HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-03-06; Systems Capability Testing With Telecommuting; |Gomez, Paz| Rocha,Laura|To the members of the:
Date ~llij2o CA ✓ cc /
CM ✓coo / DCM (3) 1/
March 6, 2020
Council Memorandum
Members of the City Council
From: Paz Gomez, Deputy City a er, Public Works
Laura Rocha, Deputy Ci y a er, Administrative Services
Via: Scott Chadwick, City M nag
Re: Systems Capability Testing With Telecommuting
{city of
Memo ID# 2020022
This memorandum provides information regarding an upcoming city systems capability testing in
which some city staff will be telecommuting.
Recently, there have been worldwide concerns regarding COVID-19. In preparation for ensuring
our continuous operations and in response to an urgent need to be nimble and flexible in how
the City of Carlsbad provides services, the city will initiate remote or telecommuting systems
capacity testing with key and essential personnel in critical positions.
That said, the City of Carlsbad has been evaluating a telecommuting program for regular full-time
employees because it may achieve increased productivity and effective use of staff work time,
promote efficient use of resources, enhance employee engagement and assist in reducing traffic
and greenhouse gas emissions as a transportation demand management measure in support of
the Climate Action Plan.
Additionally, telecommuting can assist in the continuity of operations in case an emergency or
crisis arises in which employees would need to continue to work and provide services outside of
their normal working spaces. With technology these days, there are many options available other
than working in traditional working spaces. This upcoming systems capacity testing is intended to
address preparations for the current pending emergency as well as for full implementation of the
telecommuting program on an ongoing basis.
For the purposes of this discussion, telecommuting is defined as when employees perform some
or all of their usual job duties at a location away from their usual city work locations at an
approved telework site (usually at their home). Telecommuting can be done either as regular or
Public Works Branch •
1635 Faraday Ave. I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-2730 t
Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council
March 6, 2020
Page 2
To ensure that the business-systems can accommodate telecommuting, a few staff in the
Information Technology (IT) Department as well as staff in other city departments familiar with
the systems (e.g., Business Systems Specialists (BSS) and other key and essential personnel as
approved by the department director) will be testing the hardware and systems capability a few
. times in the next couple of months. This will help identify and resolve any issues that may arise ·
so that they can be addressed in case the city has a need for immediate use of telecommuting.
Only approved staff will be participating in this testing effort. Attachment A is the agreement
form that those employees will submit for deputy city manager approval.
Next Steps
Starting on March 16, 2020, staff in the IT department and key and essential staff in other
departments (as approved by the department director) will submit Attachment A for deputy city
manager approval. Approved staff will then test the systems during selected days over a period
of two months.
In May 2020, re'sults of the testing will be reviewed by the city's leadership team to determine
any further actions.
Attachment: A. Telecommuting Program Agreement for Systems Capability Testing
cc: Celia Brewer, City Attorney
Cindie McMahon, Assistant City Attorney
Neil Gallucci, Chief of Police
Michael Calderwood, Fire Chief
Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager, Community Services
David Graham, Chief Innovation Officer
Maria Callander, Information Technology Director
Judy von Kalinowski, Human Resources Director
Kristina Ray, Communication_& Engagement Director
Public Works Branch
1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-2730 t
Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council
March 6, 2020
Page 3
Attachment A
Employee Name Department
Title Division
Telework Site Address Supervisor Name
Telework Site Phone Number Department Director Name
For the purposes of systems capability testing, telecommuting can be either regular, with an established
schedule, or occasional. The employee may telecommute for no more than one day per work week,
preferably on Fridays.
Which type of telecommuting are you requesting?
□ Occasional
Day of the week Monday Tuesday
(circle one)
Telecommuting work From:
Wednesday Thursday Friday
The agreement is conditional, only for the systems capability testing (at the discretion of the Department
Director and approval of the Deputy City Manager). The agreement can be terminated at any time by the
Department Director with or without cause.
Start date End date
Conditional agreement Initial Term (March to May 2020)
Public Works Branch
1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-2730 t
Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council
March 6, 2020
Page 4
The employee and supervisor have discussed how the employee's job duties can be accomplished while
telecommuting resulting in the following expectations.
Duties to be performed/objectives to be accomplished while at the Telework Site:
How will performance of these duties and progress toward these objectives be monitored and assessed
to confirm that the Telecommuter is working as expected during telecommuting hours and the
telework arrangement is effective?
What challenges regarding completion and coordination of work assignments could you anticipate that
might occur associated with telecommuting? Please be as specific as possible.
What arrangements will the employee make to address these potential impacts in order to ensure
staffing coverage, coordination of work and completion of assigned projects, and responsibilities?
Additional terms or expectations agreed Lipan by the Telecommuter and Supervisor are as follows:
The following equipment will be used by the employee while telecommuting. City equipment, if any, will
be used only by the employee while telecommuting and will be used for City business only. If the employee
separates from employment, employee will return City-issued equipment.
I City-provided:
Public Works Branch
1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-2730 t
Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council
March 6, 2020
Page 5
Confidential information shall not be taken out of the City worksite or accessed by computer from the
Telework Site unless approved in writing in advance by the Telecommuter's Supervisor for each instance
such materials are authorized for use at the Telework Site or by the Department Head if the approval is for
the duration of the telecommuting program agreement.
Is offsite use of confidential information anticipated? D Yes D No
If yes:
What confidential information will be used at the Telework Site?
Will use be authorized for the duration of the telecommuting D Yes D No
program agreement? D DH
The employee must read and agree to the following:
□ I have read and understand this agreement is for systems capability testing only and will comply with
all conditions, policies, responsibilities, and procedures set forth in this agreement.
□ I agree to adhere to all City policies and procedures while telecommuting, including Fair Labor
Standards Act (FLSA) requirements.
□ I understand that telecommuting is offered pursuant to the terms of the systems capability_testing only
and that it is a matter of management discretion, not a universal employee benefit.
□ I understand that the city reserves the right to approve or deny an employee's request to telecommute
based on the department's operational needs and the eligibility factors and approval criteria! outlined
in this policy.
□ I understand that telecommuting is voluntary and I may discontinue telecommuting at any time. I
understand that the city may, at any time, change any or all of the conditions under which I am
permitted to telecommute or withdraw permission to telecommute.
□ I agree to be available to work with colleagues via email and phone during my established
telecommuting hours.
□ I agree to check voicemail and email and respond to these promptly, upholding the same
standards/expectations for responsiveness as when working at my city worksite._
□ I agree to participate in scheduled meetings via conference call or some other means.
o I acknowledge that my Supervisor or Department Director, retains the right to modify my
telecommuting schedule to ensure my attendance at meetings or trainings in person or to
accommodate other business needs.
□ I agree to work productively without onsite supervision.
Public Works Branch
1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-2730 t
Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council
March 6, 2020
Page 6
□ I agree to ensure that a full work day is completed and to obtain prior approval by my supervisor to
adjust my work hours or take leave to compensate for non-productive time which occurs due to
dependent care needs, personal appointments or other non-city business matters in the normal work
□ I agree to take my normal lunch break and other breaks as outlined in my labor agreement as applicable.
□ I agree not to work overtime while telecommuting unless prior approval is received from my Supervisor,
Manager or Department Director.
□ Should the equipment or access requ ired to perform my work (e.g. computer, Internet connection,
phone service, etc.) become unavailable during my telecommuting hours, I agree to come to my city
worksite or take those hours as time off.
□ I understand that the city owns any work product or data created as a result of my wor k while
□ I agree to keep my user name and password confidential to maintain network security, to provide a
secure location for any city-owned equipment and materials, and will not use, or allow others to use,
such equipment and materials for purposes other than city business.
□ I agree to ensure that any computer used to access the city network has up to date virus protection and
security patches. ·
□ I agree that restricted-access materials, such as payroll records, personnel files or other confidential
documents will not be taken to my Telework Site without the written consent of my Supervisor, with
approval on a case by case basis, or without the written consent of my Department Head if such
restricted-access materials are to be approved for use at my Telework Site for the duration of the
telecommuting program agreement.
□ I agree to establish and maintain a Telework Site in a condition that is free of health and safety hazards
in accordance with the Te/ework site safety checklist and self-certification.
□ I agree to allow inspection of my Telework Site by the city's Risk Management personnel, workers'
compensation Third Party Administrator and their vendors or CalOSHA as necessary in the event of an
industrial injury at my Telework Site or the request for a formal ADA accommodation at my Telework
□ I agree to comply with tax laws and I understand that the city is not responsible for substantiating any
claim of tax deductions for operating an office in my home.
□ I understand that the city assumes no liability for injuries that occur outside my scheduled
telecommuting hours or while I am not engaged in city business.
Public Works Branch
1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-2730 t
I -
I Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Co~ncil
March 6, 2020
Page 7
I have read and understand the City's telecommuting pilot program policy, a copy of which is attached,
and will adhere to its terms and conditions. I agree to all employee acknowledgements above and will
adhere to the terms and conditions set forth in this telecommuting program agreement.
I understand that my work performance and compliance with this telecommuting program -agreement
will be evaluated upon completion of the initial telecommuting timeframe and through my department's
performance evaluation process.
I agree that I am responsible for abiding by the established telecommuting work hours, furnishing and
maintaining my remote work space in a safe manner, employing appropriate telecommuting security
measures, and protecting city assets, information, and systems. I understand that telecommuting is a
privilege and is voluntary. It can be suspended or terminated at any time by me or by the city.
Employee Name Employee Signature Date
The Supervisor must read and initial the following:
□ I understand this agreement is for systems capability testing only.
□ I have read and understand the conditions listed in this telecommuting program agreement.
□ I agree to monitor the performance of the Telecommuter to assess the effectiveness of the
telecommuting arrangement and compliance with this telecommuting program agreement.
Supervisor Signature Date
Department Director Signature Date
Deputy City Manager Signature Date
Public Works Branch
1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-2730 t