HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-08-27; Growth Management Plan Monitoring Report FY 2018-19; |Barberio, Gary| Murphy, Jeff| Neu, Don|/ To the members of the:
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Council Memorandum ·
Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council
Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager, Community Services
Jeff Murphy, Community Development Director
Don Neu, City Planner ·
.. Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager@
{city of
MEMO ID #2020181
Re: FY 2018-19 Growth Management Plan Monitoring Report
Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.~0.130(d) requires the preparation of an annual monitoring
report on the Growth Management Plan. Attached to this memorandum is the Growth
Management Plan Monitoring Report (report) for fiscaf year (FY) 2018-19. The report includes .
an analysis of development activity, an adequacy analysis of public facilities and improvements,·
public facility financing, and the status of the Proposition E d,welling unit caps. The major
findings of the report are as follows:
1. Building permits for 375 dwellings and 315,194 square feet of non-residential space were
issued during FY 2018-19.
2. The total number of dwelling units in each quadrant continues to comply with the Growth
Management Plan limitations. .
3. This report identifies circulation fadlities that are not meeting the growth management
performance standard (see page 21). All other public facilities are currently meeting their
adopted growth management performance standards for FY 2018-19. The report continues
to identify which pubHc facilities will need to provide additional improvements to meet their
performance standards at buildout.
Attachment: A. Growth Management Plan Monitoring Report for fiscal year (FY) 2018-19
Community Services Branch
Planning Division
1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-4600 I 760-602-8560 fax
Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council
Aug. 27, 2020
Page 2
cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager
Celia Brew, City Attorney
Paz Gomez, Deputy City Manager, Public Works
Ken Knatz, Engineering Manager
Tom Frank, Transportation Director
Doug Bilse, Senior Engineer
Nathan Schmidt, Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager
Dave Padilla, Senior Engineer
Daniel Zimny, Associate Engineer
Mike Calderwood, Fire Chief
Nick Ordille, Assistant Fire Chief
Suzanne Smithson, Library & Cultural Arts Director
Fiona Everett, Senior Management Analyst
Kyle Lancaster, Parks & Recreation Director
Tim Selke, Parks Services Manager
Kasia Trojanowska, Parks Planning Manager
Jennifer Jesser, Senior Planner
Corey Funk, Associate Planner
Attachment A
Fiscal Year 2018-19
Growth Management Plan Monitoring Report
July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019
Carlsbad City Council
Matt Hall, Mayor
Keith Blackburn, Mayor Pro Tem
Cori Schumacher, Council Member
Priya Bhat-Patel, Council Member
Report prepared in cooperation with the following departments:
Community Development
Parks & Recreation
Library and Cultural Arts
Carlsbad Municipal Water District
Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.90.130(d) requires the preparation of an annual monitoring
report on the Growth Management Plan. This report satisfies this requirement by providing
information regarding the status of the Carlsbad Growth Management Plan for the fiscal year
covering July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019, and to verify that the plan is continuing to accomplish its stated
objectives. The primary objectives of the Growth Management Plan are to ensure that adequate
public facilities are provided concurrent with growth, and to assure compliance with the ultimate
dwelling unit limitations that were established by Proposition E, which was passed by voters in 1986.
Pursuant to the code section, the report is provided to the city council for review.
Performance Standards
Proposition E established broad guidelines for determining adequacy of public facilities. These
guidelines are further defined in the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan by means of specific
performance standards for each of the eleven public facilities. These public facilities, their
performance standards, status, and anticipated adequacy at buildout are outlined in Table 1 and
Table 2, as follows:
Public Facility Performance Standard More Information
on Page
City Administrative
1,500 sq. ft. per 1,000 population must be
scheduled for construction within a five-year
period or prior to construction of 6,250 dwelling
units, beginning at the time the need is first
800 sq. ft. (of library space) per 1,000 population
must be scheduled for construction within a five-
year period or prior to construction of 6,250
dwelling units, beginning at the time the need is
first identified.
Treatment Capacity
Sewer plant capacity is adequate for at least a
five-year period. 16
3.0 acres of Community Park or Special Use Area
per 1,000 population within the Park District must
be scheduled for construction within a five year
period beginning at the time the need is first
identified. The five year period shall not
commence prior to August 22, 2017.
Drainage Drainage facilities must be provided as required
by the city concurrent with development. 19
Circulation Implement a comprehensive livable streets
network that serves all users of the system – 21
Public Facility Performance Standard More Information
on Page
vehicles, pedestrians, bicycles and public transit.
Maintain LOS D or better for all modes that are
subject to this multi-modal level of service
(MMLOS) standard, as identified in Table 3-1 of
the General Plan Mobility Element, excluding LOS
exempt intersections and streets approved by the
City Council.
Fire No more than 1,500 dwelling units outside of a
five-minute response time. 36
Open Space
Fifteen percent of the total land area in the Local
Facility Management Zone (LFMZ) exclusive of
environmentally constrained non-developable
land must be set aside for permanent open space
and must be available concurrent with
School capacity to meet projected enrollment
within the Local Facility Management Zone
(LFMZ) as determined by the appropriate school
district must be provided prior to projected
Sewer Collection
Trunk-line capacity to meet demand, as
determined by the appropriate sewer districts,
must be provided concurrent with development.
Water Distribution
Line capacity to meet demand as determined by
the appropriate water district must be provided
concurrent with development. A minimum of 10-
day average storage capacity must be provided
prior to any development.
Public Facility FY 2018-19 Adequacy Status
(Meets performance standard?)
Buildout Adequacy Status
(Meets performance standard?)
City Administrative
Yes Yes
Library Yes Additional facilities to be provided
Treatment Capacity
Yes Yes
Parks Yes Additional facilities to be provided
Drainage Yes Additional facilities to be provided
Circulation No Additional facilities to be provided
Fire Yes Yes
Public Facility FY 2018-19 Adequacy Status
(Meets performance standard?)
Buildout Adequacy Status
(Meets performance standard?)
Open Space Yes Additional facilities to be provided
Schools Yes Yes
Sewer Collection
Yes Additional facilities to be provided
Water Distribution
Yes Additional facilities to be provided
What Happens if Facilities Do Not Meet the Performance Standard?
The Growth Management Plan requires development activity to stop if a performance standard is
not being met (however, the city cannot enforce a moratorium on residential development).1 Some
performance standards apply to the city as a whole, and others apply to more specific areas, as
described below:
• Administrative facilities, library, and wastewater treatment capacity are facilities that serve the
entire city. Their adequacy in meeting the performance standard is analyzed by considering the
cumulative impact of citywide development. The failure of any one of these facilities to meet
the adopted performance standard would affect the city as a whole. In that event, all
development in the city would be halted until the deficiency is corrected.
• Parks are analyzed on a quadrant basis. This means that if the standard is not being met in the
quadrant, development is halted for all Local Facility Management Zones (LFMZs, see
description below) in the quadrant.
• Fire facilities are analyzed on the basis of fire station districts which can comprise multiple
LFMZs, and if the standard is not met for a district, then development would be halted in that
• The remaining facilities (drainage, circulation, open space, schools, sewer collection system, and
water distribution system) are analyzed on an LFMZ basis. If one of these facilities falls below
the performance standard in a given LFMZ, development in that LFMZ would stop and other
zones would not be affected if they are continuing to meet all performance standards.
Local Facility Management Zone Plans
The Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan divided the city into twenty-five Local Facilities
Management Zones (LFMZ). Each LFMZ is required to have an adopted Local Facilities Management
Plan (LFMP) prior to any development in the LFMZ. Consistent with the Growth Management Plan,
the LFMP must do the following: describe how the LFMZ will be developed, how compliance with the
Growth Management Plan standards will be achieved, how the necessary public facilities will be
provided, and what financing mechanisms will be used for the facilities. All twenty-five LFMZs have
an adopted LFMP. Please see Figure 1 for the general boundaries and locations of the LFMZs.
1 Pursuant to an opinion issued on April 17, 2020, the California Department of Housing and Community Development
“finds that the housing development moratorium adopted pursuant to the City’s GMP would be impermissible under
California Government Code section 66300” (Housing Crisis Act of 2019).
Population as a Measurement for Facility Performance Standards
City of Carlsbad
Quadrants & LFMP Zones
As indicated in Table 1, above, the performance standards for city administrative facilities, library
facilities, and parks are stated in terms of population. The demand for these facilities is based on
each new dwelling unit built and the estimated number of new residents it adds to the city, which is
determined using the average number of persons per dwelling unit. Utilizing data from the 2010
Federal Census (total population divided by total number of dwelling units), the average for Carlsbad
is 2.358 persons per dwelling unit.
As of June 30, 2019, the city’s population is estimated to be 111,607, which is calculated by
multiplying 2.358 persons per dwelling unit by the number of dwelling units, accessory dwelling units,
and commercial living units (which were counted as dwelling units in the 2010 Federal Census); in
total there are 47,286 dwellings and commercial living units, as shown in Table 3 below.
Quadrant Dwelling
units 2
dwelling units 3
Commercial living
units 4
Total units Population
NW 12,431 207 226 12,864 30,333
NE 6,971 45 - 7,016 16,544
SW 10,158 28 685 10,871 25,659
SE 16,367 168 - 16,535 39,072
Total 45,927 448 911 47,286 111,607
As part of the Growth Management Plan monitoring process, the persons per dwelling unit number
can be adjusted in the future when updated Federal Census data is available. It should be noted that
the above population estimates are for growth management facility planning purposes only and may
vary from other official population estimates for Carlsbad.
2 Dwelling units represent the dwellings that are counted for purposes of the city’s growth management dwelling unit limits per Proposition E (excludes accessory dwelling units and commercial living units); the number of dwelling units shown in this table are updated to June 30, 2018. 3 Accessory dwelling units are accessory to single family dwellings and are separate dwelling units with living space, kitchen and
bathroom facilities. Pursuant to state law, accessory dwelling units cannot be counted as dwellings for purposes of the city’s growth
management dwelling limits. However, the units are counted here to ensure all city population is considered in regard to the
performance standards for administrative facilities, libraries and parks.
4 Commercial living units, as shown in this table, are professional care facility living units that were counted as dwelling units in the
2010 Federal Census. Pursuant to city ordinance (CMC 21.04.093), commercial living units are not counted as dwellings for purposes
of the city’s growth management dwelling limits. However, the units are counted here to ensure all city population is considered in
regard to the performance standards for administrative facilities, libraries and parks.
Residential Development Activity
Building permits for 375 new dwelling units were issued during the FY 2018-19. Table 4 provides a
breakdown by quadrant and LFMZ, excluding the zones that had no development activity. Figure 2
shows the recent five year trend of building permits issued for dwelling units.
Quadrant LFMZ Units
NW 1 128
Total NW 128
NE 2 1
14 98
25 54
Total NE 153
SW 19 1
20 5
21 11
Total SW 17
SE 6 9
17 68
Total SE 77
Total citywide 375
2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
# units 294 208 952 341 375
Non-Residential Development Activity
Building permits for 315,194 square feet of new non-residential construction were issued during FY
2018-19, comprising both commercial and industrial development. Table 5 provides a breakdown
by quadrant and LFMZ, excluding the zones that had no development activity. Figure 3 shows the
recent five-year trend of building permits issued for the square footage of non-residential
Quadrant LFMZ
NW 1 37,327
5 (NW) 83,900
13 23,943
Total NW 145,170 - 145,170
NE 16 87,776
Total NE - 87,776 87,776
SW 4 800
19 2,109 Total SW 2,909 - 2,909
SE 6 32,240
11 33,368
17 13,731 Total SE 65,608 13,731 79,339
Total citywide 213,687 101,507 315,194
2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Square Feet 284,594 550,245 1,210,993 1,643,467 315,194
. I
Proposition E Compliance
The purpose of this part of the report is to demonstrate that the ultimate dwelling unit caps stated
in Proposition E will not be exceeded. Proposition E states “the maximum number of residential
dwelling units to be constructed or approved in the city after November 4, 1986 is as follows:
Northwest Quadrant 5,844; Northeast Quadrant 6,166; Southwest Quadrant 10,667; Southeast
Quadrant 10,801.” This resulted in dwelling unit caps as shown in Table 6 (see the totals for each
quadrant below). All quadrants are in compliance with the dwelling unit caps established by
Proposition E for FY 2018-19. As noted above in Table 3, accessory dwelling units and commercial
living units are not counted as dwellings for purposes of Growth Management Plan compliance with
the Proposition E caps.
As of June 30, 2019
TOTAL Outside
Village Village Total
Proposition E
Dwelling Limit
15,370 9,042 12,859 17,328 54,599
Dwellings 11,794 637 12,431 6,971 10,158 16,367 45,927
Unbuilt Planned
Dwellings5 2,024 227 2,251 1,969 1,469 634 6,323
Total Existing
and Unbuilt
Planned Dwellings
13,818 864 14,682 8,940 11,627 17,010 52,259
Additional Dwellings6 129 559 688 102 1,232 318 2,340
Table 6 represents the number of dwelling units that could be built (based on the applicable growth
management density) on all parcels that have a residential land use designation. The “total existing
and unbuilt planned dwellings”, as shown in Table 6, assumes all parcels with a residential land use
designation will be developed with residential dwellings, including land that is currently developed
with non-residential uses (e.g., some existing churches and professional care facilities are on land
designated for residential use). Although it is not anticipated that these parcels will convert to
5 All quadrants except the Village - includes unbuilt approved projects, as well as vacant and underdeveloped property
designated for residential use by the General Plan. 6 Dwelling unit capacity in addition to what is currently planned by the General Plan or approved as part of an unbuilt
project. "Potential additional dwellings" must be allocated from Excess Dwelling Unit Bank.
residential uses, the dwelling unit potential for these parcels is tracked to ensure compliance with
the Proposition E dwelling unit limits.
Table 7 estimates the number of dwellings that will exist at buildout; this estimate assumes that the
residentially designated land currently developed with non-residential uses will not all be developed
with residential uses in the future. The data in Table 6 and Table 7 show that the Proposition E
dwelling unit limits will not be exceeded.
Quadrant Dwelling Units Population
NW 15,079 38,698
NE 8,940 22,496
SW 10,918 28,071
SE 16,879 42,474
Total 51,816 131,739
Density Control Points and Excess Dwelling Unit Bank
To manage compliance with the Proposition E dwelling unit limitations, the City Council established
Growth Management Control Point (GMCP) densities for all residential land use designations in the
city (for example, for the R-4 land use designation, the GMCP density is 3.2 dwelling units per acre).
All residential development must, on average, not exceed the GMCP densities. To ensure this,
Council Policy Statement 43 (Proposition E “Excess Dwelling” Unit Bank) established a dwelling unit
bank concept. When development occurs below the GMCP, the “excess” number of units (difference
between the potential number of units at the GMCP density and the number of units built) are
available for other residential developments to allow them to be constructed at a density that
exceeds the GMCP density.
On December 17, 2002, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2002-350, which amended Council
Policy Statement 43 by reducing the accumulated number of excess units to 2,800. Excess units may
be allocated to any quadrant based on the criteria in Council Policy Statement 43, so long as the
citywide or individual quadrant dwelling unit limits are not exceeded. Please see Table 8 for the
Excess Dwelling Unit Bank status at the end of the FY 2018-19. “Pending” excess units are associated
with projects that have been approved below the GMCP density but are not yet constructed, or an
approved land use change is not yet effective. “Pending” excess units are not available to allocate
to other sites; the units will be made available for allocation at the time the associated projects are
constructed, or the land use change becomes effective.
Balance as of June 30, 2019
Inside the Village 559
Outside the Village 424
Pending deposits 429
Public Facility Financing
In 1991, the City of Carlsbad established Community Facilities District No. 1 (CFD) to provide financing
for a number of public facilities of citywide importance that are needed to meet the requirements of
the Growth Management Plan, including various road and intersection improvements, and the Dove
Library. As LFMZ plans were adopted, they were conditioned to annex into the CFD at the time the
first discretionary permit grants an entitlement to develop in the LFMZ. This ensures financing for
public facilities that can accommodate future growth consistent with the criteria of the Growth
Management Plan.
Status of the Facilities
Beginning on page 12 is a discussion of the adequacy of each of the eleven public facilities addressed
in Carlsbad’s Growth Management Plan.
A. Performance Standard
1,500 sq. ft. per 1,000 population must be scheduled for construction within a five-year
period or prior to construction of 6,250 dwelling units, beginning at the time the need is first
B. FY 2018-19 Facility Adequacy Analysis
Based on the estimated June 30, 2019 population estimate of 111,607, the current demand
for administrative facilities is 167,411 square feet. To date, city administrative facilities
exceed the performance standard. Staff recently updated the existing facility square
footages, which resulted in refinements to some of the existing square footage numbers and
a lower total square footage compared to FY 2017-18 report. The existing inventory of city
and Carlsbad Municipal Water District buildings (leased and owned) occupied for
administrative services includes the following:
Facility Address Square Feet
City Hall Complex 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive 16,000
Faraday Administration Building 1635 Faraday Ave. 68,000
Fleet Service Center 2480 Impala Drive 10,540
Water District (Maintenance & Operations) 5950 El Camino Real 18,212
Parks Yard (Mainenance & Operations) 1166 Carlsbad Village Drive 4,012
Public Works Operations 405 Oak Ave. 9,950
Safety Center (Police and Fire administration) 2560 Orion Way 55,027
First Responder Safety Training Center 5750 Orion Way 18,112
Senior Center (Recreation administration) 799 Pine Ave. 5,770
C. Buildout Facility Adequacy Analysis
Based on the 2035 projected buildout population of 131,739, the demand for city
administrative facilities will be 197,608 square feet. The existing 205,169 square feet of
administrative facilities exceeds the growth management performance standard at buildout.
D. New Orion Center Project
A development proposal is underway for the Orion Center project, which will centralize the
city’s maintenance and operations functions into a single location on Orion Way. The goal
for the facility is to accommodate the existing and future needs for the following
departments: Public Works (Utilities/CMWD, General Services and Construction
Management & Inspection) and Parks & Recreation (Parks Maintenance). The proposed
project will free up three existing city facilities for redevelopment: 5950 El Camino Real, 205
Oak Street, and 1166 Carlsbad Village Drive. The new building will be 85,320 square feet,
which will provide a net increase in city administrative space of 53,146 square feet over the
three existing sites which will no longer be needed.
E. New City Hall Project
The new city hall project is in the process of identifying spatial requirements for city staff to
determine the size of the new city hall, and site criteria to determine which of four potential
locations is best suited for the new city hall and civic center. The initial project has three
phases, including the 1) Space Needs Analysis Report, 2) Site Criteria Evaluation, and 3) Best
Professional Recommendation. The City Council approved Phases 1 and 2 on September 17,
2019, with the third phase estimated to be completed prior to the end of the second quarter
of 2020.
A. Performance Standard
800 sq. ft. (of library space) per 1,000 population must be scheduled for construction within
a five-year period or prior to construction of 6,250 dwelling units, beginning at the time the
need is first identified.
Library space (leased/owned, public/non-public) is used as a standard library measurement
of customer use and satisfaction and includes collection space, seating, meeting rooms, staff
areas, technology, and other public facility needs. The performance standard, stated above,
was originally developed based on surveys of other libraries of comparable size and based on
related standards (such as volumes per capita) set by the American Library Association.
B. FY 2018-19 Inventory and Adequacy of Facilities
The current inventory of library facilities (city-owned) is as follows:
Facility Square Feet
Dove Library 64,000
Cole Library 24,600
Learning Center 11,393
Total 99,993
Based on the June 30, 2019 population estimate of 111,607, the growth management
standard requires 89,286 sq. ft. of public library space. The city’s current 99,993 sq. ft. of
library facilities adequately meets the growth management standard.
C. Facility Adequacy at Buildout
Based on the General Plan projected buildout population of 131,739, the demand for library
facilities will be 105,391 sq. ft. The existing 99,993 square feet of library facilities is expected
to fall short of the growth management standard at buildout.
In 2015-16, the city completed major maintenance and renovation for both the Cole and Dove
facilities that addresses current ADA requirements and allows delivery of modern library
services and technology, while extending the life of the Cole Library by 10 to 15 years.
Built in 1967, the design of the Cole Library could not have contemplated modern library
services including the extensive delivery of electronic resources, automated materials
handling, and the variety of new media formats. Additionally, the library’s role as a
community gathering space has increased. With an already maximized building footprint and
infrastructure constraints, the Cole Library will not expand further to meet these changing
needs. Additional meeting spaces, technology learning labs and maker spaces are examples
of elements desired by the community.
Complete replacement of the Cole facility is included in the Capital Improvement Program
budget between the years 2020 and buildout. Additionally, civic center and city hall site
studies, which are currently underway, will most likely inform the timing and opportunities
for a new Cole facility. One of the sites being considered for a new city hall and potential civic
center is the property that currently includes Cole. As these plans advance, staff will need to
evaluate impacts on a future library space.
A. Performance Standard
Sewer plant capacity is adequate for at least a five-year period.
B. FY 2018-19 Facility Adequacy Analysis
The Encina Water Pollution Control Facility (EWPCF) Phase V Expansion, which was completed
in 2009, accommodates the ultimate buildout demand for the Carlsbad sewer service area
based on projections made in the 2012 City of Carlsbad Sewer Master Plan and, therefore,
currently provides adequate capacity in excess of the performance standard.
Carlsbad’s FY 2017-18 annual daily average dry weather sewer flow was 6.03 million gallons
per day (MGD) representing 59% of the city’s 10.26 MGD capacity rights. The city’s annual
daily average sewage flow to the EWPCF for the previous five years is measured as follows:
Fiscal Year Annual daily average flow
FY 2014-15 6.17 MGD
FY 2015-16 5.82 MGD
FY 2016-17 6.32 MGD
FY 2017-18 6.18 MGD
FY 2018-19 6.03 MGD
C. Buildout Facility Adequacy Analysis
The Encina Water Pollution Control Facility Phase V Expansion provides adequate sewer
treatment capacity to ensure compliance with the growth management wastewater
performance standard through buildout of the Carlsbad sewer service area.
The City of Carlsbad 2019 Sewer Master Plan Update contains an analysis of annual daily
average sewer flow through buildout of the city based on the Carlsbad General Plan land use
projections. The analysis indicates that the city’s projected ultimate buildout flow is
approximately 8.31 MGD. The city has purchased capacity rights to 10.26 MGD in the EWPCF,
which ensures adequate wastewater treatment capacity is available to accommodate an
unanticipated increase in future sewer flows.
A. Performance Standard
3.0 acres of Community Park or Special Use Area per 1,000 population within the Park
District7 must be scheduled for construction within a five year period beginning at the time
the need is first identified8. The five year period shall not commence prior to August 22,
B. FY 2018-19 Facility Adequacy Analysis
To date, all quadrants are in compliance with the performance standard.
Quadrant Park acreage inventory existing Park acreage required by
Performance Standards
NW 105.2 91.0
NE 45.3 49.6
SW 70.2 77.0
SE 114.9 117.2
Total 335.6 334.8
The performance standard requirement for park acreage exceeds the inventory of existing
and scheduled park acreage for the NW quadrant, but the other quadrants do not currently
meet the performance standard. Although short of the acreage required, these quadrants
are not out of compliance with the performance standard because the five year period has
not been reached. For the SW and SE quadrants, the five year period began on August 22,
2017 as required by City Council Resolution No. 2017-170. For the NE quadrant, the FY 2017-
18 report identified the park acreage deficit, so the five year period began on June 30, 2018.
The completion of the Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan will address the referenced
deficits in the NE, SW and SE quadrants. Veteran’s Memorial Park is a city-owned,
undeveloped community park site located in the northwest quadrant. Because of its size,
centralized location, and citywide significance, the city intends that this site help fulfill future
citywide park needs. Thus, when the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan (CFIP) was
approved in 1986, Veteran’s Memorial Park (then known as Macario Canyon) was
apportioned equally to all four city quadrants to meet the GMP parks performance standard.
Further, the City of Carlsbad Community Facilities District No. 1 (CFD) was established in 1991,
creating a special tax lien on vacant properties throughout the city. The purpose of the CFD
7 "Park District" = "quadrant". There are four park districts within the city, corresponding to the four quadrants.
8 The threshold for triggering the construction of a new park is as follows: Once a deficit of park acreage in a quadrant is identified,
a new park must be scheduled for construction within the time frame of five years. According to City Council Resolution No. 97-435,
“scheduled for construction” means that the improvements have been designed, a park site has been selected, and a financing plan
for construction of the facility has been approved.
was to finance the construction of specific public facilities of citywide obligation and benefit,
including Veteran’s Memorial Park. Consistent with the intent of the CFIP and the CFD, the
General Plan Open Space, Conservation and Recreation Element credits 22.9 acres of the
91.5-acre Veteran’s Memorial Park to each quadrant’s future park inventory (see Table 4-7
of the Open Space, Conservation and Recreation Element).
The master planning process for that site commenced in December 2018, with the award of
a professional services agreement to RJM Design, and public outreach began in March
2019. The master plan is scheduled to be completed within the next two years, before the
conclusion of either of the five year periods (i.e., for the SE and SW quadrants, and for the NE
quadrant). Once the master plan is complete, the park will be considered “scheduled for
construction”7, and all four quadrants will be fully compliant with the performance standard.
C. Buildout Facility Adequacy Analysis
Based on the current FY 2019-20 CIP list of projects, Veteran’s Memorial Park is proposed to
be constructed prior to buildout. Construction of this community park would result in the
projected park inventory for all city quadrants exceeding the projected required acreage at
buildout, as shown below:
Quadrant Buildout
Proposed park
NW 38,698 116.1 105.2 22.9 128.1
NE 22,496 67.5 45.3 22.9 68.2
SW 28,071 84.2 70.2 22.9 93.1
SE 42,474 127.4 114.9 22.9 137.8
Total 131,739 395.2 335.6 91.5 427.2
D. Additional Parks Acreage
The figures above for proposed park acreage do not include park projects listed in the CIP as
“partially funded” or “unfunded”. Should alternative funding mechanisms be found, and
these parks are built, the additional parks acreage would further aid in meeting/exceeding
the growth management parks performance standard.
• Partially funded – In the FY 2019-20 CIP, $12,592,000 has been transferred to the
Robertson Ranch Park project (NE – 11.2 acres), which changes its status to “partially
funded”. The master planning process for this park is scheduled to begin in FY 2021-
• Unfunded – Zone 5 Business Park Recreational Facility (NW – 9.3 acres) and Cannon
Lake Park (NW – 6.8 acres).
9 Reflects the General Plan
A. Performance Standard
Drainage facilities must be provided as required by the city concurrent with development.
B. FY 2018-19 Facility Adequacy Analysis
All areas of the city currently meet the growth management drainage performance standard.
The standard for drainage distinguishes it from the other public facility standards because, by
its very nature, drainage facility needs are more accurately assessed as specific development
plans for individual projects are finalized. Therefore, the drainage performance standard was
written to allow the city to require appropriate drainage facilities as development plans are
finalized and approved.
The larger/master planned facilities have been identified in the city’s 2008 Drainage Master
Plan. The associated Planned Local Drainage Area (PLDA) fee program was established to
finance the construction of these facilities. The original Drainage Master Plan was adopted
in 1980 with the goal of assessing the performance of existing drainage infrastructure,
identifying anticipated improvements and developing a funding mechanism to ensure
construction of these planned facilities. The DMP is updated from time to time to reflect
changes in city growth, construction costs, general plan, drainage standards and
environmental regulations. At the present, the Public Works Branch is updating the 2008
Drainage Master Plan to ensure these larger/master planned facilities will be adequately
The construction of smaller development/project related drainage facilities are addressed
during the review of individual project proposals. Maintenance, repair and replacement
projects are identified on an ongoing basis and are incorporated in the Capital Improvement
Program as a part of the Storm Drain Condition Assessment Program, the Citywide Storm
Drain Rehabilitation and Replacement Program or as individual/stand-alone projects.
The Agua Hedionda and Calavera Creek channels located east of El Camino Real within the
residential community of Rancho Carlsbad were found to be of inadequate size to fully
contain and convey the 100-year flood event. As a result, the flood plain of these creeks
encroaches into the community and therefore projects located within LFMP Zones 5, 7, 14,
15, 16, 18 and 24 that drain to the Agua Hedionda or Calavera Creek must comply with the
following conditions to maintain compliance with the drainage performance standard:
1. Payment of the PLDA fee.
2. Install onsite drainage improvements to ensure that direct drainage impacts resulting
from the proposed development do not exacerbate the potential for downstream
flooding of existing development.
C. Buildout Facility Adequacy Analysis
The 2008 Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan proposes the construction of new facilities to
accommodate potential storm events. Construction of the proposed Master Drainage
Facilities will ensure the drainage performance standard is maintained through buildout of
the city. The current update to the Drainage Master Plan will ensure adequate funds are
available for the construction of needed flood control facilities. The estimated costs for these
facilities and the programming of PLDA funds are included in the annual Capital Improvement
A. Performance Standard
Implement a comprehensive livable streets network that serves all users of the system –
vehicles, pedestrians, bicycles and public transit. Maintain level of service (LOS) D or better
for all modes that are subject to this multi-modal level of service (MMLOS) standard, as
identified in Table 3-1 of the General Plan Mobility Element, excluding LOS exempt
intersections and streets approved by the City Council.
The service levels for each travel mode are represented as a letter “grade” ranging from LOS
A to LOS F: LOS A reflects a high level of service for a travel mode (e.g., outstanding
characteristics and experience for that mode) and LOS F would reflect an inadequate level
of service for a travel mode (e.g., excessive congestion for vehicles or inadequate facilities
for bicycle, pedestrian or transit users).
The performance standard for the circulation system is guided by the General Plan Mobility
Element as follows:
Implementing Policy 3-P.3: Apply and update the city’s multi-modal level of service
(MMLOS) methodology and guidelines that reflect the core values of the Carlsbad
Community Vision related to transportation and connectivity. Utilize the MMLOS
methodology to evaluate impacts of individual development projects and
amendments to the General Plan on the city’s transportation system.
Implementing Policy 3-P.4: Implement the city’s MMLOS methodology and maintain
LOS D or better for each mode of travel for which the MMLOS standard is applicable,
as identified in Table 3-1 and Figure 3-110.
B. Livable Streets
The monitoring program for the circulation system is guided by General Plan Mobility
Element Goal 3-G.1:
Keep Carlsbad moving with livable streets that provide a safe, balanced, cost-
effective, multi-modal transportation system (vehicles, pedestrians, bikes, transit),
accommodating the mobility needs of all community members, including children,
the elderly and the disabled.
The California Complete Streets Act (2008) requires cities in California to plan for a
balanced, multi-modal transportation system that meets the needs of all travel modes.
Accomplishing this state mandate requires a fundamental shift in how the city plans and
designs the street system – recognizing the street as a public space that serves all users of
10 Table 3-1 and Figure 3-1 are found in the General Plan Mobility Element and are summarized in Table 9 of this report.
the system (elderly, children, bicyclists, pedestrians, etc.) within the urban context of that
system (e.g., account for the adjacent land uses).
• Prior to adoption of the General Plan Mobility Element on Sept. 22, 2015, the growth
management circulation performance standard was based on the circulation needs of a
single mode of travel – the automobile.
• The General Plan Mobility Element identifies a new livable streets strategy for mobility
within the city.
• The livable streets strategy focuses on creating a ‘multi-modal’ street network that
supports the mobility needs of pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users and vehicles.
• Providing travel mode options that reduce dependence on the vehicle also supports the
city’s Climate Action Plan in achieving its goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions
within the city.
C. Street Typology
The city’s approach to provide livable streets recognizes that improving the LOS for one mode of
transportation can sometimes degrade the LOS for another mode. For example, pedestrian-friendly
streets are designed to encourage pedestrian uses and typically have amenities that slow vehicle
travel speeds (e.g., short-distance pedestrian crossings that restrict vehicle mobility). The “street
typology” is defined in the General Plan Mobility Element and determines which travel modes are
subject to the MMLOS D standard, as summarized in Table 9. For example, the vehicular mode of
travel is subject to the MMLOS D standard on the following street typologies: freeways, arterial
streets, arterial connector streets and Industrial streets.
Table 9: Street Typology and MMLOS Standard
STREET TYPOLOLOGY Modes subject to the MMLOS D Standard
Vehicular Transit Pedestrian Bicycle
Freeways Yes Yes No No
Arterial Streets Yes Yes No No
Identity Streets No No Yes Yes
Village Streets No No Yes Yes
Arterial Connector Streets Yes No Yes Yes
Neighborhood Connector Streets No No Yes Yes
Coastal Streets No No Yes Yes
School Streets No No Yes Yes
Employment/Transit Connector Streets No Yes Yes Yes
Industrial Streets Yes Yes No No
Local/Neighborhood Streets No No Yes Yes
All Streets Located Within Half-Mile of a Transit Center No Yes Yes Yes
Bicycle/Pedestrian Pathways No No Yes Yes
D. Methods to Measure Service to Different Transportation Modes
a. How vehicular LOS is measured
The city monitors facilities that are subject to the vehicular LOS standard according
to that street’s typology as defined in Table 9. This section of the report summarizes
the vehicular LOS methodology used for monitoring purposes. For the fiscal year (FY)
2018-19 monitoring report, the arterial street typology was monitored. The
industrial street and arterial connector street typologies will be monitored in the
next monitoring cycle so that all the street facilities required to meet the vehicular
LOS standard will be monitored in the next monitoring program cycle.
The city evaluates the roadway network at the “facility” level according to Chapter
16 of the Highway Capacity Manual. A facility is defined as one direction of travel
along a length of road that has similar travel and geometric characteristics, and it
typically extends between multiple signalized intersections. Each facility has an
associated capacity that is defined in the Highway Capacity Manual as “the ability of
a transportation facility or service to meet the quantity of travel demanded of it.”
For Growth Management Plan monitoring purposes, travel demand on a roadway is
measured by the volume of vehicles using the facility during the peak hours of
operation. A volume threshold is established for each LOS grade according to the
Highway Capacity Manual. The vehicular LOS is determined by comparing the traffic
volume against these thresholds. For example, a LOS D is recorded when a traffic
volume exceeds the LOS C threshold but is below the LOS D threshold.
A street “facility” is comprised of smaller and contiguous “segments” that typically
extend between two adjacent signalized intersections. Per the Highway Capacity
Manual, an entire facility is reported as failing if the volume along any one of its
segments exceeds its capacity, which defines LOS F. When a facility has been
monitored and found to operate at LOS D, each segment of that facility will be
evaluated the following monitoring cycle and the LOS will be reported as follows:
a. If the volume of any one segment of the facility exceeds the reported
capacity for that segment, the facility will be reported as LOS F; or
b. If none of the segment volumes exceeds its reported capacity for that
segment, the facility will be reported as LOS D (or the new level if it has
As noted above, travel demand is assumed to equal the traffic volume measured
during the peak hour of operation. Vehicular LOS is determined based on one mid-
block traffic count collected for each facility (or segment) being evaluated. The data
is collected for one week while school is in session in either the spring or fall. The
morning and afternoon (a.m./p.m.) peak hours’ LOS is reported for each facility or
segment. Each street evaluated will have separate LOS results reported for the a.m.
and p.m. peak hour conditions with independent grades reported for each direction
of travel. This approach to data collection is consistent with industry standards.
b. How Pedestrian, Bicycle and Transit Service MMLOS is measured
The General Plan Mobility Element calls for the use of a MMLOS methodology to
provide a metric for evaluating bicycle, pedestrian and transit modes of travel. In
2015, a method for evaluating bicycle and pedestrian LOS was first developed as
part of the General Plan Environmental Impact Report (EIR); this EIR method was
applied on a broad, program level to evaluate service to pedestrian, bicycle and
transit users. When consultants applied the original method during the preparation
of impact studies of proposed development projects, limitations were discovered in
terms of the study area, directional travel and potential inconsistent interpretations
of how the method should be applied.
Accordingly, a more robust method was developed in 2018 to calculate MMLOS for
each mode and to identify a broader range of improvements that could be
implemented to ensure the minimum operating standard would be met. As noted in
General Plan Mobility Element Policy 3-P.3, the purpose of the MMLOS methodology
is to provide a means for evaluating impacts of individual development projects, as
well as monitoring the LOS for individual streets to ensure that they are meeting the
specified standard by street type. Ultimately the MMLOS methodology was revised
to accomplish these goals and a spreadsheet-based MMLOS Tool was developed to
provide an easy-to-use way of calculating points for a specified location.
The MMLOS Tool generates a letter grade (A through F) to reflect the quality of
service provided to a user of that mode of travel. This grade is based on the
applicable attributes of the associated pedestrian, bicycle or transit mode. Examples
of the attributes used to develop the MMLOS grade for bicycle travel include
pavement condition, posted speed limit, on-street parking and buffered bike lanes.
Each attribute contributes to a point system that corresponds to a MMLOS letter
grade, when the total points for all attributes are added together. A LOS D score
indicates that the existing attributes provide the minimum acceptable service for
that mode. The MMLOS grades are determined using field data related to each
attribute used in the scoring criteria.
In FY 2018-19, bicycle and pedestrian travel modes were monitored for the first time
in the City of Carlsbad utilizing the revised MMLOS methodology. The following
typologies were monitored for bicycle and pedestrian travel modes: identity streets,
Village streets, coastal streets and school streets. Other applicable typologies (see
Table 9 for applicability per travel mode) will be reviewed in the FY 2020-21
monitoring cycle.
Since the existence of a City Council-adopted citywide Transportation Demand
Management (TDM) ordinance provides adequate scoring to meet the criteria for
the MMLOS D standard for transit, transit MMLOS was not evaluated as part of this
year’s monitoring program.
Since this was the first time that bicycle and pedestrian travel modes were
monitored using the MMLOS Tool, staff has identified some concerns with the initial
results and underlying MMLOS methodologies. Staff intends to reevaluate the
methodologies and make refinements to the MMLOS Tool, in coordination with the
Traffic and Mobility Commission. The transit travel mode methodology will also be
revisited for possible incorporation into the MMLOS Tool. Once the refined MMLOS
Tool has been applied to the bicycle and pedestrian travel modes (and possibly to
the transit travel mode) of the FY 2018-19 street typologies, staff will report those
MMLOS results to the City Council later this year.
It should be noted that there are a variety of multimodal LOS applications currently
being used in California and nationally. However, based on the planning and
research conducted as part of the development of the city’s MMLOS methodology,
there is no MMLOS methodology currently adopted by the metropolitan planning
organization, San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG), and there are no
“turnkey” approaches that can be directly implemented in the city. Use of any
existing multimodal LOS application being utilized elsewhere would require further
refinement to account for the unique characteristics of the City of Carlsbad roadway
network and to integrate the methodology into existing city tools and policies such
as the GMP monitoring process.
E. Exemptions to the LOS D Standard
General Plan Mobility Element Policy 3-P.9 requires the city to develop and maintain a
list of street facilities where specified modes of travel are exempt from the LOS standard
(LOS-exempt street facilities), as approved by the City Council.
Regarding vehicular LOS standards, the City Council has the authority to exempt a street
facility from the vehicular LOS standard if the street facility meets one or more of the
following criteria from General Plan Mobility Element Policy 3-P.9:
a) Acquiring the rights of way is not feasible; or
b) The proposed improvements would significantly impact the environment in an
unacceptable way and mitigation would not contribute to the nine core values of the
Carlsbad Community Vision; or
c) The proposed improvements would result in unacceptable impacts to other
community values or General Plan policies; or
d) The proposed improvements would require more than three through travel lanes in
each direction.
General Plan Mobility Element Policy 3-P.11 requires new development that adds
vehicular traffic to street facilities that are exempt from the vehicle LOS D standard to
• Transportation Demand Management (TDM) strategies that reduce the reliance on
single-occupant automobiles and assist in achieving the city’s livable streets vision;
• Transportation System Management (TSM) strategies that improve traffic signal
coordination and improve transit service.
Per General Plan Mobility Element Policy 3-P.10, the following four streets, and their
associated facility descriptions, are exempt from the vehicular LOS standard:
A. La Costa Avenue between Interstate-5 and El Camino Real
1. Eastbound from Interstate-5 to El Camino Real
2. Westbound from El Camino Real to Interstate-5
B. El Camino Real between Palomar Airport Road and La Costa Avenue
3. Southbound from Palomar Airport Road to Camino Vida Roble
4. Southbound from Camino Vida Roble to Poinsettia Lane
5. Southbound from Poinsettia Lane to Aviara Parkway/Alga Road
6. Southbound from Aviara Parkway/Alga Road to La Costa Avenue
7. Northbound from La Costa Avenue to Aviara Parkway/Alga Road
8. Northbound from Aviara Parkway/Alga Road to Poinsettia Lane
9. Northbound from Poinsettia Lane to Camino Vida Roble
10. Northbound from Camino Vida Roble to Palomar Airport Road
C. Palomar Airport Road between Interstate-5 and College Boulevard
11. Eastbound from Interstate-5 to Paseo del Norte
12. Eastbound from Paseo del Norte to Armada Drive
13. Eastbound from Armada Drive to College Boulevard/Aviara Parkway
14. Westbound from College Boulevard/Aviara Parkway to Armada Drive
15. Westbound from Armada Drive to Paseo del Norte
16. Westbound from Paseo del Norte to Interstate-5
D. Palomar Airport Road between El Camino Real and Melrose Drive
17. Eastbound from El Camino Real to El Fuerte Street
18. Eastbound from El Fuerte Street to Melrose Drive
19. Westbound from Melrose Drive to El Fuerte Street
20. Westbound from El Fuerte Street to El Camino Real
On Dec. 17, 2019, City Council determined four street facilities to be operating at
deficient levels of service. One of these deficient street facilities is southbound College
Boulevard from Aston Avenue to Palomar Airport Road, and City Council expedited a CIP
project to fully address this deficiency by adding a southbound right turn lane and
converting the existing right turn lane into a second southbound through lane on
College Boulevard at the intersection of Palomar Airport Road (CIP Project No. 6028).
On Dec. 17, 2019, City Council determined the following three deficient street facilities
to be built-out and exempt from the LOS performance standard:
21. Southbound El Camino Real from the Oceanside city limits to Marron
22. Northbound El Camino Real from Marron Road to the Oceanside city
23. Southbound Melrose Drive from the Vista city limits to Palomar Airport
On June 9, 2020, City Council determined the following four street facilities to be
deficient, built-out and exempt from the LOS performance standard:
24. Southbound El Camino Real from Cannon Road to College Boulevard
25. Northbound El Camino Real from College Boulevard to Cannon Road
26. Eastbound Cannon Road from El Camino Real to College Boulevard
27. Westbound Cannon Road from College Boulevard to El Camino Real
Each of the exempt street facilities was monitored this cycle and evaluated against the
vehicular LOS standard. The results of this evaluation are summarized in Table 10.
Table 10: Vehicle LOS Exempt Street Facilities
Street Facility From To LOS
Meets LOS
1. La Costa Avenue Interstate-5 El Camino Real B/C Yes
2. La Costa Avenue El Camino Real Interstate-5 F/B No
3. El Camino Real Palomar Airport Road Camino Vida Roble D/D Yes
4. El Camino Real Camino Vida Roble Poinsettia Lane C/C Yes
5. El Camino Real Poinsettia Lane Aviara Parkway/Alga
C/C Yes
6. El Camino Real Aviara Parkway/Alga
La Costa Avenue F/F No
7. El Camino Real La Costa Avenue Aviara Parkway/Alga
C/C Yes
8. El Camino Real Aviara Parkway/Alga
Poinsettia Lane C/C Yes
9. El Camino Real Poinsettia Lane Camino Vida Roble C/C Yes
10. El Camino Real Camino Vida Roble Palomar Airport Road D/D Yes
11. Palomar Airport
Interstate-5 Paseo del Norte F/F No
12. Palomar Airport
Paseo del Norte Armada Drive D/D Yes
13. Palomar Airport
Armada Drive College
C/C Yes
14. Palomar Airport
Armada Drive C/C Yes
15. Palomar Airport
Armada Drive Paseo del Norte C/D Yes
16. Palomar Airport
Paseo del Norte Interstate-5 F/F No
17. Palomar Airport
El Camino Real El Fuerte Street C/C Yes
18. Palomar Airport
El Fuerte Street Melrose Drive C/F No
19. Palomar Airport
Melrose Drive El Fuerte Street F/C No
20. Palomar Airport
El Fuerte Street El Camino Real C/C Yes
21. El Camino Real Oceanside city limits Marron Road E/F No
22. El Camino Real Marron Road Oceanside city limits F/F No
23. Melrose Drive Vista city limits Palomar Airport Road F/E No
24. El Camino Real Cannon Road College Boulevard C/F No
25. El Camino Real College Boulevard Cannon Road F/B No
26. Cannon Road El Camino Real College Boulevard D/F No
27. Cannon Road College Boulevard El Camino Real E/D No
F. FY 2018-19 Facility Adequacy Analysis
The following vehicular LOS and MMLOS results are based on the data reported in the
2018-19 Traffic Monitoring Program City of Carlsbad Growth Management Plan.
1. Vehicular LOS
Except where noted below, vehicular LOS grades reflect traffic data gathered in the
spring of 2019. The LOS results for the vehicular mode are illustrated in Figure 4.
Table 11 summarizes the street facilities that: a) are subject to the vehicular LOS
standard, b) do not meet the vehicular LOS D standard, and c) do not yet have an
exemption approved by City Council. As discussed in section E above, CIP Project No.
6028 is expected to address the deficiency on southbound College Boulevard from
Aston Avenue to Palomar Airport Road.
The traffic counts collected along El Camino Real between Tamarack Avenue and
Cannon Road in spring of 2019 were inconsistent with historical data. To verify the
data, staff recounted the facility and collected additional counts for each segment
comprising the facility in the fall of 2019 while school was in session. The a.m. peak
hour traffic volume for the segment between Lisa Street and Cannon Road exceeded
capacity (or LOS F) in the southbound direction of travel; therefore, the entire
facility is reported as LOS F according to the Highway Capacity Manual. Figure 4 and
Table 11 identify the facility of El Camino Real southbound from Tamarack Avenue
to Cannon Road as failing to meet the vehicular LOS standard.
Table 12 lists the street facilities reported as LOS D. As part of the next monitoring
cycle, traffic volumes will be collected on each segment comprising a facility. If a
traffic volume reported on one or more segments along that facility exceeds the
capacity (or LOS F), the entire facility will be reported as LOS F. Otherwise, the
facility will be reported as LOS D. This approach is consistent with the Highway
Capacity Manual as discussed in section D. Following this report, city staff will
deliver a more detailed report with recommendations of facilities for exemption
and/or proposed project improvements to address these identified deficiencies to
the City Council on the vehicle LOS reported in the table below and shown in Figure
Figure 4: Vehicular Level of Service (LOS) Results
■ ■ ■ ■ Roadway Exempt
[:J Carlsbad Bound . anes
• 0 0.5 1 2 Miles
Table 11: Non-exempt Street Facilities Not Meeting Vehicular LOS D Standard
Facility From To Direction of
Affected Local
Zone (LFMZ)
Level of
1. College
City Limits
7 D E
2. College
Airport Road
Southbound 5 B F
3. Cannon
Paseo del
Eastbound 3 F E
4. Cannon
Paseo del
Westbound 13, 3 E F
5. Palomar
Airport Road
Paseo del
3 F F
6. Palomar
Airport Road
Paseo del
3 F F
7. El Camino
Avenue Cannon Road Southbound 1, 8 F C
1. The street facility has been reviewed by the City Council and the appropriate mitigation measure
has been identified.
2. Palomar Airport Road is exempt from the LOS D standard for the section of the corridor between
Interstate-5 and College Boulevard. The non-exempt section of Palomar Airport Road between
Avenida Encinas and Interstate-5 does not meet the LOS D standard.
Table 12: Non-Exempt Street Facilities Reported with Vehicular LOS D
Street Facility From To Direction of
Level of Service
a. El Camino Real La Costa Avenue Encinitas City
Limits Southbound D C
b. College Boulevard Oceanside City
Carlsbad Village
Drive Southbound D D
c. College Boulevard Cannon Road Carlsbad Village
Drive Northbound C D
d. College Boulevard Carlsbad Village
Drive Cannon Road Southbound D C
e. College Boulevard El Camino Real Aston Avenue Southbound D D
f. College Boulevard Aston Avenue El Camino Real Northbound D D
g. Aviara Parkway Palomar Airport
Road Poinsettia Lane Southbound D D
h. Aviara Parkway Poinsettia Lane Palomar Airport
Road Northbound D D
i. Rancho Santa Fe Road Calle Barcelona La Costa Avenue Northbound C D
j. Cannon Road Legoland Drive Faraday Ave Eastbound C D
Multimodal Level of Service Monitoring
For the first time in the city’s history, bicycle and pedestrian travel modes were
monitored in FY 2018-19. Since this was the first time that staff monitored bicycle
and pedestrian travel modes using the MMLOS Tool for monitoring purposes, staff
identified some concerns with the initial results related to the MMLOS methodology.
Due to these concerns, this report does not include MMLOS results.
Staff intends to reevaluate the methodologies and make refinements to the MMLOS
Tool, in coordination with the Traffic and Mobility Commission. The transit travel
mode methodology will also be revisited for possible incorporation into the MMLOS
Tool. Once the refined MMLOS Tool has been applied to the bicycle and pedestrian
travel modes (and possibly to the transit travel mode) of the FY 2018-19 street
typologies, staff will report those MMLOS results to the City Council later this year.
Examples of areas where the MMLOS methodology may be refined include its
approach to the analysis of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility. In
addition, special consideration will need to be given on how to adequately analyze
“Alternative Design Streets.” Alternative Design Streets, described in detail below,
typically do not have sidewalks and do not meet the current pedestrian LOS D
Alternative Design Streets
Several street facilities analyzed for pedestrian LOS include “Alternative Design
Streets” which is a designation given to certain streets within the City of Carlsbad in
2000 through the recommendations of the Street and Sidewalk Policy Committee.
Regarding Alternative Design Streets, Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40.100
states: “The street fronting on the subject property has already been improved to
the maximum feasible and desirable state, recognizing there are some such streets
which may have less than standard improvements when necessary to preserve the
character of the neighborhood.”
Maintaining these streets in their narrow, less formal configuration was deemed to
be important to preserve the character of the existing neighborhoods. Typically,
these streets do not have sidewalks, curbs or gutters; are narrower than standard
streets; allow off-pavement parking and generally have a rural appearance. Due to
the lack of sidewalks, these streets do not meet the current pedestrian MMLOS D
standard. Improvements to the Alternative Design Streets are only to be considered
if an “Alternative Street Design Approval Process” is followed, which includes
significant community involvement. Absent this process, any street improvements
that would be required due to a deficient pedestrian MMLOS score are deferred
through a neighborhood improvement agreement.
Transit MMLOS
Transit facilities were not monitored this year because all segments meet the
MMLOS D standard. Specifically, the existence of a City Council-adopted citywide
TDM ordinance provides adequate scoring to meet the criteria for the MMLOS D
standard for transit. Along with the refinement of the pedestrian and bicycle
MMLOS methodologies and in coordination with the Traffic and Mobility
Commission, staff will review the transit MMLOS methodology to determine if it is
the best approach to monitor and report the level of service related to transit and
refine or change the methodology as necessary. Results of the refined MMLOS Tool,
including for transit, will be reported to City Council later this year.
G. Buildout Facility Adequacy Analysis
The 2015 General Plan EIR evaluated how buildout of the land uses planned by the General
Plan will impact the vehicle, pedestrian, bicycle and transit levels of service, and identified
that additional circulation facilities may need to be constructed to meet the GMP
performance standard at buildout. The following summary provides the results of that
Vehicular Level of Service at Buildout
• Additional future road segments (extensions of College Boulevard, Poinsettia Lane and
Camino Junipero) needed to accommodate the city’s future growth were identified as
part of the General Plan update. The General Plan Mobility Element identifies these
needed future road segments as “Planned City of Carlsbad Street Capacity
• The General Plan also called out the need to implement the scheduled Interstate-5
North Coast Project and Interstate-5/Interstate-78 Interchange Improvement Project
that are needed to accommodate future growth.
• The CIP funds projects that will upgrade the LOS including several roadway widenings
along El Camino Real near College Boulevard (northbound), La Costa Avenue
(southbound) and Cassia Road (northbound). There is also a CIP project to add a second
southbound through lane and dedicated right lane on southbound College Boulevard
that is expected to address the deficiency reported on College Boulevard (southbound)
from Aston Avenue to Palomar Airport Road.
• The General Plan EIR identifies TDM and TSM as mitigation measures for roadway
sections that have been determined to be LOS-exempt.
H. Next Steps
Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.90.130 (c) states:
If at any time it appears to the satisfaction of the city manager that facilities or
improvements within a facilities management zone or zones are inadequate to
accommodate any further development within that zone or that the performance
standards adopted pursuant to Section 21.90.100 are not being met, he or she shall
immediately report the deficiency to the council. If the council determines that a
deficiency exists, then no further building or development permits shall be issued
within the affected zone or zones and development shall cease until an amendment
to the city-wide facilities and improvements plan or applicable local facilities
management plan which addresses the deficiency is approved by the city council and
the performance standard is met.
Two separate staff reports will be presented to City Council. The first staff report will
present the Vehicle LOS analysis results that will include a list identifying vehicular facilities
that: a) are subject to the LOS standard, and b) do not meet the appropriate LOS D
standard. The second staff report will be subsequently presented to City Council and include
the following:
• a list of projects that could be implemented to meet the Vehicle LOS D standard
• a list of the street facilities that meet the conditions for an exemption
• a request that City Council determine which of these facilities are deficient and
which ones should be exempted
• recommendations to address outstanding deficiencies
• recommendations regarding exempt street facilities that currently meet the LOS
Staff will initiate a task order with a consultant to update and revise the pedestrian, bicycle
and transit MMLOS methodologies. Staff will gather stakeholder feedback on the MMLOS
Tool, including from the Traffic and Mobility Commission, to guide this process. Based on
the feedback received, staff will update the MMLOS methodologies accordingly and present
to the Traffic and Mobility Commission for a recommendation to City Council for approval.
Once City Council has approved the refined MMLOS Tool, staff will apply it to the city
streets monitored in FY 2018-19 and present the MMLOS results to City Council later this
A. Performance Standard
No more than 1,500 dwelling units outside of a five-minute response time.
B. FY 2018-19 Facility Adequacy Analysis
The city’s fire facilities are in compliance with the Growth Management performance
standard. There are no more than 1,500 dwelling units outside of a five-minute response
distance from any of the city’s six fire stations.
The intent of the growth management standard, as applied to fire facilities, is to establish the
distribution of station locations, based upon response distances. At the time the Growth
Management Plan was developed, scientific fire behavior information and recognized best
practices supported the position that a response time of five minutes would result in effective
fire incident intervention. Because the Growth Management Plan provides no other trigger
mechanism for the installation of additional fire stations, it follows that up to 1,500 dwelling
units could exist outside the five-minute reach of the closest fire station for an indeterminate
length of time without violating the growth management standard. The five-minute response
distance measure was selected exclusively as a means of geographically positioning fire
stations throughout the city. Therefore, the standard is applied as a means of measuring
compliance with locating fire facilities in accordance with the Growth Management Plan, not
the performance of the Fire Department in meeting service responsibilities.
C. Buildout Facility Adequacy Analysis
At buildout, the established threshold of more than 1,500 units that exist outside of a five
minute response distance will not be exceeded for any of the fire stations.
To determine if fire facilities comply with the Growth Management Plan at buildout, the
city’s Geographic Information System Department (GIS) created a map based upon the
following information:
• Existing fire station locations
• Anticipated future development
• 2.5-mile road distance from each of the six fire stations (five minute response time
equates to road driving distance of 2.5 miles);
• All planned, major roadway arterials; and
• The number of dwelling units projected at buildout that will be located outside of
the 2.5-mile road (5 minute) distance from each fire station.
The GIS map, based upon the above-noted assumptions, revealed the following findings:
Fire Station Number Total number of dwelling units outside of five minutes
1,3 & 4 (aggregated) 1,227
2 902
5 392
6 1,185
As noted above, the GIS map analysis revealed that at build out, the city’s existing and
planned fire facilities will meet the growth management performance standard (i.e. the total
number of dwelling units that will exist outside of a five-minute response distance from the
nearest fire station will not exceed the threshold of 1,500 units).
A. Performance Standard
Fifteen percent of the total land area in the Local Facility Management Zone (LFMZ) exclusive
of environmentally constrained non-developable land must be set aside for permanent open
space and must be available concurrent with development.
B. FY 2018-19 Facility Adequacy Analysis
To date, adequate open space has been provided to meet the performance standard.
Open space to meet the performance standard is provided concurrent with approval of
development projects. The location of performance standard open space must be indicated
during project-specific analysis. It must be in addition to any constrained areas, such as
protected wildlife habitat or slopes greater than 40%. At the time the Citywide Facilities and
Improvements Plan was adopted (1986), the LFMZ’s were divided into: a) those that were
considered already developed or in compliance with the growth management open space
performance standard, and b) those that still needed to comply with the standard.
a) In 1986 at the time of the CFIP adoption, LFMZs 1 through 10, and 16 were considered
to be already developed or in compliance with the open space performance
In addition, Ordinance No. 9808 provided exemptions from the Growth Management
Plan and all of the performance standards for a number of projects that were
approved and/or in process at that time. These projects are also listed in a memo to
the City Manager on June 10, 1986.
In the case of LFMZ 9, the zone boundaries coincide with the project boundaries of
the Batiquitos Lagoon Educational Park Master Plan (MP 175, approved 10-22-1985),
which was exempted from growth management by Section 21.90.030(g) of Ordinance
No. 9808 if certain restrictions were met, including a dedication of open space12. In
anticipation of future construction, the developer of MP 175 dedicated the necessary
open space properties, completing that portion of the requirement for 21.90.030(g)13.
Although MP 175 ultimately was never constructed, these open space dedications
were maintained and became part of the open space for the project that followed,
11 City Council Resolution No. 8797
12 The restriction for open space required that “Prior to approval of the final map for Phase I the master plan developer
shall have agreed to participate in the restoration of a significant lagoon and wetland resource area and made any
dedications of property necessary to accomplish the restoration”. 13 City Council Resolution No. 8666 contained an agreement between the city and the developer for the open space
property dedications noted above.
the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan (MP 175(D), approved 01-18-94), and are the basis
for how MP 175(D) and LFMZ 9 complied with the growth management open space
performance standard14.
b) The remaining LFMZs were required to comply with the performance standard.
Subsequent to the adoption of the CFIP, LFMZs 11-15, 17-21, and 23-25 have provided
adequate open space to meet the performance standard concurrent with
LFMZ 22 has not yet met the performance standard, and as future development
occurs, additional open space will be required.
C. Buildout Facility Adequacy Analysis
As discussed above, all LFMZs, except for Zone 22, have met the growth management open
space performance standard. Future projects in LFMZ 22 must provide open space in
compliance with the performance standard.
14 Poinsettia Shores Master Plan, pages 4 and 22. The master plan states “the Growth Management Open Space
standard is already met for Zone 9 through the earlier preservation of the sensitive bluffs and slopes”.
A. Performance Standard
School capacity to meet projected enrollment within the Local Facility Management Zone
(LFMZ) as determined by the appropriate school district must be provided prior to projected
B. FY 2018-19 Facility Adequacy Analysis
Currently, school capacity is in compliance with the growth management school performance
standard (see below). The city is served by four school districts as listed below:
1. Carlsbad Unified School District (CUSD)
According to both the district’s Long Range Facility Master Plan (approved Jan. 17, 2018)
and CUSD staff, the district can accommodate both the current enrollment levels and
expected future growth. The master plan indicates that the district has plans for
accommodating projected student enrollment levels through the next 15-20 years, which
includes proposals for renovating and replacing a variety of school facilities.
2. San Marcos Unified School District (SMUSD)
SMUSD staff indicated that the schools serving Carlsbad are currently at maximum
capacity, but that will-serve letters are still being issued by SMUSD for proposed
developments in the part of Carlsbad that is served by SMUSD schools, and that the
schools serving Carlsbad could accommodate the expected future growth within this area.
SMUSD completed construction in August 2019 of the La Costa Meadows Elementary
School Reconstruction Project, which reconstructed and modernized the school, and also
increased student capacity by 80 seats.
3. Encinitas Union Elementary School District
According to student enrollment and school capacity information provided by the school
district, sufficient student capacity exists for the 2018-19 school year for schools serving
4. San Dieguito Union High School District
According to student enrollment and school capacity information provided by the school
district, sufficient student capacity exists for the 2018-19 school year for schools serving
C. Buildout Facility Adequacy Analysis
Based on Chapter 3.11 of the 2015 General Plan EIR, for all school districts at all grade levels,
capacity is expected to be sufficient for the buildout student population with no need for
additional schools.
A. Performance Standard
Trunk-line capacity to meet demand, as determined by the appropriate sewer districts, must
be provided concurrent with development.
B. FY 2018-19 Facility Adequacy Analysis
Sewer improvements are provided on a project by project basis concurrent with
development. Currently, the City of Carlsbad’s sewer service area pipelines comply with the
growth management performance standard. The sewer agencies that provide sewer
collection systems within the city include: Carlsbad, Leucadia Wastewater District and
Vallecitos Water District. Each agency indicates that they currently have adequate
conveyance capacity in place to meet Carlsbad’s sewer collection demands.
The City of Carlsbad is served by the following four major interceptor systems:
15 Million gallons per day (MGD)
16 The downstream sections (NB8 and NB9) of the North Batiquitos Sewer, often referred to as Ponto Sewer
and originally termed the Occidental Sewer
Interceptor System Sewer Districts Served Carlsbad Capacity Rights15
Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor City of Carlsbad & City of Vista
Ranges from
1.0 MGD up to 41.8 MGD (3.3%
to 50%)
Buena Interceptor City of Carlsbad & Buena
Sanitation District
Ranges from
1.2 MGD up to 3.6 MGD (18% to
Vallecitos Interceptor
City of Carlsbad, Buena
Sanitation District & Vallecitos
Water District
Occidental Sewer16 City of Carlsbad, City of Encinitas
& Leucadia Waste Water District 8.5 MGD (40%)
North Agua Hedionda
Interceptor City of Carlsbad 6 MGD (100%)
South Agua Hedionda
Interceptor City of Carlsbad 4.7 MGD (100%)
For both the Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor and the Buena Interceptor, the percentage of
Carlsbad capacity rights increases in the downstream reaches of each interceptor system
(3.3% in the upstream reaches as they enter the Carlsbad service area and up to 35% or 50%
in the downstream reaches for Buena Interceptor and Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor,
respectively as they enter the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility).
C. Buildout Facility Adequacy Analysis
The City of Carlsbad 2019 Sewer Master Plan Update evaluated the sewer infrastructure
needs of the Carlsbad sewer service area and identified facilities required to accommodate
future sewer flows at buildout. The master plan identified the Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor and
Buena Interceptor as requiring improvements to accommodate build-out demand (see
below). Sewer trunk main adequacy is estimated by comparing wastewater flow projections
to the capacity of the sewer system using a computer model. Annual sewer flow
measurements are used to assess actual flows and to evaluate capacity in the sewers.
Collection system improvements to meet buildout conditions are identified at three
locations: Faraday Avenue, Poinsettia Avenue and Kelly Drive. These projects are
programmed in the CIP.
The adequacy of major sewer facilities for buildout conditions is summarized as follows:
Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor: The City’s 2019 Sewer Master Plan Update indicates that
portions of the V/C Interceptor do not satisfy buildout system flows. Hydraulic model results
indicate that the 36-inch diameter gravity mains of Reach VC-3 are insufficient to convey
buildout flows. Most of reach VC-3 consists of 36-inch diameter gravity main and is scheduled
for upsizing to 42 inches as a future CIP project to meet buildout flows.
Buena Interceptor: The Buena Interceptor is currently shared by Vista and Carlsbad and,
although the city’s wastewater flows are not projected to exceed its capacity rights, the
combined flows of Buena Sanitation District and City of Carlsbad during peak wet weather
periods exceed the design capacity criterion. As a result, Buena Sanitation District is
constructing a parallel trunk sewer which will allow flow from Buena Sanitation District to be
diverted to the parallel trunk sewer. Once completed in 2020, the City of Carlsbad will be the
only agency with flows remaining in the existing Buena Interceptor and peak wet weather
flow at buildout conditions would reach 7.3 mgd or approximately 69 percent of pipe
A. Performance Standard
Line capacity to meet demand as determined by the appropriate water district must be
provided concurrent with development. A minimum of 10-day average storage capacity must
be provided prior to any development.
B. FY 2018-19 Facility Adequacy Analysis
Carlsbad’s water distribution is provided by three agencies including the Carlsbad Municipal
Water District (CMWD) serving 32.32 square miles (82.7 percent of the city), Olivenhain
Municipal Water District (OMWD) serving 5.28 square miles (13.5 percent of the city), and
Vallecitos Water District (VWD) serving 1.48 square miles (3.8 percent of the city). These
districts indicate that they have adequate capacity to meet the growth management
performance standard.
Water service demand requirements are estimated using a computer model to simulate two
water distribution scenarios: 1) maximum day demand plus a fire event; 2) peak hour
demand. This computer model was calibrated using actual flow measurements collected in
the field to verify it sufficiently represents the actual water system.
Existing (2014 baseline year) and future (2040) daily demand and storage requirements for
CMWD, which is a subsidiary district of the City of Carlsbad, from the CMWD 2019 Potable
Water Master Plan are shown below:
Water Demand Flow Rate 17
Existing Maximum Day Demand 24.1 MGD
Future Maximum Day Demand 29.6 MGD
Water Storage Volume18
Existing Storage Requirement 35.4 MG
Existing Storage Capacity 47.5 MG (excluding Maerkle Dam storage)
Based on the water model analysis prepared for the CMWD 2019 Potable Water Master Plan,
future pipelines and water system facilities were identified to ensure water system
improvements are constructed to accommodate future customers. In addition, funds for the
construction of future facilities are included in the Capital Improvement Program. Therefore,
the future water infrastructure is programmed to be in place at the time of need to ensure
compliance with the performance standard.
17 Million gallons per day (MGD)
18 Million gallons (MG)
Within the CMWD service area the existing average daily potable water demand for the
previous five years is shown below:
Fiscal Year MGD
2014-15 13.6
2015-16 11.4
2016-17 12.1
2017-18 13.4
2018-19 13.1
Compared to the average daily flow of 18.2 MGD in FY 2007-08, the lower water demand is a
result of (1) implementing a new tiered water rate structure to encourage water
conservation, (2) in 2009, a campaign was initiated to reduce customer consumption by the
wholesale water agencies, (3) the persisting drought has forced voluntary and mandatory
conservation measures in 2015, and (4) beginning in 2008 an expansion of CMWD’s recycled
water system lowered potable water consumption. Water conservation by CMWD customers
has resulted in an overall reduction in per capita consumption.
The 10-day storage requirement is a city growth management performance standard and a
planning criterion to accommodate pipeline maintenance recommended by the San Diego
County Water Authority. To meet the requirement, CMWD needs 131 MG of storage capacity
based on the average water demand identified in the 2019 Potable Water Master Plan and
187 MG for buildout conditions. CMWD has a total storage capacity of 242.5 MG which
consists of 195 MG of storage capacity at Maerkle Dam and 47.5 MG of storage capacity in
various storage tanks throughout the distribution system.
CMWD also has interagency agreements with OMWD, VWD and Oceanside to provide
additional supply if needed. In 2004, the OMWD completed construction of a water
treatment facility at the San Diego County Water Authority Emergency Storage Reservoir,
which provides the storage necessary to meet the 10-day storage criterion for OMWD.
VWD’s average day demand is 14.8 MGD with an existing storage capacity of 120.5 MG.
Through interagency sharing arrangements, VWD can obtain additional water supplies to
meet a 10-day restriction on imported water supply.
C. Buildout Facility Adequacy Analysis
As proposed land development projects are reviewed by the city, the Water Master Plans
from CMWD, OMWD, and VWD are consulted to check pipeline sizes and facility capacities
to verify adequacy to support the water needs of the project and city. To comply with water
master plan requirements, land development projects may be required to construct a master
plan water project concurrent with construction of the development project.
The CMWD 2019 Potable Water Master Plan identifies facilities necessary to meet water
demands for buildout within its service area. These consist of new pipelines and pipeline
rehabilitation projects that are programmed into the CIP, some of which may be constructed
concurrently with new development projects in the northeastern portion of the city.
The 2019 Potable Water Master Plan identified that no additional storage is required to meet
the future storage requirements, due in part to conservation measures and expansion of
CMWD’s recycled water system. One pump station is identified as having a 12% capacity
deficiency for buildout which can be addressed through the CIP via pump station