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SUP 13-03; Viasat Expansion; Special Use Permit (SUP) (2)
^ CITY OF CARLSBAD LAND USE REVIEW APPLICATION P-1 Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov APPLICATIONS APPLIED FOR: (CHECK BOXES) Develooment Permits (FOR DEPT. USE ONLY) Legislative Permits n Administrative Permit Q Coastal Development Permit (*) Q Minor |B] Conditional Use Permit (*) 18] Minor Q Extension Q Environmental Impact Assessment Habitat Management Permit CH Minor fH Hillside Development Permit (*) (FOR DEPT. USE ONLY) [H Planned Development Permit 1 I Residential [B] Non-Residential |B] Planned Industrial Permit Planning Commission Determination Site Development Plan |B] Special Use Permit [S] Tentative Tract Map/Parcel Map Q Variance HH Administrative I I General Plan Amendment I I Local Coastal Program Amendment (* I I Master Plan Q Amendment I I Specific Plan Q Amendment I I Zone Change (*) I I Zone Code Amendment South Carlsbad Coastal Review Area Permits I I Review Permit I I Administrative CH Minor CH Major Village Review Area Permits I I Review Permit I I Administrative CH Minor CH Major (*) = eligible for 25% discount NOTE: A PROPOSED PROJECT REQUIRING MULTIPLE APPLICATIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO 3:30 P.M. A PROPOSED PROJECT REQUIRING ONLY ONE APPUCATION MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO 4:00 P.M. ASSESSOR PARCEL NO(S).: 213-261-01, 02, 03 and 04; 213-100-01 (Bldg 1 on main campus) PROJECT NAME: ViaSat Expansion - Bressi Ranch Lots 10-13 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: A 2-building office campus in PA 3 of the Bressi Ranch Master Plan. BRIEF LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 10-13 of Carlsbad Tract 02-15; Lot 1 of Carisbad Tract 98-07(Bldg 1 on main campus) LOCATION OF PROJECT: ON THE: East XXXX Gateway Road (Lots 10-13 Bressi); (6155 El Camino Real for Bldg 1 on main campus) STREET ADDRESS SIDE OF El Camino Real (NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST) BETWEEN Gateway Rd. (NAME OF STREET) AND Palomar Airport Road (NAME OF STREET) (NAME OF STREET) p-1 Page 1 of 6 Revised 11/12 CWNER NAME (Print): PKOM eso CMomia si. LLC, an Aiizm Mled laMlty Co. MAILING ADDRESS: 2201 E. Camelbadc Rd., Sle. 650 CITY. STATE. ZIP: Phoenix, AZ 65016 TELEPHONE: 602-248-8181 EMAIL ADDRESS: tony@levineinvestments.eom APPLIC/U>1T NAME (Print): Smith Consulting Architects [Peter Bussett) MAILING ADDRESS: 13280 Evening Creek Dr. South, Ste. 125 CITY, STATE. ZIP: San DIego, CA 92128 TELEPHONE: 858-793-4777 EMAIL ADDRESS: peterb@8ca-sd,com I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AN^jCORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY SIGNATURE DATH ' I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER AND THAT AU THE ABOVE INFORMATIW IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO IE.. APPLICANTS REPRESENTATIVE (Print): Smith Consulting Arxihitects, Peter Bussett MAILING ADDRESS: 13280 Evening Creek Dr. South. Ste. 125 CITY. STATE, ZIP: San Diego, CA 92128 TELEPHONE: 856-793-4777 EMAIL ADDRESS: pete(t>@sca-«d.com I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE IN THE PROCESS OF REVIEWING THIS APPLICATION IT MAY BE NECESSARY FOR MEMBERS OF GITY STAFF, PLANNING COMMISSIONERS OR CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS TO INSPECT ANI^tENTER THE PROPERTY THAT IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS APPLICATION. WWE CONSENT TO ENTRY FOR THIS PURPOSE. NOnCE OF RESTRICTION: PROPERTY OWNER ACKNCWLEDGES AND CONSENTS TO A NOTICE OF RESTRICTION BEING RECORDED ON THE TITLE TO HIS PROPERTY IF CONDITIONED FOR THE APPLIC/W«IT. NOTICE OF RESTRICTIONS RUN WITH Tm L^D^JC^BIN^^ IN »><TEREST. FOR cmr USE ONLY GCT 1 5 2013 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNiNG DIVISION DATE STAMP APPLICATION RECEIVED RECEIVED BY: P-1 Page 2 of 6 Revised 11/12 ^ CITY OF CARLSBAD PROJECT DESCRIPTION P-1(B) Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov PROJECT NAME: ViaSat Expansion - Bressi Ranch Lots 10-13 APPLICANT NAME: Peter Bussett / Smith Consulting Architects Please describe fully the proposed project by application type. Include any details necessary to adequately explain the scope and/or operation of the proposed project. You may also include any background information and supporting statements regarding the reasons for, or appropriateness of, the application. Use an addendum sheet if necessary. Description/Explanation: See the attached page. P-1(B) Page 1 of 1 Revised 07/10 Mail Processing Center Aeronautical Study No. Federal Aviation Administration 2013 -AWP-6442-OE Southwest Regional Office Prior Study No. Obstruction Evaluation Group 2008-AWP-2390-OE 2601 Meacham Boulevard Fort Worth, TX 76193 Issued Date: 12/12/2013 Scott L. Merry Meracon Corporation 7580 Caloma Circle Carlsbad, CA 92009 ** DETERMINATION OF NO HAZARD TO AIR NAVIGATION ** The Federal Aviation Administration has conducted an aeronautical study under the provisions of 49 U.S.C, Section 44718 and if applicable Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations, part 77, conceming: Structure: Building Levine Bressi Ranch Lots 10-13 Bldg #10 NW Location: Carlsbad, CA Latitude: 33-07-39.6IN NAD 83 Longitude: 117-15-55.78W Heights: 306 feet site elevation (SE) 53 feet above ground level (AGL) 359 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) This aeronautical study revealed that the structure does not exceed obstruction standards and would not be a hazard to air navigation provided the following condition(s), if any, is(are) met: It is required that FAA Form 7460-2, Notice of Actual Construction or Alteration, be e-filed any time the project is abandoned or: At least 10 days prior to start of construction (7460-2, Part I) X Within 5 days after the construction reaches its greatest height (7460-2, Part II) Based on this evaluation, marking and lighting are not necessary for aviation safety. However, if marking/ lighting are accomplished on a voluntary basis, we recommend it be installed and maintained in accordance with FAA Advisory circular 70/7460-1 K Change 2. The structure considered under this study lies in proximity to an airport and occupants may be subjected to noise from aircraft operating to and from the airport. This determination expires on 06/12/2015 unless: (a) the construction is started (not necessarily completed) and FAA Form 7460-2, Notice of Actual Construction or Alteration, is received by this office. (b) extended, revised, or terminated by the issuing office. (c) the construction is subject to the licensing authority of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and an application for a construction permit has been filed, as required by the FCC, within Page 1 of 5 6 months ofthe dJftf this determination. In such case, the (^femination expires on the date prescribed by the FCC for completion of construction, or the date the FCC denies the application. NOTE: REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD OF THIS DETERMINATION MUST BE E-FILED AT LEAST 15 DAYS PRIOR TO THE EXPIRATION DATE. AFTER RE-EVALUATION OF CURRENT OPERATIONS IN THE AREA OF THE STRUCTURE TO DETERMINE THAT NO SIGNIFICANT AERONAUTICAL CHANGES HAVE OCCURRED, YOUR DETERMINATION MAY BE ELIGIBLE FOR ONE EXTENSION OF THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD. This determination is based, in part, on the foregoing description which includes specific coordinates , heights, frequency(ies) and power . Any changes in coordinates , heights, and frequencies or use of greater power will void this determination. Any future construction or alteration , including increase to heights, power, or the addition of other transmitters, requires separate notice to the FAA. This determination does include temporary construction equipment such as cranes, derricks, etc., which may be used during actual construction ofthe structure. However, this equipment shall not exceed the overall heights as indicated above. Equipment which has a height greater than the studied structure requires separate notice to the FAA. This determination concems the effect ofthis stmcture on the safe and efficient use of navigable airspace by aircraft and does not relieve the sponsor of compliance responsibilities relating to any law, ordinance, or regulation of any Federal, State, or local govemment body. Any failure or malfunction that lasts more than thirty (30) minutes and affects a top light or flashing obstmction light, regardless of its position, should be reported immediately to (877) 487-6867 so a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) can be issued. As soon as the normal operation is restored, notify the same number. This determination cancels and supersedes prior determinations issued for this stmcture. If we can be of further assistance, please contact our office at (310) 725-6557. On any fiiture correspondence conceming this matter, please refer to Aeronautical Study Number 2013-AWP-6442-OE. Signature Control No: 199948982-203526152 (DNE) Karen McDonald Specialist Attachment(s) Case Description Map(s) Page 2 of 5 cfllDescription for ASN 2013-AWP-644ftE Constmction of a new 3 story office building. This case is for Building #10 Page 3 of 5 kfied Map for ASN 2013-AWP-6442- Page 4 of 5 tional Map for ASN 2013-AWP-6442J Page 5 of 5 Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration - Q|^irport https://oeaaa.faa.gov/(^aa/extemal/eFiling'locationAction.jsp?action=s... Federal Aviation Mmlnlstration « OE/AAA Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration - Off Airport Project Name: MERAC-000254377-13 Project Summary: MERAC-000254377-13 structure City, State Lat/Long Map Actions 7460-2 Received Latest Letter Levine Bressi Ranch Lots 10-13... Determined 2013-AWP-6442-OE Levine Bressi Rancli Lots 10-13... Determined 2013-AWP-6443-OE Levine Bressi Ranch Lots 10-13... Determined 2013-AWP-6444-OE Levine Bressi Ranch Lots 10-13... Determined 2013-AWP-644S-OE Levine Bi'essi Ranch Lots 10-13... Determined 2013-AWP-6446-OE Levine Bressi Ranch Lots 10-13... Determined 2013-AWP-6447-OE Levine Bressi Ranch Lots 10-13... Determined 2013-AWP-6448-OE Levine Bressi Ranch Lots 10-13... Determined 2013-AWP-6449-OE Levine Bressi Ranch Lots 10-13... Determined 2013-AWP-6450-OE Levine Bressi Ranch Lots 10-13... Determined 2013-AWP-6451-OE Levine Bressi Ranch Lots 10-13... Determined 2013-AWP-6452-OE Levine Bressi Ranch Lots 10-13... Determined 2013-AWP-6453-OE Levine Bressi Ranch Lots 10-13... Determined 2013-AWP-6454-OE Levine Bressi Ranch Lots 10-13... Determined 2013-AWP-6455-OE Levine Bressi Ranch Lots 10-13... Determined 2013-AWP-6456-OE Levine Bressi Ranch Lots 10-13... Determined 2013-AWP-6457-OE Carlsbad, CA Carlsbad, CA Carisbad, CA Carisbad, CA Carisbad, CA Carisbad, CA Carisbad, CA Carisbad, CA Carisbad, CA Carisbad, CA Carisbad, CA Carisbad, CA Cartsbad, CA Carisbad, CA Carisbad, CA Carisbad, CA 33" 7' 39.61" 117° 15' 55.78" 33° 7' 39.69" 117° 15' 54.65" 33° 7' 37.09" 117° 15' 55.61" 33° 7' 37.15" 117° 15' 54.46" 33° 7' 39.23" 117° 15' 50.89" 33° 7' 39.49" 117° 15' 49.80" 33° 7' 41.55" 117° 15' 50.45" 33° 7' 41.30" 117° 15' 51.56" 33° 7' 41.54" 117° 15' 55.32" 33° 7' 41.09" 117° 15' 55.32" 33° 7' 41.10" 117° 15' 54.37" 33° 7' 41.54" 117° 15' 54.37" 33° 7' 41.51" 117° 15' 54.00" 33° 7' 41.23" 117° 15' 53.91" 33° 7' 41.75" 117° 15' 52.77" 33° 7' 41.48" 117° 15' 52.69" ^Show Map Show Map ^ Show Map ^ Sliow Map gf Show Map gf Show Map gf Show Map gf Show Map ^Show Map gf Show Map ^ Show Map gf Show Map gf Show Map gf Show Map gf Show Map gf Show Map Clone Upload a PDF Add 7460-2 Clone Upload a PDF Add 7460-2 Clone Upload a PDF Add 7460-2 Clone Uptoad a PDF Add 7460-2 Clone Upbad a PDF Add 7460-2 Ctone Upload a PDF Add 7460-2 Clone Upload a PDF Add 7460-2 Ctone Uptoad a PDF Add 7460-2 Ctone Upload a PDF Add 7460-2 Ctone Uptoad a PDF Add 7460-2 Ctone Upload a PDF Add 7460-2 Ctone Upload a PDF Add 7460-2 Ctone Uptoad a PDF Add 7460-2 Ctone Uptoad a PDF Add 7460-2 Ctone Uptoad a PDF Add 7460-2 Ctone Uptoad a PDF Add 7450-2 "BDNE ^DNE ^DNE SDNE •gDNE ^DNE •gDNE ftoNE ^DNE ^DNE •Sor^E ^DNE Upload a PDF to (he Project 1 of 2 12/12/2013 9:32 AM PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT NAME: ViaSat Expansion - Bressi Ranch Lots 10-13 OWNER NAME: Pivotal 650 California St.. LLC APPLICANT NAME: Peter Bussett / Smith Consultina Architects DESCRIPTION The project is a 2-building office campus on Bressi Ranch Lots 10-13 to be occupied by ViaSat, and includes design features to connect the site to Building 1 on ViaSat's main campus via a proposed signalized pedestrian crosswalk at El Camino Real. The proposed project on Lots 10-13 consists of (2) 3-story buildings, surface parking, landscaped outdoor lunch patios & meeting areas, and equipment yards & trash enclosures in the parking lot. The project proposes Building 10 @ 77,400 sq.ft. and Building 11 @ 65,700 sq.ft. for a total of 143,100 gross sq. ft. of building area on the 9.906 acre site. The project will seek LEED certification. The equipment yards total 7,442 sq.ft., and house the HVAC central plant equipment, a satellite antenna farm and a backup generator. The project will be constructed in two phases, and drawings depicting the Phase 1 scope and overall scope are included in the submittal package. Lots 10-13 were mass-graded per approved Bressi Ranch Final Map CT 02-15 and are located east of El Camino Real, north of Gateway Road and west of Campbell Place in the Bressi Ranch Master Plan Planning Area 3. The proposed site layout, building uses and floor areas comply with the Bressi Ranch Master Plan MP 178, and any impacts will not exceed those already anticipated by the EIR approved for the Master Plan (EIR 98-04). Environmental compliance is established by way of EIR 98-04, which is on file in the City of Carlsbad Planning Department. The project is in conformance with PI General Plan Designation, the P-M Zoning Ordinance and Bressi Ranch Master Plan. ViaSat intends to occupy the facilities with a combination of offices and engineering labs, and will operate multiple ground-mounted satellite antennas in an equipment yard screened by 19 foot tall architectural concrete walls. A Minor CUP per Section 21.34.020 of the CMC is required per Ord. 21.53.140 para. e.3.A for the operation of multiple satellite antennas in the PM zone. APPROVALS SOUGHT 1. The proposed project on Lots 10-13 requires a Planned Industrial Permit (PIP), a Non- Residential Planned Unit Development (PUD), a Special Use Permit (SUP) subject to the regulations of the Scenic Preservation Overlay Zone through the El Camino Real Corridor Development Standards, a Minor Conditional Use Permit (MCUP) and a Minor Subdivision (MS) to adjust the interior property lines of lots 10-13. 2. The proposed signalized pedestrian crosswalk requires a public improvement permit for improvements in the public right-of-way. 3. The proposed improvements on ViaSat's Building 1 site are less than one acre and consist of revisions to pedestrian walkways, landscaping and parking lots, and require an amendment to SUP 98-03. SITE DESIGN: Lots 10-13 The site plan indicated is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the proposed use and all yards, parking, loading, landscaping and other features required by CMC 21.34, in that the project site as designed will accommodate the two office buildings, and is consistent with the Bressi Ranch Master Plan parking standards, landscape requirements and other amenities required by the applicable City regulations and development standards. The building footprints and parking lot along Gateway Rd. exceed the minimum 35 ft. landscape setback, and encroach slightly into the 45 ft. setback (increase due to 45 ft. building height) but achieve a 45 ft. average setback. Certain site design features are key components of the proposed site plan. This project requests approval to deviate from the El Camino Real Corridor Development Standards. Whereas buildings exceeding 35 ft. in height are required to provide a 300 ft. setback from El Camino Real to preserve scenic views, Building 10 is set back just 112 ft. Such proximity to El Camino Real is intended to reinforce the visual connection between the proposed buildings and ViaSat's campus across the street. As justification for the request, the Applicant notes that views from this section of El Camino Real have little scenic value worthy of preservation, and the building placement causes parking lots to be distributed around several areas ofthe site, resulting in narrower parking frontages along Gateway Rd. and El Camino Real. BUILDING DESIGN Buildings 10 and 11 are similar in design and will consist primarily of painted concrete tilt-up construction with smooth wall panels, stone tile accent features, and large green tinted window openings. Each building will be accented with stone veneer siding and feature wide cantilevered metal panel-clad canopies over the main entry ways. The proposed architectural and building design achieves a visual connection to ViaSat's existing five building campus located on the west side of El Camino Real directly across from the proposed site. The design mimics the basic forms and massing of the original campus buildings, yet creates an updated look by introducing larger metal panel-clad canopies with clad columns, introduction of curtain wall glazing at stair enclosures, large format limestone cladding and modernized paint colors. ^ DISCLOSURE Development Services STATEMENT Planning Division ^ CITY OF p -l/AX 1635 Faraday Avenue PARI ^RAD (760)602 4610 I—•JU/ALV www.carlsbadca.gov Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all applications which will require discretionary action on the part ofthe City Council or any appointed Board, Commission or Committee. The following information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project cannot be reviewed until this information is completed. Please print. Note: Person is defined as "Any individual, firm, co-partnership, joint venture, association, social club, fraternal organization, corporation, estate, trust, receiver, syndicate, in this and any other county, city and county, city municipality, district or other political subdivision or any other group or combination acting as a unit." Agents may sign this document; however, the legal name and entity of the applicant and property owner must be provided below. 1. APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent) Provide the COMPLETE. LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having a financial interest in the application. If the applicant includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, titles, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publiclv-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person Peter Bussett Corp/Part Smith Consulting Architects Title Architect jitle Address 13 280 Evening Creek Dr Address suite 125 San Diego, CA 92128 2. OWNER (Not the owner's agent) Provide the COMPLETE. LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal ownership (i.e., partnership, tenants in common, non-profit, corporation, etc.). If the ownership includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, titles, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publiclv-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person Corp/Part Pivotal 650 California St. LLC c/o Levine Investments Title Title Address Address 2201 E. Camelback Rd. Ste 650 Phoenix, AZ 85016 p-1 (A) Page lof 2 Revised 07/10 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION OR TRUST If any person Identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above Is a nonprofit organization or a frust. list the names and addresses of ANY person serving as an officer or director of the non- profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the. Non Profit/Trust Non Profit/Toist Title Title Address Address 4. Have you had more than $500 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff, Boards, Commissions, Committees and/or Council within the past twelve (12) months? I I Yes _^ No If yes, please Indicate person(s):. NOTE: Attach additional sheets If necessary. I certify that all the above irtfbrmatlon Is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature of owner/date ' ' Signature of applicant/date ' ' Pivotal 650 California St. LLC Peter Bussett/Smith Consulting Arch. Print or type name of owner Print or type name of applicant Signature of owner/applicanf s^ent if appll(»bl^date Peter Bussett/Smith Consulting Architects Print or type name of owner/applicant's agent P-1(A) Page 2 of 2 Revised 07/10 LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION FOR APPLICATION, SUBMITTAL AND PROCESSING FOR LAND USE ENTITLEMENTS AND RELATED PERMITS Subject Property Location Address: 6155 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA 92009 APN: 213-100-01 APN: Bressi Ranch Lots 10-13 213-261-01 thru 04 I f^\f^^^ V L^^'^ . the Owner/representative of the above described properties authorize ViaSat, Inc., its employees, representatives, agents and/or consultants, including but not limited to Smith Consulting Architects to act as an agent on my behalf for the sole purpose of procuring land use entitlements and related permits. I understand that applications may be denied, modified or approved with conditions, and that such conditions or modifications must be complied with prior to issuance of permits and/or occupancy. As Owner of the subject property I will endeavor to cooperate with ViaSat and their agents in order to complete said applications. This authorization is not to be construed as a commitment of any kind by Ownership to fulfill any conditions of approval until the successful completion of lease negotiations with ViaSat Inc. Signature of Property Owner: Title: Date: Pivotal 650 California ST, LLC 2201 East Camelback Road, Suite 650 Phoenix, AZ 85016 4 ^ CITV OF CARLSBAD HAZARDOUS WASTE AND SUBSTANCES STATEMENT P-1(C) Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov Consultation of Lists of Sites Related to (Hazardous V\/astes (Certification of Compliance with Govemment Code Section 65962.5) Pursuant to State of Califomia Govemment Code Section 65962.5, I have consulted the Hazardous Waste and Substances Sites List compiled by the California Environmental Protection Agency and hereby certify that (check one): The development project and any altematives proposed in this application are not contained on the lists compiled pursuant to Section 65962.5 of the State Govemment Code. r~l The development project and any altematives proposed in this application ais contained on the lists complied pursuant to Section 65962.5 of the State Government Code. APPLICANT Name: ^'"^^^ Consulelng Architects (Peter Bueeett) Address; ^^^B" Evening Creek Or. South, Suite 12S San Diego, CA., 92128 Phone Number: BS8-793-4777 Address of site: ^xxx Gateway Rd. PROPERTY OWNER igg^g.Pivotal 650 Califomia St., LLC Address'E. camelback Sd., Ste.650 Phoenix, AZ., 85016 Phone Number:_!°!:248-Bi8i Local Agency (City and Countvk Carlsbad, County of San Diego Assessor's Iwok, page, and parcel number: 213-261-01, 02, 03, 04 Specify llstfsV. N/A Regulatory Identification Number: ^/A Date of List: N/A ei..>Jr.»./n»>_ Property OvOTW S^nature/Oate Applteant S^nature/Date The Hazardous Waste and Substances Sites List (Cortese List) is used by the State, local agencies and developers to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act requirements in providing Infonnation about the location of hazardous materials release sites. P-1{C) Pege 1 ot 2 Revised 02/13 ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION FORM (To be Completed by Applicant) Date Filed: /O Jf ^[ Z^/yS ^TO be completed by City)^ Application Number(s): General Information 1. Name of project ViaSat Expansion - Bressi Ranch Lots 10-13 '[ Z^/Ji (To be completed by City), . ^ I p<JJ> \i-o^i/Hct/f ll-ii/^S ll-"'. Name of developer or project sponsor: Pivotal 650 California St., LLC Address- ^- Camelback Rd., Ste. 650 City, State, Zip Code: Phoenix, AZ . , 85016 DU M u 602-248-8181 Phone Number: Peter Bussett, Name of person to be contacted concerning this project: Smith Consultina Architects Address: 13280 Evening Creek Dr. South, Suite 125 City, State, Zip Code: San Diego, CA. , 92128 Phone Number: 858-793-4777 4. Address of Project xxxx Gateway Rd. Assessor's Parcel Number: 213-261-01, 02, 03 and 04 List and describe any other related permits and other public approvals required for this project, including those required by city, regional, state and federal agencies: PIP, SUP, MCUP, Minor Subdivision, PUD PI Existing General Plan Land Use Designation: 7. Existing zoning district: ^ ^ 8. Existing land use(s): ^'^ 9. Proposed use of site (Project for which this form is filed): PI/(Of f ice/ Industrial] Project Description 10. Site size: 9-906 AC 11. Proposed Building square footage: 143,100 sq. ft 12: Number of floors of construction: (2) 3-story buildings 13. Amount of off-street parking provided: 543 Spaces 14. Associated projects: None p-1 (D) Page 2 of 4 Revised 07/10 15. If residential, include the number of units and schedule of unit sizes: N/A 16. If commercial, indicate the type, whether neighborhood, city or regionally oriented, square footage of sales area, and loading facilities: N/A 17. If industrial, indicate type, estimated employment per shift, and loading facilities: Office use: 489 per shift (no loading facilities) 18. If institutional, indicate the major function, estimated employment per shift, estimated occupancy, loading facilities, and community benefits to be derived from the project: N/A 19. If the project involves a variance, conditional use or rezoning applications, state this and indicate clearly why the application is required: ViaSat will operate multiple ground-mounted satellite antennas in an equipment yard screened by 19 ft tall architectural concrete walls. A Minor CUP per Section 21.34.020 of the CMC is required per Ordinance 21.53.140 para. e.3.A for the operation of multiple satellite antennas in the PM zone. P-1 (D) Page 3 of 4 Revised 07/10 Are the following items applicable to the project or its effects? Discuss all items checked yes (attach additional sheets as necessary). Yes No 20. Change in existing features of any bays, tidelands, beaches, or hills, or substantial • H alteration of ground contours. 21. Change in scenic views or vistas from existing residential areas or public lands or • [x] roads. 22. Change in pattern, scale or character of general area of project. D S 23. Significant amounts of solid waste or litter. • H 24. Change in dust, ash, smoke, fumes or odors in vicinity. • [x] 25. Change in ocean, bay, lake, stream or ground water quality or quantity, or • jx] alteration of existing drainage patterns. 26. Substantial change in existing noise or vibration levels in the vicinity. • |x| 27. Site on filled land or on slope of 10 percent or more. • H 28. Use of disposal of potentially hazardous materials, such as toxic substances, • jx] flammables or explosives. 29. Substantial change in demand for municipal services (police, fire, water, sewage, • IE] etc.). 30. Substantially increase fossil fuel consumption (electricity, oil, natural gas, etc.). • [x] 31. Relationship to a larger project or series of projects. • [x] Environmental Setting Attach sheets that include a response to the following questions: 32. Describe the project site as it exists before the project, including information on topography, soil stability, plants and animals, and any cultural, historical or scenic aspects. Describe any existing structures on the site, and the use of the structures. Attach photographs of the site. Snapshots or Polaroid photos will be accepted. 33. Describe the surrounding properties, including information on plants and animals and any cultural, historical or scenic aspects. Indicate the type of land use (residential, commercial, etc.), intensity of land use (one-family, apartment houses, shops, department stores, etc.), and scale of development (height, frontage, set-back, rear yard, etc.). Attach photographs of the vicinity. Snapshots or polaroid photos will be accepted. Certification I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Date: / "// T7 / > Signature: For: '^MliA CX^t^Cblht^b hUHJjl^cj-^ P-1 (D) Page 4 of 4 Revised 07/10 ViaSat Expansion - Bressi Ranch Lots 10-13 ATTACHMENT TO P1(D) 32. Describe the project site as it exists before the project, including information on topography, soil stability, plants and animals, and any cultural, historical or scenic aspects. Describe any existing structures on the site, and the use of the structures. Attach photographs of the site. The proiect site is a vacant pad, previouslv graded with the mass grading permit approved for the Bressi Ranch Master Tentative Map proiect and generally sloping at 2% from the northeast corner down to the southwest corner. The site is topographically suitable for the proposed improvements. The western edge of the site fronts onto the El Camino Real Corridor. Public curb/gutter/sidewalks are existing along all street frontages. The site is void of anv structures and surface improvements. No conseguential plants and animals are present. The soils are suitable to support buildings on conventional shallow foundations. 33. Describe the surrounding properties, including information on plants and animals and any cultural, historical or scenic aspects. Indicate the type of land use (residential, commercial, etc.), intensity of land use (one-family, apartment houses, shops, department stores, etc.), and scale of development (height, frontage, set-back, rear yard, etc.). Attach photographs ofthe vicinity. The proiect site is bordered on the north, south, east and west bv P-M zoned properties with Planned Industrial land uses. Directiv north is a Self-Storage complexdot 14) and a 2-storv office building (Lot 15): directiv west across El Camino Real is the ViaSat campus of (5) 2-storv office/engineering buildings: directiv south across Gateway Road is a proposed office park with (6) 2-storv office/industrial buildings (Lots 2-9): and east/northeast across Campbell Place are multiple 2-storv office buildings and the (2) 2-storv Arrowhead Insurance office buildings(Lot 16). Developments along Gateway Road and Campbell Place incorporate a 35 ft. landscape setback. ^ CITY OF CARLSBAD TIME LIMITS ON DISCRETIONARY PROJECTS P-1(E) Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov PLEASE NOTE: Time limits on the processing of discretionary projects established by state law do not start until a project application is deemed complete by the City. The City has 30 calendar days from the date of application submittal to determine whether an application is complete or incomplete. Within 30 days of submittal of this application you will receive a letter stating whether this application is complete or incomplete. If it is incomplete, the letter will state what is needed to make this application complete. When the application is complete, the processing period will start upon the date ofthe completion letter. If you have any questions regarding application submittal requirements (i.e., clarification regarding a specific requirement or whether all requirements are necessary for your particular application) please call (760} 602-4910. Applicant Signature: Staff Signature: Date: To be stapled with receipt to the application P-1(E) Page 1 of 1 Revised 07/10 CITY CARLSBAD O F TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP WAIVER OF PROCESSING TIME LIMITS P-1(F) Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov Proposed Minor Subdivision No. Subdivision Map Act (SMA) Section 66452.1 sets a 50-day time limit for the Planning Division to process tentative parcel maps. Per SMA Section 66451.1, this time limit may be extended by mutual consent of the applicant and the city to allow for concurrent processing of related approvals or an environmental review of the project. By accepting applications for tentative parcel maps concurrently with applications for other approvals that are prerequisites to the map (e.g.. Environmental Information Form, Environmental Impact Report, Condominium Permit, Planned Unit Development), the 50-day time limit is often exceeded. For the city to process a tentative parcel map application concurrently, the property owner or applicant must sign this agreement. If this agreement is not signed, the city will accept the tentative paTcel map application only after all prerequisites to the map have been processed and approved. The undersigned acknowledges the processing time required by the city is expected to exceed the 50-day time restriction and hereby waives such time restriction for city planner action. eter Bussett 10/(^/1'^ Signer is (check one): QProperty Owner ^Applicant Signature Print Name Date Signer is (check one): •Property Owner OApplicant Signature Print Name Date P-1(F) Rev. 04/13 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP /J^x TENANT NOTIFICATION n^„^/onm^nf ^^rulr.c » STATEMENT ""''"""rnfnrrsro: CITY OF (Statement of Compliance with Subdivision IVIap 1635 Faraday Avenue CARLSBAD —™ www.carlsbadca.gov Proposed Minor Subdivision No.:_ hereby certify that I have read Subdivision Map Act Section 66427.1 (provided below) and that I will make all notifications to the tenants required therein. Peter Bussett /d/^^ ^ Signature Print Name Date •Property Owner ^Applicant Signature Print Name Date •Property Owner •Applicant Subdivision Map Act Section 66427.1 (a) The legislative body shall not approve a final nnap for a subdivision to be created from the conversion of residential real property into a condominium project, a community apartment project, or a stock cooperative project, unless it finds as follows: (1) Each tenant of the proposed condominium, community apartment project, or stock cooperative project, and each person applying for the rental of a unit in the residential real property, has received or will have received all applicable notices and rigtits now or hereafter required by this chapter or Chapter 3 (commencing with Section 66451). (2) Each of the tenants of the proposed condominium, community apartment project, or stock cooperative project has received or will receive each of the following notices: (A) Written notification, pursuant to Section 66452.9, of intention to convert, provided at least 60 days prior to the filing of a tentative map pursuant to Section 66452. (B) Ten days' written notificafion that an application for a public report will be, or has been, submitted to the Department of Real Estate, that the period for each tenant's right to purchase begins with the issuance of the final public report, and that the report will be available on request. (C) Written notificafion that the subdivider has received the public report from the Department of Real Estate. This notice shall be provided within five days after the date that the subdivider receives the public report from the Department of Real Estate. (D) Written notificafion within 10 days after approval of a final map for the proposed conversion. (E) One hundred eighty days' written notice of intenfion to convert, provided prior to terminafion of tenancy due to the conversion or proposed conversion pursuant to Section 66452.11, but not before the local authority has approved a tentative map for the conversion. The nofice given pursuant to this paragraph shall not alter or abridge the rights or obligafions of the parties in performance of their covenants, including, but not limited to, the provision of services, payment of rent, or the obligafions imposed by Sections 1941, 1941.1, and 1941.2 ofthe Civil Code. (F) Notice of an exclusive right to contract for the purchase of his or her respective unit upon the same terms and condifions that the unit will be inifially offered to the general public or terms more favorable to the tenant. The exclusive right to purchase shall commence on the date the subdivision public report is issued, as provided in Secfion 11018.2 of the Business and Professions Code, and shall run for a period of not less than 90 days, unless the tenant gives prior written notice of his or her intention not to exercise the right. (b) The written notices to tenants required by subparagraphs (A) and (B) of paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) shall be deemed satisfied if those notices comply with the legal requirements for service by mail. (c) This secfion shall not diminish, limit or expand, other than as provided in this section, the authority of any city, county, or city and county to approve or disapprove condominium projects. (d) If a rental agreement was negotiated in Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog, Vietnamese, or Korean, all required written notices regarding the conversion of residential real property into a condominium project, a community apartment project, or a stock cooperative project shall be issued in that language. P-1(G) Page 1 of 1 Revised 11/12 SCALE: V = lOO'-O" . [ \ FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK SanDiegoCountyon FEB Z 0 201~ Posted FEB Z 0 2014 Removed MAR Z 0 Z014 Ret~~~~~ency~z..,qm'· Dep~· tT • r'FrLED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK \ 1 ')/>,N DIEGO COUNTY ON JUL 2 3 2002 ~ 1 ·OSTED JUL 2_ 3 21m FEMOVEDAUG 2 3 2002 I i RETURNED Tj)-JJ'\GENCY oN AUG 2 a 2002 1 ! DEPUTY 0'<./(/ . 1 '--' ~ --~·· J *I*CARLSBAD FILE COPK Community & Economic Development www.carlsbadca.gov PLANNING COMMISSION NOTICE OF DECISION January 16, 2014 Pete Bussett AIA Smith Consulting Architects 13280 Evening Creek Drive South, Suite 125 San Diego CA 92128 SUBJECT: At the January 15, 2014 Planning Commission meeting, your application was considered. The Commission voted 6-0 to approve your request. The decision of the Planning Commission is final on the date of adoption unless a written appeal to the City Council is filed with the City Clerk within ten (10) calendar days in accordance with the provisions of Carlsbad Municipal Code section 21.54.150. The written appeal must specify the reason or reasons for the appeal. If you have any questions regarding the final dispositions of your application, please contact your project planner Greg Fisher at (760) 602-4629 or Rreg.fisher@carlsbadca.gov. Sincerely, DON NEU, AICP City Planner DN:GF:bd c: Data Entry File enc: Planning Commission Resolution No. 7030 ^ Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 T 760-602-4600 F 760-602-8559 © F .:• I I il . m <i. p - || I li NOTICE aiPUBLIC HEARING - CITY OF Ci«LSBAD . . Response must be received by: Januarv 1, 2014 Januarv 15. 2014 Public Hearing Date: _ Public Hearing Place: 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE. CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA. 92008 Public Hearing Time: 6:00 p.m. Project Title: ViaSat Expansion Lead Agency: CITY OF CARLSBAD - PLANNING Contact Person: Street Address: 1635 FARADAY AVENUE Phone: (760) 602-4629 City: CARLSBAD Zip: 92008 Greg Fisher County: SAN DIEGO COUNTY PROJECT LOCATION: County: SAN DIEGO COUNTY City/Nearest Community: CITY OF CARLSBAD Cross Streets: Gateway Road Total Acres: 9J! Assessor's Parcel No. _ Within 2 Miles: State Hwy #: Airports: McCLELLAN/P ALOMAR 213-261-01. 02. 03. 04 (Agua Hedionda Spanish Land Grant) 5 Freeway (3.3 miles) Railways: NCTD Waterways: Schools: N/A Carlsbad Unified School District ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT: CEQA: • • • • NOP Early Cons Neg Dec Draft EIR I I Supplement/Subsequent 1^ EIR (Prior SCH No.) Bressi Ranch Master Plan EIR 98-04 (SCH#9904I010) • Other: LOCAL ACTION TYPE: •General Plan Update • •General Plan Amendment • •General Plan Element • •Zone Code Amendment ^ Specific Plan Master Plan Planned Unit Development Site Plan I I Rezone IE! Use Permit ^ Land Division (Subdivision, Parcel Map, Tract Map, etc.) I I Annexation I I Redevelopment I I Coastal Permit IXI Other: Special Use Permit. Non- Residential Planned Development Permit DEVELOPMENT TYPE: •Residential: Units lEIOffice: Sq. Ft. I [Commercial: Sq. Ft. lEIlndustrial: Sq. Ft. •Recreational: 111.042 32,058 Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres PROJECT ISSUES DISCUSSED IN DOCUMENT: •Aesthetic/Visual • Flood Plain/Flooding • Schools/Universities • Water Quality •Agricultural Land • Forest Land/Fire Hazard • Septic Systems • Water Supply/Ground Water •Air Quality • Geological/Seismic • Sewer Capacity • Wetland/Riparian 1 1 Archaeological/Historical • Minerals • Soil Erosion/Compaction/Grading • Wildlife •Coastal Zone • Noise • Solid Waste • Growth Inducing •Drainage/Absorption • Population/Housing Balance • Toxic/Hazardous • Land Use •Economic/Jobs • Public Services/Facilities • Traffic/Circulation • Cumulative Effect •Fiscal ' • Recreation/Parks • Vegetation • Other: Present Land Use/Zoning/General Plan Use Vacant land/Planned Industrial Zoning (P-M)/Planned Industrial General Plan Land Use designation (PI) Project Description: Request for a determination that the project is within the scope of the previously certified Bressi Ranch Master Plan Program EIR and that the Program EIR adequately describes the activity for the purposes of CEQA; and approval of a Scenic Corridor Special Use Permit, Scenic Corridor Special Use Permit Amendment, Minor Site Development Plan, Non- Mail notice to: San Diego County Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Public Notice Hearings, Mailstop A-45, Room 402, 1600 Pacific Highway, SanDiego, C A 92101 Where documents are located for Public Review: Planning Division, 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 April 2011 Residential Planned Development Perj^^ Minor Conditional Use Permit, and Tent^^e Parcel Map for the subdivision of 9.9 acres of land into four industrialrots, the development of 143,100 squareTCet of planned industrial/office and manufacturing space within two, three-story buildings, a 3,995 SF satellite antenna enclosure, a 5,386 SF mechanical and trash enclosure, at-grade parking and a large centralized plaza. The project also includes the installation of a pedestrian traffic signal with cross walk, a bus stop with turnout, miscellaneous improvements within the El Camino Real public right-of-way, and minor modifications to ViaSat's existing campus on property generally located south of Palomar Airport Road, on both the east and west sides of El Camino Real, just north of Gateway Road in Local Facilities Management Zone 17. Mail notice to: San Diego County Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Public Notice Hearings, Mailstop A-45, Room 402, 1600 Pacific Highway, SanDiego, CA92101 Where documents are located for Public Review: Planning Division, 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 April 2011 ^CARLSBAD —JFILL. Community & Economic Development www.carisbadca.gov NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to you that the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 15, 2014, to consider a request forthe following: CASE NAME: SUP 13-03/SUP 98-03(C)/SDP 13-05/PUD 13-09/MCUP 13-13/MS 13-07 - VIASAT EXPANSION PUBLISH DATE: January 3, 2014 DESCRIPTION: Request for a determination that the project is within the scope of the previously certified Bressi Ranch Master Plan Program EIR and that the Program EIR adequately describes the activity for the purposes of CEC^; and approval of a Scenic Corridor Special Use Permit, Scenic Corridor Special Use Permit Amendment, Minor Site Development Plan, Non-Residential Planned Development Permit, Minor Conditional Use Permit, and Tentative Parcel Map for the subdivision of 9.9 acres of land into four industrial lots, the development of 143,100 square feet of planned industrial/office and manufacturing space within two, three- story buildings, a 3,995 SF satellite antenna enclosure, a 5,386 SF mechanical and trash enclosure, at-grade parking and a large centralized plaza. The project also includes the installation of a pedestrian traffic signal with cross walk, a bus stop with turnout, miscellaneous improvements within the El Camino Real public right- of-way, and minor modifications to ViaSat's existing campus on property generally located south of Palomar Airport Road, on both the east and west sides of El Camino Real, just north of Gateway Road in Local Facilities Management Zone 17. Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to attend the public hearing and provide the decision makers with any oral or written comments they may have regarding the project. Copies of the staff report will be available online at http://carlsbad.granicus.com/ViewPublisher.php7view id-6 on or after the Friday prior to the hearing date. If you have any questions, or would like to be notified of the decision, please contact Greg Fisher in the Planning Division at (760) 602-4629, Monday through Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, California 92008. APPEALS The time within which you may judicially challenge these projects, if approved, is established by State law and/or city ordinance, and is very short. If you challenge this project in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad at or prior to the public hearing. • Appeals to the Citv Council: Where the decision is appealable to the City Council, appeals must be filed in writing within ten (10) calendar days after a decision by the Planning Commission. CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DIVISION Planning Division 1635 Faraday Ave. I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-4600 I 760-602-8558 fax c.vo, • • a FILE ^ CARLSBAD Community & Economic Development www.carisbadca.gov EARLY PUBLIC NOTICE PROJECT NAME: VIASAT EXPANSION PROJECT NUMBER: PUD 13-09/MCUP 13-13/SUP 13-03/SUP 98-03(C)/MS 13-07/PIP 13-01 This early public notice is to let you know that a development application for a Non-Residential Planned Development Permit, Minor Conditional Use Permit, Scenic Corridor Special Use Permit, Scenic Corridor Special Use Permit Amendment, Minor Parcel Map, and Planned Industrial Permit project within your neighborhood has been submitted to the City of Carlsbad on October 15, 2013. The project application is undergoing its initial review by the City. LOCATION: Lots 10-13 of the Bressi Ranch Master Plan and generally located south of Palomar Airport Road, east of El Camino Real, north of Gateway Road and west of Campbell Place. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Request for a determination that the project is within the scope of the previously certified Bressi Ranch Master Plan Program EIR and that the Program EIR adequately describes the activity for the purposes of CEQA; and approval of a Non-Residential Planned Development Permit, Minor Conditional Use Permit, Scenic Corridor Special Use Permit, Scenic Corridor Special Use Permit Amendment, Minor Parcel Map and Planned Industrial Permit for the development of 143,100 square feet of planned industrial/office space within two three-story buildings, a satellite antenna and mechanical enclosure, a pedestrian cross walk and traffic signal at the corner of Gateway Road and El Camino Real, and associated landscape/hardscape within the El Camino Real public right-of- way. Please keep in mind that this is an early public notice and that the project design could change as a result of further staff and public review. A future public hearing notice will be mailed to you when this project is scheduled for public hearing before the Planning Commission. CONTACT INFORMATION: If you have questions or comments regarding this proposed project please contact Greg Fisher, Assistant Planner at greg.fisher@carlsbadca.gov, 760-602-4629, City of Carlsbad Planning Division, 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008. Planning Division ' 1635 Faraday Ave. I Carlsbad, CA 92008 i 760-602-4600 I 760-602-8558 fax Notice of Determination 5r aFILE From: CITY OF CARLSBAD Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue Carisbad, CA 92008 (760) 602-4600 To: n Office of Planning and Research PO Box 3044 Sacramento, C:A 95812-3044 3 SD County Clerk Attn: James Scott 1600 Pacific Highway, Suite 260 PO Box 121750 San Diego, CA 92101 Project No: SUP 13-03/SUP 98-03(C)/SDP 13-05/PUD 13-09/MCUP 13-13/MS 13-07 Filing of Notice of Determination in compliance with Section 21108 or 21152 ofthe Public Resources Code. VIASAT EXPANSION Project Title N/A Greg Fisher 760-602-4629 State Clearinghouse No. Lead Agency, Contact Person Telephone Number Northeast corner of El Camino Real and Gateway Road, City of Carlsbad, San Diego County Project Location (include County) Name of Applicant: Peter Bussett. Smith Consulting Architects Applicant's Address: 13280 Evening Creek Drive South. Suite 125. San Diego. CA 92128 Applicant's Telephone Number: 858-793-4777 Project Description: Request for a determination that the proiect is within the scope of the previouslv certified Bressi Ranch Master Plan Program EIR and that the Program EIR adequately describes the activity for the purposes of CEQA; and approval of a Scenic Corridor Special Use Permit, Scenic Corridor Special Use Permit Amendment, Minor Site Development Plan. Non-Residential Planned Development Permit. Minor Conditional Use Permit, and Tentative Parcel Map for the reconfiguration of four industrial lots on 9.9 acres of land, the development of 143,100 square feet of planned industrial/office and manufacturing space within two, three-storv buildings, a 3.995 SF satellite antenna enclosure, a 5,386 SF mechanical and trash enclosure, at-grade parking and a large centralized plaza. The proiect also includes the installation of a pedestrian traffic signal with cross walk, a bus stop with turnout, miscellaneous improvements within the El Camino Real public right-of-way, and minor modifications to ViaSat's existing campus. This is to advise that the City of Carlsbad has approved the above described project on January 15, 2014, and has made the following determination regarding the above described project. 1. The project wili not have a significant effect on the environment. 2. This project was reviewed previously and an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. 3. Mitigation measures were not made a condition ofthe approval ofthe project. 4. A mitigation reporting or monitoring plan was not adopted for this project. -~5. A statement of Overriding Considerations was not adopted for this project. 6. Findings were made pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. This is to certify that the final EIR 98-04 with comments and responses and record of project approval is available to the General Public at THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. DON NEU, City Planner Date received for filing at OPR: Date Revised 05/13 ^CARLSBAD Memorandum December 4, 2013 To: Greg Fisher, Project Planner From: David Rick, Project Engineer Via: Jason Geldert, Senior Civil Engineer Re: MS 13-07/SUP 13-03/SUP 98-03(C)/MCUP 13-13/PUD 13-09/PIP 13-03 VIASAT EXPANSION THIRD REVIEW - ISSUES Land Development Engineering has completed a review ofthe above-referenced project for engineering issues of concern. Engineering issues which need to be resolved or adequately addressed prior to staff making a determination on the proposed project are as follows: 1. Address redlined comments on attached site plan, civil plans and landscape plans. 2. Per the Storm Water Standards Questionnaire submitted for the work proposed on the Building 1 site west of El Camino Real, this work is categorized as a priority development project and is therefore subject to numerically sized treatment bmp's and hydromodification. Therefore, include required integrated management practices (IMP'S) sizing calculations for this portion ofthe project, including the bus turn out and cross walk, in the SWMP. As alternative, if enough pervious Instead of impervious pavement were used, the project may be subject to the less burdensome standard bmp's. Determine the net Increase in impervious area and the earthwork quantities proposed on the Building 1 site and add this information to the site plan or as an attachment to the storm water questionnaire. Submit revised storm water questionnaire with next submittal. 3. Sign the attached redlined SWMP/Drainage Study. If you or the applicant has any questions, please either see or contact me at 602-2781. DAVID RICK 9/1 Associate Engineer Land Development Engineering Attachment: Redlined site plan Redlined landscape plan Redlined civil plan Redlined SWMP/drainage study Community & Economic Development 1635 Faraday Ave. I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-2710 I 760-602-8560 fax I www.carlsbadca.gov ^(J^ CITY OF ^CARLSBAD Memorandum November 18, 2013 To: Greg Fisher, Project Planner From: David Rick, Project Engineer Via: Jason Geldert, Senior Civil Engineer Re: MS 13-07/SUP 13-03/SUP 98-03(C)/MCUP 13-13/PUD 13-09/PIP 13-03 VIASAT EXPANSION 2^° REVIEW - ISSUES Land Development Engineering has completed a review ofthe above-referenced project for engineering issues of concern. Engineering issues which need to be resolved or adequately addressed prior to staff making a determination on the proposed project are as follows: 1. Address redlined comments on attached site plan, civil plans and landscape plans. 2. Per the Storm Water Standards Questionnaire submitted for the work proposed on the Building 1 site west of El Camino Real, this work is categorized as a priority development project and is therefore subject to numerically sized treatment bmp's and hydromodification. Therefore, include required integrated management practices (IMP'S) sizing calculations for this portion of the project, including the bus turn out and cross walk, in the SWMP. As alternative, if enough pervious instead of impervious pavement were used, the project may be subject to the less burdensome standard bmp's. Determine the net increase in impervious area and the earthwork quantities proposed on the Building 1 site and add this information to the site plan. 3. Address comments in attached redlined SWMP/Drainage Study. 4. Clearly identify those amenities proposed in the El Camino Real right-of-way which will be privately maintained through a median maintenance agreement, including but not limited to, enhanced landscaping, shade structure(s), pedestrian crossing signal and related electrical conduit. TransQortation Division 5. The revised plans do not appear to have completely addressed the transportation division comments. They did include directional ramps across Gateway with raised median. However, our other issues were not addressed, nor were several marked comments on the plan. Please address the following repeat comments and include a written response with each comment: Community & Economic Development 1635 Faraday Ave. I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-2710 I 760-602-8560 fax I www.carlsbadca.gov VIATSAT EXPANSION November 18, 2013 Page 2 a) Addressed marked comments on attached L8 plan. b) Consider modifying the median opening for pedestrians to minimize the possibility of attempted u-turns. c) Clarify the plan for the cross-walk. If it is standard thermoplastic materials, it will be maintained by city forces. Any non-standard painted planks will be privately maintained through a median maintenance agreement. d) Add limit lines for all approaches since decorative treatments are proposed for the crosswalks. If you or the applicant has any questions, please either see or contact me at 602-2781. DAVID RICK Associate Engineer Land Development Engineering Attachment: Redlined site plan Redlined landscape plan Redlined civil plan Redlined SWMP/drainage study Redlined sheet L8-Transportation Division comments November 14, 2013 TO: Greg Fisher, Assistant Planner Chris DeCerbo, Principal Planner Bridget Desmarais, Administrative Secretary Sabrina Michelson, Senior Office Specialist FROM: Michael Elliott, City of Carlsbad's Contract Landscape Architect RE: Landscape Architectural Review - Conceptual Review - 2"^ Review ViaSat Expansion PUD 13-09, MCUP 13-13, SUP 98-03(C), SUP 13-03, MS 13-07 Gateway Road MELA file: 505 - ViaSat Expansion - Con2 Landscape Architect: Ridge Landscape Architects, Phone: (949) 387-1323 Please advise the applicant to make the following revisions to the plans so that they will meet the requirements of the City of Carlsbad's Landscape Manual. Numbers below are referenced on the red line plans where appropriate for ease in locating the area of the comment concern. REPEAT COMMENTS 1. Completed. 2. Please show and label all existing and proposed easements. Insure no conflicts with trees. 2"^^ Review: Some easements are missing. Please show and label all easements. Please confirm with the Engineering Division that trees will be allowed within the easement. Relocate trees outside of the easement if not specifically allowed. 3-7 Completed. 8. Please provide a conceptual detail for the proposed overhead shade elements/canopy shade structures for review. 2"'^ Review: I am concemed about the longevity of the fabric panels in the trellis and these structures do not appear to he consistent with the Bressi Ranch entry statements. Entry statements need to be consistent with the Bressi Ranch Master Plan. Please resolve. 9-13 Completed. 14. Please provide a temporary 36" tall screen planting to screen the parking areas. 2""^ Review: The applicant has responded: "A temporary hedge of Westringia has been added at the northern edge of the parking area for screening. " The hedge is not shown. Please address. 15. Please provide documentation from the Bressi Ranch Master Association that they will accept maintenance responsibilities for all areas designated as their responsibility on the landscape maintenance plan. Please confirm the maintenance of the median areas. Medians within public right-of-way are generally maintained by the Parks Division. Revise exhibit as appropriate. 2"'^ Review: The applicant has responded: "Plans have been sent to the Bressi Ranch Master Association for review of maintenance areas and an acceptance letter will be forwarded to the City once obtained. The Maintenance Plan has been updated per comments from the BRMA and the Parks Division to show that the Owner will be responsible for new landscaping within the site perimeter areas currently ViaSat Expansion November 14, 2013 Conceptual Plan Review Page 2 maintained by the BRMA, as well as the new landscaping in the median. The Parks Division will continue to maintain the adjacent median planters that are unaffected by these proposed improvements. " Please identify maintenance responsibility for the parkways. 16. Please add a note indicating that an encroachment agreement will be required for the installation of enhanced paving where located either within the right-of-way or public utility easements. Please coordinate the addition of this note to the civil plans as well and show the limits of enhanced paving on the civil plans. 2"'^ Review: This information is not currently shown on the civil plans. Please coordinate. 17. The Landscape Manual requires that ground covers, shrubs, and trees be featured to screen elements of unsightliness and screen/soften new improvements. Please provide appropriate screen landscaping along the north side of the antenna and mechanical enclosures. Please also provide wall vines along the south side of the mechanical enclosure at the west end. 2"'^ Review: The applicant has responded: "The site plan constraints do not allow for planter areas to encroach into the drive aisle north of the antenna and mechanical enclosures. Wall vines and screening shrubs have been added on the remaining sides of the enclosures wherever possible to screen/soften the new improvements to the extent possible. "Ata minimum please add vine pockets with wall vines along the north elevations. 18-19 Completed. 20. Trees shall be provided at the minimum rate of one per every four parking stalls. Trees pertaining to this requirement shall be located within the parking area, exclusive of parking lot setbacks. The trees shall be located in close proximity to the spaces they are to shade. Please address this requirement. 21. Completed. 22. Long rows of parking should be broken up with landscaped islands. Landscaped islands should be provided at intervals of one island for approximately every 12 to 15 parking spaces. Please resolve. Check all areas. 23-25 Completed. 26. Please add the following statement signed under penalty of perjury be the person who prepared the plans: "I am familiar with the requirements for landscape and irrigation plans contained in the city of Carlsbad's landscape manual and water efficient landscape regulations. I have prepared this plan in compliance with those regulations and the landscape manual and agree to comply with all requirements when submitting construction documents. I certify that the plan implements those regulations to provide efficient use of water." 2"'^ Review: Please sign the statement 27. The surface area of a water feature, including swimming pools, shall be included in a high water use hydrozone and included in the water use calculations. If using potable water, the pond areas will not be Special Landscape Areas (SLA). Please note the proposed water use for the ponds on the water use plan and include in the water use calculations. 2"'^ Review: Please provide ETWU water use calculations on city forms as found in the Landscape Manual Please check the MA WA total Based on 128,198 square feet of recycled water use and 566 square feet ofpotable use (ponds) the MA WA should be 3,747,235. 28-29 Completed. 30. Please have all street work (include all pavement painting, structures, and median revisions) shown on the civil plans for Engineering Division review. Provide an updated ViaSat Expansion November 14, 2013 Conceptual Plan Review Page 3 copy of revised civil plans with the next review for cross checking. 2"'^ Review: All requested information has not been shown on the civil plans. Please add the painted pavement and shade structures to the civil grading plans so that it is insured the Engineering Division is aware of these improvements located within the street Provide an updated copy of revised civil plans with the next review for cross checking. 31 RETURN REDLINES and provide 2 copies of all plans (concept, water conservation, and colored water use plan) for the next submittal. Please provide a written response to all comments clearly indicating where and how each comment was addressed. CITY OF CARLSBAD REVIEW AND COMMENT MEMO DATE; NOVEMBER 7, 2013 PROJECT NO(S): PROJECT TITLE: APPLICANT: PUD 13-09/MCUP 13-13/ SUP 13-03/SUP 98-03(C)/PIP 13-01/MS 13-07 VIASAT EXPANSION REVIEW NO: SMITH CONSULTING ARCHITECTS/PETER BUSSETT TO: Land Development Engineering - David Rick • Public Works (Storm Drain) - Clayton Dobbs • Police Department-J. Sasway • Public Works (Wastewater) - Don Wasko Fire Department - Greg Ryan • Public Works (Water) - Jase Warner • Building Division - Will Foss • Water/Sewer District • Parks & Recreation (Parks/Trails) - Liz Ketabian Landscape Plancheck Consultant - PELA Parks & Recreation (Trees & Medians) - Mike Bliss • School District • Public Works Department (Streets) - Nick Roque • North County Transit District - Planning Dept. • Public Works Department (Traffic) - John Kim • Sempra Energy - Land Management • Public Works Department (Design) - Bill Plummer • Caltrans (Send anything adjacent to 1-5) •ALWAYS SEND EXHIBITS FROM: PLANNING OIVISION/GREG FISHER Please review and submit written comments and/or conditions to the PLANNING TRACKING DESK in the Planning Division at 1635 Faraday Avenue, bv 11/28/13. Ifyou have "No Comments," please so state. If vou determine that there are items that need to be submitted to deem the application "complete" for processing, please immediatelv contact the applicant and/or their representatives (via phone or e-mail) to let them know. COMMENTS. Signature PU\NS ATTACHED ^ NDatT Review & Comment 03/13 CARLSBAD FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU Discretionary Review Checklist PROJECT NUMBER: PUD 13-09 / MCUP13-13 / SUP 98-03© / SUP 13-03 / MS 13-07 BUILDING ADDRESS: BRESSI RANCH LOTS 10-13 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCTION OF TWO- MULTI-STORY BUILDINGS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER: 213-261-01 / -02 / -03 / -04 ; 213-100-01 FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans, information and/or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore, any changes to these items after this date, including field modifications, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued confonnance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of pemiit to build. By: Date: DENIAL Please see the attached report of deficiencies marked with \E1. Make necessary corrections to plans or specifications for compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review. By: G. Ryan By: By: Date: 10.23.2013 Date: Date: ATTACHMENTS FIRE DEPARTMENT CONTACT PERSON NAME: Gregory Ryan ADDRESS: PHONE: Deputy Fire Marshal 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 602-4665 COMMENTS ^ CARLSBAD CITV OF Memorandum October 23, 2013 To: Greg Fisher, Project Planner From: David Rick, Project Engineer Via: Jason Geldert, Senior Civil Engineer Re: MS 13-07/SUP 13-03/SUP 98-03(C)/MCUP 13-13/PUD 13-09 VIASAT EXPANSION COMPLETE Land Development Engineering has completed a review ofthe above-referenced project for completeness and engineering issues of concern. All items needed for engineering review are provided for determining the application as complete. Engineering issues which need to be resolved or adequately addressed prior to staff making a determination on the proposed project are as follows: 1. Address redlined comments on attached site plan, civil plans and landscape plans. 2. Submit a separate Storm Water Standards Questionnaire for the work proposed on the Building 1 site west of El Camino Real. Determine the net increase in impervious area and the earthwork quantities proposed on the Building 1 site. 3. Submit a letter from a soils engineer addressing design recommendations for the bioretention facilities, especially as it relates to bioretention basin number 2 abutting building 10. 4. Address comments in attached redlined SWMP/Drainage Study. 5. Plot proposed dedication of street right-of-way for the bus turn out on El Camino Real. The project will be conditioned that the developer obtain approval from NCTD for the proposed design prior to approval of improvement plans. 6. Remove any trees proposed within a utility easement. 7. The project will be conditioned to enter into an encroachment agreement for the decorative pavement, shade structure(s), landscaping and irrigation or any other private structure proposed within any city or Carlsbad Municipal Water District Easement. 8. Clearly identify those amenities proposed in the El Camino Real right-of-way which will be privately maintained through a median maintenance agreement, including but not Community & Economic Development 1635 Faraday Ave. I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-2710 I 760-502-8560 fax I www.carlsbadca.gov VIATSAT EXPANSION October 23, 2013 Page 2 limited to, enhanced landscaping, shade structure(s), pedestrian crossing signal and related electrical conduit. Transportation Division 9. Address marked comments on attached L8 plan. 10. Consider modifying the median opening for pedestrians to minimize the possibility of attempted u-turns. 11. Clarify the plan for the cross-walk. If It Is standard thermoplastic materials, It will be maintained by city forces. Any non-standard painted planks will be privately maintained through a median maintenance agreement. 12. Consider using directional ramps across Gateway Road to improve pedestrian safety. 13. Add a raised median in Gateway Road with a pedestrian break. If you or the applicant has any questions, please either see or contact me at 602-2781. DAVID RICK ^— Associate Engineer Land Development Engineering Attachment: Redlined site plan Redlined landscape plan Redlined civil plan Redlined SWMP/drainage study October 21, 2013 TO: Greg Fisher, Assistant Planner Chris DeCerbo, Principal Planner Bridget Desmarais, Administrative Secretary Sabrina Michelson, Senior Office Specialist FROM: Michael Elliott, City of Carlsbad's Contract Landscape Architect RE: Landscape Architectural Review - Conceptual Review - 1^ Review ViaSat Expansion PUD 13-09, MCUP 13-13, SUP 98-03(C), SUP 13-03, MS 13-07 Gateway Road MELA file: 505 - ViaSat Expansion - Conl Landscape Architect: Ridge Landscape Architects, Phone: (949) 387-1323 Please advise the applicant to make the following revisions to the plans so that they will meet the requirements of the City of Carlsbad's Landscape Manual. Numbers below are referenced on the red line plans where appropriate for ease in locating the area of the comment concern. 1. Page VII-27 of the Bressi Ranch Master Plan states: "Most ofPlanning Area 3 is located within the boundaries of the airport's Flight Activity Zone. Development within this portion ofPlanning Area 3 should be restricted in accordance with the requirements of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan for McClellan-Palomar Airport." Please insure all requirements are met. 2. Please show and label all existing and proposed easements. Insure no conflicts with trees. 3. Please indicate positive surface drainage (2% grade in planting areas) away from structures and terminating in an approved drainage system. 4. Please identify all symbols on the plans. 5. Please coordinate with civil plans addressing bio-retention area number 2. 6. Platanus acerifolia is having severe problems with anthracnose in the Carlsbad area. Please provide an appropriate substitute. 7. On collector streets and larger, landscape elements over 30 inches in height (including planting measured at maturity) as measured from adjacent street grade are not permitted at street comers within a triangular zone drawn from two points, 25 feet outward from the beginning of curves. Please revise plantings as appropriate. 8. Please provide a conceptual detail for the proposed overhead shade elements/canopy shade structures for review. 9. Please obtain review and approval of median modifications/landscaping from the Parks Division. Provide documentation of approval. Median work is to be shown on separate construction drawings and reviewed and approved by the Parks Division separate from on-site privately maintained areas. 10. Parking areas shall be screened from adjacent property or streets through the use of planting or any combination of planting, mounding, and decorative walls. Screening elements shall have a total height of at least three (3) feet. Please address. ViaSat Expansion October 21, 2013 Conceptual Plan Review Page 2 11. Trees with broad branch structures shall be planted only where sufficient space is available. It is recommended that a smaller substitute tree be provided for Quercus agrifolia where located close to buildings and paving to avoid conflicts with the broad canopy and root structure. Please review all locations. 12. Rhaphiolepis umbellata may be too large for small parking lot planters. Rhaphiolepis umbellata 'Minor' may be more appropriate. Please review. 13. Please identify the proposed cover crop seed mix. 14. Please provide a temporary 36" tall screen planting to screen the parking areas. 15. Please provide documentation from the Bressi Ranch Master Association that they will accept maintenance responsibilities for all areas designated as their responsibility on the landscape maintenance plan. Please confirm the maintenance of the median areas. Medians within public right-of-way are generally maintained by the Parks Division. Revise exhibit as appropriate. 16. Please add a note indicating that an encroachment agreement will be required for the installation of enhanced paving where located either within the right-of-way or public utility easements. Please coordinate the addition of this note to the civil plans as well and show the limits of enhanced paving on the civil plans. 17. The Landscape Manual requires that ground covers, shrubs, and trees be featured to screen elements of unsightliness and screen/soften new improvements. Please provide appropriate screen landscaping along the north side of the antenna and mechanical enclosures. Please also provide wall vines along the south side of the mechanical enclosure at the west end. 18. The Landscape Manual indicates that landscaping shall be used to accentuate and enhance architecture. Please provide additional tall evergreen trees along the west side (south end) of building 10 and south side of building 11 as appropriate to meet this requirement. 19. All utilities are to be screened. Landscape construction drawings will be required to show and label all utilities and provide appropriate screening. 20. Trees shall be provided at the minimum rate of one per every four parking stalls. Trees pertaining to this requirement shall be located within the parking area, exclusive of parking lot setbacks. The trees shall be located in close proximity to the spaces they are to shade. Please address this requirement. 21. If a landscaped strip is provided perpendicular to rows of parking spaces, the planting area shall be designed to provide a minimum of four (4) feet of landscaping clear of vehicle overhangs. Please resolve. 22. Long rows of parking should be broken up with landscaped islands. Landscaped islands should be provided at intervals of one island for approximately every 12 to 15 parking spaces. Please resolve. Check all areas. 23. Please add the following bold, underlined portions of the notes to the plans: Slopes - 6:1 or steeper and: a. 3' or less in vertical height and are adjacent to public walks or streets require at minimum Standard #1 (cover crop or erosion control matting). b. 3' to 8' in vertical height require Standards #1 (erosion control matting shall be installed in lieu of a cover crop), #2 and #3. c. In excess of 8' in vertical height require Standards #1 (erosion control matting shall be installed in lieu of a cover crop), #2, #3, and #4. ViaSat Expansion October 21,2013 Conceptual Plan Review Page 3 24. The water use plan has been forwarded to CMWD for review. Any comments will be retumed to the applicant. 25. Please provide a written description of water conservation features including addressing xeriscape principles (see Appendix A) within the project. 26. Please add the following statement signed under penalty of perjury be the person who prepared the plans: "I am familiar with the requirements for landscape and irrigation plans contained in the city of Carlsbad's landscape manual and water efficient landscape regulations. I have prepared this plan in compliance with those regulations and the landscape manual and agree to comply with all requirements when submitting constmction documents. I certify that the plan implements those regulations to provide efficient use of water." 27. The surface area of a water feature, including swimming pools, shall be included in a high water use hydrozone and included in the water use calculations. If using potable water, the pond areas will not be Special Landscape Areas (SLA). Please note the proposed water use for the ponds on the water use plan and include in the water use calculations. 28. The plan shall provide that only low volume or subsurface irrigation shall be used to irrigate any vegetation within twenty-four inches of an impermeable surface unless the adjacent impermeable surfaces are designed and constmcted to cause water to drain entirely into a landscaped area. Please address on the plans. 29. Please coordinate civil plans with the landscape plans. Check all areas. 30. Please have all street work (include all pavement painting, stmctures, and median revisions) shown on the civil plans for Engineering Division review. Provide an updated copy of revised civil plans with the next review for cross checking. 31 RETURN REDLINES and provide 2 copies of all plans (concept, water conservation, and colored water use plan) for the next submittal. Please provide a written response to all comments clearly indicating where and how each comment was addressed. CITY OF CARLSBAD Police Department www.carlsbadca.gov Date: October 21, 2013 To: Planning Tracking Desk- Planning Department From: J. Sasway, Carlsbad Police Department Subject: ViaSat Expansion - PUD 13-09/ MCUP 13-13/ SUP 98-03(C) / SUP 13-03 /MS 13-07 Plan Review Recommendations Carlsbad Police Department's Crime Prevention Unit has provided the following optimal security recommendations. The purpose ofthis document is to safeguard property and public welfare by regulating and reviewing the design, construction, quality of materials, use and occupancy, location, and maintenance of all buildings and structures. The standards used in this document represent model international standards. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design The proper design and effective use ofthe built environment can lead to a reduction in the fear and incidence of crime and an improvement in the quality of life. The proper design influences this by positively affecting human behavior. The design includes the physical environment, the planned behavior of people, the productive use of space and an effective crime/loss prevention program. Natural Surveillance 1. Place and design physical features to maximize visibility. This will include building orientation, windows, entrances, walkways, landscape trees and shrubs, fences and any other physical obstruction. 2. Design the placement of persons, common areas or activities to maximize surveillance possibilities. 3. Design lighting that provides for appropriate nighttime illumination of walkways, entrances and driveways. Natural Access Control 1. Use walkways, pavement, lighting and landscaping to clearly guide guests to and from selected entrances. 2. Use real or symbolic barriers like fences or landscaping to prevent and or discourage access to or from dark and or unmonitored areas. 3. Used managed access on residential garage entrances, common doors and elevators. Provisions for territorial reinforcement V 2560 Orion Way, Carlsbad, CA 92010-7240 T 760-931-2100 F 760-931-8473 ® 1. Use pavement treatments, landscaping and fences to define and outline ownership or property. 2. Show clean transitions between public, semi-public and private (residential) space. Lighting 1. All types of exterior doors should be illuminated during the hours of darkness, with a minimum maintained one (1) foot-candle of light, measured within a five-foot radius on each side ofthe door at ground level. 2. Recessed areas of buildings or fences, which have a minimum depth of two feet, a minimum height of five feet, and do not exceed six (6) feet in width and are capable of human concealment, should be illuminated with a minimum maintained 0.25 foot-candles of light at ground level during the hours of darkness. This recommendation applies to defined recessed areas, which are within six feet of the edge of a designated walking surface with an unobstructed pathway to it, not hindered by walls or hedgerow landscaping a minimum of two (2) feet in height. 3. All exterior pedestrian walkways, interior common corridors, and open parking lots should be illuminated with a minimum maintained one (1) foot-candle of light on the walking or driving surface during the hours of darkness. 4. Overhead light poles should not be placed in an area planted with shade trees or other canopy producing species. Only basic ground cover, including but not limited to hedges and shrubs, should be used. 5. The parking and drive surface lighting should have a rated average bulb life of not less than 10,000 hours. 6. Accessible luminaries should have vandal resistant light fixtures and be not less than three feet in height from ground level when used to illuminate walkways and a minimum of eight feet in height from ground level when illuminating surfaces associated with vehicles. Light fixtures should be deemed accessible if mounted within fifteen feet vertically or six feet horizontally from any accessible surface or any adjoining roof, balcony, landing, treads, platform or similar structure. Landscaping 1. The basic landscaping theme should consist of low ground cover with a maximum height of 2 feet and canopy trees with a minimum lower canopy of 6 feet. 2. Overhead light poles should not be placed in an area planted with shade trees or other canopy producing species. Only basic ground cover, including but not limited to hedges and shrubs, should be used. 3. Use security landscaping in areas to deter loitering or entrance where pedestrians are not wanted. Addressing 1. Numerals should be located where they are clearly visible from the street on which they are addressed. They should be of a color contrasting to the background to which they are affixed. 2. Numerals should be no less than six inches in height, if located less than 100 feet from the centerline of the addressed street or 12 inches in height if placed further than 100 feet from the centerline ofthe addressed street. 3. The numerals should be illuminated during the hours of darkness. 4. The rear doors of all building should have address numbers not less than six inches in height and be of a color contrasting to the background to which they are affixed. 5. Buildings with a total square footage of at least 10,000 square feet should have rooftop numbers placed parallel to the addressed street, screened from public view and only visible from the air. The numerals are to be white, block lettered, constructed of weather resistant material, and placed against a black background. Address numbers are to be a minimum of four feet in height and 18 inches wide Doors 1. Use hollow steel doors that are a minimum sixteen (16) U.S. gauge and have sufficient reinforcement to maintain the designed thickness ofthe door when any locking device is installed. 2. Use only glass doors with fully tempered glass or rated burglary resistant glazing. Protect all exterior doors with security hardware. 3. Equip all doors with a latch cover constructed of steel. Ensure the latch cover is a minimum of .125 inch thick. Attach the latch cover to the outside by welding or with non-removable bolts spaced apart on not more than ten-inch centers. 4. Construct the jamb of all aluminum frame-swinging doors to withstand 1600 pounds of pressure in both a vertical distance of three inches and horizontal distance of one inch each side ofthe strike, to prevent violation ofthe strike. 5. Equip rear doors used for shipping and receiving and employee entrances with a viewer. 6. Equip a single or double door with a double cylinder deadbolt with a bolt projection exceeding one inch or a hook-shaped or expanding deadbolt that engages the strike sufficiently to prevent spreading. The deadbolt lock shall have a minimum of five-pin tumblers and a cylinder guard. Windows 1. Equip movable windows with security hardware and burglar resistant glazing. 2. Cover other vulnerable non-movable windows with burglar resistant glazing. Windows of commercial buildings are vulnerable to breakage during the hours of darkness when the business is non-operational especially windows within 40 inches of any door locking mechanism 3. Glaze should be constructed of either two part laminated glazing with a 0.60 inch inner layer or burglary resistant glazing Stairways 1. Interior doors should have glazing panels a minimum of five inches wide and 20 inches in height and meet requirements ofthe Uniform Building Code. 2. Areas beneath stairways at or below ground level shall be fully enclosed or access to them restricted. 3. Stair towers and elevators have been the highest risk for personal injury as they are typically enclosed. Stairways should be designed to be completely visible from either the interior or exterior or both, unless mandated by the Uniform Building Code to be enclosed. 4. Fully enclosed interior or exterior stairways with solid walls, when required, should have shatter resistant mirrors or other equally reflective material at each level and landing and be designed or placed in such a manner as to provide visibility around corners. Elevators 1. Elevator cabs with interiors that are not completely visible when the door is open from a point centered on and 36 inches away from the door, shall have shatter resistant mirrors or other equally reflective material so placed as to make visible the entire elevator cab from this point. 2. The elevator cab should be illuminated at all times with a minimum maintained two foot- candles of light at floor level. Roofs 1. All skylights on the roof of any building should be provided with rated burglary resistant glazing material securely fastened with bolts that are non-removable from the exterior. 2. All hatchway openings on the roof of any building should be secured as follows: a. If the hatchway cover is of wooded material, it should be covered on the inside with at least sixteen (16) gauge steel metal or its equivalent and attached with screws. 3. All air duct or air vent opening exceeding ninety-six (96) square inches on the roof, exterior doors, or exterior walls of any building should be secured by covering the same with the following: a. Iron bars of a least number four (4) steel or equivalent, spaced no more than five (5) inches apart on center, at each direction, welded at all point of intersection, or one by one-fourth (1 X %) inch flat steel or equivalent, spaced no more the five (5) inches apart on center, welded at all points of intersection. Alarm Systems 1. When considering an alarm system, the police department recommends a "verified system" in an effort to eliminate false alarm activations and increase breach detection. A verified system is verified through audio or visual components. 2. If considering electronic assess as a security feature, consider managed electronic access. This information is a representation of information gathered on a national level. The purpose is to provide effective and consistent information. Ifyou would like additional assistance concerning building security or employee security issues, please contact the Crime Prevention Unit at (760) 931-2105. By, Jodeene R. Sasway, Community Relations Manager Crime Prevention/Public Information 760-931-2195 or Jodee.Sasway@CarlsbadCA.gov CITY OF CARLSBAD REVIEW AND COMMENT MEMO DATE: OCTOBER 16. 2013 PROJECT NO(S): PUD 13-09/MCUP 13-13/SUP 98-03(C)/SUP 13-03/MS 13^,7 REVIEW NO: I mm PROJECTTITLE: VIASAT EXPANSION APPLICANT: SMITH CONSULTING ARCHITECTS/PETER BUSSETT TO: Land Development Engineering - David Rick • Public Works (Storm Drain) - Clayton Dobbs m Police Department - J. Sasway • Public Works (Wastewater) - Don Wasko Fire Department - Greg Ryan • Public Works (Water) - Jase Warner Building Division - Will Foss • Water/Sewer District • Parks & Recreation (Parks/Trails) - Liz Ketabian Landscape Plancheck Consultant - PELA Parks & Recreation (Trees & Medians) - Mike Bliss • School District • Public Works Department (Streets) - Nick Roque • North County Transit District - Planning Dept. El Transportation-Engineering - Doug Bilse • Sempra Energy - Land Management • Public Works Department (Design) - Bill Plummer • Caltrans (Send anything adjacent to 1-5) •ALWAYS SEND EXHIBITS FROM: PLANNING DIVISION Please review and submit written comment^^agd/m|conditions to the^ Planning Division at 1635 Faraday Avenue, bvjw23|jg^f vou have "No Comments," please so state. If vou determine that there are items that neeatobe suomltted to deem the application "complete" for processing, please immediatelv contact the applicant and/or their representatives (via phone or e-mall) to let them know. Thank you . COMMENTS: P(AkP%<K (K-• ^iGOlA'Tla^ Ic^ m" tm^^^^i: W Signature ' Datte %LA^s^A^^ ^ ^^^^ M^Mi^ f^.ij^v^f^MNr&\imce un^^ uMsc^^ mK^^ I ^jmm'A^ iumtni AT rr^ ViCARLSBAD Community & Economic Development www.carlsbadca.gov January 23, 2014 Smith Consulting Architects 13280 Evening Creek Drive, Suite 125 San Diego, CA 92128 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF RESTRICTION - SUP 13-03/SUP 98-03(C)/SDP 13-05/PUD 13-09/MCUP 13- 13/MS 13-07 - VIASAT EXPANSION Dear Applicant: Please find the enclosed Notice of Restriction that needs to be signed, notarized, and returned for recordation. This is to fulfill a condition of approval ofthe SUP 13-03/SUP 98-03(C)/SDP 13-05/PUD 13- 09/MCUP 13-13/MS 13-07. Please ensure the following items are addressed prior to returning the Notice of Restriction: Correct Notary Acknowledgement Required (Effective Januarv 1. 2008. all Certificates of Acknowledgement used by a California notarv on a document that will be recorded in the State of California must NOT HAVE "PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME" in the acknowledgement. (Assembly Bill 886, Chapter 399)) ^ Document must be properly notarized. •/ Name on signature page and name on Notarial Acknowledgement must match. ^ Property owner's signatures/initials must be the same as on Notary Acknowledgement. Notary Seal cannot be blurry/too light (County will not record the document if any portion of the Notary Seal is blurry or too light). Include property owner's name in the designated space above the owner's signature. Please pay particular attention to the signature requirements at the bottom ofthe signature page. It is our goal to assist you in getting the Notice of Restriction recorded as expeditiously as possible. If you have any questions or need additional assistance, please contact Michele Masterson, Senior Management Analyst at (760) 602-4615 or via email at michele.masterson(5)carlsbadca.gov. Sincerely, GREG FISHER Assistant Planner Michele Masterson, CED Senior Management Analyst _, . -.File Copy Plannmg Division 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 T 760-602-4600 F 760-602-8559 ® 4^ CITY OF QFILE VCARLSBAD L-JTILC Community & Economic Development www.carlsbadca.gov December 24, 2013 Pete Bussett AIA Smith Consulting Architects 13280 Evening Creek Drive South, Suite 125 San Diego CA 92128 SUBJECT: SUP 13-03/SUP 98-03(C)/SDP 13-OS/PUD 13-09/MCUP 13-13/MS 13-07 - BRESSI RANCH LOTS 10-13 The preliminary staff report for the above referenced project will be sent to you via email on Tuesday December 31, 2013. This preliminary report will be discussed by staff at the Development Coordinating Committee (DCC) meeting which will be held on January 6, 2014. A twenty (20) minute appointment has been set aside for you at 9:00 a.m. Ifyou have any questions concerning your project you should attend the DCC meeting. It is necessary that you provide the following required information to your project planner in order for your project to go forward to the Planning Commission: 1. Unmounted colored exhibit(s) of your site plan and elevations. For residential projects of 2 or more homes a typical street scene of the elevations shall be provided. The corresponding rear elevations for the homes shown for the typical street scene shall also be provided; and 2. A PDF of your colored site plan and elevations. The colored exhibits must be submitted at this time to ensure review by the Planning Commission at their briefings. If the colored exhibits are not available for their review, your proiect could be rescheduled to a later time. The PDF of your colored site plan and elevations will be used in the presentation to the Planning Commission and the public at the Planning Commission Hearing. Please make arrangements with your project planner to submit your colored exhibit(s) and the PDF. Should you wish to use visual materials in your presentation to the Planning Commission, they should be submitted to the Planning Division no later than 12:00 p.m. on the day of a Regular Planning Commission Meeting. Digital materials will be placed on a computer in Council Chambers for public presentations. Please label all materials with the agenda item number you are representing. Items submitted for viewing, including presentations/digital materials, will be included in the time limit maximum for speakers. All materials exhibited to the Planning Commission during the meeting (slides, maps, photos, etc.) are part of the public record and must be kept by the Planning Division for at least 60 days after final action on the matter. Your materials will be returned upon written request. If you need additional information concerning this matter, please contact your Planner, Greg Fisher at (760) 602- 4629 or at greg.fisher@carlsbadca.gov. Sincerely, DON NEU, AICP City Planner DN:GF:bd c: File Copy David Rick, Project Engineer Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 T 760-602-4600 F 760-602-8559 <A>c,Tvof aFILE ViCARLSBAD Community & Economic Development www.carlsbadca.gov November 21, 2013 Smith Consulting Architects 13280 Evening Creek Drive Suite 125 San Diego, CA 92128 SUBJECT: SUP 13-03/SUP 98-03(C)/SDP 13-05/PUD 13-09/MCUP 13-13/MS 13-07 - VIASAT EXPANSION - CAUFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) APPUCABIUTY/PROCESS DETERMINATION This is to advise you that after reviewing the application for the project referenced above, the City has determined that the following environmental review process (pursuant to CEQA) will be required for the project: The project is subject to the provisions of CEQA; however, the potential environmental effects of the project were adequately analyzed by the previously adopted EIR 98-04 for Bressi Ranch Master Plan (MP 178). No additional environmental review is required. Please submit a check to the project planner in the amount of $50.00 made out to the San Diego County Clerk. The check should be submitted approximately one week prior to the Planning Commission hearing decision date. For additional information related to this CEQA applicability/process determination, please contact the project planner, Greg Fisher, at (760) 602-4629 or greg.fisher@carlsbadca.gov. Sincerely, DON NEU, AICP City Planner DN:GF:bd c: Pivotal 650 California, LLC, 2201 E. Camelback Road, Suite 650, Phoenix, AZ 85016 Don Neu, City Planner Chris DeCerbo, Team Leader David Rick, Project Engineer Van Lynch, Senior Planner Mike Peterson, Development Service Manager File Copy Data Entry Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue. Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 T 760-602-4600 F 760-602-8559 • • FILE COPY V(CARLSBAD Community & Economic Development www.carlsbadca.gov December 5, 2013 Smith Consulting Architects 13280 Evening Creek Drive, Suite 125 San Diego, CA 92128 SUBJECT: 3rd REVIEW FOR SUP 13-03/SUP 98-03(C)/SDP 13-05/PUD 13-09/MCUP 13-13/MS 13-07 - VIASAT EXPANSION Dear Peter Bussett, Your project was deemed complete on October 24, 2013. There are issues of concern with the project that remain to be resolved. The issues are listed on the attached page(s). All issues will need to be resolved by December 13, 2013 to remain on the January 15, 2014 public hearing calendar. Please contact me at (760) 602-4629, if you have any questions or wish to set up a meeting to discuss the application. Sincerely, GREG FISHER Assistant Planner GF:bd Attachment: Redlined site plan - Engineering Redlined landscape plan - Engineering Redlined civil plan - Engineering Redlined SWMP/drainage study - Engineering c: Pivotal 650 California, LLC, 2201 E. Camelback Road, Suite 650, Phoenix, AZ 85016 Don Neu, City Planner Chris DeCerbo, Team Leader David Rick, Project Engineer Van Lynch, Senior Planner Mike Peterson, Development Service Manager File Copy Data Entry Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue. Carlsbad. CA 92008-7314 T 760-602-4600 F 760-602-8559 0 SUP13-03/SUP'98-03(C)/SDP 13-05/PUD 13-09/MCUP 13-13/MS 13-07 - VIASAT EXPANSION December 5, 2013 Page 2 ISSUES OF CONCERN Planning: None. Engineering: Land Development Engineering has completed a review ofthe above-referenced project for engineering issues of concern. Engineering issues which need to be resolved or adequately addressed prior to staff making a determination on the proposed project are as follows: 1. Address redlined comments on attached site plan, civil plans and landscape plans. 2. Per the Storm Water Standards Questionnaire submitted for the work proposed on the Building 1 site west of El Camino Real, this work is categorized as a priority development project and is therefore subject to numerically sized treatment BMPs and hydromodification. Therefore, include required integrated management practices (IMPs) sizing calculations for this portion of the project, including the bus turn out and cross walk, in the SWMP. As alternative, if enough pervious instead of impervious pavement were used, the project may be subject to the less burdensome standard BMPs. Determine the net increase in impervious area and the earthwork quantities proposed on the Building 1 site and add this information to the site plan or as an attachment to the storm water questionnaire. Submit revised storm water questionnaire with next submittal. 3. Sign the attached redlined SWMP/Drainage Study. Parks and Recreation: 1. The set of plans for the 3rd review appears to be unchanged from the set of plans for the 1st review. Thus, my comments remain unchanged as well. SmithConsultingArchitects November 27, 2013 Greg Fisher City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 SUBJECT: ViaSat - Bressi Ranch Parcels 10-13 SUP 13-03/SUP 98-03(C)/SDP 13-05/PUD 13-09/MGUP 13-13/MS 13-07-VIASAT EXPANSION Dear Greg: Thank you for your review of the ViaSat - Bressi Ranch Parcels 10-13 submittal package. This letter accompanies the second resubmittal, which addresses the Issues of Concern in your letter dated November 20, 2013, as well as redlined plans sent on November 20, 2013. We believe that the materials provided in this resubmittal and the revisions made to the drawings will address and resolve the issues identified by staff. Our numbered responses correspond to numbered issues in the city's letters. Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time regarding this information, and we will respond to your questions in a timely manner. Sincerely, RECEIVED Peter J. Bussett AIA NOV 2? 2013 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DIVISION mao El Camino Real Suite 2CX) San Di^o, CA 92130 858-793-4777 8587934787 Fax ViaSat - Bressi Ranch Lots 10-13 2"" Re-Submittal - Responses to Issues of Concern SCA Project No. 12085.S01 November 27, 2013 Page 2 -Continued- Applicant Responses to the Issues of Concern Planninq: 1. References to PIP 13-01 have been removed and replaced with SDP 13-05. 2. See added sheet A4.2 for re-designed canopy conceptual details. Land Development Engineering: 1. Redlines on plans addressed. - Responses are hand written with blue colored pen on original red-lined drawings. The red-lined drawings are being returned with this re-submittal. 2. Pending approval from the owner, pervious pavement will be used to offset any proposed impervious pavement to result in no net increase of imperviousness. This will eliminate the requirement for numerically sized treatment BMPs and hydromodification. 3. All redline comments are addressed in report. 4. See sheet A4.2 and L8. Transportation Division: a) Redlines on plans addressed. b) Trellis structure columns and added bollard located in the middle of the median opening will be used in lieu of reducing the median opening width to prevent possibility of attempted U- turns. c) See sheet A4.2 and LB for clarification. d) Umit lines added. Landscaping: Please refer to the separate page on Ridge Landscape Architects letterhead. Responses to the landscape review comments have been incorporated into the revised drawings. The red-lined drawings are being returned with this re-submittal. Parks and Recreation: Note added to the plans addressing previous comments. See sheet A4.2, LB and C-4. K:\12 l'rojecls\12085 ViaS8t\Administrativc\Permit Processing\11-27-13_2nd Round SDP Comments RcsponseM 1-27- 13_ViaSai Response to 2nd SDP comments.doc R I 0 6 E LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS RESPONSE LETTER (TO COMMENTS DATED 11/20/13) Date: November 27, 2013 To: Greg Fisher, City of Carlsbad's Assistant Planner Michael Elliott, City of Carlsbad's Landscape Architect From: Ron Stark, Ridge Landscape Architects Project: Viasat Expansion - 2nd Review Landscape Architectural Review - PIP - 2nd Review SUP 13-03/SUP-98-03(C)/SDP 13-05/PUD 13-09/IVICUP 13-13/IVIS 13-07 Please find below plan check comments and responses. Landscaping: 1. Completed. 2. Please show and label all existing and proposed easements. Insure no conflicts with trees. 2"'* Review: Some easements are missing. Please show and label all easements. Please confirm with the Engineering Division that trees will be allowed within the easement. Relocate trees outside ofthe easement if not specifically allowed. Response: All easements have been shown, and trees have been removed from the easements. 3-7. Completed. 8. Please provide a conceptual detail for the proposed overhead shade elements/canopy shade structures for review. 2"'^ Review: I am concerned about the longevity ofthe fabric panels in the trellis and these structures do not appear to be consistent with the Bressi Ranch entry statements. Entry statements need to be consistent with the Bressi Ranch toaster Plan. Please resolve. Response: Shade structures have been revised - please refer to details on Sheet A4.2. 9-13. Completed. 14. Please provide a temporary 36" tall screen planting to screen the parking areas. 2"'' Review: The applicant has responded: "A temporary hedge of Westringia has been added at the northem edge of the parking area for screening." The hedge is not shown. Please address. Response: The Westringia has now been added at the northern edge of the parking area for screening. 15. Please provide documentation from the Bressi Ranch Master Association that they will accept maintenance responsibilities for all areas designated as thoir responsibility on the landscape maintonance plan. Please confirm the maintenance ofthe median areas. Medians within public right of way are generally maintained by the Parks Division. Revise exhibit as appropriate. 2" Review: The applicant has responded: "Plans have been sent to the Bressi Ranch Master Association for review of maintenance areas and an acceptance letter will be forwarded to the City once obtained. The f\/laintenance Plan has been updated per comments from the BRt\AA and the Parks Division to show that the Owner will be responsible for new landscaping within the site perimeter areas currently maintained by the BRh/IA, as well as the new landscaping in the median. The Parks Division will 8841 RESEARCH DRIVE, SUITE 200 IRVINE, CA 92618 WWW.RIDGELA.COM TEL 949.387.1323 Lie #LA2809 FAX 949.387.1303 Page 2 of 3 continue to maintain the adjacent median planters that are unaffected by these proposed improvements." Please identify maintenance responsibility for the parkways. Response: Letter of approval from BRMA is attached. 16. Please add a note indicating that an encroachment agreement will be required for the installation of enhanced paving where located either within the right-of-way or public utility easements. Please coordinate the addition of this note to the civil plans as well and show the limits of enhanced paving on the civil plans. 2"" Review: This information is not currentiv shown on the civil plans. Please coordinate. Response: This information has been added to the civil plans. Encroachment note for ECR was added as "note 6" on sheet 4 and as a footnote to the proposed utility easement on the easement table. Enhanced paving is shown on sheet 5. 17. The Landscape Manual requires that ground covers, shrubs, and trees be featured to screen elements of unsightliness and screen/soften new improvements. Please provide appropriate screen landscaping along the north side of the antenna and mechanical enclosures. Please also provide wall vines along the south side of the mechanical enclosure at the west end. 2"'^ Review: The applicant has responded: "The site plan constraints do not allow for planter areas to encroach into the drive aisle north ofthe antenna and mechanical enclosures. Wall vines and screening shrubs have been added on the remaining sides ofthe enclosures wherever possible to screen/soften the new improvements to the extent possible." At a minimum please add vine pockets with wall vines along the north elevations. Response: Vine pockets have been added along the north elevations. 18-19. Completed. 20. Trees shall be provided at the minimum rate of one per every four parking stalls. Trees pertaining to this requirement shall be located within the parking area, exclusive of parking lot setbacks. The trees shall be located in close proximity to the spaces they are to shade. Please address this requirement. Response: Trees have been added to meet this requirement. 21. Completed. 22. Long rows of parking should be broken up with landscaped islands. Landscaped islands should be provided at intervals of one island for approximately every 12 to 15 parking spaces. Please resolve. Check all areas. Response: Landscape islands have been added to meet this requirement. 23-25. Completed. 26. Please add the following statement signed under penalty of perjury by the person who prepared the plans: "I am familiar with the requirements for landscape and irrigation plans contained in the city of Carlsbad's landscape manual and water efficient landscape regulations. I have prepared this plan in compliance with those regulations and the landscape manual and agree to comply with all requirements when submitting construction documents. I certify that the plan implements those regulations to provide efficient use of water." 2"'' Review: Please sign the statement. Response: Statement has been signed. 8841 RESEARCH DRIVE, SUITE 200 IRVINE CA 92618 TEL 949.387.1323 FAX 949.387.1303 WWW.RIDGELA.COM LIC #LA2809 Page 3 of 3 27. The surface area of a water feature, including swimming pools, shall be included in a high water use hydrozone and included in the water use calculations. If using potable water, the pond areas will not be Special Landscape Areas (SLA). Please note the proposed water use for the ponds on the water use plan and include in the water use calculations. 2"'' Review: Please provide ETWU water use calculations on city forms as found in the Landscape Manual. Please check the MAWA total. Based on 128,198 square feet of recycled water use and 566 square feet of potable use (ponds) the MAWA should be 3,747,235. Response: Calculations have been revised per the City forms. 28-29. Completed. 30. Please have all street work (include all pavement painting, structures, and median revisions) shown on the civil plans for Engineering Division review. Provide an updated copy of revised civil plans with the next review for cross checking. 2"'' Review: All requested information has not been shown on the civil plans. Please add the painted pavement and shade structures to the civil grading plans so that it is insured the Engineering Division is aware of these improvements located within the street. Provide an updated copy of revised civil plans with the next review for cross checking. Response: Street work has been included on the civil plans. A copy of the civil plans has been included with this submittal. All street work is shown. A note on sheet C-1 references architectural sheet A4.2 and landscaping sheet L-8 for details. 31. RETURN REDLINES and provide 2 copies of all plans (concept, water conservation, and colored water use plan) for the next submittal. Please provide a written response to all comments clearly indicating where and how each comment was addressed. Response: Redlines, 2 copies of all plans and this response letter are included with this submittal. 8841 RESEARCH DRIVE, SUITE 200 IRVINE CA 92618 TEL 949.387.1323 FAX 949.387.1303 WWW.RIDGELA.COM LIC #LA2809 MEISSNER • JACQUET INVKSTMENT MANAGEMENT SER\ ICES Pi upci ty, Construction & Asset Management October 30, 2013 Milos Makaric Smith Consulting Architects 13280 Evening Creek Drive South, Suite 125 SanDiego, CA 92128 Subject: Bressi Ranch - 783 Levine Investments/ViaSat - Lots 10-13 Step One Design Review - 2013 Dear Ms. Vicker: Our records indicate that this project was processed through Steps One, Two, and Three and approved November 30, 2008. We have review^ed the plans from Smith Consulting Architects, dated September 27, 2013, for the ViaSat project - Bressi Ranch Lots 10-13. The following review comments are in response to the latest submittal: 1. Site Plan. The site plaiming of the buildings, parking, pedestrian access, and outdoor areas complies with the intent of the Bressi Ranch Guidelines as indicated in the previous approval. 2. Architectural Guidelines. The building's architectural form, character, and materials comply with the Bressi Ranch Guidelines. 3. Miscellaneous. Site building sections indicate future HVAC units will be shielded from view. The antenna enclosure, generator enclosure, and mechanical enclosure indicate no roof. An additional mechanical enclosure is roofed and the one trash enclosure is covered. This completes our Step One Design Review. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Larry Sillman, AIA, Architect Sillman Wright Architects Cc: File, Bressi Ranch Corporate Owners Association Board of Directors 5330 CARROEE CANYON ROAD SUm-. 200 SAN DIEGO, CAEU-ORNIA 92)21 PHONE 858-373-1234 FAX 858-373-1222 inlo(a nieissnci iacuiiet.coni www.melssnci jacquct.com ^CARLSBAD flLl'tflW Community & Economic Development www.carlsbadca.gov November 20, 2013 Smith Consulting Architects Attn: Peter Bussett 13280 Evening Creek Drive, Suite 125 San Diego, CA 92128 SUBJECT: 2nd REVIEW FOR SUP 13-03/SUP 98-03(C)/SDP 13-05/PUD 13-09/MCUP 13-13/MS 13- 07 - VIASAT EXPANSION Dear Mr. Bussett, Your project was deemed complete on October 24, 2013. There are issues of concern with the project that remain to be resolved. The issues are listed on the attached page(s). All issues will need to be resolved by December 5, 2013 to remain on the January 15, 2014 public hearing calendar. Please contact me at (760) 602-4629, if you have any questions or wish to set up a meeting to discuss the application. Sincerely, GREG FISHER Assistant Planner GF:fn Attachment: Redlined landscape plan (Michael Elliott) Redlined site plan - Engineering Redlined landscape plan - Engineering Redlined civil plan - Engineering Redlined SWMP/drainage study - Engineering Redlined sheet L8-Transportation Division comments c: Pivotal 650 California,LLC, 2201 E. Camelback Road, Suite 650, Phoenix, AZ 85016 Don Neu, City Planner Chris DeCerbo, Principal Planner David Rick, Project Engineer Van Lynch, Senior Planner Mike Peterson, Development Service Manager File Copy Data Entry Planning Division ^ 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 T 760-602-4600 F 760-602-8559 SUP 13-03/SUP 98-03(C)/SDP 13-05/PUD 13-09/MCUP 13-13/MS 13-07 - VIASAT EXPANSION Tiiwmir ISSUES OF CONCERN Planning; 1. Please delete any reference to PIP 13-01 and replace it with SDP 13-05. 2. Please redesign the canopy shade structures so that they are more consistent with the design, color, and building materials of existing shade structures found throughout the Bressi Ranch Master Plan. Take into consideration that the shade structures located within the median may have to be modified in design from the other structures to satisfy traffic safety requirements. Engineering: Land Development Engineering has completed a review of the above-referenced project for engineering issues of concern. Engineering issues which need to be resolved or adequately addressed prior to staff making a determination on the proposed project are as follows: 1. Address redlined comments on attached site plan, civil plans and landscape plans. 2. Per the Storm Water Standards Questionnaire submitted for the work proposed on the Building 1 site west of El Camino Real, this work is categorized as a priority development project and is therefore subject to numerically sized treatment bmp's and hydromodification. Therefore, include required integrated management practices (IMP's) sizing calculations for this portion of the project, including the bus turn out and cross walk, in the SWMP. As alternative, if enough pervious instead of impervious pavement were used, the project may be subject to the less burdensome standard bmp's. Determine the net increase in impervious area and the earthwork quantities proposed on the Building 1 site and add this information to the site plan. 3. Address comments in attached redlined SWMP/Drainage Study. 4. Clearly identify those amenities proposed in the El Camino Real right-of-way which will be privately maintained through a median maintenance agreement, including but not limited to, enhanced landscaping, shade structure(s), pedestrian crossing signal and related electrical conduit. Transportation Division: 5. The revised plans do not appear to have completely addressed the transportation division comments. They did include directional ramps across Gateway with raised median. However, our other issues were not addressed, nor were several marked comments on the plan. Please address the following repeat comments and include a written response with each comment: a) Addressed marked comments on attached L8 plan. b) Consider modifying the median opening for pedestrians to minimize the possibility of attempted u-turns. SUP 13-03/SUP 98-03(C)/SDP 13-05/PUD 13-09/MCUP 13-13/MS 13-07-VIASAT EXPANSION November 20, 2013 Page 3 c) Clarify the plan for the cross-walk. If it is standard thermoplastic materials, it will be maintained by city forces. Any non-standard painted planks will be privately maintained through a median maintenance agreement. d) Add limit lines for all approaches since decorative treatments are proposed for the crosswalks. Landscaping: Please advise the applicant to make the following revisions to the plans so that they will meet the requirements ofthe City of Carlsbad's Landscape Manual. Numbers below are referenced on the red line plans where appropriate for ease in locating the area of the comment concern. REPEAT COMMENTS: 1. Completed. 2. Please show and label all existing and proposed easements. Insure no conflicts with trees. 2"'' Review: Some easements are missing. Please show and label ali easements. Please confirm with the Engineering Division that trees will be allowed within the easement. Relocate trees outside of the easement if not specifically allowed. 3-7. Completed. 8. Please provide a conceptual detail for the proposed overhead shade elements/canopy shade structures for review. 2"'^ Review: I am concerned about the longevity of the fabric panels in the trellis and these structures do not appear to be consistent with the Bressi Ranch entry statements. Entry statements need to be consistent with the Bressi Ranch Master Pian. Please resolve. 9-13. Completed. 14. Please provide a temporary 36" tall screen planting to screen the parking areas. 2"'' Review: The applicant has responded: "A temporary hedge of Westringia has been added at the northern edge ofthe parking area for screening." The hedge is not shown. Please address. 15. Please provide documentation from the Bressi Ranch Master Association that thoy will accept maintenance responsibilities for all areas dosignatod as thoir rosponsibility on the landscape maintonance plan. Please confirm the maintenance of tho median areas. Medians within public right of way oro generally maintained by the Parks Division. Revise exhibit as appropriate. 2"'' Review: The applicant has responded: "Plans have been sent to the Bressi Ranch toaster Association for review of maintenance areas and an acceptance letter will be forwarded to the City once obtained. The Maintenance Plan has been updated per comments from the BRMA and the Parks Division to show that the Owner will be responsible for new landscaping within the site perimeter areas currently maintained by the BRMA, as well as the new landscaping in the median. The Parks Division will continue to maintain the adjacent median planters that are SUP 13-03/SUP 98-03(C)/SDP 13-05/PUD 13-09/MCUP 13-13/MS 13-07 - VIASAT EXPANSION November 20, 2013 Page 4 median. The Parks Division will continue to maintain the adjacent median planters that are unaffected by these proposed improvements." Please identify maintenance responsibility for the parkways. 16. Please add a note indicating that an encroachment agreement will be required for the installation of enhanced paving where located either within the right-of-way or public utility easements. Please coordinate the addition of this note to the civil plans as well and show the limits of enhanced paving on the civil plans. 2"'' Review: This information is not currently shown on the civil pians. Please coordinate. 17. The Landscape Manual requires that ground covers, shrubs, and trees be featured to screen elements of unsightliness and screen/soften new improvements. Please provide appropriate screen landscaping along the north side ofthe antenna and mechanical enclosures. Please also provide wall vinos along tho south side of the mechanical enclosure at tho west end. 2"'' Review: The applicant has responded: "The site plan constraints do not allow for planter areas to encroach into the drive aisle north of the antenna and mechanical enclosures. Wail vines and screening shrubs have been added on the remaining sides of the enclosures wherever possible to screen/soften the new improvements to the extent possible." At a minimum please add vine pockets with wall vines along the north elevations. 18-19. Completed. 20. Trees shall be provided at the minimum rate of one per every four parking stalls. Trees pertaining to this requirement shall be located within the parking area, exclusive of parking lot setbacks. The trees shall be located in close proximity to the spaces they are to shade. Please address this requirement. 21. Completed. 22. Long rows of parking should be broken up with landscaped islands. Landscaped islands should be provided at intervals of one island for approximately every 12 to 15 parking spaces. Please resolve. Check all areas. 23-25. Completed. 26. Plooso add the following statement signed under penalty of perjury be the person who prepared tho plons: "I am familiar with the requirements for landscape and irrigation plans contained in tho city of Carlsbad's londscopo manuol and woter efficient landscape regulations. I havo proparod this plan in compliance with those rogulotions and tho landscape manual and agree to comply with all roquiromonts when submitting construction documents. I cortify that tho plan implements those regulations to provide efficient use of wator." 2"'' Review: Please sign the statement. 27. The surface area of a water feature, including swimming pools, shall be included in a high water use hydrozone and included in the water use calculations. If using potable water, the pond areas will not be Special Landscape Areas (SLA). Please note the proposed water use for the SUP 13-03/SUP 98-03(C)/SDP 13-05/PUD 13-09/MCUP 13-13/MS 13-07-VIASAT EXPANSION November 20, 2013 Page 5 ponds on the water use plan and include in the water use calculations. 2"'' Review: Please provide ETWU water use calculations on city forms as found in the Landscape ManuaL Please check the MAWA total. Based on 128,198 square feet of recycled water use and 566 square feet of potable use (ponds) the MAWA should be 3,747,235. 28-29. Completed. 30. Please have all street work (include all pavement painting, structures, and median revisions) shown on the civil plans for Engineering Division review. Provide an updated copy of revised civil plans with the next review for cross checking. 2"'' Review: All requested information has not been shown on the civil plans. Please add the painted pavement and shade structures to the civil grading pians so that it is insured the Engineering Division is aware of these improvements located within the street. Provide an updated copy of revised civil plans with the next review for cross checking. 31. RETURN REDLINES and provide 2 copies of all plans (concept, water conservation, and colored water use plan) for the next submittal. Please provide a written response to all comments clearly indicating where and how each comment was addressed. Fire Prevention: Comments to Follow Parks and Recreation; Comments to Follow SmithConsultingArchitects November 6, 2013 Greg Fisher City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carisbad, CA 92008 SUBJECT: ViaSat - Bressi Ranch Parcels 10-13 SUP 13-03/SUP 98-03(C)/PIP 13-01/PUD 13-09/MCUP 13-13/MS 13-07-VIASAT EXPANSION Dear Greg: Thank you for your review ofthe ViaSat - Bressi Ranch Parcels 10-13 submittal package. This letter accompanies the first resubmittal, which addresses the Issues of Concern in Chris DeCerbo's letter dated October 24, 2013, Building Division Review dated October 16, 2013 (Will Foss), Parks & Recreation dated October 16, 2013 (Kyle Lancaster), Fire Department dated October 23, 2013 (Gregory Ryan) and City of Carisbad Police Department dated October 21, 2013 as well as redlined plans sent on October 24, 2013. We believe that the materials provided in this resubmittal and the revisions made to the drawings will address and resolve the issues identified by staff. Our numbered responses correspond to numbered issues in the city's letters. Please note that we re-designed the project site plan to comply with the required 45' setback along the Campbell Place due to proposed building height increase. Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time regarding this information, and we will respond to your questions in a timely manner. Sincerely, Peter J. Bussett AIA 12220 El Camino Real Suite 200 San Diego, CA 92130 858-793-4777 «58793-4787 Fax ViaSat - Bressi Ranch Lots 10-13 Re-submittal - Responses to Issues of Concern SCA Project No. 12085.S01 November 6, 2013 Page 2 -Continued- Applicant Responses to the Issues of Concern Planninq: City's project numbers have been included on the plans. Aeronautical study has been submitted to FAA for review on October 24 2013, determination pending. /ofth ^^,2rf^ Noted. Parking requirement issues: Bressi Ranch Parking Calculation Table has been removed from Sheet Al. Jf^ Building use will be a combination of Office and Manufacturing . Sheets A5, A7 and AIO have been revised accordingly. The parking figures have been revised to show correct parking calculations. Please •^ote that parking calculations changed a little due to site revisions made to comply with the required 45' seatback along Campbell Place. y^)r All Phase 2 areas (2a & 2b) will be constructed at the same time. Plans have been 'evised to reflect that approach. One (1) company vehicle dedicated parking space has been provided for each phase bf the project - Total of two (2) standard size dedicated parking spaces have been provided for the project. i)r Parking requirements have been verified and provided as a summary on sheets A1 '''^and A1.1. ViaSat audited the uses within their buildup and we have provided calculations based on a combination of office and manufacturing. The height of the largest dish antenna in the proposed 17 foot tall enclosure is 17 feet. It is our intent that antennas will not protrude above the enclosure walls and comply with 21.53.140(6)1 of CMC. Seatback Issues: 6. 45' average setback along Gateway and Campbell place has been met. See sheets A2 and A3 for average setback calculation. j^Hf^ Building 10 has been relocated so as not to encroach into the 45' setback b) Parking stalls along Campbell Place have been relocated and reconfigured to comply with the 45' average setback requirement. ViaSat - Bressi Ranch Lots 10-13 Re-submittal - Responses to Issues of Concern SCA Project No. 12085.S01 November 6, 2013 Page 3 -Continued- c) Parking has been reconfigured to comply with the 45' average setbacks. Sheets A2 and A3 and attached enlarged plans (Exhibit 1 and 2 of this document) include calculations for the parking encroachment/offsets. 7. All references have been changed. 8. Elevations provided on sheets L7 and L8. 9. See revised site plan, sheets A2 and A3, for short term bicycle racks and sheets A5 and A7 for designated long term bicycle storage facilities on the first floor. Land Development Engineering 1. Redlines on plans addressed. 2. Form E-34 was completed for the Building 1 site. 3. Soils letter attached with submittal. 4. SWMP/Drainage Study comments addressed. 5. Bus turn-out right of way plotted. 6. See revised Landscape Plans. 7. Noted. 8. Amenities identified on Architectural sheets A2 and A3 and Landscape sheet L6 9. Marked comments addressed. 10. Median opening limited to width of crossing. 11. See notes on sheets A2 and A3. Non-standard painted planks are proposed at the crossing. 12. Directional ramps added. 13. Median added to Gateway Road. 14. Limit lines added. 15. Signals will be located to balance proximity and visibility. 16. Under consideration. Landscaping: Please refer to the separate page on Ridge Landscape Architects letterhead. Responses to the landscape review comments have been incorporated into the revised drawings. The red-lined drawings are being returned with this re-submittal. RIDGE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS RESPONSE LETTER (TO COMMENTS DATED 10/24/13) Date: November 6, 2013 To: Chris DeCerbo, City of Carlsbad's Senior Planner Michael Elliott, City of Carisbad's Landscape Architect From: Ron Stark, Ridge Landscape Architects Project: Viasat Expansion - 1®' Review Landscape Architectural Review - PIP - 1^' Review SUP 13-03/SUP-98-03(C)/PIP 13-01/PUD 13-09/MCUP 13-13/MS 13-07 Please find below plan check comments and responses. Landscaping: 1. Page VII-27 of the Bressi Ranch Master Plan states: "Most of Planning Area 3 is located within the boundaries ofthe airport's Flight Activity Zone. Development within this portion of Planning Area 3 should be restricted in accordance with the requirements of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan for McClellan-Palomar Airport." Please insure all requirements are met. Response: Note has been added to sheets L1 and L2, and ali requirements are being met. 2. Please show and label all existing and proposed easements. Insure no conflicts with trees. Response: Ali known existing and proposed easements have been shown and labeled on the plan, and conflicting trees have been removed or relocated. 3. Please indicate positive suri'ace drainage (2% grade in planting areas) away from structures and terminating in an approved drainage system. Response: General Note itl 6 has been added to sheet L3 requiring positive surface drainage. 4. Please identify all symbols on the plans. Response: Symbols in question have been identified on sheet L7. 5. Please coordinate with civil plans addressing bio-retention area number 2. Response: This bio-retention area has been removed. 6. Platanus acerifolia is having severe problems with anthracnose in the Carisbad area. Please provide an appropriate substitute. Response: Platanus acerifolia has been repiaced with Platanus mexicana 'Alamo,' a newer variety that has performed well in similar climates and is very resistant to anthracnose. 7. On collector streets and larger, landscape elements over 30 inches in height (including planting measured at maturity) as measured from adjacent street grade are not permitted at street corners within a triangular zone drawn from two points, 25 feet outward from the beginning of curves. Please revise plantings as appropriate. 884! RESEARCH DRIVE, SUITE 200 IRVINE, CA 92618 WWW.RIDGELA.COM TEL 9A9.387.1323 LIC #LA2809 FAX 9Z»9.387.1303 Page 2 of 5 Response: Planting has been adjusted at the street corner and notes have been added to Sheets L1andL2. 8. Please provide a conceptual detail for the proposed overhead shade elements/canopy shade structures for review. Response: A conceptual detail for the trellis shade structure has been added to Sheet L7. A conceptual detail for the canopy shade structure has been added to Sheet L8. 9. Please obtain review and approval of median modifications/landscaping from the Parks Division. Provide documentation of approval. Median work is to be shown on separate construction drawings and reviewed and approved by the Parks Division separate from on-site privately maintained areas. Response: Parks Division has reviewed the median modifications/landscaping and provided comments. Median work will be shown on a separate set of construction documents from the on- site improvements. 10. Parking areas shall be screened from adjacent property or streets through the use of planting or any combination of planting, mounding, and decorative walls. Screening elements shall have a total height of at least tree (3) feet. Please address. Response: Larger screening shrubs have been added to screen parking at northern edge of site. 11. Trees with broad branch structures shall be planted only where sufficient space is available. It is recommended that a smaller substitute tree be provided for Quercus agrifolia where located close to buildings and paving to avoid conflicts with the broad canopy and root structure. Please review all locations. Response: Where Quercus agrifolia were located near buildings, they have been replaced with Arbutus X 'Marina'. The Quercus agrifolia trees located at the central plaza/patio area are desired at this location specifically for their large canopies and to provide a naturalistic "grove" effect in conjunction with the Platanus trees. 12. Rhaphiolepis umbellata may be too large for small parking lot planters. Rhaphiolepis umbellata 'Minor' may be more appropriate. Please review. Response: Rhaphiolepis umbellata has been repiaced with Rhaphoiepis umbellata 'Minor'. 13. Please identify the proposed cover crop seed mix. Response: Proposed cover crop seed mix has been added to planting legend, Sheet L2. 14. Please provide a temporary 36" tall screen planting to screen the parking areas. Response: A temporary hedge of Westringia has been added at the northern edge ofthe parking area for screening. 15. Please provide documentation from the Bressi Ranch Master Association that they will accept maintenance responsibilities for all areas designated as their responsibility on the landscape maintenance plan. Please confirm the maintenance of the median areas. Medians within public right- of-way are generally maintained by the Parks Division. Revise exhibit as appropriate. Response: Plans have been sent to the Bressi Ranch Master Association for review of maintenance areas and an acceptance letter wili be fonvarded to the City once obtained. The Maintenance Plan has been updated per comments from the BRMA and the Parks Division to 88A1 RESEARCH DRIVE, SUITE 200 IRVINE CA 92618 TEL 949.387.1325 FAX 949.387,1303 WWW.RIDGELA.COM LIC #LA2809 Page 3 of 5 show that the Owner will be responsible for new landscaping within the site perimeter areas currently maintained by the BRMA, as well as the new landscaping in the median. The Parks Division will continue to maintain the adjacent median planters that are unaffected by these proposed improvements. 16. Please add a note indicating that an encroachment agreement will be required for the installation of enhanced paving where located either within the right-of-way or public utility easements. Please coordinate the addition ofthis note to the civil plans as well and show the limits of enhanced paving on the civil plans. Response: This note has been added to Sheets Ll and L2 and has been coordinated with the civil plans. 17. The Landscape Manual requires that ground covers, shrubs, and trees be featured to screen elements of unsightliness and screen/soften new improvements. Please provide appropriate screen landscaping along the north side of the antenna and mechanical enclosures. Please also provide wall vines along the south side of the mechanical enclosure at the west end. Response: The site plan constraints do not allow for planter areas to encroach into the drive aisle north of the antenna and mechanical enclosures. Wall vines and screening shrubs have been added on the remaining sides ofthe enclosures wherever possible to screen/soften the new improvements to the extent possible. 18. The Landscape Manual Indicates that landscaping shall be used to accentuate and enhance architecture. Please provide additional tall evergreen trees along the west side (south end) of building 10 and south side of building 11 as appropriate to meet this requirement. Response: Tali evergreen trees have been added at both of these areas. 19. All utilities are to be screened. Landscape construction drawings will be required to show and label all utilities and provide appropriate screening. Response: General Note #17 has been added to Sheet L3, requiring screening of all utilities. 20. Trees shall be provided at the minimum rate of one per every four parking stalls. Trees pertaining to this requirement shall be located within the parking area, exclusive of parking lot setbacks. The trees shall be located in close proximity to the spaces they are to shade. Please address the requirement. Response: Trees have been added to meet this requirement. 21. If a landscaped strip is provided perpendicular to rows of parking spaces, the planting area shall be designed to provide a minimum of four (4) feet of landscaping clear ofvehlcle overhangs. Please resolve. Response: Site plan has been revised to eliminate this condition. 22. Long rows of parking should be broken up with landscaped islands. Landscaped islands should be provided at intervals of one island for approximately every 12 to 15 parking spaces. Please resolve. Check all areas. Response: Parking fingers have been added wherever possible to accommodate this request. Previous meetings with City staff indicated that diamonds would be sufficient in lieu of finger islands. 23. Please add the following bold, underiined portions ofthe notes to the plans: 8841 RESEARCH DRIVE, SUITE 200 IRVINE CA 92618 TEL 949.387.1323 FAX 949.387.1303 WWW.RIDGELA.COM LIC #LA2809 Page 4 of 5 Slopes 6:1 or steeper and: a. 3' or less in vertical height and are adjacent to public walks or streets require at a minimum Standard #1 (cover crop or erosion control matting). b. 3' to 8' in vertical height require Standards #1 (erosion control matting shall be installed in lieu of a cover crop), #2 and #3. c. In excess of 8' in vertical height require Standards #1 (erosion control matting shall be installed in lieu of a cover crop), #2, #3, and #4. Response: Note has been revised on sheet L3. 24. The water use plan has been forwarded to CMWD for review. Any comments will be returned to the applicant. Response: Acknowledged. 25. Please provide a written description of water conservation features including addressing xeriscape principles (see Appendix A) within the project. Response: Water Conservation Notes have been added to the Water Management Plan, Sheet L4. 26. Please add the following statement signed under penalty of perjury by the person who prepared the plans: "I am familiar with the requirements for landscape and irrigation plans contained in the city of Carisbad's landscape manual and water efficient landscape regulations. I have prepared this plan in compliance with those regulations and the landscape manual and agree to comply with all requirements when submitting construction documents. I certify that the plan implements those regulations to provide efficient use of water." Response: Statement has been added to pians on sheet Ll. 27. The surface area of a water feature, including swimming pools, shall be included in a high water use hydrozone and included in the water use calculations. If using potable water, the pond areas will not be Special Landscape Areas (SLA). Please note the proposed water use for the ponds on the water use plan and include in the water use calculations. Response: The water feature area has been included in the water use calculations on Sheet L4, and has been noted on the Water Area Use Map, Sheet L5. 28. The plan shall provide that only low volume or subsurface irrigation shall be used to irrigate any vegetation within twenty-four inches of an impermeable surface unless the adjacent impermeable surfaces are designed and constructed to cause water to drain entirely into a landscape area. Please address on plans. Response: This has been added as Water Conservation Note 1' on the Water Management Plan. 29. Please coordinate civil plans with the landscape plans. Check all areas. Response: Civii and landscape pians have been coordinated. 30. Please have all street work (include all pavement painting, structures, and median revisions) shown on the civil plans for Engineering Division review. Provide an updated copy of revised civil plans with the next review for cross checking. Response: Street work has been included on the civii pians. A copy ofthe civii pians has been included with this submittal. 8841 RESEARCH DRIVE, SUITE 200 IRVINE CA 92618 TEL 949.387.1323 FAX 949.387.1303 WWW.RIDGELA.COM LIC #LA2809 Page 5 of 5 31. RETURN REDLINES and provide 2 copies of all plans (concept, water conservation, and colored water use plan) for the next submittal. Please provide a written response to all comments clearly indicating where and how each comment was addressed. Response: Redlines, 2 copies of all pians and this response letter are included with this submittal. 8841 RESEARCH DRIVE, SUITE 200 IRVINE CA 92618 TEL 949.387.1323 FAX 949.387.1303 WWW.RiDGELA.COM LIC #LA2809 ViaSat - Bressi Ranch Lots 10-13 Re-submittal - Responses to Issues of Concern SCA Project No. 12085.S01 November 6, 2013 Page 4 -Continued- Buildinq: No Comments Parks and Recreation: Maintenance agreement between the Property Owner and the Finance Division forthcoming. Fire Department: Site plan: 1. 25' feet wide fire access road is provided. See Landscape sheet L1 for notes on the tree canopy height. - Noted on Plans (Sheet A1) - Noted. Water Improvement: 1. See note on sheet L1 Landscape: 1. See note on sheet Ll Fire Sprinklers: 1. Noted on sheets A2 and A3. 2. Both Buildings will be fully sprinklered as noted on sheets A2 and A3. 3. Fire Sprinkler plans will be submitted at Building Department plan check for review. Police: To the extent feasible, the project design will comply with the plan review and crime prevention recommendations. K:\12 Projects\12085 ViaSat\Administrative\Permit Processing\11-5-13_PIP Comments Response\11-06-13_ViaSat Response to 1st PIP comments.doc AREA 'A' Ab FT. AVERAGE SETBACK CALCULATION ALONG GATELUAT ROAD: ENCROACMMENT INTO 45' SETBACK •^::i:^-M<: -. 318 SF LANDSCAPE AREA BEHIND Ab' SETBACK (AO' BEHIND) = bbb SF EXHIBIT -1 Bressi Ranch - Lots 10-13 AREA A' ENLARGED PLAN 0 b SCALE: 1" = 20'-0 SmithCon suiti ng Architects ? LANDSCAPE AREA BEHIND Ab' SETBACK (AO' BEHIND) \-vv">^ = 606 SF EXHIBIT - 2 AREA 'C ENLARGED PLAN Bressi Ranch - Lots 10-13 0 5' 20' SCALE: r = 20'-0" &0' SmithCon suiting Architects OF •riLn V (CARLSBAD Community & Economic Development www.carlsbadca.gov October 24, 2013 Smith Consulting Architects Attn: Peter Bussett 13280 Evening Creek Drive, Suite 125 San Diego, CA 92128 SUBJECT: 1st REVIEW FOR SUP 13-03/SUP 98-03(C)/PIP 13-01/PUD 13-09/MCUP 13-13/MS 13-07 -VIASAT EXPANSION Thank you for applying for Land Use Permits in the City of Carlsbad. The Planning Division has reviewed your Scenic Corridor Special Use Permit, Scenic Corridor Special Use Permit Amendment, Planned Industrial Permit, Non-Residential Planned Development Permit, Minor Conditional Use Permit, and Minor Parcel Map, application nos. SUP 13-03/SUP 98-03(C)/PIP 13-01/PUD 13-09/MCUP 13-13/MS 13- 07, as to its completeness for processing. The application is complete, as submitted. Although the initial processing of your application may have already begun, the technical acceptance date is acknowledged by the date ofthis communication. The City may, in the course of processing the application, request that you clarify, amplify, correct, or otherwise supplement the basic information required for the application. In addition, you should also be aware that various design issues may exist. These issues must be addressed before this application can be scheduled for a hearing. The Planning Division will begin processing your application as of the date ofthis communication. In order to expedite the processing of your application, you are strongly encouraged to contact your Staff Planner, Greg Fisher, at (760) 602-4629, to discuss or to schedule a meeting to discuss your application and to completely understand this letter. You may also contact each commenting department individually as follows: • Land Development Engineering Division: David Rick, Associate Engineer, at (760) 602-2781. • Fire Department: Gregory Ryan, Fire Inspections, at (760) 602-4661. Sincerely, CHRIS DeCERBO Principal Planner CD:GF:sm Attachments (via Mike Peterson): Fire, Police, Parks 8i Recreation Red-line comments: Site plan, landscape plan, civil plan, SWMP/drainage study Planning Division ^ 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 T 760-602-4600 F 760-602-8559 ® ' • ;'S0l*T|-O3/SUP 98-03(C)/PIP 13-01/PUD 13-09/MCUP 13-13/MS 13-07 - VIASAT EXPANSION .... ,..A0ltob|r24, 2013 Page 2 c: Pivotal 650 California, LLC, 2201 E. Camelback Road, Suite 650, Phoenix, AZ 85016 Don Neu, City Planner David Rick, Project Engineer Mike Peterson, Development Service Manager Chris DeCerbo, Principal Planner File Copy Data Entry SUP 13-03/SUP 98-03(C)/PIP 13-01/PUD 13-09/MCUP 13-13/MS 13-07-VIASAT EXPANSION October 24, 2013 Page 3 ISSUES OF CONCERN Planning: 1. Please include the City's project numbers on future submittals, SUP 13-03/SUP 98-03(C)/PIP 13- 01/PUD 13-09/MCUP 13-13/MS 13-07. 2. Please submit an aeronautical study demonstrating that the proposed project has obtained an FAA Determination of No Hazard to Air Navigation (FAA Part 77 Form). FAR Part 77 regulations require that anyone proposing to construct an object, which could affect navigable airspace around an airport, shall submit information about the proposed construction to the FAA. The FAA will then conduct an aeronautical study, the outcome of which is a determination as to whether or not the object would be a potential hazard to air navigation. 3. Please post a project sign on the property consistent with the early public notice procedures. Please address the following parking requirement issues: 4. a) Remove the Bressi Ranch Parking Calculation Table shown on Sheet Al. The BRMP does not have a separate parking standard. The project must comply with Chapter 21.44 (Parking) of the CMC. As a reminder, parking calculations are based on gross floor area which includes elevators, stairs and utility rooms. b) Confirm the proposed uses (i.e. manufacturing and/or lab) as "manufacturing" was identified on Sheet Al and "lab" was identified on Sheets A5, A7, and AIO. Each use has its own parking ratio that needs to be appropriately analyzed. RSiD (lab) requires the same number of off-street parking spaces as office at a ratio of one space per 250 square feet of gross floor area, whereas, manufacturing requires a parking ratio of one space per 400 square feet of gross floor area. c) Please correct the "required", "provided", and "compact" parking figures and totals as they were incorrectly calculated. The correct parking calculations are as follows: Office (1/250 SF) 111,042 SF = 444.16 rounded to 445 spaces (*see discussion below) Manufacturing (1/400 SF) 32,058 SF = 80.14 rounded to 81 spaces C^see discussion below) Total parking required: 445 + 81 = 526 spaces Total parking provided per Sheet Al "parking table": 543 spaces (miscounted) Total actual parking counted per Sheet A2: 534 spaces There is a discrepancy between the total number of parking spaces provided and the actual number of parking spaces counted. Please confirm the total number of parking spaces provided. As proposed, lots 10-13 have a surplus of 8 parking spaces (534 provided minus 526 required = 8 spaces). The 8 surplus parking spaces are based on the project's gross building area that includes both office and manufacturing uses. The parking calculations will need to be revised if the manufacture space is "lab use" as identified on pages A7 8i AIO. SUP 13-03/SUP 98-03(C)/PIP 13-01/PUD 13-09/MCUP 13-13/MS 13-07-VIASAT EXPANSION October 24, 2013 Page 4 The project exceeds the number of compact spaces allowed per Section 21.44.050(A) of the CMC. Up to 25% of the total required parking spaces may be compact spaces. Currently, 132 compact spaces are provided and only 131 (526 total spaces x 25% = 131 spaces) are allowed. These figures do not include the excess parking spaces (8 spaces) which have been designated as compact spaces on the site plan. •^Pursuant to Section 21.44.010 (C) of the CMC, when calculating the required number of parking spaces, if the calculation results in a fractional parking space, the required number of parking spaces shall always be rounded up to the nearest whole number; and pursuant to Section 21.44.020 (B) ofthe CMC, in the case of multiple uses in a building or on a lot, the total requirements for off-street parking facilities shall be the sum of the requirements for the various uses computed separately. d) Provide the parking requirements for Phase 2a within the parking calculation table. As shown on the site plan, the project lacks the total required number of parking spaces to allow Phase 2a to be constructed without constructing Phase 2b simultaneously. Phase 1 and 2a combined provide only 466 parking spaces while 526 parking spaces are required for the construction of both buildings 10 & 11. e) Are any vehicles used in the conjunction with the manufacturing use? Per Section 21.44.020 (Table A) ofthe CMC, one additional parking space is required for each vehicle used in conjunction with the use. Please clarify. f) Please verify the parking totals for lots 1-5 on the west side of El Camino Real as listed in the parking summary table on Sheet Al.l. Recent administrative approvals that included the elimination of parking stalls do not appear to be reflected in the parking summary table. The City recently approved a Minor Conditional Use Permit application (MCUP 13-11) for a satellite antenna enclosure located within lot 4's parking lot that included the removal of seven parking stalls. The approved site plan for MCUP 13-11 indicated a total of 227 remaining parking spaces as compared to the 240 parking spaces shown on Sheet Al.l. Furthermore, a separate Minor Conditional Use Permit application (MCUP 09-06) for a satellite antenna farm located within lot 2's parking lot included the removal of 26 parking spaces. This application was approved April 23, 2009 but the project was never constructed. It has since expired, however the City was recently informed by ViaSat's representatives that a new application for an identical project will soon be submitted. Please be advised that there may be insufficient parking to accommodate both the proposed project that eliminates parking on lot 1 and the renewal application for the satellite antenna farm (MCUP 09-06) without the approval of an alternative solution. 5. Please provide the maximum height of the proposed antennas. What percentage of the exposed antennas will be visible, if any? The proposed antenna enclosure must comply with Section 21.53.140(e)l ofthe CMC. Setback Issues: 6. Pursuant to Section 21.34.070 (l)b and (2)B of the CMC, the project requires a 45 foot average setback along Gateway Road and Campbell Place. This setback shall be entirely landscaped and irrigated. SUP 13-03/SUP 98-03(C)/PlP 13-01/PUD 13-09/MCUP 13-13/MS 13-07-VIASAT EXPANSION October 24, 2013 Page 5 a) Please relocate building 10 as it does not comply with the 45 foot average setback along Gateway Road. b) The parking stalls located between the drive-aisle and Campbell Place do not comply with the required 45 average setback (due to a 10 foot increase in building height) along this street. Please reconfigure the parking layout to comply with the setback requirement. c) As shown on Sheet A2 and noted within the Site Plan Legend, the parking stalls fronting to Gateway Road have been designed with overhang. Please redesign these parking stalls as overhang is not permitted into any required landscape setback pursuant to Section 21.44.050 (A) Table B ofthe CMC. 7. Change all references to proposed "lot numbers" to "parcel numbers". 8. Provide elevation drawings drawn to scale of the proposed trellis structures. 9. Show the designated location(s) for short and long term bicycle storage, racks, etc., on the site plan compliant with green building codes. Land Development Engineering; 1. Address redlined comments on attached site plan, civil plans and landscape plans. 2. Submit a separate Storm Water Standards Questionnaire for the work proposed on the Building 1 site west of El Camino Real. Determine the net increase in impervious area and the earthwork quantities proposed on the Building 1 site. 3. Submit a letter from a soils engineer addressing design recommendations for the bioretention facilities, especially as it relates to bioretention basin number 2 abutting building 10. 4. Address comments in attached redlined SWMP/Drainage Study. 5. Plot proposed dedication of street right-of-way for the bus turn out on El Camino Real. The project will be conditioned that the developer obtains approval from NCTD for the proposed design prior to approval of improvement plans. 6. Remove any trees proposed within a utility easement. 7. The project will be conditioned to enter into an encroachment agreement for the decorative pavement, shade structure(s), landscaping and irrigation or any other private structure proposed within any city or Carlsbad Municipal Water District Easement. 8. Clearly identify those amenities proposed in the El Camino Real right-of-way which will be privately maintained through a median maintenance agreement, including but not limited to, enhanced landscaping, shade structure(s), pedestrian crossing signal and related electrical conduit. SUP 13-03/SUP 98-03(C)/PIP 13-01/PUD 13-09/MCUP 13-13/MS 13-07-VIASAT EXPANSION October 24, 2013 Page 6 Transportation Division: 9. Address marked comments on attached L8 plan. 10. Consider modifying the median opening for pedestrians to minimize the possibility of attempted U-turns. 11. Clarify the plan for the cross-walk. If it is standard thermoplastic materials, it will be maintained by city forces. Any non-standard painted planks will be privately maintained through a median maintenance agreement. 12. Consider using directional ramps across Gateway Road to improve pedestrian safety. 13. Add a raised median in Gateway Road with a pedestrian break. 14. Add limit lines for all approaches since we are using decorative treatments for the crosswalks. 15. Consider relocating the signal structure for the southbound traffic closer to the crosswalk since there is no conflicting vehicle movements. 16. Consider introducing a curvilinear design along the walkway (i.e., it seems the path is too straight from the front door to the end point across ECR). Landscaping: Please advise the applicant to make the following revisions to the plans so that they will meet the requirements ofthe City of Carlsbad's Landscape Manual. Numbers below are referenced on the red line plans where appropriate for ease in locating the area of the comment concern. 1. Page VII-27 of the Bressi Ranch Master Plan states: "Most of Planning Area 3 is located within the boundaries of the airport's Flight Activity Zone. Development within this portion of Planning Area 3 should be restricted in accordance with the requirements of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan for McClellan-Palomar Airport." Please insure all requirements are met. 2. Please show and label all existing and proposed easements. Insure no conflicts with trees. 3. Please indicate positive surface drainage (2% grade in planting areas) away from structures and terminating in an approved drainage system. 4. Please identify all symbols on the plans. 5. Please coordinate with civil plans addressing bio-retention area number 2. 6. Platanus acerifolia is having severe problems with anthracnose in the Carlsbad area. Please provide an appropriate substitute. SUP 13-03/SUP 98-03(C)/PIP 13-01/PUD 13-09/MCUP 13-13/MS 13-07-VIASAT EXPANSION October 24, 2013 Page 7 7. On collector streets and larger, landscape elements over 30 inches in height (including planting measured at maturity) as measured from adjacent street grade are not permitted at street corners within a triangular zone drawn from two points, 25 feet outward from the beginning of curves. Please revise plantings as appropriate. 8. Please provide a conceptual detail for the proposed overhead shade elements/canopy shade structures for review. 9. Please obtain review and approval of median modifications/landscaping from the Parks Division. Provide documentation of approval. Median work is to be shown on separate construction drawings and reviewed and approved by the Parks Division separate from on-site privately maintained areas. 10. Parking areas shall be screened from adjacent property or streets through the use of planting or any combination of planting, mounding, and decorative walls. Screening elements shall have a total height of at least three (3) feet. Please address. 11. Trees with broad branch structures shall be planted only where sufficient space is available. It is recommended that a smaller substitute tree be provided for Quercus agrifolia where located close to buildings and paving to avoid conflicts with the broad canopy and root structure. Please review all locations. 12. Rhaphiolepis umbellata may be too large for small parking lot planters. Rhaphiolepis umbellata 'Minor' may be more appropriate. Please review. 13. Please identify the proposed cover crop seed mix. 14. Please provide a temporary 36" tall screen planting to screen the parking areas. 15. Please provide documentation from the Bressi Ranch Master Association that they will accept maintenance responsibilities for all areas designated as their responsibility on the landscape maintenance plan. Please confirm the maintenance ofthe median areas. Medians within public right-of-way are generally maintained by the Parks Division. Revise exhibit as appropriate. 16. Please add a note indicating that an encroachment agreement will be required for the installation of enhanced paving where located either within the right-of-way or public utility easements. Please coordinate the addition of this note to the civil plans as well and show the limits of enhanced paving on the civil plans. 17. The Landscape Manual requires that ground covers, shrubs, and trees be featured to screen elements of unsightliness and screen/soften new improvements. Please provide appropriate screen landscaping along the north side ofthe antenna and mechanical enclosures. Please also provide wall vines along the south side of the mechanical enclosure at the west end. 18. The Landscape Manual indicates that landscaping shall be used to accentuate and enhance architecture. Please provide additional tall evergreen trees along the west side (south end) of building 10 and south side of building 11 as appropriate to meet this requirement. SUP 13-03/SUP 98-03(C)/PIP 13-01/PUD 13-09/MCUP 13-13/MS 13-07-VIASAT EXPANSION October 24, 2013 Page 8 19. All utilities are to be screened. Landscape construction drawings will be required to show and label all utilities and provide appropriate screening. 20. Trees shall be provided at the minimum rate of one per every four parking stalls. Trees pertaining to this requirement shall be located within the parking area, exclusive of parking lot setbacks. The trees shall be located in close proximity to the spaces they are to shade. Please address this requirement. 21. If a landscaped strip is provided perpendicular to rows of parking spaces, the planting area shall be designed to provide a minimum of four (4) feet of landscaping clear of vehicle overhangs. Please resolve. 22. Long rows of parking should be broken up with landscaped islands. Landscaped islands should be provided at intervals of one island for approximately every 12 to 15 parking spaces. Please resolve. Check all areas. 23. Please add the following bold, underlined portions of the notes to the plans: Slopes - 6:1 or steeper and: a. 3' or less in vertical height and are adjacent to public walks or streets require at minimum Standard #1 (cover crop or erosion control matting). b. 3' to 8' in vertical height require Standards #1 (erosion control matting shall be installed in lieu of a cover crop). #2 and #3. c. In excess of 8' in vertical height require Standards #1 (erosion control matting shall be installed in lieu of a cover crop). #2, #3, and #4. 24. The water use plan has been forwarded to CMWD for review. Any comments will be returned to the applicant. 25. Please provide a written description of water conservation features including addressing xeriscape principles (see Appendix A) within the project. 26. Please add the following statement signed under penalty of perjury be the person who prepared the plans: "I am familiar with the requirements for landscape and irrigation plans contained in the city of Carlsbad's landscape manual and water efficient landscape regulations. I have prepared this plan in compliance with those regulations and the landscape manual and agree to comply with all requirements when submitting construction documents. I certify that the plan implements those regulations to provide efficient use of water." 27. The surface area of a water feature, including swimming pools, shall be included in a high water use hydrozone and included in the water use calculations. If using potable water, the pond areas will not be Special Landscape Areas (SLA). Please note the proposed water use for the ponds on the water use plan and include in the water use calculations. 28. The plan shall provide that only low volume or subsurface irrigation shall be used to irrigate any vegetation within twenty-four inches of an impermeable surface unless the adjacent impermeable surfaces are designed and constructed to cause water to drain entirely into a landscaped area. Please address on the plans. 29. Please coordinate civil plans with the landscape plans. Check all areas. SUP 13-03/SUP 98-03(C)/PIP 13-01/PUD 13-09/MCUP 13-13/MS 13-07-VIASAT EXPANSION October 24, 2013 Page 9 30. Please have all street work (include all pavement painting, structures, and median revisions) shown on the civil plans for Engineering Division review. Provide an updated copy of revised civil plans with the next review for cross checking. 31. RETURN REDLINES and provide 2 copies of all plans (concept, water conservation, and colored water use plan) for the next submittal. Please provide a written response to all comments clearly indicating where and how each comment was addressed. Police: See attachment Building: See attachment Fire: See attachment Parks and Recreation: See attachment