HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-11-03; Ballot PamphletsCounty of San Diego California Sample Ballot & Voter Information Pamphlet CONSOLIDATED MUNICIPAL AND DISTRICT GENERAL ELECTIONS TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1981 Compiled and Distributed by: RAY J. ORTIZ Registrar of Voters 5201-1 Puffin Road San Diego, CA 92123 (714) 565-5800 POLLS OPEN AT 7 A.M. AND CLOSE AT 8 P.M THE LOCATION OF YOUR POLLING PLACE IS SHOWN ON THE BACK COVER Spanish translation of this pamphlet is available upon request from the Office of the Registrar of Voters at the above address. Este folleto esta disponible en espanol previa petici6n al Regis- trador de Votantes a la direccidn que se da arriba. PAGE 2 CONSOLIDATED MUNICIPAL AND DISTRICT GENERAL ELECTIONS SAN DIEGO COUNTY • NOVEMBER 3, 1981 • OFFICIAL BALLOT SCHOOLS MIRACOSTA COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Member, Board of Trustees Area No. 2 Vote for One Governing Board Vote for no more than Three CONNIE Dl GIROLAMO Appointed Incumbent - ROBERT C. ROCKWELL Retired College President 29-* O 30-* O CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT JUUANNE NYGAARD Homemaker WAYNE M. LJNGENFELTER Hospital Personnel Director EDWARD D. UPTON Retail Sporting Goods SHARON E. WILLS Homemaker - . . . • JEFFREY WENZEL Automobile Sales J. EDWARD SWfTZER, JR. Lawyer JOHN J. MAMAUX Incumbent JAMES MC CORMICK Accountant JANE & KILIAN Homemaker ROBERT J. GREENWELL Accountant 33-* O 34-* O 35-* O 36-* O 37-* O 38-* O 39-* O 40-* O 41-* O 42-* O CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT JULIAMNE NYGMRD HraoMkor 36 I am running lor the Board of Education because our School District is facing difficult limes. I believe Public Education can wealtier these times and still maintain quality. Parents and taxpayers have a responsibility toward this end. We need people who can take the time to find the answers and solve the problems. I have that time and the desire. I am married and have three children attending school in Carlsbad. I graduated from Vista High School in 1963, attended Patomar Junior College for two years and received a Bachelor of Arts in Education from Arizona State University. While a fuU time homemaker and mother, I have been a member of the Carlsbad Soccer dub Board for five years and the Junior Women's Club Board for three years. I am familiar with the operation of the district, working both as a part time paid Teacher's Aide and a classroom volunteer. I was Chairperson of the School Site Committee at Magnolia. I have served on the Ethnic Balance Committee and helped develop the Minimum Competencies in Math and Reading for Carlsbad. Recently, I worked on the District Budget Committee. I am committed to strong, accountable Public Education for Carlsbad children. s/Julianne Nygaard CARSLBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT WAYNE M. LIN6ENFELTER Hospital Porsonnol Director (Major U.S.M.C., Rot.) Ago: 41 Nothing is more important to the future of our community than our children. Every child deserves the best educational experience possible. I propose to bring the children of Carlsbad to the forefront of the educational process. These are the children who will be our professional men and women, tradesmen, artists, and merchants. They are important to each and every one of us, whether or not they belong to our immediate family, because they certainly belong to our community family. Rosemary and I are the parents of seven children. Angela is a 1981 graduate of Carlsbad High School; Betsy and Erich attend the high school; T.J. attends Valley Junior High; Slefarmie, Stefan, and Francesca attend Magnolia Elementary, where Rosemary has taught Art for two years. I hold a Bachelors degree and a Masters degree in Business Administration. During these times of austere budgeting, we must get the most out of each education dollar. Because I believe our children are our future, the decisions I am required to make as a trustee win be made with the prevailing thought: the children first. s/Wayne M. Lingenfelter C05-1 CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT EDWARD D. LIPTON Ritail Sporting Goods Ago: 42 Background: Earned doctorate in education from New York University. Two years teaching/coaching at the elementary school level; thirteen years college professor (including six years Department Chairperson) in Health, Physical Education and Recreation. Areas of Expertise: School administration; teacher preparation and evaluation; budgeting; extracurricular activities; and curriculum design. Areas ol Specific Concern: Teacher competencies; student discipline; extracurricular activities; and school administration. s/Edward D. Upton CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT SHARON E. WILLS HoMMkor For the past several years, I have had a growing concern for the lack of emphasis appointed to the education of our children. The youth of today need guidance more than ever before to become productive, honest citizens. They require a basic course of academic subjects in order to function with assurance as useful adults. Our educators also deserve the respect of their community for their contribution to the betterment of mankind. In some small way, I wish to help the young and bring honor to their teachers and unite the community in this crusade. s/Snaron E. Wills C05-2 CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT JEFFREY R. WENZEL Automobile Sales Age: 27 Jeffrey Wenzel — a 27 year old Carlsbad resident, employed by Hoehn Motors, Inc., in automobile sales. Occupational background gives insight in areas of finance, business, and public communications. Community and civic involvements include Carlsbad Kiwanis Club, and Friends of Batiquilos Lagoon Clean-up Committee. Intentions of balancing the budgets in the years ahead with fewer cutbacks and reductions of necessary programs and personnel. s/Jeffrey R. Wenzel CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT J. EDWARD "ED" SWITZER, JR. Attorney SWITZER. JENKINS & JAMES. Attorneys at Law Age: 35 I am a native of North Carolina and was educated in the Public Schools of that state. I received a Bachelor of Arts degree in sociology from Lenoir-Rhyne College and the degree of Juris Doctor, cum laude, from Wake Forest University. In 1971,1 entered active duty with the Marine Corps and served as a Judge Advocate until 1977.1 am presently a Major in the Marine Corps Reserve. I have been self-employed in the general practice of law since 1977. My wife, Jan, and I have three children. Heidi, age 12, Jimmy, age 9, and Meredith, age 5, attend the Carlsbad schools. We have resided in Carlsbad since 1975. My paramount goal is to insure the best possible quality education for the children of this school district. To achieve this goal we must acquire and retain the most able teachers and administrators and acquire and maintain the most appropriate facilities. I also believe we must remain critical of how the tax dollar is spent consistent with this objective. As a parent, taxpayer, and citizen of Carlsbad, I want to achieve this goal. I ask for your support and your vote. s/J. Edward "Ed" Swilzer, Jr. C05-3 CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT JOHN J. MAMAUX Bwiiess CoisHltaat Age: 49 Mr. Mamaux attended the University of Pittsburgh, receiving a Bachelor of Arts Degree in History and Economics. He obtained, a Masters Degree in Governmental Administration from the Wharton Graduate Division of the University of Pennsylvania. Mr. Mamaux was awarded the Samuel S. Pels Scholarship in 1956, and the Samuel S. Pels Fellowship in 1957. He also received the Pels Institute Public Service and Achievement Award in 1963. Mr. Mamaux is an incumbent member of the Carlsbad Unified School District Board of Trustees. He also served as a member of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, and was president of the Carlsbad Boys' and Girls' Club, and as such Mr. Mamaux received the Man and Boy Award in 1975. Mr. Mamaux is also a Life Member of the Carlsbad Friends of the Library, and a member of the Carlsbad Booster Club. In addition, Mr. Mamaux helped found the Lancer Club, Inc., and is a former president of the club. Mr. Mamaux also was Chairman of the Cultural Arts Center Feasibility Study Committee. s/John J. Mamaux CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT JAMES MC CORMICK Accountant Age: 35 A three year resident of Carlsbad, married and the father of two boys, ages 8 and 4; I am extremely interested in the educational atmosphere of our district. I attended San Diego City College, California State University Northridge and National University graduating Summa Cum Laude in 1980. I have been very active in the Carlsbad district as a member of the Parents Association at Buena Vista, a member oi the ethnic balance committee for the district and most recently as a member ot the Citizens Budget Review Committee. My concern for the ability of our district to maintain the high education standards we all desire in the face of many economic cutbacks is one of the primary reasons I am choosing to run for this office. s/James McCormick C05-4 CMLSMI IMIflEB SCHOOL MSTMGT MIERT J. BREENWELL 1 88k for your vote In electing me to the board of the Carlsbad Unified School District for the fdowing reasons: As the father of six chUren, three of whom are already atteooTng Jefferson Elementary, I am vKalyconcerned about the quaNy of educafkm my chldren receive. This concern extends beyond the primary grades currently attended to the secondary grades which wf be attended before too long. As toe chief financM officer for an electronics company and a fhancW phnrtng consuJtant to some smelbusinesses, I am rasponeUe for recommendhg the best choice of aHerhaHves In expendng funds. Ibekve I have developed a ski for atocaUng funds to their best use. Thts abMyehouM serve me and youwel on the school board. My wtfe Jan Is a Itomemaker. m have Ived In the Seaport dslrict adjacent to LaCosta for «w past 45* yeare, atthough we have been to fhto area for nine years; : • I hope to provide your school board wah a sense of vtekxi for the Mure as wel as common-sensepriortWng of your current tax dollars. a/Robert J. Qreenwel C05-5 COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT (THIS PROPOSITION WILL APPEAR ON THE BALLOT IN THE FOLLOWING FORM) "Shad the order adopted on July 1, 1981, by the Board ot if Supervisors of the County of San Diego ordering the Costa Real V Municipal Water District established as a subsidiary district of the City of Carlsbad be confirmed subject to the terms and conditions specified in said order?" SAN DIEGO COUNTY LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION * IMPARTIAL ANALYSIS You are asked to vote on the establishment of the Costa Real Municipal Water District as a subsidiary district of the City of Carlsbad. State law requires the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) to prepare this impartial analysis of the question on your ballot. The Costa Real Municipal Water District is an independent special district with, an elected board of directors which provides wholesale and retail water service in a substantial area within the City of Carlsbad and the unincorporated areas surrounded by the City. If establishment as a subsidiary district is approved by the voters, the offices of the district's board of directors would be terminated, and instead the City Council of the City of Carlsbad would function as the district's governing board. The Costa Real Municipal Water District would continue in existence and be responsible for the same functions and services as currently provided. Boundaries The territory proposed for establishment as a subsidiary district consists of the existing boundaries and service area of the Costa Real Municipal Water District. No change in boundaries or service area is proposed. Effect on Services Establishment of the subsidiary district would not affect existing services and service levels of the City of Carlsbad or the Costa Real Municipal Water District. Taxes and Costs This measure would not change taxes or water service charges paid by the City or District residents. Certain cost savings could result from elimination of one governing board, insurance savings, joint City-District purchase and use of equip- ment and facilities, and consolidated customer service and billing. V-1 ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF PROPOSITION V Why does Carlsbad have two separate and independent water agencies serving the same territory? The reason is "that is the way it was set up many years ago." But Carlsbad has grown. We no longer need two water agencies. This proposition will bring about a consolidation of the functions of the City Water Department and the Costa Real Water District. A YES vote will place both water agencies under the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Costa Real Water District was formed in 1954 to provide wholesale Colorado River water to Carlsbad and retail water service to adjacent unincorpo- rated county areas. Costa Real now is over 70% within the city limits and lies completely within Carlsbad's sphere of influence. Over 99% of Costa Real's registered voters are city residents and $261 million of the $272 million of CRMWD's assessed value lies within the city. Annexations will bring virtually all of CRMWD territory under city jurisdiction in the near future. A YES vote on this proposition will save money, it will eliminate duplication, it will improve political accountability, it will unify water policies under one elected board — the City Council, and will permit better management of the complete water cycle — imported water, sewer water, reclaimed water, storm water. Combining the two water agencies will produce many cost savings by consolidation of purchasing, equipment, billing, computer programs, elections, customer services, and overhead expenses. This proposal is supported by a 5-1 vote of the Local Agency Formation Commission and by a 5-0 vote of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors during extensive public hearings in 1981. This proposal is in harmony with the intent of Proposition 13 — it will eliminate duplication of government agencies. This is a clear opportunity for Carlsbad voters to consolidate services and save money. Vote YES on Proposition V. CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL GIRARD W. ANEAR CLAUDE A. LEWIS MARY H. CASLER RONALD C. PACKARD ANN J. KULCHIN V-2 ARGUMENT AGAINST PROPOSITION V Why does City Hall want so badly to take over the water district? The main reason is money. Last year the city transferred $2,050,000 from its own water department to pay for a new police, parks and general maintenance facility. This is just one example of how water funds can be channeled into other city departments without your knowledge or approval. Costa Real Municipal Water District has over $2,500,000 set aside for water system repairs and improvements. If the city takes over, how do you know this money will be there when it's needed? Manipulation of water funds is standard practice in other cities. Keeping the water district independent of City Hall is your best guarantee of lowest possible water rates and reliable water service. If the Costa Real water board or staff were doing a poor job, there would be reason for certain changes. But even the city council has publicly admitted the district's performance has been good. The city's performance in water management, meanwhile, has cost the needless expense of almost $3,000,000 for a "water reclamation" plant which will not work. If anything, you should ask if Costa Real Municipal Water District should manage all of the water programs for the city — not the other way around. Even though the city government says it needs to control the Costa Real Water District to serve you better, this is not so. Vote "NO" on the subsidiary district takeover measure. INTERESTED VOTERS OF DISTRICT GUY S. MOORE, JR. JEFF CRISMAN EDWARD L. VALENTINEMARY E. GROSSE LLEWELLA OAVES V-3 REBUTTAL TO THE ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF PROPOSITION V Consolidation of water services to eliminate duplication is a good idea. Unfor- tunately, the City of Carlsbad's proposal to form a subsidiary district is not a consolidation. Under the conditions of the County Board of Supervisors, all water district employees would be retained. This protects the rights of public employees, but it does not produce savings. The only district personnel to be eliminated would be the Board of Directors, who serve without pay. The Board would be replaced by the City Council. But, does the Council have time to give adequate attention to water matters? Obviously not. This means important decisions would be delegated to the staff. Not only is the City's proposal misleading in this regard, but it is not designed "with the intent of Proposition 13." By using water charges to generate money which can be "transferred" to other City departments, this proposal is a clever way to violate the spirit of Proposition 13. An investigative committee of the County's Local Agency Formation Commis- sion saw through the City's argument. This group, including city and special district representatives from throughout the County, declared "the City has not demon- strated that significant economic advantages would result from reorganization of the District. Because the subcommittee could see no apparent benefits accruing to water users as the result of the proposed change, they expressed the belief that the key issues of the proposal are not of a technical nature, but are basically political." Don't be misled by politics. Vote "No" on Proposition V. INTERESTED VOTERS OF THE DISTRICT GUY S. MOORE, JR. MARY E. GROSSE JEFF CRISMAN EDWARD L. VALENTINE LLEWELLA DAVIES V-4 REBUTTAL TO THE ARGUMENT AGAINST PROPOSITION V The opponents of Proposition V say that the main reason the City wants to take over the water district is "money." That is partly true. Combining the functions of Costa Real Water District with the City Water Department will eliminate duplication and save money. A consultant study in 1979 identified over $100,000 in cost savings. By 1981 those potential savings have grown to $146,000. The City Council appropriated $2 million in 1980 to purchase land for a combined city service center to save money for the taxpayer by consolidating city facilities. The Water Department will only pay its fair share of the cost. No expenditures have been made yet. The opponents also accuse the city of a needless expense for $3 million "water reclamation" plant. This is a completely misleading statement. The Calavera Hills Water Reclamation plant was built by private developers. It is vital that Carlsbad have an adequate supply of water. Water is too important to our future to continue the uncoordinated and fragmented water management program which now exists. The best interests of all of Carlsbad will be served if a long range, integrated water-sewer-planning program is carried out by your elected City Council. For good water planning and economy in government, VOTE YES on Proposi- tion V. CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL GIRARD W. ANEAR CLAUDE A. LEWIS RONALD C. PACKARD ANN J. KULCHIN MARY H. CASLER V-5 COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT (THIS PROPOSITION WILL APPEAR ON THE BALLOT IN THE FOLLOWING FORM) ADVISORY VOTE ONLY lAf Should water services of the City of Carlsbad and the Costa Real • • Municipal Water District be consolidated under the direction of the elected Costa Real Municipal Water District Board of Directors? ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF PROPOSITION W V The question of consolidating Carlsbad water services under the direction of Costa Real Municipal Water District has been placed on the ballot in response to petitions signed by over 500 citizens. The district's Board of Directors have never advocated spending money on elections or other projects that have not been proven absolutely necessary. Now, however, after being forced by the city govern- ment to defend the district against a city takeover, the Board believes this vote is necessary. Water is so important in semi-arid Southern California that it deserves full time attention. Only an independent water district that does not have to compete with other city departments can receive this attention. An independent water district with only one function must also use all of its income for water services. This means the money you pay for water goes for water service only, not for other services you may not even know you are paying for. The Water Board's stated goal is to provide the best water service at the lowest cost. We don't want to build an empire, or remove other public officials from their elected positions. We understand the water business, and have assembled a small but profession- al staff which already looks after the water supply for the combined Costa Real and city water department systems. For the water district to manage water distribution for the consolidated area would simply be an extension of its current and efficient operations, and we believe the overall level of water service in Carlsbad would improve. If, on the other hand, the city government were to manage the consolidated system, it would be taking on a complex function it does not now have. A yes vote on Proposition W will improve service and save money for all of Carlsbad. COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS - NORMAN M. ALMACK ALLAN O. KELLY MARGARET J. BONAS DONALD A. MacLEOD FRED W. MAERKLE W-1 ARGUMENT AGAINST PROPOSITION W This proposition is calling for a straw vote to determine how many citizens would rather see the Costa Real'Water Board in charge of the complete water system. Even if this measure passes, it will have no legal force nor effect. It is only a public opinion poll. The main objective of Proposition W seems to be to confuse the voters about Proposition V. Proposition V is the only legal action which is before the voters at this time. Proposition V will bring about a consolidation of the Costa Real Water District with the City of Carlsbad Water Department — under the jurisdiction of the City Council. Proposition V is the only legal matter which will change the organiza- tion of the water systems in Carlsbad at this time. In order to achieve the economies and efficiencies that are possible under Proposition V, voters are urged to vote NO on Proposition W. The Board of Directors of Costa Real Water District would have you believe that the cost savings which can be realized by consolidating water services under the city government, could also be realized if Costa Real were the only responsible water agency. This is not true. Voting YES for Proposition W is a wasted vote. Even if this proposal passes, it would not change the present duplication of services and functions. Proposition 13 mandated that government eliminate waste, avoid duplication and operate effectively. Consolidation of water functions would carry out that mandate but Proposition W will not achieve that goal. The only way consolidation of functions can occur is through the legal procedures set forth in the District Reorganization Act of the State of California. Proposition V is the legal approach that has been approved by state and county organizations. Proposition V will accomplish consolidation. Proposition W will accomplish nothing other than a public opinion poll. We urge you to vote NO on Proposition W. CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL GIRARD W. ANEAR MARY H. CASLER CLAUDE A. LEWIS RONALD C. PACKARD ANN J. KULCHIN W-2 REBUTTAL TO THE ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF PROPOSITION W Proposition W is an advisory measure — a popularity contest sponsored by CRMWD to confuse the voters. You should know the CRMWD Board has delayed Proposition V from appearing on this same ballot tor over a year by a series o1 delaying actions and has initiated or instigated two legal suits to prevent you from voting on Proposition V — now they're sponsoring this advisory measure that has no legal validity, to further cloud the issue. We agree that water is one of many essentials to our Southern California way of life — so essential that the entire water cycle, delivery, use, reclamation and reuse must be completely integrated with and considered as a part of all vital govern- mental decisions. An independent water district, making decisions in isolation and often because of own self-interest, does not meet the total needs of this community. No permanent district employees will be terminated. The District's outside consultants, contract employees and policy making board, however, are all dupli- cations of full-time City staff or active City Council — their elimination can lead to savings of $150,000 per year, over a million dollars total in 7 years. How will a yes vote on Proposition W improve service and save money? The District has failed to provide or even develop any information that gives you such information, but, expect you to take these statements on "faith," "believe us," and similar pleas. Do not be confused — vote NO on Proposition W. CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL GIRARD W. ANEAR MARY H. CASLER CLAUDE A. LEWIS RONALD C. PACKARD ANN J. KULCHIN W-3 REBUTTAL TO THE ARGUMENT AGAINST PROPOSITION W Isn't your opinion worthwhile? Doesn't your vote count? City Hall doesn't think so. The City Council's argument against this advisory vote has one simple message, they would ignore you. This is what the Council did in 1972 when an impartial citizens committee studied the matter of water consolidation and recommended that a consolidated water system be managed by the Water District. A legal agreement which would have accomplished this recommended action was presented to the City Council. It was ignored. The area served by the City Water Department is already within Costa Real Municipal Water District. For the District to assume water distribution in that area is not-only legal, but very easy to do. The only stumbling block is City Hall, which would have to abide by the people's advisory vote. But, says the Council, "It is only a public opinion poll" .... "a wasted vote." If this does not give you the full message, there is little the Water District can say or do to prove our case. Please study the facts about water supply and service in Carlsbad. Most importantly, look at the large sums of money that are at stake. This is your money; and let there be no misunderstanding that City Hall wants water revenues for purposes other than water system improvements. Your opinion is worthwhile. Your vote does count. Please study the facts and vote as you see fit. COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS NORMAN M. ALMACK MARGARET J. BONAS FRED W ALLAN O. KELLY DONALD A. MacLEOD MAERKLE W-4