HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-06-06; Ballot PamphletsMAIL BALLOT APPLICATION DO NOT USE THIS FORM IF YOU HAVE ALREADY REQUESTED A MAIL BALLOT FOR THIS ELECTION. URGENT. MAILTODAY, RECEIPT DEADLINE: MAY 30,1989. I choose the option of voting by mail instead of going to my polling place, i hereby request a mail ballot for the Special Election on Tuesday, June 6,1989, (Voters with specified disabilities may qualify as Permanent Mail Ballot Voters. Please see last page of sample ballot for details.) Data; Ptione: Signature;. Applicant must sign tils/her own signature. DO NOT PRINT Address:. Registered residence address In San Dlego County, not a p 0. Box PLEASE MAIL BALLOT TO ME AT: Address: city:. StaJe_ ap Code_ MAIL OR DELIVER APPLICATION TO: REGISTRAR OF VOTERS 5201 Ruffin Rd. Suite I (P.O. Box 85520) San Diego, CA 92138-5520 DO NOT FORWARD r~l LOCATION OF YOUR POLLING PLACE \k PLEASE TAKE THIS PAMPHLET WITH YOU TO THE POLLS BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE PAID San Diego, CA Permit No. 4 DO NOT REMOVE THIS LABEL ACCESS? • ACCE: 4v i I o I a: |5 City of CARLSBAD California Sample Ballot & Voter Information Pamphlet SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 1989 POLLS OPEN AT 7 A.M. AND CLOSE AT 8 P.M. THE LOCATION OF YOUR POLLING PLACE IS SHOWN ON THE BACK COVER PLEASE TAKE THIS PAMPHLET WITH YOU TO THE POLLS Administered by: Office of the City Clerk Spanish translation is available upon request from the Office of the Registrar of Voters. La traducclon al espafiol de este folleto esta desponible al solicitaria a la oficina del Registrador de Votantes Compiled and Distributed by: REGISTRAR OF VOTERS OFFICE 5201 Ruffin Road, Suite I, San Diego, CA 92123 Phone: (619) 565-5800 INSTRUCTIONS - VOTING AT THE POLLS !3 y INSTRUCTIONS - VOTING BY MAIL Ballot Stub —^ iH^e^JS^sssC" Fold Over Secrecy Write-in Portion Ballot Card omce CMflioATe NAME ^AV 15 INSTRUCTIONS - VOTING AT THE POLLS STEP 1. Insert the ballot card aS the way Into the Votomatic device. STEP 2. Be sure the two slots in the stub of your card fit down over the two red pins. STEPS. Using the punch device attached to the Votomatic, punch through the ballot card at the point of the anvw next to the candickte ZR^KX measure of your choice. Hold punch vertical (straight Up). Do not use pen or pencil. STEP 4. After voting, lift baflot card from red pins and withdraw the ballot card from the device. Check to be sure the punchout is not hanging to the back of the card. STEP 5. Fold the ballot card at the perforatkm (as demonstrated at the polls), with the stub showing, and retum it to the pi^ctnct board member. NOTE: If you make a mistake, retum your ballot card to the precbict board member and obtain another. All distinguishing rnari^ or erasures are fort>idden and make the ballot void. INSTRUCTIONS - VOTING BY MAIL (Application is on bacic cover) STEP 1: Place the BALLOT CARD on a hard surtece. STEP 2: To vote for candklate and/or measure, place punch pbt ftmly on black dot in center of peifbrated rectangular square. Pull up on ballot card while holding punch pin on dot to remove punchout AH cRstinyiishing mari<s or assures are foitMdden and make baltot voM. STEPS: After voting, carefully detach ballot stub at perforation. Keep as receipt STEP 4: Check to be sure the punchout Is not han^ng to the back of card. STEPS: Fold ballot card at perforafion and bisett baltot card inside Retum^daitificatton Envdope. STEP 6: SIGN YOUR NAME "AND RESIDENCE ADDRESS (not PO. Box) on sealed flap of envetope, (CaHomia Electimis Code requirement). The Retum - Identifteation Envelope MUST BE SIGNED BY THE VOTER. If you are unable to vflite, mdte your mark. Sgnature with power of attomey is not acceptable. The signature is compared to signature on voter's affidavit of registration. Ballots are later removed from envelopes without reference to vota«, insuring baltot secrecy. FAILURE TO SIGN RETURN - IDENTIFICATION ENVELOPE WILL VOID BAaOT. STEP 7: Retum your VOTED OFFICIAL BALLOT by maH or in person to Registrar of Voters Office, or to a polls on Electton Day. If someone is retuming your voted balot to a polling place, you must give written author^tion on IdentMcatfon Envetope. To be vaHd, baltots must be received by 8:00 p.m. on Electton Day, June 6.1989. POSTMARKS ARE NOT ACCEPTED. SPOILED OR DAMAGED BALLOTS: If you have spoiled or damaged your ballot, please call the Registrar of Voters Offtoe at 694-3415 for infonnatton. DO NOT RETURN PUNCH PIN. POLL WORKERS AND FACILITIES NEEDED MEET YOUR NEIGHBORS! SERVE YOUR COMMUNITY! There is a shortage of poll workers in niany San Diego County neighborhoods. Voters who are interested In this important work are encouraged to apply by completing the application form. If you apply immediately, it is possible that you could be assigned to work at a polling place in the next election. The Registrar is trying to build a permanent corps of polls officers, therefore homemakers and retired people, as well as others who are interested in community service are particularly urged to apply. The department also pays for the use of facilities to be used as a polling place; i.e., home, clubhouse, business. Since the county continues to grow and population centers shift, new polling places are constantly needed. You will receive a fee for your services. Once this application is received you wili be contacted by the Registrar of Voters Office. POLLS OFFICER AND/OR FACIUTY APPLICATION NAME. ADDRESS. CITY/ZIP _ TELEPHONE #'S: Home. _Work Do you have transporUrtion? Yes • No • I want to work in my own precinct ONLY • I woukl be wilting to travel to serve in another precinct • I have a facffity for use as a precinct polling place that has good lighting, adequate space for voting booths, and is accessible to the handicapped. • SIGNATURE MAIL TO Registrar of Voters, PoBs and OfRcas Section, P. O. Box 85093, San Diego, California 92138-5093 NFP-7 N-001-6 VOLUNTEERS . . . THE REGISTRAR OF VOTERS NEEDS XQUB HELP!!! TO BE A PART OF THE ELECTION NIGHT ACTIVITIES... ** 2 LOCATIONS AVAILABLE ** Registrar of Voters Office 5201 Ruffin Road, Suite i San Diego, CA 92123 Carlsbad Public Safety Center 2560 Orion Way Carlsbad, CA 92008 PLEASE CALL US AT (619) 694-3400 TO LEARN MORE ABOUT VOLUNTEERING! NFP4 N-001-7 OFFICIAL BALLOT CITY OF CARLSBAD SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION Tuesday, June 6,1989 I HAVE VOTED - HAVE YOU? CThte stub ShaH be torn off by precinct board member and handed to the voter.) CITY OF CARLSBAD SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION Tuesday, June 6,1989 MEASURES SUBMITTED TO VOTE OF VOTERS PROPOSITION F Shall Ordinance No. NS-52 be adopted amending Chapter 3.12 of the Carlsbad Municipai Code to increese the Transiertt Occupancy Tax Rate from 8% to 10%? YES«» 0 NO e PROPOSmON G Do voters of the City of Carlsbad approve spending CRy funds from various sources including the General Fund in an amount over one million dollars as determined necessary by the City Council to construct two public golf courses, one regulation and one short course, a multi-court tennis complex, two multi-purpose adult size fields, and an. enclosed soccer facility? This measure authorizes but does not require such construction and may include the expenditure of funds for property acquisition. YES"^ O "NOHH^ VOTER INFORMATION PAMPHLET The following pages contain BALLOT MEASURES AND ARGUMENTS ARGUMENTS Argum«its in support of or in oppositton to the proposed laws are the opinions of the authors and have not been checked for accuracy by any oflicial agency. NFP-2 N-001-3 N-001-2 CITY OF CARLSBAD Proposition F (This propoaWon will appear on the ballot In the following form.) PROPOSITION F Shall Ordinance No. NS-52 t>e adopted amending Chapter 3.12 of the Carisbad Municipal Code to increase the Transient Occupancy Tax Rate from 8% to 10%? ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF PROPOSITION F THIS MEASURE WIU. NOT COST CARLSBAD RESIDENTS ANY MONEY WHAT IS THE TRANSIENT OCCUPANCYTAX (TOT)? This Is a tax v^k^ visitors pay on the rent chai^ied by hotel operators. This is not a tax on exisfing residents, homeowners or business opertrtors. WHERE Wia THE ADDITIONAL 2% GO? Cun-ent TOT taxes go Into the City's General Fund to help support general government sen/ices. The additional 2% will allow the City additional monies within the General Fund to provide for those general government sendees. The TOT tax increase will allow for a feir and equitable tnethod to assess those visitors who place special demands on the general services of tlie City. HOW MUCH DIFFERENCE CAN 2% MAKE? A 2% increase wiU not significantly affect a visitor's hotel bll, or the demand for rooms within CatfelMd. A 2% increase on an assumed $100 room charge win only increase the room rate by $2. A survey indicates that Increased TOTs have generally not reduced occupancy rates, or revenues, for the hotel industry. A 2% Increase wiR, however,' raise substantial funds to assist the City in paying for those increased special demands placed on the community by visitors. Proposition F WiR help make Carlsbad financially strong and enable the City to provide those general servtoes necessary to msdntain a high quality of life, and v^ii not adveraely affect the tocal hotel economy. CUUDE A. "BUD" LEWIS Mayor ERIC LARSON Council Member ANN J. KULCHIN Mayor Pro Tem M/«K v. PETTINE Council Member JOHN J. MAMAUX Council Member ARGUMENT AGAINST PROPOSITION F No argument against the proposition was filed in the office of the City Cleric. NPFW130 N-001-4 CITY OF CARLSBAD Proposition G (This proposition will appear on the baHot in the following form.) PROPOSITION G Do voters of the City of Cartsbad approve spending City funds from various sources including the General Fund in an amount over one million dollars as determined necessary by the City Council to construct two public golf courses, one regulation and one short course, a multi- court tennis complex, two multi-purpose adult size fields, and an enclosed soccer facility? This measure authorizes but does not require such construction and may include the expenditure of funds for property acquisition. ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF PROPOSITION G THIS MEASURE DOES NOT AUTHORIZE ANY NEW TAXES OR INCREASE ANY EXISTING TAXES. APPROVAL OF THIS MEASURE WOULD AUTHORIZE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN RECREATIONAL FACILrriES WHEN TAX REVENUES BECOME AVAILABLE. The citizens' committee on recteaSon facWty financing recommends that the voters of Carisbad approve spending more than $1 mHtton of tax revenue for the constmction of golf couraes and other recreational facilities. The Carisbad City CouncH agrees with the citizens' committee that Carisbad needs a publte golf course, additionai tennis courts and soccer fiekls. This proposition would authorize, but not require the City Council to spend tax money to constmct these facilities. Although goif, tennis and soccer faciiities must compete with other c'rty programs for funding, a YES VOTE is required for the City to move ahead when the money is available. The proposed golf course and other recreational facilities wiS enrtoh Carisbad's quality of life. If Carisbad is to have a w^ balanced recreation program, now is the time to begin planning and saving money for such fadHties. The votera of Carisisad have an important say on what their city wIR be like in the future. A YES VOTE on this proposition wH provkle improved recreational opportunities for ali of us in the future. VOTE YES ON PROPOSITION G CLAUDE A. "BUD" LEWIS Mayor ERIC LARSON Council Member ANN J. KULCHIN Mayor Pro Tem JOHN J. MAMAUX Council Member MARK V. PETTINE Council Member ARGUMENT AGAINST PROPOSITION G No argument against the proposifion was filed in the office of the City Clerit. NPRO130 M-001-5 ET ^ANENT MAIL BALLOT QUALinCATIO^ Purauant to CaUfornia Electtons Code 1451, you. . . - Have tost or have tost the use of one of more Mas, or - Have lost, or have tost the use of t>oth hands, or - Ara unable to move about without the aid of an assistant device, or - Are offering from king disease, blindness, or cardiovascular disease, or - Have a significant limitatton in the use of the lower extremities, or - Suffer from a diagnosed disease or disorder whtoh substantially impaira or interferes with your mofcrflity. . . you are eligS)le for permanent maH t>altot status. You win automattoatly be mailed an official baRot for each election in whtoh you are entitled to vote, unless you fail to retum your voted baRot for a statewtoe primary or general election, in that case, your name wM be deleted as a "Permanent Mail ^lot Voter." if you re-registw, you must re^piy for permanent maU baRot status. if you quaRfy under the provisions Hsted above for permanent mal ballot status, please contact the Registrar of Voters for an appRcation. REGISTRAR OF VOTERS P.O. BOX 85520, SAN DIEGO, CA. 92138-5520 (619)694-3415 ASSISTANCE FOR THE HANDICAPPED The Registrar of Votera Office has a TDD (Telecommunication Device for the Deaf). For assistance, caH 694-3441. The County of San Diego does not discriminate on the basis of disabSity. If you are disabled and feel you have been denied participation in the Sectoral process, contact the Registrar of Votera Office at 565-5800 immediately. A voter unable to mari< a ballot may receive the assistance of not more than two peraons selected by the voter. if there is no accessibirity to the polling pface, the phystoaUy hancficapped may request a regular baUpt from a precinct board member and vote M at a tocation as near as possible outside the polls, whtoh is accessible to the physicatty handicapped. ACCESS? YES OR NO Refer to this symbol on the back cover of this pamphlet. If your polling place Is not accessible, please call: Registrar of Voters 565-5800 33 C D Z > D O 33 m CO CO > z m O P O > (O to -I. CO CO I CJl CJl ro o TJ p o X 00 CJl CJl N9 O O o c z o Tl Ui > z D Ji m Q ui H Ti > X O •n < O D3 m O O 52 -n » "0 T 3 o a 2 5 (D S NFP-* N-001-8