HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-10-22; Noise and Racing Concerns on Carlsbad Boulevard; Cobian, SheilaTo the members of the:
Date 10/ad-/l!c CA ✓ CC ✓
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Oct. 22, 2020
uncil Memorandum
To: Honorable Mayor Hall a ers of the City Council
From: Sheila Cobian, Assistant o,~,lff"°!ttT Manager
Via: Scott Chadwick, City M · nag r
Re: Noise and Racing Cone · on Carlsbad Boulevard
{city of
Memo ID #2020230
This memorandum provides information related to a petition (Attachment A) that the residents
of La Costa Downs, Poinsettia Cove and Hanover Colony submitted to the City regarding noise
and racing concerns on Carlsbad Boulevard between La Costa Avenue and Palomar Airport Road.
Since August, city staff in the Police Department and Public Works Department have been
working with representatives from the La Costa Downs, Poinsettia Cove and Hanover Colony to
address concerns relating to excessive noise and racing on Carlsbad Boulevard between La Costa
Avenue and Palomar Airport Road. The residents are requesting that the City implement
solutions to address the following:
• Excessive modified exhaust noise in current violation of State and Federal laws
• Speeding motorcycles, performing wheelies, drag car racing, etc.
• Motorcycle speeding and accidents due to traffic violation
• Pedestrian safety for residents and tourists who visit area beaches
In response to the petition and concerns that have been expressed by the residents relating to
noise and racing on Carlsbad Boulevard between La Costa Avenue and Palomar Airport Road, city
staff has taken the following actions:
• On July 6, 2020, Lt. Christie Calderwood updated the Traffic & Mobility Commission that
an electronic message board was placed on Carlsbad Boulevard at Poinsettia Lane for two
weeks in June 2020 educating motorists that enforcement of loud exhaust violations was
actively occurring in the area.
• On Aug. 20, 2020, Public Works staff contacted the neighborhood representative to
inform her that the Police Department and Public Works Department were working
together to have permanent signs installed regarding enforcement of loud exhaust
• On Aug. 21, 2020, City Manager office staff contacted the n~ighborhood representative to
discuss the request for additional enforcement and traffic calming on Carlsbad Boulevard.
• On Aug. 27, 2020, additional enforcement commenced in the area after the Police
Department purchased decibel readers and received training from a Motor Officer from
the Laguna Beach Police Department specific to the decibel readers.
City Manager Department
1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-434-2917 t
Council Memo -Noise and Racing Concerns on Carlsbad Boulevard
Oct. 16, 2020
Page 2
• On. Sept. 22, 2020, in response to a request for additional action, City Manager staff
suggested that the resident prepare comments and present them to the Traffic &
Mobility Commission.
• On Oct. 5, 2020, the Traffic & Mobility Commission received comments from the
residents in the neighborhood. Lt. Calderwood provided an update to the Commission on
the efforts to address the neighborhood concerns. The Commission did not direct staff to
place discussion of the topic on an upcoming agenda.
• On Oct. 6, 2020, Transportation Department staff was contacted by the neighborhood
. representative to inquire why the changes suggested in their petition was not voted on at
the Oct. 5, 2020, Traffic & Mobility Commission meeting. Staff explained that in
compliance with the Brown Act, the Commissioners are not permitted to take any action
on an item that is not on the agenda. However, the Commission could direct staff to
return with an agenda item at a future meeting to discuss the resident's concerns. Staff
also informed the neighborhood representative that the following active projects are
being evaluated:
o Roundabouts on Carlsbad Boulevard at Cannon Road and Tamarack Avenue.
o Evaluation of the installation of in-pavement flashing lights, curb extensions
(where feasible), high-visibility crosswalk markings and green bicycle lane
treatments on the existing marked crosswalks on Carlsbad Boulevard at Hemlock
Avenue, Cherry Avenue, Maple Avenue, Sycamore Avenue, Oak Avenue and
Army/Navy Academy.
• On Oct. 15, 2020, Lt. Calderwood notified the resident that the permanent sign age was
placed at La Costa Avenue, Poinsettia Lane, Cerezo Drive, Cherry Avenue and near the
Army Navy Academy in the northbound lanes as well as Chestnut Road, Cerezo Drive and
Island Way in the southbound lanes advising that Loud Exhaust is enforced. Lt.
Calderwood also advised that from July 1, 2020, to Oct. 14, 2020, the Motor Officers had
written 57 citations and nine written warnings for loud exhaust on Carlsbad Boulevard.
Next Steps
The City Manager has scheduled a meeting on Nov. 5, 2020, with the neighborhood
representatives, staff from Public Works and the Police Department to further discuss solutions
to the traffic concerns expressed by the residents. Should the City Council wish to have the
concerns of the residents discussed at a City Council meeting, a motion to place the topic on an
upcoming agenda would be necessary.
A. Resident petition
cc: Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager
Celia Brewer, City Attorney
Attachment A ~ I Ht-N o C s.E.. LEN E--L t S. o u0 DF ~~ r_) )
;::f LJ ~T U'.>VVl -E.-ON A ~~o i G~E . , ,
Neighborhood petition to the Carlsbad: Mayor, City Attorney, City Council
We, the residents of coastal Carlsbad residing in these developments are now
petitioning the City government regarding the perpetual traffic violations on Carlsbad
Blvd-Hwy US 101. The purpose of this petition is to request the city to implement
solutions to let us enjoy a peaceful and tranquil environment.
(a) Excessive modified exhaust noise in current violation of State and Federal laws
(b) Speeding motorcycles, performing wheelies, drag car racing etc.
(c) Motorcycle speeding and accidents due to traffic violation
( d) Pedestrian safety for residents and tourists who visit area beaches
Last name: Address: Signature:
-vk,kwM+. -7
~y _,,,..-
I ' WAr/4.. ' lJh; W~r f)-cf--
Neighborhood petition to the Carlsbad: Mayor, City Attorney, City Council
We, the residents of coastal Carlsbad residing in these developments are now
petitioning the City government regarding the perpetual traffic violations on Carlsbad
Blvd-Hwy US 101 .. The purpose of this petition is to request the city to implement
solutions to let us ~njoy a peaceful and tranquil environment.
(a) Excessive modified exhaust noise in current violation of State and Federal laws
(b) Speeding motorcycles, performing wheelies, drag car racing etc.
(c) Motorcycle speeding and accidents due to traffic violation
(d) Pedestrian safety for residents and tourists who visit area beaches
Development's name: H t011l/Rr fectl-h &/or,/
Last name: Address: Signature:
\ ~
,~"'1et\A ~ s:fr:ve
J)a;,1 ~.?.-i.s
Neighborhood petition to the Carlsbad: Mayor, City Attorney, City Council
We, the residents of coastal Carlsbad residing in these developments are now
petitioning the City government regarding the perpetual traffic violations on Carlsbad
Blvd-Hwy US 101,. .The purpose of this petition is to request the city to implement
solutions to let us enjoy a peaceful and tranquil environment
(a) Excessive modified exhaust noise in current violation of State and Federal laws
(b) Speeding motorcycles, performing wheelies, drag car racing etc.
(c) Motorcycle speeding and accidents due to traffic violation
(d) Pedestrian safety for residents and tourists who visit area beaches
Development's name: Hanov.e,,y-B-e---ac.,VJ Go( 6vtt1
Last name: Address:
KY1.Sf1°'3-Yls-Ul \NVI 1rlW2-+e-Y ST.
We the Residents of Coastal Carlsbad that live along Coastal Highway are
sending into the City Mayor and Council a petition to the City Government to
make changes to the excessive abuse of .noise along 101 .. If you are interested in
having your name "on this petition please sign and date the next page and mail it
back in the return postal paid envelope. We have over 50 signatures so far just
stretching down 2.5 miles from La Costa to Palomar Airport Road.
Thank you for your consideration:
Your La Costa Downs Neighbors
~~ £!_ ~(jV~ fl& c;,_1/-,~U1
Neighborhood petition to the Carlsbad: Mayor, City Attorney, City Council
We, the residents of coastat Carlsbad residing in these developments are now
petitioning the City government regarding the perpetual traffic violations on Carlsbad
Blvd-Hwy US 101. The purpose of this petition is to request the city to implement
solutions to let us enjoy a peaceful and tranquil environment.
(a) Excessive modified exhaust noise in current vioiation of State and Federal laws
(b) Speeding motorcycles, performing wheelies, drag car racing etc.
(c) Motorcycle speeding and accidents due to traffic violation
(d) Pedestrian safety for residents and tourists who visit area beaches
Developn:,ent's name: Ha;'l.5lf{J-e,,[ f/)eH'l UJ.&-~
Last name: Address:
We the Residents of Coastal Carlsbad that live along Coastal Highway are
sending into the City Mayor and Council a petition to the City Government to
make changes to the excessive abuse of noise along 101 . If you are interested in
having your name·'on this petition please sign and date the next page and mail it
back in the return postal paid envelope. We have over 50 signatures so far just
stretching down 2.5 miles from La Costa to Palomar Airport Road.
Thank you for your consideration:
· Your La Costa Downs Neighbors
Neighborhood petition to the Carlsbad: Mayor, City Attorney, City Council
We, the residents of coastal Carlsbad residing in these developments are now
petitioning the City government regarding the perpetual traffic violations on Carlsbad
Blvd-Hwy US 101.,--.Jhe purpose of this petition is to request the city to implement
solutions to let us enjoy a peaceful and tranquil environment.
(a) Excessive modified exhaust noise in current violation of State and Federal laws
(b) Speeding motorcycles, performing wheelies, drag car racing etc.
(c) Motorcycle speeding and accidents due to traffic violation
( d) Pedestrian safety for residents and tourists who visit area beaches
Development's name: 'ro ·\ l'\Sdlt'CL CID ve...
Last name: Address: Signature:
Rub,n 7;-&detu,}zcls Pr ~~ta~
Neighborhood petition to the Carlsbad: Mayor, City Attorney, City Council
We, the residents of coastal Carlsbad residing in these developments are now
petitioning the City government regarding the perpetual traffic violations on Carlsbad
Blvd-Hwy US 101 . .The purpose of this petition is to request the city to implement
solutions to let us enjoy a peaceful and tranquil environment.
(a) Excessive modified exhaust noise in current violation of State and Federal laws
(b) Speeding motorcycles, performing wheelies, drag car racing etc.
(c) Motorcycle speeding and accidents due to traffic violation
( d) Pedestrian safety for residents and tourists who visit area beaches
Development's name: \\. o.."'o'-'€<" f3~o....c..,\-... Colof'\.'-f
Last name: Address: Signature:
wh.1:~~ ~ ~r 2)\
Ca,..\5~.J <Yl l
'f-:z.o l,
June 21, 2020
To Whom It May Concern:
We, the undersigned, became residents when Hanover Beach Colony was being built.
Our home is located between Poinsettia and Ponto, directly across from Carlsbad
Boulevard/Hwy US 101, South Carlsbad State Beach, and the Pacific Ocean.
We believe we have standing to speak for untold hundreds of camping guests who come
to relax in our exemplary city, but won't bother to take the time to complain even though they
have been affected by what we describe below.
Our homes are built close together, yet our neighborhoods enjoy a cooperative, natural
serenity which .is chronically disrupted by LIKELY ONLY A FEW INDIVIDUALS who routinely
drive on Hwy. 101 at all hours of day and night, hell-bent to keep us from getting restful sleep.
Perpetual and excessive violations include:
• Modified exhaust systems on motorcycles and 4-wheel vehicles
• Speeding between signal lights
• Drag racing with multiple vehicles, especially late at night
• Motorcyclists doing dangerous wheelie stunts to distract motorists
We request the city's implementation of solutions that allow us, campers, and other
residents living along Carlsbad Boulevard to ENJOY both our tranquil homesteads and
pedestrian safety.
Thank you for your consideration,
~ citAJ '-1
Victor E. Ramf;; /\
Nhitewater Street J
Carlsbad CA 92011
Neighborhood petition to the Carlsbad: Mayor, City Attorney. City Council
We, the residents of coastal Carlsbad residing in these developments are now
petitioning the City government regarding the perpetual traffic violations on Carlsbad
Blvd-Hwy US 101.0The purpose of this petition is to request the city to implement
solutions to let us enjoy a peaceful and tranquil environment.
(a) Excessive modified exhaust noise in current violation of State and Federal laws
(b) Speeding motorcycles, performing wheelies, drag car racing etc.
(c) Motorcycle speeding and accidents due to traffic violation
( d) Pedestrian safety for residents and tourists who visit area beaches
Development's name: Doi(\ ){.Jb(a LlHa'.
Last name: Address: Signature:
_ f[MfUrvJY 0f, 2JLl6-D_ -~
UM\~ ( CA q2fi/l ~Y
Neighborhood petition to the Carlsbad: Mayor, City Attorney, City Council
We, the residents of coastal Carlsbad residing in these developments are now
petitioning the City government regarding the perpetual traffic violations on Carlsbad
Blvd-Hwy US 101 .. ..Jhe purpose of this petition is to request the city to implement
solutions to let us enjoy a peaceful and tranquil environment.
(a) Excessive modified exhaust noise in current violation of State and Federal laws
(b) Speeding motorcycles, performing wheelies, drag car racing etc.
(c) Motorcycle speeding and accidents due to traffic violation
(d) Pedestrian safety for residents and tourists who visit area beaches
Development'.s name: /~Al#tllf~ &;,di Ld°UJ/V'Y
Last name:
Neighborhood petition to the Carlsbad: Mayor, City Attorney. City Council
We, the residents of coastal Carlsbad residing in these developments are now
petitioning the City government regarding the perpetual traffic violations on Carlsbad
Blvd-Hwy US 101."".Jhe purpose of this petition is to request the city to implement
solutions to let us enjoy a peaceful and tranquil environment.
(a) Excessive modified exhaust noise in current violation of State and Federal laws
(b) ':pG0ding motorcycles, performing wheelies, drag car racing etc.
(c) Motorcycle speeding and accidents due to traffic violation
( d) Pedestrian safety for residents a!:0 tc11_!f!~~~ who Yi$lt Br?3. b~'.'achc~
Development's name:
Last name:
t,~1 l)s
---( '( a_J f, u I \--; -5
Neighborhood petition to the Carlsbad: Mayor. City Attorney, City Council
We, the residents of coastal Carlsbad residing in these developments are now
petitioning the City government regarding the perpetual traffic violations on Carlsbad
Blvd-Hwy US 101.·J"he purpose of this petition is to request the city to implement
solutions to let us enjoy a peaceful and tranquil environment.
(a) Excessive modified exhaust noise in current violation of State and Federal laws
(b) Speeding motorcycles, performing wheelies, drag car racing etc.
{c) Motorcycle speeding and accidents due to traffic violation
(d) Pedestrian safety for residents and tourists who visit area beaches
Development's name:
Last name: Address: Signature:
~\ ~ b0-dq ~J\
. Cfl-O\_l
Neighborhood petition to the Carlsbad: Mayor. Citv Attorney, City Council
We, the residents of coastal Carlsbad residing in these developments are now
petitioning the City government regarding the perpetual traffic violations on Carlsbad
Blvd-Hwy US 101. The purpose of this petition is to request the city to implement
solutions to let us enjoy a peaceful and tranquil environment.
(a) Excessive modified exhaust noise in current violation of State and Federal laws
(b) Speeding motorcycles, performing wheelies, drag car racing etc.
(c) Motorcycle speeding and accidents due to traffic violation
(d) There are tourists who visit this area for the beaches who cross the road from the
Hilton hotels, SeaPointe resort and many hotels/Motels on Avenida Encinas
Development's name: ,,d 4 fo 5/1/-Z}o w /v c;-
last name: Address:
.S0n+-_s:;Jt, J~
¼+~ h'-tol , GA 1~0 I (
Neighborhood petition to the Carlsbad: Mayor, City Attorney, City Council
We, the residents of coastal Carlsbad residing in these developments are now
petitioning the City government regarding the perpetual traffic violations on Carlsbad
Blvd-Hwy US 101. The purpose of this petition is to request the city to implement
solutions to let us enjoy a peaceful and tranquil environment.
(a) Excessive modified exha1:Jst noise in current violation of State and Federal laws
(b) Speeding motorcycles, performing wheelies, drag car racing etc.
( c) Motorcycle speeding and acciden e to traffic violation
(d) Pedestrian safet for res· nd touri
Development's name· .---",__.,~----~<::"'"'7-----:::>""
i~~J Addres~\ckc?-~
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