HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-11-07; Ballot Pamphlets/ ( JN T3 r^ F" n> >S aPi£ ow T] H •<S 0 W C ii^ cK r C 2S C2 ^^g^w ro ^Of\ cv** s w 5 S•^•8 ^ >^ TO n 3D.address3' &0 so S'erao Ooc3 ^< "S"O Co "0O 03oX rea» ^ t f g W Ctq' ET 1 O CTQ's1 n O 2S "9 1 n •3 V)g ff N *5' Ooa. > o. g-COGO "° s?n" a(» 3W> {^ S£ S*s eraa. M 5T ft» Q.E: "<o g O w* p a** 3"3 fD »0% Io. BSa.Q. VI 1 XI CD 1 "s» s 5 S's era L fcar o-5 0.= "ir n» s^.J 5' &5i •?a =r03 re»0% 1a. BSa.Q. CA > i—P TION DEADLINE: October :V>J O ^^ O W ^L ELECTION NOVEMBER^ooo r^ g , BALLOT APPLICATo5! n ?*•.^ M^ C/l 5 0w L_J2 O 1HWO II ? CD — n(a ~ oco w ;-r n» MO oen « ^ m E£ ET S"<& °-Usabilities may qualify as Permanentpage of sample ballot pamphlet for d'~L W DO» HS o9>nsa S|*2| "> 00 ~ l~°s S 3 so ON £ 3 ££ o 50 PS S § «> *^ Q S. S|'~;n SLr ** S oo too -0 V. S z S — ~ — 2 z 5 1 ^I J 1 o S ^-; 3 ^<0 1f6 H= 3R3D-v; a-OC»T)•LO 11)a.•^ 3 1 c-r > & 0so 0 <w > ^B!~ § ^-o z z 3 § O70O County of San Diego Sample Ballot & voter information Pamphlet GENERAL ELECTION TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2000 CHECK COVER FOR YOUR POLLING PLACE J Polls open at 7 a.m. and close at 8 p.m. Don't wail! Cats before Election Day if directions are needed or check www.sdvote.coro WSark and fake this parnphSet with you to the polls An information pamphlet concerning state propositions will be mailed to you by the Secretary of State. Election night results available at www.sdvote.com ti» / A Spanish-language Sample Ballot & Voter Information Pamphlet is available upon request. Call (858) 565-5800. S Una Balota de Muestra y un Folleto de Informacion en Espafiol esta disponible si lo solicita. Llame al (858) 565-5800. Mikel Haas, Registrar of Voters 5201 Ruffin Road, Suite I San Diego, CA 92123 Phone: (858) 565-5800 or 1-800-696-0136 J 290 290 If you have questions or need directions to your poll... P^ Don't ^7 858-565-5800 ^ Wflit ^ or visit our web site www.sdvote.com Our phone lines are extremely busy the week prior to the election. To make sure your call will get through, call as early as possible. ft ft You can count on us...ftft ft ~~~ ^r because we can count on them!ft ft ft ftft ft ft •A-ft The Registrar of Voters would like to thank our poll workers for their | incredible commitment i and the outstanding £ service they provide our 5 voters.ft ftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftft ft ft INSTRUCTIONS - VOTING AT THE POLLS STEP 1. PUT BALLOT IN DEVICE Insert ballot card until slots fit over the two red-tipped posts on the device. Make sure the ballot card REMAINS secured in this position while voting. STEP 2. VOTE YOUR BALLOT To cast a vote for a candidate or measure, place the punch stylus into the hole located directly to the right of your selection, and using a straight downward motion, push the stylus completely through the hole until it stops. EXAMPLE: Voting on a candidate KRIS WRIGHT punch here t 105 -*O EXAMPLE: Voting on a measure PROP 175 punch here 240 YES ^ O 241 NO * O To continue voting, turn each page in the device until you have completed all of your ballot. Do not use a pen, pencil or other implement except the provided punch stylus. Do not mark or deface the voting pages of the device. If you make a mistake, return the ballot card to the precinct officer to obtain another. Do not put any distinguishing marks on your ballot (i.e. your name, initials, signature, etc.). This will void your ballot. STEP 3. REMOVE AND INSPECT YOUR BALLOT When finished voting, lift the ballot card off the posts and withdraw it from the voting device. Turn ballot over and carefully inspect the back. Remove any punchouts that did not get completely detached. Note: TO CAST A WRITE-IN VOTE, write the candidate's NAME and OFFICE in the space designated on the upper portion of the ballot card. STEP 4. RETURN VOTED BALLOT TO PRECINCT OFFICER Detach and keep upper stub of ballot card. This serves as your receipt for voting. To ensure secrecy of your ballot, fold ballot card over at the perforation line and return it with the voting device to the precinct officer. SAVE $$ DUPLICATE MAILING NOTICE SAVE $$ If a voter receives more than one sample ballot, name is misspelled, if the voter has moved from this address or is deceased, please call the Registrar of Voters at: (858) 565-5800 or toll free 1 -800- 696-0136. This phone call will improve the accuracy ot Voter Registration records and save taxpayer dollars by reducing printing and mailing costs. FP-02-24 N SO 290-001 GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7, 2000 - SAN DIEGO COUNTY OFFICIAL BALLOT PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES Vote for One Party HARRY BROWNE, for President Libertarian ART OLIVIER, for Vice President 2* GEORGE W. BUSH, for President Republican DICK CHENEY, for Vice President ^ * PATRICK J. BUCHANAN, for President Reform EZOLA FOSTER, for Vice President HOWARD PHILLIPS, for President American Independent J. CURTIS FRAZIER, for Vice President 6* 8* AL GORE, for President Democratic JOE LIEBERMAN, for Vice President ' " RALPH NADER, for President Green WINONA LA DUKE, for Vice President ' ^ JOHN HAGELIN, for President Natural Law NAT GOLDHABER, for Vice President ' ^ * UNITED STATES SENATOR Vote for One For Your Informa GAIL (CATHERINE LIGHTFOOT Registered Nurse JOSE LUIS "JOE" CAMAHORT Consulting Scientist/Engineer TOM CAMPBELL Congressman/Educator MEDEA SUSAN BENJAMIN Nonprofit Organization Director DIANE BEALL TEMPLIN American Attorney/Businesswoman DIANNE FEINSTEIN United States Senator BRIAN M. REES Physician ion: The order in which candidates appe Libertarian Reform Republican Green Independent Democratic Natural Law ar on your 18*0 19*0 20*0 21*0 22*0 23*0 24*0 ballot is determined by random draw. Furthermore, for federal, state and some local the order of the candidates are changed or "rotated" to ensure that no one candidate always appears first - or for that matter, last - on every ballot. GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7, 2000 - SAN DIEGO COUNTY OFFICIAL BALLOT UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE 51 ST DISTRICT Vote for One GEORGE "JORGE" BARRAZALaw Office Administrator ERIC HUNTER BOURDETTE Teacher/Artist/Minister DANIEL L MUHE Certified Financial Planner RANDY "DUKE" CUNNINGHAM U.S. Representative Democratic Natural Law Libertarian Republican 28*0 29*0 30*0 31*0 Continue Voting MEMBER OF THE STATE ASSEMBLY 74TH DISTRICT Vote for One MARK WYLAND Local Business Owner TOM HOHMAN Small Businessman JOHN HERRERA Retired Disability Analyst BARBARA BOURDETTE Educator/Designer/Businessperson Republican Libertarian Democratic Natural Law 41*0 42*0 43*0 44*0 JUDICIAL JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT OFFICE NO. 25 Vote for One BILL O'CONNELL Attorney/Arbitrator CHARLES ERVINAttorney-Sheriff's Department 47*0 48*0 N-01-2 N SD 290-002 N-02-13 N SD 290-003 GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7, 2000 - SAN DIEGO COUNTY OFFICIAL BALLOT GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7, 2000 - SAN DIEGO COUNTY OFFICIAL BALLOT CITY OF CARLSBAD PALOMAR COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT GOVERNING BOARD MEMBER Vote for no more than Three RALPH G. JENSEN Governing Board Member, Palomar Community College District HAROLD E. SCOFIELDBusinessman DARRELL L. MC MULLEN Government Finance/Educator CHARLES W. DUNCANRetired School Administrator 59*0 60*0 61*0 62*0 MEMBER, CITY COUNCIL Vote for no more than Two RAMONA FINNILA Councilmember, City of Carlsbad BILL JUBB Banking LARRY J. STAPLETON Executive NORMAN P. "NORM" WEISS Businessman JOHN (JACK) MOFFAT Petroleum Company Executive MONA KULJURGIS Businessperson/Writer ANN KULCHIN Councilwoman/City of Carlsbad DOUG "COACH" CHARTIER Author/Engineer/Consultant 106*0 107*0 108*0 109*0 110*0 111*0 112*0 113*0 N-03-1 N SO 290-004 N-05-8 N SD 290-005 GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7, 2000 - SAN DIEGO COUNTY OFFICIAL BALLOT GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7, 2000 - SAN DIEGO COUNTY OFFICIAL BALLOT MEASURES SUBMITTED TO THE VOTERS STATE VETERANS' BOND ACT OF 2000. This act provides for a bond issue of five hundred million dollars ($500,000,000) (Q provide farm and home aid for California veterans. Fiscal Impact: Costs of about $858 million over 25 years (average cost of about $34 million per year); costs paid by participating veterans. __ ^_ PROP l2* riV/n Wfa MMQQ WW LEGISLATURE. PARTICIPATION IN PUBLIC EMPLOY- EES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM. LEGISLATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. Allows Legislative members to participate in the Public Employees' Retirement System plans in which a majority of state employees may participate. Fiscal Impact: Annual state costs under $1 million to provide retirement benefits to legislators, with these costs replac- ing other spending from the fixed annual amount provided in support of the Legislature. r+r+*\r* M * CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS AND SPENDING. LIM- PROP )4 ITS' D|SCLOSURE. LEGISLATIVE INITIATIVE • • »V/I W™ AMENDMENT. Limits campaign contributions and loans to state candidates and political parties. Provides voluntary spending limits; expands public disclosure requirements and increases penalties. Fiscal Impact: Additional net costs to the state, potentially up to several million dollars annually, and unknown but probably not significant costs to local government. __^_ PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS. USE OF PRIVATE CON- PR fl P X*> TRACTORS FOR ENGINEERING ANDrilV/l \J\J ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES. INITIATIVE CONSTITU- TIONAL AMENDMENT AND STATUTE. Amends constitution eliminating existing restrictions on state, local contracting with private entities for engineering, architec- tural services; contracts awarded by competitive selection; bidding permitted, not required. Fiscal Impact: Unknown impact on state spending for architectural and engineering services and construction project delivery. Actual impact will depend on how the state uses the contracting flexibility under the proposition. __ _ _ PROP 36• llV/r WW DRUGS. PROBATION AND TREATMENT PROGRAM.INITIATIVE STATUTE. Requires probation and drug treat- ment, not incarceration, for possession, use, transportation of controlled substances and similar parole violations, except sale or manufacture. Authorizes dismissal of charges after completion of treatment. Fiscal Impact: Net annual savings of $100 million to $150 million to the state and about $40 million to local governments. Potential avoidance of one-time capital outlay costs to the state of $450 million to $550 million. r\p*S\P\ «*-• PROP 37• 1 • V W f FEES- VOTE REQUIREMENTS. TAXES. INITIATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. Requires two-thirds Y0te of State Legislature, majority or two-thirds of local elec torate to impose future state, local fees on activity to study or mitigate its environ- mental, societal or economic effects. Defines such fees as taxes except property, development, certain other fees. Fiscal Impact: Unknown, potentially significant, reduction in future state and local government revenues from making it more difficult to approve certain regulatory charges. 186 187 190 191 194 195 199 200 203 204 207 208 STATE (CONTINUED) PROP 38 SCHOOL VOUCHERS. STATE-FUNDED PRIVATE AND RELIGIOUS EDUCATION. PUBLIC SCHOOL FUNDING. INITIATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. Autho- rizes annual state payments of at least $4000 per pupil for private/religious schools. Permits replacement of current constitutional public school funding formula. Fiscal Impact: Near-term state costs from zero to $1.1 billion annually. Long-term state impact from $2 billion in annual costs to $3 billion in annual savings, depending on how many public school students shift to private schools. PROP 39 SCHOOL FACILITIES. 55% LOCAL VOTE. BONDS, TAXES. ACCOUNTABILITY REQUIREMENTS. INITIA- TIVE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT AND STATUTE. Authorizes bonds for repair, construction or replacement of school facilities, class- rooms, if approved by 55% local vote. Fiscal Impact: Increased bond debt for many school districts. Long-term costs statewide could total in the hundreds of millions of dollars annually. Potential longer-term state savings to the extent school districts assume greater responsibility for funding school facilities. 212 213 216 217 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO P*P*SSP% A PROP A1 llV/r n PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY CHARTER ENTITLED "FULL DISCLOSURE IN COUNTY CONTRACTING CHARTER AMENDMENT" Shall the San Diego County Charter be amended to require contractors and their lobbyists to pub- licly disclose gifts and campaign contributions made to members of the Board of Supervisors prior to the Board's approval of service contracts? r%r*SNf* ft INITIATIVE MEASURE: "THE CLEAN CONTRACTING PROP B CHARTER AMENDMENT" Shall "The Clean Contracting1 1 1 W F UCharter Amendment" be adopted? 221 222 223 224 N-08-1 N SD 290-006 N-09-1 N SD 290-007 VOTER INFORMATION PAMPHLET The following pages contain CANDIDATES' STATEMENTS together with the LOCAL BALLOT MEASURES, ANALYSES, ORDINANCES, ARGUMENTS AND REBUTTALS (whichever is applicable to your ballot) A SEPARATE CALIFORNIA STATE PAMPHLET (IN 81/2 X 11 NEWSPRINT) IS PROVIDED BY THE SECRETARY OF STATE AND CONTAINS INFORMATION CONCERNING THE STATE PROPOSITIONS. ARGUMENTS AND REBUTTALS Arguments in support of or in opposition to the proposed measures are the opinions of the authors and have not been checked for accuracy by any official agency. CANDIDATES' STATEMENTS All candidates for nonpartisan offices had the opportunity to submit a statement. The following pages may not contain a statement for every candidate, as some candidates chose not to submit one. The statements are the opinions of the authors and have not been checked for accuracy by any official agency. Candidate statement costs are paid by the candidate or, in some cases, by the jurisdiction. (A complete list of candidates appears on the "SAMPLE" version of the Official Ballot in this pamphlet.) FP-03-8 N SD 290-008 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO Superior Court - Office No. 25 BILL O'CONNELL Age: 59 Attorney/Arbitrator TOP VOTE-GETTER IN PRIMARY. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO SUBSTITUTE FOR LEGAL EXPERIENCE A JUDGE MUST BE KNOWLEDGEABLE AND EXPERIENCED IN BOTH CIVIL AND CRIMINAL LAW. BILL O'CONNELL HAS 23-PLUS YEARS OF EXPERIENCE PRACTICING BOTH CIVIL AND CRIMINAL LAW. Bill has practiced both civil and criminal law since 1977. Bill has heard hundreds of cases as a judge pro tern. Bill has served as an arbitrator for Superior Court, pursuant to the Judicial Arbitration Act, for several years. Bill has taught college courses in civil and criminal law. BILL O'CONNELL HAS THE LEGAL EXPERIENCE NEEDED TO BE A JUDGE. A judge must protect society. Murderers, rapists, drug-dealers, child molesters, and other dangerous felons must be kept off our streets. A judge must have knowledge and experience in civil law. Such a judge can help litigants settle disputes without trial. Settlements save litigants time and stress, and save money for them and taxpayers. A resident since 1962, I am a father and grandfather. I serve on my church's parish council. I believe in law and order, and family values. I want County of San Diego residents to feel, and be, safe in their homes, streets, schools, and communities. CALL ME : (619) 238-1498 www.oconnell4judge.com COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO Superior Court - Office No. 25 CHARLES ERVIN Attorney/Judge Pro Tern FIRM . . . FAIR . . . INDEPENDENT. Charles Ervin has served as Judge Pro Tem presiding over hundreds of cases. His judicial experience is recognized by the endorsement of more than 100 Superior Court Judges, the District Attorney and the Superior Court Clerks Association. Charles Ervin is an attorney experienced in civil and criminal law. He is the chief attorney for the San Diego Sheriff's Department and a former Police Officer. He has more than 20 years experience in the courts. Charles Ervin is endorsed by law enforcement, community leaders, and crime victims including Sheriff Bill Kolender, Father Joe Carroll, Citizens for Law and Order, and Crime Victims United of California. Charles Ervin's reputation for fairness, integrity and independence has earned him a wide spectrum of endorsements such as San Diego City Firefighters . . . Women Prosecutors of California ... La Raza Lawyers Club . . . Earl B. Gilliam Bar Association . . . San Diego Police Officers Association . . . Deputy Sheriffs Association . . . Police Officers Research Association of California representing all San Diego County law enforcement. Charles Ervin has a history of community service including coaching high school and youth sports . . . chairperson of his church finance committee . . . Make-A-Wish Foundation . . . Food Bank Board Member. Charles and his wife Marie have two children. For Judge Vote Charles Ervin. www.ervin4judge.com CS-3000-1 N SD 290-009 PALOMAR COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Member, Governing Board HAROLD E. SCOFIELD Age: 44 Businessman, Husband, Father and Grandfather Why should you vote for me? From November 1990 to November 1998,1 served on the Palomar College Board and have been in business since 1984. I see the need to come back and serve the people of North County. Happily married for over 20 years, father of 3 grown children and grandfather of 2 boys makes me passionately driven to helping our educational system meet all the needs at the community college level for my family and all the families of North County. A high quality of education is of utmost importance to the success of our future. I'm a person of integrity, ethical in conduct, dedicated to doing what is right to make this little corner of our world a better place to learn and live. I pledge to oversee and maintain a healthy administration and education system for the benefit of the people of North County. A successful community college equates to a successful community. My experience as a trustee and a businessman will be of great profit for our community in the operation of Palomar College. A vote for me is a vote for success. Let me serve you again, moving forward into the next century. CITY OF CARLSBAD Member of the City Council RAMON A FINNILA Councilmember, City of Carlsbad As your fulltime councilperson since 1992, I have been instrumental and successful in: Working intensely on our city and county habitat management plan that conserves open space... Securing a management plan for Buena Vista Lagoon .. . Forming a citizen roundtable for Palomar Airport concerns . . . Opening the Dove Library with its cultural plan . . . Planning a new pool and two parks . . . Securing a desalinization pilot program . . . Securing Senior housing on Tyler Street . . . Spearheading the Senior Volunteer Patrol . . . Working with our schools on mutual concerns . . . Lobbying Washington for millions of transportation dollars . . . Helping create the Regional Transportation Plan consistent with air quality standards ... Helping CSUSM with various projects such as funding for Twin Oaks Valley Bridge. There is still much to be done. As chair of SANDAG I am in a unique position to look after Carlsbad's interests. Managing the burdens and benefits of growth is our biggest challenge. My past experience enhances my ability to serve you. My family and I have lived here for over 25 years. Good decision making depends upon studying ordinances, resolutions, and laws. I have done that and will continue to do so in an effort to improve our excellent quality of life. I ask for your vote. PALOMAR COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Member, Governing Board DARRELL L. MC MULLEN Age: 59 Government Finance/Educator I AM UNIQUELY QUALIFIED. At Palomar: Currently Vice-President for Palomar College Foundation . . . have served as chairman/committee member for various Palomar College fund raisers for past 6 years. Education: MBA in Government Management... BS Degree, Business Administration ... currently on Adjunct Faculty, National University. Professional: 25 years in government management . . . currently Finance Director for a water district. . . served as a county Finance Director and finance officer for two cities. Currently serve on Finance and Audit Committee, Joint Powers Insurance Authority (ACWA) in Sacramento. Community: Currently President, Rotary Club of San Marcos ... currently President, Homeowners Association . . . currently on the San Marcos Unified School District, Bond Fiscal Advisory Committee (alternate). Family: Married with 5 children. "The financial support needed for Palomar College from Sacramento has fallen on deaf ears! The need for an experienced financial professional with a proven track record would be a definite asset to the Governing Board. With many years of part-time teaching at a college level, I certainly appreciate the value of quality education." CITY OF CARLSBAD Member of the City Council BILL JUBB Age: 55 Banking This election is about choices and direction. Carlsbad's citizens need and deserve a City Council that responds to the citizen's requests in a timely and direct manner. My commitment is to listen, ask the tough questions and make a fair and impartial decision, which is something presently lacking. The individuals that have gone before the City Counsel have been frustrated by pre made decisions and foregone conclusions. I offer Carlsbad's citizens an opportunity to correct this problem. As a Carlsbad resident for almost 20 years, I am aware of the traffic problems and school conditions. The vast amount of developments presently under way will also have a dramatic influence on Carlsbad. The future requires a strong individual that is capable of making difficult and independent decisions necessary to protect the integrity of Carlsbad. It is my intent to consider the impact of all decisions on local citizens and local businesses. It is now time to consider your choices for the future of Carlsbad and give a clear statement of direction you want the City of Carlsbad to go. I am requesting your vote so that there can be an independent individual on the City Council. Thank you for your time and consideration, Bill Jubb LLB, J.D., Broker, Teacher CS-11PO-1 N SO 290-010 CS-09AO-1 N SD 290-011 CITY OF CARLSBAD Member of the City Council LARRY J. STAPLETON Executive A semi-retired business executive, I have lived in Carlsbad since 1986.1 have seen our city grow from a "Village" to what appears to be an "Anaheim in the making." We are experiencing increased traffic congestion, crowding and all of the undesirable conditions that accompany unbridled growth. Like many of my neighbors, I believe the quality of life in our Village is in serious jeopardy. I do not believe increased tax revenues should overshadow the preservation of what small town characteristics we have remaining. I would like the opportunity to represent those citizens that feel as I do. My experience includes many executive assignments within IBM. Prior to leaving IBM, I accepted a one-year assignment at UCSD as "Executive on Loan." to establish the Minority Engineering Program which assists Hispanic and other minorities and increases the retention rate of these students within the UC System. Today I provide Business and Management Consulting to medium and small businesses as well as financial guidance on an individual basis. Education: Bachelor of Science, Syracuse University . . . MBA, UC Irvine . . . Certificate of Professional Designation in Personal Financial Planning, UCSD. I NEED YOUR VOTES TO PRESERVE WHAT WE TREASURE AS "CARLSBAD VILLAGE." CITY OF CARLSBAD Member of the City Council JOHN (JACK) MOFFAT Age: 57 Petroleum Company Executive and Auxiliary Bishop IF YOU WORK IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, BUT CANT AFFORD TO LIVE HERE WITHOUT PARENTS, A HALF-DOZEN ROOMMATES OR TWO FULL-TIME JOBS; YOU NEED ME ON YOUR CITY COUNCIL. THE STATE MANDATE TO PROVIDE AFFORDABLE HOUSING IS MORE THAN COUNTING "GRANNY FLATS" AND SUBSIDIZED WELFARE HOUSING. IT MEANS BEING ABLE TO AFFORD TO LIVE WHERE YOU WORK, AND NOT MORE CARS ON THE HIGHWAY. IF YOU THINK ANOTHER GOLF COURSE AT THE EXPENSE OF OUR PRECIOUS WETLANDS, OUR SCARCE WATER RESOURCES, AND OUR DIMINISHING WILDLIFE HABITAT IS NEEDED IN SAN DIEGO COUNTY; THEN VOTE ELSEWHERE. SEND A MESSAGE—HABITAT MITIGATION IN A FAROFF COUNTY IS A JOKE. WE WANT OUR OPEN SPACES HERE IN CARLSBAD WHERE WE FOUND THEM. IF YOU THINK RELIGION HAS NO BUSINESS IN POLITICS—THINK AGAIN. CULTURAL STEWARDSHIP IS THE ONE ESSENTIAL ROLE OF ORGANIZED RELIGION. NO ONE LOVES A FANATIC, BUT JUDAEO-CHRISTIAN VALUES AND ETHICS SEPARATE THE MEN FROM THE BARBARIANS. VOTE MOFFAT FOR CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL. RETIRED FEDERAL OFFICER WITH FIFTEEN YEARS ADVANCED EDUCATION INCLUDING THE UNITED STATES NAVAL ACADEMY, VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY, UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO, ST. THOMAS SEMINARY, AND NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY. BACKGROUND IN ENGINEERING, BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION AND ACCOUNTING, PSYCHOLOGY, RELIGION, SOCIOLOGY, AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE. CITY OF CARLSBAD Member of the City Council NORMAN P. "NORM" WEISS Age: 48 Marketing Director I have resided in Carlsbad for 13 years with my wife of 19 years and one son. I have a BS in Business Administration. I am currently Marketing Director for a local company. I am active in Carlsbad youth organized sports having been a coach, umpire, fund raising coordinator and business manager. I believe that Carlsbad is a wonderful place to live but can be better for all residents. While Carlsbad has improved in providing parks and recreational facilities, I believe that because of expanded growth in Carlsbad, we need to be assured that these facilities are more than adequate. The quality of life for all residents will improve if we develop park and recreational facilities that adequately support organized sports and all recreational activities from youth to seniors. I believe in smart development for Carlsbad, not over development. Development decisions should benefit the entire community. Carlsbad has quality commercial and industrial businesses and we should continue to pursue these businesses. While we must pursue commercial businesses, we must also continue efforts to attract technology - based businesses in order to stay on the cutting edge. I would appreciate your vote. CS-09AO-2 N SD 290-012 CITY OF CARLSBAD Member of the City Council MONA KULJURGIS Age: 32 Businessperson New Leadership, New Ideas - Time For a Change Old and new residents value Carlsbad as a unique, wonderful place. This City Council has brought many changes to Carlsbad—some welcome, some not. We now need changes in the City Council in order to address the challenges of the future. Some of the effects of City Council actions: Traffic Patterns That Encourage: Speeding through our neighborhoods . . . Freeway bottlenecks . . . Congested roadways and decreased access to public beaches. Unwise Development Practices That Encourage: Destruction of the natural beauty of Carlsbad . . . Increased pollution . . . Water and resource scarcity . . . School overcrowding . . . Wasteful spending . . . Destruction of neighborhood character and identity. We need a council that has the vision to address the issues that have lasting consequences to our citizens and their quality of life. As your council person, I pledge: To put the interests of Carlsbad residents first... To preserve the character and identity of our existing neighborhoods ... To vote against increased density ... To reduce traffic through our neighborhoods ... To maintain and improve safety and city services ... To promote an accessible and clean ocean . . . Don't Pave Paradise! Save our beautiful city ! Vote for Mona Kuljurgis ! (760) 729 9066 www.savecarlsbad.com CS-09AQ-3 N SD 290-013 CITY OF CARLSBAD Member of the City Council ANN KULCHIN Council Member, City of Carlsbad ANN KULCHIN ... AN EXPERIENCED AND EFFECTIVE COMMUNITY LEADER Vote for ANN KULCHIN. ANN has demonstrated a long term commitment to our community. She's proven her ability to manage tough issues throughout her local government service. ANN'S experience qualifies her to continue in a leadership role. Now more than ever, we need experienced people when important decisions are made that effect all the people in Carlsbad. ANN has that experience. She worked to preserve our quality of life by ... BUILDING AND EXPANDING LIBRARY SERVICES . . . ENFORCING THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN . . . REVITALIZING DOWNTOWN CARLSBAD . . . BEING FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE . . . AND RESTORING OUR BEACHES. ANN'S government involvement demonstrates her leadership ability: Chair, Sandag Shoreline Erosion Committee . . . Past President, San Diego Water Agencies .. . Past President League of California Cities, Past Chair, North County Transit Board. VOTE FOR ANN KULCHIN. She will work hard to do all in her power TO REDUCE TRAFFIC CONGESTION . . . MAINTAIN STRICT GROWTH STANDARDS . . . RESPOND TO YOUR CONCERNS. ANN LISTENS. SHE KNOWS HOW TO GET THINGS DONE. IN RETURN FOR YOUR VOTE, YOU WILL GET ENERGY, EXPERIENCE AND UNSELFISH COMMITMENT. ANN WILL CONTINUE TO MAINTAIN CARLSBAD'S REPUTATION AS THE JEWEL OF NORTH COUNTY. CITY OF CARLSBAD Member of the City Council DOUG "COACH" CHARTIER Sales Consultant Doug "Coach" Chartier . . . A vote lor Change!. . . People's Voice. Constitutional Rights. Save Carlsbad from "Orange-County-ization" now! Uncontrolled growth is rapidly eroding the quality of life in Carlsbad. Rapid growth affects us all. As your City Council member I will fight to control growth and set high standards, assuring infrastructure is there to support it. I will fight to remove the city requirement that all existing dwelling owners must sign and agree to an unconstitutional taking of private property without just compensation. (FIA/NIAs) I will also preserve the things that make Carlsbad special and valuable. Shoreline, beaches and supporting ecosystems . . . Lagoons, estuaries and bird rookeries . . . Box Canyon . . . Hosp Grove, its trails and wildlife corridors. As your City Council Member, I will fight for: Intelligent Growth with newer standards... Reduced Traffic and mandatory Traffic calming . . . Safe Streets which maintain their character. . . Quality Education . . . Individual Rights, especially those impacted by city actions. Resume: Age 59, Married 28 years, 1 son . . . B.S. in Electronics, J.D. (Doctor of Laws) . . . President Carlsbad Soccer Club 1985-86 . . . Member Boy Scouts of America (50 yrs) . . . Viet Nam Era Vet, Nuclear Navy . . . Member Carlsbad Streets & Sidewalks Committee. With my background in Constitutional law, as Council Member I will fight for your rights COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO Proposition A (This proposition will appear on the ballot in the following form.) PROP A PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY CHARTER ENTITLED "FULL DISCLOSURE IN COUNTY CONTRACTING CHARTER AMENDMENT" Shall the San Diego County Charter be amended to require contractors and their lobbyists to pub- licly disclose gifts and campaign contributions made to members of the Board of Supervisors prior to the Board's approval of service contracts? Full text of this proposition follows the arguments/rebuttals. COUNTY COUNSEL IMPARTIAL ANALYSIS This proposition would amend the San Diego County Charter to require certain contractors and their registered lobbyists to (i) publicly disclose gifts made by them to members of the Board of Supervisors (hereinafter referred to as "Supervisors") and their immediate family members, and (ii) publicly disclose all campaign contributions made by them to the Supervisors and their controlled committees. The disclosure requirements in this proposition apply to contractors who are seeking to enter into, amend, or extend a contract with the County to perform services for or on behalf of the County. The disclosure requirements also apply to the registered lobbyists of such contractors. The disclosure must specify gifts and all campaign contributions made by contractors and their lobbyists during the year preceding the date of the disclosure by the contractor or registered lobbyist. The types of gifts required to be disclosed, including minimum amounts of what must be disclosed, are governed by the provisions of State law that are applicable to the reporting of gifts. A contractor's disclosure also must include gifts and campaign contributions from principal owners and principal officers of the contractor. The disclosure must be filed with the County prior to the Board's approval, amendment, or extension of any service contract. The disclosures must be on file with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors and, in addition, available to the public on the County's internet site. This proposition also requires contractors to pay the County's costs of implementing the disclosure requirements imposed on both the contractors and their registered lobbyists. Payment from the contractor would be required at the time of the disclosure. After the Board's decision on a service contract, if it is later discovered that required disclosures are incomplete or inaccurate due to intentional misconduct or gross negligence, the service contract may be voided at the discretion of the Board of Supervisors. The proposition also clarifies that the Board of Supervisors may continue to delegate its authority to approve service contracts to the Purchasing Agent or other County officials in order to continue the County's practice of permitting the Purchasing Agent and other County officials to approve service contracts outside the political arena. Proposition A states that it is in conflict with Proposition B on the November 7, 2000 ballot, and if each proposition is approved by a majority vote of those voting on the proposition, the measure with the highest affirmative vote shall prevail, and the measure with the lowest affirmative vote shall be deemed disapproved. CS-09AO-4 N SD 290-014 PR-3000-1 N SD 290-015 ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF PROPOSITION A Proposition A is sponsored by the San Diego County Taxpayers Association. Proposition A will amend the San Diego County Charter to require a full disclosure of all gifts and campaign contributions to members of the Board of Supervisors prior to the Board's approval of service contracts. A yes vote for Proposition A closes a gift and campaign contribution loophole and adds important new safeguards to the County Charter. Contractors and their lobbyists will be required to report ajl gifts and campaign contributions to County Supervisors. • Proposition A will increase full public disclosure without adding any administrative costs to the taxpayers. Current law only requires elected officials to report the gifts they receive. Individuals who give gifts do not have to publicly disclose their actions. Proposition A closes this loophole by mandating full and accurate reporting by any business that contracts with the County of San Diego. Proposition A forces lobbyists who work for contractors to publicly disclose gifts and contributions to County Supervisors. Additionally, deliberate violations of the law by contractors or their lobbyists can result in voiding of a contract. This safeguard n.eans that there will be full and open disclosure because contractors with San Diego County will not want to risk that penalty. State law only mandates reporting of gifts and campaign contributions by elected officials. Proposition A is a much needed expansion of that law. This charter amendment closes a big loophole by requiring that contractors and their lobbyists disclose any gifts they give. Proposition A is an historic step forward in political reform - and most important, as an amendment to the San Diego County Charter, only the voters can change this law, not the politicians. SCOTT BARNETT Executive Director San Diego County Taxpayers Association CAROLYN CHASE Editor, www.sdearthtimes.com JULIE MEIER WRIGHT President, San Diego Regional Economic Development Corporation APRIL BOLING, C.P.A. Vice President San Diego County Taxpayers Association REBUTTAL TO THE ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF PROPOSITION A Don't be fooled. Proposition A is designed to hide corruption, not to fight it! Read both Proposition A and Proposition B for yourself. Proposition B requires full public disclosure of all meetings, all gifts, all contributions, and all contacts with lobbyists before a contract is voted. Violations are a misdemeanor. Contracts approved in violation of the law are void. Proposition A requires no public disclosure of lobbying activities by special interests - no revelations of their secret meetings and back room deals. Proposition A has no real penalties and allows contracts to be approved without a public vote. Special interests and politicians wrote A to defeat Proposition B and prevent their secret meetings and back room deals from becoming public. Proposition A has a killer clause in its fine print (Section 1008) that nullifies Proposition B even if Proposition B passes. 100,000+ citizens signed petitions to put Proposition B on the ballot. Proposition B puts teeth in the fight against corruption. The so-called "taxpayers association" supporting A and opposing B is really a front group for special interests and lobbyists. Its board includes representatives of SDG&E, developers, banking, and other interests that regularly lobby county politicians. WARNING! Even the language on your printed ballot is deceptive. The County politicians who placed A on the ballot to defeat B actually wrote the ballot language describing both measures. That's why A is more attractively described than B. Tell the lobbyists and politicians this is OUR government - NOT theirs! Vote NO on Proposition A. SHEILA GARRETT Chairwoman, Southern California Association of Code Enforcement Officers DUNCAN MC FETRIDGE President Save our Forest and Ranchlands BILL FARRAR President San Diego Police Officers Association CHARLIE WILLIAMS Director, Region 8A Congress of California Seniors JAMES SHEPHERD President, North County Small Business Association BARRY NEWMAN Deputy Foreman 1999-2000 San Diego County Grand Jury PR-3000-2 N SD 290-016 PR-3000-3 N SD 290-017 ARGUMENT AGAINST PROPOSITION A DON'T BE FOOLED1 Proposition A was written by politicians and special interests to protect themselves - NOT the public. Proposition A has only one purpose: to defeat Proposition B. Proposition A attempts to deceive voters by appearing to fight corruption. Read the fine print. Proposition A does nothing to fight corruption. But, buried in the fine print, is a "killer clause" that will nullify Proposition B if Proposition A passes. Who's behind Proposition A? Proposition A was drafted by the County Board of Supervisors and a so-called "taxpayer" group whose board of directors includes utility, oil company, development, banking, alcohol, hotel and other interests that lobby county government. Proposition A was written because 100,000+ voters signed petitions to force Proposition B onto the ballot. They even named Proposition A in a deceptive way to fool the voters. Why are the special interests so afraid of Proposition B? Proposition B will fight corruption by forcing the full light of public disclosure to shine on the back room deals that benefit special interests at the public's expense. Proposition B requires full disclosure of all special interest lobbying activities and campaign contributions before a contract can be voted on. Proposition A merely repeats the weak, loophole-ridden disclosure rules in existing law. Proposition B makes violation of the law a misdemeanor and voids any votes taken in violation of the law. Proposition A includes no real penalties or enforcement of even its watered down provisions. Proposition A will do NOTHING to fight corruption. Proposition A will let the back room deals, the gifts, and the campaign contributions continue to flow. Read the fine print. It's a fraud. Tell the politicians and special interests that we will not be fooled! Tell them this is OUR government - NOT theirs! Vote NO on Proposition A! CHARLIE WILLIAMS Director, Region 8A California Congress of Seniors DUNCAN MC FETRIDGE President Save our Forest and Ranchland BILL FARRAR President San Diego Police Officers Association HOWARD OWENS Executive Director Consumer Federation of California REBUTTAL TO THE ARGUMENT AGAINST PROPOSITION A These are the simple facts about Proposition A: Proposition A requires full disclosure. Proposition A requires lobbyists to disclose all gifts and contributions made to County Supervisors. Proposition A closes a big loophole in current law: Currently, the County Charter does not require lobbyists to publicly disclose the gifts they give elected officials. Proposition A closes that loophole by requiring public disclosure of gifts and contributions made by county contractors and their lobbyists. Proposition A ensures full disclosure without adding any administrative costs to the taxpayers. Proposition A requires disclosure of all gifts and contributions to members of the Board of Supervisors before the Board may approve any contracts. Most importantly, it maintains needed funds for public safety and other essential services. Proposition A is the only measure to require more disclosure of gifts and contributions WITHOUT increasing costs to the taxpayers. Violations of this law by contractors or their lobbyists can result in contracts being voided. This severe penalty acts as an important deterrent. Proposition A is an amendment to the County Charter, so only the voters can change it, not the politicians and lobbyists. Current law does not require full disclosure on the part of contractors and their lobbyists. Proposition A closes this loophole by establishing a much-needed double reporting. Proposition A is sponsored by the San Diego County Taxpayers Association. Yes on Proposition A. SCOTT BARNETT Executive Director San Diego County Taxpayers Association JULIE MEIER WRIGHT President, San Diego Regional Economic Development Corporation CASEY GWINN San Diego City Attorney CAROLYN CHASE Editor, www.sdearthtimes.com HECTOR MOLINA Vice President San Diego County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce CARL BISHOP US Marine Corps, Retired PR-3000-4 N SD 290-018 PR-3000-5 N SD 290-019 PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY CHARTER RELATING TO A COUNTY MEASURE ENTITLED "FULL DISCLOSURE IN COUNTY CONTRACTING CHARTER AMENDMENT" On motion of Supervisor Slater, seconded by Supervisor Horn, the following resolution is adopted'. IT IS RESOLVED AND ORDERED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Diego pursuant to the provisions of article XI, section 3 of the California Constitution and Articles 2 and 3 (commencing at § 23720) of Chapter 5, Division 1, Title 3 of the Government Code, that the Board of Supervisors proposes that the San Diego County Charter be amended by adding section 1000.1 as hereinafter set forth and that said proposed amendment be submitted to the qualified electors of the County of San Diego for ratification or rejection at a special election to be consolidated with the statewide general election held on November 7, 2000, in the County of San Diego, State of California. IT IS PROPOSED that the San Diego County Charter be amended by adding Section 1000.1 to read as follows: Section 1000.1: Avoidance of conflicts of interests. (a) Intent. State law allows members of the Board of Supervisors to accept gifts and campaign contributions from potential and existing contractors and their officers, owners, and lobbyists. Public disclosure of these gifts and campaign contributions is required, but there is no requirement in State law that disclosure be made immediately prior to the time the Board of Supervisors considers approval, amendment or extension of service contracts. This Charter section is intended to require public disclosure of gifts and campaign contributions to members of the Board of Supervisors by potential and existing contractors and their registered lobbyists prior to Board consideration of the service contracts. If the required disclosure is not complete and accurate, the contract will be voidable. This Charter section is intended to protect against actual and perceived conflicts of interests by requiring timely public disclosure of the gifts and campaign contributions from contractors and their registered lobbyists when service contracts are being considered by the Board. This section is also intended to allow contracting to be conducted outside of the political arena. (b) Disclosure. Any person or entity whose service contract is to be considered by the Board of Supervisors for approval, amendment, or extension, and the registered lobbyists of such person or entity, must make a public disclosure of gifts and campaign contributions made to members of the Board of Supervisors prior to the Board's decision. Hereinafter, reference to "contractor" within this section shall mean any person or entity whose service contract is to be considered for approval, amendment, or extension by the Board of Supervisors, and reference to "registered lobbyist" shall mean any person who is registered as a lobbyist with the County of San Diego. At least four (4) calendar days before the day of the meeting of the Board of Supervisors at which the approval, amendment or extension of the service contract is to be considered by the Board, the contractors and their registered lobbyists shall disclose in writing the following: (1) All gifts that are reportable pursuant to the provisions of the Political Reform Act of 1974, as amended, given by contractors and their registered lobbyists to any member of the Board of Supervisors or to the immediate family of such member during the year preceding the date of the disclosure. (2) All federal, State and local campaign contributions made by the contractors and their registered lobbyists to any member of the Board of Supervisors or his or her controlled committees during the year preceding the date of the disclosure. If there are no gifts or campaign contributions to disclose, that fact shall be disclosed in writing by the contractors or their registered lobbyists within the time limit set forth above. (c) Disclosure Requirement and Definitions. (1) The contractor's disclosure shall include gifts and all campaign contributions from: (i) any natural person or legal entity constituting the contractor, and (ii) any principal owner or principal officer of the contractor. (2) The registered lobbyist's disclosure shall include gifts and all campaign contributions from the registered lobbyist. (3) "Principal owner" of a limited partnership shall include all general partners but not the limited partners. (4) "Principal owner" of a corporation, trust or joint venture shall include all persons and entities who own directly, indirectly or beneficially a ten percent (10%) interest or greater. PR-3000-6 N SO 290-020 (5) "Principal officer" includes any member or a chairperson of a board of directors, president, any vice president, secretary, treasurer, chief financial officer, general manager, trustee and any person performing substantially the same functions associated with the above titles, regardless of their actual titles. (6) "Principal officer" shall also include the person or persons employed by the contractor and in charge of contracting with the County on behalf of the contractor, including, but not limited to, regional managers and regional division heads. (d) Filing and dissemination. The required written disclosure by the contractors and their registered lobbyists shall be filed with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors on a form prescribed by the Clerk and shall be open to inspection by all members of the public. In addition, the Clerk of the Board shall make all disclosures available to the public on the County's internet site after they are filed with the Clerk and prior to the day on which the Board acts on the service contract. The County's cost of implementing the disclosure required by this section in respect to any specific contractor shall be paid by that contractor at the time of the required initial disclosure of the contractor or the contractor's registered lobbyist. (e) Supplemental disclosures. Gifts or campaign contributions from contractors or their registered lobbyists to members of the Board of Supervisors made subsequent to the required written disclosure, but prior to the Board's decision to approve, amend or extend the service contract, and any gift or campaign contribution inadvertently not included in the initial written disclosure, shall be disclosed in writing at the meeting of the Board of Supervisors to consider the contract and announced by the Clerk of the Board prior to the Board's decision to approve, amend, or extend the contract. (f) Exclusion of contracts with governmental entities. This section shall not apply to contracts between the County of San Diego and other governmental entities. (g) Voidability of Contracts. If, subsequent to Board approval, amendment or extension of a sen/ice contract, the disclosure required by this Charter section is found by the Board of Supervisors to be substantially incomplete or inaccurate due to intentional misconduct or gross negligence of the contractor or the contractor's registered lobbyis't, the contract may be voided at the discretion of the Board of Supervisors. All service contracts approved by the Board on or after January 1, 2001, shall include a provision stating that the contract is voidable as provided above. In addition, the contractor shall submit a written certification that the contractor and the contractor's registered lobbyist have complied with the disclosure requirements imposed by this charter section. (h) Delegation. In accordance with applicable law, and the provisions of this Charter, the Board of Supervisors may continue to delegate to the County's Purchasing Agent or to other appropriate County officers the authority to approve service contracts in order to permit the Purchasing Agent and other appropriate County officers to continue to approve service contracts outside the political arena. (i) No additional disclosure. This Charter section sets forth the complete disclosure requirements to be applied specifically to the County's contracting process. No additional disclosure in the specific context of the County's contracting process shall be required, except as may be required by State legislation or a Charter amendment which is adopted subsequent to the effective date of this section. (j) Construction. This section shall be interpreted and construed in accordance with the provisions and definitions contained in the California Political Reform Act of 1974, as amended, and the regulations of the Fair Political Practices Commission adopted pursuant thereto. IT IS FURTHER PROPOSED that the San Diego County Charter be amended by adding Section 1008 to read as follows: Section 1008: Operative Date and Operative Effect: The amendment to the San Diego County Charter, which includes the addition of Section 1000.1, shall become operative on January 1,2001 if approved by the voters on November 7,2000. Further, this amendment to the San Diego County Charter, which adds Section 1000.1 to the Charter, is in conflict with another measure on the November 7, 2000 ballot entitled "The Clean Contracting Charter Amendment," which proposes to add Sections 502 through 502.6, inclusive, to the San Diego County Charter. Based upon the conflict between these two measures, if each measure is approved by a majority vote of those voting on each measure, then the measure with the highest affirmative vote shall prevail, and the measure with the lowest affirmative vote shall be deemed disapproved and shall have no force or effect. PR-3000-7 N SD 290-021 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO Proposition B (This proposition will appear on the ballot in the following form.) nn/Nn n INITIATIVE MEASURE: "THE CLEAN CONTRACTING HnUH LJ CHARTER AMENDMENT" Shall "The Clean Contracting I IIWI « Charter Amendment" be adopted? Full text of this proposition follows the arguments/rebuttals. COUNTY COUNSEL IMPARTIAL ANALYSIS This is an initiative measure that would amend the County Charter by providing that no member of the Board of Supervisors shall make, participate in making, or attempt to influence a County decision to approve, amend, or extend certain service contracts (defined in the measure), unless the Supervisor has publicly disclosed the following: • campaign contributions, gifts, payments, or other consideration (hereinafter collectively referred to as "contribution" or "contributions") received from a party to the contract or the party's agents, and • lobbying activity undertaken or paid by a party or the party's agents in the development, negotiations or making of the contract. While it is clear that Supervisors must disclose contributions they received, there is no language in the proposition that specifies: (i) a minimum contribution, or (ii) how far back in time contributions must have been received, for the contributions to be disclosed. It appears the measure requires disclosure of all contributions received, regardless of how small an amount or how long ago they were received. This will make compliance with the disclosure requirements difficult, if not impossible, because of the lack of available records of certain past contributions that were not reportable at that time. Proposed section 502.5 (b) and (c) also appears to require disclosure of gifts and payments received by the spouse and dependent children of a Supervisor. However, this is inconsistent with section 502, which requires disclosure of gifts and payments received only by Supervisors. Disclosures are required if the contributions were received from, or solicited on behalf of a Supervisor by, a party to the contract or the party's agents. It will be difficult, if not impossible, for Supervisors to know whether contributions they received were: (i) solicited on their behalf by a party to a contract since such solicited contributions would be from someone other than the party to the contract, (ii) from agents to the contracting party since there is no available method of identifying of all the party's agents, and (iii) from representatives of a "business entity" since there is no requirement that these persons register or identify themselves. Proposed section 502.2 requires that the disclosures shall be included as an agenda item of, and be publicly announced during, a regular Board meeting that immediately precedes the meeting at which the Board makes contract decisions. The disclosure also must be posted on the County's internet site within 24 hours of being made public. Proposed section 502.3 requires the County to recover the costs to implement this measure by imposing a fee on bidders for service contracts. Proposed section 502.4 provides that any violation of the disclosure requirements shall: be a misdemeanor, void the Board's vote on the contract, void the contract approved by the Board, and permit taxpayers to commence a lawsuit to challenge the validity of a contract. In summary, there will be difficulties with the implementation and enforcement of this initiative because the drafters did not consider numerous issues with the practical application of such a Charter provision. ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF PROPOSITION B Are you tired of secret, back-room deals between special interests and politicians that cost taxpayers millions of dollars? Proposition B will shine the light of full public disclosure on influence peddling by special interests: all the secret meetings, campaign contributions, and gifts will be out in the open for the public to see. Read it for yourself. Proposition B was placed on the ballot by petitions signed by 100,000+ voters to put an end to back room deals by requiring full public disclosure of contributions, gifts, and lobbying activities before county politicians vote on contracts for services. To stop Proposition B, the politicians and special interests created a "phony" alternative Proposition A. Read them both. Proposition A attempts to deceive voters by appearing to fight corruption. But, Proposition A does nothing to fight corruption. Instead, buried in the fine print, is a "killer clause" that will nullify Proposition B even if it is passed by the voters!. Proposition B: the measure the politicians and special interests fear most. Proposition B requires full public disclosure of contributions, gifts and lobbying activities before a vote is taken on any contract for county services. Proposition B applies equally to any business, union or individual attempting to. influence the contracting process. • Proposition B includes penalties for violators by making violations of the law a misdemeanor and voiding any contracts passed in violation of the law. • Proposition B says contracts for services must be approved by a vote of the Board of Supervisors. • Proposition B requires that its provisions be implemented at no cost to taxpayers. Read both measures for yourself. Proposition A is a fraudl Proposition B is our chance to take back our government. Send a message to the special interests and politicians. YES on Proposition B! STANLEYIMBER Co-Chair Common Cause of San Diego BILL FARRAR President San Diego Police Officers Association CHARLIE WILLIAMS Director, Region 8A California Congress of Seniors DUNCAN MC FETRIDGE President Save our Forest and Ranchland HOWARD OWENS Executive Director Consumer Federation of California PR-3000-8 N SD 290-022 PR-3000-9 N SD 290-023 REBUTTAL TO THE ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF PROPOSITION B The facts are clear: Proposition B is too expensive. The San Diego County Taxpayers Association opposes Proposition B because it could cost taxpayers millions of dollars, reducing funds available for essential public services such as police and fire protection! What's more, Proposition B could increase the size of government and force the County to hire thousands of bureaucrats. • The County Counsel states that nearly 1000 contract decisions now reviewed by professional staff must be approved by the politicians if Proposition B passes. This paperwork nightmare would create jammed public meeting agendas, thousands of hours in backlogs and delays in many essential County services. • Proposition B does nothing to require lobbyists to report their gifts and contributions to county officials. • The County's competitive bidding efforts save the taxpayers over $40 million annually. Proposition B could reverse these savings. • The real motive of the public employees union pushing Proposition B is to halt the efficient delivery of public services by private and non-profit firms, requiring the hiring of thousands of more expensive union employees. While neutral on the measure, the San Diego County League of Women Voters expressed concern on Proposition B since "...delivery of vital services might be unnecessarily delayed." VOTE NO ON PROPOSITION B - IT'S TOO EXPENSIVE! APRIL BOLING, CPA Vice President San Diego County Taxpayers Association HECTOR MOLINA Vice President San Diego County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce GARY STEPHANY President Healthcare Association of San Diego CAROLYN CHASE Editor, sdearthtimes.com ARGUMENT AGAINST PROPOSITION B The San Diego County Taxpayers Association opposes Proposition B because it will increase the size of county government and waste millions of taxpayers dollars. • Proposition B could cost taxpayers millions of dollars, resulting in less funding for services such as police and fire protection, after-school programs and senior nutrition services. • Proposition B could result in the hiring of thousands of County bureaucrats. • The County Counsel's independent analysis states that Proposition B will bring the politicians into almost 1000 contract decisions that are currently reviewed by professional staff, creating a backlog and delays in services. • It goes too far - Proposition B requires the cancellation of successful contracts if even insignificant gifts are mistakenly not reported. Taxpayers would be liable for millions of dollars in legal judgments. • Proposition B is poorly written and has a huge loophole - it does nothing to require lobbyists to report gifts and campaign contributions. Proposition B will clog public meeting agendas with hundreds of minor contracts each month, creating a backlog in essential county services. The County's competitive bidding efforts have resulted in cutting over 1000 unnecessary positions and saved the taxpayers over $40 million per year. These savings could all be reversed! Prop B could kill the contracting-out of all services currently performed by private and non-profit service providers. VOTE NO ON PROPOSITION B — IT'S TOO EXPENSIVE! SCOTT BARNETT Executive Director, San Diego County Taxpayers Association CAROLYN CHASE Editor, www.sdearthtimes.com BARRY NEWMAN Deputy Foreman 1999-2000 San Diego County Grand Jury APRIL BOLING, C.P.A. Vice President San Diego County Taxpayers Association BARRY NEWMAN Deputy Foreman 1999-2000 San Diego County Grand Jury PR-3000-10 N SD 290-024 PR-3000-11 N SD 290-025 REBUTTAL TO THE ARGUMENT AGAINST PROPOSITION B Every time voters try to clean up our government, special interests and politicians try to scare us into voting for them and against ourselves. The best answer to the opponents' scare tactics is to READ PROPOSITION B FOR YOURSELF. Will, B "cost taxpayers millions"? No. B (Section 502.3) says there will be NO COST TO TAXPAYERS. • Will B cause "hiring of thousands of County bureaucrats"? To do what? To handle the disclosure reports of five County Supervisors detailing lobbying activities, campaign contributions and gifts of businesses and unions supporting or opposing County contracts? • Will B force County politicians to vote on "almost 1000 contract decisions"? YES. We have a full-time Board of Supervisors. We elect them to vote publicly and be accountable for how they spend our tax dollars. B MEANS NO MORE BACK ROOM DEALS. • Does B "go too far"? Obviously the opponents think so. Why? Because B makes violations a misdemeanor and requires contracts approved in violation of the law to be voided. Compare B to Proposition A (Section g) which allows contracts to be voided "at the discretion of the Board of Supervisors." • Does B have a "huge loophole" that fails to require disclosure of gifts and campaign contributions? Of course not. B REQUIRES DISCLOSURE OF GIFTS, CONTRIBUTIONS AND LOBBYING ACTIVITIES (Sections 502; 502.1). Proposition B is our chance to take back our government. Tell the lobbyists and politicians we won't be manipulated by their scare tactics. Vote Yes on Proposition B! DEREK EVANS President Burlingame Neighborhood Association CHARLIE WILLIAMS Director, Region 8A Congress of California Seniors STANLEY IMBER Co-Chair Common Cause of San Diego County BILL FARRAR President San Diego Police Officers Association JAMES SHEPHERD President, North County Small Business Association THE CLEAN CONTRACTING CHARTER AMENDMENT The people of the County of San Diego hereby ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Statement of Intent The voters of the County of San Diego find that: (a) The Clean Contracting Charter Amendment will serve as a deterrent to any company or individual seeking to unfairly influence the awarding of County contracts worth hundreds of millions of dollars. (b) The Clean Contracting Charter Amendment protects against corruption by requiring members of the Board of Supervisors to publicly disclose any campaign contribution, gift, payment, or other consideration received by themselves or their family members from any party to a contract which turns delivery of a public service over to a private business. (c) The Clean Contracting Charter Amendment further protects against corruption by requiring members of the Board to disclose any lobbying activities by the special interests seeking these contracts and who are attempting to influence the decision of the Board of Supervisors. (d) The Clean Contracting Charter Amendment assures full public scrutiny by requiring that the disclosure be made in public well before the Board of Supervisors takes any action on a contract turning public services over to private interests. (e) San Diego County's Board of Supervisors is considering plans that involve turning hundreds of millions of dollars in public services over to private corporations. (f) Whenever that much money is at stake, it is important to protect taxpayers against even the appearance of political corruption in the decisions made by elected officials. (g) The implementation of the Clean Contracting Charter Amendment should be implemented by the County at no cost to the taxpayers. Any costs resulting from this amendment should be borne by the businesses seeking these contracts with the County. SECTION 2. Amendment of Charter The following is added to Article V of the Charter for the County of San Diego: Section 502. Disclosure of Campaign Contributions and Gifts No member of the Board of Supervisors shall make, participate in making or in any way attempt to influence a County decision to approve, amend or extend any contract subject to this Article unless the member has publicly disclosed any campaign contribution, gift, payment or other consideration the member has received from any business entity, labor union or individual that is a party or the agent of any party to the contract. Section 502.1. Disclosure of Lobbying Activities Prior to rendering any decision in a proceeding involving a contract subject to this Article, the members of the Board of Supervisors shall publicly disclose any lobbying activity undertaken or paid for by any business entity, labor union or individual which is a party or the agent of a party in the development, negotiations or making of the contract. Section 502.2. Disclosure Requirements The public disclosure required by Sections 502 and 502.1 shall include, but not be limited to, the following actions: (a) The Board of Supervisors shall make the disclosure available to the public at the regularly scheduled meeting of the Board that immediately precedes the meeting at which the Board will make any decisions concerning a contract subject to this Article. The disclosures shall appear as an item on the agenda of the meeting and the Clerk of the Board shall read the required disclosure into the public record at the appointed time during the meeting. (b) The disclosure shall appear in the official minutes of any meeting at which the required disclosure is made public. (c) The disclosure also shall be attached to and circulated with the agenda for the meeting at which the Board will vote on a contract subject to this Article. (d) Any changes in the information disclosed in compliance with this Article that occur before any decision is made by the Board of Supervisors concerning the contract shall be reported to the Clerk of the Board, and the Clerk shall read such changes in to the record of the Board meeting immediately prior to such decision. PR-3000-12 N SD 290-026 PR-3000-13 N SD 290-027 (e) The disclosures required by this Article shall be posted on any web page or other similar Internet site maintained by the County within 24 hours of being made public and shall be clearly accessible from the home page of the site. Section 502.3. No Cost to Taxpayers The amendments to the Charter of the County of San Diego shall be implemented without direct costs to the taxpayers of the County. Any cost to the County resulting from the Charter amendments set forth in this Article shall be recovered by the imposition of a fee on bidders for contracts for county services to which the disclosure provisions of Section 502 and 502.1 would apply. Such fees shall be calculated in an amount not to exceed the amount necessary to reimburse the County for such costs and shall be expended only for such purposes. Section 502.4. Violations (a) Any violation of the provisions set forth in Section 2 is a misdemeanor. (b) A vote cast in violation of sections 502, 502.1 or 502.2 of this charter shall be void and shall not be counted by the clerk. (c) Any contract approved by a vote that included the vote of a member of the Board of Supervisors who has violated these provisions is void. (d) No provision of this charter shall be construed to prevent a taxpayer from commencing an action to determine the validity of any contract entered into by the County which is alleged to be in violation of the provisions of section 502 through 502.2. Section 502.5. Definitions For purposes of this Article, the following definitions shall apply: (a) "Contribution" means any contribution as defined by Government Code section 82015 and 2 U.S.C. section 431 (8) received by any member of the Board of Supervisors either as a candidate for local, state or federal office or as a member of the Board. "Contribution" includes any contribution solicited on behalf of a member of the Board by any business entity, labor union or individual who is a party or the agent of a party to a contract subject to this Article. (b) "Gift" means any gift as defined by Government Code section 82028. "Gift" includes any gift solicited on behalf of a member of the Board by any business entity, labor union or individual who is a party, or the agent of a party, to a contract subject to this Article. "Gift" includes a gift to the spouse or dependent children of a member of the Board of Supervisors. (c) "Payment" means any payment as defined in Government Code section 82044. "Payment" includes any payment solicited on behalf of a member of the Board by any business entity, labor union or individual who is a party, or the agent of a party, to a contract subject to this Article. "Payment" includes a payment to the spouse or dependent children of a member of the Board of Supervisors. (d) "Other consideration" means anything of electoral value, including, but not limited to: any participation on a campaign committee or finance committee that supports a candidate for, or member of, the Board of Supervisors; any offer of any future campaign contribution, payment, gift or employment; or any election endorsement of a candidate for, or member of, the Board of Supervisors. (e) "Lobbying activity" means activity intended to influence the decisions of the Board concerning a contract, including, but not limited to, promoting, supporting, influencing, modifying, opposing or delaying by any means, including, but not limited to, the provision or use of information, statistics, studies or analyses. (f) "Business entity" means any business entity as defined by Government Code section 82005. In the case of a corporation, these provisions apply to the corporation, its officers, employees or other individuals acting as agents of the corporation, and major shareholders. A major shareholder is any shareholder owning 10% or more of the stock of the corporation. "Corporation" includes any consortium or other combination of corporations with other corporations, partnerships or individuals. In the case of a partnership, these provisions apply to the partnership, its partners, officers, employees or other individuals acting as agents of the partnership. In the case of a limited liability company, these provisions apply to the limited liability company, its members, officers, employees or other individuals acting as agents of the limited liability company. (g) "Labor union" means a labor organization. PR-3000-14 N SD 290-028 (h) "Individual" means any individual acting on behalf of themselves or as agents for others. (i) "Agent" means any business entity, labor union or individual which represents a business entity, labor union or individual who is a party in a contract subject to this Article, including but not limited to any lobbyist, attorney, public relations firm or media personnel employed or contracted with to influence any decision made by the Board of Supervisors concerning a contract. (i) "Solicited" means asked, requested or suggested, whether orally or in writing, (j) "Candidate" means a candidate for local, state or federal office. (k) "Party" means any business entity, labor union or individual who seeks to enter into a contract with the County, including any business entity, labor union or individual who is involved in the negotiation, development or making of a contract. (I) "Contract" means any contract for services, including any modification or extension of an existing contract, when the services are of the type performed by employees of the County, the services have been performed by employees of the County, or the services are performed by employees of the County as of the operative date of sections 502-502.3. (m) "Disclosure" as required by this Amendment includes but is not limited to the date, place, cost and name of parties engaged in lobbying activities and the date, amount or value, and name of parties making contributions, gifts, payments or giving other considerations subject to this Amendment. Section 502.6. Approval Notwithstanding any other provision of this Charter any contract subject to this Article cannot be entered into without a vote of the Board of Supervisors. Section 1008 is added to Article X to provide as follows: SECTION 3. Operative Date These amendments to the Charter of the County of San Diego shall be effective the first day of the month following the month of adoption by the voters. SECTION 4. Amendment of County Code, Administrative Code, and Regulatory Ordinances of the County of San Diego The Board of Supervisors is directed to adopt amendments to the County Code, Administrative Code and regulatory ordinances of the County of San Diego as may be necessary to conform existing provisions to the amendments to the Charter for the County of San Diego set forth in Section 2. SECTION 5. Severability If any provision of this Charter amendment, or the application of any such provision to any person or circumstances, shall be held invalid, the remainder of this Charter amendment to the extent it can be given effect, or the application of such provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is held invalid, shall not be affected thereby, and to this end the provisions of this Charter amendment are severable. SECTION 6. Amendment This Charter shall be amended only by the voters of San Diego County. PR-3000-15 N SD 290-029 WOULD YOU LIKE TO WORK AT THE POLLS? or VOLUNTEER YOUR HOME OR BUSINESS AS A POLLING PLACE? If you are interested in providing valuable service to your community call us at (858) 565-5800. You can also complete the application below and send it to: Registrar of Voters Precincts and Polls Section 5201 Ruffin Rd., Suite I San Diego, CA 92123 Poll Workers receive the following fees per election for their services: Inspectors $100, Assistant Inspectors $80, Clerks $60. Call our office for details about these positions. POLL WORKER AND/OR POLLING PLACE APPLICATION Name Address City ZIP Telephone Number Home: Work: I would like to volunteer my home, business or other facility as a Polling place Yes Q No I would like to work at the Polls on election day Yes Q No I want to work in my own precinct only Yes Q No I would be willing to travel to another precinct Yes Q No I have transportation Yes G No If you speak and understand a language other than English, please indicate: Poll workers must be able to read and write English ubio*A heartfelt thanks from the Registrar of Voters to Rubio's for honoring Poll Workers throughout San Diego County. "The County of San Diego Department of Animal Control cares about you and your pets." Low-cost Spay/Neuter Program You can have your animal spayed or neutered for a reduced fee by a licensed veterinarian participating in our program. Call (619) 236-4250 or (760) 438-2312 for more information. "One Stop" Dog Licensing All dogs over the age of four months are required to be licensed and vaccinated against rabies. Dog owners may obtain a County of San Diego License and low-cost rabies vaccination at more than 100 participating veterinary hospitals. For more information, call the Licensing Division at (619) 236-4646. For recorded information about special dog licensing events, call (619) 236-1188. Adoptions You are invited to visit one of our three shelters to select a pet from the wide variety of animals available for adoption. Call our Adoption Counselor at (619) 595-4532, or visit us on the internet where you can see pictures of adoptable pets from all of our shelters at www.sddac.com. North County Shelters - (760) 438-2312/746-7307 Central and South County Shelters - (619) 236-4250 Or Visit our web site at www.sddac.com This page would have been blank due to printing layouts. The Registrar of Voters has used this space to provide additional information. FP-05-4 N SD 290-030 FP-35-2 N SD 290-031 PERMANENT MAIL BALLOT QUALIFICATIONS Pursuant to California Elections Code 3201, if you. . . - Have lost one or more limbs or the use of one or more limbs, or - Have lost both hands or the use of both hands, or - Are unable to move about without the aid of an assistant device, or - Are suffering from lung disease, blindness, or cardiovascular disease, or - Have a significant limitation in the use of the lower extremities, or - Suffer from a diagnosed disease or disorder which substantially impairs or interferes with your mobility. . . Or you are. . . - The spouse, a blood relative or a family member related by marriage to the voter described above who resides with the voter and is the primary caregiver. . . you are eligible for permanent mail ballot status. You will automatically be mailed an official ballot for each election in which you are entitled to vote, unless you fail to return your voted ballot for a statewide primary or general election. In that case, your name will be deleted as a "Permanent Mail Ballot Voter". If you re-register, you must re-apply for permanent mail ballot status. If you qualify under the provisions listed above for permanent mail ballot status, please contact the Registrar of Voters for an application. REGISTRAR OF VOTERS P.O. BOX 85520, SAN DIEGO, CA 92186-5520 (858) 565-5800 ASSISTANCE FOR VOTERS WITH DISABILITIES - The Registrar of Voters Office has a TDD (Telecommunications Device for the Deaf). For assistance, call (858) 694-3441. - Cassette recordings of candidate statements and propositions are available by contacting any branch library. - The County of San Diego does not discriminate on the basis of disability. If you are a voter who is disabled and feel you have been denied participation in the electoral process, contact the Registrar of Voters Office at (858) 565-5800 immediately. - A voter unable to mark a ballot may receive the assistance of not more than two persons selected by the voter. - If there is no accessibility to the polling place, voters with physical disabilities may request a regular ballot from a precinct board member and vote it at a location as near as possible outside the polls, which is accessible to the physically disabled. It is the goal of the Registrar of Voters Office that all polling locations be accessible to voters who are disabled and elderly. ACCESS? I YES OR NO Refer to this symbol on the back cover of this pamphlet. If your polling place is not accessible, please call the Registrar of Voters at (858) 565-5800 for alternative voting methods. We will continue our search for an accessible polling facility for future elections. FP-04-2 N SD 290-032 Ir O HI Oh- LLI§ = O DC <DC CO OUJDC CO LL O OO o CMmin CO XOffl •q CL oCMin CO CMCD < O do UJ Q CO COCOLU DC QO DC DC