HomeMy WebLinkAboutV 352; Pine Street Apartment Complex; Variance (V)STAFF REPORT DATE : January 25, 1984 TO: Planning Commission FROM : Land Use Planning Office SUBJECT: GPA/LU 83-20/ZC-297/SDP 83-10/V-352 - PINE STREET APARTMENT COMPLEX - Request to amend the General Plan and corresponding zoning to allow very high density development (30-40 du/ac). Also a Site Development Plan to allow a 50-unit apartment project, and a variance to delete the requirement for a view- obstructing parking lot wall, at 336 and 372 Pine Avenue . I. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission APPROVE the Negative Declaration issued by the Land Use Planning Manager, and ADOPT Resolution Nos. 2241, 2242, 2243 and 2244, recommending APPROVAL of GPA/LU 83-20, ZC-297, SDP 83-10 and V-352, based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. 11. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The applicant is requesting approval of an amendment to the Land Use Element of the General Plan to change the designation from RH (20-30 du/ac) to RVH (30-40 du/ac), a zone change from R-3 to RD-H, and a site development plan for 50 apartment units on 1.49 acres on the north side of Pine Avenue, immediately west of the AT 61 SF Railroad tracks. A variance is also requested to delete the requirement for a view-obscuring parking lot wall along the eastern property line. The subject property is currently occupied by an older single- family dwelling, Existing development in the area is primarily single-family in nature, however, the General Plan and zoning reflect eventual multi-family development at 20-30 du/ac. The site is within easy walking distance of downtown commercial and service facilities. Attached Exhibit "W" shows the site's close proximity to the Redevelopment area. The railroad right-of-way abuts the property to the east. The developer proposes parking, in excess of the project requirement, on a 70-fOOt wide portion of this right-of-way, through a lease agreement with the railroad company. Although Washington Street will be constructed through the blocks northerly and southerly of the site, the Master Plan for Washington Street does not provide that it be constructed through this block. As required by the RD-H zone, the requested general plan amendment and zone change are being processed concurrently with a site development plan for apartments. The applicant is proposing to develop 50 apartments in eight buildings. The project would include 20 studio units, 20 one-bedroom units, and 10 two-bedroom units. The resulting overall density is 33.5 du/ac. 111. ANALYSIS - GPA, ZC, AND SDP Planning Issues 1) Does the project site and proposed project satisfy the criteria established for the RVH land use designtion and RD-H Zone? Specifically: a) Is the location appropriate by its proximity to the commercial core and downtown area? b) Does the project provide low and moderate income housing? 2) Does the proposed project satisfy the development standards of the RD-H zone? Discussion The RVH land use designation and RD-H zone were created to be applied in very limited locations where higher densities are appropriate and desirable, such as near the commercial core, in the downtown area or close to high employment centers. It was also the purpose to provide a higher density to facilitate the development of low and moderate income ownership and rental housing, The project site occurs at the end of a block, about one block from the downtown area. It is within easy walking distance of both commercial and service facilities, and to the beach. Properties to the north, west and south will eventually be developed at 20-30 du/ac. As such, staff concludes that the proposed site satisfies the location criteria for such land use intensification. Surrounding future land use intensity, and the fact that the site is on the periphery of a block, render the project compatible with surrounding land uses. Staff recommends that the proposed project be conditioned that the applicant provide, through written agreement with the City, 25% of the units at low and moderate income rental rates, thus, satisfying the other criteria for approval of the RD-H zone. Such agreement is attached as Exhibit "Z". The Applicant has indicated his concurrence with this requirement. Affordable housing is also required on this project becuase the applicant has been exempted from the regular General Plan Amendment schedule which is permitted by State law if a project is affordable. -2- The proposed project meets the development standards required of a 50-unit apartment project in the RD-H zone. All driveway, parking, setback, height and other requirements regulating development has been provided. The buildings are broken-up to provide a high degree of openess to the project. A centralized swimming pool and related features provides common recreational amenities. The units will possess balconies or patios. Forty parking spaces in excess of that required, are proposed on a leased portion of the railroad right-of-way. While staff believes this to be an extra feature of the plan, all parking calculations were figured without this area. With the exception of the following variance request, staff concludes that the project meets the devlopment standards of the RD-H zone. IV. ANALYSIS - VARIANCE Planning Issue 1) Can the project meet the four required findings for approval of a variance? Specifically: That the lot has exceptional or extraordinary circumstances; That without the variance, the owner is being denied a substantial property right; That the variance will not be harmful to the public welfare; and That the variance will not adversely affect the General Plan. Section 21.23.110 allows that the side yard setback of uncovered parking spaces be reduced to zero feet provided that a 6-foot high view-obscuring fence is constructed at the property line. As shown on Exhibit "A", the applicant proposes to comply with this requirement on the western property line, but requests that the condition be deleted along the eastern line, since this line is in the middle of a parking lot. Staff agrees that the findings required for approval of a variance can be made in this case. Since this property line is adjacent to the railroad right-of-way (at least temporarily a parking lot) and will never be developed in residential, or other uses impacted by headlight glare, exceptional circumstances exist. Further, there are no other properties, at this time, with the side property line situated in the middle of a parking lot. The owner is being denied a property right because other developers are not required to erect walls down the center of a parking area. -3- Such wall would further create a security problem on the east side of the lot, rendering it harmful to the general public. Staff foresees no way in which the granting of this variance would adversely affect the general plan. In summary, staff concludes that the subject site meets the intent and purpose of the very-high density land use designation as adopted by the City Council. the applicant to develope a project that also meets the standards of the very high density zone, and recommends approval of all four discretionary actions. Staff has worked closely with ATTACHMENTS Planning Commission Resolution Nos. 2241, 2242, 2243, and 2244 Location Map Background Data Sheet Disclosure Form Environmental Documents Exhibits "W", "X" and "Y", dated January 25, 1984 Exhibit "Z", dated January 25, 1984 Exhibits "A", "B", and "C", dated January 25, 1984 PJK:bw 1 / 19/84 -4- SITE BACKGRUJND DATA SHEGT CASE No: GPW 83-2O/ZC-297/SDP 83-lO/V-352 APPLICANT: Pine Street Apar tment Ccnnp lex REQUEST AND XICATION: General Plan and Zoning to allow 30-40 du/ac. ment proposal for 50 apar tment units, variance to delete wall. LEGAL DESCRIEYTION: The Northeasterly 159 feet of Tract 99 of Carlsbad Lands, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Dieqo, State of California, amding to the Map thereof No. 1661, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Develop- Diego, March 1, 1915. APN: 203-260-09 and 10 Acres 1.49 Proposed No. of bts/units 50 GENERAL PLAN AND ZaUING Land Use Designation Density Allowed F" 30-40 du/ac Density praposed 33.5 du/ac RH to RVH Existing Zone R-3 Surrounding Zoning and Land Use: Zoninq Site R-3 North R-3 South R-3 East Railmad Proposed Zone Fa+ West R-3 PUBLIC FACILITIES Land Use SED SED SED Railroad Vacant School District Carlsbad Water Carlsbad Sewer Carlsbd EDU's 50 Public Facilities Fee Agreement, dated ENVIRXMEZW& IMPACT ASSESSMENT - Negative Declaration, issued - E.I.R. Certified, dated Other, January 9, 1984 John R. Pautsch, Jr . (1ndiv;S'~ and Knobbe, Martens Nme (individual, partnership, joint venture, cor-=ration, syndicatioa) Olson, Hubbard (& Bear APPLJCRNT : -ship ,I Respectively: (714) 675-4797; & . AGENT : - - Telephone Number John R. Pautsch, Jr. Name SAME AS ABOVE -. - .. Business Address .. .. .. * ... .. .. Telephone Number . . ..- . . . .. . EE:1.IBms: rmne *(individual, partner, joint ~ . Eome Zdress venture, conozation, syndication) B;lsiness AdcLress Telephone Nlzker Telephone X!umber 3isiness Ad5ress . ~t3.ep'nor.a Nhsr Telephne Xunber . -- (Attach more sheets if necessary) , f/ite declze wder ,-er?alty of perjury that the infomation contaked in this dis- closure is tme and correct and that it Will remain true and correct and nay be' .. BY Agent, C.-:p.ez, Partnpr EXHIBIT W JAN. 25, 1984 PROJECT SITE GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT EXHIBIT X 1-25-84 c 3 a r cn m s 0 m P < 0 L SITE FROM RH TO RVH GPAILU 83-20 I ZC-297 PONE STREET APTS. os M SITE FROM R-3 TO RD-H EXHIBIT '2" $ January 25,1984 RECORDING REQUESTED BY: 1 Assessors Parcel No.: WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: 1 1 City of Carlsbad 1 1200 Elm Avenue 1 Carlsbad, California 92008 ) space above for recorder's use AGREEMENT IMPOSING RESTRICTIONS ON REAL PROPERTY This agreement is made and entered into this day of , 1983 by and between the City of Carlsbad, California, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Carlsbad" and John R. Pautsch, hereinafter referred to as "applicant." RECITALS A. Applicant is the owner of certain real property located at 336 and 372 Pine Avenue in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated by this reference. B. Applicant has filed an appl'ication for a General Plan Amendment from RH to RVH (GPA/LU 83-20), a zone change from R-3 to RD-H (ZC-297) and a site development plan for a 50 unit Page 1 of 7 _- apartment project at a density of 33.5 dwelling units per acre (SDP-83-10) (hereinafter referred to as "project") for the real property referred to above. The applications are collectively referred to hereinafter as the "application". A density of 33.5 dwelling units per acre is requested in order to assist Carlsbad in achieving the goals established by the Housing Element of the General Plan. To achieve those goals the project must be available for rental for the period stated herein. Without the rental restrictions Carlsbad would not approve the project. C. In order to induce the City to approve the application and in a desire to comply with the provisions of Chapter 21.23 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and with California Health and Safety Code section 55093 applicant desires to provide that thirteen of the dwelling units in the project will be available to persons and families of low to moderate income for a period of ten years and that the entire project be available for rental for a period of ten years. D. Carlsbad desires to ensure the continued availability of thirteen of the dwelling units of the project for persons or families of low or moderate income and to ensure that the project will be available for rental for the time period specified in this agreement . /// /// /// Page 2 of 7 E. In order to ensure the continued availability of this project as a rental project and the continued availability of thirteen of the units for persons and families of low and moderate income the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has required execution of this agreement concurrently with their approval of the application. Without the execution of this agreement the City Council would be unwilling to grant approval of the application. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the recitals and of Carlsbad's approval of the application and of the benefit conferred thereby upon the subject real property and the applicaton it is hereby agreed as follows: 1. Definitions - whenever the following words or phrases appear in this agreement they shall have the meaning established by this section. a. "Qualified Person or Family" or "Person or Family of Low or Moderate Income" shall mean persons and families whose income does not exceed 90% of the area median income adjusted for family size pursuant to the provisions of section SO093 of the State Health and Safety Code. Qualifications shall be verified by the Carlsbad Housing Authority. b. "Established Rent" shall mean the maximum monthly rent established for each restricted unit by the Director of Building and Planning. Established rents may vary based on the income level, family size of the qualified person or family Page 3 of 7 J and upon the size of the restricted unit. Established rents shall be affordable to qualified persons or families. Rent shall be deemed affordable if it does not exceed twenty five percent of the median monthly gross income of the qualified persons or families. In determining established rents the Director of Building and Planning shall base the determination solely upon the latest affordable rent schedule proposed by HUD as defined in this agreement. Established rents shall be determined annually. c. "Restricted Unit" means a dwelling unit in the project which is occupied by or available for rent to a qualified person or family. d. "Affordable Rent Schedule" means the affordable rents for median household income for San Diego County or the equivalent geographic area as annually established by the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) pursuant to Section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937. In the event that such determinations on schedules by the Department of Housing and Urban Development are discontinued the rent shall be set at twenty five percent of the monthly area median household income established and published by the Department of Housing and Community Development of the State of California pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 50093 for the family size occupying the unit. The HUD income ranges and corresponding affordable rents for July 1983 are attached as Exhibit B. 2. Restrictions on the Project a. That for a period of ten years from the date of Page 4 of 7 issuance of the certificate of occupancy for the project all units in the project shall be available for rental. If applicant submits an application for such conversion at any time during the ten year period approval or conditional approval of such conversion shall be subject to a condition that for the remainder of the ten year period for rental the applicant shall not convey individual units in the project. b. That for a period of ten years from the date of occupancy of the project any thirteen of the dwelling units constructed shall be made available for rental to qualified persons or families, Each restricted unit shall be rented at an established rent. c. The design and exterior appearance of the reserved units shall be compatible with the nonreserved units within the development in varying locations on the site, The reserved units shall be constructed either prior to or simultaneously with the nonreserved units with the development , If the development is being constructed in phases, the percentage of reserved units to be constructed in each phase shall be equivalent to the percentage of the total number of nonreserved units being constructed in that phase. d. Applicant shall keep rental data for restricted units and qualified persons or families and shall submit annual rental data for the restricted units and qualified persons or Page 5 of 7 families occupying the units to the Carlsbad Director of Building and Planning and the Housing Authority. During the term of this agreement the Director of Building and Planning or the-Housing Authority may inspect or audit the applicant's books for the project semi-annually to ensure performance of this agreement by applicant. At any time, upon reasonable advance notice to the applicant, the Director of Building and Planning or the Housing Authority may inspect the project to ensure performance of this agreement. 3. Carlsbad may assign all or any of its rights or obligations under this agreement to the Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Commission, but to no other public agency. 4. All notices required under this agreement shall be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested to the following address : To Applicant: John R. Pautsch 2204 Waterfront Drive Corona Del Mar, California 92625 To Carlsbad: Attn: Director of Building and Planning 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 5. The covenants, conditions and obligations contained herein shall run with the land and shall apply to and bind the heirs, successors and assigns of all parties hereto. This agreement shall be recorded. Page 6 of 7 6. This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and no modification shall be binding unless reduced to writing, signed by the parties hereto. 7. All questions pertaining to the validity and interpretation of this agreement shall be determined in accordance with the law of California applicable to contracts made and to be performed within the State. 8. This agreement shall remain in full force and effect for ten years from the issuance of the cerfiticate of occupancy for the project unless sooner cancelled by the City Council after a noticed public hearing on the matter. 9. Applicant shall notify the Carlsbad Housing Authority of the availability of any restricted units. The Carlsbad Housing Authority may refer prospective tenants to applicant. The Applicant may, but is not obligated to, participate in any housing program offered by the Housing Authority. CITY OF CARLSBAD Bv : John R. Pautsch Page 7 of 7 EXHIBIT A The Norteasterly 159 feet of Tract 99 of Carlsbad Lands, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to the Map thereof No. 1661, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego, March 1, 1915. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE Northwesterly 212 feet. APN - 203-260-09 EXHIBIT B $ Median Size of Income Family 1 2 3 -- 75% 80% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 90% 95% 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Annudl Income Monthly IlK!OLW $17,556 $20,064 $22,572 $28,215 $29,783 $31,350 09:%3 $1,15S.OO $1,320.00 $1,485.00 $1,650.00 $1,753.13 $1,856.25 $1,959.38 $2,062.50 $1,232.00 $1,408.00 $1,584.00 $1,760.00 $1,870.00 $1,980.00 $2,090 000 $2,200.00 $1,309.00 $1,496.00 $1,683.00 $1,870.00 $1,986.88 $2,220 -63 $1,386.00 $1,584.00 $1,782.00 $1,980.00 $29103.75 $2,227.50 $2,3S1*25 $2,475 $2,103.75 $2,337 50 $1,463.00 $1,672.00 $1,881 .OO $2,090.00 $2,220.63 $2,351 025 $2,481 .88 $2,612 .50 r ' _. I) AFFORDABLE RENT Q 25% . .. - .. ~ ~- $288.75 $412.50 $438.28 $464.06 $489.84 $515.63 $330.00 $371 025 $308.00 $352000 $396-00 m.00 $467.56 $495 000 $522.50 $550.00 $327.25 $374.00 $420.75 $467.50 $496.72 $525.94 $555.16 $584 38 $346.50 - Studio $396.oy 1 $445.50 $556.8 $587.81 $618.751- Bdro $365.75 $4 18 .OO $470 25 $522.50 $555.16 $587.81 $620.47 $653.13