HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-01-16; Notices Proofs (2)Affidavit of Publication STATE OF CALIFORNIA ( County of San Diego ^ ss. Dorothy de Courcy . , says tliat she Is the Principal Clerk of The Carlsbad Journal, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, and State of California, and that the notice of which the annexed is a true copy, was published —1 times in said newspaper, commencing on the...6.til.. day of ^M}-}:. A.D. 19^.12., namely on the following dates: NOTICE OF INTENTION TO CIRCULATE PETITION TO ANNEX CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD UNDER THE ANNEXATION ACT OF 1913 The undersigned proponents of a petition relating to the Annexation of certain inhabited territory to the City of Carlsbad under the Annexation Act of 1913, hereby give notice of intention to circulate said peti- tion in the County of San Diego, State of California. Hie territory sought to be annexed is designated as "East Carlsbad Annexation No. 2.12" and is de- scribed as follows: All that real property in the County of San Diego, State of Califoniia, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the Southerly line of section 35, Township 12 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Meridian, with the center line of the County Highway known as El Camino Real, as shown on County Road Survey Map No. 1800-1 on file in the County Engineer's Office of San Diego County; thence Northerly along the center line of said County Road Survey 1800-1 as follows: 0) Northwesterly along the arc of a 2985.00 foot radius curve concave Southwesterly through a central ant^e ot 9 degrees 10' 45" a distance of 478.22 feet; (D North 24 degrees 27' 07" West, 990.86 feet;.(|? Northeasterly along the arc of a 3400.00 foot radius curve concave Northeasterly through a centralangle of 15 degrees 39' 56"a distance of 929.61 feet; i|) North eight d^rees 47' 11" West, 989.39 feet; Northerly and Northeasterly along the arc of a 1500.00 foot radius curve concave Easterly through a central angle of 28 degrees 47' 03" a distance of 753.57 feet; North 19 degrees 59' 52" East, 2473. 71 feet; ^ Northerly along the arc of a 2000.00 foot radius curve concave Westerly through a central ande of 27 degrees 35' 03" a distance of 962.87 feet; ^8) North seven degrees 35' 11" West, 733.73 feet to the Northerly line of the Sooth Half of Sectton 26; to the Northerly line of the South Half of Section 26; Township 12 South, Range 4 West; thence along said Northerly line and the Northerly line of the South Northerly line and the Northerly line of the South Half of Section 25: South 89 degrees 15' 32" East,_ ..teil....§..?.....1.972. Signed at Carlsbad, California this ....^..^.1^^.. day of AP?11 V \ hereby declare under penalty of perjury that'^e foregoing is true'^d correct. Legal Decree No. 172342 Tin al Clerk angle of 21 degrees 18' 00" a distance of 360.60 feet; t North 21 degrees 13' 00" West, 857.71 feet; Northwesterly and Northerly along the arc of a 1030.00 foot radius curve concave Easterly through a central angle of 32 d^rees 04' 00" a distance of 576.46 feet; (g) North 10 degrees 51' 00" East, 350. 69 feet; Northerly and Northeasterly along the arc of a 530.00 foot radius curve concave Southeast erly through a central angle of 41 degrees 09' 00" a distance of 380.64 feet; @ North 52 degrees 00' 00" East, 108.41 feet to intersection with the Northerly line of the Southeast Quarter of sajd Section 19; thence along said Northerly line 48 • North 89 de- grees 47' 00" East, 93.31 feet to the Easterly line of said..^ Section 19; thence along said Easterly line ^ South 0 degree 15' 39" East, 2670.79 feet to the Northwest corner of Section 29, Township 12 South, Range 3 Wegt; thence along the Northerly line of said Section 29J5^ South 89 degrees 21' 05" East, 1311.23 feet; 0 South 89 degrees 13' 30" East, 1322.21 feet; South 88 degrees 11' 53" East, 951. 90 feet to the Westerly, line of Tiffany; thence along said Westerly line (53 South 37 degrees 07' 20" West , 2652.27 feet to the most Westerly corner there- of; (5^ South 56 degrees 21' 00" East, 400.00 feet to the"most Southerly corner of said land; ^ North 48 degrees 36' 35" East 13.39 feet to the most West- erly corner of Nutt; ^6) South 58 degrees 45' 33" East, 1934.90 feet to a point in the Westerly line of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 29; thence along said Westerly line South 0 degree 09' 00" West, 575, 36 feet to the Southwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 29; thence along the Southerly line of j§aid Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (58,' South 89 degrees 27' 53" East, 1320.60 feet to The Easterly line of^aid Sec- tion 29; thence along said Easterly line' 59 South 0 degree 11' 46" West, 1343.90 feet to the Southeast comer of said Section thence along the Southerly line of said Section 29 North 89 degrees 31' 16" West, 2639.01 feet to the South Quarter corner of said Section; thence along the East line of the West Half of Section 32, Township 12 South, Range 3 West, (ey South 0 degree 02' 25" East, 4097.22 feet to the Northerly boundary of Rancho Las Encinitas, accord- ing to Map thereof No. 848 filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County; thence along said Northerly boundary (^6^ South 75 degrees 47' 10" West, 1160.20 feet to the Northeast corner of the West Half of Lot 6 of said Rancho; thence along the Easterly line of said West Half of Lot 6 :6} South 2 degrees 52' 55" East, 2644.62 feet to the Southerly line of said Lot 6; thence along said Southerly line @ South 86 degrees 40' 45" West, 1320.29 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 8 of said ^ncho; thence along the Easterly line of said Lo^ 8 South 3 de- grees 02' 45" East, 1325.49 feet; (6^ South 2 degrees 38' 45" East, 1309.82 feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot 8j thence along the Southerly line of Lots 8, 9 and KT 67^ South 87 degrees 06' 20" West, 1294.24 feet; @' South 87 degrees 04' 55" West, 1340.03 feet; South 87 degrees 03' 30" West, 4041.43 feet to the point of intersection with the center line of County Road, Survey No. 454-A; thence along said center line iTd North 20degrees 11' 46" West, 311.85 223.07 feet; @) South 89 degrees 16' 05" East, 1331. 33 feet; ;li 'South 89 degrees 13' 54" East, 2627.59 feet to the center of said Section 25; thence Northerly along the Westerly line of the East Half of said Sec- tion 25j. fl North 0 degree 43' 27" East, 1328.42 feet; il^ North 0 degree 41' 49" East, 1328.49 feet to the Noffherly line of^aid Section 25; thence along said Northerly line Q^) South 89 degrees 37' 47" East, 2635.50 feet to the Southwest corner of Section 19, Township 12 South, Range 3 West; thence along the Westerly line of said section 19 (15) North 0 de- gree 52' 06" East, 1337.52 feet to the Northerly line of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 19; thence along said Northerly line and the Northerly line of the Soutii Half of the Southeast Quar- ter of said Section 19 66^ South 89 degrees 46' 50" East, 3097.49 feet (If^"'South 89 degrees 50'16" East, 1314.00 feet, more or less to the Northwest corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quar- ter of said Section 19 (T^ North 0 degree 19' 52" West, 49.37 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 5 of Meadowlark No. 1, according to Map thereof No. 4443, filed in the Office^of County Recorder of San Diego County; thence (p) North 89 degrees 34' 45" East along the Southerly line ojsaid Meadowlark No. 1, a distance of 466.27 feet; Southeasterly along the arc of a 330.00 foot radius curve concave North- easterly through a central angle of 16 degrees 12' 05" a distance of 93.31 feet Southwesterly along the arc of a 25.00 foot reversed curve through a central anglg of 81 degrees 05' 15" a distance of 35.38 feet; ^ij South 38 degrees 57' 15" East, 60.00 feet to the Westerly line of Congregational Church at Meadow- lark; thence along said Westerly line South 51 degrees 02' 45" West, 100.93 feet; (Zf Westerly, Southerly and Southeasterly along the arc of a 25.00 foot radius curve concave Easterly through a central angle of 90 degrees 00' 00" a distance of 39.27 feet; f South 38 degrees 57' 15" East, 110.55 feet; Southeasterly along the arc of a 170.00 foot ra- dius curve concave Northeasterly through a central angle of 16 degrees 23' 33" a distance of 48.64 feet; <g) South 55 degrees 20' 48" East, 50.00 feet; (2f Southeasterly along the arc of a 230.00 foot ra- dius curve concave Southwesterly through a central angle of 45 degrees 40' 03" a distance of 183.32 feet; South 9 degrees 40' 45" East, 165.00 feet; i39Southeasterly along the arc of a 50.00 foot radius curve concave Northeasterly through a central angle of 36 degrees 52' 10" a distance of 32.17 feet; gj) Southerly and Southwesterly along the arc of a 50.00 foot radius reversed curve concave Northwesterly though a central angle of 126 degrees 52'10" a dis- tance of 110.71 feet; ^ South 9 degrees 40'45" E^, 6.85 feet to the Northerly line of Alberta Bell; Q3) North 89 degrees 55' 00" West, 31.11 feet more orTess to the Northwest corner of Alberta Bell and A. 0. Bell; North 89 degrees 30' 38" West, 110. OOJteet more or less to the Northwest corner of Young @ South 9 degrees 04' 23" East, 100.00 feet more or less to the Southwest corner of Young; Q§> South 89 degrees 30' 38" East, 137.89 feet moreor less to the Southwest corner of Alberta Bell; (3^ South 26 degrees 29' 00" East, 54.61 feet; @ Southeast- erly along the arc of a 100.00 foot radius curve con- cave Southwesterly through a central anglg^of 20 de- grees 44' 00" a distance of 36.19 feet; South 5 degrees 45' 00" East, 303.34 feet to a Southwest comer of Alberta Bell; thence along a line paral- lel with and 30.00 feet Southerly at right anglgs from land described in deed to Bell Brothers, Inc. (55) South 89 degrees 55' 00" East, 500.00 feet more of less to the Westerly line of County Road Survey No. 454 (60' wide); thence along said Westerly line ^ North 0 degrees 05' 00" East, 200.00 feet more or less; @ Northwesterly along the arc of a 970.00 foot ra- dius curve concave Southwesterly through a central feet; (ll} Northerly and Northeasterly along the arc of a 35(rt)0 foot radius curve concave Easterly through a central angle of 58 degrees 10' 27" a distance of 355.37 feet to the center line of County Road Survey No. 4541;^ (§) South 37 degrees 58' 41" West, 697.88 feet; @ Southwesterly along the arc of a 300.00 foot radius curve concave Northwesterly through a central angle of 49 degrees 04' 49" a distance of 256.98 feet to said Southerly line of Lot 10; thence along said Southerly line South 87 degrees 03' 30" West, 509.61 feet to tWe Southwest corner of said Lot 10; thence along the Westerly line of Lots 10 and 3 w|) North 3 degrees 35' 15" West, 2629.70 feet; ^ North 2 degrees 32' 35" West, 807.85 feet to the Northwesterly corner of said Lot 3; thence along the Northerly line of said Lot 3 (TJ/ North 75 degrees 47' 10" East, 914.88 feet to the Westerly line of Fractional Lot 2 in Section 1, Township 13 Souto, Range 4 West; thence along said Westerly line North 1088.86 feet to the Northwest corner of said Lot 2; thence along the South linepf Section 36, Town- ship 12 South, Ranee 4 West (@ North 89 degrees 17' 26" West, 1683.88 feet; North 89 degrees 17' 41" West, 993.40 feet to the Southeast comer of the West 50 acres of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 3g; South 68 degrees 25' 31" West, 1851.09 feet; @ South 56 degrees 30' 28" West, 1100.78 feet to the Easterly Right of Way line of County of San Diego Road Survey No. 1800-1 (El Camino Real); thence @) South 58 degrees 40' 35" West, 45.00 feet to the center line of said Right of Way; thence @ Northwesterly along said center line being a 2015.00 foot radius curve concave North- easterly through a central angle of 22 degrees 27' 12" a distance of 789.65 feet: @ North 8 degrees 52' 13" West, 288.90 feet; @ Northwesterly along the arc of a 2985.00 foot radius curve concave South- easterly through a central angle of 6 degrees 24' 09" a distance of 333.56 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPTING from the above described parcel of land all that portion lying Northerly and Easterly of a line described as follows: jnning at the Easterly terminus of Course No. 16) , described above, said point being the North- we« corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 19, Township 12 South, Range 3 West, San Bernardino Mendian; thence from said point of beginning Southerly and Easterly along the following courses: (8?) South 0 degrees 20' 52" West, 1336.04 test, @| South 0 degree 37' 59" West, 2628. 45 teeA-JM North 89 degrees 18' 31" East, 2639.82 feet; mT South 89 degrees 24' 31" East, 1331.80 feet: (§]) South 0 degree 22' 46" West, 2704.34 feet; @ South 89 degrees 53' 42" East, 1344.76 feet to the termination of the line herein described, said point of termination lieing the Westerly terminus of course No. (SQ) > described above, said point also being the South Quarter comer of Section 29, Town- ship 12 South, Range 3 West, San Bernardino Meridian. Said parcel of land containing 4,090 acres, more or less. For the reason for the proposed petition, reference is hereby made to the following "Statement of Rea- sons for the Proposed Petition"; STATEMENT OF REASONS FOR THE PROPOSED PETITION When the territory descril)ed in this Notice of In- tention to Circulate Petition, as shown above, becomes annexed to the City of Carlsbad, the inhabitants of the territory proposed to be annexed and the property lo- cated within said annexation will qualify to enjoy the Affi(davit of Publication STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of San Diego ss. ..-iiflXQ.tIa^';...iLu...;w.u.u.i:.c.ir.. , says that she is the Principal Clerk of The Carlsbad Journal, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, and State of California, and that the notice of which the annexed is a true copy, was published _^— times in said newspaper, commencing on the.....i.i.fc.h dayof , A.D. 19 namely on the following dates: RESOLUTION NO. 1997 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO CALL A SPECIAL ELECTION IN CERTAIN INHABITED TERRITORY CONTINUOUS TO SAID CITY, PROPOSEDTO BE ANNEXED THERE- TO, FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS RESffilNG IN SAID TER- RITORY THE QUESTION OF WHETHER OR NOT SAID TERRITORY SHALL BE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, AND FIXING A TIME AND PLACE WHEN AND WHERE ANY PERSON OWNING REAL PRO- PERTY WITHIN SUCH TERRITORY MAY APPEAR BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL AND SHOW CAUSE WHY SUCH TERRITORY SHOULD NOT BE ANNEXED. WHEREAS, this City Council has duly received a petition signed by nbt less than one-fourth of the qualified electors residing within the territory known as the "East Carlsbad Annexation No. 2.12", as shown on the records of the San Diego County Registrar o! Voters, and containing a description of the territory to be annexed, which is continguous to the city, and' asking that said territory be annexed; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That it is the intention of this City Council to caU a special election in certain inhabited ter- ritory contigiious to said city, proposed to be annexed to the City of Carlsbad, for the purpose of sub- mitting to the qualified electors residing in said ter- ritory the question of whether or not said territory shall be annexed to the City of Carlsbad, and the territory subjected to taxation after annexation equally with the property within the City of Carlsbad to pay the bonded indebtedness of the City of Carlsbad out- standing or authorized at the date of the first pub- lication of the Notice of Election for the acquisition, ccnstmction, or completion of municipal improve- ments, except that petitioners shall not be liable for any of the City of Carlsbad's 1962 Sewer Bonds author- ized by a Special Municipal Election held on the 16th day of January, 1962. Said territory is described as follows: All that real property in the County of San Diego, State of California, described as follow s: Legal Decree No. 172342 -XX-y—"i-^.'7.2.— ..i'ia,y-..18^...1.^.72....» Signed at Carlsbad, California this day of , 19 l..iL.. I hereby declare under penalty of perjury tha^ihe foreg94ng is tru^^nd correct. Principal Clerk East, 303.34 feet to a Southwest coner of Alberta Bell; thence along a line parallel wiln and 30.00 feet Southerly at right angles ^om land described in deed to Beil Brothers, Inc. (40* South 89 degrees 55' 00" East, 500.00 ieet more or less to the Westerly line of County Road Survey No. 454 (60'wide); thence along said Westerly line '4)) North 0 degrees 05' 00" East, 200.00 feet more or less; ^ Northwesterly along the arc of a 970.00 foot radius curve concave Southwesterly through a central angle of 21 degrees 18' 00" a distance of 360.60 feet; m North 21 de- grees 13' 00" West, 857.71 feet; 0 Northwesteriy and Northerly along the arc of a 1030.00 foot radius curve concave Easterly throt^h a central angle of 32 degrees 04' 00" a distance of 576.46 feet (IS* North 10 degrees 51' 00" East, 350.69 feet; Northeriy and Northeasterly along the arc of a 530.00 foot radius curve- concave Southeasterly through a central an^ of 41 degrees 09' 00" a distance of 380.64 feet; (47) North 52 degrees 00" 00" East, 108.41 feet to inter- section with the Northerly line of the Southeast Quar- ter of said Section 19; thence along said Northerly line ^ North 89 degrees 47' 00" East, 93.31 feet to the Easterly line of ,said Section 19; thence along said Easterly line (^ South 0 degrees 15' 39" East, 2670.79 feet to the Northwest corner of Section 29, Township 12 South, Range 3 West; thgnce along the Northerly line of said Section 29 (|^ South 89 degrees 21' 05" East, 1311.23 feet; 'IT South 89 degrees 13' 30" East, 1322.21 feet; (1^ South 88 degrees 11' 53" East, 951.90 feet to the Westerly line of Tiffany; thence along said Westerly line (5^ South 37 degrees 07' 20" West, 2652.27 feet to tlie most Westerly corner thereof; {§j^ South 56 degrees 21' 00" East, 400jJ0 feet to the most Southerly cor- ner of said land; '^'North 48 degrees 36' 35" Ea^, 13.39 feet to the most Westerly corner of Nutt; South 58 degrees 45' 33" East, 1934.90 feet to a point in the lyesterly line of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 29; thence along said Westerly line (|7) South 0 degrees 09' 00" West, 575.36 feet to the Southwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 29; thence along the Southerly line ofg^id Northeast Quar- ter of the Southeast Quarter South 89 degrees 27' 53" East, 1320.60 feet to the Easterly line of said Section 29; thence along said Easterly line (5^> South 0 degrees 11' 46" West, 1343.90 feet to the South- —-»r.^r.r,nr. nt caM RAotion 29; thencBaloug thc South- the Car *ad Journal, a newspaper of general circu- lation orirAed and published in said City of Carlsbad. PASSED APPROVED, AND ADOPTED ON THE 2nd DAY of May, 1972, by the following vote to wit: AYES: CmQ, Dunne, McComas, Lewis, Chase and Frazee. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. /s/David M. Dunne Mayor ATTEST: /s/MARGARET E. ADAMS City Clerk Pub: May 11, 18, 1972. Beginning at the intersection of the Soi.'*'-''rly ?.:ne of section 35, Township 12 South, Rani; -: '[ West, San Bernardino Meridian, with the center linuof'lic County Highway known as El Camino Real, as shown on County Road Survey Map No. 1800-1 on file in the County Engineer's Office of San Diego County; thenc;-:- Northerly along the center line of said County Ro4d Survey 1800-1 as follows: tD Northwesterly along the arc of a 2985.00 foot radius curve concave Southwesterly through a central angle of 9 degrees 10' 45" a distance of 478.22 feet; (51 North 24 degrees 27' 07" West, 990.86 feet; '3,' Northeasterly along the arc of a 3400.00 foot radius curve concave Northeasterly through a central angle of 15 degrees 39' 56" a distance of 929.61 feet; (i:North 8degrees 47' 11" West, 989.39 feet;{^5) North- erly and Northeasterly along the arc of a 1500.00 foot radius curve concave Easterly through a central angle ^Qf 28 degrees 47' 03" a ' distance of 753.57 feet; 'e) North 19 degrees 59' 52" East, 2473.71 feet; (f Northerly along the arc of a 2000.00 foot radius curve concave Westerly through a central an- de of 27 degrees 35' 03" a distance of 962.87 feet; (§) North 7 degrees 35' 11" West, 733.73 feet to the Northerly line of the South Half of Section 26; Town- ship 12 South, Range 4 West; thence along said North- erly line and the Northerly line of the South Half of Section 25; ( 9^ South 89 degrees 15' 32" East, 223.07 feet;^ ,10 South 89 degrees 16' 05" East, 1331.33 feet; (I^^ South 89 degrees 13' 54" East, 2627.59 feet to the center of said Section 25; thence Northerly along the Wegterly line of the East Half of said Section 25: (1?) North 0 degrees 43' 27" East, 1328.42 feet; North 0 de- grees 41' 49" East, 1328.49 feet to the Northerly line of said Section 25; thence along said Northerly line (14) South 89 degrees 37' 47" East, 2635.50 feet to the Southwest comer of Section 19, Township 12 South, Range 3 West; thence along the Westerly line of said Section 19 @ North 0 degrees 52' 06" East, 1337.52 feet to the Northerly line of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 19; thence along said Northerly line and the Northerly line of the SjMth Half of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 19 ® South 89degrees46' 50" East, 3097.49 feet South 89 degrees 50' 16" East, 1314.00 feet, more or less to the Northwest corner of the Southeast Qiyjrter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 19 (if! North 0 degrees 19' 52" West, 49.37 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 5 of Meadowlark No. 1, according to Map thereof No. 4443, filed in the Offica^of County Recorder of San Diego County; thence (ly North 89 degrees 34' 45" East along the Southerly line otsaid Meadowlark No. 1, a distance of 466.27 feet; (2^/ Southeasterly along the arc of a 330.00 foot radius curve concave Northeasterly through a central angle of 16 degrees 12' 05" a distance of 93.31 feet (^l)Southwesterly along the arc of a 25.00 foot reversed curve through a central angle of 81 degrees 05' 15" a distance of 35.38 feet;'^South 38 degrees 57' 15" East, 60.00 feet to the'Westerly line of Congregational Church at Meadowlark; thence along said Westerly line {23) South 51 degrees 02' 45" West, 100.93 feet; ;;2|~ Westerly, Southerly and Southeasterly along the arc of a 25.00 foot radius curve concave Easterly through a central angle of 90 degrees 00' 00" a distance of 39.27 feet; (25) South 38 degrees 57' 15" East, 110.55 feet; Southeast- erly along the arc of a 170.00 foot radius curve con- cave Northeasterly through a central angle of 16 de- grees 23' 33" a distance of 48.64 f^et; South 55 degrees 20' 48" East, 50.00 feet; (fiJ) Southeasterly along the arc of a 230.00 foot radius curve concave Southwesterly through a central ajpgie of 45 degrees 40' 03" a distance of 183.32 feet;(2^ South 9 degrees 40' 45" East, 165.00 feet; Southeasterly along the arc of a 50.00 foot radius curve concave North- easterly through a central aijgle of 36 degrees 52' erly line of said Section 29 North 89 degrees 31' 16" West, 2639.01 feet to the South Quarter corner of said Section; thence along the East line of the West Half of Section 32, Township 12 South, Range 3 West,' li? South 0 degrees 02' 25" East, 4097.22 feet to the' Northerly boundary of Rancho Las Encinitas, ac- cording to Map thereof No. 848 filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County; thence along said Northerly boundary i,6?.' South 75 degrees 47' 10" West, 1160.20 feet to the'Northeast corner of the West Half of Lot 6 of said Rancho; thence along the Easterly line of said West Half of Lot 6 '^p South 2 degrees 52' 55" East, 2644.62 feet to the Southerly line of said Lot 6; thence along said South- erly line @) South 86 degrees 40' 45" West, 1320.29 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 8 of said Rancho; thence along the Easterly line of said Lot 8 (6^ South 3 degrees 02' 45" East, 1325.49 feet; @ South 2 degrees 38' 45" East, 1309.82 feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot 8; thence along the Southerly line of Lots 8, 9 and 10 South 87 degrees 06' 20" West 1294.24 feet; ^ South 87 degrees 04' 55" West, 1340.03 feet; (6"9) South 87 degrees 03' 30" West 4041.43 feet to the'point of intersection with the center line of County Ro^d Survey No. 454-A; thence along said center line |J0) North 20 degrees 11' 46" West, 311.85 feet; <f|> Northerly and Northeasterly along the arc of a 350.00 foot radius curve concave Easterly through a central angle of 58 degrees 10' 27" a distance of 355.37 feet to the center line of County Road Survey No. 454: @ South 37 degrees 58' 41" West, 697.88 feet; (|$) Southwesterly along the arc of a 300.00 foot radius curve concave North- westerly through a central angle of 49 degrees 04' 49" a distance of 256.98 feet to said South«-ly line of Lot 10; thence along said Southerly line (J4) South 87 degrees 03' 30" West, 509.61 feet to the South- west corner of said Lot 10: thence along the Westerly line of Lots 10 and 3 North 3 degrees 35' 15" West, 2629.70 feet; @ North 2 degrees 32' 35" West, 807.85 feet to the Northwesterly corner of said Lot .3; thence along the Northerly line of said Lot 3 QT) North 75 degrees 47' 10" East, 914.88 feet to the Westerly line of Fractional Lot 2 in Sec- tion 1, Township 13 South, Range 4 West; thence along said Westerly line North 1088.86 feet to the Northwest corner of said Lot 2; thence along the South line of Section 36, Township 12 South, Range 4 West 59) North 89 degrees 17' 26" West, 1683.88 feet; (ioj' North 89 degrees 17' 41" West,.993.40 feet to the Southeast corneroftheWest50 acres of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 36; |b South 68 degrees 25' 31" West, 1851.09 feet; ^ South 56 degrees 30' 28" West, 1100.78 feet to the Easterly Right of Way line of County of San Diego Road Survey No. 1800-1 (El Camino Real); thence@ South 58 degrees 40' 35" West, 45.00 feet to the cen- ter line of said Right of Way; thence ^ Northwest- erly along said center line being a 2015.00foot radius curve concave Northeasterly through a central ane^ of 22 degrees 27' 12" a distance of 789.65Jeet; @ North 8 degrees 52' 13" West, 288.90feet; @) North- westerly along the arc of a 2985.00 foot radius curve concave Southeasterly through a central angle of 6 degrees 24' 09" a distance of 333.56 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said parcel of land containing 4667 acres, more or less. 2. That said territory is designated and identified for such election purposes and for use upon the ballots at said election as "East Carlsbad Annexation No. 2.12". 3. That notice be, and it is hereby given, that on the 7th day of June, 1972, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall of the City of Carlsbad, any person owning real pro- perty within said territorv so proDosed to be annexed