HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Azure Cove - Phase 6, Lots 1 through 10, 14 and 15; Report for Compaction Test Results; 1997-11-0611/06/1997 IS: 04 619-536-8311 GEOTECHNICS INC. PAGE 02
Anthony F. Belfast
Michael P. Imbriglio
W. Lee Vand«*»w«
Novembers. 1997
« , Proiect No 0002-008-04
Brookfield Homes Paafic, Inc. Document No 7-0678
12865 Pointe Del Mar. Suite 200 Document INO. ^
San Diego, California 92014
Attention: Mr. Luis Nunez
Azure Cove - Phase 6
Lots 1 through 10,14 and 15
Carlsbad, Caiifomla
Dear Mr. Nuftez:
This report summarizes the results of our testing and obsewation sen/Ices during subgrade
preparation for the subject lots. As Indicated in our previous letter dated October 23,1997. we
recommended that priorto building construction the subject lots be scarified to a depth of at least
8 Inches, moisture conditioned, and be compacted to at least 90 percent of the laboratory
maximum density in accordance with ASTM D 1557-91.
Field personnel were providod to test and obsewe the earthworic on October 28, 1997. The
subject lots were scarified to a depth of at least 8 inches, brought to approximate optimum
moisture contant using a fire hose, and compacted using a track dozer.
Our soil technician conducted one In-place density test at the finish grade of each iot. in-place
moisture content and density tests were made in accordance with ASTM D 2922-91 and 0 3017-
88 (Nuclear Gauge Method). The results of these tests are presented on Table 1, Field Density
Test Results.
The maximum dry densities and optimum moisture contents of the soils tested were determined
in the laboratory by ASTM method D1SS7-91. (Modified Proctor). The on-site fill soils generally
consisted of a fine to medium grained silty sand (SM). The soils at the finished pad grade are
considered to have a low expansion potential.
9951 Bu«liie»Pm*A«., Ste. B • SMI Mego C«lttonila • 92131
Phone 536-1000 • Fax {619) 536^11
11/06/1997 16:04 619-536-8311 GEOTECHNICS INC. PAGE 03
Brookfield Homes Pacffic. Inc.
Azure Cove - Phase 6
November 6,1897
Project No. 0002-008-04
Document No. 7-678
Page 2
Table 1
Fiold Density Test Results
Test No. Lot No.
Max. Dry
10 111 7.9 118 11.5 94
2 9 111 10.3 118 11.5 94
3 8 115 8.7 125 9.5 92
4 7 114 7.6 125 9.6 91
5 6 118 7.7 125 9.5 95
6 5 116 8.2 125 9.5 93
7 4 118 7.8 125 9.5 95
8 3 112 10.0 125 9,5 90
g 2 116 10.2 125 9.5 93
10 1 117 11.3 125 9.5 94
11 15 113 8.3 125 9.5 90
12 14 115 10.9 125 . 9.5 92
Based on our obsen/ations and test results, compaction of the subject lots was perfbrmed in
general accordance with the intent of our referenced letter. Based upon our observations and
testing it is our professional opinion that soils were pieced in accordance with the compaction
criteria of 90 percent of the maximum density (ASTM D 1557-91). Accordingly, the foundation
recommendations previously provided fbr the project may be used for the proposed structures.
Our services were perfbmied using the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised, under similar
drcumstances, by reputable soils engineers and geotogists practicing in this or simiiar localities.
No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to the conclusions and professional advice
included in this report
G«otecl»iic9 BieorporRted
11/06/1997 16:04 619-536-8311 GEOTECHNICS INC. PAGE 04
Brookfield Homes Pacific. Inc.
Azure Cove - Phase 6
Novembers, 1997
Project No. 0002-^308-04
Document No. 7-678
Page 3
The samples taken and used for testing, the observations made, and the in-place field testing
performed are b^ieved representative of each lot; however, soli and geologic conditions can vary
significantly between tested or observed locations.
This report is issued with the understanding that It Is the responsibility of the owner, or of his
representative, to ensure that the foundation recommendations previously submitted are brought
to the attention of the architect and engineer fbr the project and incorporated into the plans, and
the necessary steps are taken to see that the contractor and subcontractors carry out such
recommendations in the field.
We trust this infomiation meets your current needs. Please call if you have any questions or
require additional information.
Robert A. Tones, P.E. 43077
Senior Engineer
Distribution: (2) Addressee
(1) City of Carisbad, Mr Don Moore, fax oniy
Gcotecluiics Idcoiyoreted