HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-10-03; Notices Proofs (3)PROOF FROM MARTIN & CHAPMAN CO. 2131 BIXBY ROAD LAKEWOOD, CALIFORNIA 907)2 Phone 426-2511 PLEASE RETAIN THIS PROOF FOR YOUR FILES. EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S ANALYSIS AND ARGUMENTS FOR AND AGAINST SOUTH CARLSBAD ANNEXATION NO. 1.13 SPECIAL ELECTION TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1972 This pamphlet concerning the annexation proposition is mailed to each voter entitled to vote on the annexation question pursuant to Section 35124.4 of the Government Code. ( . f , ! ;•;•• '.'x, -'i -lie proposition to bt- ;'o?ed jji ai: the Iji^vial Hsction i; •>c -.:id Jti tht territory known as '"South Carlsbad Annexation No !.!..;" on Tuesday, October 3. 1972, is as follows: SHALL "SOUTH CARLSBAD ANNEXATION NO. 1.13" BE ANNEXED TO, INCORPORATED IN, AND MADE A PART OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, AND THE PRO- PERTY IN SUCH TERRITORY BE, AFTER SUCH AN- NEXATION, SUBJECT TO TAXATION EQUALLY WITH THE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, TO PAY THE ENTIRE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD OUTSTANDING OR AU- THORIZED AT THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICA- TION OF THE NOTICE OF ELECTION FOR THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION, OR COMPLETION OF MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS? OFFICER'S Ai.- .. I'SIS OF CARtGi ANNEXATION DESIGNATED SOUTH CARLSBAD ANNEXATION NO. 1.13 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad has declared its .itcntion to call a special election on the question of annexing Certain territory to that city. The territory to be annexed includes ! 03 acres surrounded by the City of Carlsbad on all sides and lying . asterly of the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad, westerly of Interstate 5, North of Poinsettia Lane and South of Palomar Airport Road. Only those registered voters residing within the area to be Annexed may vote on the question of the annexation, and a majority of the votes cast will determine whether or not the territory will be annexed. The proposed "South Carlsbad Annexation No. 1.13" was considered and approved by the Local Agency Formation Commis- sion on December 6, 1971. All records and documents pertaining to the determination by that Commission are on file at the Commission's office located in Room 214, County Administration Center, 1600 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California 92101. If the annexation is completed, those services and controls which are provided by the City of Carlsbad to the present area of the City will be extended in a like and equal manner to the area to be annexed and residents of the area to be annexed will have the same rights, privileges, duties and obligations as do the present residents of the City. However, those portions of the territory which receive water service from the Carlsbad Municipal Water District will con- tinue to be served by that District. In the fiscal year following annexation, the territory to be annexed will be subject to the property tax rate of the City of Carlsbad (currently $1.95 per $100 of assessed value). All of the territory will cease to be subject to the County Library Tax ($.151) and those portions of the territory (tax rate areas #62010 and 62011) presently within the Leucadia County Water District shall be detached from that District and relieved of the District's tax rate (currently $ 1.16 2 per $ 100 of assessed values). The boundaries and applicable taxes of other agencies including school districts, will not be affected by the proposed annexation. All records and documents pertaining to the conduct of pro- ceedings for annexation are on file with the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California 92008. S. M. SCHMIDT, Executive Officer, Local Agency Formation Commission '\RGUrvltMT FOR SOUTH CARLSBAD ANNEXATION NO. U3 (None Filed) ARGUMENT AGAINST SOUTH CARLSBAD ANNEXATION NO. 1.13 (None Filed) SPE- M. ELECTION SOUTH CARLSBAD ANNEXATION NO. 1.13 County of San Diego, State of California Tuesday, October 3, 1972 YOUR POLLING PLACE IS Lanakai Mobil Home Recreation Center, 6550 Ponfo Drive, Carlsbad, California (Comprising all of the territory in the proposed annexation.) Polls Open Between the Hours of 7 o'clock A.M. and 7 o'clock P.M. MARGARET E. ADAMS, City Clerk City of Carlsbad NOTICE: Only registered electors residing within the proposed South Carlsbad Annexation No. 1.13to the City of Carlsbad are entitled to vote at this election. PROOF FROM MARTIN & CHAPMAN CO. 2131 BIXBY ROAD IAKEWOOD, CALIFORNIA 90712 Phone 426-2511 PLEASE RETAIN THIS PROOF FOR YOUR FILES. PROOFS ALSO SENT TO: fj CITY CLERK (2( CITY ATTORNEY BOND ATTORNEYS i (This number shall be torn otr by I Inspector and handed to the voter) [Q- • ' I? No. 1234 I HAVE VOTED —HAVE YOU? I SAMPLE BALLOT MARK CROSS (+> ON BALLOT ONLY WITH RUBBER STAMP; NEVER WITH PEN OR PENCIL (ABSENTEE BALLOTS MAY BE MARKED WITH PEN AND INK OR PENCIL) (Fold ballot to this perforated line, leaving top margin exposed.) 6 (PERFORATED LINE) GENERAL BALLOT SPECIAL ELECTION SOUTH CARLSBAD ANNEXATION No. 1.13 SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1972 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS:To vote on any measure, stamp a cross ( + ) in the voting square after the word "Yes" or after the word "No." All marks, except the cross ( + ) are forbidden. All distinguishing marks or erasures are forbidden and make the ballot, void. If you wrongly stamp, tear or deface this ballot, return it to the inspector of election and obtain another. On absent voter ballots mark a cross (+ ) with pen or pencil. MEASURE SUBMITTED TO VOTE OF VOTERS SHALL "SOUTH CARLSBAD ANNEXATION NO. 1.13" BE ANNEXED TO, INCORPORATED IN, AND MADE A PART OF THE CITY OF CARLS- BAD, AND THE PROPERTY IN SUCH TERRITORY BE, AFTER SUCH AN- NEXATION, SUBJECT TO TAXATION EQUALLY WITH THE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, TO PAY THE ENTIRE BONDED IN- DEBTEDNESS OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD OUTSTANDING OR AUTHOR- IZED AT THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THE NOTICE OF ELECTION FOR THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION, OR COMPLETION OF MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS? PROOF FROM MARTIN & CHAPMAN CO. 2131 BIXBY ROAD LAKEWOOD, CALIFORNIA 90712 Phone 426-2511 PLEASE RETAIN THIS PROOF FOR YOUR FILES. PROOFS ALSO SENT TO: G CITY CLERK (^ CITY ATTORNEY [J BOND ATTORNEYS ED .S- N- TY N- >R- OF >N YES NO No, 1234 HAVE VOTFD _ HAVE YOU? FACSIMILE BALLOT VOTAR FACSIMILE POKGA CR'JCES ( + ) EN LA ACCION PAW VOTAR UNICAMENTE CON SELLO DE HULL; NUNCA CON PLUMA 0 LAPIZ (las Acciones para Votar para votantes ajisenjes pueden ser marcadas con pjumajoJfPk) (Doble la Accion para Votar a esta ifnea perforada dejantfo el margen superior a la vista.) (PERFORATED LINE) es GENERAL BALLOT SPECIAL ELECTION SOUTH CARLSBAD ANNEXATION No. 1.13 SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1972 INSTRUCCIONES PARA VOTANTES:Para votur en aigu'n asunto. una cm/ ( + ) on el cuadro do votaeio'n despue's de la palabra "Si'" o dospuo's de la palahra "No." Toda niarca. e.Nccpto la em/ ( + t so proliibo. Toda niarca distintiva o horradura se prohihe \ haoe nula la Accion para Votar. Si listed port'ora nuil. ronipe o destigura esta Accion para X'otar. deuielvala al inspector do oleccionos y obtenga otra. i:n las Acciones para Votar do votantes ausontos ponga una crux. ( + I con plunia o lapix. ASUNTOS SOMETIDOS A LA VOTACION DE LOS VOTANTES (-,Debera ''South Carlsbad Annexation No. 1.13" ser anexada, ser incorporada, y ser parte de la ciudad de Carlsbad, y debera la propiedad de tal territorio, despues de haber sido anexada, ser sujeta a los .nismos irnpuestos que esta expuesta la propiedad comprendida on la ciudad de Carlsbad, ser expuesta a pagar la douda total pendionto adquirida por la venta de bonos o la deuda que se haya autorizado en la fecha de la primera publicacion de la Noticia de Hleccidn, para la adquisicion, la construccion, v la terminacion d<' las mejoras nuinicipales? SI NO ARGUIVic.vf FOR SOUTH CARLSBAD ANNEXA . iON NO. 1.13 (None Filed) ARGUMENT AGAINST SOUTH CARLSBAD ANNEXATION NO. 1.13 (None Filed) CA>.i_SBAD EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S ANALYSIS AND ARGUMENTS FOR AND AGAINST SOUTH CARLSBAD ANNEXATION NO. 1.13 SPECIAL ELECTION TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1972 This pamphlet concerning the annexation proposition is mailed to each voter entitled to vote on the annexation question pursuant to Section 35124.4 of the Government Code. The text o, ,.ie proposition to be voted on at the S, ^.d Election to be held in the territory known as "South Carlsbad Annexation No. 1.13" on Tuesday, October 3, 1972, is as follows: SHALL "SOUTH CARLSBAD ANNEXATION NO. 1.13" BE ANNEXED TO, INCORPORATED IN, AND MADE A PART OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, AND THE PRO- PERTY IN SUCH TERRITORY BE, AFTER SUCH AN- NEXATION, SUBJECT TO TAXATION EQUALLY WITH THE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, TO PAY THE ENTIRE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD OUTSTANDING OR AU- THORIZED AT THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICA- TION OF THE NOTICE OF ELECTION FOR THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION, OR COMPLETION OF MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS? EXECU . . - OFFICER'S ANALYSIS OF CAR, _AD ANNEXATION DESIGNATED SOUTH CARLSBAD ANNEXATION NO. 1.13 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad lias declared its intention to call a special election on the question of annexing certain territory to that city. The territory to be annexed includes 103 acres surrounded by the City of Carlsbad on all sides and lying easterly of the Atchison, Topcka, and Santa Fe Railroad, westerly of Interstate 5, North of Poinsettia Lane and South of Palomar Airport Road. Only those registered voters residing within the area to be annexed may vote on the question of the annexation, and a majority of the votes cast will determine whether or not the territory will be annexed. The proposed "South Carlsbad Annexation No. 1.13" was considered and approved by the Local Agency Formation Commis- sion on December 6, 1971. All records and documents pertaining to the determination by that Commission are on file at the Commission's office located in Room 214, County Administration Center, 1600 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California 92101. If the annexation is completed, those services and controls which are provided by the City of Carlsbad to the present area of the City will be extended in a like and equal manner to the area to be annexed and residents of the area to be annexed will have the same rights, privileges, duties and obligations as do the present residents of the City. However, those portions of the territory which receive water service from the Carlsbad Municipal Water District will con- tinue to be served by that District. In the fiscal year following annexation, the territory to be annexed will be subject to the property tax rate of the City of Carlsbad (currently $1.95 per SI00 of assessed value). All of the territory will cease to be subject to the County Library Tax (S.151) and those portions of the territory (tax rate areas //62010 and 62011) presently within the Leucadia County Water District shall be detached from that District and relieved of the District's tax rate (currently SI. 162 per SI00 of assessed values). The boundaries and applicable taxes of other agencies including school districts, will not be affected by the proposed annexation. All records and documents pertaining to the conduct of pro- ceedings for annexation are on file with the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California 92008. S. M. SCHMIDT, Executive Officer, Local Agency Formation Commission ARGUMbivlTFOR SOUTH CARLSBAD ANNEXA. .ON NO. 1.13 (None Filed) CAhcSBAD ARGUMENT AGAINST SOUTH CARLSBAD ANNEXATION NO. 1.13 (None Filed)EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S ANALYSIS AND ARGUMENTS FOR AND AGAINST SOUTH CARLSBAD ANNEXATION NO. 1.13 SPECIAL ELECTION TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1972 This pamphlet concerning the annexation proposition is mailed to each voter entitled to vote on the annexation question pursuant to Section 35124.4 of the Government Code. i no text c> chc proposition to be voted on at the S|, .ial Election to. be held in the territory known as "South Carlsbad Annexation No. 1.13" on Tuesday, October 3, 1972, is as follows: SHALL "SOUTH CARLSBAD ANNEXATION NO. 1.13" BE ANNEXED TO, INCORPORATED IN, AND MADE A PART OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, AND THE PRO- PERTY IN SUCH TERRITORY BE, AFTER SUCH AN- NEXATION, SUBJECT TO TAXATION EQUALLY WITH THE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, TO PAY THE ENTIRE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD OUTSTANDING OR AU- THORIZED AT THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICA- TION OF THE NOTICE OF ELECTION FOR THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION, OR COMPLETION OF MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS? EXECLTi . E OFFICER'S ANALYSIS OF CARLbdAD ANNEXATION DESIGNATED SOUTH CARLSBAD ANNEXATION NO. 1.13 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad has declared its intention to call a special election on the question of annexing certain territory to that city. The territory to be annexed includes 103 acres surrounded by the City of Carlsbad on all sides and lying easterly of the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad, westerly of Interstate 5, Norfli of/Poinsettia Lane and South of Palomar Airport Road. Only those registered voters residing within the area to be annexed may vote on the question of the annexation, and a majority of the votes cast will determine whether or not the territory will be annexed. The proposed "South Carlsbad Annexation No. 1.13" was considered and approved by the Local Agency Formation Commis- sion on December 6, 1971. All records and documents pertaining to the determination by that Commission are on file at the Commission's office located in Room 214, County Administration Center, 1600 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California 92101. If the annexation is completed those services and controls which arc provided by the City of Carlsbad to the present area of the City will be extended in a like and equal manner to the area to be annexed and residents of the area to be annexed will have the same rights, privileges, duties and obligations as do the present residents of the City. However, those portions of the territory which receive water service from the Carlsbad Municipal Water District will con- tinue to be served by that District. In the fiscal year following annexation, the territory to be annexed will be subject to the property tax rate of the City of Carlsbad (currently SI.95 per $100 of assessed value). All of the territory will cease to be subject to the County Library Tax ($.151) and those portions of the territory (tax rate areas ^62010 and 62011) presently within the Leueadia County Water District shall be detached from that District and relieved of the District's tax rate (currently $1.162 per $100 of assessed values). The boundaries and applicable taxes of other agencies including school districts, will not be affected by the proposed annexation. All records and documents pertaining to the conduct of pro- ceedings for annexation are on file with the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California 92008. S. M. SCHMIDT, Executive Officer. Local Agency Formation Commission