HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-10-22; Sustainable Mobility Plan Update; Gomez, PazTo the members of the:
Date 10 J~;>.}.d:A _L CC ___x_
CM _$._ ACM _x_ DCM (3) £
Oct. 22, 2020
Council Memorandum
Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council
Paz Gomez, Deputy City Manager, Public Works
Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager (cj_
Sustainable Mobility Plan Update ·
Memo ID #2020233
This memorandum provides an update on the efforts associated with the Sustainable Mobility
Plan (SMP) and updates information provided in a memorandum dated Aug. 20, 2020
(Attachment A).
For just over a decade, the city has actively been developing and implementing a series of
stand-alone documents, technical analyses and recommendations related to improving mobility
for all modes of travel within the city. The SMP is designed to help the city integrate and
synthesize these multiple previous planning efforts. It is a key element in implementing the
General Plan Mobility Element adopted in 2015 and will help meet the greenhouse gas
reduction goals of the Climate Action Plan by shifting community members away from private
automobiles toward modes that are more livable, cleaner and healthier.
On April 6, 2020, the draft SMP was presented to the Traffic and Mobility Commission (T&MC),
I and they cited concerns with the plan including project prioritization criteria development. The
T&MC did not support recommending approval of the plan at that time and created an ad hoc
committee to help guide the project team in the plan update. Since then, city staff has been
working closely with the ad hoc committee to review and update the plan. To this end, staff has
held seven meetings with the ad hoc committee. On Sept. 8, 2020, the T&MC approved
replacing Vice-Chair Brandon Perez with Chair Mona Gocan as a member of the SMP ad hoc
committee due to his commitments with the Housing Element update.
Key updates to the SMP have included extensive modifications to the project prioritization
analysis, Complete Streets Guidelines, Safe Routes to School programming and the
recommended projects list. Due to the extensive revisions, the ad hoc committee has
requested that the revised SMP be released to the public to allow the community time to
review and comment on the final document.
Next steps
Public Works Branch
Transportation Department
1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-2730t
Council Memo -Sustainable Mobility Plan Update
Oct. 22, 2020
Page 2
City staff expects to present the revised draft SMP to City Council in December 2020, following
completion of these next steps:
• Nov. 4, 2020 -The revised draft SMP will be released for public and SMP Stakeholder
Working Group review and will be advertised on the city website and through social
• Dec. 7, 2020-The revised draft SMP will be presented to the T&MC
• Dec. 15, 2020 -The revised draft SMP will be presented to the City Council
Once the City Council accepts the SMP, staff will prepare a comprehensive implementation
workplan. The workplan will include a feasibility analysis that features project cost estimates,
conceptual plans and a constructability analysis. This information will help further prioritize and
identify additional resources needed to initiate an implementation plan to help inform future
• Capital Improvement Program budgets.
Attachments: A. City Council Memo ID# 2020172 dated Aug. 20, 2020 on the Sustainable
Mobility Plan
B. Minutes from the April 6, 2020 Traffic and Mobility Commission meeting
cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager
Celia Brewer, City Attorney
Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager, Community Services
Laura Rocha, Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services
Neil Gallucci, Police Chief
Michael Calderwood, Fire Chief
Robby Contreras, Assistant City Attorney
Ron Kemp, Assistant City Attorney
David Graham, Chief Innovation Officer
Tom Frank, Transportation Director
Kyle Lancaster, Parks & Recreation Director
Jeff Murphy, Community Development Director
Kristina Ray, Communication & Engagement Director
John Kim, City Traffic Engineer
Nathan Schmidt, Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager
Nikki Matosian, Community Relations Manager
To th~ m~mi.lcrs o, the:
Clrf COUNCI~ •a:P~0{~ CA _If"' CC _u! /
cM AcMLocM(3)_v_
Council Memorandum
To: Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council
From: Paz Gomez, De.puty City Manager, Public Works
Via: Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager(§?
Re: Sustainable Mobility Plan Update
{city of
Memo ID# 2020172
This memorandum provides an update on the efforts associated with the Sustainable Mobility
Plan (SMP) and updates information provided in a memorandum dated Apr. 30, 2020
(Attachment A).
For just over a decade, the city has actively been developing and implementing a series of
stand-alone documents, technical analyses and recommendations related to improving mobility
for all modes of travel within the city. The SMP is designed to help the city integrate and
. synthesize the.se multiple previous planning efforts. It is a key element in implementing the
General Plan Mobility Element adopted in 2015 and will help meet the greenhouse gas
reduction goals of the Climate Action Plan by shifting community members away from private
automobiles toward modes that are more livable, cleaner and healthier.
On March 2, 2020, the draft SMP was presented to the Traffic and Mobility Commission (T&MC)
as an informational item to provide a 30-day review of the document prior to consideration as
an action item at their April 6, 2020, meeting.
On April 6, 2020, the T&MC cited numerous concerns with the draft SMP regarding the project
prioritization system, lack of public review, cohesiveness of the draft SMP and project
monitoring framework'(see Attachment B for the meeting minutes). The T&MC requested that
staff address their comments and return with a revised draft SMP at a future meeting. The
T&MC's motion also included creation ofan ad hoc committee to assist the project team in the
draft SMP review; The motion was unanimously approved with a vote of 7-0.
Since then, city staff has been working closely with the ad hoc committee to review and update
the draft SMP. Key updates have included extensive modifications to the proposed multimodal
transportation network, Safe Routes to School programming -and planning processes, project
prioritization process and Transportation Demand Management (TDM) recommendations.
Additionally, a request for a change in ad hoc committee membership has been submitted by
one of the commissioners, which will be considered at their upcoming meeting on
Public Works Branch
Transportation Department
Faraday Center 1635 Faraday Ave I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-2730
Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council
Page 2
Sept. 8, 2020.
Due to the extensive revisions, the ad hoc committee has requested that the revised SMP be re-
released to the public in early September to provide-adequate time for public review and
comment prior to the October T&MC meeting. It will also be sent to the SMP Stakeholder
Working Group, which met four times to review and provide input into the draft SMP since its
Next steps
City staff expects to present the revised draft SMP to City Council in November 2020, following
completion of these next steps:
• September 2020-The revised draft SMP will be released for public and SMP
Stakeholder Working Group review
• October 2020 -The revised draft SM P will be presented to the T&MC
• November 2020-If there is any additional feedback from the T&MC, staff will make
needed revisions.
Once the SMP has been accepted by City Council, staff will prepare a comprehensive analysis so
that any additional resources needed to initiate implementation of the SMP are requested in
the fiscal year 2021-22 budget.
Attachments: A. Sustainable Mobility Plan Memo to City Council dated April 30, 2020
B. Minutes from the April 6, 2020, Traffic and Mobility Commission meeting
cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager
Celia Brewer, City Attorney
Ga ry Barberio, Deputy City Manager, Community Services
Laura Rocha, Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services
Robby Contreras, Assistant City Attorney
Ron Kemp, Assistant City Attorney
Tom Frank, Transportation Director
Kristina Ray, Communication & Engagement Director
John Kim; City Traffic Engineer
Nikki Matosian, Community Relations Manager
To the members of the:
oate <-1-30f roCA _!__ cc -CM ✓ ACM ✓ DCM (3)~
April 30, 2020
Council Memorandum
Honorable Mayor Hall and Member? of the City Council
. Paz Gomez, ·Deputy City Manager, Pub~orks
Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager 0f' ·.
Sustainable MobiHty Plan Update ·
Memo ID# 2020076
This memorandum provides an update on the efforts associ,lted with the Sustainable Mobility
Plan (SMP), which is now anticipated to go to City Council for consideration in September 2020.
Background .
Forjust over a decade, the city has actively been developing and implemer,iting a series of
stand-alone documents, technical analyses and recommendations related to improving mobility
for all mod~s of travel within the city. The SMP is designed to help the city integrate and
synthesize these multiple previous planning efforts. It is a key element in implementing the
General Plan M·obility Ele.ment adopted in 2015 and will help meet the greenhouse gas . •
reduction goals of the Climate Action Plan by shifting community members away from private
automobiles toward modes that are more livable, cleaner, and healthier.
On January 10, 2020, city staff provided a memorandum to City Council as an update on the
current progress of the SMP (Attachment A). Since then, the Stakeholder Working Group (SWG)
compJeted their review of the draft SMP. In addition, city staff contacted numerous members
of the SWG directly via phone calls to review the document and obtain their feedback. The
project team then revised the document p~r the comments received.
The draft SMP was first submitted to the Traffic and Mobility Commission at their meeting on
March 2, 2020 as an informational item to provide a 30-day review of the .document prior to.
consideration as an action item at their April 6, 2020 meeting.
On April 6, 2020, the Traffic and Mobility Commission cited numerous concerns with the plan
regarding the project prioritization system, lack of public review, cohesiveness of the plan and
project monitoring framework (see Attachment B·for draft meeting minutes). The Commission
moved to recommend that staff address their comments and return with a revised draft plan at
a future meeting. The Co111mission motion also included creation of an ad hoc committee to ·
assist the project team in the plan review, with Commissioners Perez, Linke and Penseyres as
members. The motion was approved by the Commission with a vote of 7/0/0.
Public Works Branch
Transportation Department
Faraday Center 1635 Faraday Ave I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-2730
Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council
April 30, 2020
Page 2
Next steps
City staff expects to present the revised draft SMP to City Council in September 2020, following
completion of these next steps:
• May-July 2020-The project team will work with the Traffic and Mobility Commission
ad hoc committee to update and refine the draft plan, within the defined scope of work.
• August 2020 -The revised draft SMP will be presented to the Traffic and Mobility
Commission at its Aug. 3, 2020 meeting.
• August/September 2,020 -If there is any additional feedback from the Traffic and
Mobility Commission, staff will make needed revisions.
Once the SMP has been accepted by City Council, staff will prepare a comprehensive analysis so
that any additional resources needed to initiate implementation of the SMP are requested in
the fiscal year 2021-22 budget.
Attachments: A. Sustainable Mobility Plan Memo to City Council dated Jan. 10, 2020
B. Draft minutes of the April 6, 2020 Traffic and Mobility Commission meeting
cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager
Celia Brewer, City Attorney
Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager, Community Services
Laura Rocha, Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services
Ron Kemp, Assistant City Attorney
Robby Contreras, Assistant City Attorney
Tom Frank, Transportation Director
Kristina Ray, Communication & Engagement Director
John Kim, City Traffic Engineer
Nathan Schmidt, Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager
Nikki Matosian, Community Relations Manager
To the members of the:·
Date \fio /21) CA ,,,/cc ✓
· CM\./ COO ~M (3)V"
Ja"n_. 1(3, 2020
Council Memorandum
Hono_rable Mayor Hall ~nd Members of the City Co1,mcil
Paz Gomez, De_pi.ity 9ty Manager, P'ublfi Works
Elaine Lukey, Chief Operations·Officer.
. Sustainable Mobility Plan Update.
Attachment A
Mem.9 ID# 20200Q4
This memorandum provide_s.an upd~te o.n the efforts associated with the_$ustai11~ble MobUity
· Plan ($MPJ which is anticipated to go to the City Council for cohsideratio11 in April 2020.
. For just over a decade> the city has actively been developing and implem:enting a series.of
stc\nd-alone documents, .techriicaJ analyses and recommendatiohs relating to improving
mobility for·all modes oftravel withiri the city. The SMP is designed to help the city' integrate
, and synthesize these multiple pteviciµs pJ.ann/rig efforts. It is·a key,element in implementing the
Gen_etaJ Plan Mobility Elementadopt_ed in 2015 ai!d Will help meetth~ greenhouse gas
reduction goals of the Climate,Action Plan py shifting community memb.er_s away from private
automobiles toward modes that are more livable, cleaner, and hea.lthier.
The SMP will examine alternatiVetransportation options in a compreh~nsive-and interwoven
way to present an existing and a fLJture network It wil1 develop modal 'blueprints' to evaluate,
plan, expand· and fund initiatives such ~s:
· 1. Bicycle ar'i'd pedestrian improvements
2. Safe.routes to schqols and parks
3,. Tr~nsit
4. Mobility hubs featuring car-share and bikeshare services
5. The t_ransporti:l.tion demand management effort
6. Improvements in under.served tomniunities s~ch as the Barrio.
As the city continues to growth1s network, it endea.vors tQ empower all residents with choices
that improve tomniuting, recreafiCln an~ getting around the .tjty over~li, while accomplishing
these important benefits:· ·
1. Increased safety
2." More co!']ven,ent options
3. Healthier travel options
4. Better traffic flow
In acJdition. to broader sti'!keholder engagement activities forthe SMP, the SMP Stakeholder
Working Group is providing insights to the city and -the technical tt:?am r:egardihg the
Public Works Branch
Transportation Departm!:?nt .
Faraday Center1635 Faraday Ave J Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-2730 .
Honorable Mayo·r Hall and Members of the City Council
Jan. 10, 2020
Page 2
methodqlogy and prioritizaticm of projects. Ttie wor~ing group i,s .comprised of representatives .
. · from the business community, hospitality industry, Carlsbad Unified School District,.regic:mal
tr.a11sportation agencies and oth·er community partners. SMP Stakeholder Working Group
members are also encouraged to supp.or~ broader stakeholder-engagement and
communications efforts to support the planning process.
SMP Development
On Aug. 8, 2019, city staff provided a memorandum to City Council as an update on the current
progress ofthe SMP (Attachment A}. Since this t!ille dty staff has been working with the project
·team to further refine the plan based upon feedback received from new city staff and the SMP
. Stak.eholder Working Group.
The fourth and final meeting of the SMP Stakeholder Working Group occurred on D~c.10,
2019. Ouringthis meeting, members of the project team presented the primary elements ofth.e
draft $MP, for which public r:eview will occur in late December through January. The groµp
reviewed the criteria for identify.fog projects and the planned networks for transit, pedestrian,
tran and bicycle modes. Stakeholders provided feedback and asked questions about the.
networks and other elements of the draftSMP, A summary of the comments received from the
stakeholders during this meeting is included as Attachment B.
Next steps
City staff expects to present the draft SMP to City Council in April 2020, following completion of
these next steps: .
• January 2020 -Th·e SMP Stakeholder Working Group will complete their review of the
draft SMP. Staff will make needed revisions based on the SMP Stakeholder Working
Group's feedback .
. • March 2020-The draft SMP will be presented to the Traffic arid Mobility Commission at•
its Mar: 2, 2020 meetiog. Staff will make needed revisions based on the Traffic and
Mobili~y Commission's f~edback.
• April. 2020-Staff will· present the $MP to City Council.
• April 20~0 -Once the SMP has been accepted by the City Council, staff will prepare a
comprehensive anaJysis so, that any additional resources needed to initiate
implementation ofth? SMP are requested in the fiscal year 2020-21 budget.
Attachments: A. Council Memorandum on Sustainable Mobility Plan dated Aug. 8, 2019
B: SMP Stakeholder Working Group Meeting #4 Si..mimary
cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager
Celia Brewer, City Attorney
Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager; Community Services
• I
Honorable. Mayor Hall and Members of the Citv Cot.inti I
Jan. 10! 2020
Page 3
~aura Rocha, Deputy City Manager, Adminfstrative Servi,:es
Tom Frank, Transportation Director
Kristina Ray, coi:nmunications Director
Mike Peterson, lnterini Comrnun.fty & Ecqnqtrtic Development Dtretto.r
,Amanda -CJ1uy,, Deputy City Attorney _
Nathan Schmidt, Transportation Planning.and Mobility Manager
John Kini, City Trafffr; Engineer
Jason Geldert, City Engineer
Don Neu, City Planner
Nikki Matosian1 Community Relations Manager
Totiie members ohh~
cnY td(Jl\ltll
oate-8'12:.iclCA-✓.cc ✓ cM ~ ✓o~M-(3)L
Aug~st s, 20:1,s
Cbt,JfJCil M~mbrcmdµm
Memo ID#2019O9O
iliis n:rnmdranduJTI provitjes an update on the·sust!3i_nable Mobility Plan (SMP), which ls
anticipated for City Ci::ni_ndl cori!;itjerati'on iii January 2020.
F()r just pver a d~c?de, th_e city h?s .a_cthiely b~en dc;veloping arid irpplem~nting \I series of
stand-albne policy documents; technical analys_es and recommendations relating to improving
mob_ility:fbr ail mt:>des of travel, induding_ped.estrians antj bicyclists, withJri the city.
The SiVIP is designed to help the city integrate and synthesize t~ese multiple previous pl;;ilining
efforts. It isa key element in imple:m~nting the General Plan Mobility Eh,imentadopted in 2015,
ciQd will help meet the green ho US? ~s (GHGl reducti9n gqa!s of the qhnate Action Plan. The
SMP will guide the city in expanding and improving the active transportation nefwo~k to
prcimote safe; healthy and tonveni'ent travel options for people of all ages and abilities.
Comm4nity Vision _ .
Promc;,±ing-wall<ing, biking, puhlictranspor:tation and i:onnectMty_is a core.value of the Carlsbad
Community Vision, which was developed throul$h ah extensive community eflgagen,ent
process. These core values guided development Qf the General Plan upqa~e in 2015, which
-indµded a new Mobility Element The Mobility Elem~nt represents a fundamenta! shift in how
· the city plans and designs the street sy~tem by expl6ri11g all potential solutions to enhance the
niobllity for all users of the street, incluc:lingvehicles, pedestrians, bikes and transit.
The city also adopted a Climate Action Plan in ~015, which outlines a·compretiensive cityWide
sfrate~y and actions to manage and reduce GHG-ernissiof')s. through 2035.
Evoiutiori of Mobility Efforts_
As the ccimm411ity's expectations for enhanced travel options have evolved over time~ so have
the c;ity' s str::!tegies fat addressingthese need$_. Previous planning efforts have typically
involved i:!h assessment of e)(isting condition-?, public engagement acti'v:ities to help understand
the community's needs, a technical analysis to Un!'.=m.ier opportunities for improvements and
recommended projects and/or programs for implementation. Each study has had a :slightly .
different focus, as summarized below: 1
Public Works Branch ..
Faraday Center 1635 faraday Ave I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I -760-602-2730
·J f i ,, ;1 ..
; .
Honorabfo M~yor Hall and, Members of tl)e City .Council
Aug; -8, 20;1,~
Al!achme.n! A
•: Carlsbad Bike way Master Pian i2007}~ described a i:qonetted sys:u~m of bike IMes'; bi~e
routes and bike paths and identified necessary suppprt fa~ilities and prdgrams to
iroP.n:iv~ safeW for bicyclists
• Pedestrian Master Plan /2008): proVided ~ gµ(dE! for future d¢v¢lopment and
' er:ihancernent of pede·strian faciiiti~ ci!Y'¥ide to encourage w.alkihg
• -Agenda Bill -Aporove the City of Carlsbad Americans wi~h Qi?abjlities Act /ADA)
Trar\siti_on Pl.a, for Public Rights-:of-Way /2912}: outlined a program that removes publk
batrfors to travel.for people with disabilities aod assisted the city with ADA an_d Title 24
• livable Streets Assessment (20131: identified qest pra~ices and oppo~unities,forth?
city to implement livabie streets, which was i~entified as a City Council priority and
strategic focus area
•-Carlsbad Active Transportation Strategy (2015}: identified loi:atio.ns with optimal
conditions for implementation of active transportation projects
-~ Trail~ Master Pian (scheduled to be presented ta City Council Aug. 21, 2019): identified
opportunjties for improvement:i to the 'trails system. Many of the identified
improvements offer traiisportatic:m options fqr cyclists and walkers
• Agenda Bill -Accept the Carlsbad Coastal Mobility Readiness Plan !2016}: envi_sioried a
coaital transportation system and offered an implementation matrix of opti.ons to
overcon,e barri~rs tci cqastal access and surro~nding neighborhoods
SMP Development
. As the city has worked on these efforts, public-attitudes about mobility op.ti.ens, have evolved
-along with the array of strategies pVa1lable to address pi;rsonal needs and to me~t the city's
mobility goals, such as transportation demand management, Uber/lyff, bike ~hate, shuttles and
first-last mile solutions. These chimg;es reinforce the n¢ed to develop an overall approach tp
mobilitythat is w~II coordinated, providingthe right balance of structure .and flexibility to adapt
to a changing environment.
The SMP differ~ from previous efforts ins~veral ways. Specifical_ly, the plan:
• Takes an integrated appri;,ach to pre$entirig an existing and future alternatlve
tran'sportation network
• Adds a c_Qmprehensive demand a:naiysis of where people live, work and visit and how
they currentlytra\/el thrciugh<::>u_t the city
• Goes beyond bicycle and pec;li;strian improvements and _considers safe routes to schools
and parks, neighborhood enhancements, transit system improvements:and mobility . '
r J l
1 l I
.. I
Honorable Mayor Hi311 arid Members of the City Council
Aug; 8, 201~
Attachme.nt A
• Combines a_ll the prior work with cum:nt d~ta and tethnjtal <10alysis into a q:mcise
• Reflects broa~ stakeholder epgagemeot with the bl!s.iries~ ancl,tourism cm111iit.inities, as
well as digital f3nd in-p~rcson poblic outreatb _efforts
· SMP milestones include:
• City Councii approv~d the application for a C~lifQrni9 Department ofTr~nsportation
(Ca!transl Su$1:ainable ComtnLJnities Grantto develop the SJVIP {August 2016)
• Caltrans approved the application and entered intci a con~ract with the dty·(May 2017)
• City Council approved a prpfessional services agreement witb Ch.en Ryan MobUity(May
ffl~ .
• Existing Conditions Assessment (Jun.e/Joly 2018)
• Outreach framework Plan (June 20.18)
., SMP Stakeholder Working Gr:oup Me(;ting #1 (Aµgu_st2018)
• Design Guidelines Developm~r'lt (Novernber~2018)
• Stakeholder Working Group Meeting #2 {December 2018}
• Online survey data collection and in-person surveys:at Farmers Market (December 2018)
• Stakeholder Working.Group Meeting#3 (January 2019)
• Agre.ement with Chen Ryan Mobility extended (February·2019)
• Interim draft report p_rovided to Caltrans (March 2019}
While t(ie SMP was under devel~pment, the city ~ontinued to make progress on several
initiatives relatecJ to mobility that were consistent with the framework of the SMP, ii1c1Liding:
• Development of a TroUeyFeasiblllty Study by a cons.Qltant authorized by City Council
(March 2017); estimated completicih dat~ Sep~ember 2019
• Carlsbad Parking Management Plan develpped in support of the Vjllage and Barrio
Master Plan to improve the· efficiency and effectiveness of the parking system in the
Village and beach areas (2018)
• Village and Barrio Master Plan adoptecl by City Council (2018); waiting for final
certification from Californii;l Coastal Commission
• Citywide Transportation Demand Mana~ement Plan approved by City Council (February
3 . ~
H~nqrable May~.r Hilll and Membets·ofthe City.Council
A_ug. a, 2019
• f\ddptfo.ri ofCh~ptet .18.Sl of the Carl?bi:!d Murii_cip~I Code to E;stablish·rransportatio.n
-Dem~nd Management Reqpiremerits·as partcif the development p_racess {March ?019)
• FirsH.ast MiJe Transpprtqtion'Service Pilot Pr.cigl'a!TI ·approved by Cit¥ ½ouncil in
partnership with.N~rtb (:.o_untyTransit Distrkt arJd San Diego Assodation of
Governments {SANDAG} (Jun!'? 2019) · . .
These initiatives coliiplementthe SM P and further the city's mobility ~oals,
Ne~steps· .
. City staff:expect. to present the draft SMP to City C:ouncil in J~nuary-2029, following completion
ofthese next steps-:
• A!,lgyst 201.9.-$:taffwill compl~i:e its r~viewpftbe draft Planne~ Mobility Networ~;
Priori~ization and l111plemenfation sections of the SMP
• · Sej:,tember/Octob.er 2019 -Staff.will complete .an external review of the draft SM P,
indudh:,g_ reviey.., byt!,e Stakeho!tt~r Working Group
• f\!oven:,ber 2Di9 -Staff will make· needed revisions based qnthe St~keh9lder Working
Group's feedback and, barring si~nificant changes, present the:draft plan fo the Traffic
_Safety Commission .
• December 2019_.,.. Staffwill pt~p.a·r-e resource ana·lysis so that al'.)y additional resources
needed for implementation are.requested in the fiscal year 2020-21 budget
development process -
Once a final plan has been adopted by the City Council and any needed resources c1dded to the•
budget, staff will pro~eed withiinplementation of the strategies identified, resulting in a.
significant leap forWard 'forthe City ofCarlsbad1s mobility goals.
cc: Scott-Chadwick, City Manager
Celia B_rew.er, City Attorney
Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager, Community Services
Debbie Fountain,.Conimunity &: Economic beYelopment Director
Sean Haeri, Transportation Director
·Amanda Guy, DeputyCity,Atforne'y
Christie Marcella, Economio.Developri1$nt Manager
John Kim, AftingCityTraffo:Engineer
I · I
. J
i i
.. (city of
Sustainaple Mobility Plan
Stakeholder Working Group -Me.eting #4
December 10, 2019 ♦ 8:30 a.rn. c.., 10:00 a,m.
-..... · ....... -.... · ..... ·.•.'••··············· .... · ......... -.................................................................. -... -................................................. : -.... ,
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On December 10, 2019, the City of Carlsbad convened the fourth meeting of
the Stakeholder Working Group (SWG) as -part of the Su.stairiabie Mobrlity
Plan (SMP) deve·lopment process. The purpose ofthe meeting was to: ·
provide an update on the planning process and !~test-developments; review
the content of the Draft SMP; and facilitate SWG m~mbers' input. This report
summarizes the meeting proceedings and d_iscussio1is. '
Meeting Overview
Meeting #4 of the SWG occurred on December 10, 2019, 8:30am -10:00am
at-City of Carlsbad Faraday Center,-163!1 Faraday Ave, Carlsbad, 92008. A
total of nine (9) SWG·mernbers attended,· as listed in Appendix A. Attendees
received a comment form for providing written comments to the project
team (see Appendix B}.
Paz Gomez, Deputy City Manager, Public Works With the City opened the
meeting with welcoming remarks. .After SWG members provided· self-
introductions, Andy Pencloley of MIG, part of the project teari11 served as
meeting facilitator and provided an overview of the meeting objectives,
agenda and format. H1; then initiated the review of the ·project background,
process and community engagement efforts before introducHig Dr. sherry
Ryan of Chen Ryan Associates, Project Manager for the project consultant
team. Dr. Ryan·-presented primary elements of the Draft SMP, for which the
Prepared by MIG, Inc. Page 1 of7
City Cif Carlsbad SMP I stakeholder Working Group Meeting #4
· · Sµrn(:nary Report, 12/10/19
public review draft is anticipated to occur in late December through early
January. $he revieW.ed the cdteria fqt identifying pl"ojects arid the emerging
networks for transit, pe·destrian, tr~ils and bicycle networks.
SWG members asked questions and provided comments about the networks
and other elements. of the Draft SMP. During the discussions, Mr. Pertdoley
·recorded discussion points on a large, wc;ill-sized ~'wallgraphic~ paper (see ·
Appendix C). ·
· Followin~;fiS a sum_rnary of SWG memb~rs1 questions· ahd Triput provided
during meeting and Via written comment forms. Where questions are listed,
responses provide.d by the project team aredisted it1 italics.. ·
Transit and Mobility Hubs
• Are there existing or upcoming bikeshare programs in the qty, as
noted in the mol:iHity hub di~grarn?..., The City is currently studying
thi~ program <;:cmr;;ept and leatning from adjacent cities that are ·
utilizfng· this program.
•. How does· the). $MP prom.ate qetter transit connectrons to schools? -
The City and Carlsbad Unified School District are coordinating closely
on transportation demand.management strategies, ineluding the
recently launched "Cool Rid~s~" carpool program for schools. .
• Improve transit access and service with a focus on meeting families!
and children's mob1Hty need~,.and encouraging their adoption of.
transit as a p'rimary mod.e
• Focus on closing g9ps iri the network and at raJlma9 crossings '(e.g. at
Oak Ave.), which can be very .difficult or dangerous for people who use
• How is the Coastal R:ail Trail addressed in the SMP? -'_'SANDAG is also
leading the Trench Alternatives Analysis study, which is expected to be
completed in Spring 202Q. This proposed projec;t co_uld potentially
fmP.=Jct the Coastal Rail Trail as well.,,.
• Consider adding mid-block crossings across high-:speed, wide arterfals
• Inclpde walking sc:;hool buses with "bus drivers'' and bike "trafns'1 led
by trained parents as part of.the City1s transportation demand
management program ·
· Prepared by MIG, Inc. Page 2 of7 .
City of Carlsbad SMP I Stakeholder Working Group Meeting #4
Summary Report, 12/10/19
• • Increase the focus on saf.e routes to· school to reduce conge_s~ion 1:1t
?Chool __ sit~s, and to better accommodate continued population gr9Wth
Bicycle Netw:ork
• Create. design guidelines for intersections tbat address safe qrossings
and ty.rns ·
• What is.the status of the proposed bicycle tunnel at Interstates and
Grand Avenue? -This will be carried forward as part of corridor
pl,,nni~g with. Ca/trans· and SANDAG :
• Will installation of protected bikeways require widening of the
roadway? --No, the additio_na/ space ne_eded for the bikeway will be .
created by narrowing the travel lanes
• People on bicycl~s· should still be allowed to ride in the right-hand
travel lane when a protected_bikeway is available
• Provide traffic calming measures that also provide protected spaces f-or
people riding bicycles-and Wi31king.
o .. Consider pr'ovidjng additional education and signage to build
public understanding and awc;1.reness
• Focus on providing 6ikeways that connect to major employers.
• Colisid!;!r changing some Class IV b1keways to Class I separated
facilities, particularly to reduce potential conflicts with drivew_ays and .
• Consider providing a Class l facility on the west side of El Carnine Real
between Palomar Airport Road and Gateway Road for improved safety
and connectivity to commercial ace-a and Viasat campus
• Study alternatives to providing a new traffic light on Avenida Encinas;
such as a roundabout .
Additional Ideas
• Create tailored design guidelines that maximize safety for a:ctive
transportation modes, including but not limited to: ·
o Bikeways
o Intersections
o Turns
• Provide phasing and timing· for in-,plementation in 'the Draft SMP
• Evaluate the performance of arid consider potential route changes to
the Carlsbad ·Connector service
• Review the trolley feasib~lity study and ensure it is coordinated with
the SMP
• Address how the SMP responds to SANDAG's upcoming RTP revisions
(i.E:., "5 Big ":1oves'')
Prepared by MIG, Inc. Page.3 of7
City' of Carlsbad SMP I S~keholder Wor::kirig Group M~eting #4
· Summary Report1 i2/10/i9
• Clarify the timing ofthe public review period ofthe Draft SMP, and if
tJii~ wlU occur b~fore or cqn<:tJrrently witb the traffic anci M.c;,bi!ity
Commission review;
. NEXT ·STl$P$
Project team members explained the Drg_fl: SMP is targeted for public review
within the next month, followed by review by the Traffic and··Mobility
Committee and the Ci,ty Council.
Prepared by MIG, Inc. Page4of7
I n ! I I
Ciry of Carlsbad SMP I Stakeholder Working Group Mei;ting #4
-summ~ry Reiport, 12/10/19
Appen.dpc A: sta.keholder Working Groi.ip M~mber$ -AtteJ'.ldee~ of
December 10, 2019 ·Mt:!etina
First Name Last Name Organization
Alban~ Carlsbad Cham.ber of Cor,merce
Cindy Krii:nmel Callfoniia State Parks -.. -• 0 V
Thomas tee Cape Rey Carlsbad -
Jiin Mand)er ·Cruzan
Eduardo Moya tegoland -California Rescirt
Pete Penseyres Bike Walk Carlsbad
Katie P~rsons North County Trans.it District
Kalim Smith Barrio Strong
Lisa Urbach California State Parks
John Kim City of Carlsbad·
Project Team Members .
• Paz Gomez, Qeputy City Manag_er, Public Works, City of Carlsbad
• Nath.an Schmidt,. Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager, City of
• Craddock ?tropes, Senior Management Analyst, Public Works, City of
• Sh.erry Ryan, Project Manager, Chen Ryan Associates
• Gabriela Dowi Community Relations and Publtc Affairs1 NVS
• J~rina Brossman, Co_mmunity Relations and Public Affairs, NVS
• Andy Pendoleyl Facilitator, MIG-, Inc!
Prepared by MIG, Inc. · Pages of7
City of Carlsbad SMP I Stak-eho!der Workiog c;;r:oup Meeting #4
· sumrncrry Report, 12/10119
App~ndix B: ~ommerit Form
{city of
Cal i fornia
_Spstei[rra_qle fvl9bi fity Plah
Stakeholder\tVorki1ig 'Oroup-_-tv1:eetlng #4
December 1 o, 2019 • 8:30 a .rn. -m:oo am:
·-··------··--·--------·-·-·------·-------"---· .... -.-·--
C 6 M M ~-N T _F d R. M.
Yoor input is important :i:o "ti;) Please use this form to prov)de wi:itteh tiinrrir,11ts about todav-'s meeting
-topics, ancfretum itto t~e·proiec:neam. tliank voui" ; .
Name: ________ _ Ql}lanization.,.a. __ . ________ _
Preparedby MJG, Inc. Page 6of7
City of Car.lsbad SMP I Stakeholder Wor:king Group Meeting #4
· summary Report, 12/10/19
Appendix c;:: Vtfallgraphic:: (photo-reduced)
Prepared by filllG, Inc, Pag~ 7·of 7
Attachme;nt B
Councii Chambers
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Monday; April 6, 2020, 5:00 p.m.
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Gocan called the Meeting to cirderat 5:03 P:m.
ROLL CALL: Present: Gocan, Johnson, Hunter, Fo~ler, Linke-aNi:ttez.
APPROVAL o::~:::~~~res "''~'f fiJf !~f~twf{~f;,
This meeting was conducted virtually via Zoom dueJtjJhe stay-at-home orderfo)\~QVID-19.
•;,~:??;.'::,;,, ,,:?··. . -'~:_:\/'~:, ...
Motion by Vice-Chair Johnson, seconded by Commissiei'r{~r;:tfunw}f$. approve the'ffi'Jtl.lJ.tes for March 2,
2020, with a minor correction and by a{{djt1g pne comm~ht::rrta.afBy Commissioner HWter on Item 3 -
Four Deficient Street Facilities. '\f/jth:,-;,_. '•!\/K -
Motion carried 5/0/1/1-(Absent: PenseyrJ~::)b~.t9.,~_d: Link~f::}>:,_ ·
· '··%it\;; •J,~\rt1:;~;-;:~•~ ·~::'~~f~)j;_-
N bl. ~::;;f4f'(,;,;:,~;1fi[}, \r _,_':_;_;•,-_:_.~-_-_: __ ··:·.·-·.-··:·,:.··-,·.,::'''._:··.:.-:_~_,_,~:····•_",'_:_;\_f}J;f"'~':/{fftt_r_:_:_:?_ .. > ,,:,
o pu 1c comments ,:>~if~j\~\ ·;:tiJ; _ _ --,:~~~, -.
Corrimissioner_P.~P.?_eyres joTn~JUh~~:t~ffl,9·il1J,d Mobilbj(Commission meeting at 5:11 p.m. _DEPART~,~~~f/~~~~~!;;l(l;ff:~·-· ... •'',1·:-r\I,:,\t\;;::;:_,~5;}:;
,:•,·/t~: ·. -.:, ,'.:• >::~~r. ~-· -~•;:~/
';-;,:;::•-:,:,... .,:,.,~~~):.~ ·•-,,·-,'.•-'
1.;:'P-OUCE MONTHLY.iEP.ORT ~(Staff contact: Lieutenant Christie Calderwood, Police
Oepa:itct,ent) -lnformai1¢'ri:aJ only \'\,-· . ·
Lieutenakt~lderwood rep~fted that.the police department has changed theirmission, due to
, the health ttJ~j~,-with focufon educating the public tci stop/limit the spread of COVID 19. As a
result, the taskiofJhe c9fifrfi~nity service officers, motor officers and police officers are to
respond to serioukt~[lf~htfto enforce the closures ofbeach access/ parking access/ public
parks and some trarkH:' ·
2. SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY PLAN -(Staff Contact: Nathan Schmidt, Public Works).
Staff Recommendation: Approve staff recommendations
Transportation Planning and M_o bility Manager Schmidt presented the Sustainable Mobility Plan
(SM P) and asked the commissioners to support staff's recommendation to City Council to adopt
the Carlsbad SMP. .
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Public Works
Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-434-2730 t
7. Eastbound Cannon Road from El Camino Real to College Boulevard
8. Westbound Cannon Road from College Boulevard to El Camino Real
B. Determine the following street facilities to be built out and exempt from the vehicular LOS
performance standard, in accordance with General Plan Mobility Element Policy 3-P.9:
1. Southbound El Camino Real from Cannon Road to College Boulevard
2. Northbound _El Camino Real from College Boulevard to Cannon Road
3. Eastbound Cannon Road from El Camino Real to College Bouleva_rd
4. Westbound Cannon Road from College Boulevard to El Camino Real
C. Expedite Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project No. 6094, to improve traffic circulation by
widening northbound El Camino Real from Sunny Creek Rqeftj)_p Jackspar Drive, by proposing
different funding sources which may necessitate meetimle.fBposition H requirements if more
. . ~¼W than $1 m1lhon of general funds are used. ,..J:"fM~t,
Motion failed: 2/5 (No: Gecan, Johnson, Hunter, Linke and:~W,ez) •:,fi{ff:\ .
. . l;~}t,c, . ,,3/ -· ·~1{i!t-.
Motion by Commissionerlinke, seconded by Comll}j~ffi.(on~r Hunter, to:· ·'.1¥k>
1. support staff recommendations regardintfp~ints 1A and 1C stated-~b,bv.e., and ·~:.:./½~, . ~:· .. ,::..::,,.,,_
2. reject point 1B listed above, and ::;,/l:->::::;~,::-.
3. direct a representative of the T&MC to mak:iiet~fent~_tjajp)othe City clJ~su._on the
quanti:ative data and conclusi~~g~ the trafflC::~~gt~nducted on Collegl~_bulevard
extension, and ··\ff~·:~:~t~~~~:r.,. ·~i}!.;.~t;:.. .
4. recommend that City Council dire~f;ifaff fq;:q~velop a ciflhfep financing program to build the
Motion ~:::::.:~:::-,~r~~;~en~~)t-t11;:f34}
CITY TRAFf,_l~,;1W.)f~.IN EE-R~~{l~'l~J!;t]~,i-,, '::;fi},
,l~~;ti~s}.{~~?J]i~~;})_;\ .. • . •\~\~:::t ~•// ,., -\~;t}?~, •~ti},
Upco,"9.}Q~-City Cou·nci~~ttT.s orfq'.~~ic ~nd Mq¥JJ~/=· .
;,~t::\! Urgency Or'~jfi_c!.flCe est~_b)ishing NO PARKING zone on Carlsbad Boulevard between Pine
·-·'.rfk,, Avenue and Ltto.sta AJJiitieJ Ponto Drive from Ponto Road to southern terminus, and
, '\'{fg~to Road 's~~.t ?{}{J:>
-:::::f k:<., _<f.:{?J-1?
Commissioner Linke thankei:f;~JHfie commissioners and staff for the good work.
Vice-Chair Johnson also complimented everyone for the good work.
Chair Gocan was very pleased, and thankful with all the wo.rk involved in the meeting especially since it
was the first time that the Commission meeting was held virtually using Zoom.
Page 5 of 6
Public Works ,
Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-434-2730 t
Chair Gocan adjourned the Traffic & Mobility Commission Meeting on April 6, 2020, at 9:03 p.m.
Eliane Paiva, Minutes Clerk
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Public Works
Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-434-2730 t
Monday, April 6, 2020, 5:00 p.m.
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Gocan called the Meeting to order at 5:03 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Present: Gocan, Johnson, Hunter, Fowler, Linke and Pere2.
Absent: Penseyres
Council Chambers
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92008
This meeting was conducted virtually via Zoom due to the stay-at-home order for COVID-19.
Motion by Vice-Chair Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Hunter, to approve the minutes for March 2,
2020, with a minor correction and by adding one comment made by Commissioner Hunter on Item 3 -
Four Deficient Street Facilities.
Motion carried 5/0/1/1-(Absent: Penseyres -Abstained: Linke)
No public comments
Commissioner Penseyres joined the Traffic and Mobility Commission meeting at 5:11 p.m.
1. POLICE MONTHLV REPORT-(Staff contact: Lieutenant Christie Calderwood, Police
Department)-Informational only
Lieutenant Calderwood reported that the pQlice department has changed their mission, due to
the health crisis, wit_h focus on educating the public to stop/limit the spread of COVID 19. As a
result, the tasks of the community service officers, motor officers and police officers are to
respond to serious calls and to enforce the closures of beach access/ parking access/ public
parks and some trails.
2. SUSTAINABLE MOBILITV PLAN -(Staff Contact: Nathan Schmidt, Public Works).
Staff Recommendation: Approve staff recommendations
Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Schmidt presented the Sustainable Mobility Plan
(S.MP) and asked the commissioners to support staff's recommendation to City Council to adopt
the Carlsbad SMP.
Pa~e 1 of 6
Public Works
Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-434-2730 t
facilities, and therefore the staff recommendation should be to support building the College
Boulevard e_xtension rather than pursuing the proposed exemptions. Linke noted that this
recommendation is consistent with past action taken by City Council on joint public/private
partnerships to finance road projects.
0 Deputy City Manager Gomez addressed Commissioner Linke's comments:
1. The College Boulevard extension project, which has a private development financing
obligation according to the current LFMZ 15 Plan and the Citywide Facilities and Improvements
Plan (CFIP), is to construct a two-lane alternative. Staff is required to comply with City Council
direction in the two plans unless City Council provides direction to amend the LFMZ 15 Plan and
CFIP to consider a project for a four-lane alternative and a city-led financing option.
2. The staff recommendation includes expedlti_ng existing CIP projects to reiieve
congestion on the deficient facilities, and this approach is consistent with that taken on
southbound Melrose Drive near Palomar Airport Road. That is, continue to construct
improvements even though the facilities are deemed exempt.
3. It rs true that previously each zone that increased traffic on a deficient facility by at
least 40% was previously obligatec;l to contribute to resolving the deficiency, but that is no
longer the case since the General Plan Mobility Element was updated in 2015.
0 In response to Commissioner Linke's statement that an exemption would discourage the
completion of the proposecl roadway improvement projects, Transportation Director Frank
responded that the General Plan states: ·
For Level of Service exempt street facilities, the city will not implement improvements to
maintain the level of service standard outlined on policy 3P.4, if such improvements are
beyond what is identified appropriate at build out of the General Plan.
Since the College Boulevard extension project is included in the General Plan, the proposed
exemptions will .hot negatively impact the College Boµlevard extension project.
0 Deputy City Manager Gomez.clarified that the current City Council direction is that private
development will fund and construct College Boulevard extension. Because the College
Boulevard extension is identified in the LFMZ 15 plan, it is a requirement for the private
developers to fund and build this infrastructure if the developers move forward.
~Commissioner Penseyres inquired if the feasibility study would trigger Proposition H.
0 Deputy City Manager Gomez explained that Proposition H has a trigger that public voter
approval is required if the project cost would be over one million dollars of General Funds.
·°Commissioner Hunter was pleased to see the project on El Camino Real from Jaspar Prive to
Sunny Creek included in staffs presentation, bLit he does not support the proposed exemptions
being requested by staff.
0 Vice-Chair Johnson enjoyed the presentation on the Four Deficient Street Facilities and
. reiterated her concerns about exemptions. She would prefer supporting a recommendation to
address the problem of congestion.
0 Transportation Director Frank asked Commissioner Linke for a clarification on exactly what he
meant in Part B of his proposed motion regarding "the quantitative data and conclusions from
the traffic study ... "
° Com.missioner Linke responded that the intent for the quantitative data is to show the
information from the slides he presented earlier, including the bar graphs arid histograms
showing before-and-after conditions, because the staff report is more qualitative (pass-fail).
Commissioner Linke provided an example that the staff report simply says that a two-lane
C9llege extension could be "over capacity," but that the quantitative data shows that it is only
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Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-434-2730 t
projected to be 29 cars or 3% over capacity, versus saving 20,000 vehicle trips from being stuck
in congestion on the deficient streets. Commissioner Linke said that he wanted the City Council
to have a fulsome understanding of the vast benefits the College extension could create when
they are making their decision on whether to fund it.
0 Transportation Director Frank stated: "I think we all agree that with the College Boulevard
extension, it fully resolves all the deficiencies with ample capacity for future growth. So, we all
agree upon that. I think what you are asking for, Commissioner Linke, is the graphics which you
provided that show the traffic data--versus just a description of it-and a chart."
Motion by Commissioner Fowler, seconded by Commissioner Penseyres, to approve staff
1. Adopt a resolution to:
A. Determine the following street facilities to be deficient because they do not n:ieet the vehicular
level of service (LOS) performance standard required by the city's Growth Management Plan:
5. Southbound El Camino Real from Cannon Road to College Boulevard
6. Northbound El Camino Real from College Boulevard to Cannon Road
7. Eastbound Cannon Road from El Camino Real to College Boulevard
8. Westbound Cannon Road from Coliege Boulevard to El Camino Real
B. Determine the following street facilities to.be built out and exempt from the vehicular LOS
performance standard, in accordance with General Plan Mobility Element Policy 3-P.9:
1. Southbound El Camino Real from Cannon Road to College Boulevard
2. Northbound El Camino Real from College Boulevard to Cannon Road
3. Eastbound Cannon Road from El Camino Real to College Boulevard
4. Westbound Cannon Road from College Boulevard to El Camino Real
C. Expedite Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project No~ 6094, to improve traffic circulation by
widening northbound El Camino Real from Sunny Creek Road to Jackspar Drive, by proposing
different funding sources which may necessitate meeting Proposition H requirements if more
than $1 million of general funds are used.
Motion failed: 2/5 {No: Gocan, Johnson, Hunter, Linke and Perez)
Motion by Commissioner Linke, seconded by Commissioner Hunter, to:
1. support staff recommendations regarding points 1A and lC stated above, and
2. reject point 18 listed above, and
3. direct a representative of the T&MC to make a presentation to the City Council on the
quantitative data and conclusions from the traffic study conducted on College Boulevard
extension, and
4. recommend that City Council direct staff to develop a city-led financing program to build the .
College Boulevard extension.
Motion approved: 5/2 (No: Fowler and Penseyres)
Attached is the quantitative data and conclusions from the traffic study conducted on College Boulevard
extension· that Commissioner Linke had requested to be included in the staff report for the May 5, 2020
City Council meeting.
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Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-434-2730 t
Upcoming City Council Items on Traffic and Mobility:
. • Urgency Ordinance establishing NO PARl<ING zone on Carlsbad Boulevard between Pine
Avenue and La Costa Avenue, Ponto Drive from Ponto Road to southern terminus, and
Ponto Road
Commissioner Linke thanked all the commissioners and staff for the good work.
Vice-Chair Johnson also complimented everyone for the good work.
Chair Gocan was very pleased, and thankful with all the work involved in the meeting especially since it
was the first time that the Commission meeting was held virtually using Zoom.
Traffic and Mobility Commission requested staff to attach to the minutes the Quantitative Data Report
provided by commissioner Linke.
Attachment A
Chair Gocan adjourned the Traffic & Mobility Commission Meeting on April 6, 2020, at 9:03 p.m.
Eliane Paiva
Eliane Paiva, Minutes Clerk
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Public Works
Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-434-2730 t
Traffic & Mobility Commission Recommendation to the City Council
City Council Meeting Date: May 5, 2020
Subject: Determination of four deficient street facilities and financing program options for the
College Boulevard extension project
At the April 6, 2020 meeting, the commission voted 5-2 (Gocan, Hunter, Johnson, Linke, and Perez in
favor; Fowler and Penseyres oppose.d) to support staffs recommendations that the City Council find
the four street facilities deficient and to expedite Capital Improvement Program Project No. 6094, but
to oppose staff's recommendation to exempt the facilities from the vehicle level of service (LOS)
performance standard, and to provide the following information derived from the traffic study. The
motion further recommended that the City Council direct staff to take the necessary steps to develop
a city-led financing program for construction of the College Boulevard extension project with all area
developers paying their fair shares.
College Boulevard Extension Traffic Operations Analysis information
Nearly 20,000 vehicle trips per day are in heavy congestion on the deficient street facilities. The
following histogram of northbound El Camino Real traffic (May 2019 counts between Jacks par Dr and
College Blvd) shows a 3 hour 45 minute period of deficiency during the PM commute, during which
an average of 10,328 vehicles were traveling under Growth Management Plan (GMP) deficient LOS
"F" conditions:
Northbound El Camino Real (Jacksoar-College 5/2019)
3500 ····--·-·-· · ---· · ·---·-· -· -··-··-·-
3000 .-LOSA-D
-LOS E-F (deficient)
····· .. GMPlimit
Time of day
I I ·--1~
10,328 vehicles
I ~llll11Hhh11
Among all four deficient facilities, a cumulative average of 19,313
vehicles per day were traveling during GMP deficient LOS "E" or
"F" conditions:
~Street facility : Congested '
' vehic:les
per day
NBECR (PM) 10,328
SBECR(AM) 3,096
EB Canpon (PM) 3,229 ·
WB Cannon (AM) 2,660
TOTAL 19,313
The College Boulevard extension would fully resolve the congestion problems on the deficient
street facilities with ample capacity for future growth. In the following chart, the red bars show that
the Cannon Rd and El Camino Real street facilities are all currently deficient during the indicated time
periods, with peak vehicle volumes at 7% to 73% over their GMP deficiency limits. However, the
adjacent green bars show that all of the deficiencies are fully resolved with the College Blvd extension
and related recommended projects, with peak volumes at 24% to 51% under the limits. For the
College Blvd extension itself, a two-lane configuration would open right around the limit, and a four-
lane configuration would be well under its limit.
Cannon Road
■ Corcent
3000 ------••••• GMPlimit
.2 2500 +---------g
(I) u woo :2· ! 1500
5 1310 . , ........ ;_ .• , .
~ 1000 -
IU (1) a.
____ -L.. ___ _,___,__~_--
The study concludes:
El Camino Real
{! In!
(i In)
. {2.1') 49% n
................ 1760
(4 In)
103% ........ 8SO
(2 In)
... Ultimately, the addition of the College Boulevard extension provides a valuable connection
for the City of Carlsbad and for the region and, as shown ir:i the analysis, will effectively
redistribute trips throughout the network to reduce the effect of congestion on several
existing roadway segments in the project vicinity.
Council Chambers
1200 Carl sbad Village Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Monday, April 6, 2020, 5:00 p.m.
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Goca n called the Meeting to order at 5:03 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Present: Goca n, Johnson, Hunter, Fowler, Linke and Perez.
Absent : Penseyres
This meeting was co nducted vi rtually via Zoom due to the stay-at-home order fo r COVID-19.
Motion by Vice-Chair Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Hunter, to approve the minutes fo r March 2,
2020, with a minor correction and by adding one comment made by Commissioner Hunter on Item 3 -
Four Deficient Street Facilities.
Motion carried 5/0/1/1-(Absent: Penseyres -Abstained: Linke)
No public comments
Commissioner Penseyres joined the Traffic and Mobility Commission meeting at 5:11 p.m.
1. POLI CE MONTHLY REPORT -(Staff co ntact: Lieutenant Christie Ca lderwood, Police
Department) -Informational only
Lieutenant Calderwood reported that the police department has cha nged their mission, due to
the health crisis, with focus on educating the public to stop/limit the sp read of COVID 19. As a
result, the tasks of the community service officers, motor officers and police officers are to
respond to serious calls and to enforce the closures of beach access/ pa rking access/ public
parks and some trails.
2. SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY PLAN -(Staff Contact: Nathan Schmidt, Public Works).
Staff Recommendation: Approve staff recommendations
Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Schmidt presented the Susta inable Mobility Plan
(SMP) and asked the commissioners to support staff's recommendation to City Council to adopt
the Carlsbad SM P.
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Public Works
Transportation 1635 Fara day Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-434-2730 t
4. EL CAMINO REAL IMPROVEM ENTS AT CANNON ROAD -(Staff.contact: Brandon Miles and
Hosse in Ajideh, Public Works)
Staff's Recommendation: Approve staff recommendations
Engineering Manager Ajideh and A_ssociate Engineer Miles presented the El Camino Real
Improvements at Cannon Road -Phase I:
• Replace safety bridge railing on both side of El Camino Real
o Widen sidewalk on south side of El Camino Real
c Add a pedestrian bridge north side of El Camino Real
a Remove overhead poles
o Provide pedestrian access for future phases
~Commissioner Linke inquired about the timing for Phase I and Phase II.
0 Associate Engineer Miles responded that Phase I is nearing completion, and construction
should start in early 2021; Phase II staff is currently reviewing the scope of work and fee and
getting a design consultant on board.
~Commissioner Penseyres inquired about the possible cost of undergrounding of the existing
power lines
□ Associate Engineer Miles said that if this project makes all of the utility moves in one phase
then the utility company is responsible for the co.st of placing the power lines under the bridge
(not underground).
Motion by Vice-Chair Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Penseyres,'to approve staff's
recommendations to implement Phase I of the El Camino Real Bridge Improvement at Cari non Road, CIP
Project Nos. 6042 and 6056.
Motion approved: 7 /0
(Staff Contact: Paz Gomez, Hossein Ajideh and Tom Frank, Public Works)-
Staff's Recommendation: Approve staff recommendations
Deputy City Manager Gomez, Transportation Director Frank and Engineering Manager Ajideh
presented the Four Deficient Street Facilities and financing program options for the College
Boulevard extension project. This item was previously presented in the March 2, 2020 T&MC
meeting, and the staff report and recommendations have since been updated. The four facilities
are :
1. Southbound El Camino Real from Cannon Road to College Boulevard
2. Northbound El Camino Real from College Boulevard to Cannon Road
3. Eastbound Cannon Road from El Camino Real to College Boulevard
4. Westbound Cannon Road from College Boulevard to El Camino Real
~Commissioner Linke submitted a correspondence titled Item# 5-Determination of four street
facilities and financing program options for the College Boulevard extension project that is on file
with the office of the City Clerk. He made a Power Point presentation that supported his
assertion that the proposed College Boulevard extension (either 2-lane or 4-lane alternative)
effectively distributes trips throughout the network to reduce congestion on the four deficient
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facilities, and therefore the staff recommendation should be to support building the College
Boulevard extension rather than pursuing the proposed exemptions. Linke noted that this
recommendation is consistent with past action taken by City Council on joint public/private
partnerships to finance road projects.
0 Deputy City Manager Gomez addressed Commissioner Linke's comments:
1. The College Boulevard extension project, which has a private development financing
obligation according to the current LFMZ 15 Plan and the Citywide Facilities and Improvements
Plan {CFIP), is to construct a two-lane alternative. Staff is required to comply with City Council
direction in the two plans unless City Council provides direction to amend the LFMZ 15 Plan and
C.FIP to consider a project for a four-lane alternative and a city-led financing option.
2. The staff recommendation includes expediting existing CIP projects to relieve
congestion on the deficient facilities, and this approach is consistent with that taken on
southbound Melrose Drive near Palomar Airport Road. That is, continue to construct
improvements even though the facilities are deemed exempt.
3. It is true that previously each zone that increased traffic on a deficient facility by at
least 20% was previously obligated to contribute to resolving the deficiency, but that is no
longer the case since the General Plan Mobility Element was updated in 2015.
0 In response to Commissioner Linke's statement that an exemption would discourage the
completion of the proposed roadway improvement projects, Transportation Director Frank
responded that the General Plan states:
For Level of Service exemptstreetfacilities, the city will not implement improvements to
maintain the level of service standard outlined on policy 3P.4, if such improvements are
beyond what is identified appropriate at build out of the General Plan.
Since the College Boulevard extension project is included in the General Plan, the proposed
exemptions will not negatively impact the College Boulevard extension project.
0 Deputy City Manager Gomez clarified that the current City Council direction is that private
development will fund and construct College Boulevard extension. Because the College
Boulevard extension is identified in the LFMZ 15 plan, it is a requirement for the private
developers to fund and build this infrastructure if the developers move forward.
~Commissioner Penseyres inquired if the feasibility study would trigger Proposition H.
0 Deputy City Manager Gomez explained that Proposition H has a trigger that public voter
approval is required if the project cost would be over one million dollars of General Funds.
~Commissioner Hunter was pleased to see the project on El Camino Real from Jaspar Drive to
Sunny Creek included in staff's presentation, but he does not support the proposed exemptions
being requested by staff.
0 Vice-Chair Johnson enjoyed the presentation on the Four Deficient Street Facilities and
reiterated her concerns about exemptions. She would prefer supporting a recommendation to
address the problem of congestion .
0 Transportation Director Frank asked Commissioner Linke for a clarification on exactly what he
meant in Part B of his proposed motion regarding "the quantitative data and conclusions from
the traffic study ... "
~Commissioner Linke responded that the intent for the quantitative data is to show the
information from the slides he presented earlier, including the bar graphs and histograms
showing before-and-after conditions, because the staff report is more qualitative (pass-fail).
Commissioner Linke provided an example that the staff report simply says that a two-lane
College extension could be "over capacity," but that the quantitative data shows that it is only
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projected to be 29 cars or 3% over capacity, versus saving 20,000 vehicle trips from being stuck
in congestion on the deficient streets. Commissioner Linke said that he wanted the City Council
to have a fulsome understanding of the vast benefits the College extension could create when
they are making their decision on whether to fund it.
0 Transportation Director Frank stated: "I think we all agree that with the College Boulevard
extension, it fully resolves all the deficiencies with ample capacity for future growth. So, we all
agree upon that. I think what you are asking for, Commissioner Linke, is the graphics which you
provided that show the traffic data--versus just a description of it-and a chart."
Motion by Commissioner Fowler, seconded by Commissioner Penseyres, to approve staff
1. Adopt a resolution to:
A. Determine the following street facilities to be deficient because they do not meet the vehicular
level of service (LOS) performance standard required by the city's Growth Management Plan:
5. Southbound El Camino Real from Cannon Road to College Boulevard
6. Northbound El Camino Real from College Boulevard to Cannon Road
7. Eastbound Cannon Road from El Camino Real to College Boulevard
8. Westbound Cannon Road from College Boulevard to El Camino Real
B. Determine the following street facilities to be built out and exempt from the vehicular LOS
performance standard, in accordance with General Plan Mobility Element Policy 3-P.9:
1. · Southbound El Camino Real from Cannon Road to College Boulevard
2. Northbound El Camino Real from College Boulevard to Cannon Road
3. Eastbound Cannon Road from El Camino Real to College Boulevard
4. Westbound Cannon Road from College Boulevard to El Camino Real
C. Expedite Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project No. 6094, to improve traffic circulation by .
widening northbound El Camino Real from Sunny Creek Road to Jackspar Drive, by proposing
different funding sources which may necessitate meeting Proposition H requirements if more
than $1 million of general funds are used.
Motion failed: 2/5 (No: Gocan, Johnson, Hunter, Linke and Perez)
Motion by Commissioner Linke, seconded by Commissioner Hunter, to:
1. support staff recommendations regarding points lA and lC stated above, and
2. reject point 1B listed above, and
3. direct a representative of the T&MC to make a presentation to the City Council on the
quantitative data and conclusions from the traffic study conducted on College Boulevard
extension, and
4. recommend that City Council direct staff to develop a city-led financing program to build the
College Boulevard extension.
Motion approved: 5/2 (No: Fowler and Penseyres)
Attached is the quantitative data and conclusions from the traffic study conducted on College Boulevard
extension that Commissioner Linke had requested to be included in the staff report for the May 5, 2020
City Council meeting.
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Upcoming City Council Items on Traffic and Mobility:
0 Urgency Ordinance establishing NO PARl<ING zone on Carlsbad Boulevard between Pine
Avenue and La Costa Avenue, Ponto Drive from Ponto Road to southern terminus, and
Ponto Road
Commissioner Linke thanked all the commissioners and staff for the good work.
Vice-Chair Johnson also complimented everyone for the good work.
Chair Gocan was very pleased, and thankful with all the work involved in the meeting espedally since it
was the first time that the Commission meeting was held virtually using Zoom.
Traffic and Mobility Commission requested staff to attach to the minutes the Quantitative Data Report
provided by commissioner Linke.
Attachment A
Chair Gocan adjourned the Traffic & Mobility Commission Meeting on April 6, 2020, at 9:03 p.m.
Eliane Paiva
Eliane Paiva, Minutes Clerk
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Traffic & Mobility Commission Recommendation to the City Council
City Council Meeting Date: May 5, 2020
Subject: Determination of four deficient street facilities and financing program options for the
College Boulevard extension project
At the April 6, 2020 meeting, the commission voted 5-2 (Gocan; Hunter, Johnson, Linke, and Perez in
favor; Fowler and Penseyres oppose_d) to support staff's recommendations that the City Council find
the four street facilities deficient and to expedite Capit al Improvement Program Project No. 6094, but
to oppose staff's recommendation to exempt the facilities from the vehicle level of service (LOS)
performance standard, and to provide the following information derived from the traffic study. The
motion further recommended that the City Council direct staff to take the necessary steps to develop
a city-led financing program for construction of the College Boulevard extension project with all area
developers paying their fair shares.
College Boulevard Extension Traffic Operations Analysis information
Nearly 20,000 vehicle trips per day are in heavy congestion on the deficient street facilities. The
following histogram of northbound El Camino Real traffic (May 2019 counts between Jackspar Dr and
College Blvd) shows a 3 hour 45 minute period of deficiency duringthe PM commute, during which
an average of 10,328 vehicles were traveling under Growth Management Plan (GMP) deficient LOS
"F" conditions:
Northbound El Camino Real (J@cksq,ar-College 5/2019) :: I -~~~:-~(d~ficient) ·------···-------------..... ----
E 2soo · ... GMP limit
"E i > .
4J 2000 ! :-g 1&90 ! " ! 1500 [-· ----:· ........ ----------· -..... ·--" .. ___ --·-----------•
;: :::,
0 .!000 :c
500 l
0 P~•-~~•.•••-,-•···,,.~dlll llllllll
Time of day
..... -~-..... I filllli11J1h1u1
t I ·--,~
10,328 vehicles
(3 pr45min)
Among all four deficient facilities, a cumulative average of 19,313
vehicles per day were traveling during GMP deficient LOS "E" or
"F" conditions:
's\~eet facility I Co~gested
' vehicles
per day
NB ECR (PM) 10,328
SBECR(AM) 3,096
EB Cannon f PM) 3,229
WB Cannon(AM) 2,660
TOTAL 19,313
The College Boulevard extension would fully resolve the congestion problems on the deficient
street facilities wit h ample capacity for future growth. In the following chart, the red bars show that
the Cannon Rd and El Camino Real st reet facilities are all cu rrently deficient during the indicated time
periods, with peak vehicle volumes at 7% to 73% over their GM P deficiency limits. However, the
adjacent green bars show that all of the deficiencies are fully resolved with the College Blvd extension
and related recommended projects, with peak volumes at 24% to 51% under the limits. For the
College Blvd extension itself, a two-lane configuration would open right around the limit, and a four-
lane configuration would be well under its limit.
Cannon Road
11> E
l!I Cumint
..... GMP limit
.:! 2500 +----------g
11) u 2000
:i: a, 130%
~ 1500 5 1310 ......
~1000 --
(U a,
The study concludes:
El Camino Real
· • · · ····•2900
(3 In)
. (2 In)
................ 1760
(4 In)
103% ....... 880
(2 In}
... Ultimately, the addition of the College Boulevard extension provides a valuable connection
for the City of Carlsbad and for the region and, as shown in the analysis, will effectively
redistribute trips throughout the network to reduce the effect of congestion on several
existing roadway segments in the project vicinity.
I l