HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-06-05; Notices Proofs (3)CARLSBAD
The following arguments for and against the city measure have been filed with
the City Clerk pursuant to Article 4, Chapter 3, Division 5 (Sections 5010 to
5016, inclusive) of the Elections Code of the State of California. Arguments in
support or opposition of the proposed laws are the opinions of the authors.
Under requirements of the 1 975 amendments to the Federal Voting Rights Act, the City has
arranged to provide translation of these ballot materials into the Spanish language. A trans-
lation of these ballot materials may be obtained in person at the City Clerk's office in the
City Hall or, if requested by letter or telephone, a translation will be promptly mailed.
Bajo los requisites de los enmendamientos de 1975 al Acto Federal de Dcrechos de Vota-
cion. la Ciudad ha heclio arrealos para proporcionar traduccion del texto de la balota al
idioma I-'spanol. Una traduccion del texto de la balota se puede obtener en persona en la
oficina del Secretario Municipal situada en la Alcaldi'a, o si es solicitada por carta o por
teletono, una traduccion se cnviara por correo prontamente.
City Hall, 1200 Elm Avenue
Carlsbad, California- 92008
Phone: 729-1181
SECTION 1: That Title 5 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended
by the addition of Chapter 5.09 to read as follows:
"Chapter 5.09
5.09.010 Purpose and intent.
5.09.020 Definitions.
5.09.030 Imposition of tax—amount.
5.09.040 Credit.
5.09.050 Time and place of payment.
5.09.060 Refunds.
5.09.070 Disposition of proceeds; fund created.
5.09.080 Exceptions.
5.09.090 Exemptions.
5.09.100 Construction prohibited.
5.09.110 Tax liability; enforcement.
5.09.120 Effective date.
5.09.010 Purpose and intent. The City Council hereby declares-that the
license taxes required to be paid hereby are assessed pursuant to Section
37101 of the Government Code of the State of California and the taxing
power of the City and solely for the purpose of producing revenue. This
chapter is not adopted for regulatory purposes. The continued development
of the City, with the consequent increase in population and in the use of
public facilities, has imposed increased requirements for such facilities, in-
cluding but not limited to parks, major streets, traffic signals, storm drains,
bridges and public buildings (such as fire stations, police facilities,
maintenance facilities, libraries and general offices). The necessity for such
facilities results directly from new construction and the need cannot be met
from ordinary City revenues. The most practical and equitable method of
paying for such facilities is to impose a tax upon new construction in the City.
5.09.020 Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter the following
words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by
this section.
(1) "Mobilehome space" means each space, area or building, in a
trailer park or mobilehome park or other place, designed or intended as a
place to accommodate any mobilehome, trailer, van, bus, or other vehicle or
mobile structure, at a time when the same is being used as living or sleeping
quarters for human beings.
(2) "Person" includes every individual, firm, partnership, joint ven-
ture, association, trust, corporation or any other group engaging in construc-
tion activities itself or through the services of any employee, agent or in-
dependent contractor.
5.09.030 Imposition of tax—amount, (a) In addition to any other fee,
license or tax required by this Code, every person constructing or causing to
be constructed or erected any building or structure in the City of Carlsbad for
which a building permit is required, shall pay a license tax in the amount of
3% percent of the valuation of the building or structure established pursuant
to this Code for determining the building permit fee.
(b) The developer of a mobilehome park shall pay a license tax fee of
§1,750.00 for each mobilehome space. The license tax for mobilehome spaces
shall be automatically increased or decreased on January 1 of each year by
the same percentage as the percentage of increase or decrease in construction
costs between December 1 of each of the two immediately preceding years,
for which purpose construction costs and the increase or decrease therein
shall be based on the Engineering News-Record Construction Cost Index.
(c) For the alteration of Residential structures, or mobilehome parks the
license tax shall be computed only on the square footage of additional dwell-
ing units or mobilehome spaces, if any, resulting from the alteration, and for
the alteration of other buildings or structures, the license tax shall be com-
puted only upon the additional square footage, if any, resulting from the
5.09.040 Credit. A credit toward the license tax imposed by this chapter
shall be given for land which has been dedicated for park purposes or for any
fees paid in lieu thereof pursuant to Chapter 20.44 of this Code. The credit
shall be applied to the fee for a building permit for construction on a lot
which was part of a subdivision which was subjected to satisfy the require-
ments of Chapter 20.44. If land was dedicated, the fees which would have
been required in lieu of such land at the time it was dedicated shall be deter-
mined. Such amount or the actual amount of fees paid shall then be appor-
tioned to each of the lots in the subdivision. The part of such amount at-
tributed to the lot in question shall be a credit against the fee imposed by this
5.09.050 Time and place of payment. The license taxes imposed pur-
suant to Section 5.09.030 shall be due and payable at the Office of the
Building Director, City Hall, Carlsbad, California, upon issuance of the
building permit. The tax for a mobilehome space shall be paid prior to the is-
suance of the first permit for the construction of such space or if such con-
struction is performed without a permit, at the time when construction is
commenced. No permit shall issue until the tax is paid.
5.09.060 Refunds. If a permit for construction work expires or if such
permit is revoked and if during the one hundred-twenty days following the
expiration or revocation date of the permit the permittee files written ap-
plication for a refund in the office of the City Clerk, there shall be a refund of
the entire tax paid. There shall be no refund if any construction work has
been performed nor shall there be any partial refund. In the event of a re-
fund, it shall be unlawful for any person to proceed in any way with further
construction without first applying for another building permit and paying
the tax imposed by this chapter. If no refund is made and a permit expires
after work has been performed, a new building permit shall be required and
the tax imposed by this chapter shall be paid provided, however, a credit
shall be given not to exceed the tax paid in connection with the expired per-
5.09.070 Disposition of proceeds; fund created, (a) All proceeds from the
tax collected pursuant to this chapter shall be paid into a special capital out-
lay fund of the City entitled "Public Facilities Fund" which fund is hereby
created. The fund shall be used only for the purpose of acquiring, building,
improving, expanding and equipping public property, and public improve-
ments and facilities including but not limited to the following types of capital
projects: Public buildings (such as fire stations, police facilities, maintenance
and yard facilities, libraries and general city offices) parks, major streets, traf-
fic signals, storm drains, bridges and other similar projects as the Council
may deem necessary and appropriate.
(b) Designation of expenditures of funds available from the Public
Facilities Fund shall be made by the City Council in the context of approval
of the City's annual operating and capital improvements budget or at such
other time as the Council may direct. At the discretion of the City Council,
funds may be accumulated in unlimited amounts for expected future capital
improvement costs.
(c) The City Council may loan general funds or other funds to the Public
Facilities Fund and use the proceeds from the tax imposed by this chapter to
repay such loans.
5.09.080 Exceptions. There is excepted from the tax imposed by this
chapter, the following:
(1) The construction of a building or structure or mobilehome space
which is a replacement for a building or space being removed from the same
lot or parcel of land. The exception shall equal but not exceed the tax which
would be payable hereunder if the building being replaced were being newly
constructed. If the tax imposed on the new building exceeds the amount of
this exception, such excess shall be paid.
(2) Accessory buildings or structures in mobilehome parks, such as a
club house, swimming pool, or laundry facilities.
(3) Buildings or structures which are clearly accessory to an existing
use such as fences, pools, patios and automobile garages.
(4) The City Council may grant an exception for a low cost housing
project where the City Council finds such project consistent with the Hous-
ing Element of the General Plan and that such exception is necessary. In ap-
proving an exception for low cost housing the City Council may attach condi-
tions, including limitations on rent or income levels of tenants. If the City
Council finds a project is not being operated as a low cost housing project in
accordance with all applicable conditions, the tax, which would otherwise be
imposed by this chapter, shall immediately become due and payable.
5.09.090 Exemptions. There is excluded from the tax imposed by this
1. Any person when imposition of such tax upon that person would be in
violation of the Constitution and laws of the United States or the State of
2. The construction of any building by a nonprofit corporation exclusive-
ly for religious, educational, hospital or charitable purposes.
3. The construction of any building by the City of Carlsbad, the United
States or any department or agency thereof or by the State of California or
any department, agency or political subdivision thereof.
5.09.100 Construction prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to
erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve, make, put together or
convert any building or structure in the City, or attempt to do so, or cause the
same to be done, without first paying the tax imposed by this chapter.
5.09.110 Tax liability; enforcement. The taxes imposed by this chapter
are due from the person by or on behalf of whom a residential, industrial or
commercial building or mobilehome space is constructed, whether such
person is the owner or a lessee of the land upon which the construction is to
occur. The Building Director shall collect the tax due hereunder. The full
amount due under this chapter shall constitute a debt to the City of Carlsbad.
An action for the collection thereof may be commenced in the name of the
City in any court having jurisdiction of the cause.
The City Manager shall be responsible for the administration and en-
forcement of this chapter. His decisions may be appealed to the City Council
whose decision shall be final.
5.09.120 Effective date. The taxes imposed by this Chapter shall be ap-
plicable with respect to building permits for construction activities, issued on
or after April 1, 1979. Any person constructing one or more dwelling units, or
otherwise engaging in construction taxable hereunder, pursuant to a building
permit applied for on or after said date, or applied for before said date but
not actually issued until on or after said date, shall be liable for payment of
said tax irrespective of whether said tax was collected at the time of building
permit application or issuance. No occupancy permit shall be issued with
respect to any completed structure or construction taxable hereunder, unless
and until the proper tax due has been paid.
SECTION 2: Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause,or
phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or uncon-
stitutional by the decision of a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision
shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the ordinance. The
City Council of the City of Carlsbad hereby declares that it would have pas-
sed this ordinance, and each section, subsection, clause or phrase thereof,
irrespective of the fact that any one or more other sections, subsections,
clauses or phrases may be declared invalid or unconstitutional.
SECTION 3: The City Council may amend this ordinance from time to
time to add exceptions or adjust the rate or application of tax or make such
other changes as they determine to be necessary provided, the rate of the tax
to be imposed by this ordinance shall not be increased and the purposes for
which the funds can be expended shall not be changed.
SECTION 4: This ordinance, being an ordinance relating to taxes for
usual and current expenses of the City, pursuant to Section 36937(d) of the
Government Code shall take effect immediately upon its passage. Before the
expiration of fifteen days after its passage, this ordinance shall be published
once in the Carlsbad Journal, a newspaper of general circulation printed and
published in the City of Carlsbad.
This Ordinance amends the Carlsbad Municipal Code by the addition of
Chapter 5.09 which would impose a license tax on new construction in the
City. The tax is set forth in this Ordinance as 3% of the valuation of new
buildings as determined for purposes of the Building Permit Fee. The tax for
each new mobilehome space is $1750 subject to annual adjustment based on
changes in the cost of construction. The tax does not apply to construction by
a nonprofit corporation for religious, educational, hospital or charitable pur-
poses. The tax imposed by the Ordinance may not be increased by the City
Council but the Ordinance may be amended as the City Council considers
appropriate. The proceeds from the tax must be placed in a separate Public
Facilities Fund. Use of the proceeds is restricted to capital projects including
but not limited to public buildings (such as police facilities, fire stations,
maintenance facilities and administration buildings), major streets, bridges,
traffic signals, parks, libraries and storm drains. This is a new tax in addition
to all other fees, charges and taxes applicable to new construction and it must
be paid prior to issuance of the building or other permit. Approval of this
measure will constitute authorization by the voters for the imposition of the
tax pursuant to Section 4 of Article XIII(A) of the California Constitution
(Proposition 13).
The Public Facilities Tax will require new industrial, commercial, and
residential development to pay its share of facilities, such as storm drains,
major streets, police and fire stations, library buildings, and other public
buildings. Existing residents and taxpayers have already paid to provide ex-
isting public facilities. The Public Facilities Tax would require new develop-
ment to pay its fair share.
Under current California law, many of the traditional methods of
financing public facilities are no longer available. Increasing budget con-
straints at the state and federal levels of government means that we will have
to develop local sources of funds to finance required facilities. The City of
Carlsbad faces a critical need for additional facilities. This need cannot be
met from ordinary City revenues. The tax on new construction will enable all
residents of Carlsbad to obtain necessary public facilities.
The tax will be imposed on new industrial, commercial, and residential
construction only. Since the need for additional public facilities is due to new
development, a tax imposed on such development is the most fair and
equitable way to pay for such facilities. Without the tax, existing residential
and business taxpayers may have to help pay for the additional facilities
required to serve new development.
The Public Facilities Tax is a fair and equitable way to finance required
public facilities and we urge all Carlsbad voters to vote yes on June 5th.
(None Filed)