HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP 168; RACA Development Co.; Specific Plan (SP)MEMORANDUM May 13, 1975 TO: THE PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: SP-168 - LAGOON SHORES ^" I. BACKGROUND The Planning Commission heard the subject application on April 22, 1975. The Commission discussed the proposed conditions of approval for the project at some length, finally voting to continue the application for two weeks to allow staff to further evaluate the conditions of approval. The Commission closed the public hearing and determined that no further public input was necessary. II. RECOMMENDATION ' ' Staff is recommending that the project be approved for the following reasons: 1) The adverse environmental impacts of the project have been mitigated in the following manner: a) Visual access to the lagoon has been preserved through project design. b) Physical access to the lagoon is ensured through provision of three public walkways. c) Siltation of the lagoon will.be. controlled through prohibition of grading during rainy months and planting of erosion control vegetation at the earliest possible date. 2) The project meets all standards for uses in the Planned Community Zone. 3) The project complies with the General Plan in the following manner: a) It complies with the density requirements of the Land Use Element. b) It preserves the scenic and recreational amenities of the lagoon as required by the Open Space and Conservation Elements. c) It provides for a bicycle corridor and preservation of scenic • vistas along Park Drive as required by the preliminary Scenic Highways and Circulation Elements. -2- 4) The project has been assured the availability of Public Facilities by the City Engineer and Carlsbad Unified School District. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL (REVISED): 1. The approval is granted for land described in the application and any attachments thereto, and as .shown on the plot plan, labeled Exhibit A, the elevations labeled Exhibit B, the garage plan labeled Exhibit C and the floor plan labjeled Exhibit D, all of which.are dated 3/14/75. All buildings, roadways, landscaping, parking and other features shall substantially conform to these exhibits. Exact siting of all structures shall conform to Exhibits A end C. 2. Unless a final subdivision map is recorded for the project within thirty months of this approval, the Specific Plan shall become null and void. 3. All requirements of any law, ordinance or regulation of the State of California, City of Carlsbad, and any other governmental entity shall be complied with. . 4. Any mechanical and/or electrical equipment to be located on the roof of the structure shall be screened in a manner acceptable to the Planning Director. Detailed plans for said screening shall be submitted, in triplicate, to the Planning Director. 5. A detailed landscape and sprinkler plan prepared by a landscape architect shall be submitted to the Parks and Recreation Director for consideration and approval. 6. All utilities, including electrical, telephone and cable television, shall be installed underground and/or shall be completely concealed from view. 7. Any phasing of this project shall require an amendment to this Specific Plan. 8. The applicant shall install permanent bicycle parking facilities at the termini of Marina Drive and the cul-de-sac on the east side of the property. Said facilities shall meet the specifications of the Parks and Recreation Director and the City Engineer. 9. Driveways shall have a 24 ft. clear width. Minimum width of paving at parking areas shall be 44 or 64 ft. (one or two 20-ft. stalls, plus 24-ft. aisles). Parking at the top of garage ramps is not allowed. 10. Adequate facilities, clearances and maneuverability for trash removal and emergency vehicles shall be provided. -3- 11. All structures shall observe a 35-ft. height limit as defined by the Uniform Building Code, with the exception of the four "loft areas" whose location is depicted on the plot plan, Exhibit A, and whose dimensions shall conform to those shown on the elevations, Exhibit B. In no case shall the loft area-s measure more than 41 ft. - in height, as defined by the Uniform Building Code. 12. The roof covering shall be fire retardant per the Uniform Building Code. Additional fire protection shall be ensured through a combination of fire resistant building design materials, construction of water mains and hydrants, and suitable access. This shall be accomplished in a manner acceptable to the Fire Chief. 13. A 5-ft. utility and tree planting easement shall be dedicated along all public frontage. 14. The applicant shall submit for review and approval by the Planning Director a plan for. recreational facilities on the site prior to the issuance of building permits, The recreation plan shall include a recreation area for children. All recreational structures and appurtenant facilities shall be placed so that they do not obscure the view of the lagoon. 15. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall submit for the City Engineer's review and approval, a detailed soils study prepared by a qualified soils engineer. This study shall: a) Determine the soil stability and height of the water table over the entire property. b) Recommend any engineering solutions necessary to stabilize structures and prevent flooding of the subterranean garages. 16. Right of way shall be dedicated to provide a 42-ft. half street • section for Park Drive and public frontage improvements shall be constructed as required by the City Engineer. Rights of access to Park Drive shall be waived. A pedestrian way and separate public bikeway shall be provided within the 10-ft. parkway and 15-ft. 'building setback. 17. Right of way shall be dedicated and public frontage improvements shall be constructed along Marina Drive to provide a 40-ft. curb- to-curb dimension, plus a 7-ft. parkway. The intersection of Park Drive and Marina Drive shall be realigned to avoid acute turning movements and to provide a free right-turn movement on to Park Drive, in accordance with City standards. A 15-ft. easement and improved walkway from Marina Drive to the lagoon shall be dedicated. 18. A 50-ft. public parking and access easement shall be dedicated along the eastern boundary of the lot and privately improved and maintained, subject to the review and approval of improvement plans by the City Engineer. The driveway shall intersect Park Drive at a right angle to the ceriterline. An improved public walkway to the lagoon shall be provided. -4- 19. Public walkway shall be dedicated and improved to City standards along the toe of the slope to the lagoon and above the mean high tide. (Therefore, the walkway will be inundated only during a flood.) 20. All public walkways on the project shall be lighted and barred to motor vehicles. This shall be accomplished in a manner acceptable to the Police Chief and City Engineer. III. DISCUSSION ' .P.M. . II-—I I • | 0 A. Justification for Approval: - The justification for approval of the project was enlarged to include findings of fact to support each conclusion. This is in response to recent court cases emphasizing the Planning Commission's obligation to substantiate their findings in their resolutions. B. Building Height: The consensus at the Planning Commission's April 22, 1975 meeting seemed to be that they wished to restrict the building height to 35 ft., except'for the four isolated "loft" areas, provided that the condition could be tied down with specific wording. Staff. has attempted to do this in Condition #15. C. Recreational Facilities: Two Commissioners suggested that a "tot lot" be required. This is included in Condition #14. Staff also added a requirement that recreational facilities be placed so as not to obscure the view of the lagoon from Park Drive. D.. Siltation and Grading Controls: The Commission suggested that a condition be added to control siltation of the lagoon. The Engineer- ing Department has stated that such a condition is not needed (see attached memorandum). However, should the Commission determine to include a condition to control siltation, staff suggests the following wording: In order to decrease siltation of the lagoon, grading for the project shall commence during the spring or summer months and shall be completed prior to November 1. Erosion control vege- tation shall be planted on all slopes upon completion of the grading, in a manner acceptable to the Parks and Recreation Director and City Engineer. ATTACHMENTS: The Engineering, Police and Fire Departments have responded by separate memorandums to questions raised at the April 22, 1975 meeting. Copies of these memorandums have been attached. SDH/br - 5/6/75 . MEMORANDUM May 13, 1975 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: SP-168 LAGOON SHORES The public hearing on Lagoon Shores was closed at the April 22, 1975 meeting. No further public testimony can be allowed unless a new notice of hearing is published. Staff has discussed the revised conditions of approval with the applicant, who has said he can meet all of the conditions. A minor problem has arisen with one condition of approval. Pro- posed condition #17 requires additional street improvements on Marina Drive. In order to provide additional right of way for these improvements, the applicant must shift the two westerly buildings 5 to 10 feet to the east. Condition #1 was amended at the request of one Commissioner, to require the exact ssiting of structures to conform to the approv- ed plot plan and garage plan, Exhibits A and C. These two conditions are conflicting. Staff has seen several examples of how the Marina Drive street section can be changed without involving significant changes to the project. Staff believes that, in order to meet all conditions of approval, certain minor adjustments are inevitable. The portion of Condi- tion #1 which requires the structures to be exactly sited is probably unworkable. Condition #1 already requires that the project shall "substantially conform" to the approved exhibits. Any substantial changes in siting^(such as that necessary to avoid a high groundwater table) would require an amendment to the specif-ic plan. Therefore, Staff is recommended that the last sentence of condition #1 ("Exact siting of all structures shall conform to Exhibits A & C") be deleted. The Fire Department recommended that fire retardant roof materials be required for the project. This was included in Condition #12. However, this requirement would probably double roofing costs. The Commission may wish to weigh the need for fire retardant roof materials against the added costs. DH/vb 5-13-75 MEMORANDUM May 13, 1975 TO: THE PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: SP-168 - LAGOON SHORES I. BACKGROUND The Planning Commission heard the subject application on April 22, 1975. The Commission discussed the proposed conditions of approval for the project at some length, finally voting to continue the application for two weeks to allow staff to further evaluate the conditions of approval. The Commission closed the public hearing and determined that no further public input was necessary. II. RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending that the project be approved for the following reasons: 1) The adverse environmental impacts of the project have been mitigated in the following manner: a) Visual access to the lagoon has been preserved through project design. b) Physical access to the lagoon is ensured through provision of three public walkways. c) Siltation of the lagoon will be controlled through prohibition of grading during rainy months and planting of erosion control vegetation at the earliest possible date. 2) The project meets all standards for uses in the Planned Community Zone. 3) The project complies with the General Plan in the following manner: a) It complies with the density requirements of the Land Use Element. b) It preserves the scenic and recreational amenities of the lagoon as required by the Open Space and Conservation Elements. c) It provides for a bicycle corridor and preservation of scenic vistas along Park Drive as required by the preliminary Scenic Highways and Circulation Elements. -2- 4) The project has been assured the availability of Public Facilities by the City Engineer and Carlsbad Unified School District. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL (REVISED): 1. The approval is granted for land described in the application and any attachments thereto, and as shown on the plot plan, labeled Exhibit A, the elevations labeled Exhibit B, the garage plan labeled Exhibit C and the floor plan labeled Exhibit D, all of which are dated 3/14/75. All buildings, roadways, landscaping, parking and other features shall substantially conform to these exhibits. Exact siting of all structures shall conform to Exhibits A and C. 2. Unless a final subdivision map is recorded for the project within thirty months of this approval, the Specific Plan shall become null and void. 3. All requirements of any law, ordinance or regulation of the State of California, City of Carlsbad, and any other governmental entity shall be complied with. 4. Any mechanical and/or electrical equipment to be located on the roof of the structure shall be screened in a manner acceptable to the Planning Director. Detailed plans -for said screening shall be submitted, in triplicate, to the Planning Director. 5. A detailed landscape and sprinkler plan prepared by a landscape architect shall be submitted to the Parks and Recreation Director for consideration and approval. 6. All utilities, including electrical, telephone and cable television, shall be installed underground and/or shall be completely concealed from view. 7. Any phasing of this project shall require an amendment to this Specific Plan. 8. The applicant shall install permanent bicycle parking facilities at the termini of Marina Drive and the cul-de-sac on the east side of the property. Said facilities shall meet the specifications of the Parks and Recreation Director and the City Engineer. 9. Driveways shall have a 24 ft. clear width. Minimum width of paving at parking areas shall be 44 or 64 ft. (one or two 20-ft. stalls, plus 24-ft. aisles). Parking at the top of garage ramps is not allowed. 10. Adequate facilities, clearances and maneuverability for trash removal and emergency vehicles shall be provided. -3- 11. All structures shall observe a 35-ft. height limit as defined by the Uniform Building Code, with the exception of the four "loft areas" whose location is depicted on the plot plan, Exhibit A, and whose dimensions shall conform to those shown on the elevations, Exhibit B. In no case shall the loft areas measure more than 41 ft. in height, as defined by the Uniform Building Code. 12. The roof covering shall be fire retardant per the Uniform Building Code. Additional fire protection shall be ensured through a combination of fire resistant building design materials, construction of water mains and hydrants, and suitable access. This shall be accomplished in a manner acceptable to the Fire Chief. 13. A 5-ft. utility and tree planting easement shall be dedicated along all public frontage. 14. The applicant shall submit for review and approval by the Planning Director a plan for recreational facilities on the site prior to the issuance of building permits. The recreation plan shall include a recreation area for children. All recreational structures and appurtenant facilities shall be placed so that they do not obscure the view of the lagoon. 15. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall submit for the City Engineer's review and approval a detailed soils study prepared by a qualified soils engineer. This study shall: a) Determine the soil stability and height of the water table over the entire property. b) Recommend any engineering solutions necessary to stabilize structures and prevent flooding of the subterranean garages. 16. Right of way shall be dedicated to provide a 42-ft. half street section for Park Drive and public frontage improvements shall be constructed as required by the City Engineer. Rights of access to Park Drive shall be waived. A pedestrian way and separate public bikeway shall be provided within the 10-ft. parkway and 15-ft. building setback. 17. Right of way shall be dedicated and public frontage improvements shall be constructed along Marina Drive to provide a 40-ft. curb- to-curb dimension, plus a 7-ft. parkway. The intersection of Park Drive and Marina Drive shall be realigned to avoid acute turning movements and to provide a free right-turn movement on to Park Drive, in accordance with City standards. A 15-ft. easement and improved walkway from Marina Drive to the lagoon shall be dedicated. 18. A 50-ft. public parking and access easement shall be dedicated along the eastern boundary of the lot and privately improved and maintained, subject to the review and approval of improvement plans by the City Engineer. The driveway shall intersect Park Drive at a right angle to the centerline. An improved public walkway to the lagoon shall be provided. -4- 19. Public walkway shall be dedicated and improved to City standards along the toe of the slope to the lagoon and above the mean high tide. (Therefore, the walkway will be inundated only during a flood.) 20. All public walkways on the project shall be lighted and barred to motor vehicles. This shall be accomplished in a manner acceptable to the Police Chief and City Engineer. III. DISCUSSION A. Justification for Approval: The justification for approval of the project was enlarged to include findings of fact to support each conclusion. This is in response to recent court cases emphasizing the Planning Commission's obligation to substantiate their findings in their resolutions. B. Building Height: The consensus at the Planning Commission's April 22, 1975 meeting seemed to be that they wished to restrict the building height to 35 ft., except for the four isolated "loft" areas, provided that the condition could be tied down with specific wording. Staff has attempted to do this in Condition #15. C. Recreational Facilities: Two Commissioners suggested that a "tot lot" be required. This is included in Condition #14. Staff also added a requirement that recreational facilities be placed so as not to obscure the view of the lagoon from Park Drive. D. Siltation and Grading Controls: The Commission suggested that a condition be added to control siltation of the lagoon. The Engineer- ing Department has stated that such a condition is not needed (see attached memorandum). However, should the Commission determine to include a condition to control siltation, staff suggests the following wording: In order to decrease siltation of the lagoon, grading for the project shall commence during the spring or summer months and shall be completed prior to November 1. Erosion control vege- tation shall be planted on all slopes upon completion of the grading, in a manner acceptable to the Parks and Recreation Director and City Engineer. ATTACHMENTS: The Engineering, Police and Fire Departments have responded by separate memorandums to questions raised at the April 22, 1975 meeting. Copies of these memorandums have been attached. SDH/br - 5/6/75 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT April 22, 1975 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT REPORT ON: LAGOON SHORES - ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT #268 SPECIFIC PLAN #168 APPLICANT: RACA DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 1815 E. Carnegia Avenue Santa Ana, California 92705 I. REQUEST: The applicant is requesting certification of an EIR, and approval of a Specific Plan for 156 dwelling units on a 8-acre piece of land zoned P-C and described as: That parcel of land lying in Lot "I", Rancho Agua Hedionda, in the City of Carlsbad, according to Map thereof No. 823, as recorded in the office of the San Diego County Recorder, December 15, 1896. The subject property is located on the south side of Park Drive between Marina Drive and Neblina Drive, fronting on the north shore of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. II. RECOMMENDATIONS: A) EIR 268 - Staff recommends that the final Environmental Impact Report be CERTIFIED, based on the following justifications: 1) Compliance with all CEQA requirements. 2) Compliance with the requirements of the Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance. B) SPECIFIC PLAN #158 and CT 74-10 - These applications were for an earlier proposal on the Lagoon Shores property. The cases were tabled by the Planning Commission on September 10, 1974. The applicant has requested that the old applications be withdrawn. Staff recommends that the Commission vote to approve withdrawal of these applications. -2- C) SP-168 - Staff recommends that the Specific Plan be APPROVED based on the following justifications: 1) The adverse environmental impacts of the project have been adequately mitigated; 2) The project meets the requirements of the Planned Community Zone; 3) The project is in compliance with the City's General Plan; 4) The project meets the requirements of the Public Facilities Policy. Recommended Conditions of Approval: 1. The approval is granted for land described in the application and any attachments thereto, and as shown on the plot plan, labeled Exhibit A, the elevations labeled Exhibit B, the garage plan labeled Exhibit C, and the floor plan labeled Exhibit D, all of which are dated 3/14/75. All buildings, roadways, landscaping, parking and other features shall substantially conform to these exhibits. 2. Unless a final subdivision map is recorded for the project within thirty months of this approval, the Specific Plan shall become null and void. 3. All requirements of any law, ordinance or regulation of the State of California, City of Carlsbad, and any other governmental entity shall be complied with. 4. Any mechanical and/or electrical equipment to be located on the roof of the structure shall be screened in a manner acceptable to the Planning Director. Detailed plans for said screening shall be submitted, in triplicate, to the Planning Director. 5. A detailed landscape and sprinkler plan prepared by a landscape architect shall be submitted to the Parks and Recreation Director for consideration and approval. 6. All utilities including electrical, telephone and cable television, shall be installed underground and/or shall be completely concealed from view. 7. Any phasing of this project shall require an amendment to this Specific Plan. 8. Right of way shall be dedicated to provide a 42 ft. half street section for Park Drive, plus a 10 ft. two-way bike lane, and public frontage improvements shall be constructed as required by the City Engineer. Rights of access to Park Drive shall be waived. -3- 9. Right of way shall be dedicated and public frontage improvements shall be constructed along Marina Drive to provide a 40 ft. curb- to-curb dimension, plus a 10 ft. parkway. The intersection of Park , Drive and Marina Drive shall be realigned to avoid acute turning movements, in accordance with City Standards. A 15 ft. improved walkway from Marina Drive to the lagoon shall be dedicated. 10. A public cul-de-sac street shall be fully dedicated and improved along the eastern boundary of the lot. The applicant shall be responsible for off-site dedication and improvements to this street; if this is not possible, the applicant shall file an amended specific plan showing the entire street within the subject property. The street shall have a 60 ft. right of way with a 40 ft. curb to curb dimension. The alignment and perpendicular parking layout, as shown on the Specific Plan, is subject to revisison by the City Engineer. An improved 15 ft. wide access extending from the terminus of this cul-de-sac to the lagoon shall be dedicated to the City. 11. A public walkway shall be dedicated and improved to City standards at the top of the slope to the lagoon along the entire lagoon frontage. 12. Driveways shall have a 24 ft. clear width. Minimum width of paving at parking areas shall be 44 or 64 ft.(one or two 20 ft. stalls, plus 24 ft. aisles). Parking at the top of garage ramps is not approved. 13. Adequate facilities, clearances and maneuverability for trash removal and emergency vehicles shall be provided. 14. All structures shall observe a 35 ft. height limitation, as defined by the Uniform Building Code. 15. Adequate fire protection shall be ensured through a combination of fire resistant building design materials and construction of water mains and hydrants. This shall be accomplished in a manner acceptable to the Fire Chief. 16. A 5 ft. utility and tree planting easement shall be dedicated along all public frontage. III. BACKGROUND: A. Location: Between Park Drive and the Agua Hedionda Lagoon on the east side of Marina Drive. B. Site Description: The site gently slopes to the south; with a short, steep bank adjacent to the lagoon. Vegetation is sparse. C. Project Description: The project entails certification of an EIR and adoption of a Specific Plan to allow construction of 156 condominium units. -4- D. Zoning: Subject Property: P-C North: P-C South: P-U East: P-C West: R-W E. Surrounding Land Use: North - Vacant South - Agua Hedionda Lagoon East - Vacant West - Bristol Cove (Su Casa) F. General Plan Recommendation: The Land Use portion of the General Plan shows the subject property as residential high density at 20-30 dwelling units per acre. The applicant proposes a density of 18.8 dwelling units per acre. The Open Space and Conservation Elements of the General Plan identify the Agua Hedionda Lagoon as a prime resource. Specific goals set forth in this Element are the preservation of scenic vistas and recreational amenities. The preliminary Circulation and Scenic Highways Elements designate Park Drive as both a bicycle corridor and a scenic highway corridor. For this reason, staff has considered bicycle routes and preservation of scenic vistas as major issues with this application. G. Environmental Impact Requirements: Staff has prepared an EIR for the project based on draft information supplied by the applicant and comments submitted by affected agencies. Some of the major issues discussed in the EIR are: 1) P/ior fill: The draft Environmental Impact Report touches on the fact that a portion of the site was a tidal mud flat, with native vegetation and fauna. The site was filled approximately ten years ago, prior to requirements for environmental review. Although the environmental damage has already been sustained, the effects should not be ignored. The disruption of the mud flat caused the elimination of a number of plant and animal species, namely, molluscs and marsh grasses. According to the preliminary geologic and soils study done on the site, the ground water table is at about 5 ft. (depending on tide) at the lowest portion of the site. The majority of the site (60%) is underlain by uncompacted fill and soft bay muds. The soils report states that the uncompacted bay mud areas when property treated would be suitable for light structures, parking, boat storage or roads. 2) Protection of Lagoon Resources: The Environmental Impact Report stresses the need to preserve both visual and physical access to the lagoon. Public access and preservation of scenic vistas are both included in recommended mitigations. -5- H. Public Facilities Policy: The applicant has provided the necessary evidence to insure that public facilities will be able to serve the project. A letter from the Carlsbad Unified School District has been attached. The City Engineer has stated that the City will be able to provide water and sewer facilities to serve the project. IV. MAJOR PLANNING CONSIDERATION: 1) Will the project be consistent with the General Plan goal of preserving lagoon resources? 2) Is the intensity of the development commensurate with service capabilities and the maintenance of long-term environmental productivity? 3) Is adequate public access to the lagoon being provided? V. DISCUSSION OF.SPECIFIC ITEMS: 1) Park Drive: Park Drive has been designated in both the preliminary Circulation and Scenic Highways Elements as a bicycle corridor and scenic corridor. Staff has recommended that the applicant dedicate and improve a 10 ft. bikeway along the east side of Park. This route can be extended in the future along the unimproved sections adjacent to Laguna Riviera Unit I (east side of Park). Kelly Drive has adequate right of way for inclusion of a bike lane. It is anticipated that specifications for this route will be included in the future Specific Plan for the Park Drive scenic route. 2) Access: Staff has recommended that the following be provided for public access: a) A 15 ft. public walkway from the terminus of Marina Drive to the lagoon. b) Publicly dedicated street along the east side of the property and a 15 ft. walkway extending from the terminus of that street to the lagoon. c) A publicly dedicated walkway at the top of the slope along the entire lagoon frontage. The requirement that the walkway be at the top of the slopes stems from the need to protect it from inundation. Steps to the beach should be provided as shown on the plot plan. DH/br - 4/18/75 ATTACHMENTS: Exhibits A, B, C and D, dated 3/14/75 Final Environmental Impact Report #368 Letter from Carlsbad Unified School District