HomeMy WebLinkAbout; 1000 Chinquapin Apt Complex; Soils Report; 1974-02-26ALYARADO SOILS ENGINEERING
Cir,, Enpi”... LA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92041 4bl-3000
February 26, 1974
?roposed 44 Unit Apartment Complex
1000 Chinquatin Avenue
West of Harrison Street
Carlsbad, California
SWYS Corporation
Project No. 14A5B
Phillip H. Gustafson
Civi: and Structural Engineer
Cl”,, En*in..: LA MESA. CALIFORN,* 91041 461.1000
Soils Investigation
This is to present the findings and conclusions of a soils investigation
conducted at the site of a proposed 44 Unit Apartment Complex for SWYS
Corporation, located at 1000 Chinquatin Avenue, West of Harrison Street,
in the City of Carlsbad, State of California. This parcel is more spe-
cifically described as being a portion of Tract 237 and Northerly half
of Chinquatin Avenue of Thum Lands according to Map No. 1681 thereof, in
the City of Carlsbad, County of San Uiego, State of California.
It is understood that the development will consist of 3 buildings, 2 stories
in height, over parking faciiities. The structures will be of wood frame
and masonry construction.
The objectives of the investigation were to determine the existing soil con-
ditions and physical properties of the soils so that engineering reconunenda-
tions could be presented for the safe and economical grading of the site and
design of foundations for the proposed structures.
In order to acconlplish these objectives, 3 pits were excavated, undisturbed
and loose bag samples were obtained, and laboratory tests were performed on
these samples.
Page 2 Project No. 14A5B SWYS Corporation 2/25/74
Three pits were excavated with a tractor-mounted backhoe at the approximate
locations shown on the attached Drawing No. 1, entitled "Location of Ex-
ploration Pits". The pits were excavated to depths of 6.5 feet to 8.0
feet below the existing ground surface. A continuous log of the soils en-
countered in the pits was recorded at the time of digging and is shown in
detail on Drawing Kos. 2 to 4, inclusive, each entitled "Summary Sheet".
The soils were visually and texturally classified by the field identifi-
cation procedures set forth on rhe Unified Soil Classification Chart. Un-
disturbed chunk and drive samples were obtained at frequent intervals in
the soils ahead of the excavation. The drop weight used for driving the
sampling tube into the soils weighed 50 pounds, and the average drop was
30 inches. The general procedures used in field sampling are described
briefly under "Sampling" in Appendix B.
Laboratory tests were performed on representative samples in order to de-
termine.the dry density and moisture content. The results of these tests
are presented on Drawing Nos. 2 to 3, inclusive.
Compaction tests were performed on representative samples of the soils.to
be excavated to establish compaction criteria. The soils were tested ac-
cording to the A.S.T.M. D1557 70 method of compaction which uses 25 blows
of a 10 pound rammer falling 18 inches on each of 5 layers in a 4 inch
diameter l/30 cubic foot meld. The results of these tests are presented
on the following page:
Page 3 Project No. 14A5B SWYS Corporation 2/25/74
Depth Maximum Optimum Moisture
Pit Sarrlpl e of Sample Dry Density Content %
No. No. in Feet Soil Description lb/cu.ft. Dry Wt.
1 1 1.0 Tan silty fine to 123.0 11.6
medium sand
2 2 6.5 Light tan silty fine 121.7 11.9 to Imedium sand
Direct shear tests were performed on saturated and drained samples in order
to determine the minimuin angle of internal friction and apparent cohesion of
Pit 1, Bag l*
Depth 1.0
Pit 2, Bag ?*
Depth 6.5 :
1.71 31.5
4 2.91
Pit 1, Sasiple 1 1.29
Depth 4.0 : 2.21
4 3.81
Pit 3, Chunk 1
Depth 2.5 2.50
4 4.08
* :: Remolded to 90 percent of maximum dry density.
41 400
41 400
Angie of
Normal Shearing Internal
Load in Resistance Friction
kips/sq.ft. kips/sq.ft. Degrees
1.85 37
the soils. The results of these tests are presented below:
Cortisolidation tests were performed on representative samples in order to
determine the load-settlement characteristics of the soils. The results
of the tests are presented on Drawing Nos. 5 and 6, entitled "Consolidation
Page 4 Project No. 14A5B SWYS Coiporation 2/25/74
The general procedures used ~for the preceding laboratory tests are
described briefly in Appendix B.
The ger?eral topography of the site may be described as relatively level.
Vegetation consisted of light brush and several trees. According to the
"Soil Map" of San Diego County prepared by the U.S. Department of Agri-
culture, the upper soils in the area consisted of somewhat excessively
drained to moderately well drained loamy coarse sands and fine sandy loams
that have a subsoil of sandy clay over a hardpan. The inajor soil type en-
countered in this investigation consisted of loose to medium dense silty
sand which became increasingly dense at relatively shallow depths of 1.5
to 4.0 feet.
1. The Imedium dense to dense natural soils encountered in ail pit locations
are suitable for use as siipportlng material for the proposed structures and/or
2. All of the soils may be satisfactorily compacted in fill areas to support
th? proposed loads.
3. None of the soils enccuntered on the site were considered to be sgffi-
ciently expansive with respect to change in volume with change in moisture
content to warrant special design of foundation and slabs.
Page 5 Project No. 14A5B SWYS Coi,poration 2/25/74
4. Both cutting and filling may be required for the development of the site.
Structures may be constructed partly in cut and partly in fill provided the
load-settlement characteristics of the natural soil and compacted filled
ground are comparable.
5. If any soil types are encountered during grading operations that were not
tested in the investigation, additional laboratory tests will be conducted in
order to determine their physical characteristics and supplemental reports
and recommenddtiOns will automatically become a part of the specifications.
1. The medium dense to dense natural soils have a safe bearing value for
supporting dead load on1.y of 3,000 pounds per square foot for continuous
or square footings, one foot in minimum horizontal dimension, and placed
at a depth of at least 12 inches below the surface of the medium dense to
dense undisturbed natural yround. For supporting dead plus live loads,
footings constructed as set forth above may be safely loaded to as much as
3,500 pounds per square foot. The settlement of such footings, so placed
and loaded to 3,000 pounds per square foot, is estimated to be on the order
of l/8 inch. These bearing values for natural soils may be increased 400
pounds per sqcare foot for each additional foot of depth and 100 pounds per
square foot for each additional foot of width to a maximum of 3,500 pounds
per square foot for dead loads only and 4,000 pounds per square foot for dead
plus live loads.
2. All of the soils may L:e satisfactorily compacted in fill areas and when
properly colllpacted to at least 90 percent of maximum dry density, have a
safe bearing value for supporting dead load only of 2,300 pounds per square
Page 6 Project No. 62ClF SWYS Corporation 2125174
foot for continuous or square footings, one foot in minimum horizontal
dimension and placed at a depth of at least 12 inches below the final
compacted ground surface. For supporting dead plus live loads, footings
constructed as set Forth above may be safely loaded to as much as 2,800
pounds per square foot. The settlement of such footings, properly
embedded in filled ground and loaded to 2,300 pounds per square foot,
is estimated to be less than l/8 inch. Recommendations for the place-
ment of filled ground are presented in the attached Appendix A, entitled
"Recommended Earthwork Specifications". These bearing values for filled
ground may bc increased 300 pounds per square foot for each additional
foot of depth and 100 pounds per square foot for each additional foot of
width, to a Imaximum of 3,000 pounds per square foot for dead load only
and 3,500 pounds per square foot ~for dead plus live loads. All of the
above bearing values may be further increased by l/3 for combined dead,
live, and seismic or wind loading.
finy upper loose, disturbed natural soils similar to those encountered in
Pit No. 1 to a depth of 1.5 feet that remain below finish grade should
be removed and be uniformly recompacted to at least 90 percent of maximum
dry density in order to provide adequate support to proposed filled ground
and structures.
3. In calculating the resistance of the soil to lateral movement, an
allowable passive earth pressure of 500 pounds per square foot may be
used at a depth of one foot below the lowest adjacent ground surface,
and this may be increased at the rate of 150 pounds per square foot for
each additional foot of depth. A friction value of 0.4 times the dead
load between concrete and soil may also be used.
Page 7 Project No. 62CIF SWYS Corporation 2725174
4. For the design of all retaining walls less than 15 feet in height with
level backfill, an active earth pressure equivalent to a fluid pressure of
30 pounds per cubic foot [may be used, and if the walls are restrained at
their upper ends, an additional 50 pounds per square foot of pressure
against the wall should be used in design. Especial care should be exer-
cised during construction to prevent excessive pressure from being exerted
against these walls from any compaction equipment that ~may be used in
backfilling. The active earth pressure does not include any hydrostatic
pressure and all retaining walls should be protected against any seepage
and accumulation of surface waters behind them
Drawing Nos. 1 to 6, inclusive, and Appendices A and B are parts of this
William G. Catlin, RCE 11579
SWYS Corporation
2g30 Westwood Boulevard
Los Angeles, California 90064
Attn: Mr. Jim Welker, Construction Supervisor
City of Carlsbad
Btiildiny Inspection
1200 Elm Avenue
Carlsbad, California
Attn: Mr. Ray Green
, --
L-l\ i3
j L’
I P-l
A PORTiON OF 7-RA-7. L ,‘- .
UOR TH E R L Y ri A L F 0 i .,.. .
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,~Atq 33 ACLORDII\IL- 7-’ ,‘>“.t.-
NO. 1681, IN i-t?E ~,T’I L.
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PRCJpO56.D 44 SiNIT ir:‘.qR:
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CAKL?BAD - i,A _I F-JKfij ,i
PROJELr h;c ,.J /15 y, swu
Tan, damp, loose
v - Indicates in-situ density test
0 - Indicates loose bag sample
Indicates undisturbed drive sample
Indicates undisturbed chunk sample
?ed tan, damp, loose
-- --- Medium dense
.ight tan, damp, very
Silty fine to
medium sand
, 19
:t’ : . : ,q ;z $4 -
5.3 1
> I
i3: i I g: c ‘2: L -
23. c
2 u ‘r >c,
z: -
3.7 112.6 123.0
l- .: : . : ., ., ::;' .: : ,I :' .' : ,: ,': ,:::I ::. ---
Dark brown, damp, dense
8.1 114.5123.c9:
3 :: .; ;:Y“ ., .:..: ..,...: ,: :’ --..- ___
.~;'~~'~~~ Tan, damp, very dense .:.:: ,. . 4- . . : :' : ., ; : ., :, '.' : ., : :
,: : ,. .' : '; ,: 1~ ..: f,. : : ; 5- ., .'. ., .;. : ,' ,"... ; ; :: ,. : :. ,. : ::.:.. .:.,. ., ,. : .'. '., :, :: :..: ,:
6 : j ':: 'j : i: ,.: ; .,. ~,. . .
?- .y,: : !'. ,',J.' :, : j., ,, '1 : :' ; ,, :
:...:, .".. __ % --~
Load in Kips per Square Foot ,
;Ll\ or I o( (,+ 1.0 2 4 6 ;;;;* 16
DFPTH 1.0 I.!~ t
-L-we-T w
I l’~~~l./Illll I
I Ill/ Xl I I///II I 1 I I 1 I 1 -4. I I I I II I
I A - t t-l-H-- -l I PullI
nl~.-tt-tStf-.--- T - 1 _I _I IL, I I I
2 Tl I /III/// I I I -IlRlI -i z 5 IL
I I I / I I I I , I,
0 Indicates Percent Consolidation at Field Moisture
l Indicates Percent Consolidation after Saturation
14A5B 5
Load in Kips per Square Foot
0 Indicates Percent Cotlsolidation at Field Moisture
0 Indicates Percent Corlsolidation after Saturation
‘reject No.
1. Generdl Description The objective is to obtain uniformity and adequate -- internal strength in filled ground by proven engineering procedures and
tests so that the propos,'tl structures may be safely supported. The pro-
cedures include the clearing and grubbing, removal of existing structures,
preparation of land to be filled, processing the fill soils, filling of the
land, the spreading, and colllpdction of the filled areas to conform with
the lines, grades and slopes as shown on the approved plans.
The owner shall retain a Civil Engineer qualified in Soil Mechanics (herein
referred to as Engineer) to inspect and test the filled ground as placed
to verify the uniformity of compaction of filled ground to the specified
90 percent of maximum dry density. The Engineer shall advise the owner
and grading contractor, immedi,ltely if any unsatisfactory conditions are
observed to exist and shall h<Jve the authority to reject the compacted
filled ground until such time that corrective measures are taken, necessary
to cali~ply with the specifications. It shall be the sole responsibility - of the grading contractor to achieve the specified degree of compaction.
2. Clearing, Grubbing, atld PreEr&!p/'reas to be Filled
All brush, vegetation and any biodegradable refuse shall be removed,
piled and burned or otherwise disposed of so as to leave the areas
to be filled free of vecjctation and debris. Any uncompacted filled
ground shall be removed unless the report recommends otherwise. Ahy
ullstable, soft, t.wampy, or otherwise unsuitable areas shall be corrected
by draining or rc:moval, or both.
The natlit-al ground whit h is determined to be satisfactory for the
support of the fi'lled !irouni> shall then be plowed or scarified to a
depth ol' at least six inches (6"), and until the surface is free
from ruts, hummocks, or other uneven features which would tend to
prevent uniform compaction by the equipment to be used.
After the natural ground has beer1 prepared, it shall then be brought to
the proper moisture cotltent ilnd colllpacted to not less than 90 percent
of maximum tlcnsity in ‘lccorddtlce with A.S.T.M. D1557-70 method which
uses 25 blows of a 10 l'ound rammer falling 18 inches on each of
5 layers in a 4 inch diameter l/30 cubic foot cylindrical mold.
Where fills are mclde on hillsides or exposed slope areas, with gradients
greater than 10 percent, horizontal benches shall be cut into firm
undisturbed natural ground in order to provide both lateral and vertical
stability. Tllis is to provide a horlzonLa1 base so that each layer
is placed and compal.ted on J horizon,al plane. The initial bench
at the toe of the f;ll shall be at l.:ast 10 feet in width on firm
undisturbed natural ground st the elevation of the toe stake placed
,at the natural angli of reijose or d&sign slope. ~The Engineer shall
determine the width ind frequency of all succeeding benches which will vary with the : Ii1 conditions <lnd the steepness of slope.
2. Materials arid Special Reg\lirel, ,nts. The fill soils shall consist of select .-,- materials free from veget,.ble [[latter, and other deleterious substances, and
shall not contain rocks ot lumps greater than 6 inches in diameter. This
may be obtained from the excavation of tlanks, borrow pits or any other
approved sources and by mixing soils ft-In one or more sources. If excessive
vegetation, rocks, or soils with inddcqu,~te strength or other unacceptable
physical characteristics <Il~e enc,,untered, these shall be disposed of in
waste areas as shown on tl:.? plans or as directed by the Engineer. If, during
grading operations, :~,oils Ire fuund which were not encountered and tested
in the prelin,inary investi!,Jtion, tests on these soils shall be performed
to determine -heir physical characteristics. Any special treatment recom-
mended in the preliminary c, subsequent soil reports not covered herein shall become an addc:ndum to these specifications.
The testing and specifications for the compaction of subgrade, subbase, and
base materials for roads, streets highways, or other public property or
rights-of-way shall be in accordance with the standards of the governmental
agency having jurisdiction.
4. Placing, Spreading, and Compactiilpl ill Jaterials.
(a) When the moisture content of the fill material is below that specified
by the Enyineer, water sha!l be added in the borrow pit until the moisture
content is near optimum to assure uniform mixing and effective compaction.
(b) When the moistrrt.2 contetlt of ,he fill rmaterial is above that specified
by the Engineer, resulting in inadequate compaction or unstable fill,
the fill material shall be aerated by blading and scarifying or other
satisfactory mrthuds until the moisture content is near optimum as
(c) After processing, the suitable fill material shall be placed in layers
which, when con,pacted, shall I\ot exceed six inches (6"). Each layer shall
be spread evenly and shall be thoroughly mixed during the spreading to
insure uniformity of material and moisture in each layer.
(d) After each layer has been placed, mixed and spread evenly, it shall be
thorou$lly compacted to not less than the density set forth in
paragraph ,' (c) <lbove. Compaction shall be accomplished with sheeps-
foot rollers, multiple-wheel pneumatic-tired rollers, or other
approved types of compaction equipni?nt, such as vibratory equipment
that is specially designed for certain soil types. Rollers shall be
of such design a11ti maintained to such a level that they will be able
to compact the fill materinl to the spe,.ified density. Tamping feet
of sheepLfoot roller:; shall be rmiintain~d such that the soil will be
compacted rather that1 sheared by the roller. Rolling shall be accomp-
'lished while the fill material is at the specified moisture content.
Rolling of each layer shall be continuous over its entire area and
the roller shall make sufficient trips to insure that the specified
density has been obtained. Roll~ing shall be accomplished in a
planned procedure sL(ch that the entire areas to be filled shall receive
uniform compactive effort.
(e) The surfaces of the fill slopes shall be compacted by means of sheeps-
foot rollers or otlIzr suitable equipment. Compacting operations shall
be continued until the slopes dre stable and until there is no
appreciable amount of loose soil on the slopes. Compacting of the
slopes shall be accomplished by backrolling the slopes in increments
of 3 to 5 feet in elevation gain or by other methods producing
satisfactory results.
(f) Field density tests shall be take11 for approximately each foot in ele-
vation gain after compaction, but not to exceed two feet in vertical
height between tests. F'ield density tests may be taken at intervals of
6 inches in elevation gain if required by the Engineer. The location
of the tests in plan shall be so spaced to give the best possible cover-
age and shall be taken no farther apart than 100 feet. Tests shall be
taken on corner and terrace lots for each two feet in elevation gain.
The Engineer may take additional tests as considered necessary to check
on the uniformity of compaction. Where sheepsfoot rollers are used,
the tests shall be taken in the compacted material below the disturbed
surface. NJ additional layers of fill shall be spread until the field
density tests indicate that the specified density has been obtained.
(g) The fill operation sha 1 bl continued in six inch (6") compacted layers
as specified above, unil lile fill has been brought to the finished
slopes and grades as s town \)n the accepted plans.
~;,;PKti+. Sufficient 'inspection by the Engineer shall be maintained during
Tng and compacting operations so that he can verify that the fill
was constructed in accordance with the accepted specifications.
Seasonal Limits. No fill material shall be placed, spread, or rolled if
weather conditions increase tire moisture content above permissible limits.
When the work is interrupted by rain, fill operations shall not be resumed
until field tests by the soils engineer indicate that the moisture content
and density-of fill are as pt2viously specified.
Limiting Values of Nonexpan<~lve Soils. Those soils that expand 3.0 percent
or less from air dry to satL:ratlon undet~ a unit load of 150 pounds per square
foot are considered to be nonexpansive.
All recommendations prt,ent,:d in the attached report are a part of these
Sampling (Undisturbed Drive Sample)
The undisturbed drive samples are obtained by forcing a special sampling
tube into the undisturbed ,soils at the bottom of the excavation. The
sampling tube consists of a steel barrel, 3.0 inches outside diameter,
with a special cutting tip and with a lining of twelve thin brass rings,
each one inch long by 2.42 inches inside diameter. The sampler, connec-
ted to a twelve inch long waste barrel, is either pushed or driven ap-
proximately 18 inches into the soil and a six inch section of the center
portion of the sample is taken for laboratory tests, the soil being still
confined in the brass rings, after extraction from the sampler tube. The
samples are taken to the laboratory in close fitting waterproof containers
in order to retain the field moisture until completion of the test. The
driving energy is calcuiated as the average energy in foot-kips required
to force the sampling tube through 1 foot of soil at the depth at which
the sample is obtained.
Field Moisture and Density (Undisturbed Drive Sample)
The field moisture and density are determined from undisturbed drive sam-
ples by the following procedure.
a. Carefully trimming the ends of the total sample (5 or 6 rings) such
that the ends of the sample coincide with the plane of the ends of
the rings.
b. Weighing this trimmed sample, deducting the weight of the rings and
dividing by the volume included within the rings, results in the wet
density of the soil.
C. Weighing a representative sample of the contents of 1 ring before
and after drying to cietermine the moisture content.
d. With the moisture content from (c) above and the wet density from
(b) above, calculatitig the dry density of the soil sample.
Sampling (Undisturbed Chunk Sample)
An undisturbed chunk sample is a representative piece of the soil mass.
The chunk is taken en masse from the stratum being investigated. It is
then placed in a waterproof container to retain the field moisture and
carefully transported to the laboratory.
Field Moisture an< Density (Disturbed Sampling)
The field moisture and density of the soil mass is determined by apply-
ing the current applicable provisions of A.S.T.M. Test Method 01556. In
particular, the sampling procedure consists of:
a. Levelling the surface of the undisturbed in-place soil mass.
b. Setting n special base plate approximately 12 inches square with a
6 l/2 inch diameter hole in the middle.
C. Removing 5 to 8 pounds of soils through the hole in the base plate
without disturbing the remaining soil mass.
d. Determining the volume of the hole by filling it with a calibrated
sand of known density through a special cone. The weight of sand
is determined by the weight "lost" from a measured amount in filling
the hole.
e. Weighing the soil removed from the hole and thus determining the den-
sity of the soil removed.
f. Drying a sample of this removed ;oil in an oven to find the moisture
content and thereby determining the dry density of the soil.
Soil density relationship; for these purposes are based on the dry densi-
Field Moisture and Density (Undisturbed Chunk Sample)
The field Imoisture and density are determined from undisturbed chunk sam-
ples by the following procedure:
a. Carefully trimming the sample to remove any loosely adhering soil.
b. Inspecting the sample for evidence of disturbance such as cracks
or voids that might occur around rock particles.
C. Weighing the sample and meticulously coating it with wax. Especial
care must be exercised in maintaining the proper wax temperature
and dipping time to avoid partial wax saturation of the sample or
air bubbles.
d. Weighing the waxed sample in air and in water. From these weighings
and the known density of paraffin, the volume of the wax, volume of
the scil mass and the wet density of the soil mass is computed.
e. Breaking up the sample to separate out any rock particles larger
than 3/4 inch in nominal dimension.
f. Drying a representative por.tion of the sample and weighing it before
and after. From these results and the results of the steps above,
the dry density of the soil mass (particles smaller than 3/4inch) is
Shear Tests_
The shear tests are run usiny a direct shear machine of the strain control
type in which the rate of deformation is approximately 0.05 inch per min-
ute. The machine is so designed that the tests are made without removing
the samples from the brass liner rings in which they are secured. Each
sample is sheared under a normal load equivalent to the weight of the soil
above the p>,int of sampling. In some instances, samples are sheared under
various normal loads in order to obtain the internal angle of friction and
cohesion. Where considered necessary, samples are saturated and drained
before shearing in order to simulate extreme field Imoisture conditions.
Consolidation Tests
- The apparatus used for the consolidation tests is designed to receive one
of the one inch high rings of soil as it comes from the field. Loads are
applied in several increments to the dpper surface of the test specimen
and the resulting deformations are recorded at selected time intervals
for each increment. Generally, each increment of load is maintained on
the sample until the rate of deformation is equal to or less than l/10000
inch per hour. Porous stones are placed in contact with the top and bot-
tom of each specimen to permit the ready addition or release of water.
wnsion Te&
Expansion tests are performed on air dried samples or on samples at opti-
mum moisture content. In the first case, one inch high samples confined
in the brass rings are permitted to air dry at 105" for at least 48 hours
prior to placing into the expansion apparatus. The sample to be tested
at optimum moisture is re,nolded to 90 percent of maximum dry density at
optimum moisture content and placed directly on the expansion apparatus.
A unit load of 150 pounds or 500 pounds per square foot is then applied
to the upper porous stone in contact with the top of each sample. Water
is permitted to contact both the top and bottom of each sample through
porous stones. Continuous observations are made until upward movement
is less than l/10000 inch per hour.