HomeMy WebLinkAbout3190; Rancho Santa Fe Road La Costa Meadows; Rancho Santa Fe Road La Costa Meadows; 2002-09-01- APPRAISAL REVIEW -
Carrie Loya-Smalley
Senior Civil Engineer
1635 Faraday Avenue
Carlsbad, CA 92008
September 1,2002
January 31, 2003
^ Anderson & Brabant, Inc.
353 West Ninth Avenue
Escondido, Califomia 92025
File No. 2003-016
TELEPHONE {760) 741-4146
FAX (760) lA I -I 049
January 31, 2003
Carrie Loya-Smalley
Senior Civil Engineer
1635 Faraday Avenue
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Re: Appraisal Review: Four Parcels
Rancho Santa Fe Rd & La Costa Meadows Dr
Carlsbad CA
Dear Ms. Loya-Smalley:
As requested, I have compieted a review of an appraisal report prepared for the City of
Carlsbad relating to the above-referenced properties located in Carlsbad, Califomia. This review
is intended to comply with the requirements of Standard 3 of the Uniform Standards of
Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP). In addition, this review will address compliance with
Califomia Department of Transportation (Caltrans) appraisal guideiines and requirements.
Within that framework, the following is a summary of pertinent comments, opinions and
conclusions resulting from this review.
Identification of the Client
The client is the City ofCarlsbad.
Intended Use and Users of the Review Report
The intended use of this appraisal review is to assist in the determination that the
appraisal conclusions are appropriate and that the appraisal conforms to USPAP and Caltrans
appraisal guidelines. The intended users of this review are the City of Carlsbad and Hendrickson
Appraisal Company, Incorporated.
Purpose of the Review Assignment
The purpose ofthis review is only to develop an opinion as to the quality ofthe appraisal
report and to determine compliance with USPAP and Caltrans appraisal guidelines. The purpose
ofthe review does not include forming independent opinions of value for the parcels appraised.
Ms. Carrie Loya-Smalley
January 31, 2003
Page 2
Identification ofthe Report
The appraisal report reviewed was prepared by Hendrickson Appraisal Company,
Incorporated (Ted Hendrickson, MAI and Edward Beaver) and is dated September 15, 2002. The
report is identified as a Summary Report and the appraisal process is identified as "fiilly
complete". The effective date of value is September 1, 2002.
Identification of the Appraised Propertv
The appraised properties include four identified larger parcels as Usted below.
1) Smith Parcel: An approximate 1.52-acre parcel of land improved with an
industrial buiiding on the east side of Rancho Santa Fe Road, south of La Costa
Meadows Dr. and owned by Robert L. Smith, et al. The site is identified as Ix)t 1
of Rancho Santa Fe hidustrial Park. APN 223-030-46.
2) La Costa Meadows Parcel: An approximate 10.43-acre parcel of land improved
with multiple buildings on the east side of Rancho Santa Fe Road, between
Mefrose Dr. and La Costa Meadows Dr. and owned by La Costa Meadows
Industrial Center, Ltd. The site is identified as Parcels A & B of Parcel Map
12104 in the City of San Marcos. APN 223-030-62 & 63.
3) Brookfield Parcel: An approximate 70.86-acre parcel of iand unproved as a
park/open space on the east side of Rancho Santa Fe Road and owned by
Brookfield University Commons, Inc. The site is identified as Portions of Lot 6-1
ofTract 371, City ofSan Marcos per Map No. 13156. APN 223-031-31.
4) Oliver Parcel: An approximate 0.855-acre parcel of vacant iand on the west side
of Rancho Santa Fe Rd., at La Costa Meadows Dr. and owned by Pasquaie Oliver,
et al. The site is identified as Parcel 4 of Parcel Map 10179 in the City of
Carlsbad. APN 223-030-56.
Interest Appraised
The appraisal purports to address the value of the fee sunple interest of the land
component only in the appraised properties. In addition permanent and temporary easement
interests are appraised for certain parcels.
^ Effective Date of Value and Report
n The valuation date is September 1, 2002, and tiie date of tiie report is September 15,
Effective Date of Review
This review report is set forth as of January 31, 2003.
Anderson & Brabant, Inc.
Ms. Cairie Loya-Smalley
January 31, 2003
Page 3
Scope of the Review Process
In developing this review, we have undertaken the foiiowing tasks:
1. Read the appraisal report
2. Conducted an onsite inspection of the appraised properties.
3. Inspected all comparable data. It is noted that I have previously inspected certain
data and those properties were not reinspected for this assignment.
4. Verified the accuracy of certain factual data contained in the report.
5. Checked all calculations contained in the report.
Completeness of the Report
As stated in the appraisal, it was the intent of the appraisers to prepare a complete
appraisal in a summary report format under Standards Rule 2-2(b) of USPAP. The report
generally conforms to the appropriate standards and guidelines. The report includes one section
tiiat contains general information pertinent to all parcels addressed in the appraisal and foiir
separate sections in which the description and analysis of the individual parcels are addressed.
The report addresses tiie land component only of tiie appraised properties.
The following information was not included in the appraisal.
1) Project description: This would include a general description of all construction
associated with the proposed project and specific constmction detaiis impacting the
appraised properties. Information specific to the appraised properties should include
a description of the appraised property conditions afl;er completion of constmction.
In addition, the report makes reference to the City of San Marcos Melrose Drive
project and its possible mitigating affects. The report should also mclude a
description ofthe Mefrose Drive project, mclusive ofproject timing and status.
2) The individual parcel appraisals included information on current zoning but did not
mclude General Plan classifications for tiie parcels appraised.
Appropriateness of Appraisal Methods and Techniques
The appraisal methodologies and techniques, as utilized m this appraisal are generally
appropriate and properly developed and apphed, except as noted.
1) Caltrans guidelines for rounding states tiiat value conclusions between $1,000 and
$100,000 are to be rounded to the nearest $100. Improper rounding was applied to
Smitii (pages 24 & 25), La Costa Meadows (pages 21 & 22), Brookfield (j)age 24)
and' Oliver (page 17).
2) On page 9 of tiie infroduction section, the Present Value Factor is discussed. The
calculated factor is based on payment for 19 periods (months), deferred 9 periods and
assumes beguining tiie TCE on June 1, 2003. That calculation would only be
appropriate if payment were made as ofthe date of value. If payment is made after
Anderson & Brabant, Inc.
Ms. Carrie Loya-SmaUey
January 31,2003
Page 4
tiiat date, tiie applied discount factor of 17.38 will result in an underpayment of
compensation for the Temporary Constmction Easements for the Oliver, La Costa
Meadows and Brookfield parcels.
Adequacy and Relevance of Data and Adjustment Process
The market data presented m tiie appraisal include tiiirteen sales, eight of which (Land
Sale Nos. 1-8) are zoned for mdustrial use and were tiie bases for analyzing two of tiie parcels.
Four of tiie data (Land Sale Nos. 9-13) have residential or open space classifications. The data
were considered to be relevant and adequate.
For each of the appraised properties, the appraisers have analyzed the market data ui
relation to tiie subject by using a qualitative adjusfrnent process as typified by tiie grid on page 17
of tiie Smith parcel appraisal. It is Caltrans policy to use a quantitative adjustment process
utihzing eitiier percentage or dollar adjustments. An exception to tiiis is allowed m some cases;
however, the appraiser must explam and fiilly justify why a qualitative adjustment process is
appropriate. In this appraisal, a quantitative adjustment process should have been utilized.
Appropriateness & Reasonableness of Analysis, Opinions & Conclnsions
The appraisers employed valuation techniques tiiat are commonly used by tiie fridustry in
analyzmg the specific property types. The opinions and conclusions are reasonable and
appropriate for tiie parcels and mterests appraised, with tiie exceptions as noted in tiie preceding
sections and with the followfrig exceptions.
Smith Parcel:
1) The permanent Vallecitos Water District (VWD) easement was valued at 50% of tiie
value of the underiying fee interest. An area of tiie TCE falls witiifri tiie area of tiie
VWD easement near the north and west property lines. The value of the TCE is
based on 100% of tiie fee interest; however, tiie portion of tiie TCE that lies within
tiie permanent VWD easement area should be valued based on tiie remaining 50%
interest of tiie underlying fee to reflect tiie dfrninished value of tiiat area as
2) Severance Damages due to TCE: On page 24 in tiie last paragraph tiie issue of
potential damages due to tiie TCE is addressed. However, witiiout a complete
description ofthe project, it is unclear how access will be mafritained to tiie front
parking lot during the period of the TCE. There is a reference to tiie City of San
Marcos Mefrose Drive project tiiat does not appear to be pertinent to this parcel, hi
addition, there was a reference to an interior driveway "which provides access to tiie
parkfrig lot in front"; however, it appears tiiat tiie curb cuts from the rear and front
parking lots to Rancho Santa Fe Road couid be obstmcted by the TCE. The onsite
inspection of tiie property indicated tiiat tiiere is some customer/client use of tiie
Anderson & Brabant, Inc.
Ms. Cairie Loya-Smalley
January 31,2003
Page 5
front parking area and the loss of or restricted use of this area may impact the
tenants' use of the property.
La Costa Meadows Parcel:
1) Severance Damages due to TCE: On page 22 in the last paragraph tiie issue of
potential damages due to the TCE is addressed. However, witiiout a complete
description of the project, it is unclear how access will be maintained to property
during the period of the TCE. There is a reference to the City of San Marcos
Mefrose Drive project and a description ofthat project, along with project status and
timing, should be included.
Brookfield Parcel:
1) Easements/Encumbrances: As described on page 5 ofthe parcel appraisal, the subject
-is encumbered with a number of easements. One easement is for county highway
purposes and it encumbers the westerly 30 feet ofthe subject. On page 21, tiiat area
(stated to be 0.31 acres) is excluded from tiie area ofthe subject to which value is
assigned. An explanation of tiie basis of tiie calculation for that area is required as
the area appears to actually be in excess of 0.4 acres based on tiie plat provided.
Furthermore, based on the exhibit on page 11, additional area is encumbered by an
easement for County highway purposes per deed recorded April 7, 1966 as file No.
58549 and per Map 13156. These areas should also be excluded from tiie area to
which value is assigned. This is significant because tiie areas fall within the area of
2) The permanent Vallecitos Water District (VWD) easement was valued at 50% ofthe
value ofthe underlying fee friterest. The VWD easement falls witiiin a portion of tiie
area of the TCE. The value of tiie TCE is based on 100% of tiie fee interest;
however, the portion ofthe TCE tiiat hes within tiie permanent VWD easement area
should be valued based on the remainmg 50% mterest of tiie underlying fee to reflect
the diminished value of that area as encimibered.
Oliver Parcel:
1) Sfreet Improvements: The subject fronts on Rancho Santa Fe Road as stated in the
appraisal. The appraisal makes no mention of frontage on Questhaven Road that
abuts the property to the west. To satisfy tiie reader, tiie status of Questhaven and tiie
potential for sfreet vacation should be addressed.
2) The selected comparable data have potential for mitigation use (Sale Nos. 9, 10, 12
& 13) or high quality open space and mitigation use (Sale No. 11). The concluded
Highest and Best Use of the subject is open space. The mitigation potential of tiie
subject property, if any, was not discussed in tiie appraisal. The subject appears to be
m a remnant remainder parcel from prior right of way acquisitions and does not appear
m . —
Anderson & Brabant, Inc.
Ms. Carrie Loya-Smalley
January 31, 2003
Page 6
to have any uidependent use potential. The status of adjacent Questhaven Road
appears to be relevant in the potential use of the subject property for open space or
mitigation ptirposes.
Witii tiie exceptions noted, tiie report conforms to USPAP and Calfrans guidelines.
However, the values for the Smith and Brookfield parcels may change slightly due to tiie issues
discussed in tiie previous sections. The correction of these items, or a satisfactory response that
justifies tiie freatment of these issues in tiiis report, will result in an acceptable appraisal.
Thank you for this opportunity to be of service. Please let us know if we can be of further
assistance in this matter.
Gilbert F Kunkel, MAI
State Certification No. AG002101
Attachments: Appraisers Certification
Appraiser Qualifications
Anderson & Brabant, Inc.
Anderson & Brabant, Inc.
Ms. Carrie Loya-Smalley
January 31,2003
Page 7
I do hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief...
1. The facts and data reported by the review appraiser and used in the review process are tme
and correct.
2. The analyses, opinions, and conclusions in this review report are liinited only by the
assimiptions and limiting conditions stated in this review report, and are my personal,
unbiased professional analyses, opinions and conclusions.
3. I have no present or prospective interest in the property that is the subject of this report and I
have no personai interest with respect to the parties involved with this assignment.
4. I have no bias with respect to the property that is the subject of this report or to the parties
involved with this assigrmient.
5. My engagement in this assignment was not contingent on developing or reporting
predetermined resuhs.
6. My compensation is not contingent on an action or event resuiting from the analyses,
opinions, or conclusions in this review or from its use.
7. My analyses, opinions, and conclusions were developed and tliis review report was prepared
in conformity with the Uniforms Standards of Professionai Appraisal Practice.
8. I personally inspected the exterior of the subject properties.
9. No one provided significant professional assistance to the persons sigrung this review report.
January 31.2003
Gilbert F. Kunkel, MAI Date
State Certification No. AG002101
Anderson & Brabant, Inc.
GBbertF. Kunkel. MAI
353 West Kmth Avenue
Escondido, CA 9202S
(760)741-4146 X 313
L Resident of San Diego County since 1946
n. Educational Background:
A. Graduate of the University of Califomia at Riverside with a degree in Economics in 1968
B. Prafessional Education Completed:
1. Appraisal Institute
a. Single Family Appraisal - Course Vm, 1974
b. frivestment Analysis - Course VI, 1975
c. Case Studies in Real Estate Valuation - Course 2-2,1983
d. Valuation and Report Writing, 1984
e. Standards of Prafessional Practice, 1985
f. Standards of Prafessional Practice, PartB, 1993
Society of Real Estate Appraisers:
a. Real Estate Appraisal - Course 101,1974
b. Real Estate Appraisal - Course 201,1974
Seminars (Partial List)
Valuation of Lease Interests - Part 1, 2/89
frivestment Analysis, 2/89
Subdivision Analysis, 2/89
Lotus 1-2-3 Templates, 9/89
Apartment Seminar, 4/90
Standards of Prof. Practice Update, 6/90
Litigation Seminar, 12/90,11/93, 11/95
Appraisal Regulation, 5/91
Condemnation Valuation, 11/92
Discounted Cash Flow Analysis, 3/93
Apartment Appraisal, 9/93
Subdivision Analysis, 9/93
Real Estaie Forecast 9/93
Accrued Depreciation, 11/93
Understanding Lunited Appraisals, 7/94
Fair Lending and the Appraiser, 9/94
Partial Acquisition Appraisal, 9/94
Easement Valuation, 3/95
Federal Laws & Regulations, 3/96
Changing Ntoikets and New Research
Metiiods, 7/96
Apartment Seminar Update, 10/97
San Diego Retail Property, 3/98
Loss Prevention, 3/98
Appraisal of Partial Interests, 6/98
Technical Inspection of Real Estate, 8/98
Market Trends in So. California, 8/98
Mock Assessment Appeal, 8/98
Valuation of Detrimental Cond., 9/98
Annual Litigation Seminar, 11/98
fritemet Search Strategies for Real
Estate Appraiser, 12/98
Standards of Prof. Practice Part C, 12/98
Land Development Seminar, 3/99
IIL Professional Affiliations:
A. Member, Appraisal Institute, MAI
B. Member, Intemationai Right of Way Association
C. State ofCalifornia Conimunity College, Limited Service Credential
D. Member, Appraisal Institute Admissions Committee
E. Member, Appraisal Institute Review and Connseiii^ Comimttee
F. Certified General Real Estate Appraiser (AG002101)
Qffice of Real Estate Appraisers, State of Califomia
Anderson & Brabant, Inc.
Qualifications of the Appraiser - Gilbert F. Kunkel, MAI
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IV. Teaching Experience:
Palomar College, San Marcos, Califomia - "Real Estate Appraisal"
V, Appraisal Experience:
Owner - Anderson & Brabant Inc., Since 1990
Associate - Anderson & Brabant Inc., 1979 - 1990
Vice President and Appraisal Nfanager - Financial Appraisals, Inc., 1977 - 1979
Staff Appraiser - Financial Appraisals, Inc., 1972 - 1977
Assistant Right of Way Agent California Division ofHighways, 1968 - 1971
VL Expert Witness:
Superior Court, San Diego County
Banknq)tcy Court of U.S. District Court Southem District
vn. Types of Appraisals:
Residential; Single-Family, Residential Subdivision, Condominiums, Apartments, Mobile Home
Parks, Existing and Proposed Properties
Commercial: Qffice Buildings, Shopping Centers, Medical Offices, Existing and Proposed
Industrial: Existing and Proposed
Vacant Land: fridustrial. Commercial, Residential, and Rural
Agricultural: Avocado and Citrus Groves
Other: Leaseholds, Fractional Interest Easements, Partial Acquisitions
VOL Partial List of Appraisal Clients:
Govemment Agencies and Municipalities
Califomia Department ofTransportation
Cityof Chula Vista
City of Encinitas
City of Escondido
City of Laguna Mquel
City of Oceanside
City of SanDiego
City of San Marcos
Cityof Vista
Carisbad Municipal Water District
Carlsbad Unified School District
Escondido Elementary School District
Escondido Union Hi^ Schooi District
Metropolitan Transit Development Board
North Counly Transit Distria
Olivenhain Municipal Water District
Poway Unified School Districts
Law Firms
David Boss
Carlyle & McDonough
Daley & Heft
Best Best and Kreiger
M£)ougal & Associates
McDougal, Love, Eckis and Smith
Foley & Lardner
Glenn, Wri^t Jacobs, & SheU
David Wilkerson
Franzel, Share, Robbins, Caplan & Bloom
Pillsbury, ^Ni^son & Sutro
Singer & Crawford
White & Bright
Michael Pines
Rincon Del Diablo Municipal Water District
United States Postal Service
Valley Center Municipai Water District
Anderson &. Brabant, Inc.
Qualifications of the Appraiser - Gilbert F, Kunkel, MAI
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Banks/Savings & Loans
Bank of America
Bank of San Diego
Bank ofthe West
Califomia Commerce Bank
City National Bank
Continental Bank
Downey Savings
Fallbrook National Bank
First International Bank
Ffrst interstate Bank
Ffrst Republic Bank
Grossmont Bank
Independence Bank
Palomar Savings & Loan
Pomona First Federal Bank & Trust
Scripps Bank
Union Bank
U.S. Bancorp
WeUs Fargo Bank
Argonaut Realty (General Motors)
Casino Really
Caltras Con:q)any
Chicago TiUe
CIBC Oppenheimer
Circle K Stores
First American Titie Insurance Company
Fluidmaster Corporation
Fraser Engineering
Otay Ranch Development
Pactel Cellular
Palomar YMCA
RepubHc Realty Mortgage Corporation
Retiaw Enterprises
SL Paul Titie Insurance Company
The Festival Compames
William Lyon Ifomes
TechbUt Constraction
QuatificaQons. GFK
Anderson & Brabant, Inc.