HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-06-02; Notices ProofsCarlsbad SUN Decreed A Legal Newspaper by the Superior Court of San Diego County Mail all correspondence regarding public notice advertising to W.C.C.N. Inc. 2841 Loker Ave. East, Carlsbad, CA 92008 (619) 431-4850 Proof of Publication STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled matter. I am principal clerk of the printer of the Carlsbad Sun, a newspaper of general circulation, published weekly in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, and which newspaper is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general character, and which newspa- per at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers, and which newspaper has been established, printed and published at regular intervals in the said City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, for a period exceeding one year next preceding the date of publication of the notice hereinafter referred to; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the follow- ing dates, to-wit: June 02 19 94 19 19 19 19 I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed at Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California on the 2nd day of June. 1994 Clerk of the Printer .,,<JTICE OF INTENT TO CIRCULATE PETITION THE 6KEN VALL«¥ BALANCED USE AND TRAFFIC CONTROL INITIATIVE OF 1994 sow who*t AMnes . of thtir l«t«*tton to PtIIBo* *KM»'the City'(lor tire purpvoe in ««i<:i>uing ifieCarWhMlCkWMfral PI»<itode»fa»«» the Gr»*n Vafley as a Specific Win Area'andfti'establislfSpeerScinan guidelines which will (1) provide for a responsible balance of private 5 and public uses in the Green Valley : area, by limiting community' com- |mercia] development to no more I than 20 acres; residential develop-j.ment to no more than 15 acres andCensuring that at least 25 acres off land will be set aside for active ori..passive open public use; (2) prevent,' excessive and unmanageable traf-fic increases in the area; (3) require.careful site planning in Green Val- ley to better protect public safety .and security; (4>encourage uses,in- cluding agriculture, in the Green: Valley area that are compatible•;Hvith existing community character"and resources; (5) protect existingwildlife habitat, natural resources•. and open space, including Encini-i-tas Creek and'Batiquitos Lagoon, • from insensitive and excessive de- velopment; Send (8) maximize •opportunities for park land cfea- ^ion.,' .'.•.',A statement of the reasons of theproposed action as contemplated in the Petition" is as follows:A massive 800.000 square foot re'gional-commercial retail'center and residential development for the Green Valley has recently been proposed. Green Valley is a beauti- ful north-souitlteorridor«djacenitQ Batiquitos Lagoon, bordered to thewest by picturesque hillsides and bluffs covered with rare -maritimechaparral; and to the east ttf lush riparian habitat surrounding En-ctaitai Creek, a prime tributary toBMicjttitos Lagoon. The area is tj>e home to endangered, and threatened bird and plant species and is recognized by scientists as having some of the highest habitat value* ta the entire County of San Diego. - • ' ' •-.-;South of the proposed Graen Val-ley project, the Kcke family in En-cinitas is moving forward with a plan to build over 650,000 square feet of regional commercial shop- ping centers and over 1.200 residen- tial units. Together, the two developments promise to bring well over 100,000 new car trips each day into and near.the southern boundaries of Carlsbad. Traffic projections for the south- ern Carlsbad area, as a result of theproject arid others planned for thearea, promise near traffic gridlockfor intersections like La Costa Ave-nue and El Camino Real in the near future. The huge traffic increases willexacerbate existing traffic safetyproblems for children attendingschools in the area and for elderlypedestrians.Economic studies show that con- sumer demand in the area cannotsupport over 1.2 million regionalcommercial square feet. Accor-dingly, developer promises of signi-ficant, new tax revenues to the City are greatly overstated. The paving over and develop-ment of over 80 acres of prime agri-cultural land and open space inGreen Valley will permanently des-troy and degrade irreplaceablebiological resources and eliminatelands best suited for continued agricultural use and open space. Over development and lack of prop-er planning will also threatenground water quality and quanti-ties as well as water quality in En-cinitas Creek and in Batiquitos La-goon.Herewith submitted-is the com-plete text of the initiative May 25. 1994Inez Yoder, TVStfMadrilena Way, Carlsbad, CA 92009; Frederick H. Barge, 2011 Escencio Terrace, Carl-sbad, CA 92009; Richard Barnes,7623 Rustico Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92009. The City Attorney has preparedthe following title and summary ofthe chief purpose and points of theproposed measure.Title: THE GREEN VALLEY BALANCED USE AND TRAFFIC CONTROL INITIATIVE OF 1994 Summary;The Initiative consists of sevensections which amend the City'sGeneral Plan, require a specificplan and the enactment of ordi- n»nces. if appropriate, for the 281 acre Green Valley area (legally de- scribed on page 9 of the Initiative) •before future development mayoccur.Section One:States purpose and findings.Section Two:Amends the Land Use Element ofthe General Plan to: 1) add the Green Valley planning area; 2) change its designation fromCommercial/Office/Residential to Open Space/Commercial/Residen- tial; 3) amends the appropriate landuse maps;.and4) establish a special treatmentarea. Establishes the Green Valley Planning Area with guidelines for a future Specific Plan which: 1. Will set the exact boundaries of the combined open space, commer- cial and residential areas.2. Will include both passive(approximately 200 acres) and ac-tive (a minimum of 25 acres) openspace. 3. May include recreational areas, community center facilities, library, small amphitheater, com- mercial agriculture, arts/festival center.Establishes community commer- cial uses allowed up to a maximumof 200,000 square feet of gross build-ing floor area on no more than 20acres generally located at thpsouth end (with access preferred at Calle Barcelona and Leucadia Boule- vard). Discourages direct access from La Costa Avenue and/or El Camino Real. Establishes residential uses ofbetween eight to fifteen dwellinganils per gross acre with a growthcontrol point of 11.5 dwelling unttipar acre on no more than 15 groatacres (120 to 225 dwelling units tot-al'), blustered and generally ex- pected to be north of the commer- cial area. Should construct a bridge over Encinitas Creek that will protect wildlife habitat Should include a drainage sys- tem for development as it affectsEncinitas Creek and/or BatiquitosLagoon to mitigate erosion andpollution.Keep levels of exterior lighting toa minimum to avoid unnecessaryimpacts to community and biologic-al resources.Section Three:This initiative will either be in-cluded in the 1994 General Planamendments or the first amend-ment of 1995 and it prevails over any conflicting General Plan amendments adopted between May 25, 1994 and the effective date ofthis initiative. The Initiative doesnot affect development projectsthat have received all discretion-ary approvals prior to May 25,1994or projects with vested rights.Section Four: The Initiative becomes a part ofthe Carlsbad General Plan.Section Five: If parts of the Initiative are de-clared invalid by a court, the re-mainder is to be considered valid.Section Six: This initiative may be amended or repealed only by the voters at a City election.Section Seven:The Initiative directs the CityCouncil to enact ordinances, ifappropriate, to implement this me- ature.CS 7373: June 2, 1884