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STATE OF CA..'ORNIA OEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SUPPLEMENTARY BRIDGE REPORT OH.OS MIS (REV. 1/741 Bridge No. ........................ .57C-238 Location..................1ççd ....................................... Dist CoRt.-PMcity Date of Invest lgation ._....JUEIe.... ..,...L9.8.4....................... NameBUENA VISTA .....RE.................t -0.15 .milesouth .f .Rte .. CONDITION RATING: APPRAISAL RATING: Deck 8 Superstructure 8 Substr. .& Pipes. 8 Overall 8 Channel & Channel Protection 3 Retaining Wails N PRIORITY Widenabie? Yes No Conditional G A -'Immediate Action B - Early Scheduling Action Required by City . Yes No C - Routine Maint. 0 --.For Record Only CONDITON OF STRUCTURE: The structure is in good condition. WORK RECOMMENDED: None RECOMMENDED POSTING: None FJW:pdh - cc: DRHiggins (2) Frank J. Walliser City of Carlsbad (2) C-19767 (1) STATE Of CA_rORNIA OEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ' SUPPLEMENTARY BRIDGE REPORT OH.OS MI9 IFIEV. 1/741 57C-177 BridgeNo.......................................................................................... Location Oi.t - Co - Rt. - PM - CIIY Oats of Investigation •_•••e .7........:L.4............................. Nam ....VISTA CREEK * (El .Camino ..a......Q1SQ....nil.e....s.o.u.th... of...Rte.....7.8.)....... CONDITION RATING: APPRAISAL RATiN3: Deck 8 Superstructure 8 Substr. & Pipes R Overall 8 Channel & Channel Protection A Retaining Walls N PRIORITY Widenabe? Yes a No D Conditional G A - Immediate Action City Action Required by 'iX Yes D No B - Early Scheduling C - Routine Maint. 0 - For Record Only WORK DONE: The offsets in the sidewalks at the southeasterly and southwesterly corners of the structure have been corrected. CONDITION OF STRUCTURE: The structure is in good condition. WORK RECOMMENDED: None - RECOMMENDED POSTING: None FJW: pdh cc: DRHiggins (2) Frank J. Walliser City of Carlsbad (2) C-19767 (1) STATE OF CA_.r0RNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ' SUPPLEMENTARY BRIDGE REPORT OH-OS M19 IREV. 1/741 Bridge No........................5.7.C.—.1.7.8 Location Dist -Co-Rt,-PCity Dot. of Investigation _.me7, Name BUENA VISTA CREEK (.!y. ;.prje.....Q.,..1...n ile...w.ast...o.f...E.1...Cami.nG.-.Rea 1) CONDITION RATING: APPRAISAL RATING: 8 Deck Superstructure 8 Substr. & Pipes Overall 8 Channel & Channel Protection Retaining Walls N PRIORITY Widenable? Yes No Conditional . A - Immediate Action City B - Early Scheduling Action Required by )Xrf: Yes j No C - Routine Maint. 0 -. For Record Only CONDITION 0F STRUCTURE: The structure is in good condition. WORK RECOMMENDED: None RECOMMENDED POSTING: None FJW:pdh - j7 4#iIL cc: DRHiggins (2) Frank J. Walliser City of Carlsbad (2) C-19767 (1) STATE or CA...rORNIA 57C-179 BridgeNo........................................................................................ OEPARTMENT or TRANSPORTATION SUPPLEMENTARY BRIDGE REPORT Location ................................... 0,4.05 M19 IREW. 1/741 DIet - Co- Rt.- PM- City Date of invest l9itlon ............................ BUENA VISTA Nam CREEK (.Haymar Drive -0.35 mile east .of .ElCam.in.o Real) CONDITION RATING: APPRAISAL RATING: Deck 8 Superstructure 8 Substr. & Pipes 8 - Overall R Channel & Channel Protection 6 Retaining Wails Widenable? Yea No D Conditional J Action Required by City Yes No CR CONDITION OF STRUCTURE: The structure is..in good condition. WORK RECOMMENDED: None RECOMENDED POSTING: None FJW:pdh cc: DRHiggins (2) City of Carlsbad (2) PRIORITY A - Immediate Action B - Early Scheduling C - Routine Maint. 0 - For Record Only Frank J. Walliser C-19767 C-, STATE OF CA..FORNSA OEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SUPPLEMENTARY BRIDGE REPORT Oii.OS M19 IREV. I/74 Brldge.No............................. Location Q.1Jd DI.t - Co -t. - P- Cily Oate of Investigation ............. ..6....i..92.4...................... Name BUENA VISTA CREEK (Carlsbad JQU ....Q:..Vit&. Way, FAU-S100) CONDITION RATING: . APPRAISAL RATING: Dick Superstructure 7 Subatr. & Pipes 7 - Overall 7 Channel & Channel Protection 8 Retaining Walls N PRIORITY Widenable? Yes f No Conditional G A - Immediate Action B - Early Scheduling Action Required by City Yes No c - Routine Maint. 0 - For Record. Only CONDITION OF STRUCTURE: This investigation was from on top of the structure since the water level was almost to the soffits of the girders. The structure is in fairly good condition. WORK RECOMMENDED: None RECOMMENDED :.POSTING: None FJW:pdh cc: DRHiggins (2) Frank J. Walliser City of Carlsbad (2) C-19767 (1) - -. - STATE OF CALIFORNIA Bridge No DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Location ..J_-.---..----------- ' SUPPLEMENTARY BRIDGE REPORT Rts PM- CtIy Oi.t - Co - - ON.OS MIS IRIV. 1/741 -. . Date of Investigation Jul J.2?__..______ - • ...- : .-'- . - -•. - . . - ._- .---.-' . - . • BUENA Name _VISTA CRPAF iJUnsj!Lt -Q3 tj8) CONDITION RATING: . APPRAISAL RATING: - Deck Superstructure 8 Substr. & Pipes 8 Overall 1 Channel & Channel Protection 3 Retaining Walls N Widenabie? Yes No Conditional 0 .. . . City. .. Action Required Yes No . I SEISMIC RETROFIT: This is a continuous three - span bridge and does not. rerruire seismic retrofitting. . CONDITION OF STRUCTURE: . The structure is in good condition. . RECOMMENDATION: None RECOMMENDED POSTING: . . None . . Frank J. Walliser . C-19767 FJW:pdh . . cc: DRHiggins (2) . -. City of Cafisbad. (2) . . -. 4 - - - • . .. . —:-:- :- . ..-- - •---•-.. . — I STAYC OF CAUFOIA . _______.__.....____._ . Bridge No. ________.__7. .1_I7 06PARTMENT OP TCANSPORTATIØN ..••.. , SUPPLEMENTARY BRIDGE REPOFT . . . Location _2_!2Z. 74 ON-02 Mt* (*EV /ta Out • Co • Rs - PM. CU1 ..............................- :. -. -. . : . ,.: :r-;-.. . V . 19': Date of Investigation VISTA CREEK Name BUENA (El C amino Real 0.10 mi :e south of Rte 78 CONDITION RAING A'PRAISAL RATING Dec* 8 Superstructure 8 Substr. & Pipes 8 Overall 8 Channel & Channel Frotontlon 8 —Retaining Walls N . Widenable? Yea J No 0 City Action Required b D Conditional Yes NoD two span bridge and does not recuire seismic . •: SEISMIC RETROFIT: This is a continuous retrofitting. CCNDITICN OF STRUCTURE: At the zotheast,southeast and southwest corners of the bridge, 4. there is an l+ offset between the approach sidewElk and the sidewalk on the bridge, otherwise, the structure is in good condition. - --•-----, ______ RECOMMENDATION: Correct the offsets in the sidewalks at the northeast, southeast, and southwest corners of the bridge. • - RECOMMENDED POSTING: None - FJW:pdh cc: DRHiggins (2) City of Carlsbad (2) Frank J. Walliser C-19767 • -.......... -• C '. ..ic.. - - . .- V. : --• £ -Laic j . StATE OF CALIFORNIA Bridge No .. 57C78 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SUPPLEMENTARY BRIDGE REPORT - - Location _ 11-S P_!.cc 014.05 M15 IREV. 1/741 01st - Ca- Rt.- PU- City ---- Date of investigation _ JX_2Z_.....2!2 17 - - - - Name BUENA VISTA CREEK - - Real) : _i • CONDITION RATING:-7 APPRAISAL RATING: Deck 8 Superstructure 8' Substr. & Pipes 8 Overall 8 :J Channel & Channel Protection 8 Retaining Walls N --.4 Widenable? Yes gj No rl Conditional City Action Required by DIj Yes No SEISMIC RETROFIT: - This is a continuous two span bridge and does not reruire- seismic retrofitting. J CONDITION OF STRUCTURE: . The structure is in good condition. RECOMMENDATION: None RECOMMENDED POSTING: .. 1 None - Frank J. Walliser C.-19767 FJW:pdh - - Cd: DRHiggins (2) City of Carlsbad (2) . . y.- -- -- _ - ._- STATE Of CALIFORNIA Bridge No. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION L4,r - SUPPLEMENTARY BRIDGE REPORT Location OH-OS MIS IR5V. 1/741 01st - Co. Rt. - PM - City . Date of Investigation .._..__iY.._91L_i2.Q2__.....__.... 1- V V: - V BUENA Nam Rë'a V CONDITION RATING: . . APPRAISAL RATING:' V Deck 8 Superstructure Substr. & Pipes 8 Overall 8 • V Channel & Channel Protection V Retaining Walls V Widenable? Yes J No Conditional 0 V V City V V Action Required by 0196W Yes No SEISMIC RETROFIT: V - V This is a two continuous RC "T" beam girder span bridge and V does not reyuire seismic retrofitting. V CONDITION OF STRUCTURE: V The structure is in good V condition. - RECOMMENDATION: V V None :14 RECOMMENDED POSTING: V None - V V V Frank J. Walliser C19767 V FJbT:pdh cc: DRHiggins (2) City of Carlsbad (2) V . • - - V V -. V •V . - .7 --- ON STATE OF CALIFORNIA DE PA RTM ENT OF T RAN SPOR BRIDGE REPORT OS.U58 (REV. 1/75) REVISED Bridge No........... ............ - ...... .............................. OtherNo............................................................................. P.U.C. No. -................................................- ............................ - Location .....................14!JU .lQl..cbd..... ..................... - Dist - Co - Ate - PM - City Date of Investigation ..... . ....... .JM1Y. ... 7......1982.......... Name .... ....BUENA VISTA .çBE..a;.]a4...Bl.yd..- 0.3 mile Lat.-K-33 ... m1QtA' Long.......... -. Way, FAU 3100) STRUCTURAL DATA AND HISTORY Year Built.._..191..... By ..... gQq21.I)y Contract No....... unicnown Date of Revisions ............cn.cL.19.33., tson .Qt....gwa.]4yC3............................. Designed by: B.D. D ......... .....CoWi.Y ........................................................... -Plans Avail. @ ...... Description: Simple RC P-beam girder (9) span on RC winged abutments.. I Spans ....................... ......35.LLO................................... ................... ............................... . ..... . .................. . Length ......... 32.... Skew... None ....Design LL .......15 . Ratings: Inventory ... 5L S.igfld._Operating .H .?5L ps1ed.. Permit DESCRIPTION - ON STRUCTURE Bridge Width 48.j .1.2..01 (E) .... Total Width .................s. ............................. ....................................................... Lanes ......... 3............ _Tracks...Rone. ........ . Median ...............N9ne .......Rail Type ....Timber.Lçooq) Vert. Clearance over deck ..........)]PaiZd...............................Appr. Rdwy. Width ............................................. Wearing Surface ULJ....................................- Deck Seal ................... .... ................................................ - Alignment* .............. .Tangent .. - .......................................................................... DESCRIPTION - UNDER STRUCTURE . . Roadway Section ..............}Ofle .. Clearances: Vert ............................................ Horiz.; .................................. .. Lt........................................................ Lanes....................... -Tracks ............................Pumpplant: None See Br. No. ......................................................... Facilities Crossed....................BUfla . .... .. ........ .. ...... - cc: - . . (1)CON'T. F?1 7 Vert. STATE or CALIrORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BAIDGE REPORT Os.MseA (REV. 11751 Bridge No ...........7q•-l35 . Date...................... DESCRIPTION — HYDRAULICS Channel .................LQ9fl .. Navigable: Yes No Clearances: Vert. .............. . ......................................... Horlz ..........N - MAINTENANCE Custodian .............. ..2.3!ad.......................-..........Owns, ..........................9f .c?!.d............ ORIGINAL ORIGINAL CONDITION RATING APPRAISAL Deck 7 Overall Superstructure 7 Deck Geometry Substructure & Pipes ___7 Underclearances Channel & Channel Protection Retaining Wails N - Safe Load Capacity Approach Rdwy. Alignment 9 Waterway Adequacy Estimated Remaining Life 30 Approach Rdwy. Alignment City Widenable? Yee No 0 Conditional D Action Required by 1111111=9 Yea 0 No AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: 12,000 (estimated 1982). BYPASS DETOUR LENGTH: 4 miles. ENCROACHMENTS: 4" diameter pipe attached. to the westerly side of the structure. SEISMIC RETROFIT: This type of structure does not require seismic retrofitting. CONDITION OF STRUCTURE:: The structure is in fairly good condition. LOAD CAPACITY: The ratings shown were assigned based on the known factors (i.e. volume and type of traffic, year built, design live load, etc.) and the condition of the structure. RECOMMENDATION: None. cal RECOMMENDED POSTING: None. FJW:cd cc: DRHiggins (2) Frank J. Walliser ( ) .1isi 2 C 19767 - STATE OF CALIFORNIA—BUSINESS AND TRANSPORTATION AGENCY EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION cT-• I OFFICE OF STRUCTURES MAINTENANCE J / 3rd Floor 120 South Spring Street Los Angeles, California 90012 (213) 620-3760. June 26, 1980 RECEIVED 1980 400.11 ON-SYSTEM CtT'( OF CARLSBAD Structure Inventory & Appraisal Program Engjneeeing Department ii - Mr. Ronald A. Beckman Director of Public Works City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Beckman: Attached for your files are two copies of the bridge report for 1 structure in your City that is included in the current Federal. Structure Inventory and Appraisal Program. NAME BR. NO. ROUTE BUENA VISTA CREEK (El Camino Real) 57C-177 FAU S344 The structure is capable of carrying legal loads or greater. Sincerely, D. R. HIGGINS, Chief Office of Structures Maintenance By W. W. Johnson Associate Bridge Engineer JIVm cc: DRi-liggins District 11 Local Assistance 'STATE OF CALIFORN!A DEPARTMENT OF TRANSFvNu ATION BRIDGE REPORT Bridge No. ............... ..57177 DH-OS M58 IREV. 3174) OtherNo.............................................................................................. P.U.C. No........................................................................................ REVISED Location ....................344 Dist - Co - Rte - PM - City Date of Investigation March11, 1980 Name .....BUENA .VISTA CREEK (on El .Caiflino .......S.of Route 78) Lat. 4O.8'NLong. U7°'19.6..W STRUCTURAL DATA AND HISTORY 11- Year BuiIt..l966 ...... By ...... DiviSiOn...of aighwa. ................ Contract No.°4 .................................. ........... Date of Revisions ..........W145fl5d...1973 .and !7 Designedby: B.D.J ............................................................................................Plans Avail. @ .........8.D. Description: Continuous 2 span RC (17) Tbeaioa with R.C.-strutted abutments and 26 pile column bent all supported on driven concrete piles. Spans ................(5)1...@451 .4mi varje .... Length .....Varies. ..... Skew ............ ..........................................Design LL . .KS.2O44& tXflative Ratings: Inventory ..ES2OitVMix. ....... Operating 11$.3, 3tF.Mi... Permit DESCRIPTION — ON STRUCTURE Bridge Wid;h .....(w)...Q'br,5'aw,Va, ... min & 6's, 5'sw, 1.O'br CE) Total Width ...... 122....ii ...Lanes ...... 6 Tracks ...! one ........ Median .............. Raised ......................... ...............................................Rail Type 26 with picket .rail (1111:1 Vert. Clearance over deck .................. .UfliluP.ired Appr. Rdwy. Width ............. Wearing Surface ........... None ................................................Deck Seal ............................NOflO Alignment .....................Tangent........................................................................................................................................... DESCRIPTION — UNDER STRUCTURE RoadwaySection ........None................................................................................................................................................... Clearances: Vert. ............................................ Horiz.; .................................... U. ........................................................ Rt. Lanes ........................ Tracks ....... None ......... Pumpplant: None See Br. No. .......................................................... Facilities Crossed ..........Drainage .Cana].(Creek) . a cc: (1) CON 'T. STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BRIDGE REPORT DS.M58A (REV. Ifl5 Bridge No .............7'77 Nor 11 Date ...................................1980 DESCRIPTION - HYDRAULICS Channel Concretelined ..ap octjon Navigable: Yes F1 No X1 Clearances: Vert. 10 Horiz. MAINTENANCE Custodian City of Carlsbad City of Owner Carlsbad ORIGINAL ORIGINAL CONDITION RATING APPRAISAL Deck 8 Overall 8 Superstructure 8 Deck Geometry 8 Substructure & Pipes 8 - Underclearances Vert. N Channel & Channel Protection __..__ Horlz. Retaining Walls _.N. ..._. Safe Load Capacity _. ......!..... -. Approach Rdwy. Alignment 9 Waterway Adequacy B Estimated Remaining Life 50 - . Approach Rdwy. Alignment 9 City Widenable? Yes No E Conditional Action Required Yes No AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFICs 15.000 (1979) BYPASS DETOUR LENGTH: 4 miles EbTCROACHMzsITS * East sidewalk 1 1/2" signal and lighting, conduit. 2nd bay 12" reclaimed waste water. 3rd bay 14" water line. 6th bay 9 3 1/2" telephone ducts, 9th bay 6" gas line in 10 3/4" casing. 10th bay 10 3/4" oil pipe line. 12th bay 16" water line, west sidewalk 4 - 5" electrical ducts and 1 - 3" cablevision ducts. CONDITION OF STRUCTURE: The structure is in good condition. LOAD CAPACITTS The Inventory, Operating and Permit rating shown were obtained through the "Frame Rate" program using the load factor (12) method of analysis. REC-ONKEND&TIM: None JJlBsym Cc: DRifiggins District 11 Local Assistance City of Carlsbad (2) Original signed by J. M. BORIIC STATE OF CALIFORNIA—BUSINESS AND TRANSPORTATION AGENCY EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION L --- OFFICE OF STRUCTURES MAINTENANCE 3rd Floor 120 South S pring Street Los Angeles, California 90012 (213) 620-3760 September 28, 1979 - 400.111 OFF-SYSTEM Structure Inventory I & Appraisal Program 11-SD-Cbd Mr. Ronal d A. Beckman Director Public Works City of Casbad 1200 Elm Avêjue Carlsbad, CA\92008 Dear Mr. Beck n: Attached for yo files are two copies each of the bridge report for 1 structure i your City that isincluded in the current Federal Structure Inventory and Appraisal Program. NAME BR. NO. BUENA VISTA CREEK (Haymar Drive) 57C-179 The structure is capable of carrying legal loads or greater. Sincerely, D. R. HIGGINS, Chief Office of Structures Maintenance By l/Dø7 James H. Dunphy Associate Bridge Engineer FJW:rmb cc: D. R. Higgins District 11 Local Assistance lIE CEIVED üCT 5 1979 CT'( OF CARLSBID Fng%neering Department STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPOR,IN BRIDGE REPORT Bridge No. .......... 51--Z-179 ............................................................ DS-M58 (REV. Ifl5) OtherNo.............................................................................................. P.U.C. No......................................................................................... Location .......... llZDC.b.d ........................................................ - Dist - Co - Rte - PM - City Date of Investigation ......... Name BURNAVISTA ClEEK(HarmaDrwe- .35..i4.s QL.El...Camina..Real) Lat. ...... Long..........7°19 ........... 2. STRUCTURAL DATA AND HISTORY Year Built J96 By .............01 .Htj..Contract No. .100934 Dateof Revisions ...................................................................................................................................................................... Designedby: B.D. .............................................................................................Plans Avail. @ Description: RC (6) Tbeams; on RC (7) pile bents; and on HO diaphragm abutments, with stub wings and concrete piles. 2@40'óc Spans............................................................................................................................................................................ Length 8S.3.Skew......3l Lt. LL .... JIS2OJ.&..&L................. Ratings: Inventory Operating 43/LFPermit ........................ DESCRIPTION - ON STRUCTURE Bridge Width .........1'BR TotalWidth ..... .. ............................................................................................... Lanes ........ 2. .......... -Tracks .... None ......... Median.............None .......................................................................Rail Type .....jpe....l..4lOD.)................. Vert. Clearance over deck .....Uni.mPaix....................................Appr. Rdwy. Width ..........37................................. Wearing Surface .........None .......................................Deck Seal ........ NonE............................................................... Alignment... . .......................... .................................................................................................................................. DESCRIPTION - UNDER STRUCTURE RoadwaySection ............ .NOn .................................................................................................................................................. Clearances: Vert ............................................ Horiz.; .................................... Lt. ........................................................ mt. Lanes....................... Tracks............................Pumpplant: None X See Br. No. .......................................................... Facilities Crossed ..................... .8uena.Viata..Cxeek ................................................................................... ............... cc: (1) CON 'T. STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BRIDGE REPORT Bridge No. .......... 57C.l79.......................................................... DS.M58A 'REV I 75' Date............,53Q.'79............................................................... DESCRIPTION - HYDRAULICS Concrete lined under str., Rip rap north of Str., Unimproved Channel ...... ....... ........................... ..... ... .....................PQ.Qr1Y..4 medgout.... tr .......................... Navigable: Yes E No Clearances: Vert . ................. .. ..................................... Horiz ...........N . MAINTENANCE Custodian ........Cy ......Owner ORIGINAL ORIGINAL CONDITION RATING APPRAISAL Deck 8 - Overall _________ Superstructure 8 Deck Geometry 7 - Substructure & Pipes 8 Underclearances Veil. N Channel & Channel Protection 6 Horiz. N Retaining Walls N Safe Load Capacity 9 Approach Rdwy. Alignment 9 Waterway Adequacy --6 Estimated Remaining Life 50 Approach Rdwy. Alignment 5 City Widenable? Yes n No Conditional E Action Required by IffitTAW Yes No AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: 1.0* (979) BYPASS DETOUR LENS: 99 rhiles - CONDITION OF STRUCTURE: The structure is in good condition. WAD CAPACITY: The inventory, operating and permit ratings shown were obtained through the "Frame Rate" program using the load factor (w) method of analysis. RECOMMENDATIONS: None. PJW:mr Cc:DR Higgins Diet 11 Local Asa't City of Carlsbad (2) orjgIiat jfgnea bY Frank J. Wallaer C019767 (2) STATE OF CALIFORNIA—BUSINESS AND TRANSPORTATION AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF STRUCTURES MAINTENANCE 3rd Floor 120 South Spring Street Los Angeles, California 90012' (213) 620-3760 September 14, 1979 1I' EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor 400.111 OFF-SYSTEM Structure Inventory & Appraisal Program ll-SD-Cbd Mr. Ronald A. Beckman Director of Public Works City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Beckman: Attached for your files are two copies each of the bridge report for 1 structure in your City that is included in the current Federal Structure Inventory and Appraisal Program. NAME BR. NO. BUENA VISTA CREEK (Haymar Drive) 57C-178 The structure is capable of carrying legal loads or greater. Sincerely, D. R. HIGGINS, Chief Office of Structures Maintenance e Engineer FJW:rmb cc: DRHiggins District 11 Local Assistance - STATE OF CALIFORNIA - DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPO ON i BRIDGE REPORT Bridge No. ...... 57! T8 OS-M58 (REV. 1175) OtherNo.............................................................................................. P.U.C. No. .......................................................................................... Location...................................................................... Dist - Co - Rte - PM - City Date of Investigation ........... Name ............. . VUTA ..CREW....(}1*ymaz.Dx'.lye- .imi..I.e w. of .El Cazni.noReal) Lat. N33lO.4B.' ...... Long. .W.79-19W7......... STRUCTURAL DATA AND HISTORY Year Built .... I.96& ...... By .....P1....t....Q ....Contract No. 11z.0093.4 ................. Dateof Revisions ...................................................................................................................................................................... Designed by: B.D. IR ............................................................................................Plans Avail. © Description: EC (6) T-beams, on 1W (6) pile bents, and RC diaphragm abutments with stub wings and concrete piles. Spans......2* 5.' ............................................................................................................................................... ne Length71.....................Skew...!0 ..................................................Design LL H820-44 .&AR Ratings: Inventory ... E3 ... 31/IP ................ Operating HB ... 52/.IP ................. Permit ... PPP.PPILF......................... DESCRIPTION - ON STRUCTURE BridgeWidth .............................................................................................................................. 42' TotalWidth .......................................................................................................Lanes.....................Tracks............. Median ..Noiie..........................................................................................Rail Type .yp.442.OoQ.)..................... Vert. Clearance over deck ..J7fl,flBiX.e ....................................Appr. Rdwy. Width ..... Il...................................... Wearing Surface ............................................................Deck Seal ..........!40fle Alignment exit DESCRIPTION - UNDER STRUCTURE Roadway Section ..............Nne Clearances: Vert . ............................................ Horiz.; .................................... Lt . ........................................................t. Lanes......................- Tracks............................Pumpplant: NoneJ See Br. No. .......................................................... Facilities Crossed ... in ................................................................................................................... cc: (1) CON 'T. 4 • STATE OF CALIFORNIA OPARTMENTOF TRANSPORTATION BRIDGE REPORT Bridge No ........5jC-17&............................................................ O-M58A IREV I 75' Date.............5/30/7.9................................................................ DESCRIPTION - HYDRAULICS Channel ..... ...0011te ..... Navigable: Yes D No Clearances: Vert .. ..................... N Horiz ...........N MAINTENANCE CitCustodian ... of Carlsbad Same ...................e ORIGINAL ORIGINAL CONDITION RATING APPRAISAL Deck 8 - Overall 8 Superstructure 8 Deck Geometry 8 - Substructure & Pipes 8 Underclearances Veil. N Channel & Channel Protection 8 Horiz. N Retaining Walls Safe Load Capacity 9 8 Approach Rdwy. Alignment Waterway Adequacy 50 Estimated Remaining Life Approach Rdwy. Alignment City Widenable? Yes k7 No Conditional E Action Required by3Otjtm: Yes D No AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: 200 1979 BYPASS DETOUR IN0Th: 99 miles E)R0ACH1Etft8: 6"fl steel pipe attached to the west bridge guard rail and 2" 0 pipe attached to the west exterior girder. CONDITION OV STRUCTURE: The structure is In good condition. LOAD CAPACZT: The inventory, operating aØ permit rftinga shown were obtained through the Frame Rate program using the load factor (IF).method of analysis, RECO)iMENDATX0N: None. pr.tgTh&! ;mTr=3 TV Prank J. Walliser F3Wtmr co:( Hi'izins Diet ii tota l Aes't City, of Carlsbad (2) (2) U. STATE OF CALIFORNIA—BUSINESS AND TRANSPORTATION AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF STRUCTURES MAINTENANCE 3rd Floor 120 South Spring Street LosAngeles, California 90012 (213) 620-3760 EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor / September 17 1979 L =I 400.11 ON-SYSTEM Structure Inventory & Appraisal Program 11-SD-FAU Mr. Ronald\A. Beckman Director oA Public Works City of Car'sbad 1200 Elm A$nue Carlsbad, CAA 92008 Dear Mr. Beckman: Attached for your files are two copies each of the bridge report for I structure in your City that is included in the current Federal Structure Inventory and Appraisal Program. NAME . BR. NO. ROUTE BUENA VISTA CREEK (El Camino Real) 57C-177 FAU 5344-Cbd The structure is capable of carrying legal loads or greater. Sincerely, D. R. HIGGINS, Chief Office of Structures Maintenance By D. # A ista ridge Mainte a ce Engineer FJW:rznb CC: DRHiggins District 11 Local Assistance STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPO ION BRIDGE REPORT Bridge No ..........5TC..77 OS.M58 (REV. 1/75) - .. Other No. P.U.C. No........................................................................................... Location bd. Dist - Co - Rte - PM - Clty Date of Investigation .........!aY !.T9.............................. Name BUENA VISTA CRM (El Real- .10 mile south of Rte 78) '° Lat!3P.0.8 ........ tong. ...!170 9,6. STRUCTURAL DATA AND HISTORY Year Built 1966 By ..P .................................................Contract No Date of Revisions ......1973 ...Widened 11-040994 Designedby: B.D.J ............................................................................................Plans Avail.@ Description: flQ (i2) -bearns, on RC 46). pile bents and on RC strutted abutments with stepped wingwalls and concrete piles. Spans çtC Length ........901.................... .Skew ............10 Rt .Design LL..RS ..AH Ratings Inventory 251W Operating Permit/' DESCRIPTION - ON STRUCTURE ki. 5 mlii Bridge Width (i!)...........5 . ....5... Total Width ....!5 /5' .. Lanes ......... .Tracks.!one ............ Median .......... 7........Rail Type!YP. 107' Vert. Clearance over deck .............................................Appr. Rdwy. Width................................ Wearing Surface fione Deck Seal ....................................................................... Alignment ............. ............................................................................................................ .. ........................................... DESCRIPTION - UNDER STRUCTURE Roadway Section ...........None . Clearances: Vert . ............................................ Horiz.......... Lanes........................Tracks............................Pumpplant: None Buena Vista Facilities Crossed C!!!1C cc: Lt. ........................................................ Rt. See Br. No. ............ 111 CON'T STATE OF CALIFORNIA DPARTMLNTOF TRANSPORTATION BRIDGE REPORT OS-M58A iREV 1 75 BridgeNo. ....W.C?477 ............................................................... Date.......5/30/79................................................................... DESCRIPTION - HYDRAULICS Channel ........CQflQrete .lined Navigable: Yes 0 No 5L1 Clearances: Vert. .............. N Horiz. ....... .N MAINTENANCE Custodian .... City ....Qt ... CaZ1.b1I.Owner same .....- ...................................................................... ORIGINAL ORIGINAL CONDITION RATING APPRAISAL Deck 8 - Overall - Superstructure 8 Deck Geometry 7 - Substructure & Pipes 8 Underclearances Veil. N Channel & Channel Protection 8 Horiz. N Retaining Walls - N Safe Load Capacity 9 Approach Rdwy. Alignment 9 Waterway Adequacy 8 - Estimated Remaining Life 50 Approach Rdwy. Alignment 5 City Widenable? Yes No E Conditional Action Required AVERAGE M= TRAFFIC: 15,000 • (1979) PASS DOUR XZNOTHz 4 miles ENCROACHMUS: Yes No Encased utility in east exterior b9. 12" 0 steel pipe in 4th bay, 15" 0 steel pipe in 5th bay and 24 0 pipe in 7th bay; all from the east side of the bridge. 1*" $ pipe attached to the east bridge guard rail. CONDITION Cr STRUCTURE: The structure Is in good condition. LOAD CAPACIT1t : The Inventory's opez'atin and permit ratings shown were obtained through the Frame Rate program using the load factor (IV) method of an&yeis.. RZCCWZNDATION: None. original signed by Prank 3. Walliser Higgins Mat 11 Local Ase't City of Carlsbad (2) (2) -Sheet 1 .of ........................ r Bridge No. 57..135............................ Date of Investigation .412-.7.3-------- L?,cation .....6QQ421...00 )IST-CO.-RTE. - CITY -P.M. 40 STATE OF CLlFORNlA BRIDGE REPORT Name .........AVISTA .CREEK Location ..2'....Carlsbad Blvd..,LL Y.a..WY....tear...Cax1ba.d............ O_1O 0 , 1170-21.3 Latitude .?.......................Longitude DOD Rd ..........................Br......................... SECTION LETTER Custodian .QM1tY................Owner ....CQunt.y........................ CLASSIFICATION Federal Aid System .....1)4............................ Administrative ......... 4 ........................ .Functional ...........3............ STRUCTURAL DATA AND HISTORY Widened 1933 State 614vc 3 Year Built ..1914 ....By.....Couzity.........................Cont. No. ....... FAP No............................... State Designed by ..County ......... . ......................... Plans Avail ...... at ........$jj.e....LBI.)...................... Spans........ i@..3.Q...5.. .................................................................................... Length.....32.'. ........... Skew.....Q......... Description ..P....T:.P ....(.).. n RC wall abutments and RC wingwalls on' .. ...........çjgs ............................................................................. On Structure Roadway Section : SW Sh P..' .....................................Total Width .... Rail Type Lt.. Rt. ...... ...... ........................... .Median.9e......Lanes J:L......Tracks 11 • Clearances: Vert Horiz PUC No..................................... Design LL.iI .................................Capacity Rating .....IPl S • Under Structure . • Roadway Section ................................................................................................Lanes ............Tracks ............. NO. • NO. Clearances: Vert. ..... ............................ Horiz. ........................................ PUC No...................................... HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE Report? Yes LJ No. EJ • Nay. Control Yes No.I Clear. Diag. Yes El N Eli ReliefStructures ................................................................................................................................................................ APPRAISAL OF NON-STRUCTURAL FACTORS Deck Geometry ...........................................................Approach AligWpent ......9 Waterway Adequacy ....... .8 ............................................. Clearances: Vert . ...... 9 .................. Horiz cc: County (2) • • HBO.M70(IIf7I) STATE OF CALIFORNIA BRIDGE REPORT oo ADT ..... Year RATING OF CONDITION: Deck '7 Superstructure -. SheeL .................of Bridge No. . Date of Investigation Substructure - Overall el- PREVIOUS REPORTS:' 'Refer .to report of July 26, 1938 by R. A. Wagner and supplemental reports to 1952. This structure was formerly numbered-57-2-do. CONDITION OF STRUCTURE There is approximately 5 inches of uncracked AC over the deck. An inspection of the underside of this structure was not made due to the high water level. High water appears to be approximately at the deck soffit. The girder stems were in the water at the time of this inspection. If the water level in the lagoon -is lowered a. detailed inspection of the girders and slab soffit should be made. ENCROACHMENTS: •-• . . • 1 - 11. inch conduit along the West edge of the deck. CHANNEL: The channel is uniform under this structure and is 12.3 feet as measured from the top.of the RC curb. The water was 9 feet deep at the time of'this inspection. The structure crosses a lagoon with portions situated on both sides of the road. CAPACITY: As the condition of the girders is not known, due to the highwater, this structure is limited to legal loads only. FORM HBD.M70A Lic 13592