HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-06-23; Coronavirus Response Update 74; Harrison, David
Fire Department
Safety Center 2560 Orion Way | Carlsbad, CA 92010 | 760-931-2141
Memo ID# 2020131
Council Memorandum
June 23, 2020
To: Honorable Mayor Hall and members of the City Council
From: David Harrison, Assistant Director of Emergency Services
Via: Scott Chadwick, City Manager
Re: Coronavirus Response Update 74
The purpose of this memorandum is to provide the City Council with an update on the city’s
response actions related to COVID-19. This memo focuses on actions and information that are
new since the last update.
Emergency Operations Center
• Emergency Operations Center activated to support COVID-19 mitigation and
response operations and information sharing.
• Eleven CERT volunteers supported Economic Development team’s distribution of
business re-opening packets.
Regional status of outbreak (All data from June 22)
California County Carlsbad
Confirmed cases 183,073 11,096 115
Increase since last memo 21,974 1,004 17
Deaths 5,580 338 n/a
Human Resources
• Status of employees with possible COVID-19 exposure
Cleared to return to work 47
Self-quarantined, waiting for test results 7
Tested positive, self-isolated 1
Public Works
• A contractor performed deep cleaning and disinfecting of the Faraday Administration
Center following city protocols Friday after a staffer who works there was found to be
COVID-19 positive. Staff assigned to Faraday returned to work as usual Monday.
• Facilities staff continue to work with departments on workspace modifications.
June 23, 2020
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Parks & Recreation
• Re-opened community centers with a gymnasium (Stagecoach, Pine Avenue and
Calavera Hills), the Monroe Street and Alga Norte Community Park aquatic centers and
the visitor center and historic buildings at Leo Carrillo Ranch Park.
• Commenced multiple enrichment summer camps at various parks and community
• Launched Father’s Day event with three fun interactive videos: A Father’s Day card craft,
a rock painting craft and favorite dad jokes.
• Transitioned one of the park monitoring routes to the Police Department. This includes
beaches and preserves that contain trails. The move allows Parks & Recreation staff to
return to assigned reopened facilities. Parks staff will continue to monitor the other 23
city parks sites.
Economic Development
• Continued coordination of the “We’re Open” campaign with the Carlsbad Village
Association, Chamber of Commerce, EOC and CERT volunteers
• Staff and volunteers have engaged 353 businesses since June 10, distributing “We’re
Open” signs and 32,500 masks to:
o All food and beverage, retail, personal care, and other businesses in the Village
o Shopping centers
o Hotels and visitor serving accommodation
o All auto dealerships in Car Country Carlsbad
• Continued outreach on the business survey on COVID-19 impacts and business outlook
• Launched a survey of businesses on the temporary activation of State Street for
expanded business uses.
• Continued one-on-one engagement with about 350 businesses to provide information
and answer questions primarily focused on financial assistance, reopening
requirements, and regulatory issues.
• Promoting the temporary use of private parking lots and public sidewalks overseen by
Community Development.
Communication & Engagement
• Communicated via city communication channels about the following topics related to
the COVID-19 public health emergency:
o Recap of the county’s trigger point on community outbreaks and what defines a
community outbreak
o Governor’s new guidance on mandatory face masks statewide
o Anticipated reopening of city recreational activities
o Reopening of city pools, types of activities and what to expect
o City Council agenda items including an updated response to COVID-19
o Carlsbad business survey regarding COVID-19 effects
o Warning against scammers who may use COVID-19 to steal your identity
June 23, 2020
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o Updated list of COVID-19 symptoms
o Virtual community services and activities:
▪ Genealogy webinars
▪ Play@Home activities
▪ Carlsbad fire station tour
▪ Aging creatively with dance
▪ Father’s Day crafts
o Produced video: Your Actions Save Lives - Reopen and Recover, Carlsbad
• Distributed COVID-19 update #42 and #43 to employees:
o Notice of COVID-19 positive employee
o Previous employee summer BBQ pictures
o Welcome back to more staff
o City Manager roundtable recap
o Telework success stories
o Online trainings and resources
o Team kudos
• Distributed e-newsletter to families: Sports, science and art summer camps
cc: Celia Brewer, City Attorney
Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager
Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager, Community Services
Paz Gomez, Deputy City Manager, Public Works
Laura Rocha, Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services
Michael Calderwood, Fire Chief
Neil Gallucci, Police Chief
Maria Callander, Information Technology Director
David Graham, Chief Innovation Officer
Judy von Kalinowski, Human Resources Director
Kristina Ray, Communication & Engagement Director
Nick Ordille, Assistant Fire Chief
Kyle Lancaster, Parks & Recreation Director