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2020-07-16; Update on Master Planning Process for Veterans Memorial Park; |Barberio, Gary| Lancaster, Kyle|
To the members of the: Cl1Y COUNCIL Date 1 /ilP\~ CA_!::_ CC.:!::- CM ..1::::.... ACM . 1'. DCM (3) ..!:... July 16, 2020 Council Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council From: Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager, Community Services Kyle Lancaster, Parks & Recreation Director Via: Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manage(_d- {cityof Carlsbad Memo ID# 2020146 Re: Update on the Master Planning Process for Veterans Memorial Park The purpose of this memo is to provide an update on the master planning process for Veterans Memorial Park, Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project No. 4609. Background On November 27, 2018, RJM Design Group (RJM) was awarded a professional services agreement for design services for the master planning, design development, construction document, bidding and administration phases of the Veterans Memorial Park project. In early 2019, the project team kicked off the master planning process. To ensure the community's needs, priorities and values were reflected in the park's ultimate design, city staff engaged the public from the beginning of the planning process. The public was invited to participate in two public workshops, two on-line surveys and a focus group meeting. RJM Design Group has used the input and ideas provided by the community, as well as other sources of information -including the physical characteristics and location of the site; the core values of the Carlsbad community; and the city's parks and recreation needs -to prepare the draft Veterans Memorial Park Master Plans. Discussion The Veterans Memorial Park site is located southeast of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. It's bordered on the west and south by Faraday Avenue, to the north by Whitman Way, and to the southeast by the Macario Canyon and Veterans Memorial Park Open Space Preserves. Just over half of the total land, 48 of 91.5 acres, can be developed into a park; the rest of the land is either protected habitat or steep slopes that are undevelopable. In November 2018, the landscape architecture firm RJM Design Group was retained by the city to develop the Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan. The firm's scope of work included a series of public workshops designed to gather community input and the synthesizing of that input into Community Services Branch Parks & Recreation Department 799 Pine Avenue, Suite 200 I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-434-2826 t Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council July 16, 2020 Page 2 a master plan. That master plan thereafter will become the basis of design for entitlements and construction documents. The design intent of the master plan included providing a family-oriented park with a variety of multi-generational and inclusive amenities that were incorporated into active and passive recreational elements. Honoring veterans for their service, minimizing environmental impacts, . and celebrating the site's natural beauty/views were also integral components. The following objectives informed the basis of design: emphasis on safety and visibility, maximizcition of stormwater retention, and avoidance of sensitive habitat areas Public Outreach Staff from the Communications & Community Engagement Department and the Parks & Recreation Department worked closely to prepare the format for the master plan's public outreach and involvement process. The goal of the process was to identify the community's needs, values and priorities related to the potential uses of the Veterans Memorial Park site. Staff held the first public workshop on March 9, 2019 at the Faraday Administration Building. A follow-up on line survey was made available from March 9 to 23, 2019. The input obtained from those offerings was then summarized in a report titled "Veterans Memorial Park Public Input Report". The design team was directed to incorporate the community input received from the workshop and survey into the park design concepts. Other important sources of information, including the physical characteristics and location of the site, the core values of the Carlsbad community, and the city's parks and recreation needs, were also used to develop two park design concepts. On Sept. 21, 2019, the city held a second public workshop at the Faraday Administration Building. Again, a follow-up on line survey was made available from Sept. 21 to Oct. 6, 2019, to share the two design concepts and to give the community the opportunity to share their comments. The design concepts were designed to portray different configurations for the active recreation, passive recreation, kids' play areas, places to gather, and memorial elements. Workshop participants shared their thoughts on what was working well, what was missing, and other suggestions for each of the design concepts. Those comments were used to refine the online survey, with the goal of understanding the community's preferences for the various elements in each of the design concepts. The input obtained from those offerings was then summarized in a report titled "Veterans Memorial Park Concepts Public Input Report". Throughout the first two community input opportunities, it became evident that there was a strong desire for a family-oriented bike park. To properly address this feature with the biking community, a focus group meeting was held on March 5, 2020 at the Pine Avenue Community Center. It was attended by individuals who expressed a desire for a bike park during the workshops and/or in the on-line surveys. The input obtained from that offering was then summarized in a report titled "City Of Carlsbad, Veterans Memorial Park, Family-Oriented Bike Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council July 16, 2020 Page 3 Park Skills/Pump Track Focus Group Meeting Summary Report". The bike park draft design concepts include interconnected features such as dual slalom, flow/jump paths and a pump . . track with various configurations to accommodate skill level progression (Attachment D). In addition to the public outreach efforts, staff arranged for several inter-departmental meetings, Parks & Recreation Department meetings, and a meeting with the wildlife agencies and California Coastal Commission to obtain input on the proposed design concept for the park. The input received thus far was synthesized and used to develop the draft Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan (Attachment B) and park buildings draft design concepts (Attachment C). A narrative for the draft Veterans Memorial Park Master-Plan was also created (Attachment A). Next Steps Staff will next address the remaining components of the master planning process for Veterans Memorial Park, including the development of preliminary plans for grading, hydrology, storm water management and traffic, and the submittal of entitlement applications for conditional use, coastal development, hillside development, and habitat management permits and environmental compliance. Staff anticipates returning to the City Council for consideration of adopting the completed Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan in early 2021. Attachments: A. Narrative for the draft Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan B. Draft Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan C. Draft design concepts for the Veterans Memorial Park buildings D. Draft design concepts for the Veterans Memorial Park family-oriented bike park cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Celia Brewer, City Attorney Allegra Frost, Deputy City Attorney Paz Gomez, Deputy City Manager, Public Works Narrative for The Draft Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan Attachment A The park is physically separated into two distinct areas (north and south) which transition through passive uses and open space to a prominent memorial element at the high point of the site. The north side is accessed via the primary park entrance on Faraday Avenue, adjacent to the desalination plant receiver pit and via a neighborhood trail on Whitman Way. A parking lot for 64 vehicles includes ADA parking spaces, EV charging stations and a drop-off area. Additional on-street parking is available along Faraday Avenue and Whitman Way. The main plaza opens into the large community gathering area, with shaded pavilions framed by seat walls. The building at the plaza entrance includes a catering support room, small office, restrooms, storage and maintenance closet. Its location provides for close proximity to the restroom facilities from several different parts of the park. A tall wall extends further to the north creating an entry to the memorial plaza, home of the future public art commemorating our veterans. A large courtyard is surrounded by low walls and sprawling open turf area designated for picnic, passive recreation and informal seating. A large inclusive playground is located on the south side of the building, tucked away from the memorial plaza. Family and group picnic areas are proximal to the main gathering area, allowing for convenient access from the parking lot. Access to the south side of the park is located near the underpass at Faraday Avenue. A short driveway opens into a roundabout with a parking lot for 39 vehicles and a drop-off area. A small building in the center of the plaza contains restrooms and storage. This facility serves the active recreation amenities, including a playground for younger children, outdoor fitness areas for all ages -with an obstacle course and exercise stations along a circuit, and an outdoor education area. The primary amenity on the south side is a four acre family-oriented bike park. The draft plan contains an ample number of loop paths and jumps. Spectator seating and rest areas are strategically located to allow for great views to each amenity. The design intent was to develop the bike park with a military theme to further celebrate veterans. It is anticipated that sustainable and nature inspired features, such as rock outcroppings, boulders and wood will be used to reinforce the overall theme of the park. The entry to the bike park is accentuated by a large, shaded plaza allowing for group picnicking, recreation programs and social interaction. Accessible pathways lead from both sides of the park to the top of the hill where a prominent memorial art feature will be located. The specific design will be developed in partnership with the Cultural Arts team, which is tasked with preparing a comprehensive plan for selecting artists and conducting public outreach for this significant art piece. The upper plateau remains largely natural and open, with trails, an accessible pathway and individual seating areas -strategically placed to maximize views to the lagoon, ocean and golf course. Patrons will experience various passive use areas for meditation, reflection and relaxation. Interpretive gardens will allow visitors to feel a sense of peace with the collection of indigenous and drought tolerant plants, harmonious with the surrounding protected habitat. An accessible, winding path from the hilltop terrace to the main parking lot will address the needs of patrons in wheelchairs, using walkers or strollers, or otherwise desiring to reach the top terrace. The meandering path connects amenities along the way, including a rustic, nature-_ inspired playground, group and family picnic areas tucked into different levels, and group exercise areas. There is also an option for a vigorous hike up or down on the steps. The rock climb intersects the accessible pathways in many places allowing patrons with different mobility needs to meet up and socialize as they use their preferred path of travel. Patrons may choose to stay on the perimeter trail, outside the park, and enjoy a hike. The multi-use trail, which is part of the citywide trail network connecting to other city trails and to Twain Avenue, is separated from park amenities, allowing for typical trails' recreation including hiking, jogging, biking and dogs on leash. / PARK AREAS LEGEND A VETEl<ANS MEMORIAL PLAZA B. COMMUNITY GATHERING Al<EA C. BUILDING (2,000•/) with PAVILION, l<ESTl<OOM, ! CATERING SUPPOl<T l<OOM D. PLAY AAEAS Dl. INCLUSIVE PLAYGROUND D2. l<US11C, NATUl<E-INSPll<ED PLAYGl<OUND 03. YOUNG KIDS PLAYGl<OUND E. VISTA TEl<l<ACES El. SENSOl<Y GAl<DENS E2. YOGA! PASSIVE l<EIAXATION Al<EAS E3, MEDITATION ! REFLECTIVE Al<EAS F. NATIVE GAADENS G. OPEN LAWN D H. PICNIC Al<EAS I. ACTMTY WALK/ Tl<AL J. NOl<TH PARKING Al<EA (64 ~2 ADA] STALLS) K. WATEI< QUALITY TREATMENT Al<EAS L. REFLECTIVE VETEl<ANS MEMORIAL M. INTEl<Pl<ETIVE GAl<DEN N. l<ESTl<OOM (1,200sf) 0. FAMILY-Ol<IENTED BIKE PAAK P. MULTI-GENEl<ATIONAL OUTDOOR FITNESS AAEA Q. OUTDOOR EDUCATION Al<EA I<. SOUTH PARKING Al<EA (3.9> [2 ADA] s-,,,.LLS) S. l<OCKY STAii< CLIMB T. BOCCE BALL U. MEADOWS □ V. OVERLOOK ATTACHMENT 8 I i • I l l i . ~ i I ~ i I • I I i I i I ~ • i ; i i i i i ij• _0~6/~30_/_20_2...,0 ______________ __,;.. ___________ ____,,......,....""""""',.,,...----....,....,.....,.. ......... ...,..........,.;S;.;;I;,.;.T;;;;;.E.:.,P.=L.:..:A;;;..;.Ni R•IM"""' ~ n....r, VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK.I ~ GROUP \J.) 0 50' 100' 200' CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA~ / NOl<TH VEHICULAR ACCESS PARK AREAS LEGEND A VETERANS MEMORLAL PLAZA B. CCMMUNl1Y GATHERING AREA C. BUILDING (2,000of) with PAVILION, RESTROOM, t CATERING SUPPORT ROOM D. PLAY AREAS D1. INCLUSIVE PLAYGROUND D2. RUSTIC, NATURE-INSPIRED PLAYGROUND D3. YOUNG KIDS PLAYGROUND E. VIS1A TERAACES E1. SENSORY GARDENS E2. YOGA It PASSIVE RELAXATION AREAS E:3. MEDITATION t REFLECTIVE AREAS F. NATIVE GARDENS G. OPEN LAWN H. PICNIC AREAS I. ACTIVrJY WALK / TRAIL J, NORTH PARKING ARIEA (64 [12 ADA) STALLS) K. WATER QUALl1Y TRIEATIMENT AREAS L. REFLECTIVE VETERANS MEMORIAL M. INTERPRETIVE GARDEN N. RESTROOM 0,2OOsf) 0. FAMILY-ORIENTEaD BIKE PARK P. MULTI-GENEAATIONAL OUTDOOR FITNESS AREA Q. OUTDOOR EDUCATION AREA R. SOUTH PARKJNG AREA (39 [2 ADA] S1ALLS) S. ROCKY STAIR CUMS T. BOCCEBALL U. MEADOWS V. OVERLOOK D MULTI-USE PERIMETER TAAIL D ADA PATH / MAINTENANCE ROUTE ' 06/30/2020 R~MOESIGN (D l"""I l"'""""""i GROUP I -I o so· 100· 200· D ON-SITE SENSITIVE HABl1AT AREA D OFF-SITE SENSITIVE HABITAT AREA CIRCULATION & FENCING DIAGRAM VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA I NORTH BUILDING VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK @ @ Pi\RIT"At.liSOhl Fft•i,e1LOOOWAU 0 @ @ 0 0 0 @ /\ \ \ \ \ 0 \ \ ATTACHMENT C HUN JOB NO. XXX.XXX DATE 04/21/20 501 West Btoadway, Suite 1080 San Diego, Califo1nl11 9'2101 858-350-054◄ A1.2 ----- ----- 0 /·--•--• !mlEPAll~ltlOEHTRY SOUTH BUILDING RESTROOM VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK © V © © HUN JOB NO. XXX.XXX DATE 04/21120 5865~nsDrlw P101mmlon,C/4.94588 92S-251-7200 A2 I -------- 1•-~---- -.... :.-:;_-:-. --. ·--~.--.----"·· ~ ., ... ~-~=-~==-~-~,,::~~~~~ ---...... __ ·•' VETERANS MEMORIAL BIKE PARK ---Draft Final Schematic Design FEATURE LEGEND A-Bike Park Entrances 8 -Internal Spectator/Photography Nodes C -'External Spectator Area 0 -Beginner Pump Track E -Intermediate Pump Track F -Beginner Flow/Jump Trail G -Intermediate Flow Trail with Optional Advanced Features H -Beginner and Intermediate Jump Lines I -Internal Circulation Trail/ Return Trail w/ Skills Features J -Dual Slalom Race Course K -Stormwater Detention Pond CONCEPT DESIGN IMPROVEMENTS: • Overall amount of trails increased • Improved overall connectivity/flow between amenities • Less Spectator Space/more room on starting platforms • Straighter flow trails with jumps • Sustainable features (wood lips, natural rocks) • Dual Slalom course • No dedicated skills zones, distributed throughout circulation • Return trails will have features on them to add loop interest • Naturalized and veterans theme • A/B/C Progression within line • Adaptive trial considerations DETAILS NOT YET SHOWN: • Skills features integrated into circulation paths • Features on flow trails and dirt jumps • Shade structure at starting platforms ( pending city review) • Naturalized/themed features • •• R~•M DESIGN ~ GROUP (city of Carlsbad BIKE PARK LAYOUT CONCEPT 1 '· CONCEPT HIGHLIGHTS: • Flow Trails with Advanced Line Options • All Dirt Jump Trail • Pump Track with Longest Continuous Lines AMENITY IMAGES WWW.NEWLINESKATE ARKS.COM (city of Carlsbad