permits will not be issued until arrangements satisfactory to the City Council can be made to guarantee that all necessary sewer facilities will be available prior to occupancy. The site is within the Carlsbad Unified School District. A letter from the District is on file assuring the City that school physical facilities will be available concurrent with need for this develop- ment. This development is also providing for the dedication of substantial ,acreage for.park purposes. The linear park along the west side of Monroe will be improved with a path and will eventually provide a link between Elm Avenue and Buena Vista Lagoon. The arroyo area 'will provide a natural amphitheater for special functions. Major Planning Considerations 1) Is the request consistent with the General Plan? 2) Does the request meet the intent and purpose and development standards as provided in Chapter 21.45 of the Carlsbad Municpal Code? SECTION III. DISCUSSION 1. Staff feels that the proposed requests are consistent with the General Plan (see the General Plan section of the background report). The only question arose in comparing the proposed development to the Land Use Plan map. The Land Use Plan shows Open Space along the westerly side of Monroe Street whereas the proposed development shows a total of 16 dwelling units immediately adjacent to the westerly, Monroe Street right-of- way. However, the intent of the General Plan Map is to show the general outlines of various land use allocations. The boundaries are not intended to be precise, and a reasonable transition of uses is not precluded by the plan map boundaries. The adopted Master Plan and current Specific Plan for the area does show development on the west side of Monroe Street. 2. Staff considers the proposed project to be in conformance with the intent and purpose of the Planned Unit Development Ordinance „_ under the following categories of Section 21.45.010: 2) Encourage imaginative and innovational planning of residential neighborhoods and commercial and industrial areas by offering a wide variety of dwelling units and building types and site arrangements with well-integrated community facilities and services; 4) Permit greater flexibility in design than in possible through strict application of conventional zoning and subdivision regulation. Staff does have concerns about some of the design, features of the proposal. These concerns and staff's comments are as follows: .11 a) Regarding the 16 units on the west side of Monroe Street and the 3 units on the east side of Hosp Way: The optimum situation for this type of development would be to have all of the units within the area bounded by Hosp Way and Monroe Street. This would afford each of the future residents easy access to the recreational amenities without having to cross any major public streets. Also, the park area on the west side of Monroe Street and the open space area along the south and east side of Hosp Way would have a more pleasing visual impact on travelers along these streets if the views were not interrupted by dwelling units. However, the Master Plan and the current Specific Plan for this development was approved by the City showing development in these areas. b) Regarding the units backing up to the easterly right- of-way of Monroe Stree: Because of the cut required to improve Monroe Street through this property and the height of the units backing up to Monroe Street, and adverse visual impact on the traveling public along Monroe Street would occur if the development occured as presently proposed. Also, the expected future traffic along Monroe Street would have a significant adverse effect on the residents of those units. Staff has recommended a condition that would require the affected units to be set back 30 feet from the Monroe Street right-of-way • or allow the setbacks as shown (minimum of approximately 22') if the developer installs a 6' high sound attenuation wall along the top of bank adjacent to the east side of Monroe Street. Also, staff considers the proposed project to be in conformance with the regulations of the Planned Community Zone set forth in Section 21. 38.. 150 (3) as follows: The undeveloped portion of the approved Master Plan contains more than 100 acres. The density and other provisions of the Master . Plan have been met with this PUD request. If the City Council determines it necessary for proper development to occur, they may deny the PUD request and require an amendment to the existing Master Plan to bring it into accord with the provisions of the Planned Community Zone. Staff believes that a PUD is the proper method to develop the property. A PUD provides for the inovative design necessary in this area. Also much of the Master Plan area is already developed and an amended Master Plan would not add significantly to the project. .12 The following summarizes the development standards in the PUD Ordinance and how these requirements are met by the proposed plan; 1. Density allowed: 4-10 du's/acre (MP=140 du's) Proposed: 6 du's/acre (130 du's proposed) Yards allowed (structures): proposed: allowed (garages) : proposed : 10' 10' 25' 20' mm. min. (conditions-of-approval require 25') 3. Coverage allowed: No minimum P-C Zone proposed: 16% Height allowed: No maximum in P-C Zone proposed: 31' max. above grade Parking residential required: proposed: 325 spaces (195+130 guest spaces) 398 spaces (260 + 138 guest spaces not including on-street parking) 6. Storage Space required: proposed: 7. Refuse Areas 5200 sq.ft. 8000 sq.ft. (2-4000 sq.ft. areas) Individual-unit trash containers are proposed. Staff feels this is appropriate because of the individual character of the units. 8. Screening of Parking Area Landscape plan requirement will assure fulfillment of this condition. 9. Usuable Open Space required: proposed: 1.2 acres 9.4 acres of common area includes .38 acres of active recreational area (tennis courts and cabana) and more than the required 1.2 acres are improved with pedestrian pathways and view areas. .13 10. Open Space (Non-residential) N/A 11. Landscaping (not tesed for recreation) Project site is currently plenished with groves of mature eucalyptus trees. As many trees as possible will remain. Therefore, a low maintenance landscaping concept will be empha- sized with erosion control landscaping on manufacturing cut and fill banks as approved by the required landscape and irrigation plan. 12. Signs .Type: Wood Height: 48" LOG at ion: On.wall at Northeast TT Size: 3'6" X 10' (35 sq.ft)intersection of Monroe St. & Hosp Way. 13. Placement of Buildings Proposal meets ordinance requirements as follows: A 10" min. between units. B 5' min. between accessory structures C 10' min. between wings of a building. D All but 2 units are of a 2-unit attached configuration. E All units along the east side of Monroe Stree are required to be setback from the R.O.W. a min. of 30" and from the top •• of a bank a min. of 10"unless an alternative of a sound attenuation wall is provided. 14. Streets Two-way private drives, no parking either side: required: 24' provided: 24' 15. Pedestrian Walkways Conditions of approval will assure fulfillment of this requirement. 16. Lighting Conditions of approval will assure fulfillment of this requirement. 17. Utilities Conditions of approval will assure fulfillment of this requirement. .14 18. Building Construction Requirements Conditions of approval will assure fulfillment of this requirement. 19. Planned Unit Development Lots Proposal meets ordinance requirements. Attachments: Location Map PUD: Exhibit A, dated 4/13/77 Exhibit B, dated 2/2/77 Exhibit C, dated 4/22/77 CT : Exhibit A, dated 4/13/77 MZ:ar 4/20/77 15 Case Description of Request: Pop .# CT R^K. Address or Location of Request:_Bo~p-T> O/v) Applicant: Engr. or Arc Brief Legal: OF _C<^. &&. R)R./SfTr(^^ Assessor Book:_ General Pla.n LanciJJs'e Description: Existing Zone:_ Acres: Parcel: ? -M' j "r ?ff <?' ict: No. of Lots: proposed Zone: P School Distv __ __ Water Sanitation (Tis*trict:"r Within Coast Plan Area:CoastPeriiTit Cn DM 111 City of Carlsbad Planning Commission Caso No. Exhibit No. ..._C--_ - /w*?P~;J* / /&ir ALU SCHEDULE OF PROPOSED DWELLINGS PLAN A-l A-2 A-2 B-l B-2 C-1 C-2 C-1X D BUENA WOODS, CARLSBAD TRACT BEDROOMS 2 3 ®¥&^ 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 UNIT III NO. 74-13 SQUARE FEET 1470 1842 1847 1904 1688 1770 1658 1594 1510 NO. OF UNITS 33 9 8 2 23 31 15 3 11 R 270 L= 2I3_, v:/597 ± / HOSP SPECIFIC PLAN 160 COMPILED FROM DATA OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ASSESSOR MAPS: BOOK 156 PAGE 090 PARCELS 36 37 38 & 39 AND DRAWING BY APPLICANT