HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Broccato/Azure Cove; Report of Compaction Test Results; 1999-08-27Geotechnics
9245 Activity Road, Suite 103
San Diego, CA 92126-4442
phone: (619) 536-1000
FAX: (619)536-8311
TO: Brookfield Homes
12865 Pointe Del Mer, Suite 200
Del Mar, CA 92014
DATE: August 26,1999
ATTENTION: Mr Tim Welman
REGARDING: Broccato/Azure Cove
We are transmitting the following attached items by:
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Copies Date Description
2 of 2 8-27-99 Report of compaction test results for joint utility, storm drain,
sewer and water trenches.
Remarks: Please call if you have any questions.
Michaei Maston
Copy To:
REV, 05-12-99
Anthony F. Belfast
Michael P. Imbriglio
August 27, 1999 W. Lee Vanderhurst
Brookfield Homes Project No. 0002-008-04
12865 Pointe Del Mar, Suite 200 Document No. 9-0848
Del Mar, Califomia 92014
Attention: Mr. Tim Welman
Joint UtiUty, Storm Drain, Sewer, and Water Trenches
Broccato/ Azure Cove
Carlsbad, California
Dear Mr. Welman:
This report summarizes the results of the testing and observation services performed by Geotechnics
Incorporated during placement of undergroimd utilities in the streets ofthe Broccato/ Azure Cove
Residential Development. Field personnel were provided for this project in orderto test and observe
trench backfill operations. Our geotechnical services were performed between August 20, 1996
through February 26, 1997.
Scope of Services
Our observations and tests assisted us in developing professional opinions regarding whether or not
the backfill operations were conducted in general accordance with the geotechnical requirements of
the City of Carlsbad, as well as our geotechnical recommendations. Our services did not include
supervision nor direction of the actual work of the contractor, his employees, nor agents. Our
services did include the following:
• Observation of trench backfill placement and compaction in order to determine whether these
operations were conducted in general accordance with the geotechnical recommendations
and geotechnical requirements of the City of Carlsbad.
• Performing field and laboratory tests on trench backfill to support geotechnical
recommendations and conclusions.
9245 Activity Rd., Ste. 103 • San Diego, Califomia 92126
Phone (858) 536-1000 • Fax (858) 536-8311
AUGUST 27, 1999 DOCUMENT NO. 9-0848
Preparation of daily field reports summarizing the day's activity with regard to earthwork,
and documenting hours spent in the field by our technicians.
Preparation of this report summarizing backfill placement, field and laboratory test results,
and the compaction operations.
Fill Soils
The various materials used as fill are described in Figure B-l of the appendix. The maximum
densities and optimum moisture contents of the soils were determined in the laboratory in general
accordance with ASTM Dl 557-91. Native soils were used to backfill the trench. The native backfill
varied from sand, silty sand, and clayey sand (SP, SM and SC).
Field Density Testing
In-place moisture and density tests were made in general accordance with ASTM D 2922-91 and D
3017-88 (Nuclear Gauge Methods). The results of these tests are given in Appendix C, Figures C-1
through C-6. The actual test locations are shown on the Geotechnical Maps, Plates 1 through 17.
The locations and elevations given for the tests are based on field survey stakes and estimates from
the grading plan topography, and should be considered rough estimates. These locations and
elevations should not be used for preparing cross sections showing test locations, or for after-the-fact
evaluation of the sequence of fiU placement.
Geotechnical Evaluation and Recommendations
In our opinion, compaction of the backfill soils within the subject trenches was performed in general
accordance v^th the intent of the project geotechnical recommendations, and vsdth the requirements
of the City ofCarlsbad. Based upon our observations and testing, it is our professional opinion that
trench backfill soils were placed in substantial accordance with the compaction criteria of 90 percent
of the maximum density. The conclusions and recommendations contained herein are based on our
observations and testing performed between August 20, 1996 and February 26, 1997. No
representations are made as to the quality and extent of materials not observed.
———Geotechnics Incorporated
AUGUST 27, 1999
PROJECT NO. 0002-008-04
Our services were performed using the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised, under similar
circumstances, by reputable soils engineers and geologists practicing in this or similar localities. No
other warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to the conclusions and professional advice included
in this report. The samples taken and used for testing, the observations made, and the in-place field
testing performed are believed representative of the project. However, soil and geologic conditions
can vary significantly between tested or observed locations.
The findings of this report are valid as of the present date. However, changes in the conditions of
a property can occur with the passage of time, whether they be due to natural processes or the works
of man on this or adjacent properties. In addition, changes in applicable or appropriate standards
may occur, whether they result from legislation or the broadening of knowledge. Accordingly, the
findings of this report may be invalidated wholly or partially by changes outside our control.
Therefore, this report is subject to review and should not be relied upon after a period of three years.
We appreciate this opportunity to be of professional service. Please call if you have any questions
or require additional services.
Robert A. Torres, P.E. 43077
Senior Engineer
Distribution: (2) Addressee
Anthony F. Belfast, P.E. 40333
Attachments: Appendix A, References
Appendix B, Laboratory Testing
Figure B-l, Laboratory Test Results
Appendix C, Field Test Results
Figures C-1 through C-6, Density Test Results
Geotechnics Incorporated
American Society for Testing and Materials, 1992, Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Section 4.
Constmction. Volume 04.08 Soil and Rock: Dimension Stone: Geosynthetics. ASTM,
Philadelphia, PA, 1296 p.
Geotechnics Incorporated (1996). Estimate for Geotechnical Testing Services, Underground
Improvements and Street Sections at Broccato, Carlsbad, CA, Project No. 0002-008-04,
Document 6-0647, October 7.
Geotechnics Incorporated (1996). Alternative Foundation Recommendations, Broccato (Batiquitos
Shores Tract 89-19 Broccato), Carlsbad, CA, Project No. 0002-008-02, Document 6-0301,
May 13, 1996
Geotechnics Incorporated (1994). Interim Compaction Report, Broccato, Carlsbad, CA, ProjectNo.
0002-008-00, Document 4-0489, December 19, 1994
Geotechnics Incorporated
Selected samples of soils encountered during the earthwork constmction were tested using generally
accepted testing standards. The soils selected for tesfing are believed to be generally representative
ofthe materials encountered during the earthwork constmcfion at the site.
Laboratory testing was conducted in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily
exercised by members of the profession currently pracficing under similar condifions and in same
locality. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to the correctness or serviceability of
the test resuhs or the conclusions derived from these tests. Where a specific laboratory test method
has been referenced, such as ASTM, Caltrans, or AASHTO, the reference applies only to the
specified laboratory test method and not to associated referenced test method(s) or practices, and the
test method referenced has been used only as a guidance document for the general performance of
the test and not as a "Test Standard." A brief descripfion of the tests perfonned follows:
Classification: Soils were classified visually according to the Unified Soil Classificafion System
as established by the American Society of Civil Engineers. Visual classification was supplemented
by laboratory testing of selected soil samples and classification in general accordance with the
laboratory soil classificafion tests oufiined in ASTM test method D 2487.
Maximum Densitv Optimum Moisture: The maximum density and optimum moisture for
representative soil samples were determined by using test method ASTM D1557-91, modified
Proctor. The test results are summarized in Figure B-l.
Geotechnics Incorporated
Description Max. Dry
1 Yellowish brown, fine to medium Sand and Silty Sand (SM/SP) 123'/2 10.5
5 Brown, fine Silty Sand (SM) 123 9.6
6 Brown, fme Silty Sand (SM) 125 10.0
7 Light Gray to Yellowish Brown, fme Silty Sand (SM) UVA 14.0
9 Reddish brown, fine Silty Sand (SM) 1271/2 8.9
11 Reddish brown, fine Sand (SP) 125 9.5
12 Greenish gray, fine Silty and Clayey Sand Mix (SM/SC) 115!/2 14.5
13 Yellowish brovm, fine Silty Sand (SM) 118 11.5
14 Yellowish brown. Aggregate Base Course (GW) 132 5.5
Laboratory Test Results
Project No. 0002-008-04
Document No. 9-0848
Figure B-l
-Elevations and locations of field tests were determined by hand level and pacing relative to field
staking done by others.
-The precision of the field density test and the maximum dry density test is not exact and variations
should be expected. For example, the American Society for Testing and Materials has recently
researched the precision of ASTM Method No. Dl 557 and found the accuracy ofthe maximum dry
density to be plus or minus 4 percent of the mean value and the optimum moisture content to be
accurate to plus or minus 15 percent of the mean value; the Society specifically states the "acceptable
range of test results expressed as a percent of mean value" is the range stated above. In effect, an
indicated relafive compacfion of 90 percent has an acceptable range of 86.6 to 92.8 percent based
on the maximum dry density determinafion. The precision of the field density test ASTM D1556
has not yet been determined by the American Society for Testing and Materials; however, it must
be recognized that it also is subject to variations in accuracy.
-The following abbreviations were used in the Figures of Appendix C:
JT - Joint Trench
SD - Storm Drain
S - Sewer
W - Water
Geotechnics Incorporated
Testing & Observation
Project No. 0002-008-04
Document No. 9-0848
Test Test Elevation/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture Dry Relative Required Retest Test
No. Date Location Type Density Content Density Compaction Compaction Number Method
[ft] [pcf] [%] [pcf] [%1 [%]
JT-1 11/20/96 54 11 125.0 9.3 114.0 91 90 NU
JT-2 11/20/96 59 11 125.0 9.9 114.2 91 90 NU
JT-3 11/20/96 68 12 115.5 12.2 107.8 93 90 NU
JT-4 11/20/96 69 12 115.5 12.1 105.0 91 90 NU
JT-5 12/3/96 30 11 125.0 7.7 117.9 94 90 NU
JT-6 12/3/96 27 11 125.0 6.9 116.3 93 90 NU
JT-7 12/3/96 26 11 125.0 7.1 118.7 95 90 NU
JT-8 12/3/96 25 11 125.0 7.6 116.4 93 90 NU
JT-9 1/9/97 37 11 125.0 14.6 114.3 91 90 NU
JT-10 1/9/97 31 11 125.0 12.1 112.9 90 90 NU
JT-11 1/10/97 34 5 123.2 10.8 116.0 94 90 NU
JT-12 1/10/97 43 5 123.2 10.9 114.0 93 90 NU
JT-13 1/10/97 25 5 123.2 11.8 114.2 93 90 NU
JT-14 1/10/97 22 5 123.2 11.4 114.3 93 90 NU
JT-15 1/10/97 25 5 123.2 11.8 115.4 94 90 NU
JT-16 1/10/97 28 5 123.2 12.6 115.7 94 90 NU
JT-17 1/20/97 22 11 125.0 11.9 114.4 92 90 NU
JT-18 1/20/97 27 11 125.0 10.9 115.1 92 90 NU
JT-19 1/20/97 18 5 123.2 11.8 118.8 95 90 NU
JT-20 1/20/97 17 5 123.2 11.0 116.1 94 90 NU
JT-21 1/20/97 21 5 123.2 11.4 115.0 93 90 NU
JT-22 1/21/97 19 5 123.2 14.1 112.7 91 90 NU
JT-23 1/21/97 18 5 123.2 13.9 112.9 92 90 NU
JT-24 1/21/97 55 11 125.0 17.6 115.2 92 90 NU
JT-25 1/21/97 66 11 125.0 11.9 113.5 91 90 NU
JT-26 1/22/97 61 11 125.0 12.2 117.4 94 90 NU
JT-27 1/22/97 57 11 125.0 13.6 117.8 90 90 NU
JT-28 1/25/97 106 11 125.0 13.7 113.6 91 90 NU
JT-29 1/25/97 83 11 125.0 13.5 113.5 91 90 NU
JT-30 1A25/97 109 13 118.0 16.4 110.0 93 90 NU
JT-31 1/25/97 114 13 118.0 14.7 108.3 92 90 NU
JT-32 1/25/97 115 11 125.0 13.1 112.9 90 90 NU
JT-33 1/25/97 112 11 125.0 13.6 113.3 91 90 NU
Testing & Observation
Project No. 0002-008-04
Document No. 9-0848
Test Test Elevation/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture Dry Relative Required Retest Test
No. Date Location Type Density Content Density Compaction Compaction Number Method
[ft] [pcf] [%] [pcf] [%] [%]
SD-1 8/20/96 12 6 125.1 9.3 120.5 96 90 NU
SD-2 8/20/96 13 6 125.1 10.4 118.0 94 90 NU
SD-3 8/21/96 14 6 125.1 8.0 113.5 91 90 NU
SD-4 8/21/96 14 6 125.1 8.9 116.0 93 90 NU
SD-5 8/21/96 19 6 125.1 10.2 116.5 93 90 NU
SD-6 8/21/96 20 6 125.1 10.6 113.7 91 90 NU
SD-7 8/21/96 11 6 125.1 8.7 112.9 90 90 NU
SD-8 8/22/96 38 3 113.9 11.3 109.7 93 90 NU
SD-9 8/22/96 34 5 123.2 9.2 117.5 95 90 NU
SD-10 8/22/96 33 5 123.2 8.4 114.7 93 90 NU
SD-11 8/22/96 31 6 125.1 11.2 119.7 96 90 NU
SD-12 8/22/96 30 6 125.1 10.9 118.2 94 90 NU
SD-13 8/22/96 40 5 123.2 10.6 114.8 93 90 NU
SD-14 8/23/96 40 3 117.9 10.9 111.7 96 90 NU
SD-15 8/23/96 42 3 117.9 11.3 113.7 96 90 NU
SD-17 9/3/96 25 6 125.1 8.1 119.8 96 90 NU
SD-18 9/3/96 23 6 125.1 9.3 119.7 96 90 NU
SD-19 9/10/96 32 6 125.1 10.1 114.4 91 90 NU
SD-20 9/10/96 35 6 125.1 11.1 115.2 92 90 NU
SD-21 10/1/96 44 11 125.0 11.1 114.7 92 90 NU
SD-22 10/2/96 27 6 125.1 8.1 117.8 94 90 NU
SD-23 10/2/96 26 6 125.1 9.4 118.5 95 90 NU
SD-24 10/4/96 40 5 123.2 9.9 111.8 91 90 NU
SD-25 10/4/96 33 5 123.2 10.3 111.2 90 90 NU
SD-26 10/8/96 21 6 125.1 9.0 113.0 90 90 NU
SD-27 10/8/96 40 6 125.1 15.6 112.8 90 90 NU
SD-28 10/8/96 35 5 123.2 13.5 110.4 90 90 NU
SD-29 10/8/96 25 6 125.1 8.6 112.6 90 90 NU
SD-30 10/8/96 23 6 125.1 7.4 114.1 91 90 NU
SD-31 10/16/96 52 6 125.1 12.9 116.9 93 90 NU
SD-32 10/16/96 58 6 125.1 13.3 116.1 93 90 NU
SD-33 10/16/96 54 13 118.0 15.1 106.9 91 90 NU
SD-34 10/17/96 60 13 118.0 12.9 109.8 93 90 NU
SD-35 10/17/96 58 13 118.0 15,3 109.0 92 90 NU
SD-36 10/18/96 62 11 125.0 9.9 113.8 91 90 NU
SD-37 10/18/96 64 11 125.0 11.4 112.6 90 90 NU
SD-38 10/18/96 65 11 125.0 10.2 115.7 93 90 NU
SD-39 10/21/96 60 13 118.0 12.3 108.2 92 90 NU
SD-40 10/21/96 64 13 118.0 11.6 110.7 94 90 NU
SD-41 10/28/96 114 13 118.0 10.1 111.2 94 90 NU
SD-42 10/28/96 72 13 118.0 9.9 112.9 96 90 NU
SD-43 10/31/96 71 13 118.0 13.0 116.1 98 90 NU
SD-44 10/31/96 114 13 118.0 10.5 108.9 92 90 NU
SD-45 11/11/96 65 11 125.0 12.2 117.2 94 90 NU
SD-46 11/11/96 67 11 125.0 11.9 116.8 93 90 NU
SD-47 12/18/96 107 11 125.0 11.2 113.2 91 90 NU
SD-48 12/18/96 105 11 125.0 12.5 113.6 91 90 NU
SD-49 12/18/96 109 11 125.0 11.5 112.9 90 90 NU
SD-50 12/18/96 108 11 125.0 11.0 114.1 91 90 NU
DENSITY TEST RESULTS Project No. 0002-008-04
^Oeotechnics Broccato Docunnent No. 9-0848
inc orp orated Testing & Observation FIGURE C-3
Test Test Elevation/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture Dry Relative Required Retest Test
No. Date Location Type Density Content Density Compadion Compaction Number Method
Jft] [pcf] [%] [pcf] [%] [%]
SD-51 12/19/96 113 11 125.0 10.9 117.6 90 90 NU
SD-52 12/19/96 110 11 125.0 12.1 113.7 91 90 NU
SD-53 12/19/96 114 11 125.0 11.4 115.1 92 90 NU
SD-54 12/20/96 106 7 111.5 15.4 104.3 94 90 NU
SD-55 12/20/96 104 7 111.5 16.0 104.1 93 90 NU
SD-56 12/20/96 107 7 111.5 13.6 103.2 93 90 NU
SD-57 12/20/96 105 13 118.0 12.0 109.5 93 90 NU
SD-58 12/20/96 110 13 118.0 10.7 108.8 92 90 NU
SD-59 12/20/96 109 11 125.0 11.1 115.0 92 90 NU
SD-60 12/20/96 108 11 125.0 10.9 113.7 91 90 NU
SD-64 12/27//96 106 7 111.5 14.0 103.8 93 90 NU
SD-65 12/27/96 105 12 115.5 13.8 105.4 91 90 NU
SD-66 12/27//97 108 13 118.0 13.6 107.3 91 90 NU
SD-67 12/27/96 110 13 118.0 14.1 108.3 92 90 NU
SD-68 12/30/96 112 13 118.0 11.3 111.1 94 90 NU
SD-69 12/30/96 113 13 118.0 12.7 110.1 93 90 NU
SD-70 2/3/97 11 1 123.4 10.6 112.6 91 90 NU
SD-71 2/3/97 13 1 123.4 10.5 114.8 93 90 NU
Testing & Observation
Project No. 0002-008-04
Document No. 9-0848
Test Test Elevation/ Soi) Max. Dry Moisture Dry Relative Required Retest Test
No. Date Location Type Density Content Density Compaction Compaction Number Method
[ft] [pcf] [%] [pcf] [%] [%]
S-l 8/28/96 29 6 125.1 10.5 114.7 92 90 NU
S-2 8/28/96 30 6 125.1 11.6 113.6 91 90 NU
S-3 8/29/96 40 6 125.1 12.5 113.6 91 90 NU
S-4 8/29/96 42 6 125.1 11.1 112.9 90 90 NU
S-5 8/30/96 20 5 123.2 9.7 114.2 93 90 NU
S-6 8/30/96 20 5 123.2 8.7 112.5 91 90 NU
S-7 8/30/96 16 5 123.2 8.0 111.5 91 90 NU
S-8 8/30/96 14 5 123.2 8.2 112.2 91 90 NU
S-9 9/9/96 21 11 125.0 9.2 116.6 93 90 NU
S-10 9/9/96 24 11 125.0 9.3 115.2 92 90 NU
S-11 9/9/96 23 11 125.0 10.0 115.1 92 90 NU
S-12 9/9/96 24 11 125.0 9.2 113.6 91 90 NU
S-14 9/12/96 28 5 123.2 10.9 113,2 92 90 NU
S-15 9/13/96 25 6 125.1 12.4 114.8 92 90 NU
S-16 9/17/96 43 5 123.2 10.2 112.7 91 90 NU
S-17 9/17/96 29 5 123.2 9.2 113.2 92 90 NU
S-18 9/18/96 32 5 123.2 10.9 112.0 91 90 NU
S-19 9/18/96 25 6 125.1 11.0 113.8 91 90 NU
S-20 - 9/18/96 23 6 125.1 10.5 115.6 92 90 NU
S-21 9/19/96 29 12 115.5 13.7 106.1 92 90 NU
S-22 9/19/96 15 5 123.2 9.2 112.0 91 90 NU
S-23 9/20/96 13 5 123.2 10.1 113.4 92 90 NU
S-24 9/20/96 10 5 123.2 8.2 113.2 92 90 NU
S-25 9/27/96 49 11 125.0 11.2 113.4 91 90 NU
S-26 9/27/96 46 11 125.0 9.1 112.5 90 90 NU
S-27 9/27/96 56 11 125.0 9.3 115.5 92 90 NU
S-28 9/27/96 54 11 125.0 10.0 113.0 90 90 NU
S-29 9/30/96 62 11 125.0 10.4 109.6 88 90 NU
S-30 9/30/96 62 11 125.0 9.8 112.7 90 90 NU
S-31 9/30/96 58 13 118.0 12.8 110.3 93 90 NU
S-32 9/30/96 64 11 125.0 11.2 114.5 92 90 NU
S-33 9/30/96 66 12 115.5 15.9 106.2 92 90 NU
S-34 9/30/96 68 12 115.5 13.2 105.1 91 90 NU
S-35 10/4/96 21 5 123.2 10.9 114.2 93 90 NU
S-36 10/4/96 23 5 123.2 9.1 113.7 92 90 NU
S-37 10/4/96 26 5 123.2 9.5 116,1 94 90 NU
S-38 10/4/96 26 5 123.2 9.2 116.8 95 90 NU
S-39 10/24/96 58 13 118.0 14.0 108.9 92 90 NU
S-40 10/24/96 62 13 118.0 13.2 109.5 93 90 NU
S-41 10/25/96 63 13 118.0 10.9 111.5 94 90 NU
S-42 10/25/96 62 13 118.0 9.9 110.8 94 90 NU
S-43 10/25/96 61 13 118.0 8.0 115.6 98 90 NU
S-44 10/25/96 64 13 118.0 8.8 108.6 92 90 NU
S-45 10/25/96 60 13 118.0 8.6 109.7 93 90 NU
S-46 10/25/96 63 13 118.0 8.2 109.4 93 90 NU
S-47 10/29/96 19 5 123.2 9.9 108.6 88 90 NU
S-48 10/29/96 19 5 123.2 10.3 112.2 91 90 NU
S-49 11/1/96 70 11 125.0 10.2 120.7 97 90 NU
S-50 11/4/96 62 11 125.0 9.8 116.3 93 90 NU
Testing & Observation
Project No. 0002-008-04
Document No. 9-0848
Test Test Elevation/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture Dry Relative Required Retest Test
No. Date Location Type Density Content Density Compaction Compaction Number Method
[ft] [pcf] [%] [pcf] [%1 [%]
S-51 11/4/96 63 11 125.0 9.9 115.1 92 90 NU
S-52 11/4/96 54 13 118.0 13.0 108.6 92 90 NU
S-53 11/6/96 30 5 123.2 11.0 110.8 90 90 NU
S-54 11/6/96 32 5 123.2 9.1 113.0 92 90 NU
S-55 11/6/96 23 5 123.2 12.0 114.9 93 90 NU
S-56 11/6/96 25 5 123.2 10.9 115.2 94 90 NU
S-57 11/6/96 33 5 123.2 8.3 114.0 93 90 NU
S-58 11/8/96 36 5 123.2 10.8 116.6 95 90 NU
S-59 11/8/96 40 5 123.2 9.9 113.5 92 90 NU
S-65 1/8/97 108 11 125.0 12.7 114.3 91 90 NU
S-66 1/8/97 110 11 125.0 10.9 112.9 90 90 NU
S-67 1/8/97 112 11 125.0 10.2 115.6 92 90 NU
S-68 1/8/97 110 11 125.0 13.0 114.2 91 90 NU
S-69 1/8/97 106 11 125.0 11.4 116.3 93 90 NU
S-70 1/8/97 107 7 111.5 12.9 103.9 93 90 NU
S-71 1/8/97 105 7 111.5 12.0 102.8 92 90 NU
S-72 1/8/97 106 12 115.5 12.3 105.8 92 90 NU
S-73 1/8/97 110 12 115.5 12.5 104.5 90 90 NU
S-74 1/8/97 109 11 125.0 10.0 112,6 90 90 NU
S-75 1/8/97 106 13 118.0 11.5 108.4 92 90 NU
S-76 1/9/97 107 13 118.0 12.1 110,7 94 90 NU
S-77 1/9/97 111 13 118.0 12.9 110,7 93 90 NU
S-78 1/22/97 40 15 129.0 10.0 118.5 92 90 NU
S-79 1/22/97 20 15 129.0 9.8 119.4 93 90 NU
S-80 1/24/97 44 9 127.4 11.4 120.6 95 90 NU
S-81 1/24/97 33 9 127.4 11.1 119.5 94 90 NU
S-82 1/24/97 26 9 127.4 11.0 118.0 93 90 NU
S-83 1/24/97 22 9 127.4 11.6 117.0 92 90 NU
S-84 1/24/97 30 9 127.4 9.4 117.6 92 90 NU
S-85 1/25/97 54 9 127.4 10.2 120.6 95 90 NU
S-86 2/18/97 34 11 125.0 9.7 113.1 90 90 NU
S-87 2/18/97 28 11 125.0 8.4 119.5 96 90 NU
S-88 2/24/97 26 5 123.2 9.5 113.0 92 90 NU
S-89 2/24/97 26 5 123.2 9.2 111.6 91 90 NU
Testing & Observation
Project No. 0002-008-04
Document No. 9-0848
Test Test Elevation/ Soil Max. Dry Moisture Dry Relative Required Retest Test
No. Date Location Type Density Content Density Compaction Compaction Number Method
[ft] [pcf] [%] [pcf] [%] [%]
W-1 10/23/96 54 11 125.0 12.3 116.7 93 90 NU
W-2 10/23/96 62 11 125.0 9.0 117.5 94 90 NU
W-3 10/23/96 59 11 125.0 13.1 117.9 94 90 NU
W-4 10/23/96 70 13 118.0 12.4 113.1 96 90 NU
W-5 10/23/96 68 13 118.0 11.8 109.1 92 90 NU
W-6 10/29/96 22 5 123.2 9.6 112.4 91 90 NU
W-7 10/29/96 22 5 123.2 9.7 115.0 94 90 NU
W-8 10/29/96 20 5 123.2 10.0 111.8 91 90 NU
W-9 10/29/96 16 5 123.2 9.0 116.0 94 90 NU
W-10 10/29/96 17 5 123.2 10.6 117,4 95 90 NU
W-11 10/29/96 19 6 125.1 7.9 114.3 90 90 NU
W-12 10/29/96 14 6 125.1 10.5 121.1 97 90 NU
W-13 10/29/96 15 6 125.1 11.4 115.4 92 90 NU
W-14 10/30/96 16 6 125.1 11.6 114.5 92 90 NU
W-15 10/30/96 16 6 125.1 10.9 115.5 92 90 NU
W-16 11/8/96 52 13 118.0 12.5 112.1 95 90 NU
W-17 11/8/96 59 13 118.0 10.5 115.8 98 90 NU
W-18 11/11/96 63 11 125.0 11.9 115.1 92 90 NU
W-19 11/11/96 62 11 125.0 12.4 115.7 93 90 NU
W-20 11/13/96 54 11 125.0 9.3 112.2 90 90 NU
W-21 11/19/96 21 11 125.0 8.8 118.7 95 90 NU
W-22 11/19/96 26 11 125.0 9.6 114.3 91 90 NU
W-23 11/19/96 25 11 125.0 9.0 118.2 95 90 NU
W-24 11/19/96 53 13 118.0 8.3 113.1 96 90 NU
W-25 11/19/96 62 13 118.0 10.4 111.8 95 90 NU
W-26 11/20/96 20 11 125.0 8.8 115.1 92 90 NU
W-27 11/20/96 23 11 125.0 8.5 117.7 94 90 NU
W-28 11/21/96 35 11 125.0 6.6 119.6 96 90 NU
W-29 11/21/96 32 11 125.0 6.5 119.0 95 90 NU
W-30 11/21/96 29 11 125.0 9.0 113.9 91 90 NU
W-31 11/21/96 40 11 125.0 11.2 113.4 91 90 NU
W-32 11/27/96 30 11 125.0 10.4 118.5 95 90 NU
W-33 11/27/96 28 11 125.0 9.1 113.9 91 90 NU
W-34 12/5/96 94 11 125.0 7.3 118.7 95 90 NU
W-35 12/5/96 83 11 125.0 7.9 117.2 94 90 NU
W-36 12/5/96 74 11 125.0 9.5 113.6 91 90 NU
W-37 12/5/96 89 11 125.0 10.9 112.9 90 90 NU
W-38 12/5/96 104 11 125.0 8.9 119.6 96 90 NU
W-39 1/18/97 107 13 118.0 17.2 107.7 91 90 NU
W-40 1/18/97 107 13 118.0 16.4 108,9 92 90 NU
W-41 1/18/97 110 7 111.5 16.1 105.4 95 90 NU
W-42 1/18/97 114 13 118.0 14.9 111.8 95 90 NU
W-43 1/20/97 114 11 125.0 12.2 118.2 95 90 NU
W-44 1/20/97 112 11 125.0 12.6 112,5 94 90 NU
W-45 1/20/97 115 11 125.0 13.2 116,0 93 90 NU
W-46 2/26/97 57 14 132.0 4.5 123.1 93 90 NU