HomeMy WebLinkAboutV 97-02; Mann Residence; Variance (V)7. /
Item No. 0
P.C. AGENDA OF: April 15,1998
Application complete date: November 15, 1997
Project Planner: Brian Hunter
Project Engineer: Clyde Wickham
SUBJECT: CDP 97-23N 97-02 - MANN RESIDENCE - Request for approval of a Coastal
Development Permit to allow for the consolidation of two lots and the addition to
an existing single family residence which requires a Variance to allow the
construction of a two car garage with less than an internal dimension of 20’ by 20’
and the addition to an existing dwelling unit beyond the height limit allowed by
the Beach Area Overlay Zone within the City’s Coastal Zone, located at 2701
Ocean Street, in Local Facilities Management Zone 1.
That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolutions No. 4256 and 4257
APPROVING Coastal Development Permit 97-23 and Variance 97-02 based upon the findings
and subject to the conditions contained therein.
Pursuant to Section 21.201.060 (A)( l)(b) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, the addition to an
existing single family residential building where the residence or proposed improvement would
encroach within fifty feet of the edge of a coastal bluff within the City’s Coastal Zone requires
the processing and approval of a Coastal Development Permit (CDP). Specifically, the applicant
wants to add five feet to the width of the existing fifteen foot wide single family structure along
the south part of the building and consolidate two underlying adjacent lots. The Variance is an
appropriate request due to the project’s location within the Beach Area Overlay and the R-3 Zone
and an inability to meet specific development standards associated with those sections of the
Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC). The CDP and Variance applications were reviewed for
consistency with LCP policies and implementation. There are no unresolved issues. Staffs
recommendation for approval with conditions is supported by the following analysis.
Proiect SiteBettinq:
attached Location Map. The area of the lots is 0.155 acres (6750 square feet).
Two ocean front lots located at 2701 Ocean Street, as shown on the
Proposed Residential Construction: Residential addition of 763 square feet (1 10 square feet to
the garage, 268 square feet to the main floor, 385 square feet to the upper floor).
Additional Proi ect Reauest: Lot Consolidation and Variances to allow an enlarged residential
structure within the beach area overlay zone to exceed two stories (CMC Section 21.82.050) and
CDP 97-23N 97-02 - MAh1.I RESIDENCE
April 1, 1998
LCP Land Use Plan
General Plan
Grading Permit Required
Page 2
Mello I1
Residential High (RH)
Multiple Family Residential (R3)
to allow a two car garage in a multi family zone (R-3) to have a minimum dimension of less than
twenty feet by twenty feet as measured from the interior wall edges of the garage (CMC Section
Native Vegetation Impacts
As shown on the Coastal Development Compliance Table below, the proposed development is in
compliance with all applicable regulations with the exception of garage area and number of
Front Yard Setback
SideRear Yard Setback
20 Feet 28 Feet
5 Feet and 10 Feet 5 Feet and 18 Feet 11 Inches
Hillside DeveloDment Permit Required I No II
Max Building Height I 2 stories I 3 Stories II
Lot Coverage I 60% 123%
The project site is located within the appeal area of the Coastal Zone and within the Mello I1
Segment of the Local Coastal Program (LCP). The appealable area of the coastal zone is
generally located between the sea and the first public roadway paralleling the sea, or within 300
feet of the inland tide extent of any beach or the mean high tide line where there is no beach,
whichever is the greatest distance. Within the appeal area of the coastal zone, a Coastal
Development Permit is appealable to the California Coastal Commission within 10 working days
of the Commission’s receipt of a written notice specifying the City’s final action on the matter.
The proposed project is consistent with the Mello I1 segment of the LCP which contains land use
policies for development and conservation of coastal land and water areas within the Segment
boundaries. The property is designated Residential High Density (RH) in the LCP (and General
Plan) and is being developed consistent with this designation and its basic zoning, R-3. Soils and
geologic analysis of the project site were prepared in conformance with Mello I1 Segment
requirements. These studies determined that with the existing revetment and soil type on the site,
the proposed development will have a useable life span of at least 75 years and that the
development will have no adverse effect on the stability of the coastal slope west of the building
site. Further, consistent with Policy 7-12, the proposed structure, decks and balconies comply
with the “stringline” method of measurement with adjacent and nearby structures, decks and
balconies to the north and south.
CDP 97-23N 97-02 - MAh1.I RESIDENCE
April 1, 1998
That a soils investigation be conducted
to determine that the site slope areas
are stable and grading and
Pane 3
A soils and geologic analysis of the project site was prepared in
conformance with City requirements. The study determined that with the
existing revetment and soil type on the site, the proposed development
The project site is also subject to the special requirements of the Coastal Resource Protection
Overlay Zone (Chapter 21.203) and Coastal Shoreline Development Overlay Zone (Chapter
21.204) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The project complies with these special coastal overlay
zones as discussed below.
Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone
The Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone is intended to supplement the underlying zone by
providing additional resource protective regulations within designated areas to preserve, protect
and enhance the habitat resource value of lagoons and sloping hillsides. This overlay zone
requires that for steep slope areas not containing endangered planthima1 species and or coastal
sage scrub and chaparral plant communities, that development of steep slopes (25% or greater)
may be permitted subject to specific findings. As illustrated in the table below, these findings
can be made.
development impacts mitigable for at
least 75 years, or the life of the
Slope disturbance will not result in
substantial damage or alteration to
major wildlife habitat or native
No grading or removal of steep slope
areas will be permitted unless all
environmental impacts have been
will have a useable life span of at least 75 years and that the development
will have no adverse effect on the stability of the coastal slope west of the
building site.
Slope disturbance will not damage or alter major wildlife habitat or native
vegetation since the site was previously developed with a structure,
ornamental landscaping and paving and there is no native vegetation
located on this in-fill site.
No grading is proposed.
As designed and conditioned, the proposed project complies with all other requirements of this
overlay zone including provisions for proper drainage and erosion control. No development on
the property is proposed within the one-hundred year floodplain.
Coastal Shoreline Development Overlay Zone
The Coastal Shoreline Development Overlay Zone is intended to provide land use regulations
along the coastline area to protect the public’s interest in maintaining the shoreline as a unique
recreational and scenic resource. This overlay zone addresses use of beach area, beach access
and shoreline development standards. No development of the beach is proposed with this
project. The proposed project has been designed in conformance with the applicable
requirements of this overlay zone as described in the table below.
CDP 97-23N 97-02 - MAhN RESIDENCE
April 1, 1998
Page 4
Lateral Access
25-feet dry sandy beach
Bluff Top Access
Applies to lots where no beach
present or where beach is not
Vertical Access
Determine public need to gain
access, constraints to access
beach, and privacy needs of
property owner
Geotechnical Report
Analyze cliff erosion and
geologic conditions
Building developed on site
with a general attractive
appearance related to
surrounding development and
natural environment.
Ocean Views
Building designed to preserve
to the extent feasible ocean
Natural Features
To extent feasible, retain
natural features and
Grading executed so as to
blend with existing terrain.
25-feet of dry sandy beach seaward of existing revetment. Dedication of
land seaward of revetment.
Beach is accessible via existing stairway on property. Beach is present,
therefore requirement does not apply to project.
Vertical access exists on project site.
A soils and geologic analysis of the project site was prepared in
conformance with City requirements. The study determined that with the
existing revetment and soil type on the site, the proposed development will
have a useable life span of at least 75 years and that the development will
have no adverse effect on the stability of the coastal slope west of the
building site
The structure has been designed with attractive architectural features which
will be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood and natural
environment to the west.
The project has been designed with a low-scale building facade on Ocean
Street and the structure has been sited to preserve the view easement which
will, to the extent feasible, preserve views of the ocean from the street.
The building has been designed with a low-facade along Ocean Street and
the structure has been designed to step-down the hillside consistent with this
No grading proposed.
The project adheres to coastal “stringline” setback measurements
requirements for the dacement of structures. balconies and decks.
The project requires two variances due to a building height over two stories (CMC 21.82.050)
and garage with an interior dimension of less than 20’ by 20’. The subject parcel(s) has a fifty
foot width. A five foot side yard is required per the zoning ordinance and is maintained by the
CDP 97-23N 97-02 - MAhd RESIDENCE
April 1,1998
Page 5
existing structure on the north side. The southern twenty five feet of the property is an easement
encumbered by the California Coastal Commission to include a 5’ beach access with a 20’ view
corridor immediately adjacent, thereby not allowing expansion of the structure into this area.
Therefore it is impossible, given the 20’ remaining developable lot width, to provide a street
level garage with an interior dimension of 20’ by 20’ as required by the municipal code.
The intent and purpose of the beach area overlay (BAO) zone is to ensure that development will
be compatible with surrounding developments, both existing and proposed, in the beach area;
provide adequate parking as needed by residential projects; ensure that adequate public facilities
will exist to serve the beach area; and protect the unique mix of residential development and
aesthetic quality within the area. This project is one of those unique residential developments
that was existing at the institution of the BAO and that adds to the aesthetic quality of the area,
not only through its structural design, but via the view corridor easement. The project proposes
three full sized parking spaces, two of which are covered, which meets the development
standards of the BAO, but not the Parking Ordinance.
As identified by numerous approvals of height variances along the west side of Ocean Street
since the adoption of this ordinance (including Variance 90-02 which was approved for a
maximum height of four stories and 47 feet for new construction) it may not have been the intent
of the decision makers to apply the strict limit of the development standards to these properties as
long as the findings necessary for a variance and the intent of the BAO ordinance are attained.
Given that this is a five foot width addition to an existing dwelling that will actually enhance the
ability to provide covered parking for two vehicles (the garage will have an exterior dimension of
22’ by 20’), staff supports this request as it meets the intent of BAO, if not the strict
development standards contained in another section of the municipal code. Please see
Attachment “Exhibit AX’ for a partial listing of approved variance requests on Ocean Street.
Staff believes the findings required for the variances can be made as follows:
There are exceptional circumstances that apply to this property in the Beach Area Overlay in that
the project has extreme topographical limitations on its ability to design a two story structure of
similar size to those properties to the east of Ocean Street where larger, flatter lots are present.
The property has both an access and a view corridor easement across it, which further limits the
usable area, unlike most properties within the BAO.
The requested variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property
right possessed by other property in the same vicinity and zone but which is denied to this
property since the circumstances noted in the previous finding when combined with the
development standards of the zone substantially reduce the developable area of the property.
The granting of this variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious
to the property or improvements in such vicinity and zone in which the property is located in that
such requested improvements are similar in scale and intensity to surrounding development. In
fact this project falls at the lower end of the development spectrum when it comes to scale for the
neighborhood on the west side of Ocean Street due substantially in part to the view corridor
CDP 97-23N 97-02 - MAh1.C RESIDENCE
April 1, 1998
easement, which meets the intent of the zones purpose to protect the unique mix of residential
development and aesthetic quality of the area.
The granting of the variance will not adversely affect the comprehensive general plan as it is a
five foot width addition to an existing single family structures that is proposed. The
comprehensive general plan was able to envision additions to single family structures.
This project is exempt from CEQA per the exemption listed below:
(1) Section 1530(e) of CEQA exemptions (Class 1) exempts the addition to existing
single family residences in urbanized areas from environmental review.
Notices of Exemption will be filed by the Planning Director upon project approval.
3. Location Map
4. Disclosure Form
Planning Commission Resolution No. 4256
Planning Commission Resolution No. 4257
Exhibit “AA”, dated April 15, 1998
Exhibits “A” - “B”, dated April 15, 1998
CDP 97-23N 97-02
Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all
applications which will require discretionary action on the part of the City
Council or any appointed Board, Commission or Committee.
The following information must be disclosed:
List the names and addresses of all persons having a financial interest in the
276/ I
-ewZlgs&&a # CA-. 7mA
List the names and addresses of all persons having any ownership interest in the
property involved.
If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a corporation or partnership,
list the names and addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares
in the corporation or owning any partnership interest in the partnership.
If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a non-profit organization or a
trust, list the names and addresses of any person serving as officer or director of
the non-profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the trust.
2075 Las Palmas Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92009-1 576 - (619) 438-11 61 FAX (619) 438-0894 @
5. Have you had motz than $250 worth of business transacted with any member of
City staff, Boards, Commissions, Committees and/or Council within the past twelve
(1 2) months? 0 Yes a No If yes, please indicate person(s1:
re, association, social club,
-and any other county, city
on or any other group or
NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary.
LV/L&#am r- MMnl AWRION s. a;S&woy
Print or type name of owner Print or type name of applicant
Disclosure Statement 10/96 Page 2 of 2
2623 Ocean Street
0' front yard, 3' side yard, building 66'6"
deep, 19' interior garage variance approved
811 5/86 #86-7
2895 Ocean Street
2805 Ocean Street
2795 Ocean Street
2775 Ocean Street
2747 Ocean Street
2650 Ocean Street
2651 Ocean Street
2687 Ocean Street
2729 Ocean Street
31 50 Ocean Street
31 00 Ocean Street
3021 Ocean Street
2977 Ocean Street
3083 - 3085 Ocean Street
2901 Ocean Street
7000 SF lot, 4200 SF building; 60% bldg
coverage allowed. Resolution #579,
reduction in front yard from 20'-5'; rear yard
from 15'-I 0'; north side from 5' to 3'; south
to 3'
Resolution #I 05, V-174-Res. #516 front
yard 20 to 5, north side yard 6' to 3', south
side 6' to 4'.
V-301 front yard to 4'' north side yard to
7'' building height to 40' (@ beach side)
measured from top of slab to top of plate.
V-143 front yard 20' to 5', side 10' to 5''
20' to 5' rear yard.
V-76 side yard 5' to 2'
V-129 front yard 16' to lo', side yard
intrusion 2' to 3' for stairway.
V-91 front yard 20' to 6'' lots 21 -22
V-197 front yard to 5'' side yards to 5'' rear
yard to 5'' front and rear approved, side
denied. 60% bldg coverage allowed.
V-90 front yard 20' to 0'' side yard 5' to 3'
V-148; 10' to 5'.side, rear 12' to 5'
V-I 41 - 5' side, 5' rear yard
V-92 side yard 5'2" to 2'5"
V-I 3; north side to 5', south side to 2-1 /2',
front yard to 5'
AV 92-07; side yard 4'10" & 3'4'' from 5'
V-90-2, setbacks IO' to 6', bldg height from
25' to 47'6", number of stories from 2 to 4,
six unit condo
~~ ~
2479 Ocean Street
2679 & 2677 Ocean Street
2617 Ocean Street
2643 Ocean Street
2609 Ocean Street
V-332 front yard from 20' to 17'5", side
yards 7'5" to 5' & permit tandem parking
(looks like they're 9' wide spaces).
V-375 0' front yard setback. (71 64 SF of
bldg) 3 car enclosed garage & 2 guest
parking in side yard setback
AV 93-05 side yard 5' to 3'' front yard 20'
to 5'' reduced side yard for uncovered
parking space from 5' to 2'
V-373 tandem parking, compact parking
V-96-01 increased building height, tandem
parking garage with reduced interior
dimension, and reduced frontyard setback.