HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP 31A; Papagayo Development; Specific Plan (SP)CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT July 12, 1974 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CASE NO: APPLICANT: CITY MANAGER DONALD A. AGATEP, PLANNING DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT FOR REVISED SPECIFIC PLAN (PAPAGAYO) SP 31-A LARRY HUNTS REQUEST: The applicant is requesting Specific Plan (SP-31) which 9311 on June 20, 1972. an amendment to was approved by the original City Council Papagayo Ordinance The request was a result of the California Coastal Zone Conservation Commission action which limited development on the project site to approximately 14 acres north of the sewer line easement. The sewer line easement bisecting the property is the northerly boundary of an area on which the Coastal Zone Commission did not grant a develop- mental permit. As part of the Coastal Commission action, a condition was added which required granting a 3.2 acre open space easement .to the public. The applicants original Tentative Map approval (CT 72-13) was to expire in April, 1974. The applicant requested a one year extension of the Tentative Map. The Staff reported to the City Council that the Tentative Map extension request was not completely valid for the following reasons: (1)The original on the basis entirety and amenities in development. Specific Plan and Tentative Map were approved that the project would be developed in it's that Lagoon frontage amenities and other the project were necessary to insure good (2)Coastal Zone actions which prohibited development south of the sewer line easement in essence negated the project design by eliminating the major amenities even though the Coastal Commission indicated that development could occur some time in the future provided it conformed to the Coastal Zone Plan which is to be presented in 1976. (3) If the applicant was to revise his Tentative Map it was desirable to concurrently reassess the applicability of the Specific Plan without the major amenities. The Council was presented with three options: a) Require the Developer to submit a new Tentative Map and new Specific Plan for only that portion of the property approved by the Coastal Commission. b) To approve Tentative Map extension provided the Specific Plan was revised indicating the area South of the sewer line as not a part. c) Approve the Tentative Hap extension without-.•recognition of the Coastal Zone actions since the Tentative Map had been approved in the past. The Council elected to approve the Tentative Map extension with the condition that a revised Specific Plan eliminating the area South of the sewer line was approved by the Planning Commission and City Council f he--appl icant has filed a Specific Plan Revision and has been heard by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission is recommending that the proposed Specific Plan Revision BE DENTED for the following reasons: (1) The amendment differed substantially from the original Specific Plan (SP-31). ,,, (2) There are no assurances that the original Specific Plan:> can be developed at such time that the State Coastal Commission has adopted the Coastal Plan. (3) The proposed Specific Plan does not provide adequate public access to the proposed Open Space Easement. (4) The project would cause traffic congestion. Therefore, the applicant's request for a revised Specific Plan for Papagayo is properly before the City Council at this time. RECOMMENDATIONS: If the Council approves the requested Specific P,lan Revision, the matter must be returned to the Planning Commission for review and report pursuant to Ordinance. If the Council approves the Specific Plan as revised, approval should be granted subject to the following conditions: (1) That all information required by City Ordinance 9060, Chapter 21.30 (Planned Community), be submitted for Staff review prior to final approval, information to include: -2- a) A detailed landscape maintenance program. b) Time schedule indicating phases of development and approximate completion dates for each phase (also to include information on utilization of Lagoon property). (2) The applicant shall be subject to the City of Carlsbad Park Dedication Ordinance #9190. Fees-in-lieu of dedications shall be paid prior to the approval of the final map. (3) The applicant shall provide a legal description for the public access easement, to be not less than 20 feet wide, from the end of Harbor Drive to the area proposed for Open Space Dedication. The public access shall be provided in a manner shown on Exhibit A, the amended Specific Plan, dated July 1, 1974. The proposed public access shall be improved in a manner acceptable to the Planning Director and shall provide access for bicycles as well as pedestrians. (4) Landscape and sprinkler plans shall be submitted for review before construction and prior to occupancy. (5) Full street improvements shall be constructed over the Southerly 32 feet of Chinquapin Avenue between 1-5 and the A.T. & S.F. Railroad. (6) Street rights-of-way, adjacent to the property as required for Street Improvements, shall be dedicated to the City free of all liens and encumbrances. (7) All public improvements shall be constructed in accordance with City of Carlsbad design criteria and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. (8) The water distribution and sewer collection system shall be dedicated to the City together with the necessary easements free of liens and encumbrances. Connections to the existing trunk line through the property shall be made only at man- hoi es. (9) On-site fire hydrants and fire protection appurtenances shall be constructed in accordance with Fire Department requi rements. (10) The interior streets are proposed to be private. The following special conditions shall apply: a) Provisions for maintaining the streets, satisfactory to the City Engineer and City Attorney, shall be provided prior to issuance of any building permits. —3- b) The design of all streets shall be approved by the Public Works Department and all street construction shall be inspected by the Public Works Department and a standard inspection fee paid, c) All streets shall be designed for a structural section in accordance with City of Carlsbad Standard Design Criteria. d) Provision for accomodating pedestrian traffic satis- factory to the Planning Director and City Engineer shall be provided. e) Lighting adequate for pedestrian and vehicular safety and sufficient to minimize police problems shall be provided, •^7 f) Where it is proposed to reduce street widths by elimination of curb-side parking, equivalent parking in addition to the normal off-street requirement shall be provided by other means. g) The City will assume no responsibility for enforce- ment of traffic control . (11) The intersection of the easterly entrance shall be located approximately 250' easterly of Jefferson Street, the exact location to be approved by the City Engineer. (12) The Exhibit A, Revised July 1, 1974, shall be adopted as a Specific Plan, any deviation shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Department. (13) Installation of Street Improvements westerly of Jefferson Street may be deferred until construction is begun on that portion of the development west of the existing subdivision. (14) Fire retardant materials subject to the approval of the City Fire Chief shall be utilized wherever applicable. (15) Prior to City Council consideration of this plan, the location of the 3.2 acre parcel and the means for its conveyance will be determined by the City Manager, after- consultations with the Developer, the Planning Director and appropriate members of the Coastal Commission Staff. Said location will then be drawn on and become a part of said Specific Plan. The City Manager will cause a condition to be drafted and added to this recommendation requiring that the developer convey the parcel as: indicated on the map in a manner which he determines to be appropriate, said conveyance to be made prior to the approval of the final map for any portion of the property to be covered by this Specific Plan. -4- The City Council's recommendation of approval is subject to the satisfaction of this condition. If the location and the method of conveyance cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of the City Manager prior to City Council consideration of the final map, the City Council's recommendation shall be deemed to be one of denial (15) The applicant shall rezone all areas shown as greenbelt/ open space or to 0-S (Open Space) Zone prior to final map approval. (17) Phasing of the proposed development shall occur in the following manner: PHASE I: PHASE II: PHASE III PHASE IV: PHASE V: BACKGROUND: 50 Units, expected completion, December, 1974. 56 Units, expected completion, March, 1975. 52 Units, expected completion, May, 1975. 42 Units, expected completion, September,1975. 30 Units, expected completion, September, 1975. A C D E, F, G, Legal Description: Tract 233 of Thum Lands, City of Carlsbad, according to Map 1681 filed with the San Diego County Recorder. Location: South of Chinquapin Avenue, North of Agua Hedionda Lagoon, East of A.T. & S.F. R.R., West of 1-5 Size: 1,001,800 SF land area(23 acres) Density: 10 DU/acre (including land excluded from develop- ment .). Coverage: 25% Projected Population: 728 E. I.R.: The applicant has submitted an E.I.R. which was certified by City Council Resolution #2038 on January 2, 1973. The major impacts which Staff addressed were: 1) Increased traffic congestion. 2) The transition between single family and the proposed higher density use. 3) The effect of eventual dredging activities on the biotic habitat of the lagoon. -5- H. Bedroom Count: All units will be 2 bedroom, although approximately one third of the units will have dens. I. Project Description: The revised Specific Plan reduces the total number of units from 380 to 230 from the original Specific Plan. Additionally it reduces the developable acreage by 3.2 acres. The location of struct- ures is the same as in the original approval with the exception that all portions of the project south of the sewer easement have been deleted. The Open Space Easement shown on Exhibit A is 3.2 acres of land which has been identified by legal description and required by the Coastal Commission. The 3.2 acres only is a part of the condition of approval for the area to be developed North of the sewer line. At such time as additional approvals may be given by the Coastal Commission for development south of the sewer line, it is anticipated that additional Open Space requirements will be required. The public, access as shown on Exhibit A, Revised July 1, 1974, is essentially the same access location provided in the Specific Plan adopted in June, 1972. J. Zoning: P-C K. Adjacent Zoning: North: R-l-7500 East: L-C (Freeway) South: P-U West: RD-M and R-l-7500 L. General Plan: The adopted General Plan of the City of Carlsbad shows the property as Medium Density Residential at 22 to 47 dwelling units per acre. The proposed Land Use Element of the General Plan shows the property as Residential Medium High Density at 10-16 DU/acre. M. Coastal Commission Action: The California Coastal Zone Conservation approved the Papagayo Project on July 18, 1973 subject to the following conditions and modifications: 1} The development was to be restricted to the area between the sewer easement line arid Chinquapin Avenue. 2) The applicant would be able to obtain permits for the area between the sewer easement and Lagoon only if the Coastal Plan, when complete, would so allow. 3) The applicant would be required to grant in deed the 3.2 acre piece south of the sewer easement to the City of Carlsbad, with the understanding that it would be maintained by the Property Owner's Association -6- p. tio construe ion s n:; c u r w 11 h i n 2 months {i.e.or during heavy rainfall so as to prevent si 1 tation of the lagoon. months prior to January and February Plan is n e c e s s a ry of thesei n e r e v' Coastal' Corn mi ssi on re-c;u vr-emen'i. s . i ne ^ ; !_y ^uun c > i nc:5 already approved a one year extension for the Tentative Map, but stipulated that a'.revised Specific Plan go through the public hearing process as a condition of tentative Map time extension.. . . . ft- Circulation: Because the internal circulation of the'project was disrupted by the Coastal Commission's action, the applicant has revised the circulation system to provide a looped drive system for each of the sections on either side of Harbor.Street. There will be no through vehicular access to the separata sections of the project. , . 0. Public Facilities Policy: The.applicant-has obtained .a letter from the Carlsbad Unified School District stating that facilitie will be available concurrent with need. Phasing: The appl icants "as~fol lows: • . .... - proposed phasing for the project is Phase i Phase !] Phase HI Phase !V & V Start v/eek of June 17, 1574 Start- November 1974 . Start February 1975 Start- May 1975 • 50 units 56 unifs 52 units 42 & 30 It should be noted that due to the Coastal Commissions requirement that no grading/construction occur two months prior to or during the rainy season, no, construction can take olace on the site from November through February, -7- Joel C. Hughes 3690 Highland Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 July 15, 197 ^ Carlsbad City Council Carlsbad, CA 92008 Gentlemen: This letter is to express my hope that you grant Larry Hunts* "Papagayo" project the approval to be developed. I am a fairly long-time resident of Carlsbad and a Carlsbad property owner and taxpayer, and I strongly feel that this excellent project will add much to the desirability of Carlsbad as a place to live. Not only does it have excellent land use and open area, but Mr. Hunts* dwelling-unit design is excellent. I would much rather see an attractive residential area, than the existing weed covered hillside and the old shells of houses now visible. Also, I feel very strongly the property owners should have the right to utilize their land to its highest and best use, and np;!^ be forced to merely pay taxes and not be able to use it. In closing, I feel that besides being an attractive addition to our city of Carlsbad, it will bring in substantially more tax reserves than the bare land. I wish to state, even though I have no vested interest in Mr. Hunts* project, that you gentlemen on the City Council will recognize the merits of the project by voting "aye". Sincerely Joel C. Hughes ^L/^-^- £>/Vx7—i~^®-^-G—1— <*7^0&^J2o July 15, 1974 Carlsbad City Council Carlsbad, CA 92008 Gentlemen: SUBJ: Papagayo-By-The-Sea Project, personal evaluation of I am submitting this letter to the City Council in lieu of an oral presentation at the Council meeting Tuesday July 16th. I would have preferred making my statements at that time, however, the birth of my second son today will prevent my appearing in person. I live at the south end of Harbor Drive, Carlsbad, and am therefore concerned about any decisions affecting the property immediately adjacent to my own. For this reason, I am submitting this opinion for your attention and consideration. I have taken the time and trouble to visit the offices of Larry Hunts in San Diego to have my many questions answered. I have viewed detailed architectural drawings, landscaping plans, and all graphics of the proposed development. Based on the following information, I have come to my own decision: 1. The 230 units will sell at between $46,000 and $100,000 apiece; 2. Expected revenues to the school district alone are estimated at $300,000 annually; 3. Initial payments from permit activities has amounted to about $20,000 for the school district; PAPAGAYO - cont'd p. 2 4. With selling prices greater than $46,000, the influx of schoolchildren should be minimal; 5. Proposed (and approved) landscaping and the physical location of proposed units reasonably ensures that I will maintain my privacy; 6. Public access has been assured to the Agua Hedionda Lagoon; 7. Adjacent property values will not depreciate with this development; 8. Although 2-1/2 cars is the average number per family nationwide, the development has planned for 2-3/4 cars/family: a portion of which has been designed as "underground parking"; 9. and, the proposed improvements to Chinquapin, plus the Jefferson intersection traffic signal, with NO SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS to homeowners, can only be considered assets. As an involved homeowner, therefore, my position is one of non- opposition to the project with feelings that it will in no way take away from the local charms of Carlsbad and can only prove to be beneficial to the neighborhood. Sincerely, Bruce M. Johnston 4170 Harbor Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 cc: Mr. Larry Hunts MEMORANDUM July 15, 1974 TO: Lewis Chase, Councilman FROM'Donald A. Agatep, Planning Director SUBJECT: Action Taken on Papagayo Project The attached resolutions, ordinances and minutes for Papagayo reflects the Planning Commission and City Council approval, from the date it was originally heard in 1972 to the present time. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION Tentative Map Approved December 12, 1972 Vote 4-1 2 Absent Change of Zone and Specific Plan Adopted May 9, 1972 Vote 4-1 2 Absent .Specific Plan Amendment Adopted June 25, 1974 Denied 5-0 Vote 2 Absent Minutes - June 25, 1974 Mtg. CITY COUNCIL ACTION Change of Zone and Specific Plan Adopted July 5, 1972 Vote 3-1 (Lewis) 1 Abstained (Chase) E.I.R. '& Tentative Map Adopted January 2, 1973 Vote 3-1 1 Absent Aye (Chase) CHy Council Minutes Minutes of June 7, 197211 January 20, 1972 " January 2, 1973 " April 16, 1974 PAPAGAYO Councilman Chase moved that the Appeal be granted and returned to the Planning Commission for review and report. Also that the Planning Commission review the Conditions in connection with this project. City Council Meeting: July 16, 1974