HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-08-20; Sustainable Mobility Plan Update; Gomez, PazTo the mernoers o, the:
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CM ACM£o"cM(3)_V_
Council Memorandum
Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council
Paz Gomez, Deputy City Manager, Public Works
Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager&
Sustainable Mobility Plan Update
Memo ID# 2020172
This memorandum provides an update on the efforts associated with the Sustainable Mobility
Plan (SMP) and updates information provided in a memorandum dated Apr. 30, 2020
(Attachment A).
For just over a decade, the city has actively been developing and implementing a series of
stand-alone documents, technical analyses and recommendations related to improving mobility
for all modes of travel within the city. The SMP is designed to help the city integrate and
synthesize these multiple previous planning efforts. It is a key element in implementing the
General Plan Mobility Element adopted in 2015 and will help meet the greenhouse gas
reduction goals of the Climate Action Plan by shifting community members away from private
automobiles toward modes that are more livable, cleaner and healthier.
On March 2, 2020, the draft SMP was presented to the Traffic and Mobility Commission (T&MC)
as an informational item to provide a 30-day review of the document prior to consideration as
an action item at their April 6, 2020, meeting.
On April 6, 2020, the T&MC cited numerous concerns with the draft SMP regarding the project
prioritization system, lack of public review, cohesiveness of the draft SMP and project
monitoring framework (see Attachment B for the meeting minutes). The T&MC requested that
staff address their comments and return with a revised draft SMP at a future meeting. The
T&MC's motion also included creation of an ad hoc committee to assist the project team in the
draft SMP review. The motion was unanimously approved with a vote of 7-0.
Since then, city staff has been working closely with the ad hoc committee to review and update
the draft SMP. Key updates have included extensive modifications to the proposed multimodal
transportation network, Safe Routes to School programming and planning processes, project
prioritization process and Transportation Demand Management (TDM) recommendations.
Additionally, a request for a change in ad hoc committee membership has been submitted by
one of the commissioners, which will be considered at their upcoming meeting on
Public Works Branch
Transportation Department
Faraday Center 1635 Faraday Ave I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-2730
Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council
Page 2
Sept. 8, 2020.
Due to the extensive revisions, the ad hoc committee has requested that the revised SMP be re-
released to the public in early September to provide adequate time for public review and
comment prior to the October T&MC meeting. It will also be sent to the SMP Stakeholder
Working Group, which met four times to review and provide input into the draft SMP since its
Next steps
City staff expects to present the revised draft SMP to City Council in November 2020, following
completion of these next steps:
• September 2020-The revised draft SMP will be released for public and SMP
Stakeholder Working Group review
• October 2020 -The revised draft SMP will be presented to the T&MC
• November 2020 -If there is any additional feedback from the T&MC, staff will make
needed revisions.
Once the SMP has been accepted by City Council, staff will prepare a comprehensive analysis so
that any additional resources needed to initiate implementation of the SMP are requested in
the fiscal year 2021-22 budget.
Attachments: A. Sustainable Mobility Plan Memo to City Council dated April 30, 2020
B. Minutes from the April 6, 2020, Traffic and Mobility Commission meeting
cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager
Celia Brewer, City Attorney
Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager, Community Services
Laura Rocha, Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services
Robby Contreras, Assistant City Attorney
Ron Kemp, Assistant City Attorney
Tom Frank, Transportation Director
Kristina Ray, Communication & Engagement Director
John Kim, City Traffic Engineer
Nikki Matosian, Community Relations Manager
To the members of the:
Date '-l-\ :;e,/rocA _-!__ cc / ✓
CM ✓ ACM ✓ DCM (3)_
April 30, 2020
Council Memorandum
Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council
. Paz Gomez, ·Deputy City Manager, Pub~orks
Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager 0f' ·
Sustainable Mobility Plan Update
{city of
Memo ID# 2020076
Thi~ memorandum provides an update on the efforts associated with the Sustainable Mobility
Plan (SMP), which is now anticipated to go to City Council for consideration in September 2020.
Background . '
Forjust over a decade, the city has actively been developing and impleme,:iting a series of
stand-alone documents, technical analyses and recommendations related to improving mobility
for all mode_s of travel within the city. The SMP is designed to help the city integrate and
synthesize these multiple previous planning efforts. It is a key element in implementing the
General Plan M·obility Element adopted in 2015 and will help meet the greenhouse gas . · . .
reduction goals of the Climate Action Plan by shifting community members away from private
automobiles toward modes that are more livable, cleaner, and healthier.
On January 10, 2020, city staff provided a memorandum to City Council as an update on the
current progress of the SMP (Attachment A). Since then, the Stakeholder Working Group (SWG)
completed their review of the draft SMP. In addition, city staff c_ontacted numerous members
of the SWG directly via phone calls to review the document ancl obtain their feedback. The
project team then revised the document per the comments received.
The draft SMP was first submitted to the Traffic and Mobility Commissio~ at their meeting on
March 2, 2020 as an informational item to provide a 30-day review of the .document prior to.
conside·ration as an action item at their April 6, 2020 meeting. · ·
On April 6, 2020, the Traffic and Mobility Commission cited numerous concerns with the plan
regarding the project prioritization system, lack of public review, cohesiveness of the plan and
project monitoring framework (see Attachment B·for draft meeting minutes). The Commission
moved to recommend that staff address their comments and return with a revised draft plan at
a future meeting. The Corn mission motion also included creation of an ad hoc committee to ·
assist the project team in the plan review, with Commissioners Perez, Linke and Penseyres as
members. The motion was approved by the Commission with a vote of 7/0/0.
Public Works Branch
Transportation Department
Faraday Center 1635 Faraday Ave I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-2730
Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council
April 30, 2020
Page 2
Next steps
City staff expects to present the revised draft SMP to City Council in September 2020, following
completion of these next steps:
• May-July 2020-The project team will work with the Traffic and Mobility Commission
ad hoc committee to update and refine the draft plan, within the defined scope of work.
• August 2020 -The revised draft SMP will be presented to the Traffic and Mobility
Commission at its Aug. 3, 2020 meeting.
• August/September 2.020 -If there is any additional feedback from the Traffic and
Mobility Commission, staff will make needed revisions.
Once the SMP has been accepted by City Council, staff will prepare a comprehensive analysis so
that any additional resources needed to initiate implementation of the SMP are requested in
the fiscal year 2021-22 budget.
Attachments: A. Sustainable Mobility Plan Memo to City Council dated Jan. 10, 2020
B. Draft minutes of the April 6, 2020 Traffic and Mobility Commission meeting
cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager
Celia Brewer, City Attorney
Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager, Community Services
Laura Rocha, Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services
Ron Kemp, Assistant City Attorney
Robby Contreras, Assistant City Attorney
Tom Frank, Transportation Director
Kristina Ray, Communication & Engagement Director
John Kim, City Traffic Engineer
Nathan Schmidt, Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager
Nikki Matosian, Community Relations Manager
·. -.::-.,
To the members of the, ·
Date 1/io j2c; CA -✓cc ✓
· CM\./ coo ✓ocM {3} \/ --. ---
Ja·n.: 10, 2020
Council Memotdnduin
Hono:rabte Mayor Hall ~nd Members of the City Council
Paz Gomez, De_pi.ity Qty Manager, p·ubf Ii Works
Elaine Lukey, Chief Operations·Officer _
. Sustainable Mobility Plan Update .
Attachment A
-r·--_ _-_~C1tyof
Memp ID# 2020004
This memorandum provide.s.an upd~te on the effort? associated with the_sustain~bie Mobility
· Plari-(.SMPJ which is anticipated to go to the City Council for cohsid~ratio!1 in April 2020.
. For just over a decade,. the city has actively been developing and implementing a series,of
stand-alone documents, techriicaJ an·alyses and recommendatiohs relatjng to Improving
rn~bility for all modes of travel within the city. The SMP Kdes1gned to help the city· integrate
and synthesize these m1.dtiple previ<;ius_ planning efforts. It is·a ke,y erement in implementing the
Gen.er~J Pl.an Mobility Elemem.adopteq in 2015 ;ind Will help meetth~, greenhouse gas
reduct)oh goals ofthe Climate,Action Plan l:ly shifting community m ~mb.er_s aw_ay from private
automobiles toward modes that a_re more livable, cleaner, and hea°lthjer.
The SMP will examine alternative transportation options in a compreh~nsiveand interwoven
way to present an ~xisting and a future network. ltwill develop modal 'blueprints' to evaluate,
plan, expand and fund initiatives such as:
· 1. Bicycle an·d pedestrian improvements
2. Safe routes to schools and parks
3. Transit
4. Mobility hubs featuring -car-share and bikeshare services
5. The transportation demand management effort
6. lmprov~ments in under.served t:omrriunities s~ch as the Barrio.
As the city continues to growtnis network, it endeavors tQ empower all residents with choices
that improve conmiuting, recrealiCln a_nd getting around the .tjty overc)ll1 while acr:omplishing
these importi'int benefits:· ·
1. Increased safety
2. More convenient options
3. Healthier tra~el options
4. Better traffic flow
In a~dition. to broader stakeholder engagement aq:iyities forthe SMP, the SMP Stakeholder
Working Group is providing insights to the city and-the technical team regar~ihg the
Public Works Branch
Transportation Department
Faraday Center1635 Faraday Ave j Carlsbad, CA 92008 j 760-602-2730
Honori:lble Mayo·r Ha.II and Members of t!,e City 4ouncil
J~n, 10,, _2020
Page 2
methodology ancj prioritization of projects. Tne working grQup iS comprised of repr~seJitatives.
· from the business community, hospitality industry, Carlsbad Unified School District;. regi9n~I
trar1spo1:Jation agencies and _oth·er community partners. SMP·stakeholder Workin_g Group
members are also encouraged to support_ broader stakeholder engagement and
communications efforts to supportthe plariningprocess;
SMP Devel()prhent
On Aug. 8, _2019, eitystaff provided a hlemora·nduni to City Council as ah update on the q.Jrrent
progress ofthe SMP (AttachrrientA}. Since this time city staff hc!s been working Vfith the projeq
·team to further refine-the plan. based upon feedback received from new city staff and the SMP
. Stak,eholder Working Group.
The fourth an_d final meeting ofthE:? SMP Stakeholder Working Group oc~urred on Dec. 10,
2019. Owringthis meeting, members of the project team presented the primary elements ofth_e
draft SMP, for which public review will occur lnla!e December through January. The group
reviewed the criteria for identifying projects and the planned networks for transit, pedestrian,
trail ;md bicycle modes. Stakeholders provided feedback and asked qu~stions aboutthe
networks and other elements o.fthe draftSMP~ A summary of the comme~ts received from the
stakeholders during this meeting is in duded as Attachment B.
Next steps
City staff expects ta. present the draft SMP to City Council in April 2020, following completion of
these next steps: _
• January 2020 -Th·e $MP Stakeholder Working Group will complete their review of the
draft SMP. Staff will make needed revisions based on the SMP Stakeholder Working
Group1s feedback .
. • March 2020 -The draft SMP will be presented to the Traffic arid Mobility Commission at
its Mar: 2, 2020 meeting. Staff will make needed revisions based on the Traffic and
Mobility Commission's feedback.
• April 2020-Staff will present the SMP to City Council.
• April 20_2;0 -Once the SMP has been accepted by the City Cour:icil, staff will prepare a
comprehensive analysis so-that any additional resources needed to initiate .
implementation of th~ SMP are requested in the fiscal year 2020~21 budget.
Attachments: A. Council Memorandum on Sustainable Mobility Plan dated Aug. 8, 2019
B. SMP Stakeholder Working Group Meeting #4Si.Jrrlmary
cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager
Celia Brewer, City Attorney .
Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager, Community Services
Honorable_ Mayor Hall and_ Members of th~ _City Council
Jan. 10! 2.020
Page 3
~aura Rocha~ Deputy City Manager, Admini•strative S~rvices
Tom Frank, Transportation Director
Kristina Ray, Communications Director
Mike Peterson, Jnterini Commu~fty& Eco.nomic beveloprn.~nt Diretto.r
Ama;nda ·c;"_uy~ Deputy City Attorney
Nathan Schmidt, Tra~sportation Planning.and Mobility Manager
John Kin,, City Traffic Engineer
Ja·son ~eldert, City Engineer
Don Neu, City Planner
Nikki Matosian, Commun_ity Relations Manager
I I l -I I ;. f.
Honorab!,e M~yorHall artct Members of the.City Council
Aug; 8, 201~
AttachfT!ent A
• Combine,s aU the prior wo_rk with .current dc1ta and tet~ni~c!I analysi$ into a c()ncise
-. Reflects broad stakeholder e(l~agement with ~he business and .. tourism c;ormiitinities, a.s
well as digital and in-per:son poblic outrei!tb _efforts
· SMP milestones inch..1de:
• City Council approved the application for~ CalifQrnj9 Department of Tr~nsportation
(Ca!transl Su$tainable ComrtlLJriities Grant_ to develop the SIVIP {August 2016)
• Caltrc;1ns. approved the application and entered into a contract with the cifl/(May 2017)
• City Council approved a professional services aweementwitb Ch.en Ryan Mobility{May
• Existing. Conditions.Assessment (June/July 2018)
• Outreach framework Plan (June 2018)
• SM P Stakeho'lder Working Group Meeting, #1 (August 2018)
• Design Guidelin(:s Developm~t1t (Noyember-2018)
• Stakeholder Working Group Meeting #2 (December 2018}
• Online survey data colle~ion ahd iri-person s~tveys:at Farmers Mc1rket (December 2018)
• Stakeholder Working Group Meeting #3 (January 2019)
• Agre_ement with Chen Ryan Mobility extend¢d (February 2019)
• Interim draft report provided to Caltralis (March 20i9)
While the SMP was under deveh:>pment, the city c_ohtinued to mak!:! p(ogress on several
il')itiatives related to mobility that were consistent with the framework of the SMP,. including:
• DeveHopment of a Trolley Feasibility Study by a consultant authorized by City Council
(March 2017); estimated completiciri dateSepternber 2019
• Carlsbad Parking Management Plan develpped in support of the Village and Barrio
Master P Ian to improve th¢. effidency and ~ectiveness of the parking system in the
Village and beach areas (2_018)
• Villag~ and Barrio Master Plan adoptecl by City Council (2018}; waiting for final
certification from Californi;:! Coastal Commission
• Citywide Transportation Demand Management Plan approved by City Council (February
'i I: .,
.. (City of
Sustainaple M<:>billtY:.Plah
Stakeholder Working Group-Me.eting #4
Det~mber 10; 2019 • 8:30 a.m. :...,.1Q:OO a_,m.
-••••• ·_ ••••••·••••· •••••• ·_.-.................... -••••.. -••• .--........................................ --•• -.-•••.• -......................... -.·-••-•····· .·•··. ·-••1
••••••••••--••••••-•••••....,,fa_·•· ·••••••••••••••••••••••· ........ •• ·••• ••••••• .. ••••••••••••••-z· ••••••• _-. · v • .'•. · ••••••• ... ,.-•• :• _ L. ~--•· : ,,.·_•••. 11.• .••••••••_•••I
On December 10, 2019, the City of Carlsbad convened the fourth meeting of
the Stakeholder Working Group (SWG) as -part of the Su.stainabie Mobility
Plan (SMP) deve·lopment process. The purpose orthe meeting was to: ·
provide an Update on the planning process and fot~st dev~lppments; review
the content of the Draft SMP; and facilitate SWG members' input. This report
summc;1rizes the meeting proceedings and d_iscussi'Olis. '
Meetiog Overview
Meeting #4 of the SWG occurred on December 10, 2019, 8:30am -10:00am
at City of Carlsbad Faraday Center,.163~. Farc1day Ave, Carlsbad, 92008. A
total of nine (9) SWG ·members attended,·as listed in Appendix A. Attendees
received a comment form for providing written comments to the project
team (see Appendix B).
Paz Gomez, Deputy City Managerl Public Works With the City opened the
meeting with welcoming remarks. After SWG members provided self-
introductions, Andy Pencloley of MIG, part of the project team, served as
meeting facilitator and provided an overview of the rneeting objectives,
agenda and format. He then.initiated the review of the ·project background,
process and· community engagement efforts before introducing Dr. sherry
Ryan of Chen Ryan Associates, Project Manager for the· project consultant
team. Dr. Ryan -pres~nted primary elements of the Draft SMP, for which the
Prepared by MIG, Inc. Page 1 of7
City of Carlsbad SMP I Stakeholder Working Group Meeting #4
Summary Report, 12/10/19
· • Increase the focus on safe routes to· s·chocfl ·to reduce conge.s~ion c:1f
school sit!:!S, and to better c3ccomm9date continued population growth
Bicycle Network
• Create. design guideHnes for intersections that address safe crossings
and tyrns · .
• What is_the status of the proposed bicycle tunnel at Interstate s and
Gnmd Avenue.? -Th.is will be carried forward as part of corridor
planning with. Ca/trans and SANDAG ·
• Will installation of protected bikeways require widening of the
roadway? '""" No, th,e additional space ne_eded for the bikeway will be .
created by narrowing the travel lanes
• People on bicycles should still be allowed to ride in the right-hand
travel lane when a protected ,bikeway is available
• Provide traffic calming measures that also provide protected spaces for
people riding bicycles -and w~lking.
o. Consider providjng additional education and signage to build
public understanding and awareness
• Focus on providing 6ikeways that connect to major employers .
• Consider changing some Class IV bfkeways to Class I separated
facilities, particularly to reduce potential conflicts with driveways and .
turns . _
• Consider providing a Class I facility on the west side of El Camino Real
between Palomar Airport Road and Gateway -Road for improved safety
and connectivity to commercia·I area and Viasat campus
• Study .alternatives tq provid_ing a new tr9ffic light on Avenida Encinas,
such as a roundabout -
Additional Ideas
• Create tailored design guidelines that maximize safety for active
transportation modes, including but not limited to: ·
P Bikeways
o Intersections.
a Turns
• Provide phasing and timing· for impi_ementation in 'the Draft SMP
• Evaluate the performance of and consider potential route changes to
the Carlsbad Connector service
• Review the trolley feasib!lity study and ensure it is coordinated with
the SMP
• Address how the SMP-responds to SANDAG's upcoming RTP revisions
(i.~., "5 Big Moves")
Prepared by MIG, Inc. Page.3 of.7
City of Carlsbad SMP I Stakeholder Working Group Meeting #4
s~mmary Re!"port, 12/10/19
Appendpc A: staJ<~hQlder Working G:roi.jp Members -AtteQdees of
·oecember 10, 2019 'Meetii1Q ·
First Name Last Name Organization
:Carolin~ Alban~ Carlsba.d chamb~r of Commerce
Cindy kriinmel Calffoniia State Parks
.. --. -
Thomas. tee Cape Rey Carlsbad
Jim Mandler · Cruzan
Eduardo Moya 'Legoland California Resort
Pete Penseyres Bike Walk Carlsbad
Katie Per~ons North CoLJnty Trans.it District
. -·----------·······--·
-· ... -Kalim Smith Barrio Strong
Lisa Urbach California State Parks
John Kim City of Carlsbad
Project T~am Members
• Paz Gomez, Deputy City Manager, Public Works, City of Carlsbad
• Nathan Schmidt, Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager, City of .
• Craddock Stropes, Senior Management Analyst, Public Works, City of
Carlsbad· · ·
• Sherry Ryan, Project Manager, Chen Ryan Associates
• Gabriela Dow, Community Relatio17$ and Public Affairs, NVS
• J~rina Brossman, Community Relations and Public Affairs, NVS
• Andy Pendol·ey, Facilitator, MIG, Inc.
Prepared by MIG, Inc. · Page 5 of7
City of Carlsbad SMP I Stakeholder Wor:king Group Meeting #4
summary Rep9rt, 12/10/19
Appe~dix· c: Wallgraphic:: (photo-reduced)
Prepared by MJG, Inc. Page 7·of 7
facilities, and therefore the staff recommendation should be to support building the College
Boulevard extension rather than pursuing the proposed exemptions. Linke noted that this
re~ommendation is consistent with past action taken by City Council on joint public/private
partnerships to finance road projects.
0 Deputy City Manager Gomez addressed Commissioner Linke's comments:
1. 1he College Boulevard extension project, which has a private development financing
obligation according to the current LFMZ 15 Plari and the Citywide Facilities and Improvements
Plan (CFIP), is to construct a two-lane alternative. Staff is required to comply with City Council
direction in the two plans unless City Council provides direction to amend the LFMZ 15 Plan and
CFIP to consider a project for a four-lane alternative and a <;:;iW,t-Jed financing option.
. 2. The staff recommendation includes expeditingtfisting CIP projects to relieve
congestion on the deficient facil ities, and this appro~f6'.i.i¥¢pnsistent with that taken on ·
southbound Melrose Drive near Palomar Airport R~l~?fh~lt~};~ontinue to construct
improvements even though the facilities are dee:tnecl exempt'~/(}·,
• 3. It is true that previously each zon~:ffi:~{increased traffid°~n a deficient facility by at
least 20% was previously obligated to COijtrtGJt; to resolving the ;;:~fi¢lency, but that is no
longer the case since the General Plan M~f11Jit¥ Element was updated }r\tl9.J5.
C In response to Commissioner Linke's statem'e.ntthat an.~xe:mption woul°d:dh ~ourage the
completion of the proposed roijJ(i;V){ay improveJ :;m~Rr.(;jt~~trransportatiolp)f~ctor Frank
[.-.,'/·. ',;-;:,•,·., ·',·'~_-·,·:,·.•·•-~,--:.. ·,·.-.-· responded that the General Pla9.'.~~-t~f ·:\;</;(
For Level of Service exemp,_f}ifijJf.qfilities, the'~ifY.')fifl not implement improvements to
maintain the level of servit~,~tanHar.tf:.qµtlined oiff:/plJ~y 3P.4, if such improvements are
beyond whq,t)s_J<jentified app;fqpriatJ'. tit)j~ild_ out oldJ.~,§eneral Plan.
Since the Colleg~;_J}~~~i~t~.,extension'l:frRject i?,:ifi?ft{~~.~)n thiQlneral Plan, the proposed · -•:~,':;.,•:/?/' . -~;-.-:1,:.·:-.. • ._..l,,-:~. 6-< .. ,.•/•·.,, .,~.-,,•,1,-... ;-:,, exemptions v.rf!t99t negativ¢1}t.,i mpact th¢.~f c:iiJ~:&.f BouleV~(c;l:~tension project.
C Deputy City IVf¾.n.iger Gom JfcJarified th~i::tfe~?current City'f ~uncil direction is that private
development wilf'ftin:d and cJi{ttruct Collegif s:o_ulevard extension: Because the College ·-/::-,;:,;.·. /2 ..-,,;.·,· ;,--~.·t,, .. , ,:.·-·.
Bo~1,8~~f~~p~,;~sio11·1~t~~t?;}~e.~j~:t:?::7,-}.:MZ ~fl;l_an, it is a requirement for the private
9:~~:]9perst g°J~99, and b~/W;th1s mfra~ft~re ,1Jc.>11e developers move forwa rd.
;@l?'ifi missioneJ ij[1~.~yres'fri~y}fed if the f~~!:b.ility study would trigger Proposition H.
o;p~puty City ManaMf:Gomez-:etplained that Proposition H has a trigger that public voter ·
ap~f6yaJ is required if\~~projecito:st would be over one million dollars of General Funds.
C Co~fnl¾J~ner Hunter Wi~pleased t_si''see the project on El Camino Real from Jaspar Drive to
Sunny CrJ:~kincluded in st~ffs presentation, but he does not support the proposed exemptions
being requeff~p):>y staff. ?Ii -
0 Vice-Chair Johf:\:sg,I.J enjp.{~fthe presentation on the Four Deficient Street Facilities and
reiterated her c~~t ~r!Ji.'i~$dut exemptions. She would prefer supporting a recommendation to ·
address the problerrfff:2ongestion. · ·
Motion by Commissioner Fowler, seconded by Comn:iissioner Penseyres, to approve staff
1. Adopt a resolution to:
A. Determine the following street facilities to be deficient because they do not meet the vehicular
level of service (LOS) performance standard required by the city's Growth Management Plan:
5. Southbound El Camino Real from· Cannon Road to College Boulevard
6. Northbound El Camino Real from College Boulevard to Cannon Road
Page 4 of 6
Public Works
Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-434-2730 t
7. Eastbound Cannon Road from El Camino Real to College Boulevard
8. Westbound Cannon Road from College Boulevard to El Camino Real
B. Determine the following street facilities to be built out and exempt from the vehicular LOS
performance standard, in accordance with General Plan Mobility Element Policy 3~P.9:
1. Southbound El Camino Real from Cannon Road to College Boulevard
2. Northbound _El Camino Real from College Boulevard to Cannon Road
3. Eastbound Cannon Road from El Camino Real to College Bouleva_rd
4. Westbound Cannon Road from College Boulevard to El Camino Real
C. Expedite Capital lmprovem_ent Program (CIP) Project No. 609~4, to improye traffic circulation by
widening northbound El Camino Real from Sunny Creek RqeftjJ9 Jackspar Drive, by proposing
different funding sources which may necessitate meetir.g)~Hs·tosition H requirements if more
than $1 million of general funds are used. /cif;0{t
Motion failed: 2/5 (No: Gocan, Johnson, Hunter, Linke and:;g~}Jir'~{f~;::,
.,.4i1~:-·{'/ '·~?JJ;};,
Motion by Commissioner Linke, seconded by Comrryj~_~i.13.ner Hunter, to: ··'(}if::\._
1. support staff recommendations regardin~:·poinh 1A and 1C stated'ihP:v~, and
• • • ·-~.-:~~:, . ····??;~/,;,_
2. reJect point 1B listed above, and '-,,~%\: ,. <\fii\.
3. direct a representative _of the T&MC to make :ifpt~.-sentq:l:jtj°ij)othe City c'csUW~Ron the
qu~ntitative data and conclusio,n~from the traffil~f}:idtttifiducted on Colleg~::Bbulevard . :1~e~t.::?~--.. -,~~1?.~1;;}•:r-•J extension, and •-:f_,,,-,.,"'/'?-:•·-. ·,:,,~;;;:,., ..-::~;;.::. ~ .. ~';:;;_~~:-: .... ~, ·--~ ~~;,_k· ·. .
4. recommend that City Council direc;:J~taffJ#i'9.~~elop a cify,if~,Sl financing program to build the
Motion ::~:::e:0 :~:;c:~;,en:)1tf't?i~;;~i~)
CITY TRAFF_l,~;~J)J.~1 N EER\tJ?JVl9!j!w.!~i;-., \fal>. ,,,:tkilM10b;,,__ '.~·t{~Mt•/N,,,,,'t;}~!,i,:;,;,,, ·tf1;).
UpcDnJJJJ,gi_City Cou'ricilJfafTlS oifJiaf_fic and M~!'ef1Uty? _
1,<~:;:.-p5 . .f/ ,;,,.,~~-?·.,, ·-::--.0 ~-!:"· ··-~~(~ '.lf\~ Urgency Or'tjJ)t,~-rce est~J!ifhing NO PARKING zone on Carlsbad Boulevard between Pine
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Commissioner Linke thankeqj~JHfie commissioners and staff for the good work. -:~:;:-'"
Vice-Chair Johnson also complimented everyone for the good work.
Chair Gocan was very' pleased, and thankful with all the work involved in the meeting especially since it
was the first time that the Commission meeting was held virtually u~ing Zoom.
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Public Works
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