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HomeMy WebLinkAbout; ; Records Destruction Authorization Form-Finance; 2013-10-24Xhred-H) Sbred-it. 3801 Ocean Ranch Blvd Suite 101 Oceanside CA 92056 Phone: 760- 598- 5700 SERVICE RECORD SUMMARY CKRTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION PLEASE KEEP THIS FOR YOUR RECORDS (TIIIS IS NOT AN INVOICE) Customer; 0011889293 CITY OF CARLSBAD- RECORDS MANAGEMENT 5815 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD CA 92008- 8801 Order #;80097007S3 Order Dote: 24.10.2013 Service Type: SHRED - ON- SITE PURGE Contact: PAT DOWNIE Time In: 07:52 AM Time Ont: 10:49 AM Material Collected BANKERS/ARCHIVE BOX 141 FILE DRAWER 2 Total: 143 Service Time: 176 Min Customer Signature: PAT DOWNIE CSR Signature: RUBEN JACOBO RECORDS DESTRUCTION AUTHORIZATION FORM DATE: JULY 9,2013 REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: FINANCE REQUESTER: MARIE ASHE-NUTTER DESTRUCTION APPROVALS: We certify that ihe records listed below hove been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits hove been completed, and no pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. DET^ARTMENT HEAD: RECORDS MANAGEMENT: CITY ATTORNEY BOX NO. RECORDS DESCRIPTION DATED RRS NO. RRS PERIOD TAB BARCODE (if applicable) RNooi BIDS / QUOTES/ PROPOSALS (AWARDED & NOT AWARDED) FY03/04 & FY04/05 7/1/04 •- 1/18/05 0470-45 AU+4 RN002 BIDS / QUOTES / PROPOSALS (AWARDED & NOT AWARDED) FY05/06 12/05 - 6/06 0470-45 AU+5 PN003 BIDS / QUOTES /PROPOSALS (AWARDED & NOT AWARDED) FY05/06 6/05 0470-45 AU+5 P/W004 BIDS / QUOTES /PROPOSALS (AWARDED & NOT AWARDED) FY06/07 8/06- 5/07 0470-45 AU+5 •// more spaces are needed, click in the last box in right hand corner of table and hit "tab". This wili create more fields in the table. To be filled out once records have been destroyed. RECORD DESTRUCTION COMPLETED BY: CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? • YES • NO SMEADSOFT BARCODES DELETED BY: DATE DATE: This form documents the destruction of City records in accordance with the City of Carlsbad Records Management Program. Revised: 7/9/2013 '''•^'^ CARLSBAD