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HomeMy WebLinkAbout; ; Records Destruction Authorization Form-Fire; 2018-11-01RECORDS DESTRUCTION AUTHORIZATION FORM DATE: SEPTEMBER 20, 2018 REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: FIRE ADMIN REQUESTER: DEBBIE DONNELL DESTRUCTION APPROVALS: We certify that the records listed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have been completed, and no pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. p~ EPARTMENT HEAD: ~J RECORDS MANAGEMENT: CITY ATTORNEY: BOX NO. RECORDS DESCRIPTION DATED RRS NO. RRS TAB BARCODE PERIOD (if applicable) FD024 Records Requests & Subpoenas 2010-11 0745-30 CL+5 II EMS Surveys 2013-14 0630-05 CU+3 II Public Records Requests 2014-15 0130-50 CL+2 FD025 Apparatus Drug Usage Inventory 2009-11 0630-10 CU+2 FD026 Apparatus Drug Usage Inventory 2012-14 0630-10 CU+2 *If more spaces are needed, click in the last box in right hand corner of table and hit "tab". This will create more fields in the table. To be filled out once records have been destroyed. REcoRD DESTRucT10N coMPLETED BY: &roda/4_,; CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? M_vEs • NO SMEADSOFT BARCODES DELETED BY: DATE: <<i> CITY 01 This form documents the destruction of City records in accordance with the City of Carlsbad Records Management Program. w CARLSBAD Revised: 9/20/2018 CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION & RECYCLING This certificate is presented to: CITY OF CARLSBAD -RECORDS MANAGEMENT DIVISION Per the express request of Client, Corodata has received the Material referred to below and has/will destroy and then recycle said Material in accordance with its standard procedures. As the parties have agreed, Corodata will not inventory, record or track any information contained within or related to the Material. Account #(s) Certificate # Date Issued Service Locations Date Range of Service Work Ticket(s) Quantity/Item SD012455 109201 Tuesday, November06,2018 5815 EL CAMINO REAL Nov-01-2018 thru Nov-01-2018 531223 43 -43 Boxes for Destruction (standard) • Nothing in this certificate shall be deemed to modify the terms of the parties' Service Agreement(s) or Work Ticket(s). E•Jcorodata WSSAE16 Type II Audit Completed