HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-11-08; Notices Proofs (8)0^2^-^4 0 9;i2AM FROM SD CO EEG OF VOTERS TO CARLSBAD POO: REGISTRAR OF VOTERS Jf?: JJ^StJ Location Cod« SSO S201HUFFINROAD. SUITE I, SAN DIEQO. CAUFORNIA 92123-1693 M«il Stop: 034 Date; 9/22/94 To: CARISBAD CITY CLERK From: Campaign services Re: Sample Ballot Proofs - Election Date; ^^^^^^^^ First Second Third Fourth Final Enclosed is material to be proofed for the upcoming election in your jurisdiction. Please proof 1w**^f?telY and mark your corrections in red ink. One set is for your records and the other is to be returned to this office, OK OX Show Waf ria^- iff i« ir/eorractioB» M¥ PrOPf BALUC/r lEAVES/CANDIDATES _^ BALLOT LEAVES/PROP F Date: Signature:. Please call 694<-3405 with the corrections and a decision will be made on whether to have the material returned by mail, by fax, or by messenger. Thanks for your cooperation and prompt attention to this matter. .W FEOM ;D CO EEG OF vr GENERAL ELECTION • NOVEMSER S, 1994 . OFFICIAL BALLOT SAN DIEGO COUNTY COUNTY MEMBER, BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DISTRICT NO. 6 VDII lor Oil BiaHORN 1E7_ Bc*wiimin;niiKh4r 131 * MEMBER, BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DISTRICT NO. 6 VDII lor Oil LEE B. THIBADEAU i ^ BuslneumaiVSan Utfcoa Mayor 1 SO MEMBER, BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DISTRICT NO. 6 VDII lor Oil DiSTRICr AnORNEY Yolt lor Sii PAULPHNQST j-*^ TrW AMumty lOU^ DiSTRICr AnORNEY Yolt lor Sii LARRY 8TIRLIIM ^ _ Trial Court Judas 101 "* CITY OF CA RLSBAD MAYOR Vote fw DM MARK W.MASON iCSmt, Binioaatnwi 1 DO ^ MAYOR Vote fw DM MARIO MONROY ^Cfi^ Planning CarmlMlontr 100 MAYOR Vote fw DM ANN KULCHIN 1C7^ CaMtHmmim lOf™ MAYOR Vote fw DM KENNETH CL KRUL iUt^ Bijeineegmtrt/Entniintwur 100 MAYOR Vote fw DM CLAUDE A. "BUD* LBWI9 1 CO •» ineumbW 109 MAYOR Vote fw DM OLENN R, BERNARD HTft^ flMlwj Maiini: naeiM 1 rU* MAYOR Vote fw DM MARGARET J. B0NA8 ill ^ SMinMSWORMD 1 f 1 ^ MEMBER, CITY COUNCIL Vtii tw N mm* tlUMTNl JOSEPHM.VALEHTI iTimt. BuHniH OwiMr/Cewli MEMBER, CITY COUNCIL Vtii tw N mm* tlUMTNl JOHN (JACK) MOFFAT .• 79 ^ MEMBER, CITY COUNCIL Vtii tw N mm* tlUMTNl JUUANNE HVOAARD i7A^ CouncHwOftwn ll't^ MEMBER, CITY COUNCIL Vtii tw N mm* tlUMTNl JOHN (JJ> JONEB 17Ca> MEMBER, CITY COUNCIL Vtii tw N mm* tlUMTNl WILUAMS.JUB8 MEMBER, CITY COUNCIL Vtii tw N mm* tlUMTNl BOB RICHARDS irtm. En4ray Con»uil»m U1 ^ MEMBER, CITY COUNCIL Vtii tw N mm* tlUMTNl MATT HALL -170^ Busineis Owrer IfO"' MEMBER, CITY COUNCIL Vtii tw N mm* tlUMTNl BARBARA TICE-SIM0N8 47a. Teaehsr Ifa* cmr CLDIK Vota hi OM ALETHA "LEP RAUTENKRANZ torimt Inoumtsnl lOU^ TREASURER VotilnOM JAMES 'JIM" STANTON . aJ ^ TREASURER VotilnOM Control: SOBALP (2.034) 09/20/84 1200 Crsata Oats & Time; 09/21/94 08:30 CrMts-Sti^uence: 99 Signing Racord: 1 P«9« 99 Fifsl Coniesl: LBM Csnleat: BASE STYLE 10.: SAN DIEQO A N07-14 iAM FEOM ;D CO EEG OF VO?EF= GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 8, 1994 - SAN DIEGO COUNTY OFFICUU. BALLOT n S COUNTY OF SAN DIEQO nn/>n B ADVISORY VOTE ONLY rnUr D OIRKT THE LEQISIATURE TO PROPOSE AN AMENDMENT TO THE CAUFORNIA CONSTITUTiaM OPPOSING FED- ERAL AND STATE UNFUNDED MANDATES IMPOSED ON LOCAL OOVEHNMENTS. Stiali tTK (.egislsnira piKt or tha statiwide ballol a fo- petti imnimwt la V\t Ziitonii Constitution la give local jovsinnent jurlGdIctlanE the legal authority to (a) dtclint to Impiwnent a prograrr oian- datetf by lh« Stale or Federal governmert wlttiout ths full tmi'tv} necessary to ftertorm tha nandated ssrvica, or {tit (luont'inie a prog'sm mandatad by tt!« Statt Or Federal gsvernmiiil wher all funds provided by tti> Sl8l8 or Feceral gcvtrnmeritfar such a mindale Have beer, experidecl? 294 vfSi* nn/>n B ADVISORY VOTE ONLY rnUr D OIRKT THE LEQISIATURE TO PROPOSE AN AMENDMENT TO THE CAUFORNIA CONSTITUTiaM OPPOSING FED- ERAL AND STATE UNFUNDED MANDATES IMPOSED ON LOCAL OOVEHNMENTS. Stiali tTK (.egislsnira piKt or tha statiwide ballol a fo- petti imnimwt la V\t Ziitonii Constitution la give local jovsinnent jurlGdIctlanE the legal authority to (a) dtclint to Impiwnent a prograrr oian- datetf by lh« Stale or Federal governmert wlttiout ths full tmi'tv} necessary to ftertorm tha nandated ssrvica, or {tit (luont'inie a prog'sm mandatad by tt!« Statt Or Federal gsvernmiiil wher all funds provided by tti> Sl8l8 or Feceral gcvtrnmeritfar such a mindale Have beer, experidecl? 295 "o-* nnMn A ^iiE^MV CANVAM LANDHIL AtlB MtYCUiiD PRDP C COLLECTION CENTER ORDIHANCE. Shall tlie Greg. ' 1 «Wr W ory Canyon lanWI! and Recycling Cunler ImilativB Drdinarce IM aiistiMJ 296 ifES* nnMn A ^iiE^MV CANVAM LANDHIL AtlB MtYCUiiD PRDP C COLLECTION CENTER ORDIHANCE. Shall tlie Greg. ' 1 «Wr W ory Canyon lanWI! and Recycling Cunler ImilativB Drdinarce IM aiistiMJ 297 NO- CITY OF CARLSBAD __Shall the iOters of the City of Carlsbad apprme the PRllP F Uobileilbriis Rent Control OrdlnaiKi adojUeC by the ' •'Wr 1 city OcKncil onJune 7,19347 299 VES-» __Shall the iOters of the City of Carlsbad apprme the PRllP F Uobileilbriis Rent Control OrdlnaiKi adojUeC by the ' •'Wr 1 city OcKncil onJune 7,19347 300 N0>» Control: SOBALP (2.034) C9/2a'94 1200 SAN DIEQO A Craale Cslt & Time: OS/21/94 12:31 First ContasI: Cresl*-S«<)u«noe: 167 Laat Conteet: Starting FI«cord: 1 Pag* f<7 BASE STYLE 10.: N-1Z-B CONNY B. McCORMACK REGISTRAR OF yOTERS REGISTRAR OF VOTERS 3201 RUFFIN ROAO, SUITE I, SAN OIEGO, CAUFORNIA 92123-16S3 OFFICE: (6191565-5800 1619) 570-1061 TDD: (619)694-3441 FAX: 1619)694-2955 Location Code: S50 Mail Stop: 034 Date: SEPTEMBER 7, 1994 To: CARLSBAD CITY CLERK From: Re: Campaign Services Sample Ballot X Proofs - First Second Third Fourth Final Election Date; 11/8/94 Enclosed is material to be proofed for the upcoming election in your jurisdiction. Please proof »<<<^f ly and mark your corrections in red ink. One set is for your records and the other is to be returned to this office. Material PROPOSITION F OK as is OK w/eorractions Show jity proof Date: / 7/ ^ / Signature; ^-?N:__-DO t'CcuI^^^^^^^ Please call 694-3405 with the corrections and a decision will be made on whether to have the material returned by mail, by fax, or by messenger. Thanks for your cooperation and prompt attention to this matter. CITY OF CARLSBAD Proposition F (This proposition will appear on the ballot in the following form.) p Shall the voters of the City of Carlsbad approve the UDrjp t MobilQjjome Rent Control Ordinance adopted by the I I I VI I city Council on June 7, 1994? CITY ATTORNEY'S IMPARTIAL ANALYSIS THE MOBILEHOME RENT CONTROL ORDINANCE; The City Council adopted the Mobllehome Park Rent Control Ordinance on June 7, "1994. The stated purpose and intent of this ordinance Is to protect the rights of the mobllehome homeowner In mobilehome parks by regulating the amount of rent which can be charged by mobllehome park owners In manner which Is fair and equitable to both the homeowner and park owners as follows: • Establishes mobllehome space rents by a resolution of the City Council Initially based on a fair market rental study. • Adjusts mobllehome space rents annually at 75% of the CP! between 0 and 8%. • Provides a mechanism for exclusion of mobllehome parks from the ordinance upon a petition signed by a majority of homeowners in a mobilehome park. • Requires a park owner to maintain physical improvements in good working order. • Specifies treatment of capital expenditures. • Prohibits tax pass-throughs. • Establishes and specifies treatment of certain administrative fees. • Continues to apply to new homeowners upon sale or transfer of the mobilehome. • Establishes a hearing process to ensure a fair return to a park owner. THE REFERENDUM: As permitted under state law a referendum petition was filed with the City Clerk suspending the effective date of the ordinance. On August 2,1994, City Council decided not to repeal the ordinance and to place it on the ballot for November 8, 1994 In order to allow the voters of the City to either approve or reject it. The mobllehome rent control ordinance will not become effective unless a majority of the voters vote In favor of It. A "YES" VOTE MEANS: If you vote yes, you wish the Mobilehome Rent Control Ordinance to go into effect. A "NO" VOTE MEANS: If you vote no, you do not wish the Mobilehome Rent Control Ordinance to go into effect. FISCAL IMPACT: Should the ordinance be approved, it will go Into effect and regulate mobilehome park rents and other fiscal and economic matters. (For a complete description see Ordinance NS-282). The ordinance will require an unknown but possibly significant amount of money to administer and defend. Administrative costs are fully recovered by registration fees paid for by park owners and homeowners. If the ordinance Is rejected, there will be no fiscal impact to the City and an unknown but possibly significant Impact on mobilehome owners. The above statement is an Impartial analysis of Measure F. If you desire a copy of the ordinance, please call the City Clerk's office at 434-2808 and a copy will be mailed at no cost to yotJ, PR-1300-1 SD 000-000 FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL ONLY - NOT FOR PRODUCTION Control: CATEXTP (201.4) 09/02/94 1030 SAN DIEGO Create Date & Time: 09/07/94 08:37 First Contest: 1300 09A Checksum: 6961292c Last Contest: Starting Record: 2 Page 1 BASE STYLE ID.: PR-1300-1 ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF PROPOSITION F Renting a space in a rental mobllehome park differs from renting any other form of rental housing In that tenants own their mobllehomes which are located on rented spaces over which they have little control. This situation exists because there Is a severe shortage of mobilehome park sites and mobllehomes are difficult, if not impossible, to move from one location to another. Regulation of mobilehome park space rents Is needed because mobllehome owners are subject to unfair and uncontrollable housing costs. The Carlsbad Mobilehome Rent Control Ordinance: • Applies only to rental mobllehome parks within the City and does NOT apply to any other form of rental housing. Including apartments. • Establishes fair rents based on an Independent mobllehome park rental study. • Provides a way to ensure that park owners receive a fair return on investment, while protecting mobllehome park tenants from unfair practices and excessive rents. • Legal, administrative and/or special hearing fees will be paid by the mobilehome park tenants and/or mobllehome park owners. • Provides protection to mobilehome park tenants, many of whom are senior citizens with limited or fixed Incomes. • Preserves a valuable form of affordable housing. A YES vote on this measure will allow the City to enforce a well-designed ordinance that protects valuable affordable housing and ensures the fair treatment of both mobllehome park tenants and mobilehome park owners. BUD LEWIS Mayor JULIANNE NYGAARD Councilwoman ANN J. KULCHIN Councilwoman MARGARET STANTON Mayor Pro Tem PR-1300-2 SD 000-000 FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL ONLY • NOT FOR PRODUCTION Control: CATEXTP (201.4) 09/02/94 1030 SAN DIEGO Create Date & Time: 09/07/94 08:37 First Contest: 1300 09A Checksum: 0a7a61f6* Last Contest: Starting Record: 97 Page 2 BASE STYLE ID.: PR-1300-2 REBUTTAL TO THE ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF PROPOSITION F "Another tax waste we just don't need," is the way one Carlsbad taxpayer described the proposed new rent control bureaucracy. Government control proponents cannot justify the high legal fees and other costs to establish a new city department. Knowledgeable Carlsbad taxpayers will not be misled by a bureaucratic nightmare posing as public policy. The economic facts are: 1. To no one's surprise, politicians chose a high cost bureaucracy over a no cost alternative. 2. ^ Rent control .has already cost Carlsbad taxpayers over $60,000. The politicians and others who favor government controls, haven't said much about paying this bill. 3. \-A similar law has cost Oceanside and Escondido taxpayers' $1,500,000 in legal and administrative fees. That's why voters In Vista defeated rent control last November. 4. ^-Carlsbad tax dollars should be used to meet legitimate services, like fighting crime. 5. ^-Carlsbad taxpayers do not need the financial burden of defending a law which affects only several hundred people, including many who are financially well off. 6. /-People living In private gated communities, next to a golf course and near the ocean, do not need their lifestyles subsidized by Carlsbad taxpayers. 7. j-Even a major banking institution was forced to sue the city over this matter. Voting No on "F" is a win for Carlsbad citizens. Now is no time for fiscal irresponsibility or misguided government bureaucracies. Vote No on "F". Another tax waste we just don't need! Thank you. RAMONA FINNIU S. ELAINE LYTTLETON Councilmember former Chamber of Commerce President DALE PARKER JOSEPH HOENIGMAN Businessman Financial Consultant WILLIAM SCHILLING Retiree PR-1300-3 SD 000-000 FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL ONLY • NOT FOR PRODUCTION Control; CATEXTP (201.4) 09/02/94 1030 SAN OIEGO Create Date & Time: 09/07/94 08:37 First Contest: 1300 09A Checksum: 5ece18ea Last Contest; Start^g Record: 160 BASE STYLE ID.: ff^.\if^^.Z ARGUMENT AGAINST PROPOSITION ? Vote No on Measure F. This citizens' referendum against rent control was signed by over 6,000 Cartsbad backers. This new bureaucracy represents a substantial cost to Cartsbad taxpayers. This Is not the time to waste taxpayer dollars on an ordinance the city attorney's impartial analysis and fiscal Impact descnbed as "an unknown but possibly significant amount of money to administer and defend". Instead of using our hard earned tax dollars building a new bureaucracy, this money should be spent balancing our strapped city budget and preventing any further reduction In city services. We believe the city should be Improving police, fire and already available affordable housing services. No objective findings have been presented which justify the high costs to Carlsbad taxpayers for establishing and defending the new bureaucracy. Workable, Inexpensive alternativeSjSuch as a voluntary accord, facilitated by the city and agreed to by owners, were rejected. Many rent control opponents have questioned the timing of the new proposed bureaucracy that has already seen $60,000 or more spent on appraisals, sun/eys, heanngs and city staff time. We do not want to see our Carlsbad tax dollars spent like Oceanside ($500,000 plus) and Escondido ($ 1,000,000 plus) on legal defense and administration for a bureaucracy created to benefit a small special Interest group, including hundreds of park residents with high incomes. Despite what government regulation advocates say, this new bureaucracy will cost Carlsbad taxpayers plenty. Cartsbad taxpayers would be paying for on-going expenses. Including high legal fees. Rent control activists have remained silent on these significant taxpayer costs. As Carlsbad residents, we enjoy a high quality of city sen/Ices. This way of life must be preserved. Protect our general fund. Vote NO ON F. Thank You. RAMONA FINNILA Councilmember DALE PARKER Businessman S. ELAINE LYTTLETON Former Chamber of Commerce President JOSEPH J. HOENIGMAN Financial Consultant WILLIAM SCHILLING Retiree PR-1300-4 SD 000-000 FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL ONLY • NOT FOR PRODUCTION Control: CATEXTP (201.4) 09/02/94 1030 SAN DIEGO Create Date & Time: 09/07/94 08:37 First Contest; 1300 09A Checksum: 3cc7bb4c Last Contest: Starting Record: 238 Page 4 BASE STYLE ID.; PR-1300-4 REBUTTAL TO THE ARGUMENT AGAINST PROPOSITION F Many of the Carlsbad residents who signed the petition supporting this referendum on the City's Ordinance were misled by the professional signature gatherers Into believing that the Ordinance would not benefit Its mobilehome residents. In fact the opposite is true. Mobllehome residents are In the unique position of having made a substantial Investment in a mobllehome for which they must rent a space in a mobilehome park. Although collectively these residents often have a greater Investment In their homes than the parkowner has In the park, the Immobility of modern "mobllehomes" allows a parkowner to extract "excessive rents" for the park spaces. The City found that the space rents charged or proposed by the parkowners were in fact above "market rents" and therefore enacted this Ordinance In order to protect the residents and their Investments. Contrary to the Opponent's argument, the Ordinance cleariy provides that the costs of administration will be paid by the mobllehome residents and the parkowners and will not be a burden on the City's taxpayers. The Opponents' references to the legal expenses of Escondido and Oceanside fails to mention that In both Instances the Courts upheld those Cities' Mobllehome Space Rent Regulation Ordinances finding that they met the legitimate needs of their citizens. Don't be misled by parkowners propaganda-wlth the enactment of this Ordinance the City of Cartsbad will join over 90 other California cities including Escondido, Oceanside, San Marcos, and Santee In providing needed protections to its mobilehome residents. CHARLES B. LEDGERWOOD DONALD M. DOWNS Seedsman, Former Mayor President, Lakeshore Gardens GSMOL LESLIE E. TANNER EDITH B. POWELL President, President, Lanikai Lane Homeowners Assoc. Rancho Carlsbad Homeowners Assoc. A. Barry Jones c?-^-? c_j;>, Pastor PR-1300-5 SD 000-000 FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL ONLY - NOT FOR PRODUCTION Control: CATEXTP (201.4) 09/02/94 1030 SAN DIEGO Create Date & Time: 09/07/94 08:37 First Contest: 1300 09A Checksum: e4681187 Last Contest: Starting Record: 301 Page 5 BASE STYLE ID.: PR-1300-5 REGISTRAR OF VOTERS Location Code: 350 5201 RUFFIN ROAD, SUITE I, SAN DIEGO, CAUFORNIA 92123-1693 Mail Stop: 034 Date: AUGUST 31, 1994 To: CARLSBAD CITY CLERK From: Campaign Services Re: Sample Ballot Proofs - Election Date: 11/8/94 XX First Second Third Fourth Final Enclosed is material to be proofed for the upcoming election in your jurisdiction. Please proof ^<^<^telY and mark your corrections in red ink. One set is for your records and the other is to be returned to this office. OK OK Show Material as is w/corractions tt/mw proof CANDIDATE STATEMENTS Date: ^Soj^l^ Signature; lj)(Cx> ^_ iXLr:i/c^Al^fe;^^ Please call 694-3405 with the corrections and a decision will be made on whether to have the material returned by mail, by fax, or by messenger. Thanks for your cooperation and prompt attention to this matter. CITY OF CARLSBAD Mayor MARIO R. MONROY Age: 68 Retired CARLSBAD NEEDS A MAYOR WHO CAN LISTEN, RELATE AND RESPOND TO CITIZEN ONCERNS. Mano Monroy bnngs a fresh approach to civic Issues. He is committed to grass-roots participation In a plan for community development that everyone can support. He supports quadrant town meetings based on citizen Input, term limits, closer cooperation between school and city officials and streamlining the permit process for all applicants. He gives top pnonty to building the new library in La Costa. CARLSBAD NEEDS A MAYOR WITH VISION. Mano's vision for Cartsbad Is based on his professional experience In the corporate wortd and active Involvement In civic affairs. A native Californian, bi-lingual and a USC graduate, he was a world-wide consultant for Chevron Oilfield Research. Since coming to Carlsbad in 1978, he has served on the Beach Erosion Committee, Master Plan Committee for the Village Redevelopment Area, the Beach Area Overtay committee, the Cartsbad Unified School Distnct Strategic Planning Committee and was a leader of the Northwest Quadrant Citizens Group. He recently was appointed to the Carlsbad Planning Commission. AS A CONCERNED CITIZEN AND EXPERIENCED PARTICIPANT IN CIVIC AFFAIRS, MARIO MONROY WILL PROVIDE THE LEADERSHIP TO BRING THE COMMUNITY TOGETHER. CITY OF CARLSBAD Mayor ANN KULCHIN Age: 62 Councilmember, City of Carlsbad A NEW MAYOR FOR CARLSBAD'S FUTURE. Ann Kulchin has demonstrated a commitment to our community and proven her ability to manage tough Issues at City Hall during her tenure on the Carlsbad City Council; Ann knows how to work with the community to bring about positive changes. ^ She has been an active force on numerous community organizations. Ann has worked to preserve our quality of life by . . . Enforcing the Growth Management Plan . . . Revitalizing Downtown Cartsbad . . . Expanding Library Sen/Ice . . . Maintaining a Balanced Budget . . . Restoring Our Beaches . . . and Protecting Our Open Space. ANN KULCHIN KNOWS THAT A POSITIVE FUTURE FOR CARLSBAD WILL REQUIRE VISION AND HARD WORK. She knows how to work with the City Council and the community to ensure that Cartsbad meets the tough challenges ahead. As your Mayor, Ann will . . . WORK TO IMPROVE CARLSBAD'S ECONOMY with economic development programs that create needed new jobs. WORK TO EXPAND POLICE PROTECTION for the safety of Carlsbad residents. MAINTAIN HIGH QUALITY CITY SERVICES. Ann will fight to keep Cartsbad a quality city. Vote for Ann Kulchin! She's not a politician seeking higher office. She listens to the community and knows how lo qet things done. Ann Kulchin, our choice for Carisbad's Future! CS-1300-1 SD 000-000 FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL ONLY • NOT FOR PRODUCTION Control: CATEXTP (201.3) 08/30/94 0930 SAN DIEGO Create Date & lime; 08/30/94 14:15 First Contest; 1300 09A Checksum: 2a790bfe Last Contest; 1300 09A PagTw"'""'''' ^^^^ BASE STYLE ID.; CS-fSOO-l CITY OF CARLSBAD Mayor KENNETH G. KRUL Age: 47 Businessman/Entrepreneur As a Carlsbad resident for eleven years, your neighbor, I strongly believe In YOUR right to a greater decision-making role In Carlsbad's government. Government should not serve just the influential few, but everyone. My background in business and community service has proven that I can work successfully with Individuals and groups of diverse Interests. With a doctorate In chemistry and an M.B.A. In finance from major universities, I have served on boards of director's of corporations, foundations, church and community service groups. I operate a successful Carisbad-based international biomedical consulting firm. Our community's future depends on decisions WE make today. We need a new generation's outlook, new leadership for new challenges, a mayor not tied to justifying the errors of the past or to political debts. Preserving open spaces, such as Green Valley, ensuring our water supply, strengthening Carlsbad's economy, and protecting our environment require leadership and vision. Outdated Ideas and practices of the past are of little use In creating the future. I offer SERVICE, LEADERSHIP, GENUINE COMMITMENT, a CLEAN POLITICAL SLATE, a WILLINGNESS TO LISTEN TO YOU, and ACT IN YOUR BEST INTERESTS. If you give me your vote, WE can win for Carisbad. CITY OF CARLSBAD Mayor CLAUDE A. "BUD" LEWIS Age: 63 Incumbent The way we regulate the growth surrounding the Lego Park, control crime and manage trash in the next fours years will determine our future quality of life. These issues demand the kind of open- minded, caring leadership I have given the City Council for the last eight years. I have worked hard to create a fair and impartial forum which lets us debate and build the consensus necessary to make hard decisions. I am proud of the way we work together to resolve issues like growth management and the family Lego Park. I am proud of my record. As Mayor, I listen, build consensus and lead. Carisbad is one of the finest places to live In Southern California. I offer and pledge the leadership needed to maintain that condition. CS-1300-2 SD 000-000 FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL ONLY • NOT FOR PRODUCTION Control; CATEXTP (201.3) 08/30/94 0930 SAN DiEGO Create Date & Time; 08/30/94 14:15 First Contest; 1300 09A Checksum; 00e32a86 Last Contest: 1300 09A fagel^^""'"^' ^^^^ BASE STYLE ID.: QJ-fSOQ-Z CITY OF CARLSBAD Mayor GLENN BERNARD Retired Marine; Businessman Please call me anytime day or nite at "436-GLEN". continue to pay for this number after I'm elected. I'l Age: 42 want your Ideas, comments, criticisms, always call you back. Unless/until California can go 5 straight years without drought conditions, no more residential real estate should be constructed anywhere (Carlsbad obviously included). During the 10 years I've been living in Carisbad, I've always heard rumors about unsavory relationships between City Hall and certain Carisbad land developers. Water concerns are more Important than the developer quest for profits. I'll stand up to them. Conversely, I'd welcome any/all business Into the Palomar Industrial Area (people don't often take showers or wash dishes while at work). SDG&E should be contacted about the need for them to bury their high-tension lines which run thru the city. They're certainly ugly, and "cancerphobia" Is both real, and a legitimate concern. Recent mis-use of tax dollars: (1) $400,000 for the beach jail ("Remove the Bars"); (2) $150,000 to change the name of Elm Avenue; (3) $20,000 to send dty Council to Denmark just to advise Lego that they ought to build their park in Cartsbad. Nobody on the city payroll desen/es more than $90,000 annually. CITY OF CARLSBAD Mayor MARGARET J. BONAS Business Woman/Community Activist ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Margaret has been a concerned Carlsbad resident and professional for 30 years. She ^las witnessed and experienced the trend of the city's insensitlvity and arrogance towards the citizens' needs. And she knows your tax dollars are being wasted. Our city fathers have become Increasingly unresponsive, consistently approving project after project, seriously Incompatible to the neighborhoods, and deaf to pleas and petitions. Objections: The city Is giving away tax dollars to Lego . . . The expensive street name changes . . . The ugly sculptures . . . The unsafe^treetscapes/deslgns . . . The Hatchery without E.I.R. Believes: A review of city employee Employment Agreements Is imperative ... A growing need for rent control and a redevelopment plan for the Barrio . . . The Downtown Merchants require more consideration from City Planners. Margaret's vigilance during her 12 years of Water Board service has saved Cartsbad hundreds of thousands of dollars. As Director of the San Diego County Water Authority she was keenly Involved in Water Reuse and was on the Water Management Committee ... It is criminal for the city to not use reclaimed water for all construction dust control and compaction. And It Is sinful to waste water In our drought ridden state. Widow. 'Vote for Bonas, November 8. CS-1300-3 SD 000-000 FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL ONLY • NOT FOR PRODUCTION Control: CATEXTP (201.3) 08/30/94 0930 Create Date & Time: 08/30/94 14:15 Checksum; 6f07dOff Starting Record; 1893 Page 25 First Contest: Last Contest: BASE STYLE ID.; SAN DIEGO 1300 09A 1300 09A CS-1300-3 CITY OF CARLSBAD Member, City Council JOSEPH M. VALENTI Age: 38 Business Owner/Coach/Community Activist I love Carisbad and the special lifestyle choices we are offered here. In order to maintain the SPECIAL QUALITIES in Carisbad the FUTURE of our town is very Important. Like you, I am very concerned about the wonderful aspects of Carisbad slowly diminishing over time due to a sea of TRAFFIC, CONGESTION, and CRIME. These are the same thoughts I expressed In the 1992 race for council. Today I feel even stronger about these Issues. I believe that In these tough economic times we must STREAMLINE our GOVERNMENT PROCESS, ELIMINATE UNNECESSARY COST and REDUCE the RED TAPE, if we are to maintain and expand upon our quality of life. NO MORE SPENDING over $700,000 a year for a dying eucalyptus grove, $250,000 for changing the name of Elm Avenue, $500,000 for an artists rendition of "bars", $100,000 to study rent control, and hundred of thousands of your tax dollars to build low Income housing. I will support the POLICE DEPARTMENT, and I will demand that "LEGO" hold to their promise of building an "educational park", not an amusement playground. Thank you for your support. Remember, 1992 was Run for Fun, 1994 IS RUN TO WIN! CITY OF CARLSBAD Member, City Council JOHN (JACK) MOFFAT Age: 51 Retired federal officer, U.S. Dept. of the Navy. California native-son Catholic activist with 15-years of college seeks employment as a Carlsbad City Council Member. Includes 4-years at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis becoming an engineer (2.5 G.P.A.), 2-years at Vlllanova University learning Accounting and Business Administration (3.3 G-.P.A.), 2-years at the University of Colorado obtaining a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology degree in 1982 (3.93 G.P.A.), and 7-years in graduate studies In Psychology, and Sociology, emphasizing research and forensic social psychology (3.75 G.P.^^, In 1974 in Washington, D.C., I took vows of poverty, humility and obedience to my tertiary (laymen's) Roman Catholic Inspired religious Order, and am Its visible head and chief administrative officer. I am also a third year parishioner at St. Patrick's Church in Carlsbad, and believe that all life Is sacred. I respect the work and goals of Carisbad's existing Growth Management Plan, support rent controls for Carlsbad's mobile home parks, and am intensely Interested in the success of the LEGO park project as It Is unfolding In Cartsbad. I abandoned alcohol use In 1977 with the help of the Veterans Administration; and although I have had a colorful past, have never committed nor been convicted of a felony crime. CS-1300-4 SD 000-000 FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL ONLY • NOT FOR PRODUCTION Control: CATEXTP (201.3) 08/30/94 0930 SAN DIEGO Create Date & Time: 08/30/94 14:15 First Contest: 1300 09A Checksum: 3e42c6af Last Contest; 1300 09A Starting Record; 1987 Page 26 BASE STYLE ID.; CS-1300-4 CITY OF CARLSBAD Member, City Council JULIANNE L. NYGAARD Age: 49 Councilwoman, Community Activist JULIE'S record as a Councilwoman for the past four years demonstrates that her goal is to BALANCE our growth and economic needs while maintaining Carlsbad's great qualify of life. JULIE NYGAARD will continue to work aggressively toward: SOLVING circulation problems by improving streets, adding bike lanes and encouraging commuter modes of transportation. . . . RETAINING existing businesses. Increasing high tech jobs In our industrial corridor, revitalizing the Village and diversifying our economic base.... BALANCING our concerns for the environment with concerns for the humans who make up our city. . , . UPHOLDING the City's tough Growth Management Plan, which ensures that new development will pay Its way. . . . EXPANDING the City's already successful recycling efforts. JULIE SAYS: "I am always open to your comments and concerns. I promise to continue my full-time efforts to represent you fairly and wisely." PERSONAL: Carisbad resident 19 years; Education Degree Arizona State University; married, with three grown children. LEADERSHIP: CUSD Board of Trustees; North County Transit District; San Diego County Social Sen/Ices Board; Founding Member Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation and Carisbad Soccer Club; Leadership 2000 Advisory Board; LWV; Senior Center Volunteer; Past member Carisbad Junior Woman's Club; Past member Carisbad Open Space Task Force. CITY OF CARLSBAD Member, City Council BOB RICHARDS Age: 63 Energy Project Management Services I've managed large Infrastructure projects in the U.S. and abroad and will draw on this background to keep Carisbad financially sound, safe and clean - with a well planned future. I've done the long- range planning, budgeting and tough decision making necessary for an enterprise to succeed. I'll bring this experience to the City Council, the group ^ou elect to be stewards of Carisbad's present and architects of her future. I know how to listen. I take the long view. I strive for Impartiality. I get the j/ob done. My goals: Keep Carisbad financially sound; Deter encroaching violent crime, now; Keep our existing businesses healthy; Adhere to the Carisbad General Plan update; Develop a rational, economic solid waste plan; Insure that Lego will be positive for Carisbad; and Care for our open spaces and wildlife. Maintain thl^se goals by Voting Bob Richards to the City Council. t Member, Carisbad Personnel Board. Election volunteer. Carisbad Police "Ride-Along" Participant. Lagoon clean-up volunteer. Professional, business education at Wisconsin, Virginia and Northwestern Universities. Former Air Force officer. With my wife, Diane, we'll help protect Cartsbad's future. CS-1300-5 SD 000-000 FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL ONLY - NOT FOR PRODUCTION Control: CATEXTP (201.3) 08/30/94 0930 SAN OIEGO Create Date & Time: 08/30/94 14:15 First Contest; 1300 09A Checksum: 0171bbee Last Contest: 1300 09A S'^^rting^R^cord: 2066 BASE STYLE ID.: CS-ISOO'S CITY OF CARLSBAD Member, City Council MATT HALL Age: 46 Business Owner/Community Leader I've spent 24 years In Carisbad, raising my family, building a small business and enjoying our special lifestyle. I've worked the last 17 years In a variety of volunteer capacities for the City of Cartsbad to create the quality of life we all enjoy. I'm concerned about our city's future. Our leaders must recognize that city delivery of services (police, fire, library, parks, etc.) is a business that ought to operate like one. We must eliminate unnecessary costs and reduce our red tape If we are to expand the services our citizens demand. Business and government must work together to promote economic development and job security. As your Councilmember, I pledge to work to keep Carisbad as special for our children in the 21st century as It Is today. LEADERSHIP: Village Master Plan Advisory Committee (Chair)... Planning Commissioner (Past- Chair) . . . Design Review Board . . . California Auto Dismantlers Association (Past-President) . . . '92 Auto DIsmantler of the Year. . . SERVICE: Open Space Committee . .. Chamber of Commerce ... Citizens Committee to Study Growth . . . Housing/Redevelopment Committee . . . Governor's Task Force on Auto Theft . . . PERSONAL: Business Owner, 24 years . . . Lifetime North County Resident. . . Vietnam Veteran . . . Soccer Coach . . , Rotarian . . . SUPPORTS: Strong Pollce/FIre ... Business/Jobs ... Reduced Government... Youth/Education CITY OF CARLSBAD Member, City Council BARBARA E. TICE-SIMONS Age: 51 Teacher Background: Masters Degree In Institutional Administration and Doctoral candidate; Educator Grades 6 - junior college; Co-director of Compu-Camp Sonoma State University; Special Court- Appointed Advocate for Abused Children; Steering committee member for Supervisors MacDonald and Slater; Animal Control Advisory Committee member; Friends of the County Animal Shelters member; and small business owner. A year's service as a 1993/1994 San Diego County Grand Juror provided invaluable knowledge concerning the functioning of city and county government. As a fiscal conservative I will work on getting the most out of each tax dollar. I will take a hard questioning look at city projects for the total Impact on businesses and private citizens and I pledge to make certain there Is the cooperation and commitment Lego Land executives promised us. As a quality growth advocate I am pro-neighborhood presen/ation. I am pro-senior, worked with Meals on Wheels, and believe In local government being responsive to their needs. I graduated from the University of North Carolina and United States International University. I have a son who attends MIra Costa. The Bottom Line: I love Carisbad. I ask for your support in sending a message; "It's time for a real change if we want to protect and enhance our beautiful city." CS-1300-6 SD 000-000 FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL ONLY - NOT FOR PRODUCTION Control; CATEXTP (201.3) 08/30/94 0930 SAN DIEGO Create Date & Time: 08/30/94 14:15 First Contest: 1300 09A Checksum: 87634b55 Last Contest: 1300 09A Starting Record; 2149 Page 28 BASE STYLE ID.: CS-1300-6