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HomeMy WebLinkAbout; ; Records Destruction Authorization Form-Fire Prevention; 2008-04-28 (2)RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST City Clerk/Records Management Page 1 of 1 Department Requesting Destruction: _ •» t Approvals for Deduction Date Date Attorney Date We certify that the records listed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have been completed, and no pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. Person(s) Completing Form: No.RECORDS DESCRIPTION DATED BOX No. RRS No.RRS Period BARCODE APPROVED By City Attorney H=HOLD <?<_-<- 3 <"«-,*"? 3 G 4 3 0 RECORD CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? Yes DATE SMEADLINK BARCODES DELETED BY: This form documents the destruction of City records in accordance with the California Public Records Act Revised 08/25/2005 RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST City Clerk/Records Management Page 1 of 1 Department Requesting Destruction: _ +L f£-_ Approvals for Destruction Department Head We certify that the records listed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have been completed, and no pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. Person(s) Completing Form: No.RECORDS DESCRIPTION DATED BOX No. RRS No.RRS Period BARCODE APPROVED By City Attorney H=HOLD "7 t 16 6 /**-*• ^f* ~>l« (a ok " Tla \*sf> I Os^^. li^ •3(60 at, 16 - € el, -36 - V 3 3 SMEADLINK BARCODES DELETED BY: DATERECORD DlLMRUCllUN U^MELETEDJBY : CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? Yes D No This form documents the destruction of City records in accordance with the California Public Records Act Revised 08/25/2005 RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST City Clerk/Records Management Page 1 of 1 Department Requesting Destruction: _ » t f-fL Approvals for Destruction Records Date Attorney Date WejDerirfyThat the records listed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have been completed, and no pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. Person(s) Completing Form: No.RECORDS DESCRIPTION DATED BOX No. RRS No.RRS Period BARCODE APPROVED By City Attorney H=HOLD (1 •2/0*2: CVb-fr&^tc 2-ftrt. Tt i at 3^- 1* ?&*> Co /r i/- DATERECORD CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? Yes SMEADLINK BARCODES DELETED BY: 7/i/s form documents the destruction of City records in accordance with the California Public Records Act Revised 08/25/2005 RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST City Clerk/Records Management Page 1 of 1 Department Requesting Destruction: _ * ( f£. \<VV'(. /1/tTfrt, Approvals for Destruction We-ee"rtify that the records listed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have been completed, and no pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. Person(s) Completing Form: No.RECORDS DESCRIPTION DATED BOX No. RRS No.RRS Period BARCODE APPROVED By City Attorney H=HOLD Ik nl Coftt- oUA CJLdso oteA Ctciso ( 6^. Uo 01,'SC -L-f 3 <r w^- 3 (tciro ioOdt,cUA C*£>(/L> 3-0 lif (of) le g DATERECORD DESTRt^TnOTir€e^ffiLElEJDFY CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? Yes D No SMEADLINK BARCODES DELETED BY: Th/'s form documents the destruction of City records in accordance with the California Public Records Act Revised 08/25/2005 RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST City Clerk/Records Management Page 1 of 1 Department Requesting Destruction: _ *i Approvals for Destruction Department Head Date Records Manager Date Attorney Date We certify^ttlat the records listed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have beeffcompleted, and no pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. Person(s) Completing Form: No.RECORDS DESCRIPTION DATED BOX No. RRS No.RRS Period BARCODE APPROVED By City Attorney H=HOLD r Co/ti. 2 2_ Ccfte, dsA Cedso - ssr -23 •2k, (n 0-1 <P fti - Xfo, \lf.t- DATERECORD CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? Yes SMEADLINK BARCODES DELETED BY: 7/i/s form documents the destruction of City records in accordance with the California Public Records Act Revised 08/25/2005 RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST City Clerk/Records Management Page 1 of 1 Department Requesting Destruction: _ > i Approvals for Destruction Date We cerjify^tfiat the records listed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have been completed, and no pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. Person(s) Completing Form: No.RECORDS DESCRIPTION DATED BOX No. RRS No.RRS Period BARCODE APPROVED By City Attorney H=HOLD 0 1, It - CL+- 7 ci^ r3-"M (067% Corte. <?U-< Ce4so £'o L fl'S*. 'i 0 (. 30 - DATE:RECORD DESTRUCTteN-rOTViPT EJED^BY : CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? Yes D No SMEADLINK BARCODES DELETED BY:DATE: 7/7/s form documents the destruction of City records in accordance with the California Public Records Act Revised 08/25/2005 RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST City Clerk/Records Management Page 1 of 1 Department Requesting Destruction: _ *i Approvals for Destruction Department Head Date Records Manager Date Attorney Date We certjfy-ttiat the records listed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have been completed, and no pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. Person(s) Completing Form: No.RECORDS DESCRIPTION DATED BOX No. RRS No.RRS Period BARCODE APPROVED By City Attorney H=HOLD 31 \i'i 1/ff - Co/te. dM CtcHfe 31-fi'L fiu l«yl 01. $0-$$ c n Co/k. Put J»y( ffb 20 -C i~-t 3 "**•(<>< 35" d-eA L/ RECORD DESTRTTCTiO?«^OMELETEpJBY : CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? Yes d No SMEADLINK BARCODES DELETED BY: DATE DATE: This form documents the destruction of City records in accordance with the California Public Records Act Revised 08/25/2005 RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST City Clerk/Records Management Page 1 of 1 Department Requesting Destruction: _ » * Approvals for Destruction Date We'certify that the records listed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have been completed, and no pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. Person(s) Completing Form: No.RECORDS DESCRIPTION DATED BOX No. RRS No.RRS Period BARCODE APPROVED By City Attorney H=HOLD ^6 36 - S< ft, 36 -05 nl 31 y> I (s^. 3 &<*J>A >«(<-> Ot> " 365<." Carte,-&l(,/flc- If ((ft \dct( ^ a/fa RECORD CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? Yes SMEADLINK BARCODES DELETED BY: DATE form documents the destruction of City records in accordance with the California Public Records Act Revised 08/25/2005 RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST City Clerk/Records Management Page 1 of 1 Department Requesting Destruction: _ *i f-(L fV <V f /i/cT Approvals for Destruction Department Head Date Records Manager Date Attorney Date We certjfy-tffat the records listed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have ;n completed, and no pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. Person(s) Completing Form: No.RECORDS DESCRIPTION DATED BOX No. RRS No.RRS Period BARCODE APPROVED By City Attorney H=HOLD IL 7 Ct_ Ote 4—3 -at -^1(00 0 (. It, , ST GL, 3 6 -6~f Of, 3 0' of 4- 3 Co/te. fLeA If* < DATERECORD CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? Yes D No SMEADLINK BARCODES DELETED BY: This form documents the destruction of City records In accordance with the California Public Records Act Revised 08/25/2005 RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST City Clerk/Records Management Page 1 of 1 Department Requesting Destruction: _ » c Approvals for Destruction Department Head Date Records Manae Date Attorney Date We ceriffyihat the records listed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have Jeen completed, and no pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. Person(s) Completing Form: No.RECORDS DESCRIPTION DATED BOX No. RRS No.RRS Period BARCODE APPROVED By City Attorney H=HOLD 14-l CL-+ 3 c c n( <\ Ot, 36- - SS~ -f 7 Oi. 36 -55- 01, ? (, -0-$- 0 Ip'll"- ST 0 t 3t - a f C 14 4 3 cteA rice I G-ts*. <sLt (< RECORDTJESTR¥€5^QM_COWLETED BY CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? Yes DATE SMEADLINK BARCODES DELETED BY: This form documents the destruction of City records in accordance with the California Public Records Act Revised 08/25/2005 RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST City Clerk/Records Management Page 1 of 1 Department Requesting Destruction: _ » i Approvals for Destruction Date We eeffify that the records listed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have been completed, and no pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. Person(s) Completing Form: No.RECORDS DESCRIPTION DATED BOX No. RRS No.RRS Period BARCODE APPROVED By City Attorney H=HOLD *!<*-52: oLeA - <• r - 1,1*3, C.I-4- % CLs 4 3- ot C L- RECORD CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? Yes SMEADLINK BARCODES DELETED BY: T/H'S form documents (he destruction of" Crty records ;'n accordance with the California Public Records Act Revised 08/25/2005 RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST City Clerk/Records Management Page 1 of I Department Requesting Destruction: _ > t Approvals for Destruction torney Date We certify thaWfferecords listed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have beer>edmpleted, and no pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. Person(s) Completing Form: No.RECORDS DESCRIPTION DATED BOX No. RRS No.RRS Period BARCODE APPROVED By City Attorney H=HOLD li f t> foti AeA ift f- «°Co Co fa, ^~ bO .214-3 C-L SMEADLINK BARCODES DELETED BY: DATERECORTn)ESTR¥CIIQ]lC^M2LETED BY CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? Yes This form documents the destruction of City records in accordance with the California Public Records Act Revised 08/25/2005 RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST City Clerk/Records Management Page 1 of I Department Requesting Destruction: _ > i f*L Approvals for Destruction Department Head Date Records Manager Date Attorney Date We certifyJJaatthe records listed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have bee^KCompleted, and no pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. Person(s) Completing Form: No.RECORDS DESCRIPTION DATED BOX No. RRS No.RRS Period BARCODE APPROVED By City Attorney H=HOLD u 2:Ci-f 3 6 1, -1,6 - <-~S~nj_ ?2L,C fcZ - //f 2- C-L. OLIO -of OliZir - 5? OL 3f - e $~ Cfc 55-C i~* 3 SMEADLINK BARCODES DELETED BY: DATERECORD OBSTRUCT CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? Yes 77i/s form documents the destruction of City records in accordance with the California Public Records Act Revised 08/25/2005 RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST City Clerk/Records Management Page 1 of 1 Department Requesting Destruction: _ > t (<£. fV{'u'C A/U( Approvals for Destruction Department Head Date Records Manager Date \ttorney Date We certifvjkafme records listed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have beefrcompleted, and no pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. Person(s) Completing Form: No.RECORDS DESCRIPTION DATED BOX No. RRS No.RRS Period BARCODE APPROVED By City Attorney H=HOLD fi ft liy /&^. U^2:CL-+ 3 C4. 67 CL-4-3 Cut? u - T/U " oi'io -sr Ok ?e -Of 76 01,36 -55- RECORD DESTRTJCTreN-€OMELJETED£y: CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? Yes D No DATE SMEADLINK BARCODES DELETED BY: Tft/'s form documents the destruction of City records in accordance with the California Public Records Act Revised 08/25/2005 RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST City Clerk/Records Management Page I of 1 Department Requesting Destruction: _ > f Approvals for Destruction Attorney Date We certify that the record>-H£fed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have been completed, andno pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. Person(s) Completing Form: No.RECORDS DESCRIPTION DATED BOX No. RRS No.RRS Period BARCODE APPROVED By City Attorney H=HOLD c <-.-*- 3 let r d <f3ii'r ^ o t ^6 - s 5" t' i. it - <5 5" ft'ff ^fj3 (s £*o 6 -it, -or 7/0-3- DATERECORD DE CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? Yes SMEADLINK BARCODES DELETED BY: 7"/?/s form documents the destruction of City records in accordance with the California Public Records Act Revised 08/25/2005 RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST City Clerk/Records Management Page 1 of 1 Department Requesting Destruction: _ +i f-(L fV Y' i>£ /i/M^ Approvals for Destruction Department Head Date Records Manager Date We certify been :orney Date tha Tpieted records listed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have , and no pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. Person(s) Completing Form: No.RECORDS DESCRIPTION DATED BOX No. RRS No.RRS Period BARCODE APPROVED By City Attorney H=HOLD 2: Of. -n Cr/<.-t 'lot -- 1 13t C-L . 0 to 3i, _ £5-CL-f fi /e.1 (f-t^ /i -/o oL - - J C L* *-J to £. RECORD CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? Yes SMEADLINK BARCODES DELETED BY: This form documents the destruction of City records in accordance with the California Public Records Act Revised 08/25/2005 RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST City Clerk/Records Management Page 1 of 1 Department Requesting Destruction: _ * t f-(L Approvals for Destruction Department Head Date Records Manager Date Attorney Date We certjfy-ifiat the records listed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have ?n completed, and no pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. Person(s) Completing Form: No.RECORDS DESCRIPTION DATED BOX No. RRS No.RRS Period BARCODE APPROVED By City Attorney H=HOLD ^ 6 <• »- ^"5" fft, ?f - 6-5 "M (r-f/\ I-1 r" ot. - 6<T C-L 0 t> ?<j-CT C vi -1-3 Oi. kt A C-t \Q(, DATERECORD DESTR CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? Yes SMEADLINK BARCODES DELETED BY: This form documents the destruction of City records in accordance with the California Public Records Act Revised 08/25/2005 RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST City Clerk/Records Management Page 1 of 1 Department Requesting Destruction: _ » i Approvals for Destruction Department Head Date Records Manager Date Attorney Date We certify that the records listed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have been completed, and no pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. Person(s) Completing Form: -, 0 No.RECORDS DESCRIPTION DATED BOX No. RRS No.RRS Period BARCODE APPROVED By City Attorney H=HOLD o , 5^31 c-t . *Ho~? \0\0c - n D &,„,.* Cl,Ko o 5" -UCkr, RECORD CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? Yes SMEADLINK BARCODES DELETED BY: This form documents the destruction of City records in accordance with the California Public Records Act Revised 08/25/2005 RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST City Clerk/Records Management Page 1 of 1 Department Requesting Destruction: _ » * f£.. \<£ UC A/U("&,, Approvals for Destruction Department Head Date Records Manager Date Attorney Date We certify^ttlat the records listed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have be£ncompleted, and no pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. Person(s) Completing Form: No.RECORDS DESCRIPTION DATED BOX No. RRS No.RRS Period BARCODE APPROVED By City Attorney H=HOLD &•€/>. (*\fo C-fc- 0-2.//</(Oi, 7 C-L / &/c^- ^ r"v/61, 1C, - 5T at, jo - of (LA / 3 RECORD DESTRUC CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? Yes D No DATE SMEADLINK BARCODES DELETED BY: 77?/s form documents (he destruction of City records in accordance with the California Public Records Act Revised 08/25/2005 City Clerk/Records Management Page 1 of 1 RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST Department Requesting Destruction: _ » < Approvals for Destruction Department Head Date Records Manager Date Attorney Date We cerjify-ifiat the records listed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have been completed, and no pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. Person(s) Completing Form: No.RECORDS DESCRIPTION DATED BOX No. RRS No.RRS Period BARCODE APPROVED By City Attorney H=HOLD 12 ei. So - 'fi/OZ _ ffi, 3,6 - o< 51(tO OL 3 0 - 0 T wo 01. 5? 2-X RECORD CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? Yes DATE SMEADLINK BARCODES DELETED BY: 7/7/s form documents the destruction of City records in accordance with the California Public Records Act Revised 08/25/2005 RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST City Clerk/Records Management Page 1 of 1 Department Requesting Destruction: _ > t Approvals for Destruction Department Head Date Records Manager Date Attorney Date We certifytbafthe records listed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have been completed, and no pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. Person(s) Completing Form: No.RECORDS DESCRIPTION DATED BOX No. RRS No.RRS Period BARCODE APPROVED By City Attorney H=HOLD 161 Fi'/f.¥-,I. t-t^fx SS 6 fe 30 ' (o3 ("^%^ AC-€.^X — 0 (.30 iO¥- Iso-z. CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? Yes SMEADLINK BARCODES DELETED BY DATE 7/i/s form documents the destruction of City records in accordance with the California Public Records Act Revised 08/25/2005 RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST City Clerk/Records Management Page 1 of 1 Department Requesting Destruction: _ » i (•£- Approvals for Destruction Department Head Date Records Manager Date Attorney Date We certify thafthe records listed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have been sompleted, and no pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. Person(s) Completing Form: No.RECORDS DESCRIPTION DATED BOX No. RRS No.RRS Period BARCODE APPROVED By City Attorney H=HOLD Us/?/ 16-?r tV< CL-f- 3 £.<:/?. •esc/ ^ E-C-/2. 16 0 i 36 - 55"CL.-4 3 36, UO 56 g RECORD CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? Yes D No DATE SMEADLINK BARCODES DELETED BY: Tft/s form documents the destruction of City records in accordance with the California Public Records Act Revised 08/25/2005 RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST City Clerk/Records Management Page 1 of 1 Department Requesting Destruction: _ > i f{L f/Yc/f/1/tTgo/— Approvals for Destruction Department Head Date Records Mana Date Attorney Date We certify that the records listed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have been completed, and no pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. Person(s) Completing Form: T c No.RECORDS DESCRIPTION DATED BOX No. RRS No.RRS Period BARCODE APPROVED By City Attorney H=HOLD ii£- ri / 250? aft. *•/'!'? -01,36 -S-5 ft, '46 Die '3f C L. ^ -3 (O ru £ - c . T /« 2 _O t, 3 &• -t 5 ri y a t, 3f - $-$ Ci, 3^ -<;-j- DATE CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? Yes SMEADLINK BARCODES DELETED BY: 7/i/s form documents the destruction of Crty records in accordance with the California Public Records Act Revised 08/25/2005 RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST City Clerk/Records Management Page 1 of 1 Department Requesting Destruction: _\ f(.\j(. /t/M Approvals for Destruction Department Head Date Records Manager Date Attorney Date We certify-that the records listed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have begficompleted, and no pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. Person(s) Completing Form: No.RECORDS DESCRIPTION DATED BOX No. RRS No.RRS Period BARCODE APPROVED By City Attorney H=HOLD T\~f,f,( M-7 0 (. 3 o - Iff f Olc n Ci Mu Ct Jo - < DATE __ RECORD DESIU CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? Yes D No SMEADLINK BARCODES DELETED BY: This form documents the destruction of City records in accordance with the California Public Records Act Revised 08/25/2005 RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST City Clerk/Records Management Page 1 of 1 Department Requesting Destruction: _ + i f^ \f(<J(. A/ty Approvals for Destruction Department Head Date Records Manager Date Attorney Date We cejiifytnat the records listed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have £en completed, and no pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. Person(s) Completing Form: No.RECORDS DESCRIPTION DATED BOX No. RRS No.RRS Period BARCODE APPROVED By City Attorney H=HOLD 12. (fire (si c-t— 13 nl 12. -Z.U fa fi/jt. I* f'f. & fh.C./Z. •/3 111-01,2* r /_•<- j rt, -f-3 CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? Yes SMEADLINK BARCODES DELETED BY: DATE 7/i/s form documents (ne ofes(ruc(/on of Cfty records in accordance with the California Public Records Act Revised 08/25/2005 RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST City Clerk/Records Management Page 1 of 1 Department Requesting Destruction: _ *t Approvals for Destruction Department Head Date Records Manager Date Attorney Date We cerJify-tFiat the records listed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have completed, and no pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. Person(s) Completing Form: No.RECORDS DESCRIPTION DATED BOX No. RRS No.RRS Period BARCODE APPROVED By City Attorney H=HOLD 2:01, iO - n( £\ fV/x £/<?<?- . c./e.r \ 2 a If 30 _ £"5" ' (V £,C.H 6(, 30 - DATERECORD CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? Yes D No D SMEADLINK BARCODES DELETED BY: T/i/s form documents the destruction of C/ty records /n accordance with the California Public Records Act Revised 08/25/2005 RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST City Clerk/Records Management Page 1 of 1 Department Requesting Destruction: _ > i Approvals for Destruction Department Head Date Records Manas Date Attorney Date : the records listed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have feen completed, and no pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. Person(s) Completing Form: No.RECORDS DESCRIPTION DATED BOX No. RRS No.RRS Period BARCODE APPROVED By City Attorney H=HOLD 2: 13-2- (33 f^vx: 01,36- DATE :RECORD DESTTmCTtOf^e^MELETEJD£V : CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? Yes F] No SMEADLINK BARCODES DELETED BY: 7/7/s form documents fne destruction of City records »n accordance with the California Public Records Act Revised 08/25/2005 RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST City Clerk/Records Management Page 1 of 1 Department Requesting Destruction: _ » i f*L \<YU<f /i/t/ffa Approvals for Destruction Department Head Date Records Manager Date Attorney Date We certify-thcif the records listed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have been completed, and no pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. Person(s) Completing Form: No.RECORDS DESCRIPTION DATED BOX No. RRS No.RRS Period BARCODE APPROVED By City Attorney H=HOLD (37 (i->, 1 Qt^t U/c - -5 5" C i-r -TtS 13%o i_-»- 2 - C ?/«? -<lt*C L* 4- Fin V Ci-l A DATERECORD DESTRUCTIO CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? Yes D No SMEADLINK BARCODES DELETED BY: T/J/'S form documents the destruction of City records in accordance with the California Public Records Act Revised 08/25/2005 RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST City Clerk/Records Management Page 1 of 1 Department Requesting Destruction: _ > i f£. \<YU£ /i/t| Approvals for Destruction Attorney Date We certify^thaTthe records listed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have been completed, and no pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. Person(s) Completing Form: No.RECORDS DESCRIPTION DATED BOX No. RRS No.RRS Period BARCODE APPROVED By City Attorney H=HOLD IW- ( 3 cu + 3 ^'/?(- lie3 - 36-s-r C (si (-3 at, 0 (r 3( - RECORD CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? Yes D No DATE SMEADLINK BARCODES DELETED BY: 7/i/s form documents fne destruction of City records in accordance wrtn the California Public Records Act Revised 08/25/2005 RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST City Clerk/Records Management Page 1 of 1 Department Requesting Destruction: _ *i Approvals for Destruction We certifyjhat the records listed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have been completed, and no pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. Person(s) Completing Form: No.RECORDS DESCRIPTION DATED BOX No. RRS No.RRS Period BARCODE APPROVED By City Attorney H=HOLD ft*. O tit* fc- - - sr //?< .2 c, i 150 r ' ^ "(. 36- 55" -(- RECORFlJESTiWCIIQNCOMPLETED BY : CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTIONT^Yes DATE SMEADLINK BARCODES DELETED BY: This form documents the destruction of City records in accordance with the California Public Records Act Revised 08/25/2005 RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST City Clerk/Records Management Page 1 of 1 Department Requesting Destruction: _ > t Approvals for Destruction Department Head Records Manager Date utorney Date We certify that the records listed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have been completed, and no pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. Person(s) Completing Form: No.RECORDS DESCRIPTION DATED BOX No. RRS No.RRS Period BARCODE APPROVED By City Attorney H=HOLD F///< (s-f.^- i <i (IJ7l - It/l (62 6k 3t> -55 ifa- ult/eg - 5T c i-+- 3 -'(,3.0 P. •£.£.e 15 r - 5-5 SMEADLINK BARCODES DELETED BY: DATERECORD~DT^STRtJ€:HOIl£QMPLETED BY : CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? Yes II No This form documents the destruction of Crty records /n accordance ivrth (he California Public Records Act Revised 08/25/2005 RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST City Clerk/Records Management Page 1 of 1 Department Requesting Destruction: _ *i f*L Approvals for Destruction Department Head Records Manager Date Attorney Date We certifyJI=tatthe records listed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have beeffcompleted, and no pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. Person(s) Completing Form: No.RECORDS DESCRIPTION DATED BOX No. RRS No.RRS Period BARCODE APPROVED By City Attorney H=HOLD F(nl 61 A O h 30 -OS fc ft.•JJLL - 5-5- A. ?/%< - O SMEADLINK BARCODES DELETED BY: DATERECORD DESTR^eHON_C^MPLETED BY : CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? Yes LJ No This form documents the destruction of City records in accordance with the California Public Records Act Revised 08/25/2005 RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST City Clerk/Records Management Page 1 of 1 Department Requesting Destruction: _ > i Approvals for Destruction Department Head Date Records Manager Date Srney Date We certify th^Uhsrecords listed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have been completed, and no pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. Person(s) Completing Form: No.RECORDS DESCRIPTION DATED BOX No. RRS No.RRS Period BARCODE APPROVED By City Attorney H=HOLD -at IC2 o & le -36 - 5V RECORD CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? Yes D No DATE SMEADLINK BARCODES DELETED BY: This form documents the destruction of City records in accordance with the California Public Records Act Revised 08/25/2005 RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST City Clerk/Records Management Page 1 of 1 Department Requesting Destruction: _ *c Approvals for Destruction Department Head Date Date We certify that the records listed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have been completed, and no pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. Person(s) Completing Form: No.RECORDS DESCRIPTION DATED BOX No. RRS No.RRS Period BARCODE APPROVED By City Attorney H=HOLD /to -*rsr £/ Cc.~x.wa I iff, O <e ' 2 e.c.z. 11 0 .\Z 6 d DATERECORD DESTTnTCTf©N-GOMEIJETEpBY CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? Yes D No SMEADLINK BARCODES DELETED BY: TWs form documents the destruction of City records in accordance with the California Public Records Act Revised 08/25/2005 RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST City Clerk/Records Management Page 1 of 1 Department Requesting Destruction: _ > c Approvals for Destruction We certify that the records listed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have been completed, and no pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. Person(s) Completing Form: No.RECORDS DESCRIPTION DATED BOX No. RRS No.RRS Period BARCODE APPROVED By City Attorney H=HOLD f-f/ i iI I ft, \S\ 5 f 1 ?,L, 21 nl (-7 2- 3166 £ A - ifi Ob ?,£,.. TT /13 9/4-7 .C. (Z, nr DATERECORD DESTRrJeTtOM--_D_MPLETED BY CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? SMEADLINK BARCODES DELETED BY: This form documents the destruction of City records in accordance with the California Public Records Act Revised 08/25/2005 RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST City Clerk/Records Management Page 1 of 1 Department Requesting Destruction: _ > i Approvals for Destruction Department Head Date Records Manager Date Attorney Date We certify that the records listed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have been completed, and no pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. Person(s) Completing Form: No.RECORDS DESCRIPTION DATED BOX No. RRS No.RRS Period BARCODE APPROVED By City Attorney H=HOLD Ft* rt i n n-i 36 -Si''-<-<- -3 0 In to --^5"04 Olv RECORD DESTRUCTION COMPLETED BY :_ CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? Yes [Sf No [j SMEADLINK BARCODES DELETED BY: \(\\B S> DATE : A M DATE: A/ This form documents the destruction of City records in accordance with the California Public Records Act Revised 08/25/2005 ciisnAs DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT CITY OF CARLSBAD 2351 FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA 920087217 CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION CONTACT: Tanya Bjork - Phone: (760)602-2786 SERVICE PERFORMED SVC'D ADD'L Pounds Minutes .., SERVICE TICKET #: DATE: CUSTOMER #: SERVICE/TYPE: NEXT SERVICE DATE: NEXT SERVICE TYPE: Lock(s) Present/Operable: Clasp(s) Present/Operable: 3 - P-V COMMENTS:$"300 OOG36 - 42136 04/28/2008 10284 Purge/Onsite Not scheduled. Not scheduled. Yes Yes No No This certificate is to certify that Cintas Document Management will shred confidential data per customer's instructions and according to HIPAA & GLBA regulations for the above-mentioned company. Mobile destruction services are NAID certified. Non-paper destruction services are not NAID certified. CUSTOMER SIGNATURE: '" SERVICE REP SIGNATURE:pirn h DATE: DATE: 9455 WAPLES ST • STE. 110 • SAN DIEGO, CA 921213924 • Phone: (858)678-0460 • Fax: (858)678-0894