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1962-04-10; Notices Proofs (4)
£U£CT1ON OFFICES AMP FOLUMO FJUACES Notic* is ber«t»y g i*ta t&at at the g«ntral rmtaieipa,! election to b« h*ld i% ft* City of C^rUbad on Tuesday, HM» 10th day of .April, If 42, th«re siu.ll be eight (8) voUag precmcU consisting (of ctm«oii- datioaa) of Hi* r«gai<wr eiiscti^a preclacta in tlwe City of CarUbmd «*tal>lish««l lot tlae litiltJiog of »t«»4e aad «i»tt$%r «l«etioiM5 &al tla« polling places fbr tke reapeetive prcciact» shall bt I3a« f>i*c«« h«rei»- a£ter tftfaignatoti; ami that the porsonB hereiiidfter mimed Iwive been officers of eiection for tkeiv rttptetiv* voting precinct f. t Voting PTeciuci i , compri»l»g ?«§«&«? eleetioa preci»ct* 1 , 8 am* 9. Polling PUce: BtKM VisU School, I $30 Buena Vi«ta Drive £. Colltes CUrk: Cfttiwvtft W. Clerk: KatherUe £. Preciact 2, comprising r«gai«r election pr«ei&ct» 10,11 and 12. Potting l:lac«: Magnolia Eleraestary Scliooi, if Of M&gnoUft Ave. Inspector: Marietta Wick Judge: Patricia S. Hardtn Clerk: Carol N. C ranger Clerk: MaryK. Earight Voting Preciact I, c«mpti«lim regaiar eiectioa prectoct* IS, 14 and If. Polling Pi^cc: Jefferacm Street School, 3743 Jefferson Street. InspectoT: Bath J. Jones Judge; Nellie M. S*wyer« Clerk: Jessie M. Silfeavey Clerk: June 1'. Johnatoa Voting JNWBt&st 4, comprlsiiag regular *t*etl<m pireciacts 2 awu£ 3. fiace; Eeai4*.nc« 77! L : Carol A. Iswtg «t Gladys JU Hani* Cififfe; Gl*a* facts** Clea-k: Gsrac« B. Law «@n Pj-eciact 3, coj...«f>ri*iB£ r$g«i^'r election preciactfi & and 7. lae«: B^y4» Clm @l Carisfemfi, ^l§& l'yi«r s Mary M. : Has ¥, Cftvk$ Voting Frocisict 4» compri*i»g regular election precincta 4 atid S, i alting Place; CarUbad-By-Thc-ieit , 2855 Cartabad Blvd. inspector; Cirace B* Carmicaael Heva M. Hoakins A, W«r««r Voting Precinct 7, cam pricing regular etecUoa precinet« IS a»d Poliing Placo: Ee*idenc« 330 Chinquapin Avenue ' la*|>«ctor: Margaret E. Ja%e: Molly t. A curia Cleric: Mni»«l F. Cl«irfe: Precinct i, o>m|»-ri8ii3ig reguldv election preeiacta t? Polling Place: Fa«i.fte investment Co. , 5097 Carlsbad Blvd. Inspector: Dorothy £. Chtlton Jucg«: Nettie V. Cicrk: Evelyn M. Clerk: Atieft I. poll* will fee ©{HSU between th« Sioura of 7 ov clock A.M. and ? J» H. FKIU** CJIfy CwvH «c tat City of Carl«badf Catifomia