HomeMy WebLinkAboutV 350; Edwin Deckelman; Variance (V)REQUEST
D7~ne Change OMinor Redevelopent Permit
DGeneral Plan Amcn&nent Owntative Tract Map Elspecific Plan Cl Pla?ned Unit Deve loprent 0 Major Condominium Permit C3Minor Condominim Permit &variance
ClMaster Plar, Uplanninq Comission Determination
ClMa jor Condominiim Conversion OMajor Re6evelopnent Permit Okhinistrative Variance
OPrecise Developnent Plan
USite Developent Plan OConditional Use Permit
Elspecial Use Permit
(check other boxes if appropriate)
__I - -
Fte Project (attach iiaitiorial sheets if necessary)
Variance to permit Parcel I@ with one 216 ft. long panhandle in order to serve rear
lot without disturbing Historical Landmark, house and barn. (garage)
mation of PFojcc~ rpG!Forey Avenue
Legal Description ( cog~e te 1 j -- ------ Y
See attached N.S. Hap 619
--- General Plan
Forest Avenue
Carlerbad, Calif 92008 7
General Plan Amendment/Zone Change
1. Application Form 2. General Requirement Items H-Q 3. Reproducible 1:500 scale map of subject property shawing requested zoning and surrounding zoning and land uses.
4. Fee: General Plan Amendment $200.00 + $5.00 per lot or acre. Zone Change: $500.00
Master Plan/Specific Plan/Precise Development Plan 1. Application Form 2. Genera?. Requirement Items: - thirteen (13) copies of items A-D - items E-Q 3. Fee: Master hlan $1,000 + $2.00 per/acre Specific Plan $1,000.00 Master Plan Amendment: Minor $50.00 + 2.00 acre Major $500.00 + 2.00 acre
Tentative Tract Map 1. Atmlication Form 2. Thirteen (13) copies of the Tentative Tract Map 3. General Requirement Items - thirteen (13) copies of items A-C - items E, G-K, M-R
4. Fee: $500.00 (1-25 lots or units) $750.00 (26-100 lots or units) $:,OOO (I00 + lots or units) Extension: 1/2 of original fee Revisiim: 1/4 of tentative map and regular fee on additional lots or acres.
Major Planned Development (5 or more units)
1. Application Form 2. General Requirement Items:
3. Conversion to Condominiums - list of names and
- thirteen (13) copies of items A-D - items E-Q
addresses of all tenants of the project, proof of notification of the tenants 60 days prior to filing tentative nap. 4. Fee: $200.00 $5.00 per unit for notification of tenants *
NOTE: Tentative Tract Yap Required
2. General Rcquireaent Items: - three (3) ccpias oC items A-D - item XI I., 0, P, Q
all tenants D€ the units ta bc converted to condominiums. 3. Conversion to Ccrndoniniums - list of names and addresses of
4. Fee: $SU.OO + $1.00 per illlit
KOTE: mtive Parcel M3p Required
Site Developinont Plan I. Application Form
2. General Requirement Items
- thirteen (13) copies of items A-D - items E-L, 0, PI Q 3. Fee: $3SO.C0
Conditional Use Fermit/&pecial Use Permit 1.Appiicafii,n Form 2. General Requirenent Items: - thirteen (13) copies of items A-D ..
, - items E-Q (items M,N 6 0 not required for Special Use
Permit. ) 3. Fee: $40G.00
Variance 7. Amlication Form .. 2. General Requirement Items: - thirteen (13) copies of item A - item E, G, H, J-N, I if applicable, and P (see Title 19. Environment) 3. Variance Supplemental Sheet 4. Fee: Single Family = $lOO.OQ Other = $250.00
Plannin Comnisaion Determination estrin Form
2. One page stateuent precisely indicating the determination request. 3. General Requirement Items: - thirteen (13) copies of items A and D - items HI K, and L 4. Fee: $25.00
Administrative Variance 1. ApP1iczt~n~o-i~
2. General ReqUiKf:ment Items:
3. Pee: S100.00
;ajar and.Min~r~rc!~velou~cnt Permits
-1 (3) copies of items A & D, if appl - iCenis G, H, J-N, and P
. AD1J~lC;lLlOra !OKI
" 2. Gi:i?cral i:oquireincnt Items:
/' - items (Major) E-N, P, R (if applicable) material
I - thirteen (13) copies of Iten! A-0
Silltl~JlCs. - item:: (Minor) E-HI J->I, P, material samples 3. Fee. (Not established except where other permit is nccc!ssary) .
i i i
A. Site Plax Shall include the following information: G. One (1) copy each of 8 1/2"x11" site plan and elevations.
E. F. ' One (1 ) copy' of colored elevations (24"x36') . One (1) copy of colored 'site plan (24"x36"]
H. One (1) copy of.8 1/2"x11" location map (suggested scale 1:200" - vicinity maps on the site Plan are not acceDtablel I Nme and address of applicant, engineer and/or architect, etc. ~11 easements I. Dimensioned locations of: J.
service areas and points of ingress and egress U K. of€-street. parking and loading areas showing L.
distances between buildings and/or structures M.
access, both pedestrian and vehicular, showing
location, number and typical dinension of spaces, and wheel stops.
building setbacks (front, rear and sides) location, height, and materials of walls and fences location of freestandinq signs all driveways to scale cn ~djacent and across the street properties for a distance o€ 100 feet beyond trlisits ot subject site. existin2 curbs, getters, sidewalks and existing paving widths within 100 feet on adjacent and across the street properties.
typical street section
any existing median islands within 100 feet of subject site. nearest cross streets on both sides with plus or minus distances from subject site.
- -7.-
location of all buildings within 100 feet of subject
tXoDPr t ies . N. * L-- - - a vicinitymap showing major cross streets a summary table indicating the following information: site acreage existing zone and land use progosed land use
building sq. footage
cumber of parking spaces sq. footage of open/recreational space ( if applicable) cubic footage of storage space (if applicable)
.total building coverage
percent lands capi nq 0.
Preliminary Grading and Drainaue Plan* (24"x36") - existing and pronosed contours on the site and within 100 feet of ti.e boundaries of the site. - elevations of the site - existing on-site trees; those to be removed and those to be saved. -
Prel in i n a r y Ila nd s c_a_pe a ndIr t i g a t j on P1 a? ( 2 4 x 3 6 " ) - location of planting areas and typical plant materials - location of areas to bc irrigated
Buj lding Elevations and Floor Plans* (2?."~36'~ ) - floor plans witn sGuarc fixtages included - location an6 size of storage areas - all builzings, structures, walls and/or fences, signs
(quantity and size)
and exterior lights.
Environmntal Impact- Assessment Fork ($100) 'C
Public Facility Agreement: 2 copies: One (1) notorizcd original, One (1) reproduced copy. Disclosure Statement Photostatic copy of deed with complete legal description of subject proprty or other form of description acceptable to the Land Use Plannina Manaaer. 1
-? Pro-erty Owners ' List: and Adgressed Stamped, Enve'lopes (Not neeclcdTor Site Develoment Plan. SDecial Use Permit i I 1
- __ and Minor Condominium Permii) 1) a tipcwritten list' of the nams and addresses of all property owners and occupants within.a 300 foot radius of subject property. The list shall include the San Diego County Assessor's parcel number from the latest assessment rolls. 2) Two separate sets of legal size, addressed stamped envelopes (four sets for condominium conversions) pf the property owners and occupants within a 300-foot radius of subject property. 1- any address other than single family residence, apartment OK suite number must be included. DO NOT TYPE ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER ON ENVELOPES AND LEAVE RETURN OF ADDRESS
BLANK. 3) For Condominium Conversions, two separate sets of addressed, stamped envelopes of all existing tenants is reauired.
306 Foot Radius Mae (Not needed for Site Development Plan, Special Use Permit and Minor Condominium Permit). A map to scale not less than 1" = 200' showing each lot within 300 feet of the exterior boundaries of the subject property. Each of these lots shall be consecutively numbered and correspond with the pro- perty owner's list. The scale of.the map may be reduced to a scale acceptable to the Land Use Planning Manager if the required scale is impractical.
For residential projects within Vista, Encinita? or San Dieguito School Districts, the aFplicant shall indicate whether he prefers to dedicate land for school facilities, to pay a fee in lieu thereof, or do a combination of these. If the applicant prefers to dedicate land, he shall suggr
the specific land. I
I For residential projects within the Carlsbad Unified School District and the San Marco.Unified School District, the applicant shall submit written confirmation that school facilities will be available and serve the project at time
of need. P. Preliminary Title Report Q. Proof of sewer availability if located in the Leucadia
R. Statement of agreement to waive tentative tract map time
County Water District.
8 1/2"x11t'.
Gross Acres
(or qJre footage, if less thar acre) 40,848 Sq. Ft.
R-B 7500
gy law a Variance may be approved anly if certain facts are found to exist.
Please read &se requirements carefully =and eq1d.n hw the prop4
project mets each of t-se facts.
a) ccnditicns agpliczible to LIE property or to the intended use that do not
and zare: Ordinances and policies but due to the location of the existing house and barn urnage1 opls t- e parcels can be created and tnen omy by grantlng
one or another type of variance. The existing h ouse and farm are nearly 100 years old and are desigqated-HistorfcaJ, Landmarks deserving of preservation.
After lengthy discussion of variance options with City staff, applicant feels this variance is least detrimental t o the property and neighborhood.
Use additicnal sheets if necessry-
Explain WIFJ tbre are excepticnal or extraordinary circumstances or
apply gmeral to tk r ro o cla s of u in tb sfy vi*;y ?his parce?%s gno&$ancf for % parceg under ex s ing
b) Explain why such variance is necessary for the preservatim arid azjoynmt of a substantial property rig& pssessed by otkr pro&perty in
t3-e same vichity anc? zQle but w"nich is dmied to the proprty in ilesticn:
e. e length of the requestea panhandL To deny this-or some other type of variance lsetback to Per-. 1 eanng Dulldlngs in place) is to create a hardship not sufrered by otner properties in %ne
There are other similar panhandles in the neighborhood and actually t K e subject
property's existing driveway is virt uallr th
c) Explain why the granthg Of such variance will not be materially Zetrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the proprty or hprovmts in such vicinity and zme in which the proAprty is located
Only by granting a variance can we prevent damage to existing buildings. - Tmr W ao so a.~ so in
the future if this variance request is granted. -
d) Explain W?IL* tk.e granting Of such varianca t.411 not adversely a€fect t'he
wrtprektisive general pl-cm: This desr, super block has already been developed
to maximum uswe exceDt for this subject parcel, the only parcel not enjoying the Drivileee of reaso-le dfWek&aBnt. The requested variance therefore - does not really set am adverse Drecedent in the neighborhood. -- --
In order to assist the members of the Planning Commission and
City Council to avoid possible conflicts of interest, all appli- cants are required to complete this disclosure form at the time of submitting their application. When this form has been com- pleted and signed, the information will be relied upon by them in
determining if a conflict may exist, so please ensure that all of
the information is completed and accurate. If at anytime before a final action on your application has been rendered, any of the
information required by this disclosure changes, an amendment
reflecting this change must be filed.
If the applicant is an individual, or a partnership (either gen- eral or limited) or a joint venture, please state the full name,
address and phone number of each person or individual (including trusts) who own any beneficial interest in the property which is the subject of this application. Should one or more parties to
the app1icatio.n be a partnership or joint venture, then please
state the full legal name of the partnership or joint venture, its legal address and the name and address of each individual person who is a general and/or limited partner or member of the joint venture.
Should one or more of the parties be a privately held corporation
(10 shareholders or less) or a real estate syndication, then
please state the state of incorporation or syndication, corporate
number, date of incorporation or syndication, corporate or syn- ,dicate address, and the full names and addresses of each individual shareholder or syndicate member. Should the corpor-
ation be a publically held corporation, then state the full name and address of the corporation, the place of its incorporation, number of shareholders, and the name and address of the officers of the corporation.
Should you feel that additional information needs to be provided in order to provide a full disclosure, please include it.
The Subdivision Map Act and the Carlsbad Municipal Code sets a .fifty (50) day time restriction on Planning Commission processing of Tentative Maps and a thirty (30) day time limit for City
Council action. These time limits can only be extended by the mutual concurrence of the applicant and the City.
applications for Tentative Maps concurrently with applications for other approvals which are prerequisites to the map; i.e.,
Environmental Assessment, Environmental Impact Report, Condominium Plan, Planned Unit Development, etc., the fifty (50) day time limits and the thirty (30) day time limits are often exceeded.
If you wish to'have your application processed concurrently, this agreement must be signed by the applicant or his agent. If
you choose not to sign the statement, the City will not accept
your application for the Tentative Map until all prior necessary entitlements have been processed and approved.
By accepting
The undersigned understands that the processing time required by the City may exceed the time limits, therefore the undersigned
agrees to extend the time limits for Planning Commission and
City Council action and fully concurs with any extensions of time up to one year from the date the application was accepted as complete to properly review all of the applications.
Signature Date
Name (Print) Relationship to Application (Property Owner-Agent)
Unfortunately most builders or designers do not give adc- quate consideration to the design of ingress and egress of commercial refuse trucks. Therefore we hope that the following information will be of kelp when considering a commercial or residential buildfng.
A loaded trash truck has a gross weight aQ 50,000 to i 52,000 pounds. (25 tons + or 0)
Most driveways and access roads to commercial buildings, apartment buildings and condominium buildings are not desianed to suDDort such heavy loads as indicated in # 1. A driveway decomposed granite bs a base with a topping of not less must have at least 6 inches of a good grade of
-. than 4 inches of asphalt.
A driveway rust be not less than 20 feet wide with no parking allowed. Typically, some cities allow 24 feet wide streets with no parking; 30 feet wide streets with parking on one side, 36 feet wide streets with parking on both s4des. Streets in a mobile home park are, by State Code, 30 feet wide with no street parkfng allowed.
No overhang such as wires, tree branches, building eaves may be lower than 13 feet 6 inches. By the trash container area there must be no overhang whatsoever because a typical front loader refuse truck needs in excess of 20 feet in height.
?age 2
Refuse truck are typiC8lly four types:
1. front Loader 30 feet long 2. Sldc Loader , 32 feet long 3. Rear Lorder ' 23 feet lmg 4. Roll Off 32 feet long To provide 8dequate turning radius abvfously I lrrge area is rcqulred. Not less than 80 fact In most cases. Since ft is not always practical to provlde such a large turning ares it is often ncccessrry to do a lot of backing in and out. trash recept8cle wea.
Uany problems are encountered because of improper size and design of trash enclesures. for proper rfsss an enclosure must be not less than the fallowing dtmtnrfons.
A reraight run should alsrays be provided to the
Interior length 102 inches 1 Interior width 65 fnches Height 68 inches
Trash blns are by nature clumsy and bulky. to the enclosure it is strongly urged that ,an interior 6 inch high curbing be installed as a guide to prevent the bin from bumping against the superstructure.
70P V \E'T--
To rvaid damage
-- - .- -- - - ____
Lc ---- ---- See drawing ..-_-__ below:
9 tr 1 -. . - ;9 . :L
ab€ VIEW