HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-03-02; Notices Proofs (7)Carlsbad Journal
Decreed A Legal Newspaper by the Superior Court of San Diego County
3088 PIO PICO AVENUE • P.O. BOX 248 • CARLSBAD, CA 92008 • 729-2345
Proof of Publication
I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid;
I am overthe age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled matter.
I am principal clerk of the printer of The Carlsbad Journal, a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and published weekly in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, and which
newspaper is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general character, and
which newspaper at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription list of paying
subscribers, and which newspaper has been established, printed and published at regular intervals in
the said City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego,_State of California, for a period exceeding one year next
preceding the date of publication of the notice
hereinafter referred to; and that the notice of
which the annexed is a printed copy, has been
published in each regular and entire issue of said
newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on
the following dates, to-wit:
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thif at the«enMalmuBi»ipal election to be held in
the Cityof Carlsbad op T>H^d»yitt>*2»d day «{March, 1^78, there^hallbe twenty-
one (21) voting precincts consisting of coniolidaUODS of the regular election .pre-
cincts in the City 6f Carload established for thfc holding of state and county elec-
tions: that the polling places for the respective pretincts shall be the placeshereinafter designated: that the Arsons herelnarter named have been appointed
officers'ofeleotion for th^4r'1respectt*<evoting-predicts. •' ' . ••
(NOT1CIA SE DA ESTE MEDI&que en la general ejeceion mun wipj»l que tendra
lugar «n la Ciudad 4e Carlsbad, martes, el dia..24l|Bip, d* 1978, M estableceran
veint'e y un (21) disWttos para votacion constando (ae corabinacrones) de los dis-
tritos de votacion regulares en la Ciudad de Carlsbad para fcfcctuar elecciones de
estado y de condadb: que los lugares de votacion para los respectivos distritos
seran los lugares aqui dentro desigttados; que las personas aqui dentro nombradi s
han sido designadas oficiales de eleccion para sus.respectivos distritos de vota-
VOTING PRECINCT 1; comprising^regular election precincU 408» «iid 40831(Distrito de Votacion 1, constando de djstritos de eleccion regulares 40830 and40831)1: . ' •£.'. , •
Polling Place: Retirement Center Hafl §995 Carlsba* Blvd. (Lugarde Votacion)
Inspector: Alice Vasquez^lsMectortj.*;,: : >• : . t;;
Judge: June J. Lance (Juez) , , •; -.•;..." " -4* '•-,'
Clerk:Katharine Doolaii(S«icWtarie>'; 'i-, ' - , ^
Clerk: Pauline L. Scott (Secrei|ri<j) '-,.,. ^ItivH- "••'••&.
VOTING PRECINCT 2, compr|ij^^^ regular ^j^c^-precinct»J08*IJ,.40841 and
(Distritode Votacion 2,i;onst«ndo<iedistrtto»xle.»lB,ecienregDlares,'W840.40841 &
40842) • •'' ; '- , '--M' •':•••;• •-='-•"•• ' ...::- "'.Polling Place: VFW Hall, «»fc«««narfti»e(l,agarde,Votaciori>
Inspector: Veronica A. Steen (Inspector) ; s '.'i.
Judge: Patricia A. Litz (Juez) .
Clerk: Glenda L. Kugler (Secrttario) H *;; ',
Clerk: BettyU Baur(Secretario) - ••-'.. ,
VOTING PRECINCT 3, comprising, r.egiriar tlectien precinct 408^0. '
(Distrito.de Votacion 3; constandol'de distrHosde election regulares 40850)
Polling Place: Carlsbad Union Chun* Bali:3K5 Harding Stfeet (Lugar de Vota-
cion) • - '• •'•: •-" • . . -
Inspector: Patricia S. Harder, inspector) ''.</. "s ;;
Judge: Nori Matsubara (Juft).,^ . "
Clerk: Peart M. Lane (Secretario)
Clerk: Ada J.
.February. . .5 19 76 . .
19 .
19 .
I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true
and correct. Executed at Carlsbad, County of San Diego,
State of California on the 5±b-Jday of February 1
Clerk:AdaJ. Ung (Sec^ltii^ . , • • •<;^'f-.' '.s " "* 'VOTING PRECINCT 4, compriting regular election precincts 48860 and 40861
(Distrito de Votacion 4. constando de dtstritos de elecoion regulares 40860 and' ' ' ' '
40861) -. .-. :',•;*..<••„•-.•' Vit.'.-":^'.'.
Polling Place: Garage, 154 5ycai^|*^Lugar ie Xottcion)
Inspector: Molly E. Scuni (Inspector) ':i?|' " s
Judge: Jean R. French (Juez) . '-v«fV ."'•!> 'Clerk: Joanne J. Pritten (Secretario)
aerk: Esmeralda C. Waters (Secretario)
Clerk of the Printer
uiisianaodedistritos de eleccion regulares 40870& 40871)
Polling Place: Jefferson School. 3743 Jefferson Street (Lugar dc Votacion)
Inspector: Dorothy J. Barlow (Inspector)
Judge: Irene D. Castro (Juez)
Clerk. Carole A. French (Secretario)
Clerk: Joanne E. Kill (Secretario)
VOTING PRECINCT 6. comprising regular election precincts 40880 and 40912
(Distrito de Votacion 6. constando de distritos de eleccion regulares 40880 & 40912)
Polling Place: Professional BIdg . 5850 Avenida Encinas (Lugar de Votacion)
Inspector: Margaret W. Fryer (Inspector)
Judge: Barbara P Henchman (Juez)
Clerk: Aranka K. Teagle (Secretario)
Clerk: Lewis Poggemeyer (Secretario)
VOTING PRECINCT 7, comprising regular election precinct 40881
(Distrito de Votacion 7, constando de distritos de eleccion regulare 40881)
Polling Place: Lanikai Ln. Rec. Rm., 6550 Ponto Drive (Lngar de Votacion)
Inspector: June R. Dworak (Inspector)
Judge: Alma L. Park (Juez)
Clerk: Edna M. Johnson (Secretario)
Clerk: Dorothy C. Meng (Secretario)
VOTING PRECINCT 8, comprising regular election precincts 40882,40883 and 40885
(Distrito de Votacion 8. constando de distritos de eleccion regulares 40882.40883 &
Polling Place: Lakeshore Gardens. 7201 Avenue Encinas (Lugar de Votacion)
Inspector: Gladys L. Roberts (Inspector)
Judge: Blanche Johnson (Juez)
Clerk: Millard D. Fountain (Secretario)
Clerk: Velda M. Botsford (Secretario)
VOTING PRECINCT 9, comprising regular election precincts 40890,40893 and 40894
(Distrito de Votacion 9. constando de distritos de eleccion regulares 40890,40893 &
Polling Place: Wheaton Residence, 1130 Chinquapin Avenue (Lugar de Votacion)
Inspector: Joan T. Jackson (Inspector)
Judge: Ella Wheaton (Juez)
Clerk: Barbara L. Truax (Secretano)
Clerk: Theresa A. Wall (Secretario)
VOTING PRECINCT 10, comprising regular election precincts 40891 and 40892
(Distrito de Votacion 10, constando de distritos de eleccion regulares 40891 and40892)
Polling Place: Magnolia School, 1905 Magnolia Avenue (Lugar de Votacion!
Inspector: Valerie C. Piontek (Inspector)
Judge: Mary M. Vosburgh (Juez)
Clerk: Catherine L. Steele (Secretario)
Clerk: Rose E. Miewald (Secretario)
VOTING PRECINCT 11. comprising regular election precinct 40900
(Distrito de Votacion 11. constando de distritos de eleccion regulare 40900)
Polling Place: Garage, 1060 Chestnut Avenue (Lngar de Votacion)
Inspector: Marie E. Rose (Inspector)
Judge: Thanet V. Huffman (Juez)
Clerk: Majorie A, Huey (Secretario)
Clerk: Irene Walters (Secretario)
VOTING PRECINCT 12, comprising regular election precincts 40910 and 40913
(Distrito de Votacion 12, constando de distritos de eleccion regulares 40910 and
Polling Place: Pilgrim Church Hall, 2020 Chestnut Avenue (Lugar de Votacion)
Inspector: Rachel A. Clavier (Inspector)
Judge: Betty M. Gibbs (Juez)
Clerk: Gloria E, Frizzell (Secretario)
Clerk: Margaret M. Manguso (Secretario)
VOTING PRECINCT 13, comprising regular election precincts 40911 and 40914
(Distrito de Votacion 13, constando de distritos de eleccion regulares 40911 and
Polling Place. Garage — 2015 Cordoba Place (Lugar de Votacion)
Inspector: Barbara M. Davis (Inspector)
Judge: Patricia A. Coates (Juez)
Clerk: Geraldine V. Hunter (Secretario)
Clerk: Frances M. Fardy (Secretario i
VOTING PRECINCT 14, comprising regular election precinct 40920
(Distrito de Votacion 14, constando de distritos de eleccion Yegulare 40920)
Polling Place: Tiberon Rec. Rm., 2840 Avenue de Anita (Lugar de Votacion)
Inspector: Geraldine McPherson (Inspector)
Judge: Joyce R. Ksycewski (Juez)
Clerk: Gail S DeWeese (Secretario)
Clerk: Evelyn R. Jones (Secretario)
VOTING PRECINCT 15, comprising regular election precinct 40930
(Distrito de Votacion 15. constando de distritos de eleccion regulare 40930)
Polling Place: Residence — 3299 Donna Drive (Lugar de Votacion)
Inspector: Glenda E. Hasselo (Inspector)
Judge: Mary M. Hickethier (Juez)
Clerk: Diana M. Rouse (Secretario)
Clerk: Caren G. Sleeper (Secretario)
VOTING PRECINCT 16, comprising regular election precinct 40931
(Distrito de Votacion 16, constando de distritos de eleccion regulare 40931)
Polling Place: Carlsbad Women's Club, 3320 Monroe Street (Lugar de Votacion)
Inspector: Madelynne J. Loos (Inspector)
Judge: Donald E. Watterson (Juez)
Clerk: Sylvia Hirschberg (Secretario)
Clerk: William T. Beckett (Secretario)
VOTING PRECINCT 17, comprising regular election precinct 40940
(Distrito de Votacion 17, constando de distritos de eleccion regulare 40940)
Polling Place: Carlsbad Fire Station, 1275 Elm Avenue (Lugar de Votacion)
Inspector: Katherine E. Dunne (Inspector)
Judge: Geraldine 0, Pontius (Juez)
Clerk: Moyra T. Robinson (Secretario)
Clerk: Rose P. Zalinski (Secretario)
VOTING PRECINCT 18. comprising regular election precinct 40950
(Distrito de Votacion 18, constando de distritos de eleccion regulare 40950)
Polling Place: Buena Vista School, 1330 Buena Vista Way (Lugar de Votacion)
Inspector: Betty J. Cochran (Inspector)
Judge: Steve L. Breen (Juez)
Clerk: Kathryn A. Blum (Secretario)
Clerk: Grace M. Hill (Secretario)
VOTING PRECINCT 19, comprising regular election precincts 40990 and 40991
(Distrito de Votacion 19. constando de distritos de eleccion regulares 40990 & 40991)
Polling Place: Rancho Carlsbad Arts & Craft Rm, 5500 El Camino Real (Lugar de
Inspector: Joyce J. Kruger (Inspector)
Judge: Henrietta J. Duff (Juez)
Clerk: Florence A. Stinson (Secretario)
Clerk: Berniece A. Olson (Secretarto)
VOTING PRECINCT 20, comprising regular election precincts 40976, 40884,40960,
Subs 1, 5 and 8, 40961, 40970 Sub 6, 40971 Subs 1, 3, 5, 6 8 and 9, and 40972, Sub 1.
(Distrito de Votacion 20, constando de distritos de eleccion regulares 40976,40884,
40960, Subs 1,5 and 8.40961,40970 Sub 6,40971 Subs 1,3,5,6,8, and 9, and 40972, Sub
1.)Polling Place: La Costa Fire Station, 1906 Arenal Rd. (Lugar de Votacion)
Inspector: Mildred R. Stine (Inspector)
Judge: Alvin Broido (Juez)
Clerk: Dorothy M. Hays (Secretario)
Clerk: Alfred I. Tilton (Secretario)
Clerk: Avelina Hidalgo (Secretario)
VOTING PRECINCT 21, comprising regular election precincts 40973,40970. Subs 7
and 8, 40971, Subs 2, 4, and 7, 40972, Sub 3.
(Distrito de Votacion 21, constando de distritos de eleccion regulares 40973,40970,
Subs 7 and 8, 40971, Subs 2, 4, and 7, 40972, Sub 3.)
Polling Place: La Costa Fire Station, 1906 Arenal Rd. (Lugar de Votacion)
Inspector: Mildred R. Stine (Inspector)
Judge: Alvin Broido (Juez)
Clerk: Dorothy M. Hays (Secretario)
Clerk: Alfred I. Tilton (Secretario)Clerk: Avelina Hidalgo (Secretario)
The following precincts will vote absentee comprising regular election precincts
40960, Subs 2, 3, 4,6, 7 and 9. 40960, 40970, Sub 5, 40974, 40975, 40917 and 40978.
(Los siguientes distritos de votacion votaran de absentista, constando de distritos
de eleccion regulares 40960, Subs 2,3,4,6,7 and 9,40969,40970, Sub 5,40974,40975,
40977 and 40978.)
The polls will be open between the hours of 7 o'clock A.M. and 8 o'clock P.M.
(Los comicios estaran abiertos entre las horas de las 7 A.M. y las 8 P.M.)
City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad, California
(Secretario Municipal de la Ciudad de Carlsbad,
Dated: January 25,1976
(Fecha: Enero 27,1976
CJ 357: Feb. 5, 1976