HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Banks Residence 2740 Argonauto Street; Soils Report; 1989-09-27.
2740 ARGONAUT0 S-I-.
File #035
Mr. Ron Banks
2740 Argonauto Street
Carlsbad, California 92009
Subject: Soil Conditions, 2740 Argonauto Street, Cnrlsbad, California
Dear Sir:
In 1982, while working for Alpha Laboratories, I prepared two soils reports for
your property located at the subject address. One was a “Preliminary Soils
investigation” (pre1iminar.v to structural and grading design and prior to actual
construction). The other was a quality control report (for earthwork construction
of filled ground under and adjacent to the house that was constructed). These
reports accurately depicted the natural soil conditions, the imported fill used
during grading, and the filled ground after the completion of earthwork in 1982.
Since 1982, a concrete crib-block retaining wall retaining about 3.5’ of soil
was constructed in the north-easterly corner of the lot. The down-slope face of
this wall is in the order of 8’ high. However, it appears that the base of the
wall was extended down through the loose native soils and also to hold the wall
footing (or bearing away from the face of slope. Roth of these were following
the findings and recommendations contained in the “Preliminary Soils
Investigation!’ of 1982.
The report for the “Preliminary Soils Investigation” contained a plot plan with
topography with 1’ contours. The plot plan was a reduced Zerox copy of the
surveyed topography that was used later to prepare the grading plans. I used a
hand level, this topography and my recollection of the site in 1982 to arrive
at the fact that the wall retains only about 3.5 feet of fill.
The retaining wall backfill appears (through the crib-block spaces) to be a
select fill of granitic origin and it does not appear to have been compacted.
By assuming the fill and backfill to have minimum strength parameters and to be
compressible then the “worst case scenario” can be developed.
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401!i TRIESTE DRIVE. CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA 92008 l (619) 720-9641
vile #035
The minimum, conservative soil parameters for the “worst case” assumptions’ and
the soil data from the 1982 reports are as follows:
Soil Condition: Undisturbed,
firm native
Description of soil:
Maximum Density:
Optimum Moisture:
Internal friction angle:
Cohesion intercept:
Relative compaction:
Expansive potential:
Clayey Gravel
127 pcf
35 Deg.
250 psf
Very low
select fill
Tan Silty Sand
(DG mix)
122 pcf
36 Deg.
120 psf
Very low
fill and
backfill __
Tan Silty/Clayey
120-130 pcf
8 to 10%
29 Deg
0 psf
None to Slight
Very high
1 These are Worst case assumrstiona and represent the worst conceivable
conditions from known information. They form a u conservative basis for any
calculations or analysis.
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File #035
The following applicable parameters were cornouted’ from the above,
conservative data shown on page 2:
Soil Condition: Undisturbed, Compacted, Uncompacted,
firm native imported fill and
select fill backfill -
Average field Density: 107.9 pcf 111.0 pcf 97.5 pcf
Steepest slope ratio for 0.25:l
lo’slope & Fs = 1.5
1.08:1 1.85:1
Active pressure (as 21.0 pcf 20.4 pcf 26.85 pcf
fluid density) for wall
with 3:12 batter and
1O:l sloping backfill
Allowable passive 128 psf at 249 psf at 0 psf
pressure for slope down surface & surface &
& *way from wall at 1O:l increasing at increasing at
ratio and wall with 3:12 384 pcf per 233 pcf per
batter foot of depth. foot of depth.
Minimum allowable
foundation bearing
2200 psf 2000 psf 0 psf
(Do not bear
foundations on
this soil.)
It is my opinion that the retaining wall is stable and will preform
satisfactorily at the present geometry and as constructed. The shallow fill
should be recompacted if it is to support structures that are susceptible to
differential movement. While this fill is landscaped and is not depended upon
for support of anything, I see no logical reason for recompacting at this time.
However, any construction in this area without removing and recompacting the
loose fill would end in disaster.
* These values are computed values. They are the answers resulting from
substituting the above conservative parameters into formulas (via computer).
These s are shown for information only and for the sole purpose
of substantiating the conclusions and recommendations. This format was chosen
to convey the maximum information in the shortest space as concisely aa possible.
These are up& recommendations. Obviously, flatter and lower slopes, higher soil
strength parameters, and lighter foundation loads (all as related to this site)
will produce m factors of safety than those used to calculate these values.
c. H. wood (619) mo-SW C”l~,a& Xn-’
CuhbM, CA exQa
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File #035
I make the following recommendations concerning any new construction:
1) The initial phases of w proposed construction be
the physical checking of the .subgrade soils by
conventional soil tests to determine compaction.
Thereafter, all loose fill (compaction of less than 90%)
in the vi.cinity of new construction be removed, replaced
and recompacted to a minimum of 90% in accordance with
the aDDliCable Do&ions of the attached recommended
grading specifications.
2) Fill slopes steeper than 2:l are not recommended
regardless of slope height.
3) Foundations should bear on competent soil (Compact
fill or undisturbed native) and the foundation contact
pressure should not exceed 2000 psf.
4) Active pressures as an equivalent fluid density for
calculation of the stability of the crib wall with the
3 on 12 batter should equal or exceed 27 pcf.
5) Passive pressures for resistance to lateral movement
may safely assumed to be 250 psf at the surface and
increasing at the rate of 230 psf per foot of depth. The
coefficient of friction of concrete to competent soil
may be safely assumed to be 0.4
If you have questions, please contact me. This opportunity to be of service is
Respectfully Submitted, E4htL-4
C.H.Wood, RCE10776, GTE 903
cc: 3 submitted
c. n. wood we) rmsw c%VH$,~~& a-
l2adw. CA am8
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File #035
Banks Residence
2740 Argonauta Street
Carlsbad, California
GENERAL: C.H.Wood and ‘Soil Engineer’ are synonymous hereinafter. He shall be
employed to inspect and test earthwork in accordance with these specifications,
the accepted plans, and the requirements of any jurisdictive governmental
agencies. He is to be allowed adequate access so that the inspections and tests
may be performed. The Soil Engineer shall be appraised of schedules and any
unforeseen soil conditions.
Substandard conditions or workmanship, inadequate compaction, adverse weather,
or deviation from the lines and grades shown on the plans, etc., shall be cause
for the soil engineer to either stop construction until the conditions are
corrected or recommend rejection of the work. Refusal to comply with these
specifications or the recommendations and/or interpretations of the soils
engineer will be cause for the soils engineer and/or his representative to
immediately terminate his services.
Maximum Density & Opt Moisture--
Density of Soil In-Place --
Soil Expansion --
Shear Strength --
Gradation & Grain Size --
Capillary Moisture Tension --
ASTM D1557-70
ASTM D1556 or ASTM D2922 and D3017
ASTM D3080-72
ASTM D1140-71
ASTM D2325-68
Minimum Compaction -- 90% for ‘disturbed’ soils. (Existing fill,
newly placed fill, plowed ground, etc.)
-- 84% for natural, undisturbed soils.
-- 95% for pavement subgrade within 2’ of
finish grade and pavement base course.
Expansive Soils -- Expansion index exceeding 20
Insufficient fines -- Less than 40% passing the #4 sieve.
Oversized Particles -- Rocks over 10” in diameter.
Brush, trash, debris and detrimental soils shall be cleared from the areas to
receive fill. Detrimental soils (including insufficiently compacted soils) shall
be removed to firm competent soil. Slopes exceeding 20% should be stepped uphill
with benches 10’ or greater in width. Scarify area to receive fill to 6” depth
and compact.
FILL MATERIAL shall contain sufficient fines. Oversized particles and excessive
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File #035
organics are not acceptable. On-site disposition of oversized rock or expansive
soils are to be at the written direction of the Soils Engineer. Select fill
shall be as specified by the Soils Engineer. All fill shall be comwcted anrJ
tested -*
UNFORESEEN CONDITIONS: C. H. Wood assumes no responsibility for conditions which
differ from those described in the applicable current reports and documents for
this property. Upon termination of the soil engineers services for any reason,
his fees up to the time of termination become due and payable. If it is
necessary for the soils engineer to issue an unfavorable report concerning the
work that he has been hired to test and inspect, the soils engineer shall not
be held liable for any damages that might result from his ‘unfavorable report’.
c. H. wood (@IS) 1zow41 Ckil a Geowch. Engllmer 4015 Tries* rmn Carl-. CA 92008 Page 6 of 6
-S-L-O_P E STABILITY -_---_-_--
-Call- -Pet-am&et- Symb- -Value-
MM factor of safety (Fsj = 1.98
Slope ratio (Br) = 2.00 :l
Vertical slope height (till) = 10.0 '
Cohesion intercept (CO) = 120.0 psf Internal friction
Groundwater height
I;,'; ; 36.0 cieg
Submergence height (HWj = ::: '
Soil dry densjty (Yd) = 111.0 pcf
Specific Gravity (Gsj = 2.67
Surcharge atop slope (Qd) = 0 psf Consolidation w/r surchg (Es) = 100.0 %
Dry tension crack depth (Td) = 0.0 '
Wet tension crack depth (Tw) q 0.0 '
% seismic (for Fs only) (Gv) = 0.0 %
Press tU>p, cD>own, cR>evise. <C>alc, tM>atrix, cQ>uit
I :
0 :
e ;
19.00 t + + +
e :
-XL --y___
2.295 5.000
2.041 9.000
1.816 13.000
1.663 11.000
I.630 21.000
1.434 26.000
h 14.00 t 1 + +
i /
I +
t :
9.00 t t t + t
5.00 ________;___ ---___ fector Safetr- --_--- / -----_---;
2.30 2.11 1.95 1.18 1.61 1.13
MER) to continue.
c. H. wood (*to) 720-8811 Clv’l~,~~ E$gnw
wr,*sd. CA ozcee