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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-10-10; Updated Police Department UAS Drone Policy; Gallucci, NeilTo the members of the:
. Date 10/1ole CA~ CC ....-.
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Council Memorandum
Oct. 10, 2019
To: Honorable Mayor Hall
From: Neil Gallucci, Chief of Po ic , ....... 1"11"'-Via: Scott Chadwick, City M
Memo ID# 2019116
On Sept. 20, 2019, City Council received a memorandum regarding how the Police Department utilizes
Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS). Attached to that memorandum was Police Department policy 345
which regulates the UAS program.
In August 2019, the Police Department implemented a new UAS management software prdgram which
provides management for both FAA compliance and department safety standards. In October 2019, I
· updated policy 345 to reflect the current needs of the Police Department. Updated policy 345 provides
policy direction consistent with the operations of the UAS program in conjunction with the new UAS
program management software.
Attachment: A. Carlsbad Police Department policy 345 effective Oct. 1, 2019
Cc: Celia Brewer, City Attorney
Police Department
2560 Orion Way I Carlsbad, CA 92010 I 760-931-2170 t
Attachment A
Carlsbad Police Department
Policy Manual Sp.ecial Order 201"9-05
Pursuant to Carlsbad Police Department Policy 345, this Special Order becomes
effective /f} ~ // 9 . · -· _ rr'-------,--
Updated Unmanned Aerial System (UAS)
Operations Policy 345
· The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the use of an unmanned aerial
. system (UAS) and for the storage, retrieval and dissemination of images and data
. captured by the UAS.
Definitions related to this policy include:
Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) -An unmanned aircraft of any type that is capable of
sustaining directed flight, whether preprogrammed or remotely controlled (commonly
referred to as an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)), and all the supporting or attached
systems designed for gathering information thrnugh imaging, recording or any other
345.3 POLICY
Unmanned aerial systems may be utilized to enhance the department's mission of
protecting lives and property when other means and resources are not availablE3 or are
less effective. Any use of a UAS will be in strict accordance with constitutional and
privacy rights and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations ..
The use of the UAS potentially involves privacy considerations. Absent a warrant or
exigent circumstances, operators and observers shall adhere to FAA altitude
regulations and shall not intentionally record or transmit images of any location where a
person would have a reasonable expectation of privacy (e.g., residence, yard,
enclosure). Operators and observers shall take reasonable precautions to avoid
inadvertently recording or transmitting images of areas where there is a reasonable
expectation of privacy. Reasonable precautions can include, for example, deactivating
or turning imaging devices away from such areas or persons during UAS operations.
The Chief of Police will appoint a regulatory manager who will be responsible for
the management of the UAS program. Tlie regulatory manager will ensure that
policies and procedures conform to current laws, regulations and best practices.
The regulatory manager shall ensure that established protocols are followed by
monitoring and providing bi-annual reports on the program to the Chief of Police.
These reports shall include flight documentation, program training, and
verification that all documentation has been completed appropriately.
a) Prior to any flight, an operator shall verify that all FAA requirements are met.
b) All authorized operators and required observers must have completed all
required FAA and department-approved training in the operation, applicable
laws, policies, and procedures regarding use of the UAS.
Prior to any flight, an operator shall perform the following:
1. Conduct a parts check to ensure that all parts on the UAS are in good
serviceable order.
2. Ensure that the remote controller, flight battery, and mobile devices are
properly charged.
3. Ensure that the camera and gimbal are clear from obstructions and
operate correctly prior to flight. ·
4. Ensure that the propellers are secured properly and that the motors and
propellers operate normally.
5. Ensure that all software associated with the UAS is current.
6. Ensure that the flight area is outside of no-fly zones and flight conditions
are suitable for flying. ·
7. Ensure that the operator is not flying under the influence of alcohol, drugs ;
or other substance that could impair the operator's cognitive abilities.
c) Prior to flight all operators should use the appropriate UAS software checklist. If
that checklist produces a total rating of 80 percent or greater for risk, the operator
should_ get supervisor approval prior to flight.
d) After a completed flight, all operators shall conduct a post flight inspection that
includes but is not limited to the following:
1. Ensure that all power is off to the remote controller, flight battery and
mobile devices.
· 2. Inspect the drone for damage to include but" not limited to landing gear,
wiring to batteries, propellers and all connections.
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3. Download and transfer all recorded data to the appropriate storage
--medium and storage platform.
4. Verify that all logs, checklists and risk assessments are completed.
e) Fully document all missions in a de·partment approved manner.
f} Conduct maintenance and properly document these inspections to ensure
continuing airworthiness of a UAS, up to and including its overhaul or life limits.
g) Use of vision enhancement technology (e.g., thermal and other imaging
equipment not generally available to the public) is permissible in viewing areas
only where there is no protectable privacy interest, or when in compliance with a
search warrant, or court order or when exigent circumstances exist.
h) UAS deployment should be considered when an aerial view would assist officers
or incident commanders during the following:
1. Accident investigations
2. Missing person investigations
3. Search and rescue operations
4. Fires
5. Disaster management
6. Crime scenes ·
7. Supporting criminal investigations
8. Perimeter searches and security
9. Enhanced situational awareness for officer and/or civilian safety
10. UAS demonstrations
11. Training
The UAS video surveillance equipment shall not be used:
a. To conduct random surveillance activities.
b. To target a person bas~d solely on individual characteristics, such as, but not
limited to race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, disability, gender or sexual
All media will be stored in a secured area with ac·cess restricted to authorized persons.
Any recording shall be copied to a suitable medium and booked into evidence in
accordance with current evidence procedures. All recordings, that are not retained for
evidence, shall be retained for a period of at least one year and should be stored in
accordance to the Carlsbad Police Department's media storage policy.
The review or the release of video images shall be done only with the authorization of
the Chief of Police or his/her desig~ee and only with the properly completed written
Requests for recorded video images from other government agencies or by the
submission of a court order or subpoena shall be promptly submitted to the Records
Manager, who will promptly research the request and submit the results of such search
through the Chief of Police to the City Attorney's office for further handling. Every
reasonable effort should be made to preserve the data requested until the request has
been fully processed by the City Attorney's office. Video images captured by UAS
cameras that are requested by the public or media will be made available only to the
extent required by law. Except as required by a valid court order or other lawful
process, video images requested under the Public Records Act will generally not be
disclos·ed to the public when such video images are an ongoing criminal
investigation in which a disposition has not been reached.
Neil Gallucci, Chief of Police Date ·