HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-02-11; Coronavirus Preparedness Update 2; Calderwood, MichaelTo the members of the:
CITY COUNCIL {city of -
Date ~/i 1 :;,o CA L cc~
CM COO 1,__ DCM (3) i
Memo ID# 2020013
Council Memorandum
Feb. 11,2020
Honorable Mayor Hall a d embers of the City Council
Michael Calderwood, Fir C
David Harrison, Assistant Di r of Emergency Services 'M+r-S co tt Chadwick, City Man g
Coronavirus Preparedness Update 2
This memorandum updates the Coronavirus Preparedness Council Memorandum dated Feb. 4
and summarizes major coronavirus developments for the period ending Feb. 10, 2020.
The outbreak of the respiratory disease known as Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) has continued to
spread globally. Unless otherwise indicated, the information in this memorandum comes from
Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Health and Human Services (HHS) telebriefings conducted
during the week of Feb. 3. These teleconferences are attended by the press and this
information is rapidly published by news agencies.
• Feb.4,6, 7,2020:
o No CDC telebriefings
o On Feb. 4, Reuters reported that Columbia was the first Latin American country
to run coronavirus tests. CDC is reporting Mexico has activated protocols for
travelers coming to Mexico and set up mechanisms to provide information on
the disease. Mexico is using diagnostic tools to test cases.
• Feb. 5, 2020:
o CDC states FDA has signed an emergency use authorization (EUA) for test kits,
200 of which will start shipping to CDC labs across country.
o CDC is projecting long term need for personal protective equipment for
healthcare workers, more guidance in coming days. For health care workers, PPE
must be worn appropriately, not excessively. U.S. citizens should not be buying
o San Diego County teleconference confirmed 167 American Citizens (AMCIT) from
China had arrived at Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Miramar.
o San Diego County is coordinating with American Red Cross and Volunteers
Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD) to identify AMCIT resource needs and
. donation hubs.
Fire Department
Safety Center 2560 Orion Way I Carlsbad, CA 92010 I 760-931-2141 t
Feb. 11,2020
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• Feb 7, 2020:
o President's Novel Coronavirus Task Force (Representatives from Center for
Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Allergy and Infectious .
Diseases, Department of State, Department of Homeland Security, Department
of Transportation, and Department of Health and Human Services). Highlights of
briefing include:
• Risk to American public is low
• 12 confirmed cases in U.S., 10 cases from repopulation, 2 cases from
human-to-human transmission in U.S.
• CDC's infection disease response strategy is identify, diagnose, isolate,
treat, contact trace
• CDC diagnostic kits have been distributed and are now available for order
through International Reagent Resource, for qualified laboratories
• U.S. has offered to send expert assistance to China, and has sent 17.8
tons of supplies to Hubei, China
• Task Force is assessing risk to American medical supply chain
• National Institutes of Health (NIH} and others are working on medical
countermeasures, including: point of care diagnostics (antibody tests),
therapeutics (conducting tests of drugs and standards of care
effectiveness compared with standards of care alone) and vaccines
(offered a projection that, if no "glitches", NIH and Moderna could start
human vaccine (perhaps Remdesivir) trials within 3 months)
• U.S. Ports of Entry using layered screening:
• 11 Airports: 3 layers of screening: CBP screening/OHS contract
medical personnel screening/CDC screening
• Sea Ports: U.S. Coast Guard, along with Customs and Border
Protection (CBP) in charge of Port of Entry and processing ships
• Land Ports of Entry: Officials screening to determine recent China
travel, long standing practice of CBP phone coordination with CDC
• The issue of potential concern that could arise, but has not yet, is that of
sustained human-to-human transmission in the U.S. Should this occur,
the principal strategy of virus containment will be augmented by that of
mitigation. More information on mitigation strategies will be shared
should sustained human-to-human virus transmission in the U.S. develop.
· o San Diego County Teleconference announced a second flight had arrived at
MCAS Miramar containing an additional 65 passengers. The total number of
patients under investigation (PUI} is 6. It is not currently known whether any of
these patients have tested positive for coronavirus.
o San Diego Red Cross, San Diego County Office of Emergency Services and
Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD) are soliciting specific
donations for the Miramar AM CITS. Donation needs list is under development.
Donations will be received at the Jacobs & Cushman San Diego Food Bank on
Feb. 11,2020
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Distribution Ave. Carlsbad has offered to provide hygiene kits and hand
sanitizers, if needed.
• Feb. 8, 2020:
o U.S. Embassy in Beijing confirmed first American death from coronavirus, which
occurred in Wuhan.
• Feb. 10,2020:
o Japanese health officials confirmed that of the 135 coronavirus cases on the
Diamond Princess cruise ship docked at Yokohama, Japan, 11 are American
o San Diego County Teleconference reported that:
■ Of the now 7 Miramar AMCIT patients of interest, 2 confirmed negative,
others are pending results
■ There are 135 "medium risk" land border crossing "traveler" cases that
SD Health and Human Services is monitoring
o Media is reporting that with no signs of infection, coronavirus evacuees at March
Air Reserve Base in Riverside are preparing to leave Feb. 11.
o UC San Diego Health reported that on Sunday, February 9, CDC officials informed
San Diego Public Health that all four patients being evaluated for 2019-nCoV at
UC San Diego Health had tested negative for the virus. The four patients were
discharged and returned to federal quarantine at MCAS Miramar. Monday
morning, CDC officials advised San Diego P_ublic Health that further testing
revealed that one of the four patients tested positive for 2019-nCoV. The
confirmed positive patient was returned to UC San Diego Health for observation
and isolation until cleared by the CDC for release.
• Feb. 11, 2020:
o CDC Confirms the thirteenth case of 2019 Novel Coronavirus in the U.S.
Actions and Next Steps, as appropriate
City of Carlsbad Emergency Services continues to coordinate with regional and local
stakeholders and conduct public outreach as described in the Feb. 4 Council Memorandum.
The Carlsbad Emergency Management Administrative Team,(CEMAT) incident oversight group
met on Feb. 4 to assess the developing situation and review response actions. CEMAT
departmental representatives are reviewing and coordinating updates to the City's Continuity
of Operations Plan (COOP). Staff is reviewing illness and sick leave policies and documentation.
Staff began reviewing Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) guidance
related to coronavirus and public.health emergency information sharing.·
City staff was provided guidance on how to stay healthy during the flu season, including
information on the coronavirus. · Digital and social media efforts continue to enhance public
awareness of virus mitigation "hygiene" strategies.
Feb. 11, 2020
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Carlsbad Emergency Services continues to monitor Presidential Task Force, HHS and CDC
telebriefings and participate in regional agency meetings and teleconferences.
CC: Celia Brewer, City Attorney
Elaine Lu key, Chief Operations Officer
Neil Gallucci, Chief of Police