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HomeMy WebLinkAbout; ; Records Destruction Authorization Form-Human Resources; 2007-06-04RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST City Clerk/Records Management Page 1 of 1 Department Requesting Destruction: Human Resources Lpprovpis tjpr Destruction _\ ovsAs for Dest Department Head Date S-l-Ql Records Manager Date Attorney Date We certify that the records listed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have been completed, and no pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. Jan Murray Person(s) Completing Form: ii^> No. 1 2 RECORDS DESCRIPTION Full Time Inactive Personnel Files A-Z 1996 Part Time Inactive Personnel Files A-Z 2001 DATED 1996 2001 BOX No. 31 33 RRS No. 081040 081025 RRS Period CL+10 CL+5 BARCODE APPROVED By City Attorney H=HOLD RECORD DESTRUCTION COMPLETED BY :. CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? Yes ED No H SMEADLINK BARCODES DELETED BY:. .DATE: DATE: 77)/s form documents the destruction of City records in accordance with the California Public Records Act Revised 08/25/2005 SECURE DOCUMENT DESTRUCTION Client materials are to be destroyed off-site. Client will receive official Certificate of Destruction upon completion of service. This CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION certifies the complete destruction of all material contained as described below on the date and at the time recorded herewith. Date / Time of Pick up:_AM PM Date /Time of Destruction:ion:^? ' ^ Billing Address Service Address u . c/ Contact:Phone Number: £_ SHREDFOf?CEID#:. Balance Due: $. /0<?5^SHREDFOflCE Signature: Amount Paid:$. Please Invoice Client Check Number: '* Credit '• * :'- ." -'. .t * Cft^i1,- - * . -•-.,.{•- r f i«f £ Authorized Representative: Comments: TB: Hours: Authorized Signatun Other: Type Quantity Service Rate Total File Boxes •%%%i /9~&.? -"^" aO Bankers Boxes ShredForce Executive 100 ShredForce 250 Qther.^ /SJLjti&fa^i \ <?& /£* """" /f0* Other Other • SHREDFORCE • PO Box 891 • San Marcos, CA 92079 • (800)444-6209 09/05