HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-11-03; Ballot Pamphlets (2)County of San Diego Sample Ballot & voter information Pamphlet GENERAL ELECTION TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3,1998 CHECK BACK COVER FOR YOUR POLLING PLACE / POLLS OPEN AT 7 A.M. AND CLOSE AT 8 P.M. / PLEASE CALL BEFORE ELECTION DAY IF DIRECTIONS ARE NEEDED / MARK AND TAKE THIS PAMPHLET WITH YOU TO THE POLLS SEPARATE PAMPHLETS CONCERNING STATE PROPOSITIONS AND STATEWIDE CANDIDATES WILL BE MAILED TO YOU BY THE SECRETARY OF STATE. ELECTION NIGHT RESULTS AVAILABLE AT www.sdvote.com. / A Spanish-language Sample Ballot & Voter Information Pamphlet is available upon request. Call (619) 565-5800. «/ Una Balota de Muestra y un Folleto de Informacion en Espanol esta disponible si lo solicita. Llameal (619) 565-5800. MIKEL HAAS, REGISTRAR OF VOTERS 5201 Ruffin Road, Suite I San Diego, CA 92123 Phone: (619) 565-5800 or 1-800-696-0136 175 GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 3, 1998 - SAN DIEGO COUNTY OFFICIAL BALLOT GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 3, 1998 - SAN DIEGO COUNTY OFFICIAL BALLOT Continue Voting Continue Voting CITY OF CARLSBAD CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT GOVERNING BOARD MEMBER Vote for no more than Three NICOLE PAPPAS Computer Analyst/Parent TRACY L. CARMICHAEL Incumbent CLARENCE H. "BUD" SCHLEHUBERIncumbent JEFF SEGALL Businessman 144*0 145*0 146*0 147*0 MAYOR Vote for One MEMBER, CITY COUNCIL Vote for no more than Two CITY CLERK Vote for One TREASURER Vote for One CLAUDE "BUD" LEWIS Mayor, City of Carlsbad/Educator BILL JUBB Banker JULIANNE NYGAARD Councilwoman, City of Carlsbad ROBERT PAYNE Writer MATT HALL Incumbent GUY JOSEPH RONEY Business Man JOHN (JACK) MOFFAT Auxiliary Bishop/Psychotherapist ALETHA "LEE" RAUTENKRANZ Incumbent 169*0 170*0 171*0 172*0 173*0 174*0 175*0 176*0 JAMES "JIM" STANTON Incumbent 178*0 N-06-8 N SD 175-008 N-07-24 CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member NICOLE PAPPAS Age: 43 Computer Analyst/Parent A 10 year Carlsbad resident, NICOLE PAPPAS has a long term investment in the schools, community and youth activities. She is a voice of common sense and reason, committed to the institute of public education, for the good of children and the community. Regularly attended school board meetings for over eight years, addressing the Board as a parent and student advocate, and spokesperson for the Parent/Superintendent Advisory Council. Parent representative on Strategic Planning Team, Shared Decision Making Implementation Committee, and State of California "Rights, Responsibilities and Respect" program focusing on religion in education. Campaigned for the school bond election. Served the local schools, on Site Council, PTA, Site Facilities Planning Team, and as classroom volunteer and chaperone. Serves the community as a member of the Oceanside Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition. Conducts "What's a Parent to Do?" program to help parents communicate and recognize the dangers of substance abuse. Supports youth as a Girl Scout Leader, and through sports programs. 25 years business experience including 11 years in information systems technology. NICOLE PAPPAS: Married 16 years, two children, ages 14 and 9 ... Employed 10 years at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station . . . Graduate of LEAD San Diego . . . B.S. in Business Administration, University of Colorado. CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member CLARENCE H. "BUD" SCHLEHUBER Incumbent CLARENCE H. SCHLEHUBER ts an active cowimunity member, attorney/businessman, and a concerned parent. He is known as a fair-minded communicator and negotiator who listens. During his term he has fought for quality and economy in school contracts, and has worked to improve the relationship between the city and the school district, to get the most out of every tax dollar. He states, "Our children deserve the best from public education! Let's work together to maintain the standard of excellence we've enjoyed in the Carlsbad School system." Leadership: Board Past President, Vice President . . . Carlsbad Planning Commissioner (past- chair) .. . Design Review Board (past-chair) ... Citizens Committee to Study Growth (past-chair) . . . North County Bar Association Taxation Section (past-chair) CLARENCE H. SCHLEHUBER has been a Carlsbad resident for over 21 years. His wife, Patricia is a former teacher who is now a medical social worker. They have seven children who have graduated from CHS. Two of the children are teachers, and a third is married to a teacher. Education is a priority in his family! Re-Elect Clarence H. Schlehuber! FOR EXPERIENCED LEADERSHIP! CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member TRACY L. CARMICHAEL Age: 36 Incumbent/Community Leader Family: Married, 2 children, 16 and 6 TRACY CARMICHAEL has served as school trustee since 1994. She has the knowledge and experience necessary to continue making decisions concerning our children's education. As a trustee, her degree of commitment can be measured by the accomplishments of her term which include yearly site academic achievement reports; standardized/reuse plans for construction of schools; participation in shared decision making training and implementation of the Strategic Plan. TRACY CARMICHAEL played a key role in the passage of the 26.5 million dollar bond for school renovation and technology infrastructure. Her reelection will provide the continuity of leadership in the completion of these projects. TRACY CARMICHAEL believes in collaborative governance. She will continue to improve the schopl/city relationship in the pursuit of common goals and for better timing of school construction in relationship to residential growth. In this critical period for Carlsbad schools, TRACY CARMICHAEL has the vision, leadership and experience to ensure that all children will have a world-class education that will prepare them for the new millennium. VOTE: November 3rd TRACY CARMICHAEL, a VISIONARY LEADER with experience and a commitment to ensuring high achievement for all children. CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board Member JEFF SEGALL Age: 45 Businessman/Community Leader As an Aviara Oaks School parent, I want to ensure that our schools, including the proposed new high school, are planned, financed and opened when needs arise, not years later! I believe in balanced budget spending, and managing to an approved strategic plan. I will work to ensure future Carlsbad High School achievement testing results will be among the best in San Diego County. The District must be run like a business! I have 20+ Years of Business Leadership Experience with Westinghouse, Southern California Gas, World Trade Center and Genesis Mortgage Corp. I'm a member of Bond Oversight Committee; Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce's Economic Development (vice chair) & Education committees, & Aviara Oaks Traffic and Safety Task Force (chair). I'm past president of LA Jr. Chamber of Commerce; Nissan Open; & a national business communications association. I'm a graduate of CSUN. I'm endorsed by Carlsbad Mayor "Bud" Lewis & School Board President Mark Packard. As a resident of south Carlsbad, I'm well aware of issues impacting that area and the entire district. My voting decisions will be based on what gives all of Carlsbad, the best public educational program possible. On November 3, Elect Jeff Segall for Carlsbad Schools. CS-4050-1 N SO 175-018 CS-4050-2 CITY OF CARLSBAD Mayor CLAUDE A. "BUD" LEWIS Age: 67 Incumbent Mayor, Retired Educator In 1986 we adopted the Growth Management Plan by public election. I helped draft that Plan and it has guided my actions since we voted for it. The next four years represent a crucial period for Carlsbad. I believe I am the right person to realize the vision we created together a dozen years ago because I understand and believe in that vision, I act on principle and I achieve results. Carlsbad's economic strength, public services and stringent controls over development exceed any other North County city. They come from the strength and consistency of our Growth Management Plan. I am proud of my leadership role in attracting fine business to Carlsbad. Legoland and businesses surrounding it will open in the next four years. Much of the remaining residential development in Carlsbad will be started in this time. We must ensure the new businesses and development are kept within the Growth Management Plan and bring the city- wide benefits we deserve. I offer the ability to keep to the vision we created together, to make decisions based on the principles we adopted, and to achieve results for that vision. I ask for your vote. CITY OF CARLSBAD Member of the City Council JULIANNE NYGAARD Age: 52 Councilwoman, City of Carlsbad Keep Carlsbad the envy of north county by reelectlng Julie Nygaard, one of the strong advocates of its carefully managed growth. Julie says: "I am proud to run on my record of public service, service that began on the Board of Education and has continued through two terms on the City Council." Nygaard's supporters point out that her full-time devotion to her job on the Council has contributed to: Continuation of fiscal policies that have kept Carlsbad strong throughout the recent recession ... Keeping the police and fire departments of the city well-equipped and responsive . . . Expansion of transit services to Carlsbad, including the popular Coaster trains, together with two new rail stations ... Ongoing construction of the spectacular new city library in La Costa and completion of plans for the new municipal golf course . . . Emphasis on quality commercial and industrial growth, exemplified by the nearly completed Legoland and Gemological Institute of America, and careful control of residential growth in conformance with the Growth Management Plan. Julie promises: "I will continue to direct all my energies to the job of keeping Carlsbad a city where the outstanding quality of life reflects the outstanding quality of its people." CITY OF CARLSBAD Mayor BILL JUBB Banking Hello! My name is Bill Jubb and I am running for the Mayor of Carlsbad. I will not make phony promises to you that I may not be able to deliver. I'll focus on the needs and concerns of local residents and work to insure that these concerns are not subjugated to outside special interest influences. I am running for Mayor without a lot of the hoopla that normally accompanies elections, no colorful signs or outside donations. I am running my campaign the same way I intend to run the Mayor's office, using simple down to earth principles and good common sense. I am known for giving straight answers. Yes, I believe in term limits to reduce political debt. The current system has been in' existence for a long time and now is the time for a change. The future is going to require a strong individual who can make difficult decisions necessary to protect the integrity of Carlsbad. My statement is simple. Carlsbad citizens and local business interest come first. Every decision should benefit and not impact the citizens of this wonderful city. Thank you for your time and consideration, Bill Jubb CITY OF CARLSBAD Member of the City Council ROBERT PAYNE Writer/Taxpayer Advocate 1 am running for City Council because the incumbents do not represent the citizens of Carlsbad. This is our city. We elect councilmembers to represent our concerns on city issues - without favor to wealth or politics. The incumbents rubber-stamp General Plan and Master Plan changes to maximize profits for real estate corporations. They allow companies to violate Master Plan obligations. City staff "errors" increase corporate return-on-investment. We pay property tax, sales taxes, fees. We expect public funds to go only to run our city and schools. Millions of public dollars went to subsidize the flower fields and the golf course for the Carlsbad Ranch and Lego. The incumbents spent city money to maximize speculator profits and defeat the Green Valley Initiative for a city park. The incumbents allow corporations to cheat our schools. Children living in billion-dollar projects go to over-crowded temporary classrooms. As an activist, I fought for the citizens of Carlsbad. As a councilmember, I will continue that work. BACKGROUND: Fourteen-year Carlsbad resident. Married, two children. M.A. American Literature, writer of 22 novels published internationally, writer/designer of patents and copyrights (US & foreign). Information: 632-1961 / www.carlsbadcitizens.org CS-1300-1 N SD 175-020 CS-1300-2 CITY OF CARLSBAD Member of the City Council MATTHEW HALL Age: 50 Incumbent /Businessman MATT HAS A VISION FOR THE YEAR 2000 AND BEYOND. HE SEES CARLSBAD AS A QUALITY PLACE TO LIVE, WORK AND PLAY. AS A COUNCILMAN, MATT'S RECORD OVER THE PAST FOUR YEARS DEMONSTRATES HIS VISION AS A LEADER. MATT'S 28 YEARS OF BUSINESS EXPERIENCE HAVE ENABLED HIM TO GUIDE THE CITY IN INCREASING CITY REVENUES AND DECREASING EXPENDITURES WHILE MAKING GOVERNMENT MORE USER-FRIENDLY AND ACCOUNTABLE. SINCE MATT'S ELECTION IN 1994, HE HAS HELPED CREATE JOBS BY HIRING AN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR. MATT SEEKS THE RELOCATION OF TOP-NOTCH BUSINESSES AND INDUSTRIES TO CARLSBAD. MATT SUPPORTED THE HIRING OF TEN NEW POLICE OFFICERS AND ADDING PARAMEDIC SERVICE TO EVERY FIRE UNIT MATT IS COMMITTED TO CITY-WIDE RECREATIONAL FACILITIES: COMPLETION OF POINSETTIA PARK, A COMMUNITY GOLF COURSE, THE SKATEBOARD PARK, 50-METER SWIMMING POOL AND ACQUISITION OF A NORTHWEST QUADRANT PARK. THE FATHER OF TWO DAUGHTERS, MATT BELIEVES THE FUTURE BEGINS WITH CHILDREN. HE WILL CONTINUE TO MAKE EDUCATION AND LIFE-LONG LEARNING A TOP PRIORITY. MATT BELIEVES IN LOCAL CONTROL AND WILL MAKE CERTAIN THAT CARLSBAD IS RUN BY CARLSBAD PEOPLE TO CARLSBAD STANDARDS. A VOTE FOR MATT HALL IS A VOTE FOR A BETTER-THAN-EVER CARLSBAD. CITY OF CARLSBAD Member of the City Council JOHN (JACK) MOFFAT Age: 55 Auxiliary Bishop/Psychotherapist EQUIV. BS GENERAL ENGINEERING 1966. TWO YEARS ACCOUNTING AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 1972-1974. BA PSYCHOLOGY 1982. FIVE YEARS GRADUATE PSYCHOLOGY 1984-1988. ONE YEAR GRADUATE SOCIOLOGY 1989. EQUIV. MAs IN PSYCHOLOGY, AND SOCIOLOGY. CATHOLIC PSYCHOTHERAPIST AND SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR. CARLSBAD CHAMBER LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH MUSIC MINISTRY, AND PARISH SOCIAL ACTION COMMITTEE. SOUTHWEST REGIONAL BISHOP OF THE JESUIT TERTIARY ORDER OF NAZIRITES. DIRECTOR OF THE NAZIRITE AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROJECT; AND THE NAZIRITE ADULT EDUCATION PROJECT. AUTHOR OF "THE NAZIRITE INSTITUTIONAL LECTURE SERIES", FOR LEARNING-DISABLED, MENTALLY-ILL, AND INCARCERATED POPULATIONS. RETIRED US OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT WITH BACKGROUND IN AIR- LAUNCHED WEAPONS SYSTEM DESIGN, SUPERVISORY GENERAL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL MANUAL WRITING, INTEGRATED LOGISTICS SUPPORT MANAGEMENT, MILITARY INTELLIGENCE AND NATIONAL SECURITY INSPECTIONS. WHITE HOUSE VOLUNTEER STAFF 1993-1996. DIVORCED WITH FOUR ADULT SURVIVING CHILDREN, AGES 43-21. HOBBIES INCLUDE WHITEWATER RAFTING, HORSES, BACKPACKING, TAI-CHI, AND WRITING F&SF SHORT STORIES UNDER A LITERARY PSEUDONYM. CONTRIBUTING MEMBER OF THE SIERRA CLUB, NRA, NATIONAL PARKS AND CONSERVATION ASSOCIATION, NATURAL RESOURCES DEFENSE COUNCIL, ENVIRONMENTAL DEFENSE FUND, DEFENDERS OF WILDLIFE, THE NATURE CONSERVANCY, THE WILDERNESS SOCIETY, WORLD WILDLIFE FUND, RAILS-TO-TRAILS CONSERVANCY, THE PLANETARY SOCIETY, AND THE SOCIETY FOR THE PSYCHOLOGICAL STUDY OF SOCIAL ISSUES. CITY OF CARLSBAD Member of the City Council GUY JOSEPH RONEY Age: 47 Real Estate and Investment Broker I have resided in Carlsbad since 1992 with my wife of 24 years and our two children. Currently I am involved in commercial real estate activities. I hold a Bachelor of Business Administration Degree and I will complete studies leading to a Masters of Business Administration this December at California State University San Marcos. I will represent all the residents of our community. I will work to provide opportunities and activities for our children, jobs for our residents and a safe environment for our senior citizens. I recognize the importance of working together with the members of our community to build a City we can all be proud of. A Vote for Guy Roney is a Vote for Your Interests. CITY OF CARLSBAD City Treasurer JAMES "JIM" STANTON Age: 66 Incumbent-Accounting Professor MiraCosta College It has been my privilege being your Treasurer for the past eight years. I am again asking for your support. Carlsbad has experienced significant financial changes since 1990. Strong revenue receipts, disciplined budgets, and prudent investments have contributed to increase Carlsbad's investment portfolio from $75,000,000 to $250,000,000. As the City Treasurer I personally make all investments, following the objectives of the City's investment policy. Investments are reported monthly to the City Council and reviewed quarterly by an advisory committee. Carlsbad's investments have consistently outperformed investments made by the State of California and the County of San Diego. Investments managed by the City Treasurer now represent 48% of the total assets reported by the City and its agencies, an increase from 31 % eight years ago. To manage this increased cash activity and investments, the City Treasurer has adopted more sophisticated banking services and computer investment software. Investment reports are more analytical, and investment analysis techniques more precise. Carlsbad is the most fiscally sound city in the county. While my management of the cash and investments is only a small part, I am proud of my contributions. The financial position of Carlsbad will grow in importance. My experience will ensure continued sound management and high professional standards.